Chapter 4 {Sly?}

Aphmau's P.O.V

As everyone got suited up, I didn't change, I was still in my galaxy shirt and my black shorts. 

Tony looked at me and raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off. I was still debating if I should go or not, still, I missed everyone, but I was afraid of the few hating me for leaving.

Thor smiled at me and I faked one, last time I remember smiling was when I was with the few.

Actually, how are my other friends doing? I mean... Garroth Dante and Laurence saw me fly off.. now I'm curious..

"Are you all ready?" Steve asked as everyone nodded, Steve turned to me. I looked at him, "You ready Jess?" he asks.

I nodded slightly, and we were off, to go see the few.

(Mean while.. back in MyStreet)

Third Person's P.O.V

Garroth ran out with Dante and Laurence, they're still in shock of what just happened. 

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?!" Garroth shouted. "Aphmau just flew away! LITERALLY!" 

The boys went to the girls house, Garroth broke down the door, and they entered. There was only a note, possibly left for Aphmau.

Me and KC went on a little road trip for a while to go hang out with Nicole and Cadenza. We'll be back soon. -Katelyn

Laurence read the note and sighed. "Im worried about Aphmau," he said. Dante nodded. "How she is able to fly?!" He shouted.

"I have no idea, but we need answers.." Dante exclaimed. "Lucinda? Maybe she can bring us to Aph!" 

"I don't think Lucinda has that type of magic, but we could ask." Garroth replied. They all nodded.

"Wait, let's see if Aphmau will at least answer her phone.." Laurence said.

(Back to the Avengers)

Aphmau's P.O.V

We were all in a plane, as Clint and Natasha were driving it.

I've been staring out the window this whole time, Thor sat next to me, with a worried expression on his face.

"What's troubling you daughter?" he asks in a gentle voice, I just gave him the silent treatment, I don't mean to be rude, I just didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Steve walked over and crouched in front of me. "Jessica?" he asks. I gave no answer, just continuously staring out the window.

"Jessica, please, talk to me." Thor said with a some what hurt voice.

It pained me to hear it, but I wanted to be alone right now. I need some time to think for myself, I could just jump out the plane right now and just leave, but.. I can't. 

I wanted to leave, but my gut was telling me not to. I didn't want to see the Few, but my mind was telling me to go.

Tony walked over, "Jess, don't make me tickle you." He warns.

I sighed and looked over, "What?" I asked.

"Jess, I know there is something troubling you," Steve said. "We're here if you want to talk, you know that." 

I nodded and looked back out the window.

"Give Jessie some space, she is still overwhelmed by all this," Bruce exclaimed. "Loki threatening her in all, her leaving the few for years, I mean, over the years, she's had a rough life."

I nodded at when he said that, "Please, I just need some time to think." 

Steve nodded along with Tony, they walked away and started talking about the plan.

Thor however, didn't leave. 

'My own daughter, my only one, it pains me to see one in such a state, especially if it's my own child' Thor thought.

I looked at Thor, as tears were about to pool into my eyes, I looked away, hoping he wouldn't see. 

I guess Thor noticed because he pulled me into his lap and held me close to him. I'm twenty two years old, and I STILL get treated as a baby.

I mean, Thor is still crazy overly protective of me, I know that will never change. I rested my head on his chest, as he held me close.

Then I started crying, I miss the Few, I miss our adventures, I miss Sly, I miss everyone. 

Thor rubbed soothing circles on my back and kissed the top of my head. Even though I haven't seen my father in years, it was great to see him again.

I heard my phone ring, I wiped my tears and got off Thor's lap and looked at my phone. 

Shit, it was Laurence. I cleared me throat. "Everyone please be quiet, I need to answer this." They all nodded as I answered. 

"Hello?" I asked. "APHMAU WHERE ARE YOU?! WE SAW YOU FLY OFF?! HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO FLY?!" Laurence, Garroth and Dante shouted into the phone. 

I pulled my phone back away from my ear. Steve was confused, Tony looked shocked. Thor was confused as well. 

"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Aphmau We SAW you fly!" Laurence replied. "I can't fly." I simply said.

"Well, WHERE ARE YOU!" He shouted. I sighed in annoyance.

"I don't need to tell you everything!" I replied.

"Yes you do! You're important to us and we can't let you get hurt!" Garroth shouted.

Tony was snickering in the background, "Jess, got a boyfriend?" He said.

I blushed madly, "Who was that??" Laurence asked.

Thor's eye twitched. "Uhh, never call this line again!" I said and hung up. I looked at Thor. "D-dad I do NOT have a boyfriend!" I reassured him.

"Sounds like you do," Tony laughed a little. I looked at him and flipped him off. Tony gave me an offended look. "Fuck off Tony.." I said. 

"Jess." Steve says in a stern voice. I crossed my arms and looked away, "I'm an adult, I can do and say what I want." Then I did my sassy hair flip. "I'm not a child."

Thor laughed lightly. 

"You still act like one." Steve reminded. I glared at him.

He came up behind me and picked me up, "And short," he laughs and sits down with me on his lap and he held me there

I blushed, "Seriously?" I asked. "Seriously." He replied.

I smiled, knowing my family would always be here.

Time went by, and we arrived at the hall, I was nervous.

As we all exited, we were at the entrance, they couldn't get in without a hand print from one of the Few.

Before Tony could try and open the door, I walked up and put my hand on the screen, as it scanned my hand, the doors opened and we all walked in.

I looked around, everything is the same, but cleaner. I started having memories about this place.

"Wow," Tony said in amazement. "This place is, amazing." 

I nodded a little and smiled. "We all pitched in and helped each other." I smiled. 

I heard foot steps walking towards us, "Castor? You back already--" the voice stopped and looked at us.

My eyes widen, "Sly?" I asked.

Sly's P.O.V

I was in my room working on my armor, a few days ago was when Jess left, I got her note and it shattered my heart.. 


I woke up since it was morning, I woke up to a note on my night stand, I opened it and read it. My eyes widen and I rub them, hoping that this is just a dream.

But it wasn't.

I dropped the note and ran to Jess's room, as I ran in, I saw that her armor was gone, Mjölner was also gone, her supplies also.

I fell to my knees, hoping that this was just a dream, oh god, please let this be a dream, some horrible nightmare..

~Flashback End~

I heard someone at the front of the hall, I went to go check, maybe it was castor, he told me he was going out for a while. Maybe he forgot something.

As I walked down the hall way, I see a group of people. As I walked closer, I saw someone who I haven't seen in years. 

"Sly?" She asked. Tears were pooling into her eyes. 

"Jess.." I replied with a soft tone, not believing my eyes at first. She walked towards me slowly, I started getting teary just then and there.

She put a hand on my cheek, she smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks. I pulled her into a hug and I wouldn't let go, I couldn't. 

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