
Author's Notes: This One-Shot is a little bit different than the other two that I've done so far, and most of the ones I've got coming up. It takes place in the future before the events of The Flash, Season Five, when Nora is about sixteen, but what's different about it compared to the others, is that it has a much more somber and sad tone throughout it. It's still full of love and heart, I just wanted to write one during a time that Iris and Nora may not have gotten along too well, and how they worked through it together, and I came up with this story. Anyway, I hope that you all still enjoy it! Now, onto the story!

Iriv POV:

The door to the West-Allen apartment opened with a loud creak as it was pushed open, the bright yellow light from the outside hallway pouring into the dark room.

Iris' hand flipped the nearby switch on, illuminating her home once more, a frown covering her face.

" Nora, you're late again?" Iris groaned, as she closed the door behind her.

She pulled her holo phone out of her purse, before checking it for Nora's messages, which sure enough, she had none of.

I really wish that you were here, we always spend today together. And I already know where you are, and probably why too. Still, it doesn't mean that I don't want you here, with me.

She hung her maroon coat on the nearby coat rack, along with her purse, checking her hair once in the mirror to see how it looked.

" I'm starting to make Nora's job at calling me old easier." Iris thought as she ran her hand through a strand of her slightly gray hair, which dotted small spots of her beautiful natural black color.

Although I'm sure that at least some of it is coming from you.

She walked over to the couch, letting out a sigh as she sat down, still thinking about her daughter and the somewhat strained relationship between them.

It's not that we don't get along, we really do. Nora is the best person I know. So full of kindness and joy, always wanting to help others. And of course we get into fights, but it's nothing more than the typical parent-child stuff, I know that. It's what she's not opening up to me about that hurts. She has this pain, sadness, that she carries with her, surfacing from time to time, that she tries to avoid by channeling into anger towards me. Sometimes it's over something that she suddenly gets brought to tears over, others it's just giving me the cold shoulder. Either way, I'm okay taking it if it means that it helps her. That she feels better when it's all over. But that's the problem. I don't think that she does. That bottling it up is doing anything good for her. And no matter what I do, I can't get her to open up to me. I know that you could though, Barry.

Iris' eyes drifted over to the picture frame that sat on the nearby nightstand, a younger Iris sitting next to Barry Allen, her husband, who was cradling a baby Nora, both looking down lovingly at her.

" I just don't know what to do." she said quietly, as she picked up the frame.

" I'm trying to do everything that I can by myself, but I feel like I'm lost without you."

" And the only thing that Nora wants is to grow up with her father, which is the only thing I can't give her." she said, feeling a little bit teary eyed.

" She misses you, so much Barry. We miss you, so much." Iris stuttered, feeling the words catch in her throat.

" And I just know that if you were here right now, you'd know just how to fix this." Iris whispered, a single tear dropping down onto the glassed picture of her late husband.

I would give anything to get you back.

After another moment with her thoughts, remembering all the great times that she and Barry had had together, Iris wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt.

" You have to be strong, for Nora." she said quietly to herself, as she put the picture back on the nightstand.

" Who is late." she added, as she looked at the clock that sat above the fireplace, which read seven o' six.

Okay, her curfew isn't until a few hours, but she needs to be here right now. I need her right now.

Iris pulled her holo-phone back out, her finger hovering over a reminder set on the calendar for today. She waited a few moments before hesitantly swiping it away. She then dialed Nora's number, which rang a few times before timing out, Nora's voicemail being the only sound of her voice that Iris got.

" Hey! Sorry I couldn't get your call! It's probably because I'm either studying, doing something schway, or oversleeping. Why did I have to include that last part? Anyway, leave a message and I'll get back to you in a Flash!"

Are you avoiding me, or did you lose track of time? It better be the latter, although both are plenty feasible.

" Ok, time to call a friend." Iris sighed aloud, as she dialed another number she had saved on her contacts.

" Hey, Jeff. Yeah, it's me. Can you do me a favor and tell me if Nora's still at the museum with you?"

Nora POV:

Nora walked through a high, gold encased entryway, which was delicately lined with small raised Flash emblems running across it. As she stepped into the large open space in front of her, she felt herself slightly lose her breath, despite having seen this place a thousand times before.

Large rows of bronze statues lined the space, all towering high as they stood in heroic poses, another bronze section forming a square at each one's base, detailing the hero's heroic deeds that got them memorialized there. And standing in the center of the room was a single gold statue, which somehow stood even taller than its brethren.

A gold encrusted sign hung from the middle of the room, which gave the title of the magnificent place; " The Hall of Heroes ".

" I love this place. The Hall of Heroes, the Flash Museum, all of it. It's my favorite place in the whole city. And honestly, the only place I really want to be right now." Nora thought, a small smile on her face as she stepped past the presence of countless heroes who had saved the city more times than the curtators could count.

Vibe, Killer Frost, The Elongated Man, and more went on for as far as the eye could see, but Nora wasn't here to see them (besides, she had already read every person's plack here, at least twice).

She was here to visit the centerpiece of the room.

The large, towering, golden Flash statue stood heroically in the middle of the room, his inspiring presence not only lifting up Nora and any other visitors that came to this place, but seemingly somehow did the same thing for the statues around it.

It stood on a heavy, circular base with a plack about twice as large as the other statues', that contained only a brief summary of all the hero's heroics.

I've already read all of it, and plenty more about you, and I know that you've been gone for a long time, but I still can't help but feel that there's more to your story.

Nora walked over to the towering piece of art, resting her elbows on the crowd control bars that surrounded his base, staring up in awe of him, like she did almost every time she saw it.

" Hey Flash, it's me again," Nora said, a little bit awkwardly, her voice ringing out through the personless space.

A perk to coming at 5:45 in the afternoon.

" I know that you might be getting tired of these little visits where I just ramble on about nothing for hours," Nora laughed.

" I just, really could use someone to talk to, that'll listen. Especially today." she said, finishing quietly as she looked down at the ground.

" Well, I mean, it's not like you can object or anything. You are a statue." she laughed once more.

" But... I'd like to think if you were here, you wouldn't have a problem listening anyway." Nora said, the small smile returning to her face as she continued to look up at the hero before her.

" Well, maybe not to a complete stranger, not that I'd really be a stranger at this point, but that's not the point."

" Anyway, can we just talk? Please?" she asked, despite the fact that she knew that she'd get no answer.

" I'm going to take that as a yes." Nora declared, moving under one of the barriers and sitting up against the base of the golden giant.

There was something that felt comforting when she was close to him, like she was safe, like he was protecting her.

That's just silly.

" So, in math I scored a hundred percent on my exam today." Nora started, waiting as if she would get a response.

" I know, it's kinda schway. Hey! I bet you didn't get all A's in math when you were in high school! Who am I kidding, you probably got all A's on everything there." she chuckled.

" Well, not maybe not everything everything. But most of it."

" So, besides getting my amazing math score, I also hung out with Lia this afternoon at the park, and you'll never guess what happened there!"

Thirty minutes later...

" Haha! And, when I tried to get my foot out from the pothole, I tripped, and I did a full flip over myself and ate a mouthful of dirt. I'm not joking, I actually ate dirt! And it was disgusting! See, the bandage on the side of my head came from that accident a few days ago." Nora said, as she pointed to the blue bandage on her right temple.

" I used to be really embarrassed about it, but talking to you, I guess it just sounds more hilarious than anything." she giggled, as she wiped a tear of laughter from one of her eyes.

" You know, thanks for letting me do this." Nora said quietly, as leaned back against the hero's base, her head resting slightly on his enlarged calves.

" It... helps a lot. I know you're not really here, but getting to talk to you, like this, it... just feels really nice. Especially today." she said, sadness creeping into her voice as her smile faded.

" Today... it's um... a day that my mom and I... that we usually spend together. And I should probably get home, you know, she's probably worried about me." she croaked, feeling her throat tighten.

" It's just... I miss my father. A lot. And... I never even knew him. I don't have a single memory with him. Just the stories that everyone tells me about how great of a person he was. But... that's not the same as getting to talk to him, to see him, to tell him... to hear..." Nora's words caught in her throat, several tears falling to the ground as they began to form in her eyes, although she quickly wiped them away.

" Anyway, sorry about all of that." she said abruptly, shaking her head as she stood up and looked back up at the statue.

" I know that we never knew each other, I mean, you died when I was so little, but still, you're my hero." she said, placing her hand on the foot of the golden Flash.

" And I hope that one day I can do at least half the good that you did." Nora smiled.

" That my dad did..."

" They both were true heroes, in the best of ways." a voice said softly, making Nora slightly jump backwards in shock.

" Mr. Dries!" Nora exclaimed nervously, noting that she was behind the barrier and next to the statue, where she was not supposed to be.

" No need to be worried Nora, if I haven't busted you the last ten times I caught you, I'm not going to start now." the man laughed.

" Hehe, yeah, sorry about that." Nora laughed awkwardly, as she ducked beneath the barrier, meeting the director that was just a few steps away.

" Ah, no need to apologize Nora, we're practically family, both you and your mom. And at this point, just call me Jeff." Dries said, a warm and gentle smile on his face.

Dries was the director of The Flash Museum and had been for as long as she could remember, and as such, she had known him since she was little. He was a rather tall and lean man, in his late sixties to early seventies if Nora had to take a guess, with a set of gray hair uptop his head that complimented his elderly smile. He had always been kind when dealing with Nora's shenanigans at the museum.

Which I haven't had too many of over the years. Besides that suit incident. But I just wanted to know how it felt to wear a real life superhero suit!

" Thanks Jeff." Nora smiled. " It's great to see you again."

" Same for you Nora." he smiled back.

" I see that you were hanging out with The Flash again?" he added playfully.

" Oh, uh. Yeah. He's not the best conversationalist." Nora whispered, both of them letting out a short laugh.

" But, I don't enjoy talking to him any less." Nora said, smiling up at her hero.

" Yeah, but don't you think that there's someone else that wants to be with you right now?" Jeff asked, his hands stuffed into his dress pant's pockets.

" Oh, are the other statues jealous?" Nora laughed.

" I'm sure they are, but I was actually talking about your mother, Nora." Jeff said softly, his knowing eyes looking right at her.

" I'm not that late..." Nora protested, looking up at the clock.

Yes you are.

" It doesn't matter how late you are, you're trying to avoid her, aren't you?" Jeff countered, gently.

" Well... I just don't want to be there right now." Nora said dismissively, as she stared down at the ground.

I can't be there right now.

" And I can understand why." Jeff sighed, resting his arms against the barriers, Nora following suit.

" But, you can't run from your problems Nora. Your hero here, he never ran away. Always towards his fears."

" Because he didn't fear anything." Nora said quietly.

" I wasn't talking about The Flash." he added, a kind smile on his face as Nora looked over at him.

" See you around Nora." he said, patting her on the shoulder, before walking out through the large golden entryway.

Nora turned back to the golden statue before her, her own red and teary eyed reflection visible in its glow.

" You're right." Nora sighed, hanging her head for a moment before grabbing her things.

" See you around," she called solemnly over her shoulder, as she headed home, leaving the Flash statue to itself once more.

What am I going to do when I get home though?

Iris POV:

Iris still sat on the family couch, tapping her fingers worriedly against the nearby nightstand.

I know that she's okay, but I just really want to see her right now. Jeff said that he saw her leaving, so she should be coming home... right?

As if in response to her question, the front door to the apartment creaked open as Nora stepped inside, her muddy sneakers making a soft squeaking noise against the freshly cleaned kitchen tiles.

" Oops, sorry mom." Nora said apologetically, as she took the dirty shoes off and put them to the side, the door closing behind her.

" It's not a problem Nora." Iris replied, getting up off the couch and moving over to her rather quickly, breathing a silent sigh of relief that her daughter had come home.

" I'll get a towel," Nora began, before Iris cut her off.

" No need, I already have one here." she said, as she scrubbed the muddy floor for a brief moment, which already was shining like it was new.

" Wow, you're like a cleaning magician." Nora said in awe.

" Well, I've gotten rather good with it over the years." Iris smirked.

" Are you saying I'm messy?" Nora questioned, playfully.

" Well, I'm definitely not. But as for the apartment..." Iris trailed off.

" Hey!" Nora exclaimed.

" Well, at least you can be thankful that I'm your daughter and not a son then. Imagine how much worse this place would look." Nora laughed.

" Eh..." said Iris, remembering how much tidier Barry used to be then she ever was.

" Mom, " Nora sighed, rolling her eyes in jest, both of them letting out another short laugh as they walked into the living room.

The mood didn't last long though, before the weight of what they had to say came back to them, both of their smiles fading as they looked at one another.

This is your chance Iris, you have to try and get through to her.

Nora POV:

" So, you were at the Flash Museum again?" Iris asked, a thick layer of tension weighing down on the room.

" Yeah, um, when I finished school Lia and I headed to the park, but I, um, just decided that I wanted some time to myself." Nora explained.

Speak like a normal person Nora.

" That makes sense." Iris said quietly.

" Especially with what today is." she added.

" Yeah," Nora said quietly, not making eye contact with her mom.

With what today is...

" We can talk about it if you'd like."

" No thanks mom, I'm fine. Really." Nora said, trying to do her best to sound convincing.

" Nora, I can tell you're not okay. And it's okay to not be. I just want you to..."

" I'm fine." Nora said sharply, interrupting Iris, as she felt tears start to well in her eyes.

I'm not brave like dad, I can't do this!

" I don't need to hear about how you're there for me, or how we can talk it out, or anything, because I'm fine mom! Really! I'm just tired from that exam I took today and need to get some sleep." Nora stated, slightly bitterly, as she quickly turned and headed towards her room.

" Nora, you're not okay." Iris protested.

" Yes I am!" Nora replied, still powering towards her door.

" No, you're not." Iris said calmly.

" Why? Why mom! What makes you think that something's wrong!?" Nora shouted, as she turned back around to face her mother, the water in her eyes reaching a boiling point as they swelled with tears.

" Because, Nora. I miss him too." Iris stuttered, her eyes watery as well.

Nora didn't even feel her legs move as she rushed over to her mom and threw herself into her arms, nustling her head close to hers as she shut her eyes tightly, tears steadily falling down her cheek. They stood there for a few minutes in silence, Nora taking in her mother's comforting warmth as she sobbed, getting the back of her clothes wet, while simultaneously she felt the same thing happen to her own.

" I never even knew him, yet somehow, somehow I miss him everyday." Nora cried, feeling more tears leave her eyes.

" It doesn't matter if you knew him or not Nora, you love him. And that's all that matters." Iris said quietly, her voice cracked as well.

" Everyday, I hope that he'll come through that door, that he'll somehow, someday come back to us. That I'll get to show him everything about me. For him to tell me all about himself. To teach me how to be just like him. To let me tell him... that I love him." Nora croaked, closing her eyes tightly.

" To hear him say, that he loves me too."

" Nora," Iris said comfortingly, as she sat them both down on the couch.

" Your father knew that you loved him, he always did. There was never a doubt in his mind that you didn't. And never a doubt in mine either." she said lovingly, as she wiped away a few of her daughter's tears.

" And he loved you, more than anything in the world."

" Really?" Nora asked, a painful half-smile on her face.

" Yes." Iris stated, as she rubbed her hand across Nora's back soothingly.

" From the moment that you were born your father loved you with all of his heart. Did everything from that moment on for you. Got through any dark times by using you as his light." she smiled.

" He always, always kept you in his heart. Just like you'll always do for him." Iris finished.

" And he always did for you," Nora added, despite not having known him.

With how she talks about him, there's no way it isn't true.

" Yeah," Iris smiled, wiping away one of her own tears.

" Thank you mom," Nora stuttered, a few more tears falling down her cheek.

" I'm always here to talk, Nora." Iris said, lovingly.

" And that's why I'm thanking you." Nora said, as she pulled her mom into another hug.

" For always being there for me."

It means more than you could ever know.

A large smile spread across Iris' face as she wrapped her arms around her daughter, who was still tightly embracing her, their love and care for each other radiating between them.

Iris POV:

After a few minutes together, they ended their embrace, both mother and daughter feeling a little bit better after talking to one another.

Nora actually opened up to me. Let me in. Let me comfort her. It's beautiful.

" Hey, mom?" Nora asked quietly, as the two of them sat upright on the couch.

" Yes Nora?" Iris replied softly, one arm still around Nora's shoulders.

" Since, we're already talking, and it's, today, do you think that you could tell me a few stories about dad?" Nora asked, hopingly.

" Of course Nora." Iris smiled, as her daughter snuggled up close to her, resting her head gently on her mother's shoulder.

" I'll tell you about him anytime that you want."

" Thanks, and mom, I'm sorry that I don't come to you very often. I'm going to try to do it a little more from now on." Nora said quietly, as she smiled up at her mother.

" I'd like that." Iris said softly, as gently stroked the top of her daughter's head.

More than you could know.

Both POV:

" What do you want me to tell you about him?" Iris asked kindly.

" How about whatever you think he'd want me to hear." Nora smiled.

" That sounds great." Iris smiled back.

" Mom, I love you." Nora said sincerely, happy to be with her mother.

" I love you too, Nora." Iris replied lovingly, happy to be with her daughter.

Both of their gazes fell on a picture placed on the fireplace of their passed loved one, a large and happy smile on his kind face, as if he was still watching over them.

Happy Birthday Barry.

Happy Birthday dad.

" Did I ever tell you about the time that your father took me out on our first date?"

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