Part Five: The Crazy Things We Do For Family

Dedicated to AgentofDreams989 and JoshuaSmith943 for all of their amazing support of my work!


A large cloud of dust flew into the air as Nash slammed down a dusty old tube of blue paper, even more flying out and making Iris and Allegra cough heavily as he unrolled it on the table in front of them.

" Star Labs' layout." Nash stated, gesturing to the old, yet still accurate floor plan that had been made by Eobard Thawne years ago.

" Everything we need to beat Bloodwork, except, you know, a plan." he remarked, with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

" It's not like you have one." Allegra scoffed, as she pulled another stitch closed on Iris' arm, the woman wincing slightly in pain.

Her arm had been cut when she and Nash had been trying to escape the infected Elongated Man, and while he had been able to tear up some of her jacket and a section of her arm, she was happy for it to have only been that.

I've had worse. But that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt. I'm just lucky that I wasn't infected when it happened.

" Well I did. Finding you. And that one worked out pretty well I think." Nash shot back, though much softer than his first had been, Allegra just rolling her eyes in response, as she put the last touches on her medical work, wrapping a small piece of white fabric taken from her sleeve around the raw skin.

This isn't getting us anywhere.

" Look, we have to work together. We're the only people left that can stop Rosso now." Iris stated, both pairs of eyes looking to her authoritative voice.

" Our friends are all out there under Rosso's control right now, they're counting on us to save them. The city's counting on us to stop him. And we can't do either of those things if we're just sitting around here arguing." Iris told them, both Nash and Allegra shifting uncomfortably as they averted their gazes.

" Most of us here don't have powers, and he has us majorly outnumbered. But we can still win this. Get all of our friends back. All we have to do is find a way to beat him at his own game and outsmart him. But the only way that it'll work, is if we work as a team." Iris finished, her voice carrying a stern yet somehow gentle tone.

" Yeah, we can do that Boss." Allegra agreed quietly, Nash nodding his head lightly in agreement, Iris smiling appreciatively back at them.

Rule number one of being team leader is knowing how to get your team to work together. Same goes for being the boss of your own company.

" We still need a plan though." Nash commented, crossing his arms lightly.

" I already have that covered." Iris told them, as she looked out across the sprawling plans.

" You do?" Allegra asked confusedly, as both she and Nash tried to figure out if she'd mentioned having one be fore.

" We beat Rosso using your light powers last time, and that's how we're going to do it again." Iris stated, determinedly, as her eyes fell on the Particle Accelerator section of the plans.

I'm not going to let you win, Rosso.

" No offense Boss, but we had power to the Accelerator last time. Now it's just a piece of junk like the rest of this place." Allegra laughed nervously, crossing her arms uncomfortably.

" Not if we can power it again." Iris replied, a twinkle flashing across her eyes.

" See, if someone heads to the roof and manually opens the access port here, at the center of the roof," Iris explained, as she traced the path for them along the plans, Nash and Allegra following it intently.

" And send a surge of power down it at the right time, it should give the Accelerator enough of a boost to work its magic. Especially since we only need it to reach Star Labs." she finished, though Nash picked up on the missing detail immediately.

" And where are we going to get that kind of power?" he asked questioningly, his skepticism on point.

Here comes the hard part of selling the plan.

" I'll take care of the charge. You two just need to find your way into the Accelerator before I turn it on." Iris commented as she continued to look at the plans, trying to avoid the question, Allegra now getting confused as to why she was too.

" You're going to use Barry." Nash said, knowingly, Allegra picking up on what she had been missing.

" You think you can reach him like you did at the Cortex." he said thoughtfully, Iris letting out a painful sigh as she turned back to them.

" I know that it's a long shot, but I know he's still in there. I have to believe he is. I was able to reach him the first time; I know that I can do it again." Iris explained to both of her unsure friends.

" But either way, even if somehow he's already gone, I have to try." she finished, pure determination burning in her eyes that told them just how much this meant to her.

I have to believe that I can save you.

" Alright Boss, we'll do it." Allegra agreed, after a few moments of silence, her expression telling Iris that she knew how important this was to her friend.

" Right Nash?" she pressed, bumping his shoulder as he held his skepticism.

" Alright, fine. It worked last time so it should again." he sighed, concedingly.

" Thanks you guys." Iris smiled lightly, looking at the tired faces of her friends.

" Anytime Boss." Allegra smiled back, Nash nodding his head in agreement.

You know you have great friends when they're willing to bet everything on your crazy idea of using love to save the day. Probably what Barry's always thinking about all of this too.

" Well, if we're going to be charging out into the horde, we should probably get weaponed up." Nash commented, as he threw down his satchel, a large array of various sized explosives and energy weapons clattering out of it.

" You had all of that in there?" Allegra gaped, feeling like it was impossible to have stuffed so many things into such a tiny bag.

" Yep; and that's just the small stuff." Nash grinned, before walking down one of the rows of unused equipment that occupied the Starchieves, searching for any more gear and weapons that they needed.

" Well then make sure you hand me one of the big boys." Allegra laughed, as she followed a few steps behind him, Iris smiling lightly as she watched them go, before turning back to the wide set of blueprints on the table next to her.

" I'm risking a lot trying this; not just for me, but Nash and Allegra too. But it's not really a risk. Because I know that you'll come back to me." Iris thought aloud, as she stared down at the plans, her gaze remaining on the roof section where the entire city's fate would be decided, until it caught a glimpse of a pair of small, round disk shaped objects hanging on the workbench's edge a feet inches away.

And that might be just the perfect push.


" Why have we not been able to find even one of the people hiding out in here!?!" Rosso roared, as he slammed his fist down furiously against Cisco's desk, breaking the thing in two under his tremendous strength.

" Is it too much to ask?! For all of you to be competent enough to do this one thing!" he heaved, his shoulders rising and falling as he took several heavy breathes, before turning back to his minions.

" Where have we not searched?" he questioned them, The Dark Flash, Frost, Joe, and Kamilla standing across from him.

Wordlessly, they communicated their thoughts to him through their mental link, Rosso quickly processing all of the information as he used his infected's shared knowledge to cross it with Star Labs' layout.

" What about the bottom floor?" he questioned again, confused expressions passing between the blood brothers and sisters.

" Where's Dipny?" he pushed, none of them having an answer for that at the moment either.

He shoved past his infected and moved through to the Cortex's barely working main computer system, pulling up the camera feed as he viewed the Starchieves' footage, of which none returned, though he did find The Elongated Man desperately trying to break inside through the outer door, with no success.

There you are.

" They're hiding in the Starchieves." Bloodwork told the others, after putting out a call for The Elongated Man to regroup, all of his blood followers growling in anticipation as they waited for their master to send them hunting.

" We're going to head down there and flush them out, make sure that this time there's no..." he started, before something on one of the other monitors caught his eye.

Two people rushing down the main hallway, running as fast as their feet would carry them, one of them clutching an energy cannon close to his chest as the other kept her two hands held out to her side, ultraviolet light steadily pulsing out of them as she did so.

" Garcia." Rosso thought, grinningly, as he watched them run through Star Labs halls, their trajectory meaning they could only be headed one place.

" Our enemy is moving towards the Particle Accelerator. Pathetic. Trying to pull the same move twice." Rosso scoffed, enjoying his enemy's stupidity.

No, not idiocy; desperation.

" Let's show them the true strength of our immortal gift." Rosso stated, his minions snarling in approval before they charged out of the Cortex, all racing straight towards their next two victims.

" All except you." Rosso corrected, as he held his arm out to stop his class pet, who cocked his head to the side slightly in response.

" I need to know: are you on my side, Flash?" Ramsey questioned, accusingly, as he stepped right up to the infected speedster's face, looking him in the black void where his eyes should've been.

I need to see if I can trust him.

The Dark Flash flashed a grin of his blackened teeth as he smiled widely, a sinister, joyful snarl bubbling out of his throat as he stared back at his master, empty and lifeless on the inside; the person that had once been there extinguished.

So long Barry. You tried harder than most.

" Good." Rosso grinned back, both he and his star student nodding lightly in unison.

" Then I have a special treat for you," he continued, as he gestured over to the monitor setup, The Dark Flash's monstrous form following his gaze.

" Our last guest." Rosso remarked, as they watched a third person's form rush through the long hallways and staircases of the complex, clutching a small energy pistol with both hands, moving upwards towards what Bloodwork's hivemind had deduced was the roof.


" A small gift from me to you since you finally joined me." Rosso explained, The Dark Flash's eyes still locked on the screen in front of him.

" You get to be the one to end her life." he finished, The Dark Flash's muscles only momentarily tensing before he turned back to his master, growling happily as he nodded in approval, before blasting off down the twisting halls of the supercomplex, a faint trail of black lightning falling behind him.

I warned you of the consequences of defying me. Now it's time that debt is paid.

Rosso, both hands tucked behind his back smugly, walked out of the Cortex to join his other blood brothers and sisters in destroying their last obstacle to greatness, smiling evilly at the prospect of what he had accomplished, knowing full well that there was nothing that Team Flash, or anyone for that fact, could do to stop him from spreading his gift to the world.

Checkmate, Iris.

The staircase...

Iris' black heels scraped against the concrete steps as her feet pounded against them, pushing herself forward as fast as she could towards her rooftop destination as she raced up the dull gray walled staircase.

I need to make sure I get to the roof before Rosso sends Dark Flash after me. Assuming he even does. No, trust your gut. You know he will; his ego's too big not to.

" Allegra, Nash, how're things going over there?" Iris huffed through her comm, practically taking every two steps at once.

" Oh, greaaat. Just about as great as you can be, when there's a swarm of zombie monsters headed straight towards you!" Nash shouted back, a faint chorus of savage cries echoing his sentiments.

" What he means to say is; we're doing great Boss." Allegra said short-breathedly, though not in the enthusiastic way that most of Team Flash would describe things.

Not that she was the most enthusiastic member on the team.

Or any of them were for that matter.

" Just hang on a little longer. Once you get to the Pipeline,"

" We can seal it off and pray that nothing manages to slip inside until you save your Prince Charming. Yes yes we all know the plan!" Nash scoffed, though his voice sounded more afraid than angry.

Everyone gets afraid. Has fear. We just all have different ways of showing it.

" Just be careful." Iris said, worriedly.

" Don't worry about us Iris. Just make sure you get Barry back." responded Allegra's voice, Nash's silence telling her he meant the same thing.

" I will." Iris answered determinedly, before turning off her comm, putting full focus back into her mission as she neared the top of the tall staircase.

I know I will.

The creaky old rooftop exit door was swung wide open as Iris felt the cold nighttime air flood her face, the shining Blood Moon casting its red luminescence down on the three pillared top of Star Labs, making it look much like the rest of the building's current state.

At least there's some fresh air out here.

The city sounded empty; almost dead. No noise rose out of any of the nearby buildings or streets except for the occasional car that passed by here or there, driving along on its lonely journey in the red-lit darkness.

It looks like some people really did take tonight as a bad omen. I guess I should've too.

She quickly made her way along the rooftop past the various access panels and electronic equipment as she reached the center of the roof; a long platform stretching across its length as it connected two sides of the triangular building, the long fall down to the lab's processing core looming under the dangerous shaft.

" That's one long drop." Iris voiced aloud as she peered down into the space, nothing but dimly lit black returning.

Probably why no one comes up here most of the time.

She carefully took her steps out to its circular center, one hand held firmly on one of the guard rails that lined the linear platform.

In the middle of the two connecting sides sat a circular hole, one of which energy could pass through to disperse harmlessly into the atmosphere, or so it had been claimed to have been designed for.

In reality, all it does is harness whatever's exploding out of this place into a blanket over the city. Though that's probably what it was really made for.

She was now exactly where she needed to be, only waiting on one last person to complete her part of the plan and save her husband.

" Come on Barry, where are you?" Iris asked nervously, tucking her hands into her torn jacket's pockets as the cold wind blew her hair back slightly, her long black strands floating in the wind for several moments as they rode the air for as long as it blew.

Did I make a mistake? Was I hoping that Rosso would send Barry more than thinking he would? Did I listen to my heart instead of my head?

Even if I did, it doesn't matter. It's like Barry always says; your heart's never wrong.

A strong rush of wind broke Iris' thoughts as the crackle of black electricity sparked all around her, cold chills shooting down her spine as she suddenly felt the presence of someone behind her.

This is it, my only chance to save you. And I'm going to make it count.

Iris turned around to see The Dark Flash standing on the opposite side of the open circle from her, dark electricity sparking from his clawed hands as he smiled an unnatural sinister grin, his black eyes glaring back at her with the same emptiness that filled every person that Bloodwork infected, the corrupted hero only having one goal, one purpose as to why he was there; to kill her.

But I know that he's not gone. My Barry's still in there; and now's my time to reach him.

" Barry," Iris started, unshaken as she looked across at him, placing her pistol slowly on the ground between them, still appalled by what Rosso had done to him, but it being a small feeling compared to what she felt towards the true man trapped inside that created monster.

" Barry, I need you to listen to me." she said clearly, holding one hand out in the same way that one would when talking to a wild beast.

" I know that Rosso's in your head. That he thinks that he's destroyed the real person inside you. Twisted you into something you're not." Iris continued, The Dark Flash letting out a quiet growl, grinning across at his trapped prey.

" Because this, this isn't you. This isn't you Barry. You're kind and caring; you look out for other people and always put them first. You're the one that's always willing to charge head first into danger to save a stranger that you've never even met before. You're the one with the biggest heart that I have ever seen, to the point that I'm surprised it's still able to sit in your chest. You're a hero Barry; and you're mine too." Iris stated lovingly, every word spoken confidently and as truthfully of ones that the reporter had ever spoken.

The Dark Flash charged over to her, his black stained teeth flashed in a furious snarl as he stood towering over her, his breathing heavy as black electricity sparked all around him, concentrating in his clawed hands once more, his left hand raised menacingly as he threatened to end her with one blow.

Iris still stood unmoving, not even flinching as he got close, just looking up at him with the same love that she always did her husband.

I'm not leaving you.

" And most of all, you're my husband, and I'm your wife." she said softly, as she slowly reached her hand out and took his in it, the monster growling and snarling as she did so, though not taking any actions to stop her, as she gently rested it in his clawed fingers, their wedding rings quietly clinking as they touched one another.

" And that means that we love each other more than anything else. More than anyone or anything else ever could. And that can't ever be taken away from us." she said softly, putting her other hand gently on his chest.

The beast before her's heavy breathing slowly started to calm as the black electricity faded, the monster's anger disappearing as he looked down at her, lowering his arm back to his side.


" We promised that we'd never leave each other's side. Not after Flashpoint, not after I was destined to die, not after you went into the Speedforce, or with Nora, or Crisis. Every single time we were right by each other's side, and we got through it because we were together. And that's how we're going to get through this, together." she told him quietly, the monster slowly nodding his head in agreement, as their eyes still stayed locked in one anothers.

I can see you in there Barry. Past all of the dark, past all of the fear, and anger, and sorrow. I still know who you really are.

I just need to take one more step.

Wordlessly, Iris held up the small, circular mechanical disk for her husband to see, his eyes jumping to it with a light snarl, before it faded into silence, the beast using all his strength to not fight back as he motioned with his head for his wife to do it.

Iris slowly placed the metal disk on The Dark Flash's head, touching a small switch in its center that turned its rim a bright glowing blue, as he slowly closed his eyes, the machine humming gently as it pulsed lightly along the front of his head.

Iris then reached up and attached an identical one to her own forehead, turning it on as well as the mind devices linked together, just like the two people they were attached to would always be, before she slowly closed her eyes too, her mind being thrown from her own body as she went to rescue the love of her life.

I'm finally going to bring you home, Barry.

The thundering footsteps of Rosso's fellow blood brothers and sisters echoed throughout the halls of Star Labs as the swarm of them tore through the place towards their prey, letting nothing stand between them and pleasing their master, loud snarls and roars echoing their sentiments as they rushed forwards.

Bloodwork himself stayed several paces behind them, proudly (though not very humbly) watching his creations do his bidding with the unrequited vigor and devotion that one would serve a god.

Which is only right, considering I am humanity's savior.

The swarm of minions (including The Elongated Man, who had grouped back up with the others) all tore around the corner and into the Pipeline, charging straight towards their two targets as they did so.

A large barrage of bright multi-colored light, energy blasts, and explosions filled the halls, the cries of pain from the blood brothers alongside the angry Wells' shouts filling Rosso's ears as he grew closer to the chaos.

Enough games; it's time to end this.

Bloodwork stepped into the Pipeline's entrance, effortlessly dodging a beam of UV light from Allegra as Nash blasted the corrupted Frost in the face, landing a solid kick to Joe's side as he pushed him back.

Bloodwork quickly darted through his swarms of minions, moving with his enhanced speed towards the pair as he stepped over his followers' bodies, both his hands growing twice in size as they became consumed in black goo, charging straight towards his two denfiers.

Nash saw him coming first, unleashing a few rounds from his cannon unsuccessfully as Rosso smashed the gun out of his hand and into tiny pieces.

His other fist smashed hard into the side of the explorer's face, the man crying out in pain as he was forced to stumble backwards, leaning himself up against a wall.

Bloodwork performed a last second dodge as he narrowly avoided being hit by Allegra's sun blast, whipping his arm in a literal sense as the long appendage slammed into her side, knocking her to the floor.

" You have caused me a lot of problems little girl." Rosso sneered, as he made his arm into a long blade.

" But no more."

But before he could end his opposer's life, Nash threw himself onto the monster's back, wrapping his arms around the man's throat as he yanked him back as hard as he could.

" Nash no!" Allegra cried, as she tried to get up, before Bloodwork managed to punch her across the face, forcing her back into the ground.

" You're not going to touch her!" Nash exclaimed, as he placed his energy pistol to the villain's back, firing a few shots into it that actually left a searing pain in Rosso's spine.


" And you can't do anything to stop me." Rosso stated angrily, as he used his powers to change his body structure once more, a single spike briefly shooting out of his back as quickly as it disappeared, though the wound that it left in Nash's abodemon not being so lucky.

" No!!!" Allegra screamed, as she watched him tumble off Bloodwork's back and to the ground, stuttering open-mouthed as he held his deadly wound.

And that's why being a pathetic mortal will always result in failure.

" ARH!" Allegra shouted in rage, as she tried to fire a massive UV blast in Bloodwork's direction, though he easily grabbed her hand, holding it in his crushing grip as he twisted it roughly to the side.

" I'm sorry little one. But with your special abilities, I can't let you into my brotherhood." Rosso said, with a fake sincerity, as the rest of his minions started to get back onto their feet with a surprising swiftness, moving back over to him a few seconds later.

" But if it makes you feel any better; I wouldn't have anyways." he admitted, as he formed his right hand back into a long blade.

A bright burst of white light slammed into Rosso's chest as he was thrown across the room, his head slamming roughly against the Pipeline entry's far wall as a heavy dent crumpled in it with his impact.

What now!?

" Oh yeah! I knew that this baby was ready! Or, at least, was really hoping." Cisco exclaimed from the underhang of the Pipeline's door, as he let out another blast from the long, massive glowing barrel he was holding, a heavy duty energy conductor coiling its way behind him.

The bright light zapped all of Bloodworks followers as they were thrown aside as well, effectively creating a wide gap between the three friends and all of the infected.

How many of you are there?!

" Cisco?" Allegra asked in disbelief, though still relieved to see her friend safe.

" I was hulled up in the Pipeline, trying to get the comms working the best I could so I could see who else wasn't whammied. Didn't really work too well. But then I heard you guys and thought you could use some help." Cisco explained, as he flicked another few switches on his cannon.

" But now it's time to say; Sayonara Walker!" Cisco cried, as he squeezed his bazooka's trigger once more. Though only a grumble of gears and puff of smoke returned, as the blue lights that lined it died out.

" It's already out of juice!" Allegra shouted, as started to regain her bearings, watching Rosso's minions do the same.

" It's not like I had a lot of time or, you know, any!" Cisco protested, as he tossed the empty weapon back into the large room behind him.

" Quick, help me get him up!" Cisco urged, as he motioned for Allegra to get up, who quickly did just that as she joined him and rushed over to Nash, helping him onto his feet, the adventurer clutching the deep wound in his stomach.

" Nash, it's going to be okay." Allegra told him, her voice trying to fight off the fear of knowing she was wrong.

" I am... Allegra," Nash groaned, letting out a short cry, Cisco concernedly watching his friend reel in pain.

" Just... not in the way you think." he finished, as he moved his hand away, a course of black fluid already filling the wound, as it slowly started to make its way up his chest.

Allegra let out a gasp of shock as both she and Cisco jumped backwards a step, the infection spreading at an alarming rate.

I never tell any lies; not even to my enemies. When you join my brotherhood, you will never have to suffer the tragedies of death again.

" Get her out of here!" Nash shouted painfully to Cisco, the blood brothers slowly getting up behind them, Rosso following in kind.

" No!" Allegra shouted in protest, Nash just looking at their friend.

" I'm not going to leave you," Cisco protested, before Nash cut him off.

" If you don't we're all going to be taken, now go! Go!" he shouted, as he threw his arms out in urgence, Cisco slowly taking a watery eyed step back as he pulled Allegra with him, taking one last glance at him before pulling them inside, pressing the lock mechanism for the heavy door.

" Nash! No!" Allegra screamed, as she tried to pull out of Cisco's grasp, who used everything he had in him to stop himself from rushing out there to help him too.

Nash just wordlessly looked at the two of them, the thick round door slowly shutting between them, giving out one last Han Solo solute before it sealed shut, leaving him behind.

" No, no!!!!" Rosso roared, as he threw himself at the door, its heavy locking mechanism hissing shut as he slammed his fist against it in rage, the one thing keeping him from obtaining victory.

" This will not keep you safe!" he yelled, as he slashed the door's front, leaving a considerable dent in it considering the single blow.

" Both of you will break! Just like your friend!" he shouted, knowing full well they could hear him, as he turned back to Nash, the other blood brothers and sisters surrounding him as the infection neared completion.

The rest of you will not receive such mercy!

" Hey, Rosso," Nash said quietly, interrupting the villain's rageful thoughts.

" Did you really think that that would work?" Rosso sneered, watching as the black veins spread all the way up to his neck, quickly furthering their stretch upwards and towards his face.

" No, no not really. But, heh, you do crazy things for family I guess." Nash admitted, surprising himself with the amount of care he felt in his own words.

" But I do have one question for you," he added, as the veins reached his cheeks, Rosso grinning widely at his opponent's last request.

" Are you ready for one hella of bang?" Nash stated, as he threw open his coat, which was lined with rows and rows of internal pockets that all held small round energy explosives, their lights flashing a bright blue as their humming intensified.

Rosso barely even had time to register what he was looking at before they all exploded at once, a flurry of light, sound, and force bursting straight into his chest as he was forcefully blasted across the room and into the ground, his head pounding intensely with anger and pain.


Only moments later, Bloodwork's head shot up with fury, his teeth gritted tightly as he looked around at the destruction that the Wells had caused, all of his blood brothers lying weakly on the ground as they moaned quietly, shifting only slightly as they slowly tried to get themselves up, though with not much success.

The only one who didn't seem to be affected by the blast, was, ironically, Nash himself, who was already standing at attention where he'd been moments prior, walking with a heavy limp that seemedo to do nothing to change his devotion towards his new master.

You're lucky that I already changed you Nash; or else you wouldn't be standing here at all.

As Rosso slowly got himself up, a strange stirring sensation started to form in the back of his mind, as if some intruder was using a secret backdoor to access his thoughts without his permission. It wasn't like the link with his blood followers; it was something different; something foreign. Unwanted. A single burning ember that threatened to catch fire into a full blown flame; one that needed to be put out.


" You stay here and get these fools up!" Rosso ordered Nash, who lightly growled in acknowledgment as he quickly set to work helping his fellow blood family up, all of them groaning in pain as he did so.

" And as soon as you do, get that door down and kill them!" Ramsey shouted furiously, as he turned and stormed out of the Pipeline's entrance, his anger and determination fueling his steps even more than his powers were, a look of pure anger set deep across his face.

" I have someone to go take care of."

Bloodwork was done playing games, and someone was about to pay.

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