The Blue Spirit

Zuko stood in his room staring at the small black crate on his bed. He allowed his fingers to touch the edges lightly, "Prince Zuko?" Iroh's voice spoke as he peeked from behind the door, "Am I disturbing you?" Iroh asked as he stepped in. Zuko threw his  blanket over the crate so that his uncle didn't suspect anything, "No uncle, what is it?" Zuko asked, Iroh had a worried expression on his face, "It's Lillian..." Zuko's eyes widened before he and his Uncle rushed out of his room into Lillian's.

When Zuko walked into Lillian's room he saw her laying in bed covered by a mountain of blankets, "She's very ill. I fear from being in those icy waters may be the reason she is not well." Iroh said as he closed the door once Zuko was inside. Lillian began to shiver but her head was soaked from sweat, "I've never seen anything like this before... She's hot and cold at the same time and she-" Iroh stopped as he watch Zuko kneel beside Lillian's bed. He placed his hand to her forehead and seemed to almost flinch at the touch, "Can't you make a remedy for her?" Zuko asked his uncle in a worried tone. Iroh's face fell, "I have tried... But her body seems to reject it."  Lillian began to mumble in her sleep, "Zuko..." her eyes opened slowly and fell on the worried Prince beside her, "Hey grumpy" Lillian's voice broke as she reached up to touch his scar, "Hey Lilly. How do you feel?" Zuko asked as he placed his hand over Lillian's on his scar. Out of nowhere Lillian began to giggle, "I feel fine silly!" Zuko raised his brow, "Uncle?" Zuko questioned as Lillian began rubbing Zuko's ear lobe, " We should get matching piercings!" Lillian giggled softly, "Lilly I think you need to get some rest." Zuko said as he started to stand up but before he could get far Lillian threw her arms around Zuko's neck and placed a surprising kiss on his cheek, " Nighty Night my Zuuuukooo!" Lillian sang as she lay her head down on her pillow. Iroh and Zuko shared confused looks before a smirk fell on Iroh's and a bright blush on Zuko's.

Lillian felt herself being pulled back and forth between reality and dreams. She couldn't understand what was going on, it was like her mind was forcing her to relive her years at the sky temple. So before she could fall back to sleep Lillian forced herself to sit up straight. Lillian saw odd shapes and blurry bubbles and a odd shaped figure at the foot of her bed, "Uncle?" Lillian asked as she rubbed her eyes, "Why is there a dragon behind you?" Lillian asked in a bored tone. Iroh raised his brow and continued to turn slightly to face the Lionshark, "My dear, there's no dragon but only Kasai?" Lillian fell into a fit of giggles, "Awww uncle, your so funny!" Lillian's face fell back to normal, "I need to stretch my wings!" Lillian said as she got up and stretched her arms and walked to the door, Iroh's face fell with worry, "Wait! Lilly! It's midday, everyone will see!?" Iroh argued as he stood between Lillian and the door. Lillian placed her hand under her chin, "Oh riiiight! I'm supposed to keep that a secret aren't I?" Lillian said with a toothy grin. Iroh slapped his face in annoyance and then lead Lillian back to her bed, "My dear, I need to know how you feel? I have never seen an illness this-" Iroh hesitated as Lillian sneezed that caused white flames to come from her mouth, "Odd..." Iroh finished. Lillian rubbed her nose and smiled at Iroh, "Don't worry Uncle, it will only last a day... Or a week.. Maybe a month?" Iroh's face filled with sweat, "But I'm sure its a day. As long as i have my Zea!!!" Lillian sang again. Iroh was confused at her state "Zea?" Iroh asked, Lillian looked over at Iroh with a small smile, "It's Zuko and Tea mixed together. It's all I need!  Te hee" Lillian giggled again. Iroh tried to contain his laugh but couldn't resist to allow a small giggle of his own to escape. 

Zuko is inside of the control tower with a few of his men. He stands beside Captain Jee as they both look down at the map. "We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm." Captain Jee explained as he showed Zuko some points on the map, "But, if we continue heading northeast –" Jee was cut off as the light of the ship seemed to be darkened. To Zuko's dismay a large Fire nation ship docked beside his. Zuko stared at it annoyed, "What do they want?" Zuko asked annoyingly but Iroh had some hope in his voice, "Perhaps a sporting game of Pai sho!"

 The guards on the other ship proceed to lower the walk plank to Zuko's ship. Lillian felt the ship come to stop, "UGH! What now! Can't a princess get some sleep?"Lillian groaned as she rolled out of bed. Lillian made her way up to the control room but before entering she over heard a man talking to the crew, "The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance.  All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao. " Lillian stumbled into the room startling everyone inside, "Zhao got a promotion? Again?"Lillian slurred as she held her head. Iroh rushed over to Lillian and tried to escort her out of the room but she danced side to side dodging Iroh and spun until she was beside Zuko, "Next time Uncle slow!"Lillian said as she stuck out her tongue. The rest of the men in the room gave her an odd look before taking their attention back to Zuko, "I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass."he said sullenly. The guard took a step forward closer to Zuko which caused Lillian to step in front of Zuko, "Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area." The guard said in a cocky attitude. Lillian could feel the heat radiating off of Zuko from behind her, "Did you not hear him? Get off this ship or I'll throw you off!"Lillian growled, the guard took a defensive stance, "Are you threatening me?" he said in a low tone. Lillian turned and gave a small devious smile to Zuko. Zuko's eyes widened in shock but before he could do anything Lillian had the guard over her shoulders, "What a lovely day for a swim!"She sang as she walked to the edge of the ship, "PUT ME DOWN!" yelled the guard. Lillian had no expression on her face when she shrugged her shoulders and dropped the guard in the ocean. Lillian proceeded to dust her hands off as if she just took out the trash. She turned to find Zuko standing with his arms crossed shaking his head disapprovingly, "What? He told me to put him down, so... I did. He didn't specify where!"Lillian said as she held her hands up. Zuko had a small smile, "Your oddly strong for a girl, you know that?"Zuko said as she walked beside him, "I work out."Lillian said with a shrug. Lillian began to giggle uncontrollably while taking small glances at the ocean "hehe your too funny!"Lillian whispered, Zuko gave her a concerned look. Lillian stopped giggling immediately, "Shhhh! Firelord Zuko is watching us!"Lillian whispered over her shoulder. Zuko had a confused look on his face, "Okay Lilly, time for bed."Zuko said as he grabbed her arm and led her to her room.

Once inside Lillian's room Zuko laid her back to bed, "I'm going out tonight"Zuko said softly to Lillian, "I need to find some information about the Avatar."Zuko finished as he lit some of her candles. Lillian hid under her covers and spoke, "Zuko... I don't feel so good... Will you please stay with me for a few minutes?"Lillian pleaded as she got comfy. Zuko rolled his eyes, "I can't... I need to go." Lillian's eyes widened in shock, "ZUKO!!!! YOU'RE ON FIRE!!!" Lillian yelled as she threw her blankets over him and shoved him to the floor, "STOP! DROP! AND ROLL!!!!" Lillian ordered as she laid on to of him. Zuko lifted his head out of the blanket, "Lillian! I am Not on FIRE!"Zuko growled. Lillian gave him a confused look, "Oh right... your just hot."Lillian said with a shrug of the shoulder. Zuko was starting to get really annoyed with her illness but before he could say anything Iroh walked in with a bowl and cup of tea. Zuko held his nose from the stench of the bowl, "What is that!"Zuko gagged as Iroh held the bowl closer, "This is my last remedy to try and help Lillian. It's not the best tasting-"Iroh was interrupted by Lillian snickering, "Kasai is so funny! Don't you agree Uncle?". Iroh looked at Zuko again, "But hopefully it is more effective."Iroh finished. Zuko nodded his head, "Just get her well. I don't know how much longer I can handle this.... uh... illness." Iroh smile at him, "Whatever you say Firelord Zuko." Zuko growled before storming out of Lillian's room to his own. Iroh sat beside Lillian and fed her the remedy and within a few minutes she collapsed into the bed, "I hope this recipe you gave me works my dear..."Iroh said with a worried tone as he brushed aside one of Lillian's stray hairs.

Lillian felt her mind being pulled into her dreams ever so slowly...

"Again!" Scarlet's voice ordered as Lillian completed her fire tornado. Lillian tried to catch her breath before regaining her stance. She stood with her feet apart and began to spin slowly in a circle. Flames started to form at her feet and some escaped from her hands. Once Lillian had enough power she expanded the ring of fire at her feet and raised the flames until they were above her head, "Now!"Scarlet's voice yelled as all the other Tenshi's proceeded to bend their elements into the fire tornado, "As you can see class. No matter what your element is, you must be able to with stand all four elements!" Scarlet instructed as she walked past some of the students, "Princess Lillian is able to protect herself in this Fire tornado and to gain strength for her next attack."Lillian began to expand the fire further and further away from her body, "Now Lillian!"Scarlet barked, at her order Lillian released all her strength into a fire blast causing all the students to be knocked over. Lillian fell to her knees but regained herself quickly as Scarlet approached her, "I look forward to your reports on Elemental defense tomorrow morning, class dismissed!"Scarlet said with a smile. Lillian watch all the other students leave as she stood beside her grandmother, "Well done my dear! Your almost a master!"Scarlet said as she roped her arm around Lillian's shoulder. Lillian gave her grandmother a toothy grin, "It was fun showing the students how to do the form, but next time... Let's not do all 5 classes in one day!" Lillian complained as she wiped the sweat from her head. Scarlet smirked which allowed all her wrinkles to dance together, "A princess never complains!" Scarlet said as she smacked Lillian over the head. Lillian blew a small flame out of her mouth at her grandmother, "Whatever Gran..." Scarlet bent the flame away before snickering at her granddaughter.

Lillian was forced out of her dreams from her bedroom door slamming. Lillian turned to face a man in black clothes with a freaky blue mask on. Without hesitation she bent a strong stream off fire at him, "Who Are You!"Lillian questioned as she attacked him. The man didn't say a word as he dodged Lillian's attacks. Lillian charged at the him but he leaped over her. Lillian felt dizzy, she got up way too quickly. The man opened her door and ran out, "Shoot!" Lillian leaped up and ran after him, "Stop!" Lillian yelled as she shot a fireball at him but to her surprise he blocked it using his bending, "that stance..."Lillian said under her breath. Lillian used her flames to propel her forward to catch up to the masked figure. Once she was outside on the ship she watch him jump over the rail onto the docks. Lillian came to a stopped and watched him disappear into the darkness, "Who is that?" Lillian spoke to herself, "Evening Lady Lillian"Captain Jee spoke as he and the crew walked out with their instruments. Iroh was the last to walk out with his tsungi horn, "ah, Lillian. Care to join us for music night?" Iroh asked as he gestured to the empty seat beside him. Lillian smiled, "that sounds nice uncle." Captain began to sing a song about two lovers and a secret cave when Iroh pulled Lillian's attention away, "How do you feel my dear?" he asked hopefully, " I feel so much better, thank you Uncle" Lillian smiled. Everyone began to clap once Jee finished and then everyone looked over at Lillian, "My Dear, would you mind singing for us? You haven't sung since the day your father came aboard."Iroh asked hopefully. Lillian took a deep breath before she gave a small nod, Öf course."All the men cheered and readied their instruments. Lillian stared up into the sky as she began her song,

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
You're always in my prayer

Softly, sweetly
Wrapped up in heaven's arms
Sailing, soaring over the moon
Gathering star dust

Be still, be safe, be sure
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour

Wishing, praying
All of your dreams come true
Please remember
Where'er you are my heart is with you

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
Always in my prayer

I am forever yours
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour

Once Lillian was finished her eyes fell upon the shocked faces of the crew but the Jee became clapping, "Beautiful!"Iroh said as he patted Lillian on his back

---------------At the Prison where the Avatar and Blue spirit (Zuko) are------------------

The Avatar and the blue spirit had their backs to each other surrounded by guards, "Any bright Idea's?"Aang asked as he looked over his shoulder at his rescuer, "Guess not... WAIT!" Aang exclaimed excitedly. The blue spirit Gazed over his shoulder to see the Avatar removing a silver feather from under his shirt, 'what is that?' Zuko thought to himself. The Avatar held the feather in-between his two hands trying to break it, "Capture the Avatar and the Blue Spirit!"Zhao ordered. Zhao's eyes fell on the feather, "Wait don't!!!"Zhao ordered but he was too late, Aang had broken the feather in two. All the guards watched in silence as the feather glowed a bright blue and then it disappeared. Aang's face filled with fear as he back closer to the blue spirit, "Oh, protector of mine... where are you?"Aang said through gritted teeth. Zhao smiled at his men and yelled, "Bender's! Burn them!"

--------------------------------Back on  the ship---------------------------------------------------------

Lillian had just finished her bath when her crystal suddenly began pulling her towards the wall, "Hey!" Lillian shrieked, "What the- AANG!"Lillian gasped as she threw on her clothes and quickly grabbed her black hood. Lillian ran out of her room and off the ship. Once she was a good distance away she released her wings and allowed her crystal to lead the way.

Lillian flew to what seemed to be a fortress or a prison? As she circled she saw Aang and the blue masked figure that was on the ship earlier that night, "Bender's! Burn them!"Zhao's voiced roared from below. Lillian soared down and pushed Aang and the blue spirit to the floor, as she stood above them she bent the flames around them, "I knew you'd come!" Aang cheered as he began airbending the flames away. When the flames were gone all three figures stood in a fighting stance, "So, the great Tenshi Princess has come to save her pet and the Avatar." Zhao taunt as he walked closer to Lillian. Aang and the Blue spirit stood on either side of Lillian just by her wings, "So, the rat decided to build a nest?"Lillian's muffled voice spoke. Aang pulled Lillian by the shirt, "Let's go already!!!" Lillian faced Aang when suddenly she heard an arrow being launched and then the masked figure jumped before her and the arrow. The arrow struct him in the head and he fell to the floor. Lillian's eyes widened when she saw the small gap between the mask and the hood, 'Zuko?' Lillian's eyes filled with anger, she spun around spreading her wings out. Everyone jumped out of the way to avoid the painful hit that her wings could deal. Lillian bent down and threw Zuko over her shoulder and grabbed Aang by his torso, "Whoa!!!!"And without a second thought Lillian launched into the sky. Zhao had his archers line up, "On my mark."He said as he raised an open hand, "NOW!". All the Archers released fire aiming at the great white wings of the tenshi, "Watch out!"Aang yelled as he blew a blast of air at some of the arrows. Lillian flew higher to avoid the arrows but was unsuccessful. Three Arrows pierced through Lillian's Left wing, "Argh!!!" Lillian tried to stay in the air but failed. Lillian dropped Aang and Zuko just after the river and then had a major crash landing. 

Lillian sat up slowly holding her left shoulder, "That rat is going to pay!"Lillian said through gritted teeth. Aang walked up to Lillian and offered his help to remove the arrows, Lillian nodded and turned so that it was easier for him to remove them, "Does it hurt?" Aang asked as he pulled out the first arrow, "Not really, just a small sting."Lillian replied with a smile. Once Aang was done Lillian stood and looked over at Zuko without his mask on, "I'll look after him, you should go before he wakes up."Aang said with a small smile. Lillian gave Aang a quick hug but before she could leave Aang stopped her, "Uh, Lillian? Can I maybe have a-"Lillian smiled at the young airbender, "Sure." Lillian raised her right wing and pulled out one of her feathers, "Your lucky I don't charge you."Lillian said with a wink as she placed her crystal against it. Once the feather turned silver Lillian handed it to Aang, "Yeah. You know... Your really pretty. Zuko is lucky to have someone like you."Aang said with a smile. Lillian felt her cheeks burn at his compliment, "Thanks Aang. See you around."Lillian said as she took off into the night sky. Aang watched as his Tenshi flew away, the only light visible was a small glow coming from where the arrows had pierced her wings and then.... Nothing.

Lillian sat beside Iroh on deck listening to him play the tsungi horn, "Uncle, that monkey is really freaky..."Lillian said as she inspected the ruby eyed monkey from the pirate ship but before Uncle could say anything Zuko walked up to the ship, "Where have you been, Prince Zuko? You missed music night! Captain Jee sang a stirring love song and Lillian sang a beautiful lullaby!"Iroh said as Zuko walked passed them. Zuko held his head as he walked away, "I'm going to bed. No disturbances." Lillian's eyes followed him until he closed the door behind him. Lillian found herself swimming in her thoughts, 'is that what he meant about going out?' "Lillian!"Iroh called causing her to shake her head, "Huh? Sorry uncle..." Lillian stuttered, "You seem much better. Do you remember what happened while you were ill?"Iroh asked with a worried tone. Lillian shook her head, "All I remember was Crest flying away and then throwing someone over board? Did I throw Zuko over board again?"Lillian asked in a rush. Iroh began laughing, "No, you did not throw Firelord Zuko over board." Lillian's eyes widened, "What are you-" Iroh wiggled his eyebrows at Lillian, "Would you like some Zea?" Iroh mocked. Lillian held her head, "Nonononono! UNCLE!"Lillian groaned. Suddenly Iroh's face fell serious, "My Dear, Crest revealed himself to Zuko and the crew to save your life. You fell into the ocean and Zuko jumped in after you but the waves were too strong for the both of you. He then transformed and pulled you both out. Once you were out Zuko performed CPR and then Crest bent the rest of the water out of your lungs."Iroh paused so that Lillian could take everything in, "Has Crest returned in any way?"Lillian whispered. Iroh shook his head, "I have never seen Zuko so scared before. He believed you were dead... I believed you were dead." Iroh whispered the last part. Lillian stood and gave Iroh a tight embrace, "I'm here Uncle. I'm not going anywhere."Lillian whispered.

Once Lillian and Iroh were done they both retired to their rooms to get some sleep. Lillian fell asleep immediately but couldn't shake the feeling that something was the matter and that something big was going to happen soon.


I am finally done! 

Sorry that it took so long! I just hate typing on my phone.

Thanks for everyone for the votes and comments i really appreciat it.

A shout out to Heatherristic who gave me some idea's for Lillian's illness state. Go and check out her amazing ATLA fanfiction. It's got our favorite banished prince and his HONOR!

Happy new year to you all and I will try to update again soon!


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