Infinite Time, Infinite Loops, Infinite Love

Dedicated to damianflashpoint and AgentofDreams989 for all of their super awesome and wholesome support of me and work. Thanks so much guys! I've been in a bit of a writer's block for a while now, but the two of you have really been great at helping me with that. Thanks so much! And I hope you two enjoy!

This one-shot is based on The Flash Season Nine, Episode One, Wednesday Ever After, so if you haven't watched it, spoilers ahead!

I enjoyed this episode so, so, so, so much! Not only do I love a great time loop episode (Season Five's, Arrow Season Eight, Etc.), but I find the whole thing an amazing mixture of humorous, sweet, and just pure heart-meltingly full of love. What better way to start off a season than with an episode just for West-Allen!

Inspired by that episode, where the married couple get trapped in an infinite time loop after getting into a fight with one another, this will be a story about a bunch of those said loops, full of humor, heart, and quite a bit of emotional arguing, just like the episode! Alongside a recreation of some of those scenes in here too. Like a mixture of a retelling of the story, with my own elements.

So I guess, a poorly done retailing? (LOL)

But to just restate if I hadn't made it clear above... I LOVE THIS EPISODE! (Caps to show happy screaming)

(P.S., forgive all the promotional stuff on Barry and Iris' wedding photo, I couldn't really find one without it lol)

So now that you've read that, it's time for you to do your thing reader!

Run Reader, Run!

The warm morning sunlight shone gently through the West-Allen Loft's second story window as its gentle glow illuminated everything it touched, warming the cozy white walls and personal belongings of the people inside, falling across the king bed in what was home to the spacious room's two resting residents, the pair quietly sleeping together as a flock of chirping birds flew past outside.

Everything seemed like a calm and peaceful morning, except... it hadn't been the first one in the last few days.

As Barry's eyes slowly opened, he groggily reached out from beneath the warm safety of his covers and grabbed his phone from the nearby nightstand, the picture of him and his wife on their wedding day staring back at him happily from his wallpaper.

He still remembered that day as vividly as if it had happened yesterday. And not the parts about Nazis, or The Reverse Flash, or Oliver and Felicity (sorry guys), but everything that had changed about his life that day.

That black tux that Oliver'd helped him pick out.

Meeting a certain quirky and energetic waiter for the first time.

Seeing Iris gracefully walk down the aisle to him, Joe following alongside her. The long, flowing elegant white gown she wore just as breathtaking as anything that she'd ever worn.

The day(s) that he got to marry the love of his life.

B: That's how I want to make everyday for us. How I want to keep her; happy, and safe.

But the main thing that he was looking at was the date that appeared at the top of it, jarring his memory in full as to what was going on around him.

" Is it still Wednesday?" Iris moaned, not moving from her laying position on her side as she spoke.

" Yep," Barry sighed, as he laid back down next to her, his bare muscular chest getting warmed by the morning sunlight from just behind the curtained windows.

" Uuuhhhh..." groaned Iris, as she just threw her fluffy white pillow over her head and pulled it tightly over her, something that Barry had wanted to do a great many times considering the four other loops the pair had already gone through.

I: I really hate Wednesdays.

" What are we going to do? We can't just keep doing the same thing forever." Iris asked, her red hair pulled up into a light pink nightcap, the white nightgown that covered the rest of her body only barely poking above the covers.

" We won't," he reassured her, as he gently rubbed her bare arm, trying his best to temper his own anxieties about their situation, Iris half-smiling back at him appreciatively.

It didn't matter how many times that he got stuck in a time loop, it would never not be a stressful ordeal. Except he already knew how to get them out of here. It was just a matter of exactly... when that would happen.

" Chester and I already started work on the Accelerator's core, and I'm sure we'll have it down soon." Barry explained.

" And all you have to do is just keep going to work until we can solve this." he added, though his wife quickly picked up on what he was suggesting.

" And what, just say yes?" Iris scoffed, frustratedly, as she threw the blue covers off of her and tossed her legs out of bed, her bare feet feeling the warm coziness of the pink slippers she had slipped them into.

" Well, yeah. I mean, how could you not?" Barry laughed, confusedly, as he watched her pull a pink robe over her arms, before moving over to the brown oakwood vanity dresser they had by one of the windows, tossing the hair net she'd used aimlessly to the side.

" Because of the book?" Iris sighed, as she sat down, grasping her favorite hairbrush.

" Yes!" Barry exclaimed happily, as he jumped out of bed and over to his wife, a wide smile covering his face.

" All we have to do is follow the book, and we'll get everything we always wanted." Barry said softly, as he rested his head on top of Iris', looking at her through the mirror in front of them.

" We'll have our future. And nothing will be able to take that away from us."

B: No Savitar, no Mirrorverse, no Time Sickness or Thawne. I'll never lose you again.

" Barry, you do your part of the day, and I'll do mine. Okay?" Iris sighed with a light frown, slightly defeatedly, as she just continued to brush her long rose red hair.

I: Since it's not like I have much of a say in whatever happens next. Or in my own life I guess.

Barry could tell that something was bothering his wife, something that seemed to have been doing so since before the time loop around them had even started, but the problem was, he didn't even know where it was coming from.

B: She seemed fine before we ended the first day; what am I missing?

It doesn't really matter, soon enough neither of us will even have to ask each other what's wrong, because we'll already know by just looking in the book!

Weirdly... I can't see whatever this is in there though...

" I love you," Barry told her softly, as he planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head, trying to muster up a half smile, though it didn't really get that far.

" I love you too," Iris told him back, meeting his gaze through the mirror with a half smile of her own, to tell him that would never change.

I: Our love'll never change.

Barry slowly turned away, before speeding off to take a shower, like he had the past "four" days since this loop had started, as Iris then went back to brushing out her hair, the same sequence of events that had burned themselves into the West-Allens' heads starting up once again.

B: Let's just hope I don't die this time...

Iris glanced over at the dirty blue and white patterned sock that laid on top of her dresser next to her, annoyedly brushing it into the nearby laundry bin as she uncovered the comb she had been looking for.

I: If we were going to get stuck in a time loop, did I have to start everyday off with Barry's dirty socks in my face?

" Babe, I swear, when we get out of this time loop, I better not see any more socks out of that bin!" Iris called frustratedly, as she pulled the brush through her delicate rose hair another time, tearing off the small calendar's next date sheet in front of her as she did so.

" Sorry!"

And thus concluded the start of the couple's Wednesday morning, one of many, many, many more to come.

I: I don't want to have everything planned out for me. Know exactly how my entire life, entire future is going to play out. I just want to be able to live it, to choose it, to experience all those special firsts, with him. But I just can't seem to get him to understand that.

Iris walked into the CCC Media headquarter's main floor, the building that was home to the business she'd spent the last several years building from the ground up.

She hadn't been back there in weeks, having been gone on an "extended vacation" when her Time Sickness had made her disappear, this being her first day back since the entire ordeal.

So now she got to relive that day over, and over, and over again, along with the amazing opportunity of the bombshell decision she was always being forced into making right at the end.

The dark red jacket and black undershirt that Iris wore matched perfectly with the clicking of her heels as she and her mentee entered the office, turning what had once been one of Iris' favorite outfits before she had gotten stuck in the same day over and over again, into one that she would be glad to have gone as soon as the time curse was broken.

" It's great to have you back here Boss," Allegra explained, a clipboard clutched tightly in her left arm, as the two women made their way through the white walled office space that was bustling with life and activity.

" Viewership..."

" Has been up twenty percent since the Black Hole attack two weeks ago." Iris finished for her friend, having listened to this same conversation a hundred times at this point.

I: Well not literally. Wait... I'd know that, right?

" You've made a lot of progress with everyone here, watch out." Iris continued, as she pulled Allegra to the side, easily avoiding her fellow reporter that was about to collide with her.

" It's great to see you too." Iris said quickly to her employee as she cut her off, then turning and heading into her office, leaving both Allegra and the fellow Citizen member momentarily stunned and confused, before the former followed her boss inside.

" Okay, that was freaky." Allegra commented, Iris letting out a long sigh as she sat down in her seat, running a hand through her red haired scalp.

I: So I've heard.

" But you'll never be able to guess the surprise." Allegra smiled, ready to drop what she was sure would be the biggest news of the year on her boss.

" Cat Grant wants to buy out CCC Media to expand its global footprint around the world, it's just like the one that Nora and Bart are always talking about in the future, this is how it all begins, it's my future, no matter what I say or how I feel about it, and the only thing I have to do is say yes?" Iris questioned, as she leaned forward exhaustedly in her brown desk chair and put her head in her hands, speaking more to herself than she was Allegra.

I: Four times I've heard that now. That doesn't include listening to it bounce around in my own head, or hear Barry tell me about it every three seconds, or just thinking about the weight of everything that rests on it with the sacred book. I can recite it like a well known source now.

" Um, who told you?" Allegra asked with a nervous laugh, shaking her head once confusedly, as she had been doing since her boss had arrived to work that morning, only it had been far from the first time for Iris.

" Lucky guess." Iris sighed, getting more and more upset the more she thought about it.

And she didn't mean the loop.

I: Maybe both.

" Soooo, is that a yes?" Allegra asked, hopingly.

" That's a I need more coffee." Iris quickly stated, with a hint of sharpness, biting her lower lip as she nodded at her friend, exhaustedly.

I: A lot more coffee...

" So... we've tried this a different time?" Chester asked confusedly, as he stood across from his speedster friend, a glowing orange tech piece sitting on the desk in front of him, the two Team Flash members sitting inside Chester's lab as they looked over the nuclear core for the mobile Particle Accelerator.

B: I still can't believe there's a mobile version of this thing.

" Yep. Three actually." Barry confirmed, his eyes still locked on the illuminated liquid inside the cylinder.

" And... we died?" Chester croaked, nervously.

" Yeah," Barry agreed, distractedly, before he quickly turned back to his friend, noticing the fear in his voice.

" Oh, but don't worry. If we do die, time'll just reset again until we get this right." the speedster reassured him, patting him lightly on the shoulder before leaning back in closer for another look.

B: Over, and over, and over again.

" Yayyyy...." Chester chuckled nervously, following his leader's lead as he leaned in next to him.

" So... what did we try last time?" the scientist asked, curiously.

" Well, all we did was touch it, and it..." Barry started, as he watched Chester reach out with a small tool to feel it's casing, being too late to warn him.

" Chester wait!" Barry cried, getting it out half-way before his friend unknowingly set off the unstable device, a massive wave of orange light exploding from the nuclear core.

B: Not again!

And then everything was gulfed in white light as Barry was struck by the blast, everything fading into darkness as he closed his eyes for what was surely to be the last time.

Except it wasn't.

" AAH!!!" Barry shouted as he threw himself upright in his warm blue comforter covered bed, feeling his bare chest where his tan sweater had been moments ago, no searing nuclear hole residing in him.

B: Oh my God - I, I just died again!

" AAHH!!!" Iris cried as she threw herself up next to him, back in her morning clothes and night cap, panting heavily from the dose of shock she'd received from her husband's sudden exclamation, tightly gripping the covers to her chest with both hands.

I: Oh my God! He just gave me another heart attack! I can't even feel my chest right now!

Both of them just stared across at each other, breathing heavily as they were back in their bed together, the "new day" of Wednesday fresh for them to seize, again.

" Ready for round five?" Barry laughed, nervously, both of the pair's hearts beating loudly against their chests.

Iris just let out a long groan as she rolled her eyes at her husband's joke, turning and putting on her fuzzy pink slippers once again.

" What? It was funny!" Barry protested, following right after her, the day's event continuing the same from there, only going on for far longer than just one day.

B: I'm funny...

Montage Music Start...

(Play This while reading the next section. It goes along with the story until the Montage Music End Statement)

" What do you say?" Allegra asked, once again staring hopingly from across her boss' desk at her.

" I don't know." Iris responded, trying to avoid the question, like she had been every other time Allegra had asked her.

" What do you say?" Allegra asked, in another day's loop.

" Just some more coffee." Iris answered shortly, nodding shortly as she heard the question of the century once more.

" What do you say?"

" Not right now."

" What do you say?"

" How about some more coffee?"

" What do you say?"

" Just some coffee. Thank you."

" What do you say?"

" Coffee. I say I need coffee."

" What do you say?"

" You wanna know what I say?" Iris laughed with a light hint of bitterness, holding back the urge to scream at the top of her lungs as she threw herself back in her chair, shaking her head frustratedly from side to side.

" I need a drink." she stated, Allegra confusedly blinking back at her.

" Bring in the wine." Iris asked, a painful smile matching the strained tone of her voice, giving up after having been broken by the indescribable number of times she'd had to live this exact, same, terrible moment, over and over again.

I: You know what? I am going to say yes; yes to having a drink.

" So what if we lightning blast it? But you know, in a very low dose?" Chester suggested, standing a few feet back as orange electricity sparked off of Barry's fingertips, now dressed in a comically overweight brown bodysuit.

" I mean, it's worth a shot..." Barry said cautiously, as he let a small blast go from the tip of his index finger, the orange liquid inside the cylinder immediately pulsating angrily the second it touched it.

" Here we go again." Barry thought, having just enough time to roll his eyes before the resulting explosion.


" What about cryo freezing?"


" We could send it to Argus to see if Cisco could help us?"


" What about using the Speed Force?"


" Maybe we could try diffusing it with Mr. Palmer's shrink tech?"


" What if we..."

" I think if we use our own Accelerator we could counteract this one's core." Barry stated abruptly, his tone short and frustrated as he cut his friend off, grabbing the volatile core and blasting out of the lab.

" Barry, I'm not sure that's a..."


" AAHH!!" Barry screamed, as he shot upright in bed, his heart beating loudly against his chest as he took in multiple deep breaths.

" AAAHH!!" shrieked Iris as she bolted up next to him, flailing all about as she was startled awake, before tightly gripping the sheets once more, quickly turning and smacking Barry roughly in the arm with her pillow.

The general trend for the next several "days" to come.

" AHH!!"

" AHHH!!"

" AHHHH!!"


" AHHH!!!"

" AAHHH!!!"

" AHHHH!!!"

" AAHHH!!!"

" AHAHAHHH!!!" Barry cried as he shot up from a rather frightening last attempt, accidentally scaring his wife senseless.

" AAAAAHHH!!!" Iris screamed as she was thrown awake, jumping up in shock as she threw herself straight off the bed, taking all of the two's sheets down with her as she went.

Barry just crawled to her side of the bed as he slowly peered down over its side, seeing Iris laying face first on the polished floorboards in a pile of the soft sheets she had taken with her, her limbs strewn in awkward positions all around her.

Iris looked up sorely as she saw Barry's apologetic grimace, a large mess of her formerly netted hair down and covering her face, as she just let it hit the ground once more, letting out a long moan as she did so.

B: Not our best morning...

I: Not our best morning by a longshot, ugh...

Montage Music End...

" What if we got Felicity to help us over the computer...

" BOOM!!!" Rang in Barry's ear as his eyes shot open once more, though this time his body not following him, as he had become rather accustomed to this whole process now.

He quickly reached over and grasped his phone, hoping, dreaming beyond all belief that it had all just been some long nightmare he had been trapped in last night.

That it would say Thursday on his phone, that it had never been a time loop, that his and Iris' future was back on track.

But as soon as he saw the words February second on them, he knew that he was all out of luck.

B: Because of course we are!

He quickly threw himself back down onto his bed as he grabbed the pillow out from behind his head, screaming loudly into it as he let every ounce of air he had explode out through his lungs, all of it being lost noiselessly (well, mostly) to the sound dampener he also chose to use as a pillow at night.

He just let its soft and fluffy form rest on his head for a few extra seconds as he laid perfectly still, waiting for the full effects of his frustration to fade away before he poked his head back into the real world, or however much it could be considered to be that right now anyway.

B: At least I didn't wake Iris up this time... and if I still have her here with me, then things can't...

But much to his surprise, when he looked over at where his wife had been everytime that they'd woken up in this loop, where she'd been everytime he could remember since they'd been together unless something had forced them apart, right by his side, she wasn't there.

And it immediately sent Barry's mind into panic mode.

" Iris?" Barry questioned worriedly, as he threw the covers off himself, jumping out of bed as he frantically looked all around for her.

" Iris?" Barry called frantically, getting no response, before he blasted out of the pair's bedroom, desperate to find where his partner had gone.

B: She, she has to be alright! She's gotta be okay! I can't have lost her again! What if it's her Time Sickness, back again? What if the Forces are trying to kill her again? If Thawne killed her again?!

Though the speedster's search was stopped comedically short the moment that he reached the base of the Loft's stairs.

" There you are Barry!" Iris cried happily, dressed in her white nightgown and pink robe as she stood behind the white and gray marbled countertop of the two's kitchen.

" I was wondering when you'd get down here," she laughed, smiling at him.

I: Even in a Time Loop he's still a late sleeper.

" Um, yeah, I was just... a little late I guess." Barry noted, confusedly.

" What are you already doing up?" he asked, scanning his wife carefully to make sure that she was okay.

" Just wanted to get a little bit of a headstart on the day, that's all." his wife explained, as she took a wine bottle from the nearby shelving row of them, placing it down next to a pair of wine glasses that had already been set out.

" Have you been drinking?" Barry asked, with a mixture of confusion and worry.

" Yeah!" Iris confirmed happily, that same somewhat forced smile glued to her face.

B: I can't tell if that's from the alcohol, time loop, or at me...

" Um, why?" Barry laughed, shortly.

" Well, I was thinking..." Iris started, as she grasped one of the few large bottles that sat on the countertop next to her, taking them and the two glasses over to the couch as she laid them out on the coffee table in front of it.

" If we're going to be trapped in here forever..." she continued, as she poured two large glasses of the dark red substance for them.

" Why not have a little bit of fun?" Iris smiled, as she crossed her legs over one another, before downing almost all of her glass in one swift gulp, letting its tasty fruity flavor slide through her mouth and splash against the back of throat as she swallowed it, Barry just watching slightly dumbstruck as she did so.

I: He really thinks I'm drunk right now. Well... I'm not yet.

" And before you ask, I'm not drunk. I haven't even been up that long." she remarked, as she finished the last of her drink.

B: That's not exactly good news.

" Want a glass?" she asked, as she held the other wine cup out to him.

" Aren't you worried about work?" Barry pointed out, noting that even if she was fine now, his wife was sure to not be later that day.

I: He still doesn't see it!

" Why? So I can go and relieve the same day over, and over, and over again? Just doing the same exact thing? Don't you see Barry! Nothing we do matters!" Iris laughed, with a mixture of frustration and sadness.

" No matter what we do, we're still going to be trapped here, still relieving the same day forever, and still just living the life that's decided for us." she continued, as she poured herself another glass.

" So why even try to do anything? Why not, for the first time in weeks, I just finally take a day to relax. Not do anything. Not worry about anything." Iris finished, letting out a sigh of pent up stress as she tried to let her body relax, taking another sip of her drink.

I: It doesn't matter what I want to say, what I want to do, how I want to live; because it's all already been decided for me.

But that's not what I want.

" I'm going to find a way to get us out of here." Barry reassured her, as he sat down next to Iris, placing his hand gently on top of hers.

" It already says that we escape, we have to so everything else in here can come true. It can't be too much longer then until we end this and get things back to normal." Barry explained, gesturing to the brown covered book in his hand.

B: That's all we'll ever have to do, just follow the mapbook.

I: That's all we'll ever have to do, just follow the mapbook.

" And until then, all I have to do is just say yes." Iris finished solemnly for him, as her eyes became glued to the carpet under her slippered feet.

" Yes! Exactly!" Barry agreed, happily, slowly noticing his wife's pain at saying the phrase.

" Wait, have you not been saying yes?" Barry questioned, with a hint of sharpness in his voice.

" Did you say no?!"

" No!" Iris protested, as she quickly looked at him, thinking about the many, many, many times that she had been forced so hard into giving an answer.

" I haven't said anything yet." she admitted.

B: I don't know what's going on with you, yet. But staying home isn't an option! She has to say yes so she can get her bigger business, win her two pulitzers, meet Nora and Bart!

" Iris you have to say yes!" Barry exclaimed, as he threw himself out of his seat, panic and frustration coursing through his veins.

" Because the book says it?" Iris questioned, with a light raise of her eyebrows.

" Yes!" Barry cried, happily, tapping the mapbook a few times for emphasis.

" Then no thanks." Iris scoffed, as she got up and walked across the room, still holding her wine glass, Barry standing up confusedly thereafter.

" What?" Barry asked, confusedly.

" If I have to choose between being stuck in a time loop and having the rest of my life decided for me," she started, before taking a few seconds and downing an entire glass of her wine in one go.

" I say, I'll have some more martineli." she said firmly, making her stance clear as she held the now empty glass out in her hand.

" Iris, I don't understand." Barry said, his voice rising as his mind struggled to wrap itself around his wife's words.

" Don't you want to get everything we have in our future? Get that life we've always wanted?" he asked, pointedly, as he threw himself onto his feet.

" I don't want to know everything that's gonna happen and when it's going to happen!" Iris exclaimed.

" But it guarantees us a life where we're safe!" Barry countered, hitting his special book multiple times on its cover.

" At the cost of our free will!" Iris shot back, throwing her hand out in frustration.

" Don't you want to actually get to live that future? Instead of having anything already decided for us?" Iris cried, both of the emotion in the two lovers' voices starting to grow intensely.

" Don't you want to grow old together?" Barry asked softly, his voice becoming lower and gentler as he moved over to his wife and gently took her hands in his.

" Don't you want to meet Nora and Bart? Our kids, as babies?" he asked again, his thoughts still swirling with the favorite parts of the future he'd seen for them. All the parts with his family.

I: I want that more than anything Barry.

The thoughts of their kids, of their future together, of everything they had ever wanted, brought a swell of emotional love to both of the pair's hearts, agreeing more passionately than anything that they wanted it more than anything imaginable.

Only, in different ways.

" Do you even want that future anymore?" Barry pressed, a light spark of anger brewing in his chest, as he was not able to see where all of his wife's indecisiveness was coming from.

" Of course!" Iris cried back, tears forming in her watery eyes as her voice started to crack.

" I just want to be able to choose it." she croaked, devastated by the argument the two were sharing.

All over a future they had been dreaming about together for years. Only to realize, they weren't on the same page anymore.

" I thought you already had." Barry stated hurtly, Iris unable to even respond as they just looked at one another for several moments, their saddened eyes meeting one another's, only not in the usual loving way they always had.

This time, with frustration, sorrow, and most of all, brokenhearted.

" I need some air." Barry sighed, as he turned and super-sped out of the two's Loft, Iris' rose hair blowing briefly in his wake as she was left alone, silence falling over the home that was once full of happiness and love.

B: How did I still lose you?

I: How did we get here?

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours to the edges of the late night, the world outside the Loft that Iris called home shifting along with it as she slowly watched the sun rise and fall, the silverlit moon taking its place not long thereafter.

Waiting lonelily as she laid on the comfy cushions in the apartment's bay window, the same spot she had spent almost the entire day, staring up at its top panes and the ocean of stars glistening overhead, knowing that somewhere out there, it was doing the same for her other half.

I: I just wish that other half was here right now.

She was laying in the same spot where her husband had proposed to her what seemed like a lifetime ago, though the song and memory of his wonderful smile, heartfelt and breathtaking words, and gently asked question as he got down on one knee and asked her to be a part of his life forever, still seemed as vivid as the night it happened.

For what they shared, the love they had for each other, nothing could ever truly break.

I: Because for all that tries to break us apart, I know he'll always come running home to me. Because there is no Barry without Iris, and no Iris without Barry.

But more than anything, Iris just missed her everything.

I: I know that we don't see things the same way. But, I know where he's coming from. He's afraid of losing me. And after everything that happened with Thawne, I can't blame him.

I mean, I was afraid too. Of my Time Sickness, of dying, of losing my future with my family.

I just don't want that to drive us moving forward.

I don't want to give up my freedom, my life, our life, just so we can be safe. Because then, are we really living at all?

But honestly, all I really want right now is to talk to him, to find a way for us to make up and move past this. But the real problem is, how can we do that if we still see things so differently?

A gentle gust of wind blew its way into the Loft's darkly lit room, a brief flash of orange light already announcing who the visitor was. Not that it could've really been anyone else, considering they had been in this time loop for around forty-five days and not once had anyone dropped by in any of them.

Iris pulled herself upright to see the face of the person she'd spent the entire day thinking about, her husband's expression one that seemed more soft, calmer than it had before.

Though the hints of sorrow in his expression reminded her why he had left, and they had fought, in the first place.

" Hey," Iris said quietly, a light half-smile covering her face as she looked at him.

" You were gone all day." she commented, noting the darkness in the loft around them, only the gentle moonlight from the glass panes behind her illuminating the room.

" Had a lot to think about." Barry sighed, as he sat down next to her, Iris gently scooting to the side to give him more room, before a few seconds of silence passed, the latter noticing the brown handwritten book still clutched in her partner's grasp.

B: And someone to go see.

" I haven't changed my mind." Iris frowned, as her eyes fell slightly downwards, not wanting to meet her partner.

I: I don't want to fight with him again, but I can't just ignore my feelings either.

" I know, I know - but I have." Barry replied softly, causing Iris to look up confusedly at him to see the warm glowing smile he was wearing.

" This mapbook," Barry started, as he held the book with both hands, looking over the hand-made binding and cover he'd placed over it just earlier "that week".

" It's a love story," he continued, running his hand gently along it, thinking of the many things he had already seen, already knew would come, that he couldn't wait to see, the people he wanted more than anything to meet.

" But it's just a story." Barry smiled, as he turned it over in his other hand and put it at his side, now fully looking at his beautiful wife as he smiled warmly at her.

" The real deal, that's you and me." he said lovingly, as he lightly let his shoulder touch hers, reaching out with his other hand and gently brushing some of his wife's rose hair behind her ear, speaking straight from his heart with each of his words.

B: Joe was right. I can do everything in my power to protect her. I can try and control every little thing about our lives and know that we'll both always be together and safe. But there's nothing about any of that that says she's happy. Because something I wasn't seeing was, I wasn't there with her. In any of what I was laying out. Not really.

I was ten steps ahead already laying out the next day's little details, while leaving her alone in the present.

And if I'm not spending my time in the best way possible, using every last moment of it with the love of my life, the best person on this Earth, the person who's been best friend's with me since I was ten, the one who's going to be a parent with me someday in the future; then what am I even trying to protect?

And I'll still get to have all these memories. These firsts, with everyone in here. But the most important part of it, of my story, Iris, means more to me than these words ever could.

" Really?" Iris asked softly, Barry nodding his head softly in acknowledgment.

" Even if we have to keep reliving the same day forever?" she asked gently, knowing that the already many loops they had gone through had taken its toll on both of them.

" Spending eternity with the most wonderful woman on the planet?" the speedster inquired, gently taking the soft hand of his partner in his own.

" That sounds perfect to me." Barry smiled warmly, bringing a loving one in kind out of his wife next to him, as she gently squeezed his hand in her own.

I: He did see where I was coming from. And he's willing to give up everything he's been holding onto, everything in that book. Just for me. Words can't describe how much that means to me.

Without another word, Barry slowly got up off the bay window's soft seating and walked over to the Loft's unlit fireplace, a few logs of wood resting under the black metal grate that sat atop it. He carefully leaned down and placed his mapbook on the black grate, taking one last look at its brown binded cover, the things that were inside it, the memories he wanted so much more than anything else to make.

B: But that's the great part about a story, we always have time to write it, and the ability to make it into anything you want. And right now, all I want is to live my life with my everything, Iris.

" Wait!" Iris suddenly called, stopping him mid-action from destroying his work, as she rushed over to her husband and looked up into his emotional blue eyes as she lightly gripped his jacketed arm.

" Are you sure?" she asked softly, her sincere and genuine question truer than almost anything she had told him that day.

I: I could never force him to do something he doesn't want to do. To give up on something he cares about so much. That's not fair to him.

" I'm sure about you." Barry stated lovingly, before he shot a short flicker of lightning from his index finger that caught on the firewood a few feet away, the resulting fire flickering upwards as its flames began to burn the small book away.

" And I'm sure about us." he finished, smiling lovingly as he turned back to his everything, Iris gently placing both of her hands on her husband's cheeks as she smiled back at him.

The love that moved between the pair's touch, their smiles, and just the twinkling in their eyes, reflected off of the gently crackling fire beside them, illuminating the true love that they would always feel towards each other.

And without another word, the two leaned into a romantic kiss, just letting their lips rest against one another's softly as the quiet night outside rolled by without a sound in the background, the gentle flames of the fire across from them signifying the bond that had been repaired by the lovers, one that could never truly be broken.

B: I've always been sure of us.

I: There's nothing I've ever been more sure of than us.

The two stayed locked together for a time they didn't even know themselves, just letting the warm, happy embrace of their partner flood their body as they held each other's hearts close, never feeling like they needed a single thing more than the person across from them.

" And besides..." Thought Barry, his eyes opening for only a brief moment as he looked across at the crackle of light in the fireplace that had once acted more as a chain than a guide, an even larger smile slowly spreading across his face.

" We'll have all the time we'll ever need."

He closed his eyes as he leaned back into the enchanting kiss with his wife, leaving behind the world around him as the two passionately embraced each other, focusing on the only thing that mattered; each other.

B/I: Because when I have you, I don't need anything else.

Barry gently stirred in his bed once more as the early morning's warm touch cast itself across the two's bedroom, the sound of chirping birds fluttering quietly past the room's windows being the only noise that came to him, besides the soft peaceful breathing of his partner beside him.

The speedster let out a quiet sigh as he felt the sun's rays fall across his face, letting his muscles relax as he rested in the comfort of his warm cozy bed, right next to the person he loved with his entire heart.

He slowly reached over and grabbed his phone for what had been an unthinkable number of times at this point, its same familiar date and time still unchanged.

But in all honesty, that didn't even seem to matter anymore.

B: All of this, this time loop, it can't be that bad if that means I get to spend every minute of it with my wife. And honestly, if we are trapped here forever, is there any other way I'd want to live?

Barry smiled as he looked at the picture on his phone once more, the wedding with the most perfect woman on the planet, his wife, glowing back up at him with a sincerity that was unmatched by anything else.

B: Because we're always going to be like that when we're with each other. Happy.

Barry quietly placed his phone back on the nightstand as he moved himself back into his cozy spot on the blue-comfortered bed, gently wrapping an arm over his wife's semi-sleeping form as he pulled her close to his bare chest.

" Still Wednesday, huh?" Iris asked quietly, her eyes still shut as she rested against her husband's loving form.

" Yeah," Barry answered, nodding his head lightly with his response.

" Still Wednesday."

" Good," Iris smiled, as she just gently snuggled closer to Barry's heart.

" Because I don't feel like leaving this today." she admitted, happily.

I: You know, maybe Wednesdays aren't so bad after all.

" Me too." Barry smiled warmly, as he gently placed one of his hands on her arm and stroked it lovingly, before giving the top of her head a small kiss, closing his eyes and letting his own body rest again, feeling more at peace from Iris' touch than anything else could ever bring him.

B: No matter what life brings, what villains try to hurt us, what dark futures we have to rewrite, dimensions we have to cross, planes we have to reach, I know that we're always going to be okay. Because we have each other, and one day, we'll get to have the family we want, too.

And with a love as strong as ours, there'll never be any force strong enough to break it.

And thanks to this time loop, regardless of how much longer we might be stuck here, I'll be thankful for every moment. Because it helped remind us just how great our love for each other truly is.


And most of all, remind us how perfect our story already is. And will be, as long as she's in it with me.

" Me too."

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