Chapter six.

(A/N song: When we're humans. By Disney.)

Kaya and Cole was floating over a swamp by the ballons. Cole explained to Kaya how the frog thing happened.

Kaya: Voodoo?! You mean to tell me that all this happened cause you where messing with the shadow man.

Cole: To my defanse. He was very carismatic.

Kaya: This is what I get for wishing to stars. The only way to get anything in this world is through hard work.

Cole laughed a little.

Cole: Hard work. Why would a princess need to work.

Kaya: For you're information. I'm not a princess, i'm a waitress.

Cole: A WAITRESS! No wonder the kiss didn't work. You lied to me!

Kaya: Oh no. I never said I was a princess.

Cole: And you never said you was a waitress. You where wearing a princess dress and crown.

Kaya: It was a costume party you stupid, spoiled little rich boy.

Cole: Oh Yeah? Well jokes on you. Cause I don't have any riches.

Kaya: What?!

Cole: That's right. I'm complitly broke.

Just then the ballons popped and they both fell in water.

Kaya: You said you where fabulously whealthy!

Cole: My parents are. But they cut me off for being a l-LEACH!

Kaya helped remove the leach.

Kaya: So you're broke? And you had the gut to say I lied.

Just the big fish appeared, scaring them and making them run.

Cole: It wasn't a lie. I- ahhh.

A bird tried to strike them but they doghed.

Cole: I fully intend to be rich again. Ones I marry Lydia Garmadon. If she wants me.

Kaya: Are you a prince?

Cole: Abviously!

Kaya: Then she wants you.

They fell down a slop and landed in a log.

Kaya: Okay. Ones you marry Lydia you're still gonna keep your promise and get me that restaurant?

Cole: Hold on. I made that promise to a beautiful princess. Not a cranky waitress. And- why are those logs moving?

The looked around and saw that the logs was actully alligators.

Kaya: Those aren't logs.

Just then the log they where standing on was shown to be an alligator too.

Alligator: I got dibs on the big one.

He went to bite them but they jumped away which made him bite himself. Kaya swam under water and got away to a hollow tree. But she then saw the alligators fight which made her worried for Cole. But she then heard that he was outside the tree.

Cole: pssst. Lower the whine.

Kaya: Find your own tree.

The alligators turned to Cole.

Alligator: There he is!

They made their way to him.

Cole: Ok please. Help out off this mess. And ones I marry Lydia i'll get you your restaurant.

Alligator: You're gonna taste so good fried.

He tried to get Cole but Kaya saved him. The alligators laughed.

Alligator1: You can run but you can't hide.

Alligator2: We have all night.

Cole: Looks like we're gonna be here for awile. So we better get comftarble.

Kaya hit him.

Cole: Ow.

Kaya: Get your slimy hands off me.

Cole: I told you. It's not slime it's mucus.

Next Day.

Cole was sleeping when suddenly Kaya throwed an acorn on him.

Kaya: Rise and shine sleeping beauty. The gators are gone.

Cole saw that Kaya had made a raft.

Kaya: Hurry Up. We're gotta get back to Ninjago city and undo this mess you got us into.

Cole: I wasn't the one clowing around in a tiara.

He grabbed a stick with some spider web on and played it like a ukulele. Kaya groaned.

Cole: Music to paddle by.

Kaya: I can use some help.

Cole: Oh. Then i'll play a little louder.

He did but they didn't noticed what looked like a half snake half human rising from the water.

Kaya: How about less playing more-

She gasped as she saw the snake. Cole saw it two and they both screamed. But the snake just started to talk.

Skales: Oh I really like that song.

(A/N. Yep Skales are good here. I mean he did kinda stopped being bad after season 2 so i'm gonna have him good here. Hope you like this Choice.)

He started to play on a trumpet and Cole just smiled and played on his ukulele. They both stopped playing and laughed.

Skales: Where have you been all my life?

Cole: Where have you learned to play like that?

Skales: This swamp is a good place to learn. Many tourist boats that travel here that plays good music. By the way my name is Skales and I would give anything to play in a band. But when i try to, everyone runs away.

Cole: I've never seen anyone like you before.

Skales: Well we serpentine are rare. We're snake people if you wanna call us that. We can communicat with humans and other animals.

Kaya took Cole's arm and dragged him to the raft.

Kaya: Okay Skales. It's been a pleasure to meet you but we gotta go.

Skales: Oooh. Where are you going?

Kaya: To find Somebody to break this spell.

Skales: What spell?

Cole: Brace yourself my skaley friend. We're not frogs, we're humans.

Skales laughed but then stopped.

Skales: You're serious?

Cole: I'm prince Cole of Maldonia. And she's Kaya the waitress.

He leand in to Skales.

Cole: Do not kiss her.

Kaya heard and turned to them.

Kaya: Now wait a minute. This earth brain got himself turned into a frog by a voodoo man and-

Skales interrupted and was scared.

Skales: Voodoo!? Like the kind Mystake do?

Cole: My-staki?

Skales: Mystake. She's the voodoo queen around here. She got magic and spells. All kind of things.

Kaya and Cole: Can you take us to her?

Skales got scared.

Skales: Through the deepest darkest part of the swamp? Facing hunters and other dangers? No.

He leaned into a tree and played on his trumpet. Kaya sighed and Cole smirked at her.

Cole: Watched and learn.

He walked up to Skales.

Cole: Skales. To bad we can't furfill your dream. If only you where less skaley. You could play in any band you wanned. Intertain crowds without scaring them. Anyway enjoy your lonlyness my friend.

Skales stopped playing and thought. Cole returned to Kaya.

Kaya: Cute. But it's not gonna-

Skales: Hey guys. I just got an idea. What if I ask Mystake to turn me human?

Cole grabbed Kaya's hand and jumped up on Skales head.

Cole: Skales you're a genius.

Skales jumped into the water and played on his trumpet while Kaya and Cole was on his head. He started to sing.

If I were a human being
I'd head straight for Ninjago city
And I'd blow this horn so hard and strong
Like no one they've ever seen
You've heard of Louis Armstrong
Mr Sidney Bechet
All the boys gonna step aside
When they hear this old ex-serpent play

He played a solo and Cole played on his twig ukulele.

When I'm human
As I hope to be
I'm gonna blow this horn till the cows come home
And everyone's gonna bow down to me
Thank you! Thank you! Aw, thank you! I love you too, baby!

Cole started to sing.

When I'm myself again
I want just the life I had
A great big party every night
That doesn't sound too bad

A redhead on my left arm
A brunette on my right
A blonde or two to hold a candle
Doesn't that seem just about right
Eh, Skales?

Life is short
When you're done, you're done
We're on this Earth to have some fun
And that's the way things are

When I'm human
And I'm gonna be
I'm gonna tear it up like I did before
That's a royal guarantee

Kaya: You're getting married!

Cole: Oh right. I gotta leave my fun behind me.

Kaya rolled her eyes and started to sing too.

Your modesty becomes you
And your sense of responsibility
I worked hard for everything I got
And that's the way it's supposed to be

When I'm a human being
At least I'll act like one
If you do your best each and every day
Good things are sure to come your way

What you give is what you get
My daddy said that and I'll never forget
And I recommend it to you

They all sang together.

When we're human
And we're gonna be
Skales: I'm gonna blow my horn
Cole: I'm gonna live the high life
Kaya: I'm gonna do my best to take my place in the sun
All: When we're human!

They was on their way to Mystake. But will she help or not.

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