I Never Stopped Thinking About You

This is a scene recreation of the first time that Barry and Iris kissed, the first time that she told him that she loved him, and the first time he told her he was The Flash (Wellll... before he erased it all of it from time, so yeah, first time traveling too), from Season One, Episode 15, Out Of Time.

I'll admit, I wasn't someone who was immediately captured by West-Allen earlier on in the show. I didn't see it as a would-they won't-they kind of thing, I saw it as Barry was the shining hero who always saves the day and gets the girl (yes, I ignored Oliver's advice, but hey, so did Barry!). And In my defense, I was a lot younger back then, but I digress...

The point I'm trying to get at here, is that even though that wasn't the reason that I came to watch the show during season one, there were a few West-Allen moments that shone through bright as day as amazing scenes (even more after looking back), and this one here is actually one of my favorites from the season, even when I was younger (also love the scene from right before it, Thawne's speech to Cisco was god tier in my opinion).

But that's enough blabbering from me, you came here to read! Now, Run Reader, Run!

The loud roar of thunder echoed across the waterfront as a thick layer of mist hung in the sky, almost as if all of mother nature was getting ready to unleash its wrath on the residents of Central City.

Most of the people walking along the waterfront didn't seem to notice the increasing signs that something was wrong though, just continuing with their normal lives as two people frantically pushed past them, strangely running in the direction of the bad weather.

Barry felt the cold sea air splash against his face as he ran, his feet barely touching the ground as his tan dress shoes did their best to dig into the mist-laden gravel path he was running down, the cool breeze brushing through his brunette hair as his black dress coat flapped behind him, a small bag packed with some of his forensics equipment clutched tightly to his side.

Iris was running right besides him, her long, dark brown hair bouncing against her shoulders as she ran, her moss green coat worn over her white blouse, zippered up almost all the way to the top only leaving a small amount of the shirt beneath showing as it was flipped over it, her brown boots hitting the path alongside his feet as they grew closer to their loved one.

Panic coursed through their veins over their worry for Joe as they got closer to the spot that Mardon had given them, fearful thoughts rushing through their minds as to what the criminal had done to him, or what he may still do.

Joe's still alive, which means that there's still time to save him! All I have to do is get to him in time before he hurts him again or anyone else, and then find a way to stop a guy that controls the weather. Piece of cake.

" What'd we do?" Iris asked, her breath heavy as they reached the waterfront.

" He'll find us." Barry told her, taking a quick look around to see if the wanted man was anywhere in sight, though Iris had already spotted something looming in the distance.

" Oh my god." she breathed, as Barry followed her gaze out across the bay, the deep rumble of thunder rolling out across the dark blue water as heavy gray clouds formed at an almost unnatural pace, gathering together as they moved towards the shore.

That's Weather Wizard all right.

" Iris, you need to get out of here, okay?" Barry said worriedly, as he rushed over to her, taking her hands in his as he looked her in the eyes.

" I am not leaving you." Iris stated, looking back at him with just as much fear and concern for him that he showed for her.

" Iris please!" he pleaded, desperate to make sure that she was safe.

I'm not ever going to let anything happen to you. Not by Mardon, not by some Man in a Yellow Suit. Never.

" Listen to me," Iris cut him off, in a tone that told him that what she had to say was important, Barry looking back out across the bay as the man-made storm grew closer.

" Ever since that night that you told me how you feel I have not been able to stop thinking about you." she explained, Barry turning back to her confusedly as he heard her words.

I thought she said that she didn't feel the same way back?

" At first I was really mad, but then I realized that the reason that I couldn't stop thinking about you, was because I didn't want to." Iris said, her feelings of love towards the man across from her sparkling in her brown eyes, breathing heavily as she finally managed to put into words all of the feelings that she'd been building up since that fateful night.

That's what she meant when she said that Linda wasn't the right one for me; because she is the only one that'll ever be.

" I've never stopped thinking about you." Barry beamed.

The two smiled widely at each other for a moment, the love that they'd felt for each other, that Barry'd always felt, that Iris now reciprocated to him, sparkling between the two as they looked lovingly into each other's eyes.

Barry passionately grabbed Iris' head and pulled her into a deep kiss, his hands placed gently around the back of her neck as he pulled her close, the two staying in their loving embrace for several moments, in something that they wished would never end.

The sparks of true love rushed through both of their bodies as they stayed close, their lips still met, doing something that Barry thought he'd never get to have.

My first kiss, with the love of my life.

Barry slowly let his head rest up against Iris' for a moment more, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever.

The loud rumble of thunder rolled in the distance, the hero reluctantly looking out over the bay as the sound got louder.

The bay's water slowly began to rise into a tidal wave, reaching a massive height within seconds as it started to build up speed, headed directly towards the city.

If Mardon's tidal wave hits the city, then it'll take countless lives!

Barry quickly took out his phone as he speed dialed his teammate, still not taking his eyes off of the wall of water that was rapidly approaching them.

" Caitlin," Barry said into the device, as he took a few steps forward to get a full look at the situation, with Iris out of earshot.

" Barry, I need to talk to you. Dr. Wells, he isn't-" Caitlin started, before Barry cut her off.

" There, there's no time for that right now all right? There is a tsunami heading for the city, how do I stop it?" Barry asked panickedly, the incoming wave stretching for as far as the eye could see.

I have to stop this thing! If I don't do it now, everyone here, Iris, Joe, they'll all die!

" Theoretically, if you can create a vortex barrier along the coastline, a wall of wind, that would be able to sap the tidal wave of its energy before it hits the city." Caitlin explained, though her voice was full of skepticism.

" By running back and forth." Barry said, as he envisioned what he had to do.

" How fast?"

" I don't know if you can run that fast." Caitlin stated worriedly.

Barry quickly hung up the phone and pocketed it as the tidal wave drew closer, its crushing force multiplying with each second that it moved closer to its target.

" The city needs The Flash right now," he thought, as he looked over at Iris, knowing that there was only going to be one way he'd be able to leave without her.

I didn't think that I'd have to tell her like this, but then again, I never thought I'd have this moment either.

" I am so sorry. I didn't want you to find out this way." Barry stated as he stood across from Iris, before enveloping in a small whirl of orange lightning, the average forensics scientist that Iris had known her whole life disappearing as The Flash appeared in front of her, her mouth hanging open in shock as she realized who'd been her hero all along, the freezing air around them turning her heavy breathing into light mist between them.


" GO!" The Flash shouted, before whipping off towards the shore with a crackle of orange electricity, Iris' hair blowing up with the gust of wind he created, her mouth still open in disbelief, left alone with the screaming civilians who were desperate to escape the incoming tsunami.

Another strong gust of freezing wind blew across Iris' face as the weather got worse, the screams of panicked people and the roar of thunder shaking her out of her state of shock as she quickly clutched her purse's strap along her shoulder and joined the others in running further inland to try and avoid the monstrous wave.

It's been you all along. That's why you were always seeing me at Jitters. That's why you always asked me how my day'd been. Why you seemed to care so much about me. Because you loved me. And... I, I love you too. It just took me a little while to figure that out. I guess you really are my hero, Flash.

The Flash raced back and forth along the entire shoreline as fast as he could, blasting between its edges as quickly as his legs could carry him.

Slowly, a barrier of wind started to rise up from the ground, but not fast enough to block the water that was coming towards it.

I'm not going fast enough yet! If I don't get the barrier higher than the tidal wave, then I could lose everything!

Iris stopped running as the people around her continued pushing through, completely entranced by the sight of the hero racing along the coast only a few dozen yards away, sparks of orange flying out of the tall barrier of wind that he was creating.

She didn't care if she was that close to the tsunami; it wouldn't even have mattered at this point, she was too close to escape now, the crushing weight of the towering wave threatening to destroy everything and everyone in its path.

Her only choice was to hope that The Flash could be fast enough to save her, which after everything that had just happened, she had complete faith in.

You can do it Flash, Barry, I believe in you.

Barry felt his legs burn with pain as he pushed himself to go faster than he'd ever gone before, the barricade of wind reaching higher and higher as the wave roared towards the shore, both being almost on par with one another's height.

Think of the city! Think of Joe! Think of Iris! You'll lose them all, you'll lose her, if you can't go fast enough! That's not an option!

A burst of speed shot through The Flash's legs as he forced himself further, a cry of pain and determination ripping from his lungs as he blasted ahead, only to somewhere he'd hadn't been trying to get to.

His last thoughts before disappearing to the new place and time were swarmed with the fear of losing what he'd just gotten, of losing the people he cared about, and the warm feeling that still resided deep within his entire being from his childhood dream finally coming true.

She does love me. She feels the same way about me that I do about her. That I've always felt about her. And I'm never going to let go of that.

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