Runaway Robbery

This One-Shot is a fun bank heist with the new Rogues, Weather Witch, Silver Ghost, and Brie Larvon, aka the rogues gallery that Nora picks up all throughout season five, along with a good amount of sweetness between Nora and Iris as the latter helps defeat the three over Star Labs comms, and helps Nora gain some more confidence in herself along the way.

It has a lot of action in it, especially compared to most of my one-shots, but that's part of what made it fun to write! It was especially fun to write a story section where it was only XS versus a villain, as opposed to her and another member of Team Flash (mostly Barry) there to help.

(If any of you are wondering why Ragdoll wasn't included, since he's also a member of the new Rogues, a three on one fight, even if not the most powerful villains, was still a lot to write, and manage realistically, so he had to sit out for this one unfortunately)

Anyway, I hope any of you who read this story enjoys! Now, Run Reader, Run!

Nora watched as purple and orange waves of energy wrapped themselves around her, creating a beautiful show of lights as she turned around and around in them, her eyes slowly taking in every little detail of the crackling lightning, the entire scene almost hypnotically trance-like.

She continued this for several minutes, just watching the small bits of lightning fly past as she moved yet stood still, her mind full of only one, dominating thought;

So boreddd.....

The sparks of electricity disappeared as Nora dropped out of her heightened Speed Time, continuing her joyful activity of chair spinning without the addition of her powers, her head slung back lazily as she leaned in the rolling seat as far as she could.

" Someone having a slow day?" her mother smirked playfully, as she typed a few more words into the article she was working on on her laptop.

While Iris had her very own office that Nora had even helped pick out for her, it was far from a state where she would always be working at, so she frequently brought her articles to work on while at Star Labs.

" No... yes..." Nora moaned, genuinely bored out of her mind.

Superheroing is supposed to be fun! Or more so that I've learned, never dull! Even when you want it to be!

" I wish that Dad was here so we could do some more training." Nora said sadly, as she sat back upright in her chair.

" Well, since he's out on a trip with both Cisco and Caitlin, I guess that leaves this place mostly to ourselves." Iris replied, gesturing to the wide and empty space known as Star Lab's Cortex.

" I guess that means the city too." Nora sighed, as her gaze shifted up to the monitor screen hanging a few feet above her, its blue screen void of any crime alerts.

Which again, isn't bad about the crime thing. Not at all! Just the slow day kinda thing.

" Well," Iris started, as she carefully closed her laptop, brushing a strand of her long black hair to the side of her face.

" If you really want to train, how about I give you some pointers?" she suggested, her daughter's face already lighting up at the moment that her Mom's words left her mouth.

" Really?! As in you'll teach me all of the pointers and tricks you know!?" Nora cried excitedly, as she sprang up onto her feet, any sense of boredom leaving her mind indefinitely.

" Of course," Iris laughed happily, as she stuffed her computer into its travel bag.

" I'll always tell you everything you want to know." she smiled warmly, Nora returning one in kind to her Mom.

There was a time that I wouldn't have believed that. Where I won't have believed you say anything true. That I wouldn't have believed you cared.

But that seems like ages ago compared to now. Now, I know that you love me every bit as much as Dad, and as much I do for you guys too.

" So let's go!" Nora exclaimed, doing a small speed-assisted zip over to the Cortex's entry way, its tall white arches hanging above her.

As Iris was about to get up and join her daughter though, a loud blare of the crime alert sounded throughout the open space, joined in suit by the flashing red lights it was paired with.

" That sure was some timing." Nora remarked, the smile still not fading as she moved back over to her Mom at the control desk.

" You can say that again." Iris said, sighing quietly as she pulled up whatever the alarm was telling them about.

To put it in perspective, she was not as enthusiastic about crime alerts popping up on a day to day basis, though when she had been dealing with super villains that threatened her friends and family every day for years, it was understandable.

I'm not sure if that rush'll ever stop for me.

Not to mention that she'd wanted to spend some quality time with her daughter, which wasn't always the easiest for her to get a hold of.

" So, who is it?" Nora asked, straining to see what bad guy of the day was up next.

" We don't have a who yet, just a where." Iris told her, as she swiped the information onto the large monitor for both of them.

" The bank on fourth and avenue's had a break in, and I'd say it's by a Meta of some sort." she explained, as the street footage of a bank with a large hole in its side came into view.

" Perfect!" Nora exclaimed, excitedly.

" What better way for an exercise warmup before our training than a quick run?" she grinned, as she moved swiftly to the door once more.

" Just be careful." Iris called concernedly, Nora taking a brief moment to turn to her mom before leaving.

" Don't worry Mom, I've got this." she stated confidently, Iris nodding her head concedingly before Nora blasted off to suit up, only a few moments from getting to the damaged bank.

I mean, how hard can a bank robbery be?


The rush of wind whipped across Nora's face and blew her short hair back as she quickly raced towards the site of the robbery, running straight down the middle of the street as electricity flew off of her, an ecstatic smile permanently glued to her face as she felt the flow of her Speedforce fill her veins. She was dressed in her white and purple XS supersuit, its colorful comfort and the feelings that it brought her, both because of its history, and what she had been able to add to it herself, unlike that of anything else.

" I'm never going to stop loving this!" XS exclaimed to herself, letting out a loud joyful cry before taking another blast forward, the bright orange and purple of her powers flashing brilliantly around her, as if they were running right alongside her.

It was her favorite part of being a Speedster, feeling the wind in hair, the breath taken from her lungs, the world fade away around her.

Well, right behind getting to be just like Dad.

XS blasted to a stop on the inside of the Eastern Central City Bank, the tall formal looking public building not entirely what it had been just earlier that morning, the hero taking a quicker route through the pre-made hole present there.

Inside, laid various half-scorched documents that were strewn all across the gold-color lined desks, pens and various small chunks of debris joining the mess as well, as black lines dotted the ruby red colored walls.

" They're in the main vault." Nora said into her comm, as she saw the hole seared into the side of the heavy metal vault door.

" I don't have visuals for some reason." Iris noted through the comms.

" I think I know why." Nora repiled, looking up at the destroyed camera systems above her.

That's really unschway.

" I can't tell if they have hostages, I'm going to do a quick run through there and see if I can find anyone." she explained, Iris' acknowledgement echoing through the comm.

Nora couldn't help but feel a large smile tug its way onto her face as she got ready to run, mixing in with the focus she was trying to keep as well as was possible with the feelings of excitement rushing through her lungs.

Stopping baddies'll never get old.

XS whipped her way into the large heavy vault as she did three full check throughs of the space, money flying up into the air as she raced by. As she went, she found three people tied up and on their knees in the back of the space, quickly setting to work using her speed to untie them. Her white-gloved hands found all three of the people's arms, quickly rushing them out to the safety of the parking lot one at a time, until it was just the criminals and her left.

I wish Dad was here to see that.

" I hope you weren't planning on using those people for anything important." XS smirked, as she came to a stop in front of the group of three bad guys.

" Ugh, I told you we should've just killed them." Silver Ghost groaned, her left hand clutching a bag of money tightly while the other held a glowing red energy pistol.

" Well I'm sorry that I like to have a little bit of show." Brie Larvon sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically.

" Besides, I wasn't the one who felt so against killing." she commented, her glare shifting onto their third partner, who said nothing as she looked their do-gooder up and down, her face showing the smallest hints of being stunned before she tried to keep her eyes on the money bags in front of her.

" Josh?" XS stuttered, slightly taken aback at the sight of who she had once considered to be her friend. The same one who she hadn't seen since she had manipulated her when she was at her most vulnerable.

I guess I have a bad track record with that.

For the slightest, strangest moment Nora felt her heart skip a beat as it sped up, the same way it had back when she had been talking to Josh the prior times they had met.

That's really really weird.

" Yeah, surprised to see me out of Iron Heights?" the woman snapped angrily.

" Well, yeah! I mean, you break out and the first thing you do is rob a bank!" XS shot back, as she threw her arms outward, gesturing to the cashboxes in the walls all around them.

" I'm sorry if being in prison means I need a little bit of extra cash to get out of the city! A prison you put me in." Josh said bitterly.

" You got yourself in there! And out! Twice! After you saved me, only to stab me in the back!" XS exclaimed exasperatedly.


" I know what I did." Josh stated quietly, frowning slightly as her eyes shot back down towards the money.

Was there some... regret in that?

" And she ain't sorry about it." Silver Ghost sneered, as she put one hand affirmingly down on Weather Witch's shoulder, the latter villain regaining her posture.

" Something tells me that isn't true." Nora said quietly, Josh's eyes still not meeting hers.

I think that there may still be something more here.

" Ah yes, I remember our last tussle now. Yeah I don't think that's how it's going to end again. Especially with no Daddy Flash." Larvon smirked, as a large, thick swarm of bees appeared above her head, Silver Ghost's pistol raised as Weather Witch's staff hummed quietly.

" Oh no." XS voiced worriedly aloud, before quickly darting to the left, the place where she had stood prior being struck by lightning and bullets.

The mechanical bees weren't so easily fooled though, following right behind her as she raced around the vault.

" Nora, what's going on?" Iris asked through the comm, as XS ducked a portion's attempt at stinging her.

" It's Weather Witch, and Silver Ghost, and Larvon! They're all here!" XS cried, as she ran up the walls of cash boxes, kicking out behind her in order to knock the bins loose.

A handful of her assailants smashed into the heavy metal boxes, or got themselves stuck in the falling money, though most still continued their pursuit.

" All of them again?" Iris sighed.

" Yep! And this time I'm all on my own!" XS exclaimed nervously, jumping off of the wall and into a light roll as a lightning blast struck the wall in front of her.

" You can do this Nora, I believe in you. And you're not alone," Iris reminded her, the clicking of keys matching with the determination in her tone.

Yeah, you're right. I can do this. Plus, I still have you with me Mom.

" Okay, I have the building layouts here." she stated, XS still zipping back and forth as she tried to dodge the villains' attacks.

" What're the bank's blueprints going to do for me that I can't already see?" XS questioned, as she quickly snaked left to avoid running into Weather Witch's next bolt, quickly phasing as a barrage of bullets struck the various cashboxes behind her.

" Easy; all of our meta's aren't that. They're all using meta tech. And Larvon's is in something that isn't on her. Find a way to lure her bees towards the ventilation room. The bank has one large shaft that feeds all throughout the rest of the bank."

" So?" XS asked confusedly, dodging another lightning blast as she charged forwards at Silver Ghost, only to phase right through her as the meta phased her body, forcing XS to stumble for a few steps.

Larvon seized this opportunity and sent the closest swarm of her mechanical insects straight down towards her enemy, the deadly projectiles headed right for Nora's chest.

Only having a moment to react, XS quickly sent a jolt of electricity through her entire body, briefly charging it with her Speedforce's electric current, frying the group of tiny robots as they clanged to the ground brokenly, small puffs of smoke rising from their black bodies.

" That was close. But I got it!" Nora thought happily, only to pull her head down just in time to avoid it being taken off by Weather Witch's blue lightning, which destroyed a filing cabinet row sitting in the middle of the room.

Hehe, that too.

" Nora, all of the ventilation shafts in there are made out of metal." Iris answered.

" Which means that the valence electrons in the vent can conduct electricity, forming an, an electric box where it can amplify the voltage inside itself, which Larvon's bees are susceptible to in large doses, ones just like mine!" XS exclaimed excitedly, as she quickly took cover behind an undamaged cabinet.

" So all I have to do is try and get Larvon to send all of her pets after me,"

" And then you can take care of them all at once." Iris agreed, not understanding all of the science behind her daughter's explanation, but knowing more than enough of the basics to get the point.

It's time to be the beekeeper... Time to act like honey... Let's see if these bees can be fast en... alright, I'm just gonna stop. One-liners can be really hard.

" Then let's go stop some rogues." Nora grinned, before whipping out from behind her cover, and charging back into the fight.

The hero threw herself into a wide lightning storm around the three criminals, a blur of purple and orange seeming to consume everything in sight for the bad guys as XS raced around them, trapping them inside her proverbial bubble.

If I try and get any closer then I won't be able to dodge their attacks, but they don't know that, so this should be just enough to spook them a bit.

Weather Witch blasted her staff multiple times into the surrounding storm, only for the bolt to disappear almost as quickly as it had been fired, Silver Ghost's pistol not faring any better.

" What's she doing?!" Ghost shouted, turning all around her as she tried to get the speedster in her sights.

" I don't know!" Josh answered frantically, releasing another set of attacks into the field of purple and orange.

" But it won't hold us Nora!" she exclaimed, firing another bright bolt, this one actually striking the gold-tinted wall just centimeters in front of the hero's face, Nora letting out a slight cry of shock, which was luckily drowned out by the rush of her powers.

That was a whole lot better aim than I thought they'd have.

" Larvon, a little help!" Ghost scolded.

" Don't get your car keys in a twist, I'm already on it." Larvon remarked, as she summoned a section of her bee swarm, the tiny robots swooping down to help the villains.

" Maybe, you know, bring all of them!" Josh cried angrily.

" Fine!" Larvon conceded, mentally telling the rest to join the large swarm that was now headed right for XS.


The bees now only being a few feet away, XS quickly broke out of her run and skidded to a stop, her yellow boots scuffing against the bank's tile before blasting out of the room, Larvon's buzzing robots following close behind, leaving all three of the villains alone with their money once more, of which they wasted no time in stuffing their bags with as fast as possible.

Unfortunately for all of you, I'll be back to get you guys in just a few seconds...

XS raced through the large bank's interior as she ran past all of the broken debris and down the long hallway to the maintenance areas, streaks of her multicolored lightning trailing behind her as she dodged and weaved in order to make the robots' targeting harder.

" You're coming up on the maintenance room fast. On your left." Iris instructed, XS roughly digging her heels in as she forced herself to sharply turn left, racing straight into the large ceilinged room, the bees close behind her.

" Thanks Mom! Now let's show these guys the bug zapper!" Nora exclaimed back.

Yes! I knew I'd get it!

XS jumped forward as she ricocheted off the nearby wall, using her momentum to push herself once again as she jumped up and into the open shaft in the center of the room, finding a loose footing on the slick metal surface as she quickly ran up its side.

Vibrant trails of purple and orange electricity slowly fell behind her as she used flashtime to make sure she landed each and every one of her maneuvers, making sure to always stay a few steps ahead of the robots who were right behind her.

Here goes something either really schway or really stupid!

Once she had made it halfway up the vent, XS let go of her powers and crossed her arms tightly across her chest, stopping dead in her tracks as she let gravity pull her downwards, the swarm of deadly killers all ready to zap her at once and end their creator's problem.

The hero phased right as she came up on the metal insects, going straight through them as she continued on her way to the ground, her enemies too confused to react in time to her next move.

As she came up on the gray cement below her, XS quickly spread her feet out and landed in a kneeled superhero pose of sorts, shooting one of her arms out upwards as a large pulse of lightning shot through it. The purple and orange energy bounced all around the confined space as it amplified its effects, destroying all of the helpless bees caught in the array of lights, tiny charred pieces of the robots falling noiselessly to the ground below.

The surge of electricity continued its way upwards until it reached the top of the shaft, shooting out and into the sky for only a brief moment as the beautiful scene of light flashed across the sky, before fading harmlessly into the air.

That. Was. Schway!

" Nora, are you alright?!" Iris asked concernedly into the comms, having heard the crackle of electricity and resulting explosion.

" Yeah! I'm fine Mom!" Nora replied happily, excited by her own success.

" And you actually had a great idea!" she exclaimed again, covering her mouth and wincing slightly at her misphrasal of words.


" I know I did, it happens more when you listen." Iris laughed, Nora laughing happily right back.

It's this kind of fun we could've been having a whole lot sooner if I would've given her the chance.

" Now, time to go stop the rest." Nora stated, putting one foot forward briefly before sprinting out of the room, racing down the halls and back towards the main vault.

By the time Nora got there the three Rogues had successfully stuffed all five of their large duffel bags to the brim with the bank's cash, the green dollar bills threatening to overflow out of the black bags as the women hoisted them over their shoulders.

" We're all loaded up. Now time to make an escape." Ghost stated.

" Also known as time for your part of the plan?" Larvon questioned piercingly, the spite from her partner's lack of faith in her inventions clear.

" Whatever! Let's just get out of here." Josh interrupted, as she pushed the two apart, gripping her overstuffed bag tightly around her right arm.

" Sure. Let's go." Larvon smirked, turning around to leave out of the premade exit the team had created, only to be met with XS' speeding fist.

The attack launched the villain into the air and several feet backwards as she slammed against the row of cashboxes, several loosely placed empty ones falling out of the row and down onto the genius below, leaving her unconscious for what would presumably be a long time.

One down! Yes! Now only two more to go.

" You again!" Weather Witch shouted as she jumped a step backwards, both her and Silver Ghost holding their weapons out threateningly.

" Told you she wasn't good for anything." Ghost remarked, with a light head nod towards their fallen partner.

" You guys aren't going to get rid of me that easily. Because, you know, Speedster." XS smirked as she nodded her head side to side, gesturing to herself.

" But, I can offer you this; if you guys just put the money down, and come turn yourselves in peacefully, then I can put in a really good word for you with the DA." XS offered, hoping that maybe one of them would pick up on that deal.

Come on Josh, I know you're not like your father.

" It's not too late, you can both walk away from all of this without fighting me and without hurting anyone else."

Dad's always able to get through to the baddies, let's see if I can too.

" Hm, let me think about it, no." Josh stated plainly, firing a close proximity lightning bolt at XS.

That's a whole lot closer than I was thought it was!

The bolt of electricity moved too fast for the hero to dodge, as it struck her square in the chest, knocking her clean onto her back as she was sent sliding across the flooring, sprawled out on the ground as she lay limply there, everything fading to black.




" I'm alright!" Nora exclaimed loudly as she bolted upright, her breathing heavy as she felt what felt like an electric pulse shoot across all of her nerves, only not the speedforce kind.

" Nora! You're okay!" Iris cried, letting out a long sigh of relief as she heard her daughter's voice.

" Yeah, I'm fine. Besides a bit of a headache." Nora joked as she rubbed the side of her head, still feeling a bit lightheaded.

Which is way, way better than being electrocuted to death.

" How did you...?" Nora asked confusedly, still not seeing any other heroes around that could've helped save her.

" I used the defibrillators that Cisco installed on everyone's suits after what happened to Barry last time." Iris explained.

" Oh right. The high voltage offset he was able to get from when I saved Dad. He was telling me about that." Nora commented, mostly to herself.

Either way, I'm lucky Mom was here, or else I would've just had one very, very long power nap.

" Josh and Zaya got away." Nora moaned sadly, as she pulled herself back onto her feet, the effects from the lightning bolt quickly wearing off.

I mean, speedster.

" They haven't yet. You were only out for a minute. I'm still picking up their locations a few blocks from you, moving fast." Iris told her through the comm.

Silver Ghost's special car.

" You still have time to reach them."

" I just have to be fast since they can literally disappear thanks to Ghost's powers." Nora started, as she got ready to run, only to take a step back in hesitation, waiting quietly for a few moments before speaking again.

" Dad would've gotten those guys the first time. All three of them, without even breaking a sweat. Not get owned by them. How can I be a hero if I can't even stop a criminal on my own?" Nora said sadly, her heart sinking as she thought about her failure.

I can't even stop being excessive for long enough to do one thing right.

" Nora, what you are doing right now, it's really amazing." Iris countered softly, her kind voice carrying through Nora's earpiece.

" Do you know how much your father struggled with taking these guys down when he first started being a hero?"

" Three punches instead of two?" Nora asked, not exactly sure where her mom was going.

Dad always saves the day.

" No." Iris laughed, distantly.

" He'd regularly have problems taking on even one of them alone."

" Yeah, but I can't even take one down on my own." Nora protested.

" You already did! Larvon's already down and the police have been called to pick her up. You're taking on three bad guys at once. Alone. And you've got one down already. Not to mention the others aren't gone yet." Iris pointed out, a small swell of confidence filling Nora's chest.

" You even tried to talk them into surrendering. You're doing a great job."

" You really think so?" Nora asked, quietly.

" Every bit as well as your father." Iris answered firmly.

Nora felt her anxieties disappear as a deep breath of confidence filled her lungs, spreading throughout her whole body as her thoughts of doubt disappeared.

I can do this. I can do this. Just like Dad.

" Now, Run Nora, Run!" Iris shouted happily, a look of determination flashing across Nora's eyes as purple and orange electricity crackled in them, before she blasted out of the bank's large hole, straight towards the last two metas' location.

I can do this.

Streaks of purple and orange lightning trailed down the streets of Central City once more as XS quickly raced through them, weaving between streets as she tried to get to the last two Rogues' location.

It wasn't long before the hero could see the sleek form of a silver Lamborghini tearing its way down the center of the street, cars swerving left and right to avoid being wrecked by the reckless driver.

A faint white glow cast itself around the speed demon, as the car itself traveled almost as fast as its engine would let it, not because the criminals were trying to escape, but because one of them wanted to show off.

The real problem is how do I get inside? I can't even phase into any vehicle Ghost's driving, or even touch it without getting thrown back, or ending up like Dad did.

But what if I were to find a way inside the car without having to go through its exterior?

" Hey Mom, I have an idea. But it's a little bit of a long shot, and a little over the top." Nora said into her comm, keeping pace right behind the speeding car.

" If you have an idea then use it. I believe in you Nora." Iris stated, in a tone that told her those feelings would never change.

It's funny. I've heard those kinds of words from her all my life. But, I guess I never really noticed, or cared, until recently. But I'm really happy I do now.

" Here it goes." XS said to herself, a large tinge of excitement rising in her chest as she raced forward in front of the car.

She steadily ran for several paces in front of the speeding vehicle as she looked for the right spot to pull off her next move, dodging a quick spread of bullets from the car's driver behind her.

" Hey, it's not nice to litter!" XS called back over the roar of the rushing wind, showing the criminals the single bullet that she had been able to catch.

Even if it was only one, that was epic!

Soon, they all came upon a street mirrored on both sides by tall glass buildings, pedestrians jumping to safety and out of the way of the raging race as they approached the location.

There it is! Now let's hope this works, or else I'm going to end up either phasing through the Earth without Dad here to help stop it, or splatter across the windshield like a bug. No pressure!

XS quickly broke off of the chase as she blasted ahead, quickly reaching the left-most of the two glass towers as she raced up the side of it, her booted feet somehow attaching to the glass as she ran up the building's side, trails of colorful purple and orange light falling behind her in bright groves.

As she reached the top of the building, the hero glanced a look over at where the runaway crooks were headed, luckily just a block down from her, right where she needed them to be.

Only the car disappeared halfway there, turning invisible as it vanished from sight.

Now I won't even be able to see the car! But this'll still work. I don't have to see the car to know where it was going before!

XS used both her feet to push herself off of the building's edge, falling straight down towards the middle of the street as the black street pavement closely began to come up on her.

As she was reaching the ground, XS quickly pressed the button to the extrapolator gripped in her right hand, a small glowing blue portal opening only a second from her, the other side strangely only a few feet below it.

Come on, leap of faith!

XS fell through the portal's glowing interior, passing straight through to what was on the other side... which resulted in her comfortably landing on the soft leather covered backseats of a certain Lamborghini.

I did it! And I even landed in style, and comfort!

" Yes!" XS cried out joyously, causing both of the criminals to abruptly turn behind them and see the hitchhiker they had picked up.

" How did you...!" Ghost began, before being cut off quickly by the heroine.

" Sorry, but I think your driving privileges have been revoked." XS quipped, as she shot a short burst of multi-colored electricity through her hand, frying the dashboard in front of the two villains.

The attack shot a flurry of sparks into the two villains' faces, making them duck for cover as Ghost took her hands off of the wheel, leaving the perfect opening for XS to snatch the meta-teched keys from next to it, successfully removing the vehicle's powers.

Before either of the non-metas' had time to react, XS blasted both of them outside of the car, phasing right through its metal sides with ease now that the surrounding energy field was gone.

XS sped them safely to the sidewalk as the two villains dropped onto the ground, tumbling once dazedly as they did so.

" It's not nice... to steal, girl scout." Ghost shot frustratedly, though staying mostly to the ground due to her dazed state.

" Or... to throw people out of moving cars." Weather Witch remarked, her eyes still rolling around in her head.

" I think that it's time you two had a little timeout." XS annouced, as she pulled out two pairs of her meta cuffs (since she had no regular ones) and snapped one around Silver Ghost's wrists, though her attention was quickly called to something else a split second later.

The Lamborghini, while losing its meta powers and power from its engine, alongside its driver, had not lost the momentum it had been carrying, continuing to barrel down the streets uncontrollably as no one steered it.

" Schrap! I forgot about the car!?" XS cried, before quickly racing to try and stop the car now turned wrecking ball.

How did I forget about the car!?!

She quickly rushed along the running sidewalk as she tried to pass the stylish hunk of metal, doing so without much effort, although still with no more ideas as to how to stop it.

Though she soon realized that she'd have to find one fast, as a sharp fork in the road was up ahead, leaving only one choice for the vehicle to go; straight through the apartment complex between them.

" Come on, think!" XS told herself, trying to come up with a way to stop the car.


" Nora," Iris called into the comms, watching everything play out from the team's satellite footage.

" Use your tunnel arms like I taught you!" Iris instructed, recalling the time that she had helped her daughter save a burning building's worth of people.

" To slow down the car's momentum! That's genius!" Nora exclaimed as she put the rest of the plan together, pushing forward as she blasted down the street.

Time to stop a runaway car, literally!

The hero skidded to the stop in the middle of the street with a rough crackle of electricity as she stumbled forward, having abruptly stopped a bit too fast, but without the time to think about it.

She was now standing only a few yards from the apartment complex, the only thing standing between its destruction and the car being the small hero.

The car's moving at at least one hundred and fifty miles per hour, which means that I'm going to need exactly... a whole lot of wind to slow it down!

XS quickly threw her arms out as she spun them around in tight knit circles, dual funnels of wind blasting forwards as they struck the incoming car.

Slowly the vehicle started to slow as it neared her, closing the gap between the hero and its crushing force with an alarming amount of speed.

The grinding screech of tires on pavement slowly started to lessen as XS pushed her arms to go even faster, until the Lamborghini grinded itself to halt mere inches from smashing into her, letting out a quiet squeak and click of door locks as it settled into its dormant position.

" Yes! Phew, that was close." Nora breathed relievedly, giving the car a light pat on its silver hood, the car alarm's single beep making her jump back slightly in surprise.

" And next time... I probably don't need to let it get that way." Nora laughed, her mother laughing from the other side of the comm with her.

Note to self; don't pull out a runaway car's driver and forget about the car.

" Okay, now to finish up this week's bads," XS remarked.

" Which I left completely unattended!" she suddenly moaned defeatedly, holding her hands worriedly to the sides of her forehead as she remembered how she'd left the two.

" And they're probably already gone." she sighed, as she whipped back down the street, towards where she had left her two rogues.

But to her surprise, when she got there, Silver Ghost was tied up to a nearby lamppost, her cuffed arms latched around it as the villain was furiously trying to pull free, with no success.

I caught her? Yes! I caught her! EEE!!

" Still a little tied up?" XS smirked, to which Silver Ghost just let out an audible groan.

" When I get out of jail, the first thing I'm going to make sure to do is run you over super brat." Ghost spat, before doing another long, worthless pull on her cuffed hands.

" Wait, where's your partner?" XS asked confusedly, as she looked all around for the last of the three rogues.

" Oh, you mean that good for nothing teammate of mine? Yeah, she made a break for it while you were off saving the day. That little...." Ghost explained, before using some expressive language that even Nora found excessive.

" That means I lost the cash." Nora thought defeatedly, realizing that not only had she let a bad guy get away, but with all the stolen money too.

So much for superhero...

But before she could get too upset, the hero's eyes fell upon a few duffel bags messily stacked together next to a parking meter a few paces away, the same green paper sticking out of them as had been just earlier that day.

" The bank's cash!" Nora exclaimed happily, as she super-sped the extremely short distance over to them, finding that every bag's worth of stolen cash was all there.

But how?!

A small, ripped-up piece of scratch paper was loosely taped to the top bag, quickly jolted black words starring back up at her as she gently pulled it off and read the note.

" It turns out I don't really need the cash. At least not like this. Do me a favor and just give it back, okay? But don't go thinking I'm a hero, because that's not who I am, no matter how much you want to think it.
And Nora? I am sorry. Hopefully one day I can prove that to you."

" You already did." Nora smiled warmly, as she looked down at the small piece of paper, knowing the real meaning behind the messy words that were scribbled across the note.

I knew you were a good person, Josh.

" Hey Mom," Nora said happily into the comm, pressing her hand to the side of her mask as she activated it once more, smiling widely at her success as she looked at how she'd saved the day, Silver Ghost and the bags of stolen money sitting right in front of her.

" I think I just saved the day."

" Just like I knew you would." Iris answered, proudly.


A little while later...

Purple and orange electricity crackled all throughout the training bay's large circular ring as the speedster raced around it, running in the same way that an athlete trains for a marathon.

It was some of the most obvious and simple training a speedster could do, but if Nora knew her Mom, then it was probably only a warm-up for the real training they were going to be doing this afternoon.

Something Mom's much better at than Dad; not making me take it slow.

After several more laps around the ring, Nora came skidding to a halt in the center of the room, sliding forward slightly once more due to her rushed stop.

" Still gotta work on that landing." Nora joked, blowing a strand of her messy short hair out of her face.

" I'd say you're getting a lot better." Iris commented, encouragingly.

" Because I didn't fall on my face?" Nora smirked.

" Well, that is still an improvement." Iris answered, before both of the West-Allens' broke out into a large grin and bought of contagious laughter.

I mean, she's not wrong.

" Hey Mom?" Nora asked, as she wiped away a tear from her jovialness.

" Yeah?" Iris asked,

" Thanks for your help today. You really saved the day." Nora commented, appreciatively.

" All I did was just remind you of how special you are. You did all of the rest." Iris answered, smiling warmly at her daughter.

" Well, I'm only that way because that's how you made me." Nora answered, smiling widely as she ran her hands through each other.

" Aw, bring it in." Iris stated happily, as she pulled Nora in for a hug, the two embracing happily with one another for several seconds, as the thoughts about one another seemed to reflect in their glowing hearts.

I mean it Mom. You're the best.

" So, now that I can pull off my tunnel arms pretty well..." Nora began, as they ended their embrace.

" Maybe you can teach me how to stop a fire tornado?" she asked hopingly, batting her eyes playful as she pleaded to her mom.

" You bet." Iris laughed, rousing another one from her daughter.

" Schway!" Nora exclaimed, basically jumping in joy as she took a few steps backwards, eagerly waiting for her next instructions, of which Iris soon started to relay.

Being a hero is the best. But spending time with the people you love, well, I think that might be even better.

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