Season 3 Chapter 52 Calm before the Storm

No one's POV

Two days had passed since Sora had returned Wiene back to the dungeon, and things were never the same. Morning came and Sora woke up.


He had slept in. He usually did his morning training by swinging his sword around the yard all by himself to hone his skill. As he begin to rise, the rest of the bed comes into view. He look at the spot beside him and no one was there. Just hollow, empty feeling and wrinkled white sheets. He was looking for his daughter who's no longer there.

Sora: Yui... Wiene...

Suddenly Slyphid appeared beside him as she gave him a sad smile.

Slyphid: Sora...

Sora: Slyphid... Is Wiene... really Yui...? Do you sense any spiritual energy coming from her?

Sora said with tears on his eyes. As he was reminiscing all the time, that he, Asuna, and Yui would spend time together and Slyphid sat next to Sora and gave him a sad smile.

Slyphid: I'm not quite sure myself. It feels like Yui, but not Yui. I'm not sure I ever sense an aura like that before.

Sora: So, is Wiene really Yui?

Slyphid: I don't know... I don't know...

Sora looked down as even more tears started streaming down his eyes and Slyphid just hugged him tightly.

Slyphid: Just let all out. I'm always here for you.

Sora: Slyphid...

Sora continue to hugged Slyphid and cried on her arms and she continue to rubbed his head like a Mother would do.


Breakfast has come, and everyone other than Sora are talking like nothing's changed... But something's a bit different. Like gears that aren't lining up... as though one part is missing, leaving the rest spinning around uselessly. Everyone's a bit off. Hardly any conversation is going on. It's bright and sunny outside, but the mood doesn't match that at all.

Everyone look lost, or just absentminded as they prepare for breakfast. Sora, Bell, and Haruhime has it worst. Instead of Haruhime's radiance and cheer, she's filled with gloom. Bell had slump all day long. Not even bothering to go training like he used to. Sora continue to stay on his room, for the past 2 days, with eyes all dull.

Mikoto: Lady Haruhime.

Haruhime: Ah, what is it?

Mikoto: There's one to many plates.

Mikoto grimaces as she points it out. Haruhime's shoulders jumped when she notices.

Haruhime: M-My apologies!

She had absentminded put it where a girl had always sat until just a little while ago. A girl who always wore an innocent smile... a vouivre girl. Everyone saw it happen but couldn't say a words.

Hestia: Let's eat...

Everyone takes a seat at the table. Once the meal begins, only sounds of forks on plate and quiet chewing fill the air.


Not a single conversation was spoke. Welf and Lili did their best to find topic, but nothing really stuck. Looking up, Sora noticed that Hestia, Bell and the others are staring at the open spot next to him, where Wiene once sat. It's empty. It feels like a dream that someone so full of life was there not long ago. Everyone's looking for her. It's hard to believe that the absence of one girl could leave all of them so downtrodden. Haruhime, Mikoto, Welf, Rin, Bell, Hestia and even Lili. Though amid the sadness... there is a silver lining. They truly felt like a True Family.

Sora: Thanks for the meal.

Hestia: Sora!

Sora: I need to clear my head. I think I'll be going to the dungeon.

Bell: Let me join. I'm not hungry as well. Don't worry, we'll be back soon.

The two of the didn't even bother the finish their food as they left the house and everyone just looked down saddened. The two of them travel down the west main street as they were heading towards the dungeon after they grabbed their gear. The two of them didn't even bother to start a conversation. Usually, both Bell and Sora would be talking every now and then, and the rest couldn't help but smile and how close Bell and Sora is. So for them to not say a words, means Wiene's disappearance hit an impact on them.

Syr: Sora...

Sora: Syr.

Both of them didn't noticed that they passed by the Hostess of Fertility. Syre saw them passing by and tap Sora's shoulder.

Syr: Good morning. I made lunch for the both of you, so if you like... Sora?

Syr hold up a basket full of food with a big smile on her face, but her words trail off as she leans in for a closer look at Sora's face. Her eyebrows arch in concern, her silver hair swishes around her shoulders.

Syr: Did something happen? You both look pale, especially you, Sora...

Bell: !!!


Everyone could see the dull eye look in Sora's eyes. Bell had the same pale face but not as worst as Sora.

Bell: No, we're fine. Just overslept a little this morning...

Syr: I... see...

Sora: And don't worry, we won't be spending much time in the Dungeon today. So about lunch... sorry.

They can't accept the basket. Doing something else pathetic would only make her worry more. Both Sora and Bell gave her an unconvincing smile, before she stare intently at him and take a step closer.

Sora: Huh...?

Syr was now in front of him, leaving barely any space between them which brought a blush on Sora's face as Syr points her finger directly between his eyes.

Syr: Sora will cheer up, Sora will cheer up.


Syr started twirling her finger around and around.

Syr: Sora will smile.

Sora: Syr?

Syr: Yay!

Sora: Huh?

Syre finishes with tapping his nose and Sora yelp as he blink several times in surprise as Syr beam with joy.

Syr: Magic words to make you feel better... I do it all the time for the kids at the orphanage, too, you know?

Sora: For Lai, Fina, and Ruu?

Syr: Yes!

An orphanage at Daedalus Street church. It was the place, Sora and Syr would go every week to visit the children. Also the place where Astraea would go when she used to stay at Orario. Now that Astraea is gone, Sora had taken her place in visiting them. Syr lean in close enough into his ears as though sharing a secret, before biting his ears. This cause Sora to yelp even further and started blushing furiously, but to his surprise, his face started smiling. And thanks to her he felt a little bit better.

Sora: Thank you, Syr. I think I needed that.

Bell: Well, we'll be on our way.

Syr: Of course. Take care.

Grateful that she didn't press any further, both Sora and Bell left Syr behind.

Anya: Those blockhead! If you two don't eat Syr's lunch, we're the ones who have to take care of it, ~nya...!

Lunoire: As troubling as it is... the two of them didn't look like they were in the right mind, today.

Chloe: I've never seen them, especially that black hair so down in the dump before~nya.

Anya, Lunoire, and Chloe watched the conversation on the street from one of the Hostess of Fertility windows and chatted among themselves after the two boys left.

Anya: Sob...!

Lunoire turned to look over her shoulder as Anya, standing next to her, did her best to hold back tears.

Lunoire: Are you worried too, Ryuu?

Ryuu: No I...

Ryuu who also spied on their conversation, was about to dismiss their concern when she stopped herself.

Ryuu: Actually yes, this does worry me.


As both Sora and Bell head towards the dungeon. Sora was still looking down as they only head below floor 5. It was only for level 1 adventurers to stay, and Sora don't even bother to grabbed his sword due to the monsters being afraid of him. But for Bell, he was struggling to even hold his knife. Sora came to the dungeon just to clear his mind. But for Bell, he want to know, if he could still kill monsters. But it turns out he still could.

Sora: Don't waver, Bell. Don't hold back for their sake.


Bell then effortlessly kill all the goblins with ease. He look back at Sora who was watching him fight from the distance as the two of them gave a small smile at one another. They could hear some adventurer muttering about them as they went back to the surface after they were done. Some of them were praising Bell for the War Game against Apollo Familia. While some of them were talking about Sora, who is a Hero to Orario after the anniversary of the Dark Era one month ago.

Bell: Sora... What is the Dungeon?

Sora: Dungeon is the Dungeon, Bell. Regular monsters aren't like Wiene, Lido, or the other Xenos. Monsters kill people.

Bell: But does that make it alright to kill monsters? To make money... To get closer to what you aspire to...

Sora: We have to kill monsters Bell. But don't mistook them as the same as the Xenos.

Bell: !!!

Sora: To me, the Xenos are very much as human as we are. They have emotions like us. We laugh together. We hold hands together. They are the same like us. So don't ever waver, in killing monsters.

Bell looked at Sora surprise. He was explaining that its alright to kill monsters. Its true that there are intelligent monsters out there. But in Sora's eyes, the Xenos are the same as them.

Bell: Thank you, Big Bro...

Sora: Big Bro?

Bell: Oh sorry? You just reminded me of my Big Brother, Hatake. Who is still on his journey.

Sora: I-I see...

Bell: He said, that, if I ever become a Hero someday. Is the day he will return home.


Sora(mind): I already have return to you, Little Brother.

Sora looked at Bell who was walking next to him as they reached for the surface. He watched as Bell already become the Hero that he, Alfia, and Zald longed for. The last Hero. The two of them continue to walk up. Hardly anyone was around, since the morning rush is over. And its too early— right before lunchtime— for most adventurers to head home. Just as the two of them reached the top, two adventurers stop in front of them.

Sora: Ah...

Bell: Miss Aiz, Miss Asuna...

Asuna: Sora? Bell?

Aiz: Big...

Aiz then stopped for a moment as she looked at Sora and he looked confused.

Sora: Big?

Aiz: Oh, nothing... Sora.


The four of them had stopped in place. Passing adventurers gawked at them on their way by. Bell took his time to say his words. Aiz and Asuna stay silent.

Bell: Are you both heading towards the Dungeon...?

Aiz: Yes...

Bell: Um, Miss Aiz...


Bell: Do you... um... Right now...

Bell mumbled incomprehensibly, speaking haltingly as his attention drifted to his feet. It was as if he couldn't get a handle on his feeling. Aiz and Asuna realized that and Asuna nudge her hand towards Aiz, signaling her to go first.

Aiz: Let's go.

Bell: What...?

Aiz: Let's go somewhere we can be alone. Just the two of us.

Aiz extended her hand. Bell's eyes snapped open wide. He consider the thin fingers stretched out in front of him. He look towards Sora and Asuna who were quiet and they smile.

Asuna: I need to have a one on one talk with Sora anyway. You guys can go.

Sora nodded his head confirming Asuna's word, before Bell nervously placing his hand on Aiz. He had on the expression of a lost child abandoned in an unfamiliar part of town. Aiz called off her plans for the afternoon and left Babel with Bell leaving Sora and Asuna behind.

Sora: Since when did those two become so close?

Asuna: Beats me? And for you, Sora?

Sora looked at Asuna who was looking at him with a worried look.

Asuna: Is something wrong?


Asuna just sigh as her boyfriend didn't say anything and continue to stay quiet and she grabbed his hand and the two of them took some time to themselves again.

Sora: Do you need something?

Asuna: Aiz is starting to have doubts about you. Ever since the Rakia invasion, after you and her have your talk at Edas mountain.


Asuna: Are you sure you don't want to tell her?

Sora: Not yet. Not until she move past hatred. And learn to love again.

Asuna: You know she's been searching for so long.

Sora didn't say anything and just close his eyes and Asuna only sigh as she close the subject and bring a new one.

Asuna: I take it you've been snooping around as well...?

Sora: Yes. I found out that Evilus are smuggling monsters to fund of Knossos. And also Barca Perdix. The sole creator of Knossos. Those Thanatos Familia. And the Red Tamer, Ein, and finally...

Asuna: The Prince of Hell...

Sora: Yeah... What about your side? Did you managed to get the hands on the key?

Asuna: Not yet. We asked a few Ishtar Familia members, but they have none.

Sora: I see...

Asuna: Now for my next question you were the one that brought that humanoid monsters with wing to the surface, aren't you?

Sora: What are you talking about?

Asuna: Stop playing dumb. I know its you. The report say, that it suddenly vanish as everyone could only see a black blur. That black blur, is you.


Asuna: You know silence is only confirming my suspicion. I haven't share this with Finn or the others, though.

Sora: *Sigh* I just can't win against you, can I?

Asuna: Just how long do you think I've known you? 15 years? No more...


Asuna: So why did you bring a monsters to the surface?

Sora continue to maintain his silence as Asuna wait for him to give her the answer and what Sora told her shocked her.

Sora: Yui...

Asuna: !!!!

Asuna looked completely and utterly shocked. It has been awhile since she heard her daughter's name. And for Sora to mentioned that while she was asking why he brought a monsters to the surface, confused her more.

Asuna: Yui?! What does our daughter have to do with you bringing monsters to the surface?

Sora: I don't know, okay!! When I saw that humanoid girl, my body stop listening to me!! And without me noticing, I know I need to save her!! Her tears, her laugh, her voice, all of them reminded me of Yui!! It's not everyday, you find out that a monsters could speak, and started calling you Papa!!

Asuna: !!!

Asuna was shocked at what Sora told her. A monsters that could speak. That alone put all common sense to the trash. And not only that, a monsters girl, with a humanoid appearance called him Papa. Tears started streaming down his eyes, as all the pent up emotions that he was building all release.


Asuna didn't say anything anymore as she grabbed his face and put them on her shoulder and hugged him tightly. Sora started crying on her arms, unable to hold his tears any longer.

Sora: When I'm with that monster girl. I could feel, as if a part of Yui is inside her. I couldn't swing my sword no matter what. And now, I returned her back to the dungeon, where she belonged, because of some stupid mission!!


Asuna continue to hugged him. A part of her didn't believe what he just said. A monsters that could speak. But she decided to just put the conversation away, for now.

Asuna: 5 years, has it been?

Sora: Yeah, 5 years. The three of us, together. And now she's gone...

Asuna: The three of us. In that mountain village. Our forest house. The two of us will continue to wait, until she returns.


5 years ago, Sora had postponed his journey and decided to take a break, and Asuna took a month off at the Loki Familia and went to meet up with Sora at a mountain village. The two of them met a single girl, named Yui who had lost her memories.

And she keeps calling them Mama and Papa and they accepts her as their own child. The two of them bought a house there, with the three of them living together.

But, time didn't last long as Yui started getting sick everyday. Not a single healing magic works on her. And not only that, from time to time, people started losing their memories, some of the mountain village started forgetting their names and where they live. Until Yui finally remember everything.

Asuna: Yui, you regained your memories?

Yui: Yes. Sora... Asuna.

Both Sora and Asuna looked completely shocked that she finally called them by their name with proper spelling.

Yui: I am, the one that controlled the knowledge of this world. The one that gives them the ability to think. I am known as the Spirit of Knowledge, Yui. That's me.

Both Sora and Asuna were unable to process what she just told them. As if they had lost the ability to think.

Asuna: A spirit...?

Yui: Yes. I had the ability to give people rational thoughts and emotions. To put them at ease with me. I'm not a human being.

Tears started streaming down her eyes.

Yui: I'm sorry, Asuna.

Asuna: Yui.

Asuna went to hugged her, but Yui moved back scared.

Yui: For so long, I watched over this world. All of them were full sad and sorrow. Terror, despair, rage. People were overcome by negative feelings. Some of them went completely insane.

Sora and Asuna:...

Yui: But one day. I saw two people who's emotions were very different from the rest.

Yui was referring to Sora and Asuna.

Yui: Joy. Peace... But it was more than that. I wandered through the field, hoping to get as close to you as I could.

Asuna: That's why you were in the forest?

Yui: Yes. Sora, Asuna... I've always wanted to meet you. It's strange, isn't it?

Tears started streaming down even more as she smile at them. A spirit needs to make a contract with a Hero first before materializing into this world. But since she broke that law, she's being erased.

Yui: I broke this law, without making contract with a Hero. And now, this world itself is trying to erase me. So the knowledge of this world will return.

Asuna: Yui...

Sora: You aren't just a spirit that controls the knowledge of this world. So you should say what you want. What do you want?

Tears started streaming down even more as she raised her hand towards Sora and Asuna.

Yui: I... I... I want to stay with you forever... Papa, Mama!

Asuna was unable to hold her tears any longer as she hugged Yui tightly.

Asuna: Together... We'll be together forever, Yui.

Sora then hugged them as well.

Sora: Yeah, you are our daughter.

Yui then gave them a sad smile.

Yui: It's time for me to go. I need to disappear from this world, to return everyone their knowledge and the ability to think. I'll be disappearing soon.

Both Sora and Asuna looked horrified.

Asuna: No...

Sora: Can't we do something?

Yui shook her head and smile at them.

Yui: Papa, Mama, thank you. If I were to be reincarnated back to this world, will you two accept me as your daughter again?

Asuna: No! I don't want that! Please don't go!

Asuna then hugged her tightly unable to let go.

Asuna: We've just started... We've just started living together...

Yui started glowing and Sora grabbed a hold of her hand.

Sora: Yui, don't go!

Yui: Everyone smiles when they're with you. Please... From now on, go and help people in my place. Share your happiness with them.

Asuna: No... NO! I can't smile without you...

Asuna cried as Yui put her hand on her cheeks.

Yui: Smile, Mama.

Sora: YUI!!!

Yui: Papa, if I ever get reincarnated, I want to be your daughter again. I know, we will see each other again.

Sora: Yui...

Yui said her final words smiling as tears were streaming down her cheeks. One tear touched the ground.

Yui: Goodbye...


Sora: And after that, the world as we know it return to normal. People all regain their memories, and the ability to think as well.

Asuna: And we promised her, that we will continue smiling. And wait for her return.

Sora: Yeah.

Both Sora and Asuna smile after they reminiscing their time with Yui and Sora spoke up.

Sora: I'll tell you everything later. But for now, I need to find Bell.

Asuna: I guess I'll go with you. I need to find Aiz.

The two of them then search for Bell and Aiz and after they found them, Sora and Asuna went to approached them, but they stopped after what Bell had asked Aiz.

Bell: Miss Aiz... If monsters had reason to live... If they had emotions that weren't any different from ours... What would you do?

Sora and Asuna: !!!

Sora(mind): Now you've done it, Bell!!

The two of them decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Time passes. A warm summer breeze past between them. Never once Aiz taken her eyes off Bell, she open her mouth.

Aiz: If monsters come bringing harm, then... No. If someone cries because of a monster, I'll kill that monsters


Sora could only watched from afar as he heard what Aiz just said. Aiz declare her intentions without any hesitation whatsoever. Even if the monsters had a soul of a human, she would strike it down without the slightest hint of mercy. The images of her slaying down Wiene in front of Sora.

Aiz: Would you not?

Bell: I...

Suddenly, a huge bell rang throughout the entire sky.

Sora, Bell, Asuna, and Aiz: ?!?!

It was a bell of an emergency.

Sora: The city's warning bell?

Eina: This is an emergency alert! This is an emergency alert! All Familias affiliated with Orario, please follow Guild directions. The Guild will now officially issue a mission! On the 18th floor, Rivira has been attacked by armed monsters and destroyed.

Sora and Bell: !!!

Eina: All adventurers will now expend every effort to exterminate the monsters which attacked Rivira— What? That can't be... Understood!

As the world comes crashing down around Sora, the announcer pauses in utter bewilderment before continuing.

Eina: We've just received notification from the Guild. All citizens, including adventurers, are forbidden from entering the Dungeon. All Familia, please stand by in your Home.

Asuna: The monsters are moving on a massive scale?

Sora: What the hell...


Sora and Bell and Aiz and Asuna as the two of them head towards the Guild. Aiz and Asuna were there to gather information, while Bell and Sora need to know why such order had been established.

Sora: Miss Eina!

Eina: Bell, Sora! Miss Aiz, and Miss Asuna!

Sora: Tell me! The monsters that attacked Rivira...

Eina: According to the people who managed to escape, they were equipped with weapons and protective gear. Apparently, they were lead by a savage gargoyle, but... It seems there were all kinds of different species...

Sora and Bell: !!!

It was no doubt the Xenos.

Eina: The Guild is moving towards entrusting the Ganesha Familia with the suppression team. There may be other requests made of other Familia, so Bell, Sora, Miss Aiz, Miss Asuna, you all should stand by at your Home.

Sora and Bell glance at Asuna and Aiz. They made eye contact and nodded.

Asuna: Then we'll be on our way.

Aiz: See you both...

Both Aiz and Asuna made their way back and Sora looked at Bell.

Sora: Bell, go! I'll try to gather as much as information as much as possible. You stay home and protect Goddess and the rest.

Bell: But...

Sora: I know it sound selfish. But I got a bad feeling about this. So would you please...

Bell looked hesitant for a moment and nodded his head and left.

Eina: Sora. Lord Ouranos...



At the HearthFire Mansion, other than Bell and Sora. Everyone was in panicked. They all knew that it was the Xenos that attacked Rivira. And they were put under house arrest.

Hestia: Sora and Bell haven't return yet?

Rin: That's right. Not since they went to the Dungeon.

Hestia: The Dungeon's already been locked down. Even those of us in Babel were evacuated. So where could they be?

Bell: Goddess!

Bell suddenly came barging in the house holding a document in his hand. Everyone was relieved to see him, but they were confused to where Sora is. Bell then hand over the document to Hestia.

Bell: Its from the Guild.

Hestia cracked it opened and hurriedly skimmed it. Everyone peeked over her shoulders to see for themselves.

Haruhime: Prepare for the event of an emergency as reserve forces... What does that mean?

Rin: It means to maintain our current status... To simply wait above ground.

Only the bare minimum of information had been provided for their new mission. As her followers voiced their agitation, Hestia's reaction was quite different. Her blue eyes opened wide as they interpreted the designs inscribed on the hieroglyphs concealed in plain sight and she read them out loud.

Hestia: Sora will be included in the suppression force headed to the 18th floor?!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Everyone all looked completely shocked.

Hestia: What are you thinking, Ouranos?


Sora had met up with Fels after he was told to go to a certain room by Eina. And Fels suddenly appeared and the two of them started walking through the secret passageway that Fels led Hestia the other day.

Fels: There is no time. Listen, Sora Yatagami.

Sora: Give me all the information!

Fels: As far as can be surmised from the statements of the adventurers who escaped, after attacking Rivira, the Xenos have not moved from the 18th floor.

Sora: Dammit! Its likely that the cause of their agitation lies there, and keeps them there even now.

Fels: But as to what that is, we have no choice but to see for ourselves.

Sora: So I have no choice to go to the 18th floor.

Sora(mind): I need to use Knossos after all!

Fels: We will secretly insert you into the suppression force as a means of sending you into the Dungeon.

Sora: Say what...?

Fels: Will you go, Sora Yatagami?

Sora: I was already going even without you asking me! I have to go to where my daughter is!

Fels: You have my thanks, Sora Yatagami.


After preparing for the for his journey to the 18th floor. Sora hid himself from within the Ganesha Familia, as they were reading to depart on their journey. Fels had already entered the dungeon first and he was about to head out when suddenly.

Rin: Sora!

Welf: Sora!

Lili: Master Sora!

Mikoto: Sir Sora!

Haruhime: Master Sora!

Bell: Sora!

Hestia: Sora!

Sora: !!!

Someone called his name, and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked behind him to see his Familia working through the crowd. Noticing the concern in his friends eyes, Sora poured every bit of his will and determination into his gaze.

Sora: I'm going. Please don't stop me!

Everyone other than Bell and Hestia looked annoyed. They couldn't joint him in the Dungeon or stop him all together. Hestia and Bell made eye contact with Sora.

Hestia: Be careful, got that?

Bell: Please save Wiene!

Sora: Got it! If you guys want to help out, go to Daedalus Street. And start searching around.

Rin: For what?

Sora: Another entrance to the Dungeon!

Sora then follow the Ganesha Familia and Sora joined them. Everyone was still in the state of shocked that there is another entrance to the dungeon as they watched Sora go through the gate with the rest of the subjugation team.

Sora: Wait for me, Wiene. Everyone... I am coming to save you!

They pressed ahead into the dungeon, under a beautiful blue sky and the gazes of the citizens supporting them.

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