The Best Day Ever
“ That was a lot.” Nora said, sighing a breath of relief as she dusted some sand off of her suit’s sleeves, taking one of her boots off and watching as a large amount of sand poured out of it.
“ Yeah, thanks sandstorm meta. I’m going to have it in my suit for weeks. Even if I try to use super-speed clean it.” Barry remarked, dusking the top of his mask off.
“ It’s weird having this place so empty,” Nora commented, noticing the emptiness of the normally noisy Star Labs.
“ Well, Caitlin’s seeing her mom, Cisco’s helping Ralph look into a case in New York, Joe and Cecile are taking a vacation together, and your mom is taking a business trip to California.” Barry said, as he super-sped his suit off back into its ring container.
“ I guess that means we have this place to ourselves.” Nora said, as she followed suit and sped her suit off, just she was holding it now as opposed to it going into a fancy ring.
And that’s when an idea hit Barry.
“ Well, if we have today to ourselves, then why not make the most of it?” he suggested.
“ You mean, like a father-daughter day?” Nora asked excitedly.
“ If you want.” Barry smiled.
“ I would love that!” Nora exclaimed, hugging her dad tightly.
“ Now, what are we going to do first?”
“ I might have an idea…”
The two trails of electricity shot through Central City, twisting and turning as they raced down streets, up and down buildings, and past people who were living their daily lives. Orange and purple light illuminated from behind them as the father-daughter duo ran, both their smiles and laughter shining just as bright as the trail of light behind them.
The pair stopped a few yards away from the Central City Museum, in a nearby alley so no one would see them using their powers (since they weren’t wearing their suits).
“ I don’t care how many times I do that, it’ll never get old.” Nora beamed, as the two walked into the crowd of people gathered outside.
“ It never does for me either. Especially when I have one of the people that I love most by my side.” Barry responded, smiling down at his daughter.
“ Me too.” Nora smiled back.
The Central City Museum had a large ribbon tied around its front two posts, two city officials standing next to it giving some kind of speech that neither of the two West-Allens had been early enough to really hear. A large white sign was hanging above the building that read: “ Major Meta Additions to The Science Wing!”
“ I know that you probably know everything about this by this point in the future,” Barry whispered over to his daughter.
“ But I still thought that it could be fun to see together.”
“ Seeing it like this, not only in person instead of hologram form, but with my dad? That makes it a thousand times more special to me.” Nora smiled.
“ And besides, it might be no Flash Museum, but that doesn’t mean it still won’t be schway.”
“ And I don’t want to ruin anything for you, but there might be a section of this wing that gets dedicated to The Flash.” Nora grinned.”
“ Hey! No using time travel to give spoilers!” Barry laughed.
“ Didn’t I kinda do that already with the whole, telling you you have a daughter thing?” Nora pointed out.
“ Maybe, but that’s one surprise that I’m okay with knowing early.” Barry smiled lovingly, as he put his arm around Nora’s shoulders, who was beaming up at him.
“ And I now declare the new meta wing, officially open!” The mayor announced as she cut the ribbon, Barry and Nora (along with everyone else) erupting into a thunderous applause.
After visiting the museum for a little bit, Barry and Nora both sped to a small mom and pop shop nearby, one that had been Nora’s choosing.
The place had a warm and homely feel to it, a mixture of scents ranging from fresh paint to fresh cut wood wafting through it.
Small trinkets and tools laid scattered across various racks of shelves that lined the front view of the place, with smaller workshops further inside that were barely visible from the entrance.
“ What is this place?” Barry asked, as he picked up a small wood carving tool from one of the shelves.
“ It’s basically an arts and crafts place.” Nora said excitedly.
“ People come here to make nice sentimental things for people close to them, things that are so special because they’re made with love.” she smiled, looking up at a framed wall of photos that were hung up across a nearby wall.
“ And, well, I really wanted to make something for you.” she added, turning back to her dad.
“ That sounds like a great idea.” Barry agreed, loving every word that she said.
“ Yes!” Nora exclaimed happily.
“ So, you take the station over there, and I’ll take the one in the left. And then when we’re done, we’ll meet back up here.” she said.
“ Sounds like a plan.” Barry said, his eyes already linking small objects on the shelves together in order to form his gift.
“ And no peaking!” Nora added as she ran off.
“ That includes you!” Barry called out, laughing as he did so.
“ I know! That’s why I said it!” she laughed, both of the West-Allens already having a great time.
A few minutes later, Nora had finished her gift, and was anxiously waiting back at the entrance for her dad to finish too, hiding her creation behind her back so he couldn’t see it.
“ Are you almost finished?” she asked politely, tapping her foot as she spoke.
“ Just a minute,” Barry called out from his workstation.
“ It’s been almost two minutes.” she added, barely containing her excitement over the present she had made.
“ Just one more moment… and done!” Barry exclaimed.
A moment later, he had sped over to her (since the owners were in the back), his orange lightning flickering in the air for a brief moment as he stopped, his right hand concealing her gift.
“ Yes! I mean, not that you were taking too long! I was just really excited too…” she rambled.
“ It’s okay Nora.” Barry smiled understandingly.
“ Thanks.” she said appreciatively.
“ Can I give you yours first?” Nora asked excitedly.
“ Sure.” Barry laughed, enjoying seeing his daughter so happy.
“ Tada!” she cried, a huge smile glued to her face as she held her creation out for him to see.
It was a framed woven board that read ‘West-Allen Family’ on the inside of it. It was colored a nice warm yellow on the inside, with the words in an orange shade, and the outside frame purple, while orange and purple lightning bolts were sporadically placed throughout it.
“ It’s beautiful.” he said quietly, gently taking the board out of her hands.
He felt over the raised words and lightning bolts with his hands, his heart glowing with warmth as he looked down at the special board, the thing that his daughter had made for their family.
“ So, you like it?” she asked, hopingly.
“ I love it.” he smiled, giving her a tight hug.
“ Now, it’s my turn.” Barry said, as they ended their embrace, holding out a small object in his right hand.
It was a small beaded necklace, with every other bead being a vibrant purple or orange, and a single silver Flash emblem hanging from the middle of it.
Nora gasped, as she quietly took her gift, her eyes reflecting in the glossy emblem as she turned it over in her hands.
“ It’s perfect.” she smiled.
“ So, you like it?” Barry grinned, repeating her words.
“ I love it dad! Thank you!” Nora cried, throwing herself into her father’s arms, the two embracing each other once more.
“ You know, this was a really great idea.” Barry told her.
“ Thanks,” Nora smiled, squeezing him a little tighter, before they ended their embrace.
“ So, where to next on the best day ever?” Nora beamed, as she put her necklace on.
“ Next up we’re heading back to Star Labs, and I really think that you’ll like this one,” he said confidently.
“ Yes yes yes yes!!!!” Nora exclaimed happily, practically bouncing up and down in joy.
“ One on one training time with my dad, no one else even here to interrupt, and we get the whole afternoon to do it!” she squealed.
“ I thought you’d like it.” Barry smiled.
“ So, what do you want to do first?” he asked her.
“ I get to choose?” Nora gaped.
“ Yep, whatever you want to learn,” he nodded.
Nora thought about her answer for about a millisecond, before blurting out “ I want to know how to use Flashtime!”
“ I mean, if that’s okay.” she said a little quieter.
“ Of course it is Nora,” Barry encouraged brightly.
“ And you never have to be afraid to be happy around me. It’s my favorite thing in the world to see.” he smiled, resting his hand on her shoulder.
“ Thanks dad.” she said, beaming up at him.
“ Now, the secret to using Flashtime, is to focus not only your Speed Force and energy, but also to focus your mind…”
A few hours later…
A purple and orange lightning bolt ricocheted off of a training dummy, chaining between a large row of them placed sporadically around the course, which lasted for several seconds, before slowly dissipating.
“ Yes!” Nora exclaimed, watching as she perfected the move.
“ You did it!” Barry shouted happily.
“ I did it!” Nora cried back, both the two hugging each other in joy.
“ This has been… just schway beyond what I thought could be schway. I learned the beginners' use of Flashtime, topped my top speed by a little bit, and honed my lightning skills!”
“ You were amazing.” Barry told her.
“ I’ve only gotten this far because you’re teaching me.” Nora smiled.
“ And despite what Uncle Wally or Ralph say, I think that you’re the best teacher in the world.”
“ Thanks Nora.” Barry smiled, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders as he squeezed her lovingly.
“ Now, how about some dinner?” he said, seeing the sun get low.
“ That sounds great.” Nora beamed, both speedsters getting ready to run.
“ Oh, and the stuff that your Uncle Wally told you, was probably fair.” Barry admitted, Nora just laughing as the two of them blasted off towards home.
Large stacks of dishes sat piled high in the kitchen, a rather large mess spread out everywhere over the counters and the sink. The smell of freshly made (and freshly burnt) pies hung in the air, mixed with the smell of homemade casserole and mashed potatoes.
“ Wow, that was great.” Nora stated, as she finished the last bite of her apple pie.
“ I sure think so.” Barry said, placing his dish in the stack that they had on the table.
“ I’m just glad you were able to help me salvage a none burnt one.” Nora commented.
“ Hey, it wasn’t until you got here that I really ‘mastered’ making them, so you burnt a whole lot less than I did.” Barry told her.
“ You learned it since I’ve been here?” Nora asked.
“ Yeah, so I could make something special for you.”
“ Thanks dad. And everything that you make is special to me.” Nora said, smiling lovingly at her father.
“ Funny, I was going to say the same to you.” Barry smiled.
“ Now the only problem that we have to figure out, is how to end the best day ever?” Nora said, as she and Barry began to clean the kitchen with their super speed, making a momentous task into a few second one.
As they were racing around cleaning up their mess, Barry’s eyes glanced out the nearby window, at the beautiful violet and orange sunset outside, and an idea immediately formed in his head.
“ I think that I might have an idea…” he said.
“ What a perfect way to end the most perfect day.” Nora beamed, as she and her father walked out of the Mason Family Ice Cream Shop.
“ I thought you’d like it.” Barry smiled, as they continued their stroll down the sidewalk.
“ I still can’t believe that we both have the same favorite ice cream place.” Nora voiced, as she took another bite of her cold treat.
“ I guess it’s just in our DNA.” Barry laughed.
“ The West-Allen bloodline is now full of super speed and ice cream.” Nora grinned, both of them laughing.
They soon came to a nearby bench, and both decided to sit down and watch the sunset.
“ It’s beautiful.” Nora said quietly, the orange and violet sunset gently casting its warm and beautiful glow on the city, bathing everything in its comforting light.
“ I know,” Barry agreed, looking at her, before turning back to the sunset.
“ Hey dad,” Nora said, now looking at Barry.
“ I just wanted to thank you.”
“ For what?” Barry asked.
“ For letting me spend time with you, do stuff like this. It’s been the most amazing thing in the world to get to know you.”
“ And it’s been the most amazing thing getting to know you, Nora.” he smiled, hugging her, Nora hugging him back.
“ I love you dad.” she said quietly, as she rested her head up against him, looking out at the sunset with him.
“ I love you too Nora.”
A few hours later…
The door to the West-Allen family apartment quietly creaked open, as Iris stepped through, closing it carefully behind her. She had just gotten back from her trip, and it was just after midnight, so she wasn’t sure if Barry and Nora would be up or not.
Over by the couch, a dim light sat turned on on the nightstand, being the only source of light except for the movie that played on the tv screen, Jurassic Park, Barry’s favorite. And on the couch, Iris spotted the forms of Barry and Nora.
“ Hi guys. Sorry my trip ran so late, the lead I was following ended up taking a little longer than I…” she trailed off, as she walked up to the couch, and saw Barry and Nora passed out on it, the latter’s head resting on her father’s shoulder as they slept, and the former’s arm around his daughter.
Iris smiled at the scene in front of her, grabbing a blanket from the nearby armchair and gently draping it over them, before turning off the tv.
“ Goodnight you two. It seems like you had a good time.” she said kindly, before kissing both her husband and daughter on their foreheads, turning the light off as she left the room.
Barry and Nora, warm underneath their blanket, together, both had the same thought still swirling in their heads, even after having fallen asleep.
This was the best day ever.
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