Family Christmas Part 2
This is the second part to my West-Allen Family Christmas Oneshot. Sorry for spliting it up, it just seemed a bit too long to keep in one section. Anyway, thanks for reading this readers! Hope you enjoy!
The four family members continued to enjoy one another’s company as they crunched their way through the fallen snow, laughing and smiling as they talked and spent time with each other.
As they had been though, Nora had begun to notice something, something that she didn’t think that her parents had caught onto yet.
Even though he had kept his parts of the conversation just as lively and energetic as he always did, Nora could tell that something was bothering her brother.
Every time that there was a lull in the conversation, or that it shifted off of him, his broad shining smile would disappear for only a brief moment, a look of somberness and disappointment flashing across his eyes before returning back to his cheery smile, thinking that no one had seen through the cracks.
Something’s clearly wrong, and I’m going to find out what it is and fix it. I am his older sister after all.
“ Hey dad.” Nora started, as the four kept walking aimlessly, both her parents as happy as usual.
“ Yeah Nora?” Barry replied, one arm around his wife’s shoulder as they walked.
“ Would it be okay if the four of us split up for a little bit? I kinda want to spend some time with my younger brother here.” Nora smiled, as she playfully bumped shoulders with Bart, who laughed happily in response.
“ And then you and mom can have some alone time together too.” she added.
“ I mean, you guys clearly could use some of it.”
“ Yeah, it’s not easy being around such little angels as us everyday.” grinned Bart, Nora unable to hold back her laugh.
I’d like to think that we are, and that they think we are too, but still.
“ What do you think Iris?” Barry asked, as he looked over at her.
“ Well, I think that it won’t hurt anything.” she replied, smiling back at him.
“ Especially with how sweet you two are being.” she added to her kids, happily.
“ Meet back at the apartment at seven?” Nora suggested.
“ Sounds good.” Barry agreed warmly, all of them in agreement.
“ Have a great time with each other.” Bart grinned, Iris just rolling her eyes and grinning playfully as Barry laughed, Nora doing the same as her father.
I swear Bart, you could even bring a smile and laugh to someone like Oliver Queen’s face.
“ See you later kids,” Iris smiled, Barry nodding his head at them before he used his powers to speed them away, only a flicker of orange lightning and a gust of wind left to tell anyone that the couple had been there in the first place.
“ I love it when they’re happy, probably as much as they love it when we’re happy.” Nora thought, as she watched them leave.
But now it’s time to help my brother.
“ So, why exactly did you want to get dad and mom away?” Bart asked confusedly, as he turned to his big sister.
“ To figure out what’s wrong.” Nora responded caringly, Bart’s eyes immediately jumping to the ground.
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about sis.” he laughed nervously, trying his best to convince her.
Sibling’s intuition will always be stronger than any wall we put up. I know since he’s help break through so many of mine.
Nora sat down on a nearby park bench, dusting the light layer of snow off of it, gesturing with her head for him to sit down.
Bart slowly complied, his vision fixated firmly on his winter boots.
“ You know that you can tell me anything.” Nora said gently, keeping her caring gaze on the person next to her.
“ I know,” he sighed, looking back up at her.
Nora watched as some of the pain in her brother’s eyes left as his eyes met hers, the love that the siblings shared for one another helping melt the icy barrier frozen in his chest.
“ What’s wrong?” she asked quietly, letting him take his time to answer.
“ I’ve just been… a little bit down today.” he answered, a small frown covering where his large smile usually sat.
“ It’s not that I haven’t been having a great time, I have! Every moment that I’ve spent with you, and mom, and dad, it’s been great. And so, so much fun.” he continued, Nora listening intently.
“ It’s just that…”
“ You miss some of what we used to do in the future.” Nora finished, wearing a half smile of her own as Bart looked back at her.
“ Yeah. Yeah.” he admitted, sadly.
“ It’s things like opening a present early, playing Christmas games at Papa Joe’s place on Christmas Eve right before heading home for the night,” he explained.
“ The Light Walk,” he sniffed slightly, wiping a small tear out of his left eye.
“ I know that we can’t tell mom or dad about them because of the whole “ not disrupting the timeline thing”, especially since that means those special first memories of doing them with everyone might not exist anymore, but…”
“ You wish that you could be out there doing them right now.” Nora said softly, knowing exactly how her brother felt.
It’s how I’ve been feeling all day.
Nora gently put her left arm over his shoulder and pulled his tall figure close to her, to let him know that everything would be okay, watching as some of the tension left her brother’s form.
“ I know that we don’t have all of the traditions we did back in 2049, and I really miss doing them too.” Nora said caringly, it now being Bart’s turn to listen to his sister.
“ Especially the Light Walk.” she said, slightly sadly.
“ I can’t remember Christmas without it.”
“ But look at all of the new memories that we’re getting to make here.” she added, her smile returning as she watched her brother’s face.
“ I mean, decorating the apartment with our younger mom and dad for what’s the first time for them! Having an epic snowball fight to the death with a rogue robot!” she exclaimed, Bart chuckling slightly.
“ Getting to have a special moment with the best brother I could’ve asked for.” Nora smiled, Bart smiling back.
“ I am pretty great.” he grinned.
“ Maybe an eight out of ten?” she smirked playfully, both of them laughing lightly.
“ We may not have our normal Christmas, but as long as we have each other, our family, then we’ll always have a great one.” Nora finished, the kind smile that she wore reflecting the warmness that she felt in her heart on the cold afternoon around them.
Bart waited a moment as he let her words sink in, the smile slowly growing on his face until it fully returned to its peak form, the fiery light in his eyes ignited once more.
“ Thanks Nora.” he said happily, as he hugged his sister tightly.
“ I really needed that.”
“ Always Bart.” Nora replied, as she hugged him back.
“ And for the record, you’re the best sister that I could’ve asked for too.” Bart smiled, as they ended their embrace.
It’s moments like these that really show how much us siblings need each other, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
“ Thanks.” Nora smiled back, giving him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“ And hey, there’s still a few traditions that the two of us can do together,” she grinned, as she jumped up off of the bench.
“ Really?!” Bart exclaimed, jumping right up next to her, the usual air of excitement in his voice.
“ Yeah, like starting with a good old fashioned race?” she suggested, already knowing what her brother’s answer would be.
“ You’re on.” he grinned, Nora laughing shortly as the two of them got into their running stances, before blasting off down the streets of Central City, purple and orange lightning trailing behind them as they went.
Family time is the best.
Barry POV…
Barry felt the warm touch of his wife’s arm wrapped around his as they walked along the streets of Central City, the now nightfallen place starting to spring to life with various colors of beauty as lights dotted the birthplace of the two lovers.
Orange, blue, yellow, and especially red and green shone all throughout the street for as far as their eyes could see, mixing together to form a warm and happy feeling that fell upon anyone who walked past them.
Or maybe that feeling’s just having Iris with me.
“ These streets really are beautiful at night during the holidays,” Iris commented, the soft crunch of the snow beneath her high heeled boots, just as gently as her touch always felt against his hand every time they embraced.
“ They’re only second compared to the person standing next to me.” Barry said lovingly as he looked down at her, the beautiful smile that she gave him back as she looked up at him, the one he strived to see she had everyday.
“ And the lights that shine here’ll never be brighter than that one that shines in you,” Iris replied, the warm glow in her heart and love in her words reflecting her husband’s sentiments.
Iris pulled herself closer to Barry’s chest as they continued to walk, both of the smiles that they wore as genuine and happy of ones that you’d ever find.
That’s what happens when you’re with the love of your life.
“ So, do you have anywhere in mind for us to go next, which by the way, that romantic restaurant you picked out was amazing, or do you want to just keep taking in the view? I’m okay either way.” Iris asked, as she smiled up at her husband, resting her head slightly on his shoulder.
“ Actually, we’re just about there.” Barry commented, as he saw his destination come into view.
They had reached the outer docks section of the city, glistening blue water gently swaying in the bay, small ripples occasionally pulsing out to let the world know it was still full of life under the surface of the patches of ice that lined it.
Barry led Iris out to one of the longer docking ramps until they reached the end of its course.
Good thing there’s no more man-sharks out here anymore.
“ Why’re we here?” Iris asked confusedly, as she looked out over the icy lake.
“ For that.” Barry smiled widely, as he nodded his head towards something in the distance.
He could tell that the moment that Iris looked in the direction he’d pointed to she knew what he was talking about, her breath leaving her lungs just as it had for him when he’d first seen it a few days ago.
Slightly off to the right of where they were standing, was a huge beam of light illuminating from the southeastern part of the city, where all of the smaller homes that weren’t tall buildings resided, all stemming from the large displays of Christmas lights that each house held.
Some parts of it flashed on and off, as if in some kind of pattern or beat, changing from color to color as they went, while others remained stoic in their duties, showing their own color strong and true. And that was only a fraction of what could be seen from the distance that they were watching it.
It was like shining a multicolored array of light therapy into the sky, somehow not being too much to look at and overwhelm you, instead filling its onlookers with the essence of Christmas Spirit.
“ It’s beautiful.” Iris whispered, breathtakingly.
“ I know. I found it yesterday and just knew that I had to show it to you, because it reminds me of the light that you give me.” Barry smiled, his hand still grasping her’s.
“ I feel the same way about you, Barry.” Iris replied, smiling as she looked back up at her husband.
Their eyes seemed to lock together as the love between them crackled through the crisp night air, the soulmates waiting only another moment before they pulled one another into a loving kiss, the waves gently splashing the docks below them as they did.
They slowly ended their embrace, Barry’s arms still around her sides while her’s were strung over his shoulders, both still staring into one another’s eyes.
“ Thanks Barry, this is wonderful.” Iris said quietly, as Barry took in the beauty of her smile.
“ I thought you’d like it.” he smiled back, love glistening in both of their eyes.
“ Now the only thing missing from the ending of this perfect day is the kids.” Iris said, still holding her arms over her husband’s shoulders.
The kids…
“ Iris, I think that you just gave me another great idea.” Barry told her, a wide smile still glued to his face.
“ I can have that effect on you a lot.” Iris giggled, looking around briefly at the water around them.
I think that Nora and Bart are going to love this…
Nora POV…
Nora raced back into the apartment at lightning fast speed, purple electricity sparking through the air as she skidded to a stop just past the kitchen counters, breathing heavily as she waited for her brother to catch up.
Only a few seconds later, Bart joined her, his lungs also gasping for air as he stopped next to her.
“ I beat you.” Nora grinned, only slightly wheezing as she spoke, the door shutting in the background.
“ If you had to start running first, it doesn’t count.” Bart replied, putting his hands on his knees.
“ Hey, if you were faster, then you wouldn’t need that one second to pass me.” Nora smirked.
“ Yeah yeah.” Bart said dismissively, rolling his eyes playfully.
“ Let’s just agree we’re equally as fast since it’s Christmas.”
“ I can agree to that.” Nora confirmed, laughingly.
“ But only Christmas.” he added.
“ Of course. Then it’s right back to timing each other.” Nora agreed, shaking her head.
Even though I’m faster.
“ Wait, weren’t mom and dad supposed to be here?” Bart questioned aloud, as he looked around at their home that they had freshly decorated just earlier that day.
“ Yeah, ten minutes ago.” Nora commented, as she pulled up her coat sleeve to look at the watch on the gauntlet she was wearing beneath.
“ That’s weird. They’re not normally late. Or mom isn’t anyway.” she added thoughtfully, as she put her hand into the nearby sweets jar and pulled out two store bought cookies (you know by now the whole “mom’s a terrible cook” thing), handing one to her brother.
“ Maybe they just wanted a little more alone time together.” Bart suggested, through his mouth full of food as he took a bite of the desert.
“ That would make sense for them.” Nora laughed, also through the food she was chewing.
I want so badly to laugh at how silly he looks eating like that! But, you know, I’m doing that too, and would probably choke.
“ So… what do we do until then?” Bart asked his older sister.
The ping of two simultaneous notifications hit both of their holophones at the same time, both of the siblings holding up their arms and tapping the button needed to pull the messages up.
“ Hey guys! Sorry for being late, but we were actually hoping that we could do a slight change of plans and see you two downtown when you can? That’s where we are right now. Love you kids!” read their dad’s message, its blue holographic form flickering in the air above their gauntlets.
“ What do you think they want there?” Bart asked, pulling his coat sleeve back down over his arm.
“ Only one way to find out.” Nora replied, grinning widely.
“ Oh no no no! I get the head start first this time!” Bart exclaimed, as he blasted out of the apartment, orange lightning hanging in the air for a moment behind him.
“ I thought you said you didn’t need it!” Nora called out playfully, despite knowing that her brother was already out of earshot, before racing off after him, both headed to go meet their parents.
After what was less than a minute of the group text being sent, Nora and Bart skidded to a stop at the address that their dad had given them, Bart adding a small showboatish spin to his for flare.
I mean, you can only tell him so many times not to do stuff like that before it gets a little pointless. And besides, it’s part of what makes Bart Bart.
“ Hey guys, what’s up?” Bart announced, as he looked between his two parents, who were standing in front of them.
“ I’d say that was really fast, but you are speedsters.” Iris laughed.
“ Hey, we only did an extra lap… or two, on our way here.” Nora commented, bringing a short laugh out of her dad.
“ No, but really, what’s up?” Nora asked eagerly, excited to know what they were hiding.
With parents it’s always a really good or a really bad thing when they do that, but given how today’s been, I’m going with the first one.
“ Well, your father found this place while he was out patrolling the other night,” Iris started, gesturing to the scenery around them.
“ And I thought that it could be fun to, you know, maybe take a walk around the neighborhood together. Just take in the scene.” Barry smiled, as he wrapped his left hand in his wife’s.
“ Oh, my, God!” Bart breathed, as he looked at where they were.
“ No way!” Nora laughed joyously, as the sight before her brought forth a flow of happiness and memories to her, not even imagining how Bart was feeling considering his sentiments earlier.
They were standing in the middle of a residential street, rows of houses going for as far as the eye could see in both directions on each side of the street, an occasional break in the line for intersections that led to more of the same thing.
All of the houses were decorated in loads of lights all intricately put together to form either some sort of pattern, shape, or generally colorful sight, a few even blinking or flashing in a trance-like state, and each one was different from the last.
And that wasn’t even mentioning the effect that the snow had had on enhancing these sights.
The Light Walk?!
“ So you want to just walk around here? You know, like together, and look at these?” Bart asked, his voice shaking slightly as it rose with excitement.
“ If that’s something you two want to do.” Iris replied, slightly confused but no less happy about their reactions.
“ Yes! That’s exactly what we want!” Bart exclaimed, jumping slightly off the ground in his moment of joy.
“ Yes! Of course!” Nora added excitedly, both of their reactions to the West-Allen parents’ surprise unexpected to them, but more than welcome.
“ Then let’s go.” Iris smiled, both her and Barry gesturing for them to follow as they started along the sidewalk.
“ Coming!” the kids called in unison, before briefly turning to one another.
“ I told you that everything would work out okay.” Nora smiled, happily.
“ Yeah, you did.” Bart smiled back.
“ So you could say that I gave some pretty good advice?” she grinned.
“ Did you know that this was going to happen?” he retorted, grinning back knowingly.
“ Well… no.” Nora admitted, Bart laughing at his victory.
“ Either way, thanks sis.” Bart smiled, appreciatively, giving her a quick pat on the arm.
“ No problem Bart.” Nora smiled back.
“ Now, let’s go join mom and dad before they get worried.” she smirked.
“ Yeah, they can’t really go five seconds without us.” Bart sighed.
“ I know, it's exhausting.” Nora agreed, shaking her head dramatically.
“ Like you sometimes.” she grinned, playfully.
“ Ouch sis, you trying to make your younger brother cry?” Bart smirked as he took a few steps backwards, ready to run over to his parents a few yards away.
“ Are you telling me you don’t think I am?” Nora retorted, one eyebrow raised questioningly.
“ I didn’t say that, it’s just different for the youngest in the family.” Bart replied playfully, before racing over to his parents (an unnecessary use of super speed included).
Nora just shook her head as she laughed, the wide smile that she normally wore just a little bit wider as she joined her family, all of them starting down the street, together.
The four family members all walked together side by side, laughing and having a great time as they looked at all of the displays and the beauty of them in the nighttime sky.
They passed by houses that were decked out in all kinds of patterns and colors, some eye catching sights to behold, some that had owners who may have gone a little bit too far with the beacon that they had turned their house into, and others kinda in between.
Time seemed to slip away from them as they went, nothing else seeming to matter to the family except each other, and the love that they shared for one another.
After a while of this, Nora fully joining in on all of the good times that they were sharing, she slowly started to drop her pace, until she was a few steps behind the rest of her family, Iris, Bart, and Barry all still laughing with one another as she did so.
She felt a warm smile continue to stay on her face as she listened to the laughs of the people that she cared about most, all still commenting on the most recent display that they had passed.
“ The most important thing about the holidays is spending it with the people you love.” Nora thought fondly, as she remembered the advice that she had given her sibling.
As Bart started to excitedly tell his mom about the large shining house up in the distance, Barry noticed that Nora had fallen a few steps behind, slowing pace as well to join her.
“ It sure seems like you and Bart are having a great time,” he commented happily.
“ It’s been so perfectly schway!” Nora smiled, watching as Bart was practically leaping up and down with joy, mirroring what she was feeling.
“ I’m so happy that you got your special Christmas wish. I mean, we both did.” Nora thought happily.
“ It kinda seems like there’s something you guys aren’t telling us about this though.” Barry added, knowingly.
I guess we didn’t do a great job at hiding that hahaha.
“ Let’s just say this means a lot to both of us.” Nora replied, daughter and father smiling lovingly between each other as they walked.
“ Just like you two are to me.” Barry said affectionately, as he put one arm around her, pulling her close as they walked, Nora happy to be with her dad.
“ Hey guys! What’re you doing back there!” Bart exclaimed, despite the pair only being a few footsteps behind.
“ Just taking a minute with dad.” Nora replied happily, though not quite as loud.
“ Well get over here quick! You aren’t going to want to miss this next one!” he cried, Iris giggling beside him at his overenthusiasm.
“ Are there a lot of blue ones?!” Nora called out excitedly.
“ I’m not sure I see any others.” Bart laughed.
“ Yes!” Nora cried, feeling slightly embarrassed by her outburst.
“ So what are you two not doing over here?” Iris questioned jokingly,
“ Let’s go.” Barry said as he laughed shortly, both of them running back up to the other two.
I have a feeling that Bart and I may have just created our special Light Walk for the future…
A Little While Later…
Barry POV…
Barry could feel the warmth and comfort of the soft couch that he sat on enveloping his entire body as he laid back relaxingly on it, only those feelings weren’t coming from the piece of furniture, rather from his wife who was sitting close next to him, both of them holding a steaming mug of hot chocolate.
Nora and Bart were taking turns pulling ornaments from the last remaining boxes of decorations as they put them up on the tree, the parents only having sat down for a break in the last five minutes after their kids protests to be the ones to put up the last of the tree’s dressings.
You can’t say no to something as sweet as that.
“ It’s so nice watching them put those up together.” Iris whispered to Barry, as Bart tossed an ornament to his sister, who barely caught it, her face showing an impressive mixture of frustration and relief.
“ It’s just great seeing both of them. Here, with us.” Barry added heartfeltly.
“ It really is.” Iris agreed, as she wrapped her hand in his once more, both of them sharing a loving look with each other.
“ I love you.”
“ I love you too.”
“ Hey guys! The tree’s done!” Nora announced, both her and Bart standing happily in front of their work.
“ And in record time without superspeed!” Bart added, clapping his hands together victoriously.
“ Thanks for letting us do this without your guy’s speed.” Iris said, appreciatively.
“ No problem mom.” Nora smiled brightly, her happy form fully expressing her “excessive” feelings of joy.
“ Yeah, it’s much better this way.” Bart agreed.
“ They’re right.” Barry added.
“ Because sometimes, it really is best to take things slow.” he said happily, Iris smiling in return.
Because I want to spend every moment that I have with all of you guys.
“ Hey, did you make sure to tighten all of your hooks?” Nora asked her brother.
“ Of course sis, you know me.” Bart grinned, confidently.
A sharp clash of ceramic on tile suddenly pierced the room, all four of them wincing at the sudden sound.
“ Well, hehe, not every one.” he chuckled nervously, Nora rolling her eyes playfully at his words.
“ Just get over here.” Iris called, gesturing for their kids to join them on the family couch, both Nora and Bart dropping down onto it with their parents.
“ Wow, I am really beat.” Bart commented, as he let out a large yawn, stretching his arms upwards.
“ Yeah, me too.” Nora agreed, rubbing her heavy eyelids.
“ I guess that’s what happens when you have so much fun in one day.” she added, happily.
“ Especially when there’s so much walking.” Bart noted, bringing a laugh out of everyone.
It’s one thing to say that you’re having a good time with the people you love, it’s another entirely to hear them say it back to you.
“ Today’s been really great, guys.” Barry said, as he reached his arms out around his family, Iris and then Bart on one side of him, and Nora the other.
“ Thanks for making it that way.”
“ Dad, it’s only special because all of us are doing it together.” Nora replied warmly, as she snuggled up a little bit closer to him.
“ Yeah, the holidays don’t mean anything without you guys.” Bart said, his eyes meeting his sister’s for a brief moment, both smiling at one another, before scooting closer to his mom.
“ You two are the best gifts that we could’ve asked for.” Iris smiled lovingly, as she pulled her son close.
“ And I couldn’t imagine the world without any of you.” Barry finished, embracing his family.
“ We feel the same way.” Nora smiled, as all four of them held each other close, closing their eyes as they rested their heads on one another’s shoulders, the love and bond between them stronger than anything that could be broken.
Every Christmas is special when it’s spent with the ones you love, which is why this one is going to be one that lives in my heart forever.
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