Chapter 8
A/N: I'm honestly proud of the way I've written Luna's character lol. I hope you guys like her too. She may not be in Cobra Kai but she's definitely one of my favourites.
"Haven't seen Xander around much" Luna protested, taking a bite out of her lunch. "Everything ok with you two?"
"He's got exams..." she responded with a dull and gloomy expression. "I think he'll be off to college anytime soon."
(Y/N) nodded as everything was going perfectly fine between her and Xander. But she couldn't shake off the fact that she had noticed someone of a familiar presence last night. She picked up her lunch tray, gesturing Luna to join her, by tilting her head to the side, over at Miguel's direction.
"I thought you didn't want to be friends with him" she retorted, facing Miguel at the same time and greeting him with a wave, simultaneously.
Ignoring her comment, (Y/N) went to sit exactly where Miguel was patting his seat, repeatedly till she made it. She set her lunch tray on the table next to him, tucking her shirt further in so her back wouldn't show. The duo introduced themselves to the group, acknowledging each person seated at the table.
"These are all my Cobra Kai friends. Hawk, Bert, Aisha and Mitch... Aisha, you've already met" Miguel gestured for (Y/N) to meet them.
Handshakes and acknowledgements were exchanged until Luna caught a member's eye. (Y/N) glanced over at the boy, evidently checking her out. He had curly hair, a cheeky smile and was a little chubby and had the best sense of fashion. She observed Luna exchanging a handshake with the boy, only to find out their moment lasted a lot longer than expected. More than the others.
"Luna. Nice to meet you"
"Mitch... Pleasure is all mine" he winked.
(Y/N) leaned forward, clearing her throat as loud as possible, enough for the group to hear. She sat back in her spot, as the group started to talk about their karate training sessions, excited for their session this afternoon.
"I do yoga in that same studio" Luna interrupted, gasping in shock. "So who's that guy in the black gi? I see him around a lot."
"Sensei Lawrence" Aisha added.
Luna leaned over to (Y/N)'s ear, covering the side of her mouth with one hand so the others wouldn't hear what she had to say.
"Sensei Lawrence..." she flirtatiously mocked.
A disgusted (Y/N) rolled her eyes, chuckling as she playfully punched her arm. She focused her attention back on the group, listening and observing as they discussed everything karate-related.
"So, (Y/N) wanna check out Cobra Kai sometime? I think my sensei would love to meet you..." Miguel offered.
She took a long pause as the others were now giving her their undivided attention. Unsure at first, she looked to Luna for some answers. But she got nothing. She took another moment of herself to be fully sure of what her answer was about to be.
Until she finally agreed.
"QUIET" Johnny echoed across the room for all his students to hear. "I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter... But to do that, you gotta fight"
He continued to speak, as means of lecturing his students. He then took another long pause as the room was ridiculously quiet.
As much as (Y/N) wanted to fight him, she looked around, hoping Johnny would pick someone else until she felt a pair of eyes set on her.
"Miss Hotshot" he called out, gesturing over to (Y/N).
(Y/N) glanced over to Luna, secretly hoping that he had picked her until she saw his finger pointing in her direction.
"Hey... I'd go but I wanna spar with him, not his students" Luna chuckled, winking.
"Shut up" (Y/N) snickered with a giggle as she walked over to Johnny.
Johnny frowned upon her presence as he was curious. He tilted his head to the side like he had seen her around before.
"You look familiar" he muttered. "So does your friend over there"
"Yoga" (Y/N) answered, quickly trying to end the discussion then and there.
Johnny cleared his throat and stepped back, gesturing Miguel to come forward to spar. Miguel looked around, wishing he had picked someone else since he didn't like hurting people. He stood next to (Y/N) who was also facing the entire class. The two bowed to them, Johnny and now finally, to each-other.
"And fight!" Johnny exclaimed.
The two circled each-other around for a moment, one waiting for the other to strike. As much as (Y/N) wanted to win, knowing she could, she aimed to step down and lay low for now. These weren't the reasons she'd pursued karate. According to Xander and most people she told, (Y/N) had quit karate for a while.
Miguel started off with a classic roundhouse kick which (Y/N) successfully dodged. She then lunged forward on her good leg, throwing in a classic front kick to his chest. The same way she had that following night when he assumed a thief had broken in to her apartment. She kicked him in the ribs straight after, exactly where she kicked him that night.
Back on his feet, Miguel charged forward as she ducked and switched positions. She threw a series of punches to keep him distracted until she finally performed her classic signature move. She repeatedly kicked his chest until he was used to the pattern. That was when she tricked him upon that third attempt, taking a swing to his temples.
Miguel rubbed his temple, right where he was kicked. He observed her movement again, only to find out she used her legs more than she used her arms or elbows.
At this point, (Y/N) had to back down. But her impulse got the better of her. Miguel distracted her by constantly switching positions until he was close enough to her. (Y/N) threw a jab his way until he caught her wrist, tightening his grip on it. He spun her around in a semi-circle. All of this was too familiar to (Y/N). She kicked his inner thigh, sending him to the floor. For her final move, she placed her knee on his chest whilst his arms were pinned to the floor.
As it was quite a long fight, they were both breathing heavily, coated in sweat. An impressed Johnny Lawrence applauded (Y/N), along with the rest of the class.
"For someone who hasn't done karate in a while..." he complimented, finishing off his sentence after a short pause. "You're good"
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Miguel asked curiously.
"Xander" (Y/N) replied, eventually taking her leave as she walked off with Luna after their trial session.
Miguel turned to Aisha while simultaneously looking at (Y/N) as she and Luna headed home for the day.
"Her fighting style, Aisha" he whispered, tightening the buckle on his bag. "I remember fighting someone the exact same way. The thief that tried to break into (Y/N)'s apartment like two nights ago"
"Maybe it's just a similar fighting style. You know, some people fight similarly." she shrugged, not thinking any different. "Hawk likes to jump around a lot for effect. So does Bert. Except his height gets the better of him."
"Yeah I guess you're right" he sighed, turning the other way. "I don't know, something about her just doesn't sit right with me"
"Give her a chance" Aisha reassured. "She just seems very private about her life but she's really kind. As long as you mind your own business."
"Aisha..." Miguel sighed, rubbing his temples. "Everything was just so familiar. What if the thief is someone she knows trying to get back at her?"
"You guys are neighbours, right?" Aisha smirked, hoping Miguel would answer his own question at this point.
"Yeah... I guess I should keep an eye on her. Her boyfriend hasn't even been around"
He stroked his chin and turned back one more time to catch a glimpse of (Y/N)'s presence which already left the building moments ago.
A/N: Romance between Luna and Mitch? You guys rooting for them? Should I make them a thing?
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