Chapter 11: The Enemy of my Enemy...Pt.2

Author's Note: Before you begin with the chapter, I want you to know in advance that - for those who are reading this when it's released - I'm really sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I've been really busy with my other stories, and I had a massive case of writers block when it came to this chapter for some well as being burnt out for some months prior to uploading this.

This chapter is, for me at least, not the chapter I am most proud of because it took so long to do, and I don't know if it's that good. I'm hoping that you do enjoy this, but I completely understand if you don't like this (or will do when you read it, and if you hate it). 

Also, I haven't given the gang any names for this one, with the exception of one, because I couldn't think of any, but I'm hoping that how the characters are in the story and how the chapter is more than makes up for it...especially in Frost's case. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, and on with the chapter!

The tensions in S.T.A.R. Labs at the moment were...less than perfect, to say the least. And for a number of different reasons as well:

1. Frost Star had appeared at S.T.A.R. Labs, much to the surprise of everyone of Team Flash.

2. Said speedsters body temperature was incredibly hot, which as Team Flash found out was a potential death sentence for The Frozen Speedster, as he was quite literally cold blooded.

3. They'd found out that the reason Frost Star was even at S.T.A.R. Labs in the first place was because his hired grunts, minus one loyal person, all turned on him and nearly killed him by blowing up his base of operations.

4. The ones who turned on Frost turned had sent out an ominous message to both their former boss and Team Flash, whilst showing the former of the two's only loyal ally as a hostage.

The result was that there was now a very pissed off Frozen Speedster wanting to get revenge against his former lackeys - or worse as Team Flash suspected, given his lack of empathy for his lackeys in the past - and an even more fearful Team Flash who know had to try to keep an eye on their temporary ally.

Frost Star remained in the icy room that he had been 'given' upon his arrival - but he refused to speak about whatever plan he was obviously thinking up with any of Team Flash, despite their attempts at getting him to spill the metaphorical beans.

Even when others tried to demand answers out of him to help them figure out a plan of action - and when they also asked who the person that his (Frost's) former allies turned enemies now had in their captive - he just flipped them off, or completely blanked them.

Truth be told, he was trying his best not to blow up in his anger-fueled mindset right now, especially given that - for the time being anyway - those he hated for so much of his life, minus Caitlin, were now technically his temporary 'allies'.

However, despite slowly recovering in the below sub-zero temperatures of the room he in - whilst still under the influence of the infernal thing that was slowly ripping him apart, and trying to kill him with heat - he knew that he would eventually need to at least share some part of the plan with Team Flash...

'How the hell do I keep getting into these stupid scenarios...?' Words he'd heard so many times before, both on a rare few occasions from his own mouth, and sometimes from his Mum's mouth...or, at least, his Earths mum anyway...And he hated that now they were words that were oh so relevant to his current situation. 

"Frost Star...?" 

As soon as he heard his name, and the voice it belonged to, he opened his closed eyes immediately and turned his head to look at the door from over his shoulders, if only to confirm that it was who he assumed it was. 

It was. It was Caitlin. And she was alone, as well.

"Yes...?" was all he responded with at first, before Caitlin soon slowly approached the door a little further. "Something happened on your Earth, didn't it? Something that...something that filled you hatred for Barry...and all of us in Team Flash..."

"Not all of you, no..." he interrupted, slowly looking away again and then making it up to a standing position, slowly, before clarifying. "You were the only one I did not hold hatred for...As's more...complicated..."

Caitlin seemed confused by that a bit, and Frost could tell, even if he wasn't looking at her at the moment. 

"Broken men don't always make for the best role models...or the best heroes...In fact, if left to fester...and their broken state, without anybody to help redeem them or help them...the broken can become the worst of enemies, and something that haunts even the best of people, forever...! Something that I'm sure you, your Barry, and your...friends...experienced."

Caitlin put the pieces together rather quickly - not that this was ever in doubt for the 'Frozen Speedster' - and soon her words and thoughts ran away with her as she spoke who she suspected that Frost was referring to. "Savitar..."

As she said that name, she saw out of the corner of her eyes that Frost's left hand seemed to visibly shake...until he roughly grabbed his hand to stop it from shaking. What she couldn't see, though, was that his eyes had closed at the mention of the name, and remained closed until moments after he released his hold on his left hand.

"What happened to you...?" he heard Caitlin ask him in a concern that almost match that of one a mother would have for their child. Frost slowly opened his eyes - his eyes glowing violently very briefly, and his breathing almost deep and erratic for a few moments - before he slowly closed his eyes once again and said "You can come out of the shadows, Barry...I know you're there..."

To Caitlin's surprise, she turned and saw Barry in the corner - in a blind spot area where Frost, realistically, shouldn't have known the Speedster was there...and yet, somehow, he did know. Barry came out from the corner, and stood next to Caitlin. He was about to speak, but Frost cut him off. 

"If you want me to tell you both...then turn off the cameras...I will not share anymore of my past whilst your...friends...and family...are all listening..."

Figuring and suspecting that his words were genuine, Barry glanced over at the camera and did a motion with his hand to tell Cisco and Jay - who were both watching and, technically, listening on the other side in the Cortex - to turn off the cameras, which they did out of respect for Barry and did not quell any of their fears though, regarding who they were speaking too...

Just because Frost Star was working with them currently, it did not mean that Vibe or the former Flash for Earth 3 could fully trust in 'The Frozen Speedster', and with good reason. Frost Star was as likely to possibly attack and turn on them as soon as the mission was complete than anyone of said speedsters former crew. 

And it wasn't as if Team Flash hadn't had someone who was known as an enemy to them suddenly turn on them when Team Flash was in need of their help either. It had happened with Captain Cold, aka Leonard Snart, and it had definitely happened more than once with Grodd and Reverse Flash.

When Barry and Caitlin were both certain that the cameras were off, they both glanced over at 'The Frozen Speedster' - who still had his back to them at the moment - and Barry soon said "Okay...they're off. You can talk now."

His tone wasn't harsh, but almost quiet. Frost soon spoke, his eyes closed as he told his story.

"Believe it or not, my world was just like this one...plagued by a broken alternate of Central City's resident hero...only difference was that, on my world...Savitar defeated The Flash, by killing the one that The Flash cared for...Miss Iris West...and then breaking down and crippling his allies one-by-one...Kid Flash, Vibe...even Killer Frost in some way, and she was...quite possibly...his only real friend...

"For years, Savitar controlled Central City as if it was his own - cutting down all who stood in his way with emotionless, hate-filled brutality...and yet, for many years...he never knew who I was, because Killer Frost never told him, or my Earth's The Flash..."

Barry and Caitlin remained silent, though they were surprised by what they were being told. 

"Oh it was so much fun for him to believe that I was just some hopeful run-of-the-mill wannabe hero, come to carry on the fight that The Flash and his team had previously started! It was so fun for him...and yet he couldn't have been more wrong as well...because this 'wannabe hero', as he would call him...well, he was me. And I had stopped believing in heroes the moment I had seen and heard of what he had done to heroes, like The Flash!"

He smashed his fist against a nearby wall, not looking at either Barry or Caitlin, and forgetting about his own condition for a brief time as well. 

"I didn't care about being a hero, or avenging Team Flash for their own failures...all I was out for was two things: the first was revenge for what he had put my mum through, what he'd made her do, and what he put my world through..."

He went silent for a bit, placing a hand on his head briefly and closing his eyes as he tried to clear his mind and his thoughts - only barely hearing what Barry was asking. "What was the other thing? You said you were out for two things."

His eyes open after 30 seconds upon that question, but stay remained tight-lipped for a bit - the silence only being broken after releasing a breath that he had shown no signs of holding.

However, before Frost could continue, the whole conversation was interrupted when Cisco called down from the Cortex. 

"Hey guys? I'm sorry for interrupting, but...we're coming close to the deadline, and we still haven't come up with a decision yet!" It was, sadly, the truth. Their 1 hour deadline was coming to a close, and they did not have a plan of action yet...or at least, none of Team Flash did yet.

"I have one..." Frost Star said before continuing. "...but it requires that you agree to their demands on handing me over. Otherwise, your city will burn. And, as much as I may not be a fan of my Central City...your one, at least, has some...potential...Potential to be greater than the dump I lived in...and grew to despise!"

The suggestion was gutsy - and some would argue very foolish indeed, plan or not - and both Caitlin and Barry knew this. And, to their own surprise, they even felt a certain measure of concern for the young man standing before them that was their enemy...but the concern wasn't that of a cautious person waiting to be was more of a concern that a parent(s) share or have about their children!

"No! We can't do that! We'll...we'll find another way!" Caitlin spoke with quite obvious concern in her voice. Barry shared it with what he had to say. "Caitlin's right. We'll find another way! We're not handing you over!"

Frost snapped at that, turning his body quickly in their direction with quite obvious rage and anger to his voice - though probably to his detriment given his weakened state still. "THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!!! Either we hand myself over, or EVERYONE burns!"

He grimaced and fell to a knee after shouting, and both Caitlin and Barry became concerned at that. Frost, though, soon asked a question that made the two heroes standing opposite him think slightly. 

"Why do you care about what happens to me, anyway!? We'll still be enemies after this, regardless! And I've made it clear that I have no intention of that changing! one of convenience, remember? So why care!?"

He didn't know why he was suddenly being very defensive over their worrying over him, or why he felt he had to justify why they should hate him. Maybe it was weakened and mentally erratic state of mind - despite the attempt at opening up with them not too long ago, which he assumed they merely thought of that as a courtesy - but either way, the question was still valid to him as well. 

They were being nice and concerning towards him, despite being pretty much a cocky jackass. An angry one at that too. 

Caitlin and Barry both wondered that question as well. But to Caitlin's and Frosts surprise...Barry was the one to answer that question first. 

"We don't know what your mum - your Killer Frost - was like, or what Savitar and my doppelganger was on your Earth...God know we probably don't want to know either...and, trust me, you're far from in my good books too. But - whether we want to accept it or not - you are family to us, regardless of how much of an ass you are to us, and vice-versa.

"And, even if this is only a temporary team-up, you're 

Caitlin couldn't help but smile slightly at the answer Barry provided - regardless if it was perfect or not. Even 'The Frozen Speedster' was slightly left stunned at the response, albeit very briefly. He turned his look towards Caitlin, who in turn looked at her speedster multiverse-son when he asked his next question.

"How much do you"

Caitlin did not even need to think on that answer, though her answer did surprise Barry. "I trust him with my life. Always have done, always will do." 

Because neither Barry nor Caitlin were looking at Frost - Barry because he was looking at Caitlin in surprise at that answer (although he probably shouldn't have been surprised when you think about it), and Caitlin because she had been looking towards Barry with a trusting smile, both of whom were blushing in embarrassment - neither noticed the small smirk that appeared on 'The Frozen Speedsters' face, albeit momentarily.

"Then - if your words are indeed genuine Flash - you need to trust me on my plan as much as Caitlin trusts you...albeit, for this one time only...I might be weak right now...but that makes me far more dangerous than those fools realise...!"

Both Caitlin and Barry looked at each other briefly, soon mentally coming to an agreement - as if psychically linked with one-another like soulmates - before Barry walked over to the room that Frost was in and opened the door. 

"Okay. What's the plan then?"

Minutes Later...

The location for the meeting point was an abandoned skyscraper-like building that looked like it had been in the middle of structural repairs. It was on the far side of the nearest town close to S.T.A.R. Labs.

On the outside, it pretty much seemed like normal, outside of the obvious lack of builders working on the needed repairs for the building. The inside of the building, though? That was a completely different story. 

The inside of the building was filled with numerous different meta-humans and criminals from Frost Star's former mini-army of - what can be assumed as - Frost's expendable minions. The self-appointed leader of this band of misfits was sitting in the furthest room on the highest level of the building - detonator in his left hand, and flanked in the room with about 5 or 6 fellow grunts and meta's.

He also wasn't a very patient man, as could be seen as he was constantly flicking the lid on his detonator off of and onto the trigger button without actually setting it off. All he wanted to do was get his former boss, spill his blood all over the floor, deal with their former boss's only friend left, and blow up the city anyway. 

What? You didn't think he was serious when he said he wouldn't blow up Central City if Frost Star was brought to him, did you?

So, imagine his surprise when one of...I suppose 'his'...grunts on one of the lower floors called in over the radio.

"Hey, they're arriving. And it looks like the frozen jackass has those damn power-dampener cuffs on!" This brought a smirk to the face of the supposed leader, followed by a moment or two of suspicion and confusion. 

He had a look on a monitor that one of the others had somehow rigged up to monitor what was going on outside, and standing outside indeed was both The Flash - though in a dark red suit with black lightning bolts instead of the golden ones that they were used to seeing - and their former leader, Frost Star, appearing out of a closing breach portal on their own whilst Frost's arms were tightly secured behind his back.

"Bring those speedy fools up!" the supposed leader said into a portable radio, and - as if on cue - a quartet of fellow grunts brought the two speedsters up to top floor with guns pointed at them both. But something was irking the supposed leader.

Or should I say, someone was irking him. Care to guess who?

If you guessed 'Frost Star', then congratulations! You are correct! Though it wasn't without reason. Albeit his reasoning was based more on paranoia and selfish wanting to outlive his former boss. 

But he also was uneasy because he knew that Frost Star - regardless of his situation - more often than not always had a plan to get out of everything on the winning side. And given that living often counted as "being on the winning side" for Frost - or so he assumed at least - he was certain that Frost would figure out a way to make sure he came out with a cure.

Weirdly though, as he watched the CCTV footage, he noticed that Frost and Barry seemingly didn't try to stop the quartet of thugs that had come to collect them, and he even took a rough shot from one of the thugs's rifles to the jaw as well without much resistance. 

Flash tried to stop that from happening, but got winded himself from a punch to the gut! All of which seemed...unusual, especially for two speedsters. 

"Double security in the lower levels! I don't trust that he doesn't have something planned, or any of his allies appearing!" Paranoia was clearly evident in that command, but the command was followed regardless, leaving about a dozen men in the room with Frost - meta-human's and bounty hunters both - as they awaited with impatience and growing suspicion.

As the bound 'Frozen Speedster' and the corrupted 'Scarlet Speedster' eventually appeared in the room: the supposed leader of this band of misfits couldn't help but look at Frost Star almost with a look of even more suspicion and unrest, if that was even possible. 

It was true that he could not deny that the being before him was, indeed, Frost Star...but there was something different about this one before him, compared to the one they nearly killed a few hours prior...and he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was that seemed out of place with this one.

The only thing he could tell was that the heat dart that they had specifically created to combat Frost Star was working, as could be seen by the sweat on the speedsters brow, and his slightly heavier breathing.

Still though, the Frost Star in front of him though had a cocky smirk on his face, and that - among other things - was definitely causing alarms to ring in his head. Even the sight of meta-human power dampening cuffs didn't set him at ease.

"You don't seem happy to see me, Mick...Oh! I forgot...You were hoping that little explosion in my base would kill me, didn't you Rory?" said speedster mocked - his words in no way slurred or muffled despite his jaw being bashed not too long ago - surprising The Flash that the defacto leader of these thugs was another, far different looking version of his Earth's Mick Rory.

This only made the now revealed alternate Rory glare, before nodding at one of his companions - who in turn smashed the butt of a strange looking rifle over the back of Frost's and Barry's heads, causing them both to drop to the ground...and, in Frost's case, cough up some blood in his still weakened state. 

Frost, though, just laughed. And laughed like someone had plotted a murder, or at least something suspicious.

"What's so funny!?" Rory asked, only for Frost to look up with a smirk. "You really are as stupid as you act...or...maybe you're too paranoid to notice..." He coughed up a violent cough as he said that - blood being coughed up onto the floor and on Rory's boot as this occurred - and yet, once again...Frost just laughed like he had not a care in the world, which had not been the case not too long ago!

Even Barry was disturbed by this almost unhinged side of 'The Frozen Speedster'. To Barry, it was almost like seeing Thawne or Zoom in terms of chilling creepiness, mixed with the attitude of Savitar...and none of that those thoughts were pleasant at all on their own, let alone combined...

Rory soon held up the detonator in his hand, speaking with venom in his voice as he tried to put the fear of god into the supposedly now deranged Speedster. 

"What could you possibly have that could help you and stop me from blowing up this god damn city to kingdom come?" At the surprised look on Barry's face, he smirked maniacally and moved in front of the Corrupted Scarlet Speedster as he spoke with a rising tone of voice.

"Oh, did you think I was serious when I gave you the choice!? Did you think that your precious Central City would be safe, regardless if you brought that son of a bitch to us!? If you thought that, then you heroes are dumber than I thought!" 

He held the detonator up against and smirked like someone on the verge of losing his mind. "You, your city, and those that you care about...are all going to BURN! Because of him!" He pointed to Frost as he said 'him', and Barry looked over slowly at Frost...but then, he slowly allowed a brief smirk appeared on his face. 

"Now, what the hell could get you smirking at?" Barry simply looked over after being asked that, and whispered at that "It's not me you should be asking that to." The attention was turned back to 'The Frozen Speedster' in the room - his face still adorned with a dark smirk, and he was still chuckling a little despite coughing up a little blood.

Then, the radios began to start going haywire: some would start sharing static loudly after minutes or moments of one of the many...let's say 'teams', even though they were anything but a cohesive team...trying to communicate something, but getting nothing out clearly. There was even the sounds of guns firing and explosions from grenades or god knows what going off as well.

The would-be leader, Rory, grabbed Frost by the throat harshly, glaring with - if looks could kill - the most deadly and seething look anyone could ever give a person. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!" 

Frost just chuckled, despite struggling to breath right now with his windpipes being squeezed...his foe not even seeing his hand slowly moving from his back with the cuffs Frost spoke. "Look...behind you...!" 

And, as if on cue, someone sped into the room in a trail of icy blue lightning, taking down and knocking down the goons in the room with ease...and standing behind the Frost and the thug...was another Frost Star - one seething with anger and hatred! 

And, before Rory could say a word, the Frost Star with his throat being crushed stabbed him (Rory) with a sharp icicle straight in the gut - his hands free - grabbing the detonator in his other hand as it fell...and all with a smirk on his face.

"You should have checked the cuffs..." he whispered in a tone of voice that was - without any better words to describe it - chillingly calm and and without remorse, removing the icicle from his foes gut and leaving him in a heap on the floor, clutching his bloody sides, before the Frost in front of him held up the supposed meta-human power dampening handcuffs as the other Frost spoke whilst walking next to the first Frost.

"If you'd bothered to check, then you would have known that these were duds...then again, brains weren't something I employed you for, so I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't bother to check!" 

Compared to the first Frost, this Frost had said all of that with the usual cold casualness and uncaring disgust for his foes that those now formerly under his employ were familiar with. 

It was now clear now, though, on what was going on, and why there was now two Frost Star's standing in the same room together, even if - at the moment - only Barry could tell what this was: Frost Star had created a Time Remnant of himself, just as Reverse Flash has done in the past...and just as Zoom has done in the past too...and, more importantly, just as Barry himself has done in the past in many different timelines and worlds!

It was quite possible that, during the split, the original Frost's personality was split in two when the Time Remnant Frost appeared - whichever one of the two it really was, as only Frost himself knew - hence why one pretty much acted and seemed like an unhinged psycho - or at the very least an hysterically unpredictable genius - whilst the other was more-or-less like the originally in terms of his normal, brooding self.

Barry got up and came over, slowly asking the second Frost with some caution in his voice "What did you do with the others on the lower floors...?" He didn't answer right away, if at all, nor did he look at the Corrupted Scarlet Speedster either. 

That probably gave Barry all the answers that he needed to know on the question...even if he held out some slight hope that he wasn't right in his guess...

The first Frost - aka the one who had been in the building the longest - soon looked over at the second and vice-versa, before the former simply nodded seconds before the latter sped off to find the person that he was looking for...his only loyal...friend...left amongst the group.

He did not have to search for long to figure out where she was. She was at the top of the building, where a number of the equipment was - more specifically, the equipment and machinery that the builders or maintenance people would have used when either ascending or descending down the building for repairs on the outside of the building. Some also helped when the platform that the cleaners use for the outside of the building.

As for where his ally was, that was something that he had to think on: because she was dangling on the edge of an crane/winching system on nothing but a chain. And by the looks of how it was attached, it appeared as if it was set to release the chain at a mere command, or if it was tampered with in the slightest - sending his only friend plummeting down to a scary drop down towards meeting the droll of a term it was, in the mind of Frost of course. 

It wasn't like Frost hadn't seen this kind of set up before, but he'd only seen it in crime shows and an occasional movie, never in real life. 

Frost slowly began walking like a tight rope walker from a circus over the top of the crane - because using his speed at this point would be stupid, to say the least - slowly wiping some sweat from his forehead as he did so, before beginning to lower himself down carefully so he could attempt to pull his friend up.

This wasn't exactly foreign to Frost, as he had done similar stuff growing up...what for is a tale for another time...but he'd never had to pull up a person from this kind of position before. Using his icy powers, he froze his legs in place after crossing them over the railing...and after he had hung himself upside down. 

"Well...this is a tricky situation..." Frost said with some slight humor, even if he was trying to be completely serious. His friend just rolled her now visible eye through her cracked mask. "Funny." she said, sarcasm fully intended, before Frost began to carefully shift the rope over to him, and his friend. 

"I'm surprised you didn't leave me to my own fate...You've done that before with others." she said as he did this. This, surprisingly, caused Frost to glance at her and pause with a look that could be mistaken for...regret?

"Not with you. You were the only exception. Though if you think I thought otherwise...then I completely understand...I am a bit of a wildcard." With those words spoken, Frost continued working in silence. He then soon had a hold of her enough in one arm for what he was going to attempt. 

"Okay - trust me or not - you might want to hold on...if, at all, you can...because this isn't going to be fun or easy." The complete calmness he had at saying that would - quite naturally - make anyone in this position fearful...and this turned out to be true when he extended his free hand towards the ground and unleashed a torrent of ice down towards the ground...all whilst the sound of ice cracking could be heard above them!

Frost was, naturally, the only one who did not seem to have an ounce of fear at the ice cracking around his bound feet...and then, the ice cracked, and they began to fall towards whatever spiral icy creation "The Frozen Speedster" had made down below! 

And that was when it happened....

As soon as the ice shattered from his then bound feet: Frost's eyes began to glow from the icy blue colour to an almost golden lightning colour as time seemingly slowed down and stopped around the Frozen Speedster.

He had entered Flashtime.

As he entered into Flashtime, he used his momentum and speed to shift and twirl both himself and his friend around enough so he can land as safely enough as possible on his icy, spiral path - all whilst his friend was in his arms safe enough. 

He didn't even exit Flashtime completely until he was sure that they were safely on the ground below - speeding as fast as he could down the path towards the bottom as the ice began to melt behind him just as quickly. A drawback to using his speed on the ice he created, and an even bigger drawback since any kind of icy creation of his is pretty much un-melt-able even in the summer heatwave unless he touches it. Something even Frost Star has not fully figured out on why that is. 

How he managed to keep his friend out of Flashtime was unclear, given he was holding her at the time he entered it...but I suppose it didn't matter much in this case, or whether or not it's because he was a half-blood, more-or-less.

As he reached the bottom, he felt himself skidding down onto his knees as he exited Flashtime, and the last of the ice completely melted micro-seconds before hitting the ground - but also unintentionally causing them both to slam into a nearby wall near the entrance as well - though the brunt of the blow was softened by the angle in which he hit the wall...well, not so much for him anyway...

He grimaces a bit as he slowly began to stand, taking about a minute to do so before walking over to his friend and using his cold powers to freeze the chains and cuffs around her, before taking them off and helping her up.

"Next time, warn me idiot..." Frost heard his ally mumble - half speaking her mind, whilst the other half was joking when she was saying that at the same time. The Frozen Speedster simply rolled his eyes before saying in an equally half-serious, half-joking manner: "Don't get kidnapped again, and I may just consider it..." Before they headed into the building again to see how chaotic things could possibly before as they went up.

Oh how Frost would come to regret wishing that....

When Frost did return though, he was brought back to something that shocked him...the Frost Star in the room with Barry and the impaled Rory (sort of) was currently holding his chest - the icicle that he'd impaled Rory with now impaled into his chest, and blood now staining his hands and slowly dripping out of his mouth before collapsing downwards with an "Oh fuck...."

"The Frozen Speedster" - with a surprising amount of shock and concern on his face that could only be described as the look of when a brother is witnessing a sibling being severely wounded - ran over and caught the other Frost as he helped his descent to the ground less painful...

"Well...*cough*...this wasn't...*coughs twice*...wasn't in the plan..." the wounded Frost said, glancing up at the real one and seeing something that only a select few had seen before...genuine fear and regret...emotions that he wouldn't show without a reason, or unless it was for someone he genuinely cared for. 

Whether or not it was the latter would forever be a debate, but the fear and regret no doubt was because he had allowed himself to falter, and because of his laps in accounting for this or planning further: someone was no injured...and now on deaths row too...and what was worse was this was essentially a part of him, and a completely different person all in one.

The mortally wounded speedster slowly began to whisper something inaudibly into the Frozen Speedsters ear - the latter of whom being the only one who could hear it, but still seemingly had a look of disbelief at the words that were being said to him by his dying look-alike...and then...he began to fade away in the Frozen Speedsters arms.....

Frost looked down at his hands as the body of his now revealed Time Remnant vanished into particles within seconds of his death, similar to how Savitar and Reverse Flash have in the past when they were erased from the timeline. 

Tears that Frost hadn't even known he'd had or been shedding slowly falling into his blood-stained gloved hands, and stinging his eyes at the same time, despite the fact he had essentially seen a mirror image of himself getting killed...and yet, all he could feel now was increasingly growing amounts of rage!

But it wasn't just his emotions that were spiraling all over the place...he also seemed to change slightly as well, as did the atmosphere of the entire area - getting colder and almost harsher, like you'd expect in the coldest place in the world during the middle of the harshest snow storms or blizzards.

His hair turned from icy cyan blue to an icier silvery-white colour, his eyes turned from the same icy cyan blue colour to a dark blue colour, and he seemed to be taking on a sort of icy permafrost as well.

"Frost...?" he heard Barry ask...only for 'The Frozen Speedster' to sped up and smash Rory into a nearby window - smashing it open - before holding him out over the edge, with only an impending drop and a one-way ticket to an early grave being the thing that awaited him.

"Frost! Don't do this, it isn't worth it!" Barry pleaded, but this side of Frost didn't listen: and released his hold on Rory, causing him to begin plummeting down towards his doom! 

"NO!" Barry shouted, and - on instinct alone - began speeding off after him in a streak of black and dark purple speed lightning, completely seeming to forget what repercussions that will bring with it as he sped down the side of the building towards Rory - barely managing to catch him with a meter left to spare as he leapt off the side of the building and caught him, crashing into and through an empty and abandoned rusted car conveniently standing on the side!

But, just like at the airfield the day prior, something didn't feel right. Barry was exhausted and panting like he'd run about 10 miles like any normal person would without a break in-between, and his body was screaming in immense pain that seemingly refused to let up from the crash into the car.

That wasn't even accounting for the fact that his wounds and bruises weren't healing at the same quick pace that speedsters normally would - minor wound or not.

But, believe it or not, that wasn't the worst of what came of the Negative Speed Force's use....

Less than 30 seconds after crashing into the car with Rory, Barry heard what sounded like supports collapsing, bricks crumbling and collapsing, metal bending and breaking, and so much more as the corrupted Scarlet Speedster looked up and saw the building that he had just speed down from seconds ago begin to collapse and implode upon itself - destroying itself with seemingly no explanation - before being reduced to nothing but broken metal, bricks, and a load of fire and dust!

To say that Barry could not believe what he had just seen occur - the destruction that had been created within a matter of seconds - would be an understatement. He had seen what damage his newfound curse had done to the airfield track, but this!? This was something else entirely, a nightmare almost for any hero!

"I did this...?" Barry asked in disbelief, fearing the answer he would get if anyone else was standing with him...and unfortunately...

"What answer would you prefer, father..." The voice - as Barry already knew it did - belonged to Frost Star, who quite clearly from the sound of it was standing behind the Scarlet Speedster...only it sounded different this time: even more darker and emotionless than before, and his voice seemed to vibrate like an echo in a similar way to how Killer Frosts voice seemed vibrate like an echo in a way. 

Before Barry could say anything, 'Frost' soon spoke again. "Your assistance is...appreciated...Flash. But know this: your attempts to convince me that we are a 'good man' are, and always will be, futile...! Heroes are merely a fairy tale and an ideal with no staying power to me...And both you and mum would do well to remember that the next time you try and stop me!"

He began to turn and walk away, his ally walking unbound and in time with the Frozen Speedster as he began to speak with, no pun intended, cold confidence. "Our partnership is at an end. The next time we meet, expect the worse..."

As he said those words, the permafrost that had taken a hold on him seemingly vanished and left the normal Frost Star in its place, before he and his ally sped away in a trail of icy blue lightning, leaving a conflicted and still horrified Barry alone with the unconscious Rory next to him, and a load more unanswered questions in his mind...

It took a few hours for C.C.P.D. to cordon off the entire area after Barry made the call to Joe, and by the time Barry got back to S.T.A.R. Labs, it was late in the evening, and C.C.P.D. were still trying to comb through the debris in search for any bodies.

The Mick Rory from Frost Star's Earth had been taken away...though trying to explain that the Mick Rory they had currently was not the same one who had previously battled and worked alongside The Flash was an even more trickier task than you'd think.

As for the Frozen Speedster and his ally? They had seemingly vanished off the face of the Earth again, having left no trail for Team Flash or the C.C.P.D. to track. And even if they did, they didn't quite have the manpower to check it out right now.

Even when Barry did come into S.T.A.R. Labs, though: he never said a word, and he didn't come near the others either - wanting a few moments sitting alone in the Speed Lab to try and forget about what a complete and utter disaster today had been for the Corrupted Scarlet Speedster.

However, Barry was not about to be left on his own for very long: as the beautiful and concerned Dr. Snow soon walked into the room, slowly, and towards her speedster boyfriend as he remained sitting silently and motionless on the floor. When he did notice her, neither said a word to one-another - neither needing to - and the good doctor sat down next to Barry, something which he didn't attempt to fight her over.

After a minute, Caitlin pulled Barry's head gently onto her shoulder, and wrapped her arm around his side as she cuddled the speedster. After 10 minutes of silence, Barry finally broke his silence.

"You heard what happened...didn't you...?" Cait nods after a moment, moving her hand from his side to his hair and brushing her fingers within it gently and softly as she spoke. "It wasn't your fault, Barry...You were provoked into a situation you had no control over...A situation that I think even Frost Star didn't have control of..."

Barry was about to say something, but the good doctor prevented him from arguing by placing her finger on his lips.

"No innocent people were hurt, and the damage was reduced to the building only. Joe told us that they found the rest of Frost Star's former grunts on the other side of the building unharmed and unconscious. You didn't kill anyone, Barry, and you prevented much worse from happening as well by going through with the plan - as crazy as it was. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Not for using your speed, not for being The Flash...and certainly not for following your heart on what's right instead of letting our multiverse son from killing someone. So please, do your doctor a favour and don't be harsh on yourself for what happened. Please?"

When she was done, she pulled her finger away from Barry's lips, and laid her head on his shoulder gently. Needless to say, though, her words seemed to have an after on the Scarlet Speedster, and he gently brushes his hand over her shoulder as he cuddled Caitlin, and leaned his head gently on top of hers as the two sat in the Speed Lab in silence, enjoying each others company.

Meanwhile, At Frost Star's Ruined Base...

The fires had mostly subsided, and the building had stopped collapsing for the time being. All that could be seen was the surprisingly unharmed and untouched container that the Frozen Speedster had so desperately tried to preserve being carefully loaded onto a container ship of some kind - all whilst said Speedster observed and directed this.

As it was loaded onto the ship: Frost Star's recently rescued ally jumped onto the ship and signalled that they were ready to go - receiving a simple nod from the speedster as he briefly looked back at Central City.

As he looked at the City in the night times sky, he thought to himself before slowly walking onto the ship itself: 'This city has experienced a small taste of what chaos I can has Team Flash...Soon, the work can truly begin...And nothing will stop me...Not Flash, not mum...not anybody!'

The ship began to leave under the cover of night with little problems, and the speedster watched as the ship slowly cruised away from the city - not leaving the city, but getting as far from prying eyes as they could whilst still being within distance of Central City....and as this happened, the rift gate within the container began to spark, and a portal began to open, before someone began to walk out of the portal....

Author's Side-Note: Annnd we're going to leave it there for now (I know, I'm evil). I can't promise that everything's okay and that consistency will return, because I'm not completely okay mentally, but I will slowly try to update my stories as often as I can. 

What did you think of this chapter? Did you enjoy it? I'm hoping you all did, because this was a very big struggle and I'm not entirely convinced that it's as perfect as I can get it. Still, I hope you are all doing well, staying safe, enjoy this chapter, and all have an amazing day!

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