He Makes Me Care Too Stupidly Much
Dedicated to @CamrynKissel, @joshuasmith943, @bloodypunkkk, @amorheartz, ThatSpiderKnight, and @Nicholas_Thawne, for all of your amazing views, votes, and comments on all my Arrowverse stories! You're all truly fantastic fellow Flash fans :)
And a special dedication goes out to luciferandchloe2021 and damianflashpoint for their amazingly schway support of my West-Allen stories! I truly love and appreciate every comment you both leave on my work :)
Author's Notes:
Hi, everyone!
Hope you are all having an amazingly great day (or that if you're not, this story can maybe lighten your mood up a little bit :) because you all deserve nothing short of happiness everyday!
First, I just gotta be completely honest with you all when I say that I wasn't planning by any means to exactly write this oneshot about Frost and Barry, though the first one primarily, in general, let alone right now when I sorta have writer's block.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love their friendship so much, especially during the sixth season when this short story here's set, I just typically prefer when writing Flash-related work to focus on the dynamics held between the members of the West-Allen family with one another because, as cheesy as it sounds, it just makes my heart happy! Lol.
But whenever I tried to sit down to work on my next project for them, my mind just kept getting stuck on what I should do next. And that's when I landed on this particular concept based around Barry and Frost's friendship during the many tribulations the team faced leading up to Crisis.
And I'll be the first to admit, it probably isn't exactly my best work ever, but I think it has just the right amount of heart and humor to make you smile, just like their friendship does in the show itself.
Plus, who knows, maybe this random idea'll finally give me the inspiration to write more with the Snow sisters (Just a side note, but Khione is so underrated) because to say that I laughed a lot writing Frost's sections here would be an understatement.
Anyways, love you all, sorry for the slight rambling, and I hope you have as much fun reading this story as I did writing it :)
And always remember,
Nothing is impossible as long as you believe in it :)
(P.S. I did change around the element of Frost and Caitlin having their own bodies and advancing that story progression as if they'd split in the first episode or two of season six, just because I thought it could be interesting to play with that character detail during the earlier sections of this season)
And unexpected.
It was the only way Frost had promised to live every second of her chaotic life since the moment she'd finally gotten the chance to have that very thing inside what she now knew was what the average person considered their own skin.
A term which the icy-powered meta-human had only recently learned from her personal dictionary of a speedster best friend, Barry Allen, didn't actually involve any form of unnatural body swapping and or literal face-stealing, but rather, was just a plain old boring metaphor for someone finding confidence in themselves.
Though, in the Snow sister's defense, there had been plenty of both those things occurring since the first days Team Flash had formed six years back.
Doesn't even matter if we're talking about the whole city or just our team, 'cause' it's basically happened about the same amount to the entirety of uninteresting strangers that supposedly are nice people as like the twelve of us combined.
Plus, I mean, I heard Caity and Ralph say it to Cisco all the time when he was whining about his break-up with that interdimensional breech freak of a girlfriend, but I always just thought it was one of those nerdy movie references they're all always using to confuse the ones of us who don't enjoy sappy dramas like, "This is Us."
But now that I think about it, I kinda do wish it had something to do with some horror movie alien instead. At least then, I would've gotten to pull a pretty awesome prank on Cisco.
Yeah, that would've definitely been fun...
Now, don't get the edgy heroine wrong, she loved the whole self-discovery journey as much as the next person, but that didn't mean she couldn't silently appreciate a message while still being bored out of her mind while learning it in the moment, right?
Kinda like anytime somebody tries to tell me they don't like my art; I hear their advice, let it bounce around in Caity and I's-or I guess just mine, head, for a few full seconds, and then I shoot them with just as passionately of an ice blast as the helpful critiques they gave me.
Speaking of which, I really should ask Kamila how her back's been doing after that exhibit last week...you know, carrying all that awful work on her own and all.
Though, Frost's jovial thoughts were swiftly interrupted by the sudden sensation of metal slamming against her left cheek, knocking her clean off her black, steel toe-booted feet.
The loose waves of her long, white hair fell messily over her naturally pale face as she felt her back collide roughly with the smooth concrete ground that made up what was the Speed Lab's flooring, their partially silver-glittered mid sections (What? Caity told me I should branch my style out a little more and it's not like I was gonna start wearing bright pink girly skirts or something...), sticking vaguely to her faded blue lips.
Her khaki-jeaned legs were sprawled uncomfortably out below her chest, their snowflake-embroidered back pockets already feeling the wear that was the heroine's training session for this was far from the first time she'd taken a punch from the high-powered, automated metal dummy which Cisco had finally gotten around to redesigning five years after the original had been created to take down Barry's childhood bully, Tony. Both of which had been built much to Caitlin's dismay, both from the standpoint of their resident doctor's concerns for their safety, one that was backed undeniably by the so-called evidence that had lined Barry's bruised ribs a few days prior and because, she quite frankly just didn't find the appeal in making a power-mimicking machine after having already defeated the exact same thing in the form of Amazo only a little over a year prior at this point.
"And I know you've seen the Terminator movies before, Cisco!" Caitlin had scolded, frustratedly during their first test run involving the new model with what she now considered a death trap waiting to happen.
A phrase which a lazily observing Frost was glad to oblige to the agreement of for it not only seemed like an accurate assessment of the multi-power-stealing machine, but also mostly subtracted any suspicions her twin sister may initially have regarding the contraption so as to create a larger opening for her doing some testing of her own with it later that week.
Plus, I was already getting to see that hilarious vein pop out of her forehead after Barry agreed with Cisco's idea, so I didn't even have to worry about skipping out on that game, either.
Though annoying Caity myself is always going to be my favorite form of entertainment.
Frost groaned slightly in pain as she dragged her sore body up into a sitting position, her black-nailed hand instinctively scratching the back of her head as her dark brown eyes slowly readjusted to the steadily held space which her mind only now realized was indeed, the same Speed Lab she'd been training at for what felt like hours prior.
Yeah, unfortunately one of the only things I did get the pleasure of experiencing while I was sharing this beautiful body with my sis were migraines. And God, do they hurt...
"How long did I last, Bolts? Like, two hours or somethin..." Frost questioned through agitated mumbles, her mouth's heavy exhale of breath aimlessly blowing a few loose strands of her snowy white hair out of her face.
A nickname which she'd previously forbid herself from ever using until she learned that Cisco had taken extra care to program the looming training bot to only initiate if he were called by his properly perfected glorious name of, "Bolts."
As if there weren't enough grammar freaks around here already. But at least this one I can turn to scrap metal without hearing some moral lecture, blah, blah, blah...
Not that I've actually considered blasting any of the others to pieces like that before or anything.
Frost cocked her head thoughtfully to the side as she awaited her so-called "trainer's" analysis, her mind seemingly mulling over the many, many times her friends/family had unintentionally or, in some cases, intentionally drove her crazy (But hey, there's where most people get it wrong. If you're gonna annoy someone, then you should just go the whole way 'cause' otherwise you won't get the satisfaction of winning, either).
Eh...maybe I've tried to kill them all a few times, but haven't like all of us done that a lot? Except, Caity, of course, since she's too much of a goody two-shoes to do that, after all.
But I'm pretty sure I got her covered on that one for the most part.
"You, Mrs. Snow, have reached the approximate time span of ten minutes, thirty seconds," Bolts stated, statically as his dual treaded wheels slowly rolled back into its previously programed starting position in the center of the open Speed Lab, the sound of its metal-padded shoulder armor grinding noisily against its arms in a way that somehow managed to make the ice-powered woman feel even more insulted than the obviously botched results he'd given seconds prior.
Not only because she refused to believe that her battle score would ever be as low as that, but more especially because said false information was being so carelessly given out by some half-finished robot thrown together in her nerdy friend's free time.
I'm kinda starting to rethink that whole stance on turning things into scrap metal...
"Ugh...just shut this thing up already, Cisco..." Frost huffed, frustratedly, her bruised jeaned-knees momentarily pressing against the cool tile ground that previously had laid beneath her butt before they were forced back up into a somewhat steady standing position.
A movement which somehow sent both a wave of exhilaration and exhaustion shooting through the woman's every bone, the loose strands of her glittery white hair falling casually back into their usual places against the upper sections of her newly purchased black long-sleeved Guns 'N' and Roses shirt, their tips resting gracefully on top of messily spread rose graphic that covered the center of its fabric.
Let's just say that the one of us who has the coolest fashion sense around here is undeniably me.
Though, to be fair, most of the guys try WAY too hard so, there's not exactly much competition there.
"Hey, don't blame, Bolts! 'Cause' you were the one who asked me to turn his settings up to max so you could have a challenge," Cisco protested, his right hand brushing the loose ice shards off his work's slick left metal shoulder blade, his short black curls bouncing passionately against the top of his auburn orange flannel shirt.
"First of all, I did better than anyone else has. And secondly, I don't blame it, I blame you," Frost remarked, her shoulders lifting slightly as the smallest of smirks tugged on her lower lip at her friend's reaction to her obviously hilarious joke.
But if we're being completely honest, that's practically the first thing Ralph tried to coach me on without filling every other word with some pop culture reference.
"Yep, that makes more sense," Cisco sighed, understandingly, his hand giving Bolts one last light pat before taking a few steps back so as to stand beside Frost, the soles of his scarlet red sneakers sliding smoothly across the concrete ground as he moved.
An action which Frost needn't examine for long to know that the scientist definitely thought was cooler in his head than it actually was to watch.
But I can't ruin ALL his fun so, I guess I can let this one pass.
"You know, we really need to get you a girlfriend. Might make you more interesting," Frost stated, her black-nailed hands absentmindedly alternating which leg she was inconspicuously stretching out behind her for there was most certainly a thing as superhero soreness.
Something which proved to be slightly more challenging to perform than usual under the rather tight jeans that she'd previously praised past any amount her sister could protest were a perfect purchase.
Otherwise known as I now have no choice but to wear them now everyday or admit that I was wrong to Caity.
Eee, even just saying that gives me chills...
"I already have a girlfriend, remember..." Cisco reasoned, his eyebrows creasing slightly in skepticism at the ice-powered woman's statement.
"Whatever you have to tell yourself, Buddy," Frost scoffed, sympathetically tapping her social lifeless friend's shoulder for it was her duty as one of the only women who would talk to him to at least try and play matchmaker.
I should probably check with Ralph first, though, and see how bad this love case really is.
"No, I actually have a girlfriend, and her name's Kamila. You even went to her art exhibit just a few days ago," Cisco explained, slight frustration quickly growing in his voice as he watched Frost distractedly fluffing her long white hair out over her graphic-printed shirt.
"Okay, if you're gonna pick an actual person as your fake girlfriend then, you should pick someone who's at least in your league, and has a personality," Frost suggested, honest care following closely behind her words.
I mean, he may be kinda dumb sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let him mope around and make up a fake girlfriend for himself when I'm sure there's someone out there who'll actually love him for all the weird things he's into.
"What are you even...urgh..." Groaned Cisco, his right hand's palm pressed exhaustedly to his forehead as he listened to his friend's supposedly supportive remarks.
"Okay, last time I'm gonna clarify this for you; Kamila is real, my girlfriend, and we in fact already had this same conversation when you tried to not-so-subtly trash her beautiful photographs at the city's local art museum," Cisco repeated through a long sigh that very well may've been able to match that of the ones he'd express towards Harry Wells on a daily basis.
Though, there was the benefit of the lack of machinery tools being thrown his way afterwards for Frost much preferred to return his attitude in kind with an equally as sarcastic eye-roll instead of actual physical violence.
See, I am working on my anger issues!
"Oh yeah...that was a fun afternoon," reminiscenced Frost, smiling lightly to herself at the now familiar memories of the so-called prestigious art museum they'd visited with Ralph two weeks prior and all the deceptively creative projects displayed on varying muses across its old, stained brick walls.
Although, it was pretty fun getting to sneak into that group of critics roaming around the place and insulting everybody. 'Cause' let's just say that if I keep failing so exponentially at drawing then I'm totally going to do that job instead. Plus, then I'll get to be commanding like Iris AND no one can complain about it, too.
"Thank you!" Cisco exclaimed, relaxedly, his lungs' finally releasing the excruciatingly tight breath his lungs were clenching so fiercely onto, his hands thrown down at his black jeaned legs' sides.
"You're welcome," Frost replied, casually, her dark brown eyes still admiring the shine of her own steel-toed boots' edges.
Not that the resident engineer was really going to complain about any of his friend's remarks at this point so long as they didn't result in another wave of unacknowledged insults.
Hey, he should be thankful 'cause' at least I'm not trying to hurt his feelings. And in my defense, I've only technically been living my own life for less than a month now so, I don't think it's totally unreasonable for me not to get every emotional cue he decides to throw my way! I mean, Ralph's like, what? Thirty-four now and he still doesn't get all of them!
A thought which temporarily made the ex-criminal stop dead in her tracks, her head cocking slightly to the side in realization.
Okay, alright, I might hear it now...God, I really do need to spend more time with some of those do-gooders or whatever nice people call themselves.
"Yeah, by the way, what exactly is he doing over there?" Frost asked, her head nodding expectantly over to the unusually quiet form supposedly known as Barry Allen that resided in the simple black rolling desk chair positioned just beyond the sturdy metal railing that separated the Speed Lab's center fighting and or training (Training by fighting your friends or just fighting. Is there really that much of a difference?) space the ice-powered woman stood within.
Though, there was hardly anything about the team's resident optimist that resembled the annoyingly perfect man Frost refused to admit she looked up to.
Yeah, well, everyone else is always saying it so, what's the point of me just adding on some sappy speech to show how much I appreciate him just so he can ignore it like everyone else does. But in their defense, it probably wouldn't deserve much more than that if I actually tried to give one in the first place.
The short strands of his brunette hair shot out at various angles atop his head, their slightly spiked tips pointing in just enough directions to send yet another layer of nausea swirling inside Frost's stomach, his tired ocean blue eyes' attention focused almost solely on the monitor screen set-up on the long metal desk that leaned so casually against the aforementioned thin metal railing.
His leanly built upper body was outfitted in a simple forest green and black flannel button-up, its lower opening resting placidly against the cider brown faux leather belt supporting his gray jeans whose lower lips' folds were wrinkled in a disorganized way very few people had witnessed their friend sporting.
An ensemble that was hardly up to what Frost had officially now deemed was her standard in this very moment as she observed the speedster's 'unique' fashion choices.
Yes, I finally got a standard! I always wanted one that didn't involve an intoxicating amount of pink in it, but Caity always said that you have to find one rather than actually just have it or something like that...and that just seemed like WAY too much work. But turns out, her overly extravagant explanations actually paid off for once!
Though, by far the man's feature that was the most off-putting to the outside world was the uncharacteristically gravely humorless expression that hung so vibrantly on his almost slightly paled face in place of the brightly loving smile the woman was so accustomed to seeing follow unendingly behind Barry's every word, his every blink intently attuned to his slick azure blue mouse's every click.
And as much as it may hurt my undeniably cool reputation to say, both metaphorically and literally, that is, I do kinda miss seeing it. You know, him being happy and all that emotional garbage.
Over the last few weeks, Barry had been through a wider range of emotions than an average person would probably feel in an entire year of their life, and for good reason on that second part for he would hardly have wished any of the tribulations he'd been forced to endure upon any single person.
Thoughts which his team could oblige equally to, only towards him, instead.
But it's not really like any of us get much of a say with this stuff, even if we want to.
From comforting his wife while she worked through the devastation that was their daughter's death to being told by another Earth's variant versions of his deceased parents that his death was cemented in the incoming Crisis, having his entire body covered by third-degree burns all the while being forced to explain to each and every one of his closest friends and family members that they couldn't save him so long as they wanted to keep the world safe.
Were only some of the factors currently contributing to the speedster's solemn mood of dismayed thoughtfulness away from his friends' training meeting.
Of course, Frost understood why he wasn't exactly thrilled considering all those circumstances, nor would she ever blame him for wanting to protect Iris and the rest of the team, either.
I mean, that's what I'm always trying to do with Caity; keep her safe because that's what family does for each other. We give whatever part of ourselves we have to for one another, no matter the price. And as cheesy as it sounds, we're all kinda his family here so, I honestly get it.
Just wish maybe it didn't have to be his stupidly nice butt saving the multiverse, again.
But that didn't mean she wasn't going to try until her lungs really did have to yield to their exhaustion to give her friend at least some late happy memories to look back on before the looming day of Crisis did eventually come, just as he already had so many times over for Frost throughout her life, whether that only was the smallest figment of her sister's mind or the few weeks she'd begun to live as her own person.
For there was only one person who listened for long enough to pass the icy exterior to realize just how much she loved living, a detail which he showed particular appreciation of with a certain first birthday blow-out party he'd planned specifically to bring her dreams of crazy dancing, blaring DJ music, and cheap beer to life.
Because after everything he's been through, everything he's taught Caity and, well, me, he deserves to get to smile every once and awhile, too. Even if I do have to get him one of those speed drink thingies Cisco made for him a few years back for his bachelor party in order to complete that pretty simple goal.
For if there was one singular thing that Frost attributed nearly as closely to the speedster as she did his oversized heart, it was his overdramatic need to put everyone else's wants above his own.
Which is especially stupid in this case considering I'm pretty sure that he could probably ask just about anybody else in this entire building how he could make them happier and not a single one of them would say by seeing him moping around like this. But I know that'll really only go in one ear and out the other so, I think I'm just gonna have to stick with my original idea, for now...
"So we're totally gonna get that Oliver Queen look-alike over there outta here, right?" Frost confirmed as she momentarily turned over to grab Cisco's attention, though her eyes did indeed remain partially locked onto Barry for in some unexplainable way, she almost felt the further her gaze moved, the farther away the man would drift into whatever sad and or regretful thoughts were probably taking up the majority of his headspace.
Which is why it's such a good thing that I'm great at causing chaos. At least, that's what everyone is always saying, anyway.
"While that sounds like a nice gesture, Frost, I don't think that's really a good idea," reasoned Cisco, his hands inconspicuously slipping down into his navy jeans' pockets, their tips pressing anxiously against their inner safety's thin fabric stitching.
Because there was no risk high enough that his heart would actually believe even in the slightest was worth losing his best friend.
Not to him.
Not ever.
"Why? Because last time I checked the only way to help someone is to actually do the helping," Frost scoffed, her arms folding skeptically over each other in impatience.
Ugh...it really is just one emotional pep talk after another with these people...
"And you don't even need a Ralph Dibny certificate thingy to realize that," she added, her right eyebrow raised at the engineer in agitation.
Cisco sighed a hesitant breath, his eyes seemingly holding onto all the same details Frost had only moments prior, his heart beating heavily against the inside of his chest with defeated desperation before he finally conceded to his friend's suggestion.
"Okay, fine, but let's just try not to push him too far, alright?" Cisco counter-proposed, the air within his lungs tightening with tension at just the thought of having to artificially smile his way through an entire conversation with his best friend.
The very same person who had so often been the guy who was quite possibly the easiest and most supportive friend he'd ever had.
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say, Buzzkill," Frost remarked, rolling her dark brown eyes dramatically for a good few seconds to add emphasis to her friend's overzealous need to avoid his problems (dealer's choice on which one I'm talking about), before grabbing Cisco's hand and marching determinedly over to where the speedster was currently brooding.
Call it what you want, if it's like a fifty-fifty mix between nerves and frustration, the darkly colored clothing and lonely expression still makes it the textbook definition of brooding. And I should know 'cause' I do it all the time to pass time whenever Harry is talking.
The closer Frost came to approaching her friend's location, the more evident his right sneaker's anxious tapping became for its noisy echo soon grew to become the primary sound source that rang throughout the woman's ears, though that was hardly an odd occurrence for either of the Team Flash members to hear in their daily lives.
Still doesn't mean I like it. But like I said, we don't always get a choice how we feel.
"Hey, fleak feet!" Frost called, her voice raised to a slightly higher octave than was really necessary to get the speedster's attention over the soft rock music currently playing throughout his headphones, words that immediately brought Cisco's palm back to his face.
A fact which was clearly proven by the suddenly startled movements the hero took as he quickly spun around in his chair in surprise.
"Yeah, guys, what's up?" Barry asked, confusedly, his left hand slowly removing the metallic navy earphones from upon his head and placing them down on the desk, the dysfunctional strands of his short brunette hair brushing vaguely against his hand as he moved.
"Nothing much, we just wanted to ask if you wanna ditch this place for awhile and go hang out," Frost answered, her tone carried by an even mix of care and bluntness that to most would seem like an impossible level of compassionate impassivity to reach, yet the Snow sister managed to without so much as breaking a sweat.
Don't know if I even can considering the obvious temperature difference and all, but it's cool, either way.
"Oh, well, I appreciate the offer, but I'm kinda busy working on something at the moment, so I should probably take a rain check," Barry declined, politely, his eyes still held intently on the multitude of files pulled up on the advanced computer screen which stood on its slick metal frame in front of him.
"Can your resident team hacker help out? They don't call me lightning fingers for nothing," Cisco joked, his hands intentionally cracking his strong knuckles in front of his chest.
An action which hurt about ten times more than the movement's appearance was worth, though his friends seemed to mutually agree not to mention it.
I mean, he already embarrasses himself enough with the whole talentless girlfriend thing and all, so why add to his trauma?
"Oh no, that wouldn't be a good idea! Just because it's more of a one person job," Barry swiftly protested, his left hand quickly gripping the desk's edge so as to allow the chair the complete movement he needed in order to cover his friends' view of his "project."
Though, his attempt at hiding the aforementioned task quickly backfired due to the mixed effort of the unfortunate wheels that were attached to the lower sections of the seat's rim and Frost's lack of care towards pushing her friend out of said object.
Clearly if he's trying to hide something from us, it can only mean two things;
1. He's setting something up for Crisis that he definitely shouldn't be doing alone.
2. Or he's planning on getting us all apology gifts for the drama this whole stupid event has been causing all of us in which case said present will be getting smashed back in his face by me, anyway.
Either way, I'm finding out now.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what was that for?!" Cisco exclaimed, exasperatedly as he immediately rushed over to where Barry lay a few inches away from where the desk was, a light moan of pain leaving his lips, a noise that sounded much more mumbled through the concrete barrier that his entire form was currently pressed against.
Though Frost hardly acknowledged the annoyed lecture which the engineer was scolding her with for her brown eyes were much too entertained by the unexpected results yielded from her friend's interruption.
I probably would've never guessed this...well played, Barry.
"You alright, man?" Cisco inquired as he easily extended his right hand downwards, a gesture which the speedster gratefully obliged to take for his lanky legs' balance seemed somewhat deterred by the fall.
A clear consequence of the man's effortless clumsiness, though it was still highly appreciated.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Barry half-smiled, nodding his head reassuringly at his best friend, his left hand instinctively touching the back of messy-haired head gingerly so as to make sure there wasn't as much of a comical bump there as he felt resided in its place.
And they call me the dramatic one...
"Working on something important, huh?" Frost laughed, shortly, her words pulling Cisco's attention to the undeniably blank files which were his so-called "plans" pulled up on the monitor's screen, the mouse's tiny clicker blinking aimlessly in place on the fourth of the six empty pages.
A sight which couldn't help but raise a quiet laugh out of the engineer, too, for usually said methods of avoidance of their friends was reserved solely for Harry Wells and or Oliver Queen.
Told him.
"Guys, um, look...I can explain," Barry began, his heart beat increasing nervously inside his chest, his fingertips inconspicuously tapping the sides of his black jeans in just the same way Frost hated seeing her friend appear.
One of the many contributing factors to her right hand's sudden need to grab the hero's hand and grip it tightly in her own until he promised to never move his fingers again, though she opted to cover said thoughts up with an elongated eye roll, instead.
Ugh...I hate how much he makes me care...
"Nope, don't wanna hear any excuses," Frost stated, sternly staring into the hero's ocean blue eyes as he quickly shut all the many files he'd previously been working on, an action which Cisco seemed to take a slightly more sensible observation of, the movement bringing a small frown back to his face.
"The only way you can make it up to me is if you come outside the lab," she added, plainly shrugging her thin-fabriced shoulders in a way that perfectly conveyed just how genuine her words were spoken.
"No, hey, if he doesn't wanna go then that's-" Cisco protested, though he was swiftly interrupted by the very person he was so adamantly trying to previously defend.
"Thanks, Cisco, but it's okay. I'll help with whatever Frost needs," Barry agreed, his voice holding a low tone that hardly carried the understated enthusiasm it did every time he was offered the opportunity to help just about any person he could.
Which is exactly why he needs my help.
"Alright, but I'm gonna head back to the lab and make sure Nash isn't messing with any of our stuff," Cisco declared, the silentest of sighs following closely behind his words, though Frost didn't have the energy to simultaneously help both guys through their feelings at once.
"Good luck," Frost replied, her words garnering a quick nod of the engineer's head before the sound of his customized sneakers' squeaking disappeared down one of the many winding hallways of the lab.
Yeah, I have a feeling that's gonna be a case I should call my teacher in for.
"So, what exactly did you need?" Barry asked, distractedly, his eyes momentarily freezing on his friend's exit before his form was yanked back to its original spot by the icy woman's determined grip.
"Ah, ah, ah, nope. This one's my surprise, Speedy. Now, let's get out of here," Frost announced, confidently leading her friend out of Star Labs, leaving only the still air to hang behind in their wake.
If this doesn't cheer him up, I don't know what will...
The sound of its tiny pattering droplets falling resonantly down on the concrete ground laid beneath the soles of Barry's black sneakered feet, their slowly growing puddles gaining more volume the longer the man stood within their cool, secluded and uneven circles.
The water seemed to sift slightly underneath the pressure of his resting shoes, their lightly rippled waves splashing against the smooth fabric of his jeans'.
A pattern which seemed to be followed closely by the droplets' soaking of his thick, forest flannel green shirt, sticking its cozy material tightly to the heaving chest that lay just underneath its surface, protecting the fragile place that was undeniably the most vulnerable piece that made up the speedster's form.
He hadn't a clue as to where the Snow sister had actually taken him, only that there was something strangely serene about standing nearly completely still within the gently trickling sound's oasis that almost made his mind feel numb with absentminded emptiness.
Like he was no longer lost inside his own tangled and confusing thoughts, but rather, just listening to his lungs' every intake of the freezing cold air that blew so tirelessly through his quickly dampening brunette hair.
I can't remember when the last time I honestly felt this, this relaxed.
It felt like such a foreign word to the speedster's mind for even if the circumstances were far from as disheartening as the ones that he and his team would be forced to face in only the short time of a few weeks (the only time I have left), it still seemed almost too simple of an adjective to roll off his tongue.
Yet in that moment, he couldn't seem to think of a better one to describe the sensation of the freshly fallen water sloshing inside his shoes' interior.
I guess I've just spent so long staring at blank screens of alternate back-up plans with Cisco, faking hopeful smiles for Joe, and thinking about, about what I can do to make Iris' life better while I'm still here, that I haven't really left any opportunities to spend time with, you know, myself lately.
"So, I'm guessing you're enjoying yourself?" Commented Frost through a small grin of success, the spiked fronts of her black boots scuffing playfully against the rocky surface of the wet concrete ground.
A screeching noise that brought almost as much serenity to the woman's veins as the pattering sound that surrounded the pair.
"What? Um, yeah, it's kinda nice," Barry replied, shaking his head slightly so as to bring his attention away from the world that lay around him.
It's like Joe always taught me; Sometimes it's easier to focus on a single thing in your life at a time instead of worrying about everything at once.
I just wish I was as good at slowing down like that as he is, but that doesn't change how much I appreciate it when I do.
"You didn't even hear what I said, did you?" Frost questioned, plainly, the ends of her long white hair' sparkling glitter slowly sprinkling to the floor in favor of a much more soiled look.
Though she hardly cared about much of any of those things so long as she did manage to bring at least a momentary smile back to her friend's face before the end of their outing.
"Not really," Barry admitted, sheepishly, his right hand quietly brushing a few of the visibly newly fallen droplets off his forehead, his words seemingly carrying a much more earnestly sad tone than he'd first intended it to.
Something which he would surely be giving himself a harsh internal scolding for later.
And that's why I need to focus back on what actually matters right now; my family.
"Eh, it's fine. I don't really like listening to you, either," shrugged Frost, her right boot giving the concrete one last firm kick before she headed back over to where she insisted her friend stand within the delicate puddle's circumference.
Though, her joke didn't fail to bring the smallest of laughs out of the speedster's tired lips as his eyes appreciatively took in all the uniquely interesting details which were the Snow sister's features.
For not a single one of them, whether it be her soaked, previously wavy white hair that brushed so casually against her Guns 'N' Roses' shirt, or the slick black choker collar that hung dangerously around her neck, seemed to express any less personality than the last.
Frost has always been the most self-assured person I've known. I'm just really glad that she's finally getting the chance to live the life that she's always deserved, too.
The pair seemed to stand together in silence for several seconds longer, Barry's ocean blue eyes blinking away the watery tears which the rain was so graciously gifting his pupils as he looked up at the cloud-covered sky that hung so high above their heads, its length unreachable by any single human's touch.
A fact that hardly deterred the hero's temporary urge to extend the palm of his hand upwards to catch the sky's fallen sadness, too, cupping it soothingly in his grasp all the while subsiding the tiniest fraction of his own concern.
And I know that would probably sound crazy to say aloud, but that doesn't change how true it feels to me right now. Standing underneath its shelter.
"Do you wanna know why I took you here?" Offered Frost, her eyes seemingly taking in the same soft sight the speedster's was, only with much less strain of attention than his.
Almost as if the ice-powered woman had performed this very set of movements a hundred times prior, each step forever ingrained in her and Caitlin's memories.
Barry gently nodded his head in response, the pattering sound slowly dissipating into the background of his thoughts for he wanted to take in his strong friend's every bit of sensitivity that seemed to follow behind her words.
I mean, after everything she's done for me over these last few years, it's only fair that I do the same thing for her.
"It's the place Dad always used to take Caity when she was younger. Because he said that there was no way to prevent sadness, so the best way to express it is by letting the weather do it for you, hence the rain and all," Frost explained, her voice holding a tender softness it rarely had when she was thinking about anyone except their father, Thomas Snow.
The very man who had brought her into creation all those many years ago in an act which she would only ever consider unexpected kindness, in the best possible form.
For even if it had become a recent revelation for the woman, she had learned that life was truly a gift granted with more than just a purpose of protection.
Barry's eyes slowly fell upon the tears sliding wordlessly down his friend's face, a sight which instinctively made him wrap his right arm around the hurting woman's shoulders.
"That sounds really sweet, Frost," Barry whispered, supportively, letting the weight of her lovingly pained past course through his veins in the very same way she had allowed his to by just standing within the decommissioned road a little while away from S.T.A.R. Labs.
Everyone has that one person in their lives who always finds a way to surprise them. And Frost? Well, she's tied for mine. With Ralph, of course.
"Yeah, well, I just figured you could use a reminder that everyone, that I, care about you just as stupidly much as you care about me," Frost whispered, sincerely, her words sending quiet tears of appreciation welling in her best friend's eyes, too.
Though, the only words that seemed to be able to actually leave Barry's slightly tensed throat were the two simplest ones he could possibly speak to her, "Thank you."
A gesture which somehow brought both the silently hurting friends' faces the smallest of comforting smiles as they watched the pattering rain fall delicately down around their resting forms.
Because as long as I have people like Frost in my life, I know everything's going to be fine.
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