A Day of Firsts
Dedicated to ggracev19
Important Notes:
In this story, Barry gave up being The Flash full time (he'll still of course put the suit back on when everyone needs him), when he became a father to his two children, Nora and Bart West-Allen, who are both about four years old (and are twins). Hope you enjoy it!
" Are you sure about this?" Iris asked, as she cradled a tiny sleeping Bart in her arms, the outside sun reflecting off of the brightly colored walls of the newly built West-Allen nursery.
" I'm sure Iris," Barry smiled, doing the same thing as his wife with their daughter, Nora, both of the children barely a month old.
" I've had ten months at this point to prepare the team, and I know that they're all ready. That they've all proven themselves to be capable time and time again."
" And besides, it's not like I'm retiring, I'm just not going to be doing all of the day to day crimes throughout the city. If there's ever another Zoom, I'll be right by the others' side to stop him." he explained.
" I know, I just want to make sure that you're not being forced to give up something you love." Iris said quietly, as she laid Bart down in an orange painted crib, a mobile of Impulse emblems gently swaying above him.
" I'm not being forced to do anything. I'm making this choice so I can be here for my family, to be here for every little moment that we have, every new step that we take." Barry said, as he warmly smiled down at his sleeping daughter, swaying her back and forth gently in his arms, her small face covered in a tiny smile.
He leaned over and carefully put her in the second crib next to her brother, only hers was painted purple with yellow Xs symbols swaying on the mobile above her.
" Because there's nowhere else I'd rather be, then right here with all of you," he finished, happy smiles across the two parent's faces as Barry slowly grabbed Iris and pulled her close, the two's lips meeting.
" Daddy!"
" Daddy! Daddy! Daddy wake up!" Nora exclaimed happily.
Barry slowly and groggily opened his eyes to see his young four year old daughter bouncing up and down on the bed next to him, a wide smile glued to her face (which was missing a front tooth that hadn't grown in yet).
" You're awake!" she cried, as she threw herself down on top of him, effectively accomplishing her task.
" Hey Nora," Barry smiled happily, wrapping one of his arms around her as he pulled her close.
" Mommy said that I could be the one to get you up today!" she beamed proudly, snuggling up to him.
" She did?" Barry grinned.
" Yeah! Since Mommy and Bart did it the last times!" she said.
Oof. I need to start getting up earlier. I don't want Iris to have to take care of you guys by herself every morning.
" Well, I'm certainly up now. I mean, how can I not be when there's such a beautiful little girl here just waiting for a tickle monster!" Barry exclaimed, before leaning over and tickling Nora all over, Nora crying out in laughter as she kicked and flailed about.
" You're so silly daddy." Nora laughed, after he had finished his attack.
" I love you." she said, as she gave him a big hug.
" I love you too Nora," Barry smiled, hugging her back, the two snuggling once more, though this time for around a minute.
" Ooo, daddy, can you do the magic thingy?" Nora suddenly asked excitedly as she sat upright on her knees, a large look of hope filling her small form.
Magic was the sweet term that Nora and Bart had coined for his speed powers. And they both loved to see him show them off.
I mean, how can I say no to a face like that?
" Of course." Barry smiled warmly, sitting upright as Nora got ready for the show.
He slowly moved his right hand in small arcs through the air, small sparks of orange lightning trailing behind it, using his left one to follow suit, until they met each other right across from Nora's face (at a safe distance of course), his two hands clapping together as beautiful sparks of electricity sparkled through the air.
" Hahaha!" Nora giggled with glee, a huge grin on her face as she clapped her hands together, small tufts of her short hair standing upright from the electricity's leftover shock.
" Thanks daddy! Your magic's the best!" she exclaimed, giving him another large hug.
" Anything for you Nora," Barry said lovingly, putting his hand on the back of her head.
As he looked up, Barry saw Iris standing in the doorway, looking as beautiful as ever in her red sweater and blue jeans, a warm smile spread across her face as she watched the two embrace.
She nodded her head at Barry, to which he smiled and nodded back.
" Hey Nora?" Iris said, her daughter turning around to see her.
" Yes mommy?"
" Were you able to get daddy up?" she asked, keeping a small laugh back.
" Yes! See, I got him up! Even when you said that he wouldn't be up for a million billion ages." Nora beamed.
Hey... well I guess I deserve that.
" Great job on waking up the sleeping king Nora. Now, I think that it's time for breakfast. Your brother's already eaten what feels like half the fridge." Iris laughed.
" Oh no, he's been poisonedififed by your yucky food! And I'm next!" Nora cried dramatically, as she flopped back down on the king bed.
" No sweetie, it's leftover from Papa Joe's breakfast he made for us yesterday." Iris corrected.
" Oh, why didn't you say swo?!" she exclaimed, jumping back upright.
" You're going to let Bart have it all!"
" Well, not if you get going quick." Iris grinned.
Nora walked/waddled (really an adorable combination of the two) towards the end of the bed, turning around and giving Barry one last hug, before carefully trying to get down from the tall bed, which resulted in her face planting the ground.
" Nora!" Barry and Iris cried worriedly in unison.
But before either of them could come and help her up, Nora was already back on her feet, her smile still unwavering.
" I'm okyie." she announced, before doing her run/waddle out of the room towards the kitchen, laughing the whole way there.
" I see you're up early." Iris smirked, as she sat down on the edge of the bed next to her husband.
" And you don't have superheroing to use as an excuse anymore." she added.
" Yeah, sorry about that." Barry apologized, rubbing the back of his messy hair.
" You're going to have to find a way to make it up to me," Iris said playfully.
" Well, I think I know one way to start." Barry grinned.
" Really?" Iris grinned back, as Barry leaned in and gave her a kiss.
" You know, you always make your apologies perfect when you're that good of a kisser. I might have to try and find more ways to make you apologize if that's what I'm going to get each time." Iris laughed.
" You don't need to get me to apologize to have my love." Barry smiled, Iris smiling back.
" Good, because I'm going to need my love out in the kitchen in five minutes." Iris said, as she got up and walked towards the doorway.
" We have a big day ahead of us."
" I'd never forget." Barry said reassuringly, Iris giving him one last smile before leaving the room.
Who could anyone forget getting to do a first with their kid?
Once Barry had cleaned himself up and headed into the kitchen, he was met with a sight that warmed his heart.
Both Nora and Bart were ravenously eating the leftovers from the prior morning's meal (despite Iris' best efforts to remind them about their manners), a mess of various foods splattered across their faces as they looked over at him.
" Daddy!" They both happily cried in unison, as they jumped up and ran over to him, embracing him in a hug as he scooped them up.
And people wonder why I quit being The Flash full time. It's for moments like these.
" We weren't sure you were alive." Bart laughed jokingly.
" But your sister saw me a few minutes ago." Barry protested.
" That was like hours ago." Nora giggled.
" Yeah, anything could've happened in that time." Bart added.
" I guess you're right." Barry conceded, as he wiped some food off of his son's face.
These kids are always so happy and energetic, and I love to see them that way.
" Are you ready for our big day daddy?" Nora asked excitedly.
" Of course I am Nora," Barry said kindly, as he put his kids back down.
" And I'm ready for ours, Bart." Iris said, as she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, the young boy blushing at his mother's love.
" I still can't believe that I'm coming to the secret base with you!" Bart cried out, jumping around in joy as Iris struggled to get his coat on.
" I know, it'll be a real adventure." Iris smiled, as she finally managed to get his tiny arms into his coat's sleeves.
" Now if only I could find my keys..." Iris said aloud, as she checked the usual spot on the table that she put them, a wide and mischievous smile beginning to spread across Bart's face.
One which his mother picked up on rather quickly.
" Bart, did you hide my keys?" Iris asked.
" Maybe." he giggled.
" Could you tell mommy where you hid them?" she added, nicely.
" But that would ruin the fun!" Bart protested, laughing to himself.
" Oh, ok then." Iris fake sighed.
" I guess that we'll just have to sit around here all day, and you won't get to come with me to my secret base."
" What!? No! I have it right here mommy!" Bart cried, as he held them up to her.
" You found them!" Iris grinned, pretending to be surprised.
Bart could be a little bit mischievous at times, but always in the best ways, bringing laughter and joy to everyone around him with his silliness.
I still remember that time that he hid my suit ring. Thank god we didn't find either of them teething on it, because I can say from experience that getting hit with that thing when it launches the suit out HURTS.
" Yeah, and now we can go to the secret bawse together, right?" Bart asked, hopingly.
" Of course Bart," Iris said, as she smiled down at him, his large smile returning.
" Yayy!!!" he exclaimed with joy as he ran to the door.
" Bye daddy! Bye Nora!" he called, as Iris opened the door and he darted out of it.
" Bye guys," Iris laughed, before following her rambunctious son.
" Bye!" Nora called, as the door closed behind them.
" Daddy, when can I go to your secret bawse?" Nora asked, as Barry got out his winter clothes from the nearby closet.
Barry found it so adorable that Nora and Bart considered his and Iris' workplaces as secret headquarters of some sort. And he knew how much she wanted to visit his, he just wasn't so sure that a lab full of chemicals was a safe place for an energetic four year-old.
Especially with how much you love to try and mess with any that I bring from work. Learned that lesson the hard way.
" Maybe sometime soon," Barry said kindly, as he pulled his brown coat over his arms and turned around to see a heart-warming scene.
Little Nora was wearing Iris' superhero jacket that had been hung up in the closet, the long sleeves drooping all over the ground as the base of it practically touched the floor.
It was clearly way too big for her, but the smile that she wore when she was wearing it was worth getting to see her try it on anyway.
" Can I wear this wone?" Nora asked hopingly.
" When you're older, I'm sure that your mom will have no problem letting you wear it." Barry smiled.
" Ok, I can't wait for then!" Nora beamed, taking the oversized jacket off and handing it to her father, who grabbed a correctly fitting purple one for her.
" Hey Nora, why do you like that jacket so much?" Barry asked, as he helped zip up her coat.
" Because it's mommy's, and I feel wike she's with me when I wear it." Nora replied.
Barry's heart glowed even brighter as he heard her sweet words.
If only Iris could've been here for that one.
" Can we leave now?" Nora asked, trying to sound polite despite being very impatient.
" Of course." Barry said, as Nora grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door.
" Yayy!" she exclaimed, beaming with joy, Barry smiling happily as he locked the door behind them.
Nora was the sweetest four year-old that he had ever met, with only her brother close behind. She always did what her father asked and tried to make him happy (if only it was the same way for Iris), and just loved to see people smile.
I can already tell how big your heart is Nora.
A little while later, the two of them arrived at the Central City skating rink, both wearing the ice skates that Barry had bought for them about a week ago.
" Are you ready?" Barry asked as he held his daughter's hand, the two of them at the edge of the rink.
" I thwink so." Nora said, sounding a little bit unsure.
Barry noticed that her confidence had waned a bit since entering the rink, and had a feeling he knew why.
" It's okay to be scared." he said softly, as he kneeled down next to her.
" But, I want to do the thing, I'm just afraid I'll fwall." Nora said sadly, as she looked down at the ground.
" Hey, it's ok." Barry reassured her, as he placed his hand on her chin and gently raised her head back up.
" I was afraid too."
" But you're never afraid of anything!" Nora cried in disbelief.
" Despite what you may think, I actually get scared a lot." Barry told her.
" Really?!"
" Yeah."
" I was afraid of falling too. That I'd hurt myself on the ice and then never want to go back out again."
" What did you do?" Nora asked wide-eyed, listening intently to her father's words.
" Well, my dad took me aside, placed his hand on my shoulder, and told me; Barry, it's okay to fall. It's part of life. It's what helps us grow as people. But what's important isn't how many times we fall, it's that we keep getting back up." Barry explained as he placed his hand on Nora's small shoulder.
You always were the best, dad.
" And did you do it?" Nora asked.
" Yep. I went right out there on the ice, and fell flat on my face after about a minute of doing it. But you know what? I got back up."
" And then you never fell again?"
" No, I still fell," Barry laughed, Nora joining in as well.
" But, I did it less and less as I practiced. And before I knew it, I was gliding across it with ease."
" That sounds really good daddy, but..." Nora trailed off.
" There's something else?" Barry guessed, Nora shaking her head in affirment.
" I don't want to make you sad." she said, shifting her small boots against each other.
She doesn't want to disappoint me?
" Nora, you'll never make me sad by failing. You've already made me so proud today by being brave enough to come down here and try something new, and no matter if you become an angel on the ice after the first go, or if you need a little bit more time, I'm going to be right here with you." Barry told her, a warm smile worn across his face.
" Thanks daddy!" Nora exclaimed, jumping into a big hug with him.
" You'wre the best."
" Thanks Nora, but I think that that award already belongs to you." Barry smiled.
" Or mommy." Nora added.
" Yeah, your mom probably deserves it the most," Barry laughed, Nora letting out a loud giggle.
Now, are you ready to go out there?" Barry asked, gesturing to the ice rink.
" Yeah!" Nora cried happily, her confidence reignited.
" Then let's go." Barry said, gently grabbing Nora's hand and leading her out onto the ice.
Very quickly Nora's legs began to slip out from under her, as she strained to stay upright, but everytime that she was about to fall, Barry would pull her back onto her feet, letting her grab onto his pant legs to support herself as they moved forward.
This process repeated itself a few times, before Nora found her footing, slowly letting go of Barry as she slid next to him.
" I'm doing it!" she cried happily, thrusting her arms in the air.
" You're doing it!" Barry beamed happily, watching as she slowly skated next to him, her beautiful wide smile sparkling against the ice.
Nora watched as a pair of skaters glided across the ice a few feet away from them, one of them lifting their leg out behind them as they did a quick spin before continuing forward, Nora's mind immediately deciding that she wanted to try out what they were doing.
Before Barry could react, Nora stuck her left leg out behind her, heavily wobbling on her remaining one for a moment before trying to add the spin to it.
" Nora, wait!" Barry warned, but not fast enough.
Nora's legs tangled up on themselves and gave out, causing her to go crashing down onto the ice as she lost her footing.
" Nora, are you alright?" Barry asked worriedly, as he got down next to her to check her for injuries.
And much to his surprise, she started laughing.
" That was amazing! Let's do it again!" she exclaimed, her toothy smile showing once more as she clapped her hands together.
Barry breathed a sigh of relief, a smile coming to his face as he saw her happy face.
She definitely gets her clumsiness from me.
" Can we keep going?" Nora asked enthusiastically.
" Do you want to?" Barry questioned, remembering their conversation from earlier.
" Yeah daddy, this is fun!" she cried out, her hands thrusting back up into the air.
" Then of course." Barry replied, as he carefully helped her back onto her feet (doing one more quick check to make sure she was okay), before they slowly started skating again, Nora continuing to try to do spins, only Barry was now there to catch her before she fell.
You really are amazing Nora.
After a while at the ice rink, Barry and Nora began to make their way home through the snow covered sidewalks of Central City, Nora doing small half-way cartwheels as they slowly moved along.
Before long, Barry's phone began to vibrate in his pocket, and he flipped it out to see that it was Iris who was calling.
" Hey Iris," Barry said, laughing slightly as he watched another one of Nora's adorable cartwheels.
" Hey babe, just calling to tell you we're leaving work now." Iris said, as she stuffed some of her papers in her work bag.
" Did it go well with Bart?" Barry asked.
" Well, it went well for us, as for my office..." Iris trailed off, as she looked at the large mess of papers, pens, tape, and other various office materials that laid strewn across the place, from the games that the two had played together.
" But, it was worth every minute." she added affectionately, as she placed her hand down on her son's shoulder, who happily beamed back up at her, his hands still clicking a red pen open and closed.
" I'm happy to hear it." Barry smiled.
" How about you and Nora?" Iris asked, her office door's lock audible in the background.
Barry looked over at Nora, who failed to finish one of her cartwheels and flopped onto the ground, laughing and giggling as she made tiny snow angels.
" It went great." Barry beamed, the love for his daughter filling his voice.
" That's great to hear." Iris smiled.
" Does that mean that we can see you guys back at the apartment?" she added.
" Yep, we're on our way now." Barry affirmed, as he watched Nora play in the snow.
" Okay, we'll be back soon, tell Nora we love her." Iris said.
" I will," Barry agreed.
" See you later," he added.
" You too." she replied, before hanging up the call.
" Was that mommy?" Nora asked once he was off the phone, not stopping in her effort to roll around in the powdery white snow.
" Yeah. She and your brother are on their way home."
" Yay! That means that wwe'll be back in time to greet them!" she exclaimed.
The amount of energy and joy that both Nora and Bart always said everything brought an indescribable amount of joy to Barry's heart. A feeling that told him that he must be doing something right if his kids are always so happy.
" Yep, well that is if you'll be okay leaving the snow for now." Barry grinned.
" It's like the ground's giving out huggies!" Nora squealed, as she tossed some snow into the air above her, Barry letting out a laugh.
" Well, will my huggies do for now?" Barry asked, as he gently picked her up and held her in his arms.
" Youwrs are the best." Nora said, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.
" Ooo, can you mawgic us there?" she asked.
" I don't see any harm in that." Barry said, looking around to make sure no one was looking in their direction.
" Yay!" Nora cried once more.
" I wish that I had your magic." she said, as she rested her small head on his shoulder.
" You have something even better Nora, the magic that you have from being you. And that magic is ten times more special than mine." Barry said, squeezing her gently.
" I have magic? Then how come I can't make the pretty colors?" Nora asked, confusedly, to which Barry just laughed.
" Let's get you home." he smiled, as Nora rested her head back on his shoulder, before he blasted off through the city, his orange electricity hanging in the snowy air for a brief moment before dissipating.
When Iris and Bart opened the door to the apartment, they found that Barry and Nora had already gotten home, both sitting on the couch together sipping some hot chocolate.
" You're home!" Nora shouted, as she jumped up with joy.
" Yeah! And it was a bwast with mommy!" Bart cried, as the two rushed over to each other.
" Did you find any secrewt plans?" Nora asked.
" We found this many!" Bart shouted, holding up two fingers.
" Woah!" Nora exclaimed in amazement.
" Hey, is that hot coco?" Bart asked, noticing the small mug in his sister's hand.
" Yeah, I had dad make one for you and mommy for when you came home." Nora explained.
" Thanks!" he cried, giving her a quick hug.
" Twins always look out for each other's desserts." Nora declared.
" Unwess there's only one." Bart added.
" Which means I'll get it." Nora corrected.
" Or me." Bart said.
" Ok you two," Iris laughed, interrupting them.
" How about you guys go grab Bart and I's cocos?"
" Great idea mommy!" Bart said, before the two twins ran off into the kitchen to grab the drinks.
Iris sat down next to a smiling, relaxed Barry, who was holding a steaming hot chocolate in his right hand, sitting close to him.
" They're so great." she said quietly, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
" I know," he said lovingly, as he watched the two of them laughing together.
" Seeing them like this, full of laughter and joy, does it make you feel like you've done something right? Like you're being a good parent?" Barry asked, looking over at his wife.
" Yeah, it does." Iris admitted.
" But what also does, is knowing that I have you there by my side doing it with me. And that you're the best father that anyone could ask for." she added.
" Well, since you're the best mom that anyone could ask for, I guess that makes us a pretty good team." Barry finished.
" I guess it does." Iris smiled, as the two affectionately looked into each other's eyes.
" And together, we can handle anything that comes our way." Barry said.
" Like we always have, and always will." Iris agreed, Barry smiling back at her lovingly.
" I've got your coco mommy!" Nora shouted, as she ran over towards the couch, Bart trailing right behind her with his own.
" That's great Nora," Iris smiled affectionately, watching as their kids came running over to them.
As they were running though, something strange happened.
Right as Nora was nearing the edge of the couch, she suddenly blasted forward a few feet, Barry quickly using his speed to reach out and steady her as small, weak sparks of purple and orange lighting flickered off of her.
" Woah, what was that?" Bart gaped, as he stopped next to the others.
" I don't know, it felt really weird... but also kinda tickled." Nora giggled.
Barry and Iris both gave each other a quick and slightly concerned look before turning back to Nora and Bart.
Did she just...
" It was just daddy using some of his magic again." Barry smiled, as he grabbed Nora and placed her now on the couch next to him, Iris doing the same for Bart.
" That was fun!" Nora laughed.
" Can I get a turn?" Bart asked excitedly, a brief small flicker of orange light sparking off his shoulder.
" Later sweetie, for now, let's just sit here, together." Iris smiled, as she wrapped her arm around him, Barry doing the same with Nora.
" Ok mommy," Bart said, as he snuggled up next to her, taking a sip from his mug.
" Love you daddy," Nora smiled, as she snuggled up next to him too, her eyes closing slowly as the day's activities caught up to her.
Barry and Iris both smiled down at their kids, before turning back to each other, a mixture of love/worry on their faces, both enjoying the time with their family, but thinking the same thing.
The kids have powers.
Me and my big mouth.
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