Nickname Catalog

I noticed that both Nora and Bart have a lot of fun nicknames that they give to the people closest to them, and several that are even different between the two of them! Not only is it really funny and sweet to hear some of these, but it also got me trying to keep track of who they each call what, and that's when this one-shot was born!

(P.S., some of these I made up on my own, either because I wanted to make the list of names go on even longer, or mostly because we haven't heard any specific ones for them yet)

I hope you enjoy! Now, Run Reader, Run!

The sound of squeaky wheels on slick tile echoed around the cluttered space of Cisco's workshop as the scientist pushed a rolling glass board (a Star Labs speciality) over to the seating area he had arranged earlier that day, pulling it into center focus as he came to a stop.

Nora and Bart (Team Flash's kids from the future) were seated in two metal gray folding chairs in front of the board, clearly the center of conversation based on how the caller of the meeting had set everything up.

Caitlin and Ralph were both seated on various objects ranging from tall equipment boxes to bar stools that Cisco had had lying around, using them as temporary seating for the day.

They'd all just arrived a few seconds ago, especially Nora and her brother, who had come speeding in literal moments before the meeting was supposed to start.

We have super speed! Which is really good at somehow still making you late when you could be early.

For some reason that she couldn't quite describe, Nora could feel her legs slightly fidgeting with anticipation as they waited for the brief moments that it took Cisco to start speaking, her whole body wanting to follow suit, as her blue sneakers tapped against one another in a rhythm following the energy she could feel flowing through her. And she could only imagine how her even more energetic her brother was feeling.

I'm just really excited and happy right now! It's always fun getting to do things with the Team, especially since I get to do it with Dad, Mom, and Bart; it makes it twice as great.

" Okay," Cisco started, as he pulled the board back ever so slightly so as to get it exactly where he wanted it.

" I wanted to call you guys here because..."

" You have a mission for us!?" Bart exclaimed.

" With a bad guy that you need our help taking down before they can destroy the city?!" Nora blurted as well.

" And it's a mission only we can do?!" Bart finished, both of the Tornado Twins looking expectantly at who they assumed was going to be their mission giver.

Wait... if that was the case, why wouldn't they just give it to Dad?

" Nooo, " Cisco answered clearly, trying to regain his focus.

" But I love the enthusiasm." he said approvingly, as he gave Bart a high five, Nora smiling happily as he did so.

" Is it about Frost's vase?" Ralph asked worriedly, a small bead of sweat forming on his brow.

" I didn't mean to throw it out." he sighed.

" Well, I mean it wasn't really your fault. It did look like trash." Bart commented, understandingly.

" Bart!" Nora scolded, punching him roughly in the arm.

" It did not look like that!"

" Really?" he asked, skeptically.

" Well sure it was odd looking... and had random pieces of food wrapper scraps in it... and really smelled..." she trailed off.

" So like trash?" he grinned.

" Yes! I mean no!" she cried.

" Look, the point is, we all know you didn't mean to do it Ralph." Nora groaned agitatedly, Bart smirking triumphantly besides her.


" And besides Ralph that's not even... wait you already know what this meeting's about!" Cisco cried frustratedly, Nora and Bart laughing quietly at their friend's humor.

" I know, but I just feel so bad about it." he sighed.

" If it makes you feel any better, I've only heard her declare revenge on you twice today." Caitlin smiled sympathetically, as she placed her hand softly on his shoulder.

" And hey, that sounds like progress!" Bart pointed out, bringing a half-smile to the Elongated Man's face.

" Yeah, you're right! And that means that by the end of the week, maybe it'll only be one!" he exclaimed happily, once again the siblings doing their best to hold back their laughter.

Combining my good mood, being with friends, and humor? Today's already starting off great!

" So, what is the meeting about then?" Nora asked curiously, Bart just as eager to hear about what they were doing.

" Well today's meeting is all about..." Cisco said slowly, as he wrote something with a sky blue dry erase marker at the top of the clear board.

" Nicknames."

" Nicknames?" Bart asked, confusedly.

" You two haven't even been here that long, but have both used so many nicknames for each of us that it's getting a little hard to remember them all." Cisco explained.

" And it's not that they aren't all really sweet," Caitlin interjected.

" It's just that some of us don't have as great of memories." Ralph added quietly, looking in Cisco's direction as he used one hand to try and mask his words to the twins, bringing another bout of giggling from Nora as she shook her head playfully.

" Anyway, that's what today's meeting's for. Cataloging all of your guys' different names for us." Cisco finished, as he underlined Nora and Bart's names under the title, drawing a line down the middle to divide them.

" Schway!"

" Crash!"

The siblings both cried at once as they high-fived each other excitedly.

" So, that's a yes?" Cisco asked carefully, one eyebrow raised slightly in confusion.

" Yeah! It sounds like a ton of fun!" Nora exclaimed, basically bouncing in her seat.

" Woo! Let's get this party started!" Bart cried, pumping a fist in the air.

" Okay then," Cisco said as he pulled the cap off of the blue marker in his hand, surprised at their enthusiastic responses.

This sounds like it'll be fun!

" Ok, let's start with me." Cisco started, as he wrote out his own name on each side of the respective separating line.

" What is, if any, your nickname for me?" he asked, curiously.

" The Gift Bringer." Bart grinned, trying not so subtly to hint at something.

" Because you bring us so many great gifts in the future?" he smiled.

" No one's buying this." Nora laughed, commending her brother's efforts at the very least.

I mean, it's not like he's hurting anything.

" Okay fine. It's actually C." Bart admitted, Cisco thinking for a moment as he processed his new name.

" Okay, okay that's good. I can see it." he conceded, as he wrote it on Bart's side.

" What about you?" he asked, looking at Nora next.

" I call you Cister." Nora smiled happily, both hands placed on her knees as they swayed side to side.

" Sister?" he repeated, confusedly.

" No, Cister. Like Cisco. But you always take it as sister and either laugh or groan, which is why it's always been so much fun to use it when you're around. Even more so when Frost's there too. And Mom. Dad likes it too. Not so much Allegra..."

I might be rambling a little...

" Okay..." Cisco remarked, Caitlin and Ralph laughing lightly as he put her nickname up.

" What about Caitlin and Ralph?" Cisco asked next, as he gestured to their two friends.

" Oh, that's easy!" Nora cried happily.

" Auntie Kate and Uncle Ralphy!"

" And for me it's Auntie Katy and Funcle Ralph!" Bart added, Ralph straightening himself slightly at the mention of being called the fun uncle.

" Hmmm, a funcle... I can see it." he smiled proudly, Caitlin laughing quietly.

" Yeah yeah, don't get a big head..." Cisco muttered, as he wrote up the two names.

" I'm happy that you guys think of me as an Aunt." Caitlin thanked appreciatively.

" Of course Katy!" Bart exclaimed.

" Yeah, you're like the best in 2049." Nora smiled widely, Caitlin returning a warm one to the two of them in kind.

" Okay, now let's see you two take on some other names," Cisco said in a competitive tone, as he began to furiously scribble down names along the centerline.

Is he trying to beat us at his own game or something? If so, we've totally got this!

" Chester!" Cisco stated quickly,

" Ches!" Nora answered.

" R Man!" Bart added.

" Allegra!" Cisco cried, even faster.

" Sparkles!" Bart replied.

" Yeah, Sparkles for me too!" Nora agreed.

" Joe!"

" Papa Joe, though Grandpa Joe works too!" Nora answered, her and Bart's words speeding up to match Cisco's questions.

" Grandpa Joe works, but I prefer Gramps." Bart stated, quickly.

" Cecile!" Cisco cried, his hands a blur of motion across the glass board as he tried to keep up with their responses.

" Grandma and Gma Ceile!" Bart answered, both his and Nora's hand's shooting out as if it was some kind of game show that they were trying to win.

" Grandma and Mama Cecile!" Nora added, excitement coursing through her body.

" The Speed Force!" Cisco exclaimed even louder, exasperatedly.

" Big Nora!" Nora cried happily, always happy to see her semi-close cosmic family member, especially when she looked and sometimes acted like a second grandmother.

She doesn't always come around too much, but then again when she does power the literal thing coursing through your veins... though I think it's technically more so Dad and Mom's love. In both senses of the word.

" Nanna!" Bart added quickly, Caitlin and Ralph gaining confused expressions at his response.

" It's our thing," he explained, the two friends nodding in acknowledgement.

" Jay!" Cisco wheezed, starting to feel his words slur as sweat dripped down his forehead.

" Uncle Jay!" Nora answered, happily.

" Yeah!!! Uncle Jay's the best!" Bart agreed.

" Wait... did I just find one that only has a normal name from the two of you?!?" Cisco breathed quickly, his competitive and hopeful eyes lingering on the siblings.

" You didn't let me finish; I normally call him " The Golden Age Crimson Comet " and pretend to put on his hat." Bart answered, Nora nodding her head to confirm it for the others.

" You've got to be kidding me!" Cisco cried, as he slumped against the now almost full writing board.

" How... do you guys have so many?" he wheezed.

" It's a special thing that we do to show we care." Nora explained, her head rolling lightly on her shoulders as she spoke.

" And it's a way that lets us tell others that they mean a lot to us." Bart agreed.

" Well I think that it's really sweet." Caitlin smiled.

" Uuuuuuu..." Cisco moaned, as he rested his head against the middle of the board, laughter rising out of both of the siblings as he did so.

He mighttt be taking this a little bit too seriously...

" Hey guys, is this where you've been..." Barry started happily, a wide smile covering his and his wife's face as they entered the lab, until his eyes laid on his best friend.

" Um, Cisco... are you okay?" he asked slowly, not exactly sure what was going on.

" Did he have a stroke?" Iris asked Caitlin and Ralph, with a mixture of confusion and worry.

" Nah, he's just, well... being dramatic." Ralph whispered to the couple, raising short laughter from them at the irony of his words.

" Aha!!" Cisco suddenly exclaimed, as he jumped back onto his feet, wearing a look of something that some would call crazed.

" What's theirs'?" he asked quickly, the blue pen back in his hand and ready to write.

" Ummm, maybe you should sit down for a few minutes..." Nora advised.

" No, just two more, please!" he pleaded, the entire group shrugging at his pleas.

I mean, two more wouldn't hurt, right?

" Okay," she agreed, Bart nodding as well.

" Yes! Alright, Barry, what's Barry's?" he asked frantically.

" I like to call him Pops! Well he likes it, and it's okay for me. Could do better." Bart explained, Barry and Iris laughing lightly at his humor.

" I just like to call him Dad, because there's nothing more special I could call him." Nora smiled warmly as she looked in her father's direction, a large, warm smile covering his face.

" Ok, what about her?" Cisco asked, as he pointed at Iris, after muttering a small grunt at his first failed attempt.

" Mom!" Both Nora and Bart stated at the same time, happily.

" Wait... really?!?" Cisco questioned, excitedly.

" Yeah, I mean, I feel like Mom's the best name we can give to someone we love as much as her." Bart smiled happily, Nora sharing one in kind as she shook her head in agreement.

Iris' face lit up with warmth as she listened to her two kids' kind words, and saw their loving smiles, Iris sharing a loving and happy one of her own with them as well.

We mean it, our parents are the best.

" Yes! Yes! I did it!" Cisco exclaimed merrily, as he jumped up and down.

" I found someone who you two don't have any nicknames for! Yes!" he exclaimed, as he furiously jolted Iris' down as just mom, though she thought that it was better than anything else that could've been written.

" Great job Cisco." Nora giggled, watching as he jumped around his lab.

" Yes... whoo!" Cisco heaved, as he slumped down onto the ground, exhaustedly.

" Did it take a lot out of you to beat us?" Bart grinned, as Cisco's eyelids started to get heavy.

" Yeah... a little." he admitted, a chorus of low laughter coming from everyone else.

" I think I'm just gonna..." he trailed off, before pretending to fall asleep, though sincerely exchausted.

" Do we even want to know what was going on?" Barry laughed, as Caitlin pulled out a blanket from a shelf nearby.

" No, I think you're good." she laughed back, as she gently rested it over her friend's sleeping form.

" He's so cute when he's sleeping!" Ralph cried in a cutesy voice, making everyone laugh once more.

" Well, I'd still call that fun!" Bart exclaimed to his sister.

" Yeah! It was really schway just to see how many great people we have in our lives." Nora smiled, appreciatively.

" And watch Cisco freak out?" Bart asked.

" And definitely watching Cisco freak out." Nora agreed quickly, both of the siblings laughing happily with one another.

It's so great to have him with me. Even if sometimes he does drive me crazy, it always ends up being worth it.

" Oh wait, why did you guys come here again?" Bart asked, as he and Nora turned to their parents.

" Yeah, you said that you were looking for us?" Nora added, smiling widely.

" Oh, well we were just coming to see if you guys wanted to head out to that new pizza restaurant for lunch today," Barry explained.

" And you two are more than welcome to come if you want." he added, as he looked at Caitlin and Ralph.

" Thanks, but we actually both have lunch plans with Frost." Ralph explained.

" You know, trying to say sorry for a certain something I did..." he trailed off, Bart mouthing the words "Trash" to Nora, who just rolled her eyes annoyedly, but with a little bit of playfulness.


" How does that sound to you guys though?" Iris asked their kids, as Barry gently put his arm around her shoulders.

" It sounds..." they started, before being cut off by their parents.

" Crash?" Barry interjected.

" Schway?" Iris grinned.

" Dad!"

" Mom!"

" What've we told you guys' about trying to sound cool?" Nora groaned, echoing her brother's sentiments.

" We can't help it sometimes." Barry grinned, pretending to shrug innocently.

" Just leave being cool to us Pops." Bart grinned, giving Barry a clap on the shoulder before doing a small spin, Barry and Iris both laughing lightly at their kids' mutual displeasure with their attempts.

" Well, we can always leave going out to lunch for just us too," Iris noted, Barry's expression one of playful agreement.

" Well, we didn't say that." Nora protested, as both her and Bart walked over to them by the door.

" Yeah, I mean why wouldn't we want to hang out with you guys? Unless of course you're being embarrassing." Bart added with a smirk, his parents laughing as he left the cluttered space known as Cisco's lab.

" And besides, with parents' like you, who wouldn't wanna be with you guys?" Nora smiled, giving her parents a light hug, of which they returned in kind, warm smiles on their faces, before she joined her brother.

I'm so lucky to have so many great friends, and such a great family.

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