The Beach - Part 2
Azula and Ty Lee stood on the deck with Zuko and Mai sitting in the shade while Lillian hung over the side, "I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island.It's gonna be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing." Ty Lee sighed as she rested her arms behind her head with a satisfied smile, "Doing nothing is a waste of time." Zuko says standing up "We're being sent away on a forced vacation." Zuko walks towards the balustrade and leans on it looking over the ocean, "I Feel like a child!"He growled, "Lighten up. So dad wants to meet with his advisors alone without anyone else around. Don't take it personally." Azula said smiling but her smile disappeared into a look of disgust at the sound of Lillian's gagging, "Why can't I just fly?" Lillian groaned with a sick expression, "You spent three years on a ship and you still get sea sick?" Mai sighed rolling her eyes, Lillian raised her hand, "I got used to it thanks to Uncle's tea... Do we have tea?" Lillian begged. Ty Lee shook her head as she grabbed Lillian's hair and held it back, "Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty Lee asked Azula, "We used to come every summer when we were kids." Azula shrugged, "That must have been fun..." Lillian whispered, "That was a long time ago." Zuko said distantly. There was silence before Lillian straightened startling everyone, "That's it! I'm swimming before I lose my supper too!" Lillian huffed, "We're like 30 kilometers away!" Mai gasped, "Do you want to hold her hair?" Ty Lee asked slightly annoyed, "No thanks, yuk!" Mai eewed. There was a sudden splash and everyone leaned over to see Lillian floating, "ahhh, much better!" Lillian smiled up at the other's gaining a small smile from Zuko, "You have five minutes then you should get back on." Azula spoke walking away, "yeah yeah." Lillian rolled her eyes smirking at Ty Lee who giggled.
When they finally arrived at Ember island Lillian noticed Lo and Li standing on the beach, "I'm 18 years old and they still creep me out!" Lillian shivered stepping past Zuko who gave her a shocked expression, "Welcome to Ember Island, kids." Lo and Li said and then led them up to their house. Lillian was the last one climbing the stairs behind Zuko and Mai but out the corner of her eye Lillian saw a flash of black wings? Lillian stopped and looked over at the other large houses, "Are you coming?" Zuko asked almost annoyed. Lillian squinted her eyes and then shrugged following the other's inside. " It smells like old lady in here." Zuko whispered, "Gee I wonder why." Mai said sarcastically. Lillian smiled before walking to her room that she was sharing with Ty Lee, "I love the bed spread" Ty Lee said tossing her bag on the bed, "We should get changed, Azula wants to go to the beach." Ty lee said excitedly, "Ugh, I just want to rest for longer than 15 minutes." Lillian groaned.
"You know what, Fine! I Give up!" Zuko growled from outside their room, "Ugh, Fine, it's over!I'm tired of you always blowing up in my face!" Mai hissed causing Lillian and Ty Lee to stare at one another. Suddenly Mai rushed into their room, "I'm sharing this room with Ty Lee." Mai stormed over to Lillian's bed and shoved her bag into her hands, "Huh?" Ty Lee questioned as Lillian clenched her fists, "Where the hell am I suppose to sleep then?" Lillian argued getting into Mai's face, "With our ex boyfriend!" Mai growled rushing Lillian out of the room into Zuko's, "h-hey! Staaaaahp! What do you mean Ou-Staaahp it" Lillian shrieked as she stumbled into the room across, "Ugh! really?" Lillian hissed. Zuko came out from the dressing chamber in his beach wear, "Why do I get stuck with you all the time?!" Lillian asked as her brow twitched, "Just get dressed." Zuko hissed roughly shoving past Lillian scraping her injured arm causing her to hiss, "Jerk." Lillian mumbled holding her arm. Zuko stopped and suddenly he felt guilty, "Sorry..." Zuko whispered. Lillian rolled her eyes as she tried to undo the back of her robe, "Here, let me." Zuko offered stepping towards Lillian and untying her string, "Thanks. What happened?" Lillian asked softly, "It doesn't matter... It's over anyway." Zuko huffed walking out. Lillian watched Zuko leave before dressing into her red bikini, 'Is it wrong that I'm happy about them being over' Lillian thought to herself.
Lillian walked out with her sandals and a long dark brown summer dress over her swim clothes, "We know you're upset that you were forced to come here this weekend. But Ember Island is a magical place. Keep an open mind. " Li Said looking over at Lo, ".and it can help you understand yourselves and each other. The beach has a special way of smoothing even the most ragged edges."Lo and Li say together.
Azula and the other's walked down to the beach while Lillian took her time, "Why do you walk so slow?" Zuko growled waiting for Lillian, "Why do you care?" Lillian shrugged past, "If I want to walk slow I can..." Lillian added. Zuko rolled his eyes and walked a head of Lillian leaving her a good distance behind. Lillian watched Azula smash a bunch of kids sand castle and Ty Lee surrounded by a bunch of beach gym boys. Lillian blew a strand hair out of her face as she watched Mai talk to Azula, "What did she mean by our?" Lillian whispered..., "Hey! Lilly! Come sit with me!" Ty Lee squealed as a few boys drooled over her, "Yeah! We'll help you unpack!" A skinny boy grinned rushing over, but before the boy could touch her Lillian side stepped, "I am fine over her thanks." Lillian waved awkwardly. The boy nodded then rushed back over to Ty Lee. Lillian threw her towel out and removed her summer dress only to stand in her Bikini. Lillian laid on her back and tilted her head back as she closed her eyes and felt the suns rays warm her body. Lillian felt a few grains of sand fall on her as someone sat beside her, "Here" Zuko spoke holding out an ice cream, "Uh thanks?" Lillian said sitting up and taking hold of the ice cream. Zuko watched the men around Ty Lee and then his eyes came across a few that were looking at Lillian. Zuko gritted his teeth as some guys undressed her with their eyes, "I have a question..." Lillian asked looking away from Zuko, "What?" Zuko shrugged, "Earlier...when I asked Mai where she expected the sleep... She said with Our ex boyfriend..." Lillian faced Zuko, "What did she mean by that?" Lillian asked calmly staring deep into Zuko's golden eyes. Zuko felt his heart stop, "She is just trying to-"
"The truth Zuko..." Lillian snapped, "Now!" Lillian hissed getting upset. Zuko's eyes widened and he leaned back and then looked away. Lillian watched as Zuko started at Mai, "You know what..." Lillian said standing up, "Just forget it..." Lillian hissed walking away, "I don't care anyway..." Lillian whispered to herself as she closed her eyes and allowed a small tear to fall. When Lillian felt the cool water against her feet she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "We're gonna play a game of Volley ball, wanna come?" Ty Lee asked walking on her hands, "I'm gonna give that a skip, thanks." Lillian said shrugging her shoulder's.
Lillian watched as everyone cheered and as the girls swooned over Zuko, "Well, Well, Well... If it isn't the famous blazing beauty herself." A young mans voice said causing Lillian to smirk, "How have you been hot stuff." Chan said with his arms crossed. Lillian stood and faced Chan, "Aww, look at chubby Chan all grown up and..." Lillian held her chin, "Not so chubby" Lillian winked, "It's good to see you again." Chan said hugging Lillian, "Yeah, it's been a long time!" Lillian smiled, "So what are you doing here?" Lillian asked as another guy came closer, "I'm on holiday, gonna throw one big party tonight, you should come!" Chan said throwing his arm over Lillian's shoulder's, "Hey Chan, those guys are coming." the boy said pointing towards Azula and the rest. Chan pulled a slight annoyed face before Introducing Lillian, "This is my friend Ruon Jian." Chan said, "Nice to meet you" Lillian smiled removing Chan's arm, "Lillian..." Zuko called from the side, "We need to go." Zuko added glaring at Chan, "Okay, I'll be there now." Lillian replied, "You know those guys?" Chan asked raising his brow. Lillian nodded as she stepped away, "See you tonight!" Lillian winked before walking over to her towel to gather her things, "How do you know him." Zuko asked coldly, "Old friend." Lillian answered packing her things away, "I don't like him." Zuko said crossing his arms over his bare chest, "I don't care." Lillian shrugged walking away. Zuko's eyes widened, "Who do you think your talking to?" Zuko growled grabbing Lillian's arm and pulling her to face him, "I am the Prince and you will-"
"I remembered..." Lillian interrupted him looking away. Zuko paused and softened his grasp, "You remember what?"Zuko asked hesitantly. Lillian looked into his eyes, "I remember Ba sing Sai..." Lillian whispered, " I remember Uncle and his tea shop." Lillian added. Zuko let go of Lillian's arm, "I remember the night we shared..." Lillian said stepping away embracing herself, "Clearly it didn't mean anything to you... Probably why you didn't mention it." Lillian shrugged. Zuko opened his mouth but no words came out, "That's all I remember... after that it's a blur." Lillian's lip trembled but she took a deep breath and turned around to leave for the beach house leaving Zuko alone.
Lillian laid on the hammock outside as everyone else ate and spoke about their day. She couldn't believe that Zuko didn't tell her... Why would he keep something like that away from her? Did she imagine it? No... if she did then Zuko would have said something, Wouldn't he?
"Fight it Dragon girl..."
"Come on Lilly! Just one Firebending move!"
"Let's commence 'Operation... Extinguish FIRE!"
Lillian sat up, "Who said that?" Lillian whispered looking around, "Who said what?" Zuko asked standing beside Lillian holding two cups of tea, "Nothing... I need to go get ready." Lillian stood holding her head, "I Uh... made tea, for you and me and I made it." Zuko said holding out the cup. Lillian raised her brow, "No thanks.. I need to- aahhh!" Lillian groaned in pain, "Lilly are you okay?" Lillian stood and rushed to the room they shared, "Lillian, answer me!" Zuko said following Lillian. Zuko watched as Lillian stumbled into the wash room and splash water on her face. Lillian lifted her head and gazed at her reflection in the mirror, "I'm fine, just a head rush." Lillian said calmly staring at herself, " Are you sure? you seemed a bit..." Zuko paused, "I'm fine. i need to get ready for the party, so um... do you mind?" Lillian whispered. Zuko nodded and left the room to wait outside. When Lillian lifted her gaze she was able to look at her own crimson eyes, "Let's go party!" she grinned as she rushed her clothes on.
(What Lillian is wearing)
"Um... You're a little early. No one's here yet." Chan said slightly confused.Lillian blew a strand of hair out of her face, "i tried to-" Ty lee elbowed Lillian, "I heard you telling someone you'd be partying from dusk till dawn. So we're here." Azumi said before walking in. Chan gave Lillian a confused look causing her to shrug and follow the rest of the group, "hey, first ones here huh?" Ruon Jian asked flipping his hair to the side. Lillian waved gaining an annoyed look from Zuko.
Suddenly the house filled with many young teens and a sweet smell of fruit punch caught Lillian's attention. Zuko Sat on a bench not to far from Lillian and watched as she spoke to Chan outside on the balcony . He felt so angry, so betrayed but why? Zuko stalked towards Chan and Lillian, "and then I said, 'sorry sir, I'm only a firebender'" Chan smirked as Lillian burst out laughing, "that's brilliant!" Lillian placed her hand on Chan's shoulder. Chan smiled at Lillian, "I have to say Lilly, you really grew up to be a beautiful young woman." Chan said with his cheeks flushed. Lillian straightened, "uh thanks Chan, you've also filled those big shoes of yours" Lillian smiled placing a stray hair behind her ear. Zuko watched as Chan leaned in closer to Lillian, "Want to head up stairs for a... You know" Chan flirted as he took Lillian by the waist. Lillian stepped back and felt herself pressed up against the railing, "uh, I'm not the type of girl that, -" Chan rolled his eyes and placed both hands on her waist, "oh come on, a little fun. I promise it'll be worth your-" suddenly Chan was tossed through the screen door, "Don't. Touch. Her" Zuko growled with his fist alight, "What's your problem?!" Lillian demanded as she turned Zuko to face her but he kept his gaze on Chan, "Zuko, answer me!" Lillian pleaded slightly pissed off, "you should go home. Your upsetting my guests" Chan said to Zuko as he dusted himself off, "I was just leaving.!" Zuko hissed walking away. Lillian held her head, 'and I'm in love with that hot head?' Lillian thought to herself before following Zuko.
Lillian walked silently beside Zuko towards the shoreline. The sky was lit by the full moon and she could feel the salty air become sticky against her skin. Zuko stopped and Sat on the sand with his head in his hands, "Why did you do that?" Lillian whispered sitting beside him. Zuko didn't say a word instead he lifted his head and stared at the waves crashing softly against the sand. Lillian took a deep breath and sighed, "Nevermind...." Lillian started to stand but was pulled down as Zuko grasped her hand and held her. Lillian tried to lift her head but Zuko pressed his head against her shoulder. Lillian felt her bare shoulder tingle as a warm wetness rolled over, "Are you okay?" Lillian whispered running her hands through his hair as he silently cried, "I'm so sorry..." Zuko whispered. Lillian nodded and held him tighter, "in my opinion, he deserved that push. He was getting to close for comfort and I-"
"No... I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for bai sing sai, I'm sorry that I hurt you and I'm sorry that you can't remember any of our memories." Zuko whispered lifting his head. Lillian stared into his golden eyes that were shining from his tears, "Zuko, what memories?" Lillian asked soothing him but she felt him stand up and watched him pace, "I should never have allowed it to get this fair, I didn't want any part but-"
There was a sudden dust cloud that caused Zuko to stop talking. Lillian closed her eyes and stood up, "Hello Princess... I've been looking for you." an old woman's voice said. Zuko squinted his eyes to see three figures in front of Lillian. The one he recognized as the old woman who sold him the crystal, "Merci Lee... How did you find me?" Lillian growled taking a defensive stance, "oh, a little bird with a green eye mentioned you were hiding with the fire nation Royals and that you were poisoned by a dark crystal." Merci Lee said holding out a long sword with red steel. Lillian's eyes widened, "A dark Crystal?" Lillian repeated placing her hand against her neck. At the touch of her hand Lillian's blue crystal split into two different halves revealing the black crystal. Lillian bit her lip, "Who-" Lillian stormed towards Zuko, "YOU!" Lillian growled as she gripped Zuko around his throat and raised him with one arm, "Lilly, l-listen to me" Zuko gasped, "No! You Listen! How could you! I thought you were my Friend Zuko!" Lillian yelled tightening her grip, "It wasn't m-me... Azula" Zuko gasped grabbing Lillian's wrist as Lillian's grip softened, "look o-out" Zuko whispered shooting a blast of fire beside her at the incoming attack. Lillian dropped Zuko and turned sending a large arc of fire at the three tenshi, "We'll finish this later! Stay out of my way." Lillian growled at Zuko causing him to stumble back. The two hunters rushed forward at Lillian but she was too quick for them. Lillian fell into a back flip and shot two strong streams of fire out of her hands, "Strike one!" Lillian grinned knocking the taller Hunter into the ocean, "You'll pay for that!" Called the second hunter, "I'm counting on it." Lillian winked. Zuko watched as the second Hunter charged at Lillian but she didn't notice the other one rushing towards her from the ocean, "Lilly! Watch out!" Zuko said pushing her out of the way as the two Hunter's collide. Lillian and Zuko slid across the sand, "Rule five! Don't turn your back!" Zuko yelled at Lillian. Zuko was pulled off of Lillian and thrown against a boulder, "Stay out of this Prince." Merci Lee ordered bending the earth around him. Merci Lee straightened out her wings for Lillian to see that there were tiny red blades attached to the tips of her wings, "That might be a problem..." Lillian leaped up and took her stance as the three circled her, "Lilly!" Zuko shouted as he began kicking the earth around him with flames trying to escape his prison.
"Ha! I can hear them now." Merci Lee sneered, "The Avatar's Tenshi murdered by Me, the most feared Huntress of all Tenshi, I'm going to make you scream little princess." Merci Lee gloated. Lillian slowly raised her hand into her hair exposing a small golden feather, "What's that?" One hunter asked but before any action could be taken Lillian's hand was engulfed in flames and soon... Her body. Zuko's shut his eyes as the white fire circled Lillian's body, "Don't just stand there you fools! Get her!" Merci Lee yelled. The hunters flew into the flames but Lillian shot up and flew into Zuko's earthy cage, "Leave! NOW!" Lillian barked at Zuko, "No! I wont let you do this alone!" Zuko argued grabbing Lillian's hand, "I'm so sorry that I hurt you! I want to help you!" Zuko said cupping her face. Lillian blinked before standing on her toes and placing a light kiss on Zuko's lips. When Lillian pulled away Zuko pulled her close again but kissed her harder, "Don't do this Lilly." Zuko begged pulling away and opening his eyes. Lillian took a step back, "Just go. We'll talk later" Lillian whispered. There was a small crack and Zuko noticed that the black Crystal was now transparent with golden veins and Lillian's eyes were back to normal. Lillian gripped Zuko's shirt before flying up the beach and leaving him on a large sand dune, "Please, stay here." Lillian begged before shooting back to the Hunters.
Zuko watched from the above of the sand dune as Lillian battled the three hunter's. Lillian's form was strong and she had them at the ropes as she kept attacking the two male hunter's with her fire but the old woman was quiet a challenge. Zuko could see that Lillian was in over her head, "I need to help her!" Zuko hissed through gritted teeth. There was a rush of wind and Zuko watched as another two tenshi's soared above Lillian as she battled the other's, "LILLIAN!" Zuko Screamed as the two shot fire at Lillian and the other's. Zuko jumped down the dune and used his fire bending to help him run faster. The two new tenshi's were actually helping Lillian but Merci Lee was too powerful and unpredictable for them. Zuko watched helplessly as Merci Lee charged at Lillian and pierced her through her torso with her sword.
Lillian's painful scream filled the air and Zuko's ears began ringing...
Zuko paused and shook as Lillian fell to her knees and collapsed on the floor, "No... nononono!" Zuko cried trying to gain control of his legs. Zuko felt the hair on his arm and neck stand as static formed. The two Tenshi did the motion perfectly in sync and shot their lightning at Merci Lee. The cracking sound filled the air and then there was silence.... Merci Lee's body was turned to ash...
One of the tenshi knelt down and lifted Lillian's lifeless body in his arms, "Get away from her!" Zuko yelled as he rushed forward but he was too late...
Both tenshi took off before he could stop them.
"I'm so sorry Lillian..." Zuko whispered as he fell to his knees and cried.
They took her....
They took Lillian...
His best friend...
The love of his life...
His Tenshi...
Hello My Love Rival's!
I am so sorry that I took so long to update. It's been tough this side.
I hope you loved this chapter.
Please vote and comment.
I'd love the feed back.
Until next time!
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