The Dance (part 3)

It now time for Coliel......

Ps, this chapter was a bit rushed so sorry for the poor quality.... heh heh.....

Seliel's POV

I was the first to change into my dress. But it was just a simple slip on so I can see why it took the others longer, being that theirs have zips and buttons. Adjusting the short sleeves, I stopped fussing and established I was ready.

I looked over to my friends, Nya and Pixel were talking in hushed tones so I presumed they wanted to keep it just the two of them, so I wondered over to Skylor who was trying to put on eye liner.

"Hey!" I said. Me and Skylor haven't really talked much. I valued her as a friend no less, but we weren't as close as some of the others were, so I took this as the perfect opportunity to change that.

"Hey" She grumbled, hopelessly trying to put on the black eyeliner.

"You alright?" I asked. It was more of a rhetorical question because she was clearly stressed. Nether the less she answered.

"Yes..... No, ugh! I just can't seem to do this stupid eyeliner!" She huffed, wiping away the smudges of her previous try.

"Do you want help?" I asked, giving her a small smile. She sighed and handed me the tube before her frown broke into a small grin.

"Oh man..... I used to be good at this, I don't know what's wrong with me" She sighed.

"Maybe you have too much on your mind?" I suggested, finished off the wing of her first eye. "And your full concentration is in something else rather than putting on eyeliner?"

There was a silence between us as I finished doing her second eye, and I was worried that I offended her. But the look on her face said otherwise. It looked like she was contemplating what I said.

"You just hit the nail straight on the head" Skylor sighed again. I could sense that she needed to vent about something, even if she didn't say it.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, placing my unoccupied hand on her shoulder.

"It's just.... just- ugh... boys!" She groaned throwing her hands up in annoyance.

"Tell me about it, boys can really suck sometimes" I said, agreeing with her.

"Yeah..... I guess I just kinda wished Kai had asked me instead of Morro"

"Well...there's still time, you can always change your mind. And hey, when boys fail you, you'll always have your girl friends" I said gesturing to myself, Nya and Pixal, which brought a smile on her face.

"Thanks Seliel" She said, hugging me.

"No problem." I said hugging her back. "Hey, we have to take a selfie of ourselves before the dance! You know? All glamed up!"

"Sure, why not?" Skylor answered. Now, if I was Jay, I wouldn't have taken that as a rhetorical question and started listing reasons why we shouldn't do it. Thank god im not Jay.

I took my phone out as me and Skylor posed for the photo. I was about to press the button when Nya suddenly stopped me.

"Hey guys, if your gonna take a selfie, at least do it with all of us!" She giggled, grabbing Pixels wrist and pulling her over to Skylor and I.

"Alright guys! Say Cheese!"  Skylor giggled. We all smiled as a flash went off, capturing us all smiling and laughing.

"Right, who's ready for some dancing?!" Nya yipped happily as we walked out of her room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Arriving in a limo was one of my life long dreams, I only wish it lasted longer. It only took us ten minutes to get to the high school, so by the time we'd all settled down, we were already there.

"Tell me again why we had to rent a limo?" I sighed, voicing my opinion. "Couldn't we just have walked? It was only 10 minutes away"

"High School Dances are the only chance you gonna get to go by style and ride in a limo" Jay said, looking back at our ride as it made its way out of the school parking lot.

"What use is style when no one is around to see you arrive in it?" Kai grumbled, crossing his arms like a toddler having a tantrum.

We were about half way to the doors when I noticed my date -Cole- getting really hyped and fidgety, which could only mean one thing...


"Whats wrong Cole?" Zane asked. Coles eyes widened as he sniffed the air before a massive smile broadened on his face.

"Oh no..." I whispered, I knew that look.

"I.... smell..... CAKE!!!!!" He said, getting more excited with each word. He darted off inside the school leaving all us behind. I rolled my eyes.

"I swear he can smell like an animal" I  sighed again before sprinting (Well, what I hoped looked like sprinting, but proberly more like a wobbled run in these heels) to catch up with Cole who had already disappeared inside the building. "COLE GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE" I yelled before also disappearing into the high school and out of my friends sight.

As I entered the school gym, I was immediately blown away by the beauty of it. Seriously, who knew that with a few colourful streamers and banners that the high school gym could look so..... nice?

Blinking a couple of times to regain my focus, I Beelined it to the food table, and low and behold, found Cole eating a massive slice of chocolate cake.

"Hey Cole! You know left me behind back there? And last time I checked, I was your date, not that slice of chocolate cake!"

"Oh, Hey Seliel! You want some?" He asked, shoving his half bitten slice in my face. I made an unamused face and shook my head. "Eh, more for me then" he shrugged.

"Cole, can we go dance? After all that if why you invited me here right?" I asked, loosely folding my arms.

"Huh? Oh, right- yes, totally!" He said, completely oblivious to what I just said, because he went straight back to cutting another slice of cake.

"Cole! Did you even hear what I just said?" I asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"Huh?" He replied, his attention still fully on his cake.

I rolled my eyes and sunk down on the bench next to the food table

~~~Time Skip~~~

How much cake can one person eat! Seriously! He's already onp his sixth slice and his seventh time saying we'll go dance in a minute. This was not what I thought the dance was gonna be like.

I gazed off at the dance floor. I could see Nya and Jay as-well as Zane and Pixel dancing together happily. I sighed and wished me and Cole were sharing a dance together. My eyes wandered off to the bleachers where I saw Kai sulking.

Well, I guess I could go over and see if he's alright. I mean, it's better than watching Cole stuff his face with cake.

"I'll just be over by the bleachers" I said to Cole, which caught his attention for the first time of the dance.

"Huh? Why? I'm your date, shouldn't you stay around me?" He asked. I could feel my anger bubbling inside of me.

"Why?! So I can watch you eat more cake and completely ignore me!" I shouted at him.

"Woah, don't take everything so seriously, jeez"

"Okay, that is IT! Have fun getting diabetes!" I shouted before stomping over to Kai.

I angrily plopped down next to him, which made him jump.

"Hi?" He said, more like a question than a statement.

"Hi" I grumbled.

"Errr- you okay?" He asked hesitantly.

I couldn't be bothered to beat around the bush so I just dived right into what was wrong. That and I needed someone to talk to and wasn't in the mood to disturb Pixel and Zane or Nya and Jay by bringing my bad mood down upon them.

"It's just Cole and his addiction to cake! He's completely ignoring me, I mean what's the point of going to the dance with someone if there not gonna even DANCE with you?"

"At least he had the courage to ask you, I kept chickening out and now it to late and Skylor's already taken. To be honest though, I doubt she'd say yes even if I had asked her" Kai groaned, resting his head on his hands.

"You know, when me and the girls were getting ready, Skylor told me that she's wished you'd asked her and not Morro"

His head peaked up suddenly.

"Really? She said that?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Oh my God, I've- I've got find her!" He said standing.

"Go get her Romeo!" I laughed.

"Thanks Seliel" he smiled before adding "oh, and about the Cole thing, you just gotta talk to him and make sure he knows your upset"

I looked back to where I last saw Cole -by the food table- and saw Jay talking to him, as well as Nya makeung a beeline to me. I was about to thank Kai, but by the time i looked back to where he previously stood, he was gone. I shrugged and awaited for the presence of Nya to arrive.

"Hey, what happened?" Nya asked and immediately wrapped me up in a hug. Tears threatened to fall, but I refused to let them ruin this night.

"I just wish Cole wasn't so oblivious to me...... I know that sound so selfish, but as his girlfriend, shouldn't I get some of his attention at a high school dance?" I sighed.

"Look, I know for a fact that he feels terrible about what happened, he's been sitting there for the past 10 minuets sulking"

That line made me giggle, I love seeing Cole sulk, he looks like a toddler, it's so cute.

"Yeah, I guess I ought to forgive him" I said finally after a few seconds of silent contemplation.

"Well, here's your chance...." Nya said standing up. I glanced up and saw Jay pushing Cole in this direction.

Nya went to stand with Jay as Cole stood awkwardly in front of me. Hands on pockets, and the occasional scuff of his foot on the floor. Talk about an awkward silence.

"Hey, I'm... I'm sorry" Cole said after a moment of silence. I didn't reply, I just folded my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Look," Cole started and took a seat next to me "I've always had an addiction to cake and you know I'm a nervous eater, so I guess both of those flaws added together just made me totally uncontrollable." He finished chuckling nervously.

"Okay, two things" I said turning to face him more, "One: what do you have to be nervous about?"

"I'm nervous about making a fool out of myself in front of you....... Look, I'm new to this whole dating thing, and I really don't want to ruin it on the first hurdle, but I guess that boat has already sailed"

I chewed on that for a second. It was really sweet of him to be nervous about us being an us.

"Well.... there's still time to try again, if you want" I said said, giving him a small smile. His eyes immediately lit up as he stood up and extended him hand for me to take. I did. I stood up and we both made our way to the dance floor.

"Wait a minute," Cole said after a few seconds of dancing, "What was the second thing?"

"Huh?" I asked, completely bewildered.

"Back over there-" he pointed to the bleachers "-you said there were two things you wanted to say, one of which asking what I've got got to be nervous about, but you never said the second"

I thought for a moment before remembering what it was a blushing at it.

"Well.... I-I was just gonna say that um.... y-your addiction to cake and you being a nervous eater aren't flaws... there what makes your personality and.. I love you for it" I said, bitting my lip out of nervousness, jeez, I hate that habit. But I guess it's true what they say, old habits do die hard.

Cole seemed taken back and for a split second I regretted ever saying anything.

That was, until, he leaned down and planted a delicate kiss upon my lips and whispered into it, saying 'I love you'

Relief flushed over me. Phew.....

Suddenly, he jerked his head to the left, as did I, as the sounds of chants filled the gym. Intrigued, me and Cole made our way to where all the racket was coming from. But what I saw was proberly the last thing I expected.

Two boys rolled around on the ground, throwing fierce punches and kicks whenever the chance arose.

It wasn't until I saw the familiar brown spikes did I realise that one of the boys were Kai.

Cole reacted immediately.

"Jay, grab Kai, I've got Morro!" He shouted before lunging into the fight and started to pull apart the fighting two.

Jay appeared out of nowhere with Nya (Well proberly not nowhere, the more likely solution was that I was too engrossed in the fight to spot familiar faces in the crowd)

"Got it" Jay said and snatch Kai's shoulders, trying to avoid his brutal punches. Jay began to struggle against his fiery friend because of him being noticeably weaker than Kai. "He's too strong!" He groaned.

"Get off me Jay!" Kai shouted, spitting out blood in the progress. "This Jerk is gonna pay!"

"Let me help" Says a long lost voice from behind Jay. He turns around, as I shift my position to get a better look at where the voice came from and see Lloyd standing in a black tuxedo with a vibrant green tie.

With help from Lloyd, Jay was able to pull a bloodied Kai away from the enraged Morro.

My attention drifts back to my boyfriend who was pulling Morro away, that was until he shoved Cole off him, after saying a few choice words, and exiting the building.

"Alright people, shows over, go back to your business!" I said shooing the crowd that was still lingering around the area.

Cole came up to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"I thought this much drama only happened on Teen Dramas" Cole chuckles.

"Yeah" I said laughing along.

The crowd had pretty much gone back to dancing, and it was like the whole fight had never happened. The only give-a-way was a pile of blood staining the floor.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Me and Cole took a break from dancing and made our way to the back of the gym.

"Would everyone please make there way to the main hall, it's time to announce who's the King and Queen of tonight dance" A voice called coming from the loud speaker littered around the school building.

Sensi Wu took the stage as Zane and Pixel cane over to where we were. Huh.... I haven't seen them in ages.

Nya and Jay then came over to us.

"NHS's King and Queen is....."

Sensi Wu was about to about to announce the winner when a loud scream caught the whole gym's attention.


A loud explosion sounded from outside as the entire school body started to panic and run out of the school.

Me, Nya, Jay, Skylor, Zane, Cole, Kai and Pixel all gave each other knowing looks. Then we simultaneously glanced to Sensi who was looking at us and nodded.

"The final battle has begun...."

Whoot whoot!! Another one done!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!!!

Sorry for not updating so regularly, but...... Yeah, I don't really have an excuse, just kinda wasn't in the mood ya know?

Anywho, like before, and before that, I'm gonna make this interesting I'm gonna leave it up to you to vote for King and Queen. In the comments, please say who you think should be King and Queen. It can be either:

~Pixal and Zane
~Skylor and Kai/ Morro (But FYI, if any of you put Morro I'm actually gonna cry #Kailor4Life)
~Jay and Nya
~Seliel and Cole

(Yes you can vote again to make sure your OTP gets King and Queen)

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉AND MERRY CHRISTMAS (for a week and four days ago)

AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (for four days ago)

Thanks for reading. 💗💖💗💖

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