If I Could Freeze Time
Dedicated to AgentofDreams989, damianflashpoint, joshuasmith943, and luciferandchloe2021 for all their amazing support of my work, thank you guys! :)
Hey everyone! So This One-Shot was inspired by the idea; what if Barry and Iris tried to make a few minutes last a day? Kind of like how Iris was saying in season 8 that with a speedster, you can live a day in a few seconds... just kind of the reverse meaning of that idea lol.
For fun, this one is going to take place during season three of the show, between the time before Barry proposes to Iris, but after the time that they've moved in together, just for a little bit of context.
I'm not sure I would call it my bestest work, but you never know! Sometimes the things I think come out the worst are the things that everyone loves the most! (Also this has been sitting around for a long time so I figured I finally post it lol)
Now that that's out of the way, time to jump right into the story! Run Reader, Run!
The sound of copying machines and furious typing echoed all throughout the many windowed office space of Picture News, Central City's most trusted and popular news outlet (or at least so read their slogan beneath the large sign outside for all to see).
The smell of freshly printed paper and coffee hung like a thick cloud in the multi-desked space, though that was more of a normal occurrence than a consequence of this panic mode.
Bustling people rushed past one another as they all raced to get back to their desks and their work, eager to try and have it completed before the upcoming closing time that was fast approaching.
One of said employees, Iris West, had already downed three cups of coffee just that afternoon, and showed up early to get her own personal passion project done before the chaotic storm she knew would roll over into the office today after the mayor's speech.
And her outward appearance seemed to match the tiredness she felt on the inside.
Her normally long slick black hair was thrown up in uneven bunches all around her shoulders, brushing lightly against the black work suit and white undershirt that was messily wrinkled against her body.
That, along with the tired bags under her eyes, all complemented the mess of scratched out papers, pens, and empty coffee cups that lay strewn all across the small work station.
" And I'm just about... done!" Iris thought as she finished typing the last few words into her article, leaning back in her silver desk chair exhaustively as a mixture of relief and pride flooded her tired body.
She loved doing her job, loved making a difference, but that didn't mean that it wasn't taxing sometimes. And even after a year of working there, she still wasn't really adjusted to the long hours her job could bring.
I miss when I thought reporting was boring.
" And somehow... I think I might need to go get myself another coffee." Iris laughed to herself between a long yawn, feeling the most recent empty cup that sat next to her.
At least I got that piece about Metahumans out to Mr. Baxon's office this morning, even if it did take me twice as long to finish as I thought it would. I think it'll really help give them a voice they don't have right now.
But even better, I at least have something special to look forward to when I'm done here, or should I say someone special." Iris thought as she glanced a look up at the nearby hand clock, which read that it was four thirty-six, only twenty-four minutes from when she'd get off of work.
And then I'll get to see you again. My highlight of everyday.
" Ms. West," came a deep, yet relatively calm voice, shaking Iris out of her dreams as she was pulled back to reality.
The gray two piece suit that he wore somehow screamed business and uptight at the same time, and not necessarily in a good way.
His red tie was tied tightly around his neck, in a double loop that would forever be glued to it until he deemed it time to remove the cloth, his hair clearly gelled in it's pointy upright position, and his dress shoes so polished that Iris could actually see her own reflection in them (oof).
Overall, it was the look of someone who was very determined with their methods and goals, and honestly, Iris knew exactly why.
Those methods and that experience really did help make him the perfect person to run the news outlet.
There's no one I respect here more than him. I mean, he's taught me almost everything I know about reporting.
" Mr. Evans," Iris quickly answered, shaking her head a few times so as to get it working again.
" I've already finished the piece on what the city should expect after the mayor's big speech yesterday." she added, as she gestured to the completed article on screen in front of her.
" Along with some side notes for the editorial staff tomorrow, and helping collaborate with Mark and Cindy to make sure all of our articles are coherent and straight on the facts." Iris stated.
" Sources?" Scott questioned, raising an eyebrow with an equal mix of skepticism and playfulness.
Ugh. Again.
" Um, I uh..."
" It's okay," her boss reassured her, nodding his head understandingly.
" Between this and that whole separate piece you gave me this morning? I think I can let this one Evans smiled, Iris letting out a silent sigh of relief.
" And good work." he complimented her, a statement that when she'd first joined Picture Media she would've never imagined hearing.
The kind of article I wrote on Metas would've been turned down immediately if I tried going off book like that last year. Let alone getting a compliment. I really am making improvements.
" Thanks," she smiled appreciatively, fighting back another long yawn.
" But, that's also why I'm sorry to ask this of you." he continued, as he placed the large stack of papers on her desk next to her, its height reaching higher than even the nearby floor lamp.
" What's this?" Iris asked, with a slightly nervous laugh, already knowing what the answer would be.
" This is the last of the work I need finished before we can push out the full Mayor's speech article tomorrow morning." Evans explained, gesturing to the pile of notes he'd placed down.
" But Brin's sick, Kate has a scheduled medical appointment that she's already left for, and Thomas had plans already for the night." her boss continued.
While the last one would've normally sounded like her coworker wasn't a hard worker, it was the exact opposite.
And the reason that he had "plans" for the night was better of one than Iris could've thought of.
I can't wait to see the look on his face tomorrow when he comes home and tells us how his proposal went. I bet it'll be magical. Maybe he'll even have music.
" So you want me to take care of it?" Iris asked confusedly, the still junior reporter far from the highest chain of command in the media empire.
" Well, you're always asking for a challenge aren't you?" Evans smirked.
" Really?" Iris asked, excitement quickly pushing all of her exhaustion to the wind as she heard his words.
This could really be a chance to prove myself to him! To show how much I've grown as a reporter.
" Unless, of course, you already have plans yourself tonight?" he asked, looking at his employee with uncertainty.
" No, um, no I'm all free tonight." Iris reassured him, hiding all trances of her disappointment with everything she had.
Which luckily seemed to do the trick.
" Ok," Evans conceded, nodding his head once in approval.
" Make sure to lock up when you're done." he added, as he placed the business's spare key set on Iris' desk next to the paper.
" You won't regret this Scott." Iris reassured him, as she watched him head to leave the office.
" Please make sure that's true." he answered, though it seemed mostly to himself, before the well dressed man pulled on his brown overcoat, and left out into the chilly night.
Iris now sat alone with her piles of work, amid the burning inspiration and determination to finish it all and make her boss proud, and maybe a little bit for herself too.
But despite the opportunity that had presented itself to her that afternoon, Iris still couldn't help but think only about what could've been that night had it not.
Tonight was supposed to be date night with Barry. Just like Thursday, and Tuesday, Sunday, and the Sunday before that...
We've both been so busy that I feel like we barely see each other any more, even when we share the same apartment now... wow I really love getting to say that last part.
And maybe it's just me being crazy, or wanting too much to say that we spend everyday right next to each other, but honestly, that's all I really want right now. To be with the man that I love. Every moment that I can.
Iris solemnly picked up the phone she had placed on her desk and pulled up Barry's contact name, which had the words boyfriend affectionately added to it in parentheses on its end.
After another button press, Iris held the phone up to her ear, listening to the ring for only half a second before the forensic scientist turned superhero picked up the phone.
" Iris!" Barry exclaimed happily, the excited and ecstatic tone he used when he said her name always sending a feeling of love through her heart.
" Hey Babe," Iris answered back, sending a similar feeling straight back to the lightning powered superhero.
" Are you almost ready for date night?" he asked, excitedly.
" I already have it all planned out! Well, mostly. I wanted to leave some stuff for you to choose!" the young man explained enthusiastically.
" I thought we could first head out to that diner Caitlin was telling me about, you know, the one with the fancy candles? Then, we could head to the shore to see the glistening water under the moonlight! Maybe after that I could take you somewhere exotic! Like Hawaii!" Barry rambled, the speedster's words slurring together as he labeled them off with rapid succession.
" Barry," Iris said, interrupting her boyfriend's adorable rambling with a quiet giggle, though the smile it brought soon disappeared as it was replaced with a frown.
" I can't do date night tonight." Iris sighed sadly, wanting more than anything at that moment to go do just that.
" What?" Barry asked, slightly disappointedly through his crestfallen voice.
" Mr. Evans just gave me tomorrow's headlines to work on." Iris explained, as she pulled the top page of the stack off and looked over it briefly.
" So your work's going to make the front page!" Barry asked, enthusiastically.
" Yep," Iris answered, as she placed the paper back in its rightful spot.
" The only catch is I have to get it all done tonight. And there is a lot of it." she added, with another sigh.
" Well, that... that's great!" Barry struggled to say, trying to hide his disappointment much like Iris had done earlier, though with much less success.
Though that could be because of how well I know him.
" I'm sorry about date night." Iris said disappointedly, as she leaned back in her office chair.
" Between Picture News, CCPD, and Team Flash, we've barely spent any time with each other over the last few weeks." Iris sighed.
" Not even at home having fun." she laughed, Barry returning a short one in kind.
" It's not that bad." Barry reasoned, always the most optimistic of the two, or on the planet.
" As long as I know I still have you, then there's nothing that missed date here or there can do to me. Or anything really." he explained, bringing a warm smile to his girlfriend's face.
" And you always will." Iris smiled happily, wishing she could reach through the phone and him a kiss for that last one.
" I just wish that we could freeze time, have it all to ourselves, you know? Just you and me, without anyone, anything else." Iris told him, shutting her eyes gently as she briefly let herself dream about what that world would look like, a dream which she and her best-friend-turned-lover often shared.
" But until then, I guess I'll just have to settle for all of the time I do get with you." she stated, smiling happily as she leaned back forward in her seat, resting her elbows on her desk.
" Yeah... me too." Barry answered distantly, as if he had become completely distracted by something else.
" Barry... are you okay?" Iris asked, with a light mixture of concern.
" Me? Yeah, yeah I'm fine Iris. Just, um, have something that I have to take care of real quick." Barry answered, dismissively.
" But, I love you! And good luck on your article!" he added, sweetly.
" I love you too." Iris told him warmly, before listening to the beep of the phone call die out, just placing it back onto her desk carefully, taking a slight moment to think about the strange way that her boyfriend had been acting, before pushing the thoughts aside.
You already know the reason he's upset. It's the same one that you are right now. But look at it this way; the faster you finish, the faster you can get home to him.
So I guess now I just need to become the fastest woman alive...
Barry sat in the newly furnished living room of his new apartment, deep in thought as he sat on the tan couch in the middle of the space, tapping his foot repeatedly up and down as he held both his hands to the sides of his face.
His face was burrowed in deep concentration as he tried to focus on something, an idea slowly forming in his head as his love of his life's words still floated around inside of his head.
" I just wish that I could freeze time, have it all to ourselves, you know? Just you, and me, without anyone, anything else."
And that's when it clicked.
It's perfect! Which is exactly what I need for someone as special as her...
A Few Hours Later...
Iris' cramped and tired fingers danced across her keyboard as she typed in the last few word edits she needed for the headliner, pulling it into the folder alongside the rest of the work she had completed and or edited as she sent it all to Baxon's email address, alongside forwarding it to everyone that was involved with the printing process.
" And... done. Again." Iris chuckled quietly, as she closed all of her open windows, the company's white and blue screen backdrop softly illuminating her face in the dimly lit space.
The daylight had been replaced with moonlight and a single nearby street light that shone through the many windows that occupied the space, though most of the light the junior reporter had written with came from the standing lamp that was placed next to her desk.
The large hand clock now read the time 2:13, its hands quietly ticking down in the silence that had consumed the office after everyone else had left, it now being time for Iris to leave and let the place fall into complete peace.
Before I fall asleep in here.
As she shut off her computer and filed away the last of her paperwork, Iris pulled her phone out of her pocket once more, dialing the most important person in her life for the second time that day.
It's like he said, even if we don't have date night, we still have each other. And that's more than enough.
After several rings, Barry picked up on the other end of the phone once more, his words hurried and his breath short, as if he had been running a marathon for the last hour.
Which wouldn't be surprising. But I haven't gotten any crime alerts from Star Labs...
" Hey Iris, are you done with that work project?" Barry huffed from the other end of the phone.
" Yeah, I just finished," Iris told him, with some slight confusion and concern in her voice.
" Are you... okay Barry? You sound a little rushed."
" Me? Yeah, yeah. I'm fine! Totally great!" Barry replied cheerily, a loud crash following right behind.
" Still okay!" he quickly reassured her, Iris not being able to stop herself from laughing at her boyfriend's presumed clumsiness.
He's so adorkable.
" Just, don't leave the office okay?" the speedster strained to say, as if he was fighting with something on the other side of the phone.
" Is there a meta attack going on right now?" Iris asked worriedly, as she stood up from her seat.
" What? That-oh no! No it's not like that. I'll explain in a second, just don't leave!" Barry explained vaguely, before the call cut out, leaving only blank static on Iris' side of the phone.
Was he lying? No, Barry doesn't lie to me; or that well in general. So why does he need me to stay here so badly?
Though her question was soon met with an answer.
A sharp flash of orange light briefly illuminated the dark walls of Picture News as a loud rush of wind accompanied it. The sound and sight was brief, but Iris could recognize it from anywhere.
Not only does it still seem impossible to believe, but it tells me that my favorite person's right beside me.
Iris turned around to the front door to see her boyfriend standing at the closed doorway of the business front.
He was holding a bouquet of red roses, trying to lean in a cool manner against the metal frame's edge, only to slip down its slick sides, quickly jumping back onto his feet as he ran his hand awkwardly through his tousled brown hair, smiling nervously back at her as if trying to pretend that that hadn't happened.
Like I said; adorkable.
He was dressed up in every way as if he had taken hours to put his outfit together, his dark blue tux and white undershirt somehow still perfectly showing the muscular set of abs he had gained from his encounter with a certain lightning bolt a few years ago.
His long navy pants reached down to his squeaky brown dress shoes, which seemed worn despite the fact he had bought them only two weeks ago, a consequence of running in them as a speedster.
And while his hair seemed no less breathtaking than the rest of his appearance (despite the messy look of it being thrown all around on his head in a frantic rush), the real thing that Iris loved the most was the warm smile and loving eye twinkle that he carried, ones that truly showed how much he loved her.
Which from the way he treats me, makes me feel like Juliet. Which is good, because he's definitely my Romeo.
" Um, Babe, the doors, they're uh, push-" Iris giggled, walking over to the entrance as she watched the man repeatedly try to pull the glass doors up without success, only to hear her words, blushing a deep rosy cheeked red as he slowly pushed the doors open with ease.
" Better?" she laughed, smirking widely as he stepped inside.
" Yep, uh, that door, just um..." Barry stuttered, looking between her and it.
" Has superhuman abilities from the Particle Accelerator explosion?" Iris smirked, playfully.
" Can we go with that?" Barry laughed, as he rubbed the back of his head.
" For someone as handsome as you, I think I can make an exception." Iris smiled, cocking her head slightly as she just placed her hands gently around his neck.
" Well I certainly pale in comparison to your beauty." Barry smiled back, brushing a strand of her hair back as he gave her a kiss, before he held out the slightly crumpled flowers to his partner, who took them warmly.
" They, they were better before-" the speedster quickly added, gesturing to the loose petals that were strewn just outside.
" I think they're perfect." Iris smiled, truly believing it, since the gesture had come straight from her sweet boyfriend's heart.
" Good, then I was able to get something that matched you." Barry complimented, his glowing heart as on display as it had ever been, just like it always was when he was around her.
" You're too good for me." Iris smiled, before giving the hero another kiss.
" I don't think that anyone could be better than you," he smiled back, his sparkling blue eyes feeling like they were only meant for her.
That's true for all of him, just like all of me is meant only for him too.
A blissful few seconds passed as the two just gazed into each other's eyes, before a thought suddenly struck Iris.
Wait, didn't we cancel date night? Not that of course I have anything wrong with this, but isn't it like midnight right now?
" Not that I don't love this, but isn't it a little bit late tonight?" Iris asked, as she just let her hands slip off of her boyfriend's back.
" Well, about that..." Barry trailed off mysteriously, a wide grin on his face.
" What?" Iris laughed, trying to hide how much she loved the facade he was putting on.
Barry just said nothing as he slowly wrapped his hand in her's, both of the two's gaze falling on their interlocked fingers as orange electricity slowly flowed through the speedster's body, before sending a jolt of it through his fingertips and into his partner, a ring of orange light encompassing both of their bodies.
Iris gasped lightly as she felt the massive surge of energy flood her system, sending a tingling sensation flying across all of her nerves like they had just become aware that she was alive.
It was like all of her was connected to something indescribable, only that somehow managed to carry a weight of power and safety with it, as if she could jump off a cliff, and yet still know that somehow she'd be okay.
It was as breathtaking as it was wonderful, and it all seemed to hit her in the matter of seconds.
It feels... beautiful.
" What, what is this?" Iris asked quietly, still letting the full feelings of the effects sink in.
" It's a heightened state of time where speedster's can-" Barry started, before quickly realizing what she meant.
" Oh, you mean how did I get you in here?" he corrected, Iris still watching the elegant circles of light dance around them.
" I discovered it yesterday actually while I was training with Cisco," he explained.
" I call it Flashtime."
Iris gave him a playful smirk as she looked back at him.
" What? If you find an interdimensional space time then you can name it something like Iristime. Wait... that's actually really good." Barry retorted, though losing its purpose halfway through, bringing a short giggle out of his girlfriend.
" So, it's like I'm in here, with you?" Iris asked, feeling the light crackles of electricity spark off of her own body.
" It's like me giving you an extension of myself, linking you to the Speed Force through me," Barry explained.
" But, to me, you're always here. At least through my heart." he finished, affectionately, bringing yet another warm smile to Iris' face.
He finds the best ways to make me smile.
" So, I was thinking, since it is already late, maybe use this to salvage a little bit of our date night?" Barry asked.
" We won't be able to do everything, but then again, I don't think we could've if we'd had the whole day."
" That sounds like the best idea I've heard all night," Iris agreed happily, gently squeezing his hand lovingly.
Because it involves spending it with you.
" But, I might need a new outfit." Iris laughed, as she looked down at the messy work clothes that covered her body.
" We can swing by the apartment if you want," Barry suggested.
" But, honestly, I think you look perfect how you are." he admitted, taking in the beautiful woman in front of him.
" You don't have to sugarcoat it." Iris laughed once more.
" I mean it." Barry smiled lovingly, Iris returning one in kind.
" You really make me feel like I am." Iris smiled, happily.
" But, I'd still like to swing by to find something that matches you just a little more," Iris explained, as she gestured to her boyfriend's tuxedo, Barry chuckling in return.
A light woooff noise weirdly interrupted the two's conversation, Iris unable to see anything that could be causing such a strange noise.
" Did you hear that?" she asked Barry, looking around confusedly thought with no further success.
" Uh," Barry stuttered, blinking repeatedly as he continued to stare at his girlfriend, only more focused on the top of her head now.
" And that crackle too?" Iris continued, still unable to find the source of the weird noise.
I'm sure it's not important. I'm probably just tired and hearing things.
" You okay?" she asked, as she turned back to Barry, who was watching the small puff of smoke and flames that sat on top of Iris' head.
" Um, yep." he stammered, unable to fully form the words he needed to tell her the truth.
" Good, then let's go!" Iris cried happily, as she took his hand more firmly in her's, pulling him forward as she raced out of the building's front entrance, beaming as excitedly and happily as the pulsing flow of electricity inside her felt.
" I'm not going to waste a single moment I get with you tonight!"
" Um, me too! But, um, Iris, I have something to tell you about your hair..." Barry stumbled, as he was pulled along the concrete steps, the two disappearing into the late night together, as Picture News faded back into its silent and peaceful state once more.
A while later (well, in Flashtime measurements that is), Barry and Iris were out on the streets of Central City once more, on their way to the first of the speedster's surprises.
Iris now was dressed in a still relatively simple forest green dress that ran the length of her knees, paired with a set of black high heels, inspired by her boyfriend's kind words earlier that night.
A small silver jeweled necklace sat gracefully on the woman's neck, it's tiny little gems seeming to reflect her beautiful brown eyes every time that Barry looked at her.
And as for her hair, well, it hadn't looked... the best she'd ever had it.
After putting out the fire that had spread to the ends of her strands of hair, Iris had ended up with relatively short hair, only coming to just above her broad shoulder blades as what was left of it swayed gently against the back of her head.
Honestly, I'm not even mad. It's not like it won't grow back, and it's kinda like a reminder of how much Barry cares about me. Not to mention I rock it.
Though, had it been all of my hair, I might be feeling differently.
The frozen world of Central City sat quieter as it'd ever been in the centuries since it had been first constructed, a peaceful blanket seeming to drape over all of the city's inhabitants as if they had all been put into a restful slumber, not a single thing besides the pair of lovers even taking a breath within the sleeping city.
People stood frozen halfway through walking as their feet hung lifted into the air, some dressed in business suits with phones to their ears while others mid laugh with a group of their friends.
Cars sat in the middle of the street as if they'd all been parked with little care, creating what effectively looked like one big parking lot in place of the normal bustling streets that occupied the resident's home.
Even the crescent moon above the two was locked in place, shining high in the cloudy sky as half of it shone through, frozen in time like the rest of the world around the lovers' hearts.
It's so... peaceful. Is this what it's like for Barry every time he runs? I can see why he loves it so much.
" Thank you," Iris stated lovingly, as the pair continued their way down the frozen streets of their home, the two's arms locked together lovingly as Iris held herself close to Barry's side.
" But, we haven't even gotten there yet. Wait! Does that mean that you want to turn around?! We didn't even make it to my first surprise!" Barry rambled, his face quickly dropping as he began to think that he had made a mess of things.
" No silly," Iris laughed loudly, bringing a nervous smile back to her partner's face.
" Thank you for just being your sweet, nerdy, romantic self." she smiled widely, Barry blushing slightly in return.
" Well, that's just because you make me want to be the best version of me. Whether that be Barry Allen, or The Flash." Barry commented back.
Iris' smile somehow seemed to get even wider as she rested her head softly against his shoulder, Barry lightly resting his against hers as they continued to walk, being the only two people in the world in that moment.
And not because of Flashtime.
Because I have you.
But to Iris' surprise, there was one stop between the two's special destination.
" You did not." Iris said, as she smiled widely at the thing in front of the couple.
" I did." Barry replied, warmly.
" You did not!" Iris repeated, in disbelief.
" But I kinda did." Barry smirked, playfully.
" You, you are way too good for me Barry Allen." Iris smiled, as she squeezed his arm overjoyedly (though that didn't mean that his arm was any less purple), her eyes still locked on the object in front of them.
" Nobody's greater than you." Barry answered, as he looked at her lovingly.
A black painted carriage sat on the street across from them, tints of shining gold running across its sleek metal sides as four golden wheels occupied the bottom of the transport.
A large black canvas hung over the open-ended front of the little box, a rose red seat positioned inside for the next set of love birds to enter its romantic domain.
And finally, two magnificent snow white horses waited patiently (if not because they were frozen) for their next ride, looking as kind and gentle as one you'd imagine seeing prancing in an open meadow.
This is just... unreal.
Barry stepped up the carriage's first pedestal and into the main compartment, turning around and holding his another hand out to help Iris in as well (that wasn't still interlocked with hers), who giggled once in delight before taking it happily, joining her prince charming.
The rose colored cushion felt comfortable and soothing, seeming to take away any of the tension or soreness that had occupied Iris' body the moment she sat down in it, the feeling of a warm, loving blanket wrapping around her within an instant.
Though none of it compared to the love she felt from and towards the man sitting right next to her, his hand still holding hers, applying those feelings of love and comfort tenfold then what they would've been without, making the tiny open box that surrounded them feel like the most special place in the world.
A feeling they brought with them every time they were with each other.
This is what love feels like.
And before Iris' mind even had time to process the obvious flaw with how the carriage could move while being frozen (Not that she really cared. Just being in there with the love of her life was more than enough to make her want to stay there for all of eternity), Barry pressed his other hand gently against the seat next to him, the ring of orange elegant electricity that had surrounded the Allen and West spreading to include the entire carriage, including the two horses.
But the driver who was only a few feet in front of them, strangely had his own set of light surrounding him, only this time in yellow. And who wore a familiar face.
" Alright ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a nice smooth ride in the U.S.S. West." Wally announced, adjusting the heavy black rimmed coat's collar to further puff it up, a broad and cocky smile forever glued to his face.
" Wally?" Iris asked, surprised to see her brother.
" What are you doing here?"
She was always happy to see her little brother, but it was obvious why it could be awkward for both of them (and Barry too) for him to tag along on her romantic date.
" Well, I didn't want to at first, but a certain someone told me about a plan of his tonight, and convinced me of how happy it'd make my sister, so I thought? Why not do something for my Big Sis?" Wally explained, kindly.
" Thanks Wally." Iris said appreciatively, as she smiled up at her caring boyfriend, still never failing to be amazed by how big his heart could really grow.
" You deserve it." Barry stated, lovingly.
" I would try and refute that, but I really don't want to have to leave this place." Iris grinned playfully, as she rested her chin on his shoulder, Barry laughing in response.
" Well lucky for you, we have all the time in the world." Barry told her, before gently giving her a loving kiss, while inconspicuously slipping a fifty dollar bill to his half brother, who (after waiting to tell the speedster to double down), stuffed the bills into his upper coat pocket.
The coachman cracked his whip once as the reanimated horses let out a quiet neigh, before the carriage was pulled forward, beginning its trip that was sure to stay in Iris and Barry's memories forever.
It was strangely peaceful watching the frozen streets go by as the carriage rolled forwards, slowly passing numerous people who seemed to stand still just for them.
Though the real magic came when Wally "decided" to take a shortcut through the city's park's dirt road, the trees and other flora and fauna that passed by all glimmering beautifully in the late moonlight.
Soon, they came upon a field of red flowers that were strewn in large abundances all across the overhanging branches of the tall trees that they were attached to.
It seemed like each one was begging for someone to reach out and touch them, Iris just holding her hand out and letting the soft touch of the rose's petals brush gently across her skin, taking in every little detail of the scene before them.
It looks like a scene straight out of a movie.
Barry soon reached out and touched one of the flowers too, delicately plucking it from its branch before turning back to Iris, carefully nestling the rose in a corner of her black hair, who blushed lightly from his heartwarming gesture.
One of many, many, many amazing ones he's already done tonight.
" You know, you really know how to make a girl feel like a princess," Iris smiled, as she rested her head against his shoulder, the warm feel of his touch along with occasional cozy light jostling from the carriage filling her with happiness.
" Well, I wouldn't call it much, but there's not really anything on this earth that I think I could use to fully show you how special you are." Barry replied, smiling himself as he rested his head against her's, gently squeezing her hand a little more.
" Well, I think it's perfect." Iris stated, as she gently closed her eyes, feeling happier than she'd ever been.
" Which is everyday I'm with him." Iris thought happily, as the carriage continued down through the magnificent groves of soft red trees, creating a special moment that could last the pair a lifetime.
Before long the pair had reached their destination, only Iris had no idea how long it had truly taken, for she had gotten lost in the warmth of her lover's heart on their magical ride long before they had arrived, Wally having left with the carriage after biding them a goodbye (and an extra twenty for the branches' thorns that had ripped his jacket).
" And, here's the surprise!" Barry exclaimed happily, as he rushed over to the special spot he had picked out, pulling Iris along with him.
" Well technically two rolled together into one for time..."
" Wait, that wasn't it?" Iris asked surprisedly, with a light joyful laugh.
" Nope! That was just a bonus, this is our special spot!" Barry explained, gesturing to the space in front of the two.
They were standing on the sandy shoals of the bay's edge, the silvery-blue hinge of the waves only a few feet away standing perfectly still as the moonlight beautifully glinted off of it, like a somehow perfectly captured image of nature preserved for all of time. Or at least for the two.
A red blanket was laid out across the sand in front of them, several sets of straw baskets set out on it alongside a few pieces of specially made food (which Barry had of course made sure was his girlfriend's favorite) which were already laid out for everyone to see.
It looked almost picturesque.
" You did all of this?" Iris asked, slightly taken aback by the huge display of kindness.
" That's not all either," Barry quickly reassured her, as he gently took his love over to the blanket and sat her down on it, before moving over to the nearby waterfront, one hand still grasping her's to keep the pair in Flashtime.
Small sparks of orange electricity crackled from his hand as he carefully dipped it into the cold liquid, before he lifted it up in the slowed down Flashtime that surrounded them.
He moved his arm in an arc-like motion, carrying the bay water with it, as he moved it over Iris' head, a sparkling ring of beautiful blue water sitting in a suspended arc above the two's heads, before repeating the motion several times, creating a glistening dome all around them.
Iris was left speechless as she watched the water sparkle above her, the wide-mouthed expression she wore reflecting back at her as stared at the breathtaking sight.
Barry then sat back down next to her, carefully helping her lay down as he pulled a nearby soft red blanket over their bodies, the stars above them shining in Iris' eyes.
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen...
" So, do you like it?" Barry asked hopingly, as he looked back over to his lover.
" I don't even know what to say Barry," Iris breathed, still taking in the sight before her.
" Well, I wanted to try and give you everything you deserve. The stars, moon, and the whole universe. Plus a whole lot more." Barry smiled, lovingly, as he gently placed an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her closer to his chest.
" Well, I already have the only thing I want in my life, you." Iris said warmly, smiling with the love that she felt towards the man right next to her, as the two's loving and sparkling eyes caught each other once more.
The pair leaned in and shared another kiss, Iris' red lipsticked ones meeting Barry's, letting themselves stay together for as long as they wanted, nothing from the outside world there to pull them apart, just the two soulmates, and their conjoined hearts, together.
Which is better than anything he could ever give me.
After just resting their heads up against one another's for another minute, Iris slowly rested her head on his shoulder, the two shifting to get more comfortable as they got closer to each other, both staring up at the stars above them, their shining glow and beauty only amplified by the dome that floated glistening above them.
Perfectly reflecting how the pair felt, and how they'd always feel.
" You know, I know it's getting late, even if we are, well, out of time." Barry commented, Iris giggling quietly at his joke.
" When we're done here, we can head home if you'd like." he offered, softly.
" No, no I think I'd like to stay here." Iris answered, her eyes still looking up at the sky above her.
" Besides, I already am home." she finished, as she snuggled up closer to Barry, whose smile seemed to grow even bigger as she did so.
" I always am when I'm with you." Barry said lovingly, as he just let his head rest on hers once more, looking up into the cosmos with her, just letting the two of them, a West and an Allen, be the only people in the world, all thanks to a single idea of freezing time.
Because no matter what life throws at us, the best part of it will always be getting to do it with you.
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