Working The Case

Author's Note: In this story, Bart is an aspiring journalist who looks up to his mom, and hopes to be as good of a reporter as she is one day (if Barry gets one kid, why can't Iris have the other? lol).

(P.S., If I don't mention a specific age or time in the notes here, then that means that it's Post Crisis)

Hope you enjoy!

" I am so excited to be here!" Bart exclaimed, practically bouncing with joy as he walked/skipped alongside his mother, who was on her way to work.

" All you had to do was ask Bart." Iris smiled kindly.

" I love that you've taken up an interest in reporting, and anything that I can do to help you reach that passion, you better believe I'm going to jump at."

" Thanks!" Bart cried happily, as the two reached the building's elevator.

" It means a lot coming from you, since you were the one that inspired me to become a reporter in the first place." he commented.

" Really?" Iris asked, sincerely.

" Yeah! Hearing and seeing all the schway stories about how you helped some many people, even without powers, by just using your words. It inspired me to do the same. To try and make a difference in people's lives, by giving them a voice." Bart explained.

" Wow, Bart, that means so much coming from you." Iris said kindly, her face lit up in a warm smile.

" And for the record, you already make a difference. By being Impulse, and by being you." she told him.

" Yeah, well, what does one more hurt than?" he grinned, causing her to let out a short laugh.

" I guess you're right." Iris sighed, as the elevator doors started to open.

" Yeah! Now come on! Let's get to cracking your case!" Bart exclaimed once more, before using his super speed to blast off towards Iris' office, the owner of which just smiled widely as she followed behind him (though obviously slower).

This is going to be great!!!!

" Only one minute." Bart remarked, tapping his special watch once, as he watched his mom make her way to the door that he was leaning next to.

The watch was one that he had been given by his dad. It was a family heirloom that had been passed down by Papa Joe, and his father before him.

And I wear it everywhere. Wouldn't want to lose it.

" Still faster than some of dad and Nora's times." he grinned.

" Well, despite not having powers, I still find that I somehow manage to be faster than all of you most of the time." Iris smirked, as she pulled her keyes out of her purse.

" Woah woah woah! Faster than dad and Nora? Yes. Then me? I mean, I am the fastest man alive." Bart laughed.

Well, dad is. But I'm a close second!

" Yes you are," Iris laughed, as she put her key in the lock.

The glass that covered the top half of the door read 'Central City Citizen', and was the company office for Iris' reporting business.

My mom owns a reporting business. I'll always think that's schway.

" It's still so schway how you own this place." Bart remarked, as the two of them stepped into the relatively small office space.

There was one large desk that sat towards the large window in the back of the room, Iris' desk, where she wrote up almost all of her articles. Then came two smaller desks, one for photos (aka Kamilla's workspace), and another for editing (Allegra's), alongside a bulletin board hung on a nearby wall for the team to use when they needed to put together clues for a case.

That last one reminds me of the ones that dad and Nora use.

" Thanks Bart." Iris said happily.

" You know, it was your sister who helped me pick out this place."

" Really? That's schway! I knew that there was a reason it was so perfect." Bart commented.

Iris just stood silently, a smile across her face as she looked lovingly at her son.

" It's so nice to hear you two get along so well."

" Well, with a family like ours, who wouldn't?" Bart laughed.

" Yeah." Iris smiled softly.

" Now, let's get into this case!" Bart cried, as he clapped his hands together happily.

" Right," Iris agreed, as she sat down at her desk, Bart pulling up a rolling chair beside her.

" Alright, the case that we're working today is the Bertinelli's." Iris explained, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she pulled up various windows filled with information about the family.

" Aren't they that really big crime family?" Bart asked, reading one of the police reports that Iris had pulled up, which detailed various crimes that they had been convicted of.

More like detailing what they haven't been convicted of...

" I thought that they ran their operations out of Star City?" he added.

" They did, before Crisis. After the new timeline change, mixed with the city's crime purge, the family decided to move somewhere... a little more comfortable."

" And nearby." Bart realized.

" And since they've gotten here, they've been slowly taking over Central City's underground crime ring while everyone's been distracted by the more flashy, public villains." Iris explained.

" Is that a pun?" Bart grinned.

" They're good, in moderation." Iris smirked, as she turned back to her computer.

If only dad and Nora were here for that one.

" We have everything that we need to convict them, we just don't know where they're hiding, yet." said Iris, pulling up the partially started report stuffed with convicted criminals sitting in Ironheights and Slabside that had been under the family's payroll.

" Then that's what we're doing next." Bart concluded.

" Yep," Iris agreed, rolling slightly to the side so Bart could take a better look at the case files.

" We'll find these bad guys in a flash." Bart said enthusiastically, to which he got a raised eyebrow from his mom.

" What? You made one." Bart protested.

" I guess you're right, this time." Iris laughed, as the two set to work.

A few hours later...

" Ok," Bart said, as he pinned one last note on the methodically placed string system set up on the bulletin board in front of them.

" That's the last one." he said, breathing a sigh of relief.

That was a lot of information, but it was awesome!

" So, let's go over what we know," Iris said thoughtfully, as the two of them took a step back so they could see their work better.

" Gerandat has been the person that most of the thugs have been reporting as their leader," she started.

" But, based on the evidence, it looks like it's probably Neveretia."

" How can you tell that?" Bart asked, confusedly.

" Not only is he a more wealthy and respected member of the Bertinellis, but he's also had a lot more activity around the city." Iris explained, pointing out several instances of what she had said to her son.

" Not to mention it sounds like a cover up story to me. Using Gerandat to throw everyone off of Neveretia's trail." she continued, crossing her arms as she put one hand to her chin, deep in thought.

" What clues do you have to that last part?" Bart questioned once again.

He was not afraid to ask questions in order to learn something new.

Especially when that person is mom. As long as that something doesn't take too long to explain, I can lose interest a bit too quickly for most people's liking.

" It's not so much a fact on that one, as much as it is a feeling." Iris told him.

" A feeling? I wish I had those." Bart sighed.

" You do Bart, all you have to do is just trust your gut." Iris said kindly, as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Her words seemed to calm his somewhat building nerves (aka impatience), as he felt her soothing touch.

" I think I can try that." Bart smiled, to which his mom returned in kind.

His attention then turned back to the case board, as his eyes scanned over all of the information that they had gathered there.

Ok Bart, just go slow this time.

As he was looking at all of the various pictures, he noticed one name repeatedly coming up throughout them, and everytime it was illuminated in dimly lit lights in the grayish background.


" Hey mom, do you see this?" Bart asked, as he pointed to what he had seen.

" They keep popping up all over. Like here, and here, and here!"

" Tranca," Iris said quietly, as she followed Bart's pointing.

" That's Spanish for bar. Go figure."

" Yeah! Our guy keeps coming in and out of there. Could that be where he's hiding?" Bart asked enthusiastically.

" Only one way to find out," Iris repiled, as she grabbed her coat.

" You mean..." Bart said, feeling like he was going to burst with excitement.

" Your day in the office, just turned into a field trip." Iris grinned, watching as Bart's joy took off.

" Yes!!! Let's go!" he cried, as he quickly got ready to speed them off.

" Don't you think that we need the address first?" Iris laughed.

" Uh, probably." Bart replied, as he whipped out his phone and quickly pulled it up.

" Got it!" he cried, holding up the device for Iris to see.

" Then what are we waiting for?" Iris said happily, a large smile glued to Bart's face before he rushed them out of the office, a few papers gently floating to the ground once they were gone.

" Hey boss? Sorry I'm so late, there was this thing with Frost and Chester, and I..." Allegra trailed off, as she opened the door to the office, to find that no one was there.

" Boss?" she called out, looking around one more time at the empty room.

" Eh, guess the Citizen's closed today." she shrugged, locking the door behind her as she left.

Not too long after they had left, Bart and Iris skidded to a stop at the entrance to the Tranca, the latter's hair a mess.

" Sorry mom," Bart said apologetically, as he tried to help her even it out.

" It's okay Bart. I've long since gotten used to it with your father." Iris reassured him, as she straightened it out.

" Yeah, but you still look great after every time." Bart said happily.

" Thanks Bart." Iris smiled.

" And one of these days, the three of you will tell me how you don't mess up your own hair." she laughed, as she pushed open the wooden doors.

" I'm telling you! I have no idea!" Bart remarked jovially, as he followed her inside.

A small bell jingled softly as they stepped inside the joint, a large array of shady looking people spread out throughout the whole place. Some of them were playing pool, some were half drunk, others talking to one another, and a few were discreetly looking in their direction.

What a 'fun' place.

" Bart, stick close to me, okay?" Iris said, sounding slightly worriedly as they approached the bar.

" Mom, I know that these are bad people," Bart whispered back, narrowly avoiding knocking a passerby over, who glared angrily in his direction.

Who have anger issues.

" I know, but just stay close, okay?" she asked once again, only more urgently this time, her watchful and perceptive eyes scanning over the muscular people around them.

" Okay," Bart conceded, falling in step behind her.

" And whatever you do, don't get them mad." she instructed.

" Right. Or tell them that we're reporters." Bart agreed.

" Not yet. In a place like this at least." stated Iris.

" Now, let me handle this guy." she told him, as they sat down at the bar, to which Bart nodded his head in agreement.

Ohhh!! I'm going to get to see the master at work!

" Hey," Iris called, as she motioned for the bartender.

" What'll it be?" he asked gruffly, as he scrubbed the bottom of a beer glass.

" Two of your best beers." Bart blurted out, catching a slightly scornful look from his mother.

" Are you old enough to drink?" the bartender questioned, looking him up and down.

No. No I'm not.

" Does it matter?" Bart replied, his voice cracking a little bit more than he wanted.

" Guess not." the man shrugged, before turning around to make their drinks.

" Bart!" Iris scolded, to which he slightly winced.

" I'm sorry! It just came out!" Bart protested.

" It's okay." Iris sighed, her loving and understanding smile returning.

" Just, let me talk to him."

" Yep, will do." Bart confirmed, shaking his head vigorously.

A minute or two later the bartender returned, two heavy glasses in his hands.

" Here you go." he said in his rough voice, sliding the two full drinks towards them.

Bart looked down at the slightly bubbling substance before him, having never drank it before.

Well, I'm not going to blow the mission now...

As he was reaching for his drink though, Iris quickly grabbed it away from him, and began to drink it herself, all at once.


The bartender looked at them for a brief moment, before shrugging once more, starting to scrub the counter next to him.

" Mom, why did you do that?" Bart whisper-shouted, keeping his eyes on the bartender.

" It doesn't even affect me because of my speed metabolism!"

" It doesn't matter Bart, I'm your mom, and you're too young to have that. And we have to keep our cover." Iris whispered back, shaking her head briefly.

" Thanks," he said appreciatively.

" No problem. Now, do me a favor real quick and dump this in the bushes over there." Iris added, holding back what Bart assumed might have been a small burp from drinking so fast.

" I've gotcha." Bart winked, speeding the full glass away, and returning with an empty one.

" Okay, what next?" he asked.

" Next, we ask some questions." Iris answered.

Yes! Although, I should probably stay quiet this time.

" I have something else to order." Iris called over to the large man, who rolled his eyes and groaned as he walked over to them once more.

" What'd you want?" he sighed.

" Some information." Iris asked quietly.

" And I think that you're the best guy to get it from around here."

" You want some advice? Sure. Don't drink your beer all at once." the man laughed, his deep voice echoing throughout the space, picking up a few more cries along the way (despite them not knowing what they were laughing at).

" This isn't working!" Bart whispered to his mom.

" What are we going to do?"

" Improvise." she stated, a flash of determination in her eyes.

I love improv!

" Hey!" Iris said sharply, as the man slowly regained control of his laughter.

" I know your boss, Almond Nevereit." she continued, a look of confusion and shock slowly forming on his face.

" And he called us here for some very important... business."

The way in which she spoke actually held a scarily similar tone to that of a dead serious criminal, one which she had obviously put a lot of time into perfecting.

Schway!!! I want to learn that! I am a Russian mobster! Do as I say! Argh argh argh! Oops! I'm missing mom's speech.

" I can't just... let you into the back." the man stuttered.

" Ok, if that's what your boss wants, then I can take my business elsewhere. I just doubt that he'll be very happy with you." Iris said coldly, keeping up her act well.

" ... ok, ok! Right this way!" the man conceded, wiping sweat from his brow as he opened the curtain behind him, revealing a long hallway.

" I'll make sure to tell your boss that you were a big help." Iris smiled, genuinely, as she walked behind the counter and into the hallway, Bart following close behind.

A few moments later, the curtains shut behind them, and both the two West-Allens let out a long sigh of relief, especially Iris.

" That was too close," Iris sighed, trying to get her heart to stop pounding in her chest as she regained her normal composure.

" Close? What're you talking about? Mom, you were awesome!" Bart exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

" Thanks, I'm glad that it was convincing. I barely could keep myself from letting my nerves take over." Iris replied.

" I didn't even notice." Bart shrugged.

" I thought that you do this all the time."

" This? Um... no. Well, more than your father would like." Iris laughed.

" Still, it seems like you're a real pro." Bart beamed.

" Well, since this was the first time." Iris smirked.

" Really?!" Bart cried in awe.

" That it worked at least." she added.

" Wow. So that means I can try it next time?" Bart asked eagerly.

" As long as I'm there with you, and you don't make me drink a liter of beer to do it, then sure." Iris smiled.

" Yes!" Bart cried, pumping his fist in the air.

" Now, let's go find what we need," said Iris.

Thirty Minutes of Searching Later...

" Hey mom!" Bart called, as he motioned to Iris.

" I think I found it!"

In front of him was a wooden framed door, with a small, darkened glass pane at its top, that read B.L.O.

" What is it?" Iris asked, as she looked up at its sign.

" Bertinelli's Lounge and Office." Bart explained, as he pointed to each letter.

" Or, at least I think that it is."

" Well, there's only one way to find out." Iris said, as she waited for Bart to phase the door lock off, before she carefully pushed it open.

Inside rested what you would expect from a wealthy mobster's home.

Large fur rugs sprawled out across the polished wooden flooring, nice sets of lights lining the various walls around them, a few paintings that Bart had no doubt were very valuable, and a set of comfy couches set next to each other. In the middle of the room sat an oval desk with an expensive chair, the initials A.N. carved into it.

Nerveita's office.

" Great job Bart." Iris smiled proudly.

" Aw, no problem mom! It was easy." Bart beamed, as he stood a little bit taller.

The two of them quickly made their way over to the desk, Iris sitting down as she powered up the computer, which began to whir to life.

" Now we just have to get a copy of this guy's files and we'll have all the evidence we need to..." Iris trailed off, as a password screen came to life in front of them.

" Or, we could get locked behind a password." Iris sighed.

" Password? Where are we going to get that?" Bart asked, groaning in frustration.

" We just need to take a second and be patient Bart," Iris told him, as she looked at her surroundings.

" Unless we're waiting for him to get here, I don't see how we're going to..." Bart started, before being interrupted by the computer's happy beep as it accepted the password.

" Or, you could do that." Bart stuttered, nodding his head in approval.

" Wait, how'd you get that? By taking in your surroundings? Getting inside your enemy's head? Thinking like him?" Bart questioned, his once again boundless enthusiasm getting the better of him.

" In most cases, yes. In this one," Iris answered, as she held up a sticky note that had been taped to the bottom of the desk.

" I just needed to realize that mob bosses aren't always the brightest people." she grinned.

" That makes sense." Bart agreed, as Iris put in her clickdrive.

My mom's the best.

He watched as she pulled up the various files stored on the computer, of which there were many to go through.

" Wow, there is a lot here." Iris quietly whistled.

" It's going to take a while to get them all copied. Which could be a problem if our friend gets back here too soon."

I have a plan!

" Maybe not. Can I drive for a moment?" Bart asked politely, to which Iris nodded kindly to and got up in response.

Bart plopped himself down in the seat, cracking his knuckles once before letting his orange speed force flow through his body, his fingers racing at lightning fast speed across the keyboard as he went through the many folders contained on the computer.

And within moments, he had what might've taken hours to accomplish completed.

" Done." Bart beamed, as he held the clickdrive out to Iris.

" Wow," Iris remarked, as she put the device back in her pocket.

" See, a little bit of impatience can come in handy sometimes." Bart grinned.

" I guess you're right." Iris laughed.

" We'll have to tell Nora that when we get home later," he chuckled.

" And your father too." Iris added.

" Are you the only one of us who isn't impatient?" Bart asked.

" Well, let's just say that I'm impatient too, just that I know when to have patience." Iris replied.

" Yep, that makes sense." Bart grinned, both of them wearing large smiles as they laughed.

" Now, let's get going before that guy gets home and realizes that he has guests." Iris said, as Bart got out of his seat.

" Yeah, something tells me that he doesn't like visitors." Bart commented, before the two of them headed out the door, carefully closing it behind them.

A few minutes later, the two intruders made their way back to the curtains where they had entered the backstage area, getting ready to make their leave.

" Ok, so all we have to do is get back outside without anyone catching us. Piece of cake." Bart said, as he waved his hand dismissively.

" It shouldn't be too hard since we got in here without any trouble, and didn't encounter anyone while we were sneaking around..." Iris agreed, thoughtfully.

" What's wrong?" Bart asked, noticing the concern in his mother's tone.

" It's just... this all seems too easy." she said distantly.

" You call all of this easy?" Bart laughed.

" We got into their secret hideout without much trouble, and have ran into almost no one since we got here." Iris pointed out.

" Look mom, I think you're just being a little bit paranoid." he remarked.

" Besides, if you call this easy, then I don't want to see what your definition of hard is," Bart finished as the two of them walked out through the curtains and back into the bar, a loud chorus of guns cocking greeting their ears.

Ooohhhh. Oh.

Bart looked around at the large assortment of muscular armed men that lined the room, all of their weapons trained on him and Iris as a greedy glint flashed in their eyes, along with a lust for violence.

" So... this is what you meant by hard?" Bart asked, still keeping his eyes on the barrels pointed at him.

" Yep. This seems more like it." Iris sighed.

A rather lean, well dressed man stepped to the front of the firing squad, his appearance already telling Bart that he was a leader, not a fighter. Especially since the man's description matched that of Almond Neveretia.

" Hello Mrs. West-Allen, so nice to finally meet you." Neveretia said smugly.

" I wish that I could say the same." Iris replied.

" Ah yes. You mean my men here?" he smirked.

" They don't exactly give off a welcoming vibe," remarked Bart.

" Yes, because that's not what they're meant to do. They're meant to put you in the ground. And finally shut that loud mouth of yours up for good." Neveretia grinned, looking in Iris' direction.

" You're not going to get away with this." Iris stated fiercely, Bart watching out of the corner of his eye as she slowly grabbed a cocktail lighter from the bar's counter and held it behind her.

We're doing that? Okay, we're doing that.

" We'll see. But I feel confident that once there are bullets in your chest, you won't be a problem for me." the man laughed, taking a few steps backwards as he signaled for his men to fire.

" Wait! Wait!" Bart cried, throwing his hands up to get their attention.

" How did you even know it was us?" Bart questioned.

" Haha!" laughed the bartender, who stood in front of Neveretia.

" Like I wouldn't recognise the head of the famous Citizen, and her..." he trailed off, his mouth slightly hanging open as he searched for what Bart was in relation.

" Employee." Neveretia sighed agitatedly, as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

" Yeah that!" the bartender shouted back, with more confidence then he should've had.

I think that he was hired more for his muscles than his brain.

" Just fire!" Neveretia shouted, signaling once more to his men.

" If you so say!" Iris cried, as she tossed the lighter up into one of the lighting fixtures behind the thugs, causing it to explode into a ball of flames and smoke.

The attack only caused the thugs to stumble forward, allowing Bart and Iris to quickly take cover behind an uplifted table. But it had done exactly what Iris had wanted, covering the room in a rather thick cloud of smoke.

" Mom, what are we going to do?!" Bart cried, slightly panicking as bullets whizzed over their heads, and all throughout the bar as the goons fired chaotically.

" Bart, the smoke will mask your identity, which means,"

" I can use my superspeed." Bart realized, to which Iris nodded in agreement.

" Be right back." he grinned, as he blasted out from behind the table.

This is going to be so schway.

A quick flash of orange rushed past all the thugs, and they soon realized that every one of their weapons were gone.

" Hey! What's going on!" Neveretia shouted, as a speeding orange fist collided with a goons leg, launching him onto the ground.

" It's The Flash!" the bartender shouted, grabbing a knife for defense, swinging it wildly as if he could somehow hit the hero.

" Not quite, but close!" came a young cheery voice.

Although that did very little as the blur raced past him, punching him in the chest and sending him into the shelves of beer bottles.

The blur then picked up speed, quickly racing back and forth through the thugs as it knocked them down one by one, helpless to stop its attacks.

One of the men took a few steps backwards, trying to get a good look at his attacker, before Iris smashed one of the large beer glasses over his head, causing him to crumple onto the ground.

Bart came to a stop next to her a few moments later, the entirety of the group laying in various shapes of disarray as they moaned quietly.

" That makes mom one, Bart ten." Bart grinned playfully.

" I'm okay with that, since you at least left one for me." Iris smirked.

" Well, I couldn't take all of the fun for myself." he laughed.

" Well, neither of you will be having fun anymore once I blow your brains out!" shouted Neveretia, as he placed the muzzle of his gun against the back of Bart's head.

" I don't know what just happened, or where The Flash went," he said angrily, as he wiped tears from the smoke out of his eyes.

" But you two, well, you won't have the luxury to find..."

He was cut off mid sentence as Iris whipped around and threw a heavy uppercut at him, which connected with his jaw and launched him a few inches off of the ground, before he came crashing down through a nearby table.

You know what I said about mom being the best? She's also the most schway person to exist.

" Wow mom! Great hit!" Bart applauded, as he looked down at the unconscious mob boss.

" How'd you get such a strong swing?"

" You know, lot's of practice, cop for a dad. And someone threatened my son." Iris said casually, as she shook her hand slightly.

" Aw, thanks mom." Bart smiled, slightly blushing.

" But, I totally could've taken him." he added.

" I don't doubt it." Iris smiled.

His mom's kind smile always brought a kind of warmth to his heart that never got old.

" Now, let's go call my dad." Iris said, as she put an arm around Bart.

" I think that he'll have a mess to clean up." she added, as she gestured to the unconscious thugs that laid all around them.

" Aka, Papa Joe'll be having a good day at the office." Bart laughed.

An hour or two later...

" And done!" Bart beamed, as he typed the last words into their report, which they had been working on for the last little bit together.

" Neveretia's already going to go on trial for his crimes, which thanks to us now include a laundry list of things that the CCPD found at their hideout." Iris said.

" Yeah, he won't be getting out anytime soon!" Bart cried cheerily.

" And thanks to our article here, people will not only know what kind of person Neveretia and the Bertinellis are, but they'll be ready for them if they ever cause Central City problems again." Iris added.

" And that, is awesome." Bart grinned, causing Iris to laugh as he looked at her.

I love making my family laugh. It's something special that I'm good at. Bringing a smile and a laugh to people's faces when they need it the most. And nothing feels better than making your friends and family happy.

" Hey, and it only took us an hour!" Bart exclaimed, as he gestured to his watch, for the second time that day.

" That's because we did it together." Iris smiled.

" The best kind of way!" Bart stated.

" Especially when it's with family." she added kindly.

" Yeah, family's the best." Bart smiled.

" Yeah," Iris said quietly, as she stared lovingly at her son for a few moments.

" What?" he asked, confusedly.

" Nothing. Just feeling so grateful to have the most beautiful son I could've imagined." Iris smiled, warmly.

" Aw!" Bart smiled back, as he gave his mom a big hug.

" I love you mom." he smiled.

" And you're the best mom I could've asked for."

" I love you too Bart," Iris said happily, as they hugged each other lovingly for a few moments.

This was a really, really great day. Even with all of the guns and bullets. It just added to the mood.

" Hey," Iris said, as they ended their embrace.

" How about the two of us head over to Big Belly Burger tonight? I think that we've earned it."

" That sounds great!" Bart exclaimed happily, his normal rush of excitement that he felt about most things shooting through him.

" Especially after all that running I did! I'm starving!"

" Yeah, me too. Although I don't think that I'm going to eat as much as you." Iris laughed, as the two of them walked towards the exit.

" You never know, these are Big Belly Burgers we're talking about." Bart grinned, both of them letting out another short laugh.

" Thanks for doing this with me today Bart." Iris said warmly, as they reached the door.

" No problem mom. There's nowhere else I'd rather be." Bart smiled, Iris returning one in kind, before he blasted them out of the Citizen, leaving the happy place that they shared behind, its door gently shutting behind them.

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