All My Life's Been Leading To You: Our Life's Everything

Dedicated to damianflashpoint for their love of this amazing show that matchs ours :)

Disclaimer: This story was completely co-written, co-edited, and co-everything'd by me and the amazingly talented writer I got lucky enough to work with, AgentofDreams989!!!

Every part of the story that's Barry's is Dream's, and every part of it that's Iris' is mine, which was so fun to do!

You'll all know exactly what it's about as soon as you start reading, but I do want to put out there that since this is such a special scene and done with such a special writer, we both have our author's notes respectively below.

If that's not something you're interested in, then no problem! Just skip to the first photo down below!

Nora West-Allen Fam's Authors Notes:

First off, I'd like to personally thank Dream (what I'll shorten her name for in this) so much for writing this with me! I honestly don't know what's more special, getting to recreate this absolutely tear jerking and beautiful scene, or getting to write alongside her.

She is the best writer I've ever seen, and deserves every bit of recognition and support she gets. She's the one who truly made this story just as special as in the show.

So please, go check out her stories if you haven't you won't regret it!

Thanks again Dream!

Now, onto my own work thoughts.

For starters, I have to disclose something first.

I wrote all of Iris' sections in this story, which was an absolute gift to put my mind in her place and try to feel every single one of these miracle moments with her.

But on that same note, I put myself somewhere I never have or actually will be (I'm a guy... so yeah).

Which while was a real gift to be able to write something like that, especially since getting to experience things I never can in real life is one of my favorite things to do in writing, but may potentially come off as clunky in some places.

Just a small heads up (which also may just be being hypercritical...)

As for the scene itself... just wow. I don't even know how to put all of my feelings into words.

It made me actually cry and sob with how beautiful it was, to the point where I actually had to pause the show for a few minutes so I could regain my composure.

That moment where Barry and Iris' orange and purple lightning spark between their fingertips.

Where we hear Nora's very first cries, when they see their daughter for the very first time.

When Iris pulls her newborn close to her chest and is just crying with joy over how beautiful she is!

It was just - beautiful, simple and true.

And I love it so, so, so much.

They get their happy ending.

And then, when I honestly didn't think it could get any better, we got a song from Joe, and a West-Allen montage.

And I'm not afraid to admit, this scene made me cry even harder than the last.

Joe's gentle voice, and all of those moments that Barry and Iris shared together across all of the seasons.

All of the reasons why they loved each other, all rolled into one.

There is no better place to say why I love West-Allen, then this right here.

And just overall, these scenes melted my heart like no other.

I was expecting some of them, but when we actually got them... they were so much better than I could've dreamed of ( get it co-writer? hahaha)

And I'm just lucky to have gotten to write them with someone who loves the show just as much as me.

But while I think that all of this might not be enough to show how much this touched me, how about you take a read of my partner's notes, and then take your time and read our recreation, and maybe feel those same feels I did too.

And hey Reader, maybe don't run this time. Maybe just take your time and go slow.

Because sometimes, the best things in life you already have right in front of you.

Agent Of Dreams' Author's Notes:

Hi, everyone! Hope you're all having an amazingly perfect day (or that maybe this can bring a little extra happiness to your life if you're not) and thank you so much for coming here and reading NoraXSWest-AllenFam's story because everyone who have admired their work for as long as I have know that every chapter, recreation, and or one-shot they create is nothing short of a fantastically written version of every single one of The Flash characters!

And I honestly could not be more thankful than to get to say that I even participated in recreating such a beautifully pivotal moment of the West-Allen family with a writer who truly loves them as much as I do.

These two scenes you'll be reading down below are such crucial and spectacularly beautiful ones for both Barry and Iris, but most of all, just for their family.

I mean, I don't think there's ever going to be anything more special for a parent, or honestly, just a person, than getting to witness the birth of your child (and that's coming from someone who is nowhere near the position of saying they've experienced that for themselves yet) because it, it just changes the way you look at life. Like, you're no longer just living for yourself or even with the person you love, but rather, for the person that love created.

And I know that probably sounds a little too sappy (always been such a hopeless romantic) just for a scene recreation, but it's honestly how I feel about the subject. And how I've always felt about it.

And getting to watch Iris finally give birth to their love's special little gift of life, seeing the look of complete joy that covered Barry's face at the first sight of their Sweet words...just no words...

I honestly just want to give an immediate shout-out first, though to Grant and Candice's (I could state their full names, but I'm pretty sure anyone here knows who I'm talking about ;) just for how phenomenally acted both of their performances were because throughout this entire last episode (or really, all of their scenes together throughout the show), I just completely felt immersed in their feelings regarding the latter character's pregnancy.

And I'll be the first to admit that every time they smiled or cried during season nine's storylines leading up to this very scene, I did, too.

Because that's just how connected I felt and I'll always feel to their characters.

Which is exactly why I could not have been more thrilled than to get to write this incredible piece with the singular writer I know who probably cares just as much about their family, about these characters as I do.

I mean, Nora's (for short) writing for Iris' sections in this recreation were just perfect!

And I'm not joking when I say that some of them actually brought me to tears just as much if not even more so than the show's scenes did (and I sobbed for hours after the finale ended).

But I think that's just one of the many things that make this show so special;

It creates bonds between fans that make us want to support one another. Or in other words, create our own little Flash family, too.

Anyways, sorry for the rather long writer's notes here, I just really felt like you all deserved to know exactly what inspired me to want to write Barry's sections here (other than me just loving the character so much. Lol).

I truly appreciate any and everyone who reads this recreation and I hope you enjoy it!

Love you all and remember,

Never stop believing in the impossible :)

" Hoo, hoo, ooh!" Iris panted between sharp gasps of breath as she blew a strand of her blonde accented hair out of her face, another strong wave of contractional pain shooting through her body as she laid back against the baby blue sheeted medical bed, shutting her eyes tightly as she tried to wait for the wave to pass. Quickly making sure to tightly grip onto the identically colored hospital gown over her enlarged baby bump, feeling the tiny little person inside her squirm for the hundredth time since she'd gone into labor, the feelings of the most important thing in the world to her, her baby, soon to come.

I really hope that Barry's doing okay with Eddie... and that he gets here soon...

Because this baby is definitely coming.

The darkly lit beige walls of the Central City hospital were mostly illuminated by twin orange square-patterned stand towers, that cast their soft and comforting glow for its patients in the midnight light of the emergency room, only the smallest of silver moonlight glinting out from behind closed blinds.

A screen sat across from its patient as it steadily read the vitals of the two people it was scanning for, reading out all of the health biometrics needed to ensure that the operation continuing safely.

And beside it was a bedside nurse that had closely been with the soon-to-be-mother since her contractions had started picking up about thirty minutes ago, going between the various checks and meas
ures to ensure that everything was going as smoothly as possible.

Which minus the fact that four supervillains had been resurrected by her long-thught dead fiance and were trying to kill her husband and erase all of time including herself and her baby, was going okay, at least according to the doctor anyway.

Not that I'd be... the best judge of character for that right now...

Iris took in multiple slow breaths as she felt the wave gradually pass through her aching body, slowly releasing the bunched up blue cloth from her pensive iron grip, gently placing both of them onto her baby bump as she smiled lightly, the full realization of what was happening right now still seeming to struggle to make its true weight into words inside her head. But that wasn't even close to the same for her heart.

We're about to have a baby. To make a family.

I'm about to give birth, to our baby.

To our Nora.

We're going to get to be parents to the most special kid in the universe.

Barry's going to become a father.

And I'm going to become a mom.

I'm going to be a mom!

" You're okay," The nurse said reassuringly, her calm tone and steadily held hands telling Iris that her words were truthful, and was more than competent at her job.

" Your contractions are about a minute apart now, it shouldn't be too much longer until she comes." the woman smiled kindly, placing her hand gently on Iris' shoulder as she spoke.

" It can't happen... until he's here." Iris protested through strained breaths, a faint bead of sweat dripping down the side of her face as she looked down at her stomach, the little baby that lay inside only mere hours away from greeting the world for the first time.

He has to be here when she comes. To get to see her with me for the first time. To hold her the first time, hear her first cry, feel her first breath, see her first smile. To be here for our family, for Nora's, very first moment of life.

He has to be here for all of that, no matter what crazy supervillains are trying to stop him, he has to get to be here.

For us.

For her.

" I'll keep hoping." The nurse replied with a tone of strained optimism, before turning back to the medical equipment that she was operating.

" And I'll keep believing." Iris said to herself, undeterred as she tried her best to continue her breathing exercises, holding her hands on top of her stomach as she stroked it lightly, to reassure her little baby that she was right there with her, like she'd be for her whole life.

Because I know, he'll come home to me.

" Ahh!! Hoo hoo, hoo!"

" I knew Eddie was strong enough to fight off the Negative Force's power, he just needed someone there to remind him just how great of a man he was and always will be." Barry thought as his bruised ocean blue eyes looked fully into Eddie's tired ones for one last time, a mutual understanding showing clearly on their blue-lit faces as they felt each other's gloved fingers interlock in a firm handshake with one another before a multi-layered cross of blinding cobalt
light slowly enveloped The Flash's chest, teleporting him through space and time for the final time.

He doesn't really trust me yet, and I can't honestly blame him after everything he went through. Now and before he died. But that doesn't matter because the Positive and Negative Forces aren't meant to trust each other. They're, we're, meant to create balance amongst all the living things in the world, like Khione said. And for the first time since I found out Thawne killed my mother nine years ago, I finally feel like we have. Because we've forged something so much stronger than trust; our love for Iris. And when it comes to a woman as special as she is, a person as special as she is, there's nothing either of us wouldn't do to keep her safe.

But when our Forces do fight each other again, and they will, I know that my family will always be safe. That Iris will always be safe.

And that alone makes everything I've had to endure throughout my life from Thawne, Zolomon, Savitar, and the rest of the people we've fought over the years, all the losses we've experienced, worth getting to this moment. Making a world where our kids can grow up safely.

And with both their parents, too.

Barry's entire bloodied body throbbed with pain as he felt the Negative Force's potent light transferring him to his final enigmatic destination. Only, the feeling of pain was much more muted due to the powerful force facing none of the speedster's consistent resistance which had been tugging at it every other movement prior. And without any conscious thought as to doing so, Barry's exhausted eyes slowly closed, letting the vibrant cobalt energy course over his slick, scarlet red-fabriced form. The uncomfortable sensation seemed to only last for a few very brief seconds, though that little time was extended tenfold for the hero. A fact that was extremely helpful in the sense that compared to what a normal person would've gotten to experience, the speedster's rapidly beating heart actually received a few moments' rest before he rejoined his family and friends in the real world.

Not that anyone who's been doing this as long as we have can really say that an elemental Force's plane of existence which I just so happened to be teleported into by my best friend/Goddess isn't still the real world. But to an average person...I think I could kinda see where they'd be coming from.

Barry suddenly felt the soft treaded soles of his now gray-sneakered feet drop down onto the hard gray tile flooring of a multi-glassed windowed waiting area, various dimmed lights shining gently from within the many surrounding patients' rooms. He immediately whipped his head around, his gaze instinctively searching out the entirety of the space for any of the many previously dead and dangerous foes they'd had to fight that very night. Or rather, that very hour.

Though, his eyes found nothing abnormally shifting in the area, aside from a rather hurried doctor rushing past him down the winding hallway. And of course, with the exception of his speedily nervous heart threatening to beat out of his chest, that is.

Did we stop them yet? Are all our enemies back in the Negative Force yet? Is Iris, is our baby safe?!

He felt a few strands of his messy tousled brunette hair brush against his forehead as he turned, the familiar comfort of an old plum sweater rubbing inconspicuously against his wrists as he moved. His lips cautiously smacked against one another, relief silently washing through his veins at the absent feeling of his own cold metallic blood smearing across them.

So when someone gets hurt in another Force's plane, we don't retain any injury that doesn't revolve around temporary cerebral disorientation? Good to know...

But all the speedster's racing thoughts were instantly interrupted by the distant huffing of his struggling wife's heaving, her very first breath seemingly snapping her husband's worriedly jumbled attention back onto one of the two most important things that would ever happen in their entire lives;

Oh my God...Iris is in labor, isn't she?...Wait, Iris is in labor!!!

And without letting another single second more pass him by, Barry quickly spun around on the scuffed heels of his worn sneakers and ran into the open-doored patient room that resided behind him, completely ignoring his near collision with one of the entrance's surrounding walls on his way inside (but whether that particular mistake was done due to clumsiness, nervousness, or excitement could have honestly been anyone's guess).

"Iris." Barry called, softly as he quickly rushed over to his contracting wife's side, taking no time before placing his left hand in hers to help soothe any of the worry she was guaranteed to be feeling considering the "eventful" evening they had been having before her water had even broken.

Not that fighting off five evil speedsters is ever going to be considered by anyone to be nearly as hard as giving birth, especially to a kid as energetic as we know Nora's going to be. Or already is? Wait, will her having meta-human abilities when she's born have any effects on Iris' pregnancy that aren't in the two-thousand, five-hundred sixteen books I've read over the past year and documented in at least a dozen journals for quick notes or will that type of thing be more of a delayed ordeal when she's older? You know, when she can actually walk and, no, no, doesn't even matter! You're supposed to be the one doing the focusing here Barry so Iris can do the actual giving of birth to our baby! So, just stop your internal rambling for once and focus on keeping them calm and supported! Or her? Nope, I'm still doing it!

" Hey," Iris quietly greeted her husband, smiling ever so softly as she still had herself pressed back against her bed as far backwards as she could, her knees raised close to her as the throbbing wave of pain from her last contraction clouded the majority of her thoughts, but not enough to dissipate the happiness when she saw her everything with her again, right by her side.

He made it, he came back to me, to us, again. Just like he always promised he would.

"Well Daddy, you're just in time." the nurse smiled warmly at Barry as she watched the soon-to-be parents' eyes meet with a loving gaze at just the feeling of being together at such a pivotal moment in their lives.

Looks which were the nurse's very reason for caring so much about helping people in her line of work, because just seeing the panickedly loving expressions on the couple's faces were more than enough to tell her that everything was going to turn out perfectly.

"Really?" Barry confirmed, nervous excitement carrying the entirety of his slightly squeaky voice as he gently rested his other hand on his wife's knee closest to him.

" Nora's coming." Iris heaved, through another wave of quick and rapid breathes, her entire body shaking with pain as their baby's arrival drew closer.

" Ooh, ooh! Phew, hoooo,"

She followed the same succession of heavy breathes another time over as she shut her eyes tightly, pushing as she tried to work through the waves of contractions and everything else that was coming along with it, all towards bringing their baby safely into the world.

Our Nora... our baby... she's about to come. We're about to meet our daughter...

"Okay, alright." Barry replied, his tone finally seeming to find its footing of comfort for his wife as he slowly moved his hand out of hers and onto her back, his eyes momentarily meeting the nurse's with almost as much readiness as she'd been showing to the strong and resilient woman throughout the entirety of the night.

Though, that didn't in the slightest bit stop his heart from racing a million miles a minute at just the thought of them getting to meet their baby girl.

It's finally happening! We're going to get to have our Nora! And I'm, I'm actually going to get to be here for it this time. I'm actually going to get to be here with Iris to meet her for the first time. Our daughter. Our love's everything.


Every one of the many glass-paneled windows were illuminated delicately by the glowing yellow early morning light which was the sun's bright beams, shining its vibrant rays across nearly every surface that surrounded the room's folding medical bed. The dove gray tile ground beneath Barry's navy jeaned knees seemed to squeak almost every second as various doctors and their assistant nurses' clear waterproof boots moved meticulously around their patient, performing any scans and or procedures that the woman needed aid with.

Though, none of the sound or chaotic movements of the doctors seemed to in the least bit deter the determined and calm husband from delicately keeping his hand locked within his wife's, fully showing her both his support and admiration for everything she was currently going through for their baby, while also allowing her full reign to squeeze his hand as tightly as she needed and or wanted to.

Which when it came to Iris' undeniably powerful grip was stronger than that of most metahumans The Flash had faced.

Not that that even matters in the slightest because anything is worth getting to be here for this, for her. And honestly, I just want to do everything I can to help remind her just how strong of a mother she's already showing she is.

" AAH! AH!" Iris cried painfully as she shut her eyes tightly, her hair strewn messily across her face as several beads of sweat and tears poured down the sides of her cheeks, her knees bent back towards her blue and white-gowned chest as she tried to push through all of the pain that was coursing through her body.

The supportive face of her husband stayed right next to her under the blue face mask he was wearing as he kept one hand gripped in hers and one reassuringly on her shoulder, telling her that everything was going to be okay and that he was with her all the way through this journey.

That he'd always be there for her.

And that's all I've ever needed...

"That's it, Iris. You got this," Barry spoke softly, as he felt Iris' fingertips pressing firmly into his knuckles, his eyes watching his wife's every movement with focused dedication.

There were more than what anyone could call a few distractions in the small-spaced patient room, from intently engrossed doctors administering medicines into their patient and nervous nurses standing nearby the woman's bedside in case any of their workers needed an extra hand delivering the couple's precious cargo, yet somehow, none of their actions or their words registered even in the slightest inside Barry's mind for, by some miracle, his typically anxiously shifting attention seemed to have finally found a firm place to focus all of its energy on; Iris and their baby.

I told her I was going to be with her for all our baby's firsts, and well, this is kinda one of the most important ones we're ever going to get to have with her. Along with her first smile, her first laugh, first run, and everything else our amazingly excessive daughter ever does.

" Pheww, ooo... AHH!"

Iris felt her entire body flare up in pain as she felt the combined pressures of the final stages of her baby's and her own body's attempt to try and push her little everything out into the world, telling the soon-to-be mother that she was only just moments away from becoming just that.

Only moments away, from giving birth to their baby.

This is it... we're about to meet our Nora...

Barry smiled softly at Iris as he noticed her struggling, quickly placing one of his hands on her uncomfortably raised knee in order to help steady her shaking nerves.

And without another thought, he immediately wrapped his other hand's fingers gently in his wife's, letting her thumb rub the skin of his knuckles reassuringly as small lines of luminescent orange and violet electricity danced delicately between their fingertips. The couple's love somehow sparking even more vibrantly than it ever had before for they now held a third person's heart within their touches, too. Their Baby Girl's.

C'mon, Iris, you've got this. You're stronger than any other person I've ever met, you can do this. We can do this.

" AHH, AHH!!!" Iris cried as she shut her eyes tightly, her grip within Barry's hand increasing as she pushed forwards with all the strength she could find inside her, and all of the infinite more that her husband's reassuring touch brought her, working in unison with her body and the squirming of her baby that she could feel as she gave it all her effort, all accumulating into one last massive push.

And that's when she felt it.

And the world heard little Nora West-Allen's cries for the very first time.

That was the moment when Barry and Iris' baby girl was born.

Is... is she really here? After all this time? Is our Nora really here, out in the world with us, right now?

Is our little baby really here?

" Ohh, congratulations!" Announced the obstetrician doctor, a wide, happy smile covering her focused face as she lifted the tiny, brunette-haired baby up above her mother's raised knees for the entire room to see, letting a nearby nurse gently wrap a soft blue and white blanket around the newly born human's small body.

The moment that Iris heard the first cries of her baby, the moment that she laid her watering brown eyes on her breathtakingly wonderful, beautiful little form, holding the most beautiful features that the woman had ever seen in her entire life, the moment that she saw her child for the first time, an unadulterated feeling of love, purer than anything that she had ever felt before took over her entire body, completely drowning out any other noises or thoughts as she stared at the miracle that was now right in front of her.

Oh my god, she's... she's so beautiful. She's even better than anything I could've ever dreamed of. That's our baby, our Nora, right here, with us! And she's already more perfect than anything else in the world.

I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now, all the love that's just been put into my heart - just by seeing her small little face.

That love that's in there, all because of her.

We've only just met her, but I already know that she's the best thing that's ever going to happen in my life.

Because she's our Sweet Nora, and, and that makes me the happiest mom in the world.

Barry's ocean blue eyes immediately lit up at the sight of their little girl's indescribably, amazingly, beautiful form, a feeling of absolute and unadulterated love instantly overtaking his heart's every gentle beat inside his chest at just the mere look of unmatched perfection that was their Sweet Nora's face.

I, I don't even know how I can say this without really fully meeting her yet, but I already love her more than I've ever loved anyone before, even more than Iris. But in a way, she's still Iris. I mean, just look at those eyes? Only theirs can shine that bright...or be that beautiful...

And it just, just makes me feel like the luckiest father in the world. Like for the very first time in my life, I feel like nothing could be better than this singular moment we've gotten lucky enough to experience now. The very miracle I'm getting lucky enough to be experiencing right now with the two most incredible people to ever exist. With my everything. And our everything.

And his smile only seemed to grow larger by the second, tears of utter happiness quietly sliding down his cheeks as he intently watched the doctor handing their baby over into Iris' outstretched and waiting arms.

" Oh my god, she's so beautiful!" Iris cried emotionally, as she took their daughter gently in her arms for the first time, using both of her arms to softly cradle her delicate form as held the crying newborn close to her heart,

The feeling of endless love in the mother's heart swelling to an impossible degree at the first moment that she'd ever shared with her daughter.

With our Nora, our beautifully wonderful Nora.

" Hi, Nora. Nice to finally meet you," whispered Barry, softly as he placed the palms of his hands gently on their little baby's blanket-covered back, tears still glistening lovingly in his ocean blue eyes as he took in the entirety of their wonderful daughter's complexion.

Every bit of which only brought a more genuine and appreciative smile to the new father's face, something that would feasibly be deemed impossible for anyone to say was reachable in the first place had they not seen the beaming expression which was shining so vibrantly across his every feature.

I mean, everyone always says I can do the impossible, right? And when it comes to loving my family? To our daughter? There's never going to be anything that's too large for my heart to feel. Any love that's too large for my heart to feel. And right here, right now, with them, with her...I just don't think I could possibly love anyone more.

And without waiting another moment more, Barry slowly leaned over their beautiful baby's little body and placed his right hand affectionately against his wife's cheek, letting his lips gently touch hers as a feeling of endless happiness shone in the couple's teary eyes, infinite love sparking between the three's delicate hearts.

Iris and Barry's eyes stayed locked together happily for another few seconds after they had finished their kiss, the joy and love for their family, and this moment, apparent just by the two's glassy eyes before their gazes shifted down to their baby in unison, the two lovers' third everything taking in her first moments of the startling new world around her.

Iris just delicately pulled their baby's face close to her own as she felt her impossibly beautiful touch, and tiniest little heartbeat rest against her own, tears of nothing short of pure love flowing down her cheeks as she held their daughter close, her entire body shaking with her joyful sobs as she lovingly rubbed her baby's back gently with her own soft touch.

The absolute miracle of life, the blessing that the two parents had just been given, the greatest gift in the entire world, in Iris' world, right in her arms with them.

It's really true, it's actually real.

I'm holding our baby right now; I'm sitting with the world's most breathtaking little girl's head against my cheek, her beautiful heart against my heart, our Nora, our beautiful, beautiful Nora, in my arms.

I'm a mother now, I, I get to call myself her mom. To raise her, protect her, and love her more than any amount of light than the beautiful sunrise that'll happen every time I see her shining eyes.

Because I get to actually call myself that, not just a mother, but her mom.

And somehow, despite what everything in my life would say, I know that one way or another, I'm going to be the best one for our baby, because that's what she deserves, and what I'm going to give her.

We have a daughter, together.

We made a person, together.

We made a family, together.

All out of nothing, but Barry and I's endless love for each other, and for her.

Our love that's brought us the best gift of all; our Nora.

And all I know now, is just how lucky I am to have them both in my life, because they're what makes my world glow.

They're my heart.

My husband.

My baby.

That love that I feel for them, that I feel for her, I could never imagine a world without it.

I could never imagine a world without them.

As Barry's eyes passionately watched his lover holding their baby girl close to her chest, the morning light shining its striking yellow rays in through all of the operation room's many glass-paned windows, illuminating every single one of the indescribably beautiful features of the people the man held closest to his heart, only one singular thought broke through the seemingly endless chaos which was the love that filled his entire form;

Mom, Dad, it finally happened! Iris and I...we got to have the daughter, the amazingly, excessively, perfect daughter we always dreamed of getting to have! The family that you both always wished I'd get to have when I got older. And now that I do, I just don't know what I could've ever done in my life to deserve getting to share this moment with the woman I've loved for as long as I can remember.

My everything and always.

Past, present, and future.

But what I do know is that I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the entire world. Or any other moment I've ever gotten to or will get to spend with them. Just like you both never did with me. And I know, I just know, that if you two were standing here right now with us, you'd be so proud of the people we've become, together.

Just like you both did.

Of the love that we share.

Because well, that kinda made a person, today.

It made our daughter.

We made our daughter.

And there's no feeling in this world more important than the love a parent feels for their child.

Of the love I feel for them.

For her.

And now, because of everything you both sacrificed for me,

Because of the heart you gave to me,

I get to hold our precious gift of a human being in my arms.

To feel the amazingly, excessively, beautiful love of my Sweet Nora.

And she gets to feel her father's love, my love, too.

And we both always will.


The gentle morning sunlight delicately shone through the still curtained windows into the now quiet room, what had once been a chaotic scene of noise, panic, and anticipation all of the night before and that very morning having died down to only the quietest of whispers.

All of the bustling nurses and doctors had left the patient's room after having cleared the newly born baby and her mother to go home, the strange effect of their words having seemed to be lost on Iris despite having heard them all the same.

Iris still sat on the blue blanketed medical bed she had given birth to their baby on what felt like only minutes ago, her legs just swung down gently over its side as her father sat next to her in the peaceful quiet, gently cradling his granddaughter with the widest smile she'd ever seen on his face.

She hadn't taken her eyes off of Nora since she'd first been placed in her arms, just like her father hadn't as he'd stayed right with his family for all the hours until they were cleared to leave, packing up one or two things behind them as he still wore an unending smile across his loving face, one of which both of the two new parents would always share with each other.

If Iris was being completely honest with herself, she hadn't even noticed that any time had passed since that life changing moment.

The first cries of their baby still seemed to echo enchantingly all around the white-walled room with her delicate voice, the love that had come into Iris' heart the moment that she'd heard her voice, and seen her beautiful little face that reminded her so much of her father, not having dissipated in the slightest since the moment that she'd first felt her child leave her womb, and come out into the world to meet her parents, and be a part of their lives for the rest of her life.

That feeling, it's never going to go away. It's the same one that I felt about Nora when I first met her four years ago. It's the same one that I feel every time I see her smile, or hear her laugh.

It's the same one that I'm going to feel every time that I look into our baby's beautiful brown eyes. The same one that I'll feel every time that I cradle her in my arms. When I just say her name.

Because it's also a part of that same love that I've always felt for Barry. That love that I feel towards our family. The one that we made, together.

And that love's never going to leave my heart, because they will always be the best part of me. My two everythings.

" And our hospital bag is officially packed back inside the car," Barry announced, his words coming out as slightly more proud than he'd first intended them to.

But in my defense, anything that has to do with helping our daughter...God, I love saying that so much! Well, I honestly did since the first moment we met, but now, it's just even more special because I'm gonna, you know, get to be there for all her firsts. And I know they're all going to be just as amazing as this one was because our Sweet Little Nora is going to be there with us for all of them, too. Though, I guess technically it was all three of our firsts, today. Because, you know, it's also technically the first day Iris and I get to say we're our little baby's mom and dad, too.

" Which means just another two more loads, without super-speed as promised so as to make sure none of our daughter's amazing presents get lost, of course, and I'll be able to come back in and actually get our precious cargo," Barry added, his undeniably happy smile almost shining brighter than the actual sunlight that was reflected in the multiple glass-paned windows behind them as he gently gave their little girl a soft kiss on the forehead.

A sensation which surely only added an extra bit of love to the man's already overflowingly large heart.

But that's just because I have people like all of them that make me want to love them that much. And feel that loved, too.

" And then we'll get to show her her new home." Iris smiled lovingly, her thoughts solely on all the amazing firsts that she was going to get to have with her family.

And both of her parents, for all her life.

" Her forever home. Well, her secondary one actually because we both know her first one will always be in her mother's arms," Barry added, genuine appreciation towards getting to speak those words aloud not only for Nora, but for all three of them too, bringing an even lighter beat to his already excitedly thumping heart.

Her forever home, with us.

" No need to rush Barr, she'll be ok with her papa until then." Joe smiled warmly, as he lightly bounced his bundled up new granddaughter against his knee with the softest of touches.

" I know she will. I mean, there are four kids to prove it, after all," Barry joked, though his appreciative sentiments towards his adoptive father were still stated with earnest as he leaned down and gave Iris a brief kiss on the lips, their gazes momentarily meeting on their little girl's beautiful face, the slightest hint of loving tears still glistening even multiple hours after she was born in their eyes before he stood back up and grabbed their luggage.

I mean, how could they not? We've always shared the same heart since we were kids and now, well, we just get to share our hearts with her, too. With our baby girl. And honestly, I don't think it gets much better than that for a parent. Or at least, for this dad anyway...Yep, still love saying it...

"Just don't have too much fun without me," Barry commented, lightly winking at his lover before he exited the room, leaving the still peaceful oasis of his wife and baby's arms in favor of answering another million sets of questions all of their awaiting family and friends were begging to ask the very second he'd left the room.

All of which he was glad to oblige to the request of for there was nothing he enjoyed more than getting to talk about his adorable newborn daughter with his adorable fully grown future daughter.

I mean, sure it's a little strange, but double the Nora just means double the love filling my heart. If that's even possible when it comes to our family. Especially her.

" There's no way we could." Iris replied before the white door shut behind her husband, her tone carrying a light sense of bliss to it that had never felt stronger to her than it did now.

Because there's never been a time that I've honestly deserved it, that I've felt happier, than I do right now. Then I do with them.

Another quiet glow of serenity seemed to overtake the room once more after Barry's departure as Iris and Joe both just sat quietly next to one another in the morning's warm sunlight, only the gentle cooing of the newest West making a sound as they watched her with wide smiling faces. Both of the now parents just taking in the newborn's adorable features as her grandfather continued to gently rock her back and forth in his arms, Iris feeling another bright smile spread across her face at her daughter's short happy snorts at the calming motion.

Dad's always had a way of making us all feel safe while making us smile at the same time too.

" I remember you when you were this small. Holding you for the first time. Bringing you home." Joe reminisced, remembering all of the times he'd had with his daughter when she was just a little girl.

All those times when she couldn't even walk or talk. The times that he'd had to fake eating the easy bake muffins that she'd make him in her cute little setup in her room. The times he'd read her a bedtime story before putting her down to sleep.

All of those firsts that he'd done with her.

That now, his Baby Girl would get to have with a daughter of her own.

" Now look at you, I'm a granddad, and you're a mom." Joe laughed happily, the amount of joy and pride he took in getting to say those words stronger than he'd ever be able to tell either of his kids. But a feeling he now knew he didn't have too.

" Oof." Iris sighed playfully, shifting back just a little further on the edge of her bed as she felt her still slightly outstretched stomach's uncomfortableness, a mutual feeling that her entire body shared with her.

Before a genuine, loving smile spread back across her face as she saw her little baby cradled in her father's arms.

No one said that creating life and giving birth to the most wonderful creation on the planet was going to be easy.

But it's all worth it, for her.

Joe let out a warm sigh as he smiled down at his granddaughter for a few more moments, before looking back up to his own daughter, shaking his head lightly.

" You're not my Baby Girl anymore." he half-smiled, a great mixture of pride and tinge of sorrow present in his words.

Iris lightly cocked her head to the side at her father's statement as she gave him a reassuring smile, her eyes meeting his as she placed her hand gently on her dad's forearm.

She knew exactly what her father meant, but at the same time, knew that none of it was true.

" Yes, I am Dad. I always will be." Iris said reassuringly, her kind smile the same one that Joe had seen a thousand times before.

One that would always make him happy, because it came from his Baby Girl.

It doesn't matter how much older I get, or how many Pulitzers I win, or what beautiful changes may happen in my life, like starting a family.

He's always been here with me, my entire life. To protect me, to raise me, give me advice, love me.

To be my Dad. And that's what he's always going to be to me.

Just like how I'm always going to be his Baby Girl.

Tearful cries gently met both Iris and Joe's ears as little Nora suddenly started to wail in her grandpa's arms, her tiny face scrunched up into an adorable little mess as her new lungs loudly cried out for all to hear, immediately grabbing both of her guardians' attention once more.

A quiet little cry for help that seemed to somehow sound as beautiful as ever to her new mother.

Don't worry Nora, we're always going to be here for you. You're always going to have parents, a mother, and a father, who love you.

" Oh, here, let me take her - " Iris said instinctively as she held her hands out to take her baby back into her arms, ready to rest her back against her chest and spread the warm, soothing motherly love in heart to her daughter and bring the peaceful smile back to the newborn's face.

" No, no, no. I got her." Joe answered quickly, as he carefully got up off the edge of the bed and started to gently rock Nora back and forth, delicately bouncing her in his comforting hold as her cries continued to ring out softly along the brightly lit white walls.

And then Joe started to sing a lullaby that he hadn't sung in a long time, his strong, yet surprisingly gentle voice calming his baby granddaughter down as she listened to words that she couldn't even understand yet, but the sight of her small little hazel eyes looking up at her loved one was all that was needed to tell she was listening.

One that he had once sung to his own baby girl, when he'd first held her in his arms.

" Lay you down now, Wonder Girl,

In your dreams' wonderworld.

Rest your head for the reminder of time underneath your wonder eyes.

Don't you cry, little tears.

Little Girl, rest your kinder mind.

Your kinder eyes."

Iris just smiled softly as she listened to her father's voice, her hands resting gently on her blue-gowned lap.

Watching him gently sway her baby in his arms as the words of his loving song seemed to touch her heart too, bringing up another swell of emotion to Iris' heart as each of her father's soulfully sung words seemed to bring to life a different memory, all ones from her past that had led her to this moment.

All of the ones with the man she'd always loved.

The best friend that she'd had her entire life, that had grown up with her and knew her laugh better than anyone else.

The person that she would always believe and who would always believe in her, too.

The one who she'd remembered their hands touching for what felt like the first time, the electric spark that always came between them nothing short of a symbol of their endless love.

All of the times that he'd saved her, and she'd saved him, the memories of the most special moments of her life, of every kiss that they'd ever shared, every embrace they'd ever held, and all the infinite times they'd ever loved one another, still as aglow in her heart as the day they'd all happened.

With the man that she grew up with.

The man she'd promised to marry.

The man who was her husband.

The father of their child.

That would always come home to her.

That was her lightning rod, the very person whom she always wanted to be the same thing for, too.

That always had been, and always would be, her everything.

That person was Barry Allen, now Barry West-Allen.

The person that she'd loved more than anything else she'd ever experience the moment that she'd met him, even if she hadn't known it at first.

That she always loved, and always would love, with her entire heart.

Because you're what makes my life worth living Barry. It's you, it's always been you.

The lightest of blue electric sparks shot between Iris and Barry's fingertips as she reached to place her hand on his comatose one, the exact same strange feeling, one that she'd soon realize was love, sparking from her fingertips once more as they slipped out of The Flash's.

" Barry..." Iris whispered quietly in shock, her heart beating quickly against her chest with realization of who her Guardian Angel truly was.

The feeling as her lips pressed passionately against her best friend's for the first time, as she truly realized just how much he meant to her, how much he'd always meant to her, and the fact that for the first time, she could finally put that feeling into words; love

" Wherever you go, you'll always be Barry,"

" And I'll always be Iris."

" And we always find each other."

Her heart skipping a beat as she saw Barry through the confusing storm of blinding blue light, his kind, loving eyes meeting her's as she reached her hand out to him, pleading for him to come home to her.

His hand clasping hers in the eternal love that they'd always feel for each other, and was stronger than anything else in the universe. The only person who could truly help bring him home.

The moment that she realized who her husband truly was, not in the " Barry Allen" that had actually been Oliver Queen, but in her Barry.

All when he reminded her of one simple night together when they were kids, the quiet cries of a heartbroken little boy being comforted by the kindest friend he'd ever had, rubbing his head reassuringly as she let him cry into her lap.

All with the simple words:

I believe you.

" Iris, you're my lightning rod."

The moment that she'd had to say goodbye to Barry again, but not before her husband reassured her that as long as she believed in him, he'd always be okay, sharing a slowed moment of tender warmth with each other as they let their heads rest against one another's.

When their lips met on the unforgettable day of their renewal vows, just like the renewed sense of love and hope instilled in their heart from the family, and the future, they'd just found, the vibrant circles of orange lightning that softly encompassed their passionate kiss a true symbol of their love, just like that spark had always been to them.

The feeling of her tired head resting against her lover's shoulders as painful tears of sorrow swelled in her eyes, both of the two parents' hearts mourning the loss of their daughter together, as they just leaned in close to comfort one another through the greatest loss of their lives.

The beautiful song that Barry's angelic voice sang to her that starry night, asking her the most important question of her life as he got down on one knee and asked her to be a part of his life forever, and to let him do the same, as he pulled out his grandmother's ring and asked her to marry him.

A question to which she could only say yes.

The most special and recent memory of them all, holding their baby daughter in her arms as they looked at her beautiful face for the very first time, the amount of sheer love in their hearts, for their daughter, their family, and each other growing twice as big in that very moment, one of which would always remain as the most important one of their entire lives.

Because they got to meet their Nora.

And Iris, got to do it with him.

" I love you Barry Allen."

The simply beautiful sensation of Barry's lips joyously meeting her own after what she had thought had been losing him forever, the man that she loved, her everything, showing just how he'd always come home to her.

Before the two's heads rested lovingly against one another's for what Iris felt like could've been the remainder of time, as they let the full feeling of their love for one another, love that they had always had and always would have, flow between their hearts.

" I love you, Iris West."

There's not a single moment of our lives that I'd ever change, because every single one of them is special because you were in it.

Every moment that we've spent crying on each other's shoulders.

Every moment that we spent celebrating each other's accomplishments.

Every moment that we've stayed inside by the warm fire as you wrapped your arms lovingly around my body, and I just let my head rest against your chest, to hear that rapidly beating heart of yours.

Every moment that I loved you, and you loved me right back.

Every, single moment that's all led us to her.

To the most amazing one either of us could've ever imagined in our lives.

To our daughter, to our wonderful, beautiful daughter that I'd do anything in the world for, just to see her smile.

That I love more than I thought was even possible, just as much as I love you.

And just like you always say that you were lucky because you were chosen by that bolt of lightning, I've always been the lucky one of us because of you.

Because you chose me, to be your best friend.

Your wife.

The mother of our child.

And your everything.

Just like how I'd choose you for all of it and more for a thousand times again.

Because I will always love you, Barry Allen.

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