Meeting an old friend
I never expected to see him again . His name was ..
" did you finally remembered me ? " he smiled.
" LARS ?!! "
I can't believe I met him again! I so happy !!
" Lars ?! Your back ?! How , when and -- " he cut me off by putting his hand to cover my mouth . Heh I think I was too excited.
" shh , let go and talk in somewhere else or the fan girls will attack you . " he said chuckling . I noticed and quickly put my hoodie on again.
" y-yea right .. " I smiled and as he got up . He leaned his hand to help me .
" sorry again hehe .. "
" you were always always in hurry . But you don't need to apologize I was running too . "
" uh ? Why ?? "
" becau-- ahh !! I will be late come on !! " he said grabbing my hand and started running as fast as he can .
" wooooh !! Lars slow dawn or we will --"
" sorry greenie there's no time ! "
when we finally stopped running. I tried to catch my breaths .
" what was all that about? " I asked him confused. He was about to answer me but when he saw someone he yelled.
" hey !! Adrien !! " I looked at that guy named 'Adrien ' he has blonde hair and he is tall . Or maybe I see him tall because I am short 😑 . ( oh your so cute Lloyd!! )
" I know that I am late I will hurry and go Chang . " said Lars .
" no for some reason you're not late today. We still have 20 minutes before starting. " said Adrien .
I looked around to finally realize we were on a coffee shop. I think this is the place were the waiters do there things or what ever .
" so are you gonna explain Everything to me or what ? "
" oh Lloyd forget you were here . Hehe "
" really ? " I said glaring at him .
" no no I was just kidding . Well you see I work as a waiter here and I am always late so that's why I thought I am late today too . But it looks like I still have a time . " he said simply. I gave him a Death Star .
" what ? "
" so all that running was for NOTHING?!! "
" what ? No , no , no at least I am here in time and we can talk . " I sighed.
" sorry "
" it's okay . " I gave him a smile . We went and set on Table .
" so .. What do want to talk about ? " he said smiling .
" well ... I wanted to ask you something.. "
" yes ? "
" it's been a year since you said your traveling . And you said you won't be coming back so what happened? Why are you here ? "
He kept staring at me for awhile .
" I -it's ok if you don't want to talk about-- "
" no it's ok . It's not kind of secret or anything. " I kept staring at him waiting for him to continue.
" do you remember my relatives? " he asked and I nodded .
" I told that how much they hated me but my father always trusted them . So when they know I was about to travel they ruined the whole thing . "
" and how did they do it ? "
" they told my father I was doing bad things like stilling and killing people. "
" huh ?! You would never do something like that!! " I said almost yelling.
I know Lars very well and there is no way he would do things like this.
" take it easy dude. Anyway after they told him that he was really mad at me and didn't let me travel. Few days later and he kicked me out of the house. " he said calmly.
" oh .. But he should be sure of this before doing any of that ... " I said with sad tone looking at the ground .
" yeah that's what they call blind trust. " I stayed quiet for a moment.
" then ? What happened after that ? "
" well you see I was just walking in the streets then I met Adrien and he helped me so much . For now I am working as a waiter with him and it's really fun . "
" oh . " I wanted to ask more questions but I thought if I continue this is gonna be awkward. I noticed Lars looking at Adrien. I think they are really best friends.
But I noticed a pink blush on his cheeks.
" lars ? " I began.
" yes ? " he responded still looking at him .
" I just have one more question. Do you ... Like Adrien.. ? " he gasped and his face turned red . He looked at me series.
" lessen if you don't want to -- "
" N-no !! I don't like him or anything were just a friends !! " he said blushing . I nodded.
" besides your still a kid to think about these things " I giggled, I think he really like him .
" I am not a kid . "
" yes you are . " I sighed.
" oh ! Maybe you really aren't !! "
" finally admit it ? "
" not sure . But if I remembered that you have a hot boyfriend. "
When he said that my face turned red . Where did he even got this idea from ?!!
And who can be my boyfriend anyway ?!!
" W-what are talking about ?!!! I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!! " I yelled and everyone looked at us . Lars started laughing.
"Every one don't worry. We just have a shy guy here . " he said chuckling . Every body went back to there business.
" Lars this isn't funny . I really don't have one , and even if I have who could it be ? " I said seriously.
" oh that hot guy who supposed to be the fire ninja . " he said that and I felt my cheeks heating up.
" he really seemed to like you . " he said smirking . I nervously laughed .
" come on don't be stupid there is no way he could like me we are just a friends . Don't even dream of us being a couple. "
LARS P.O.V. ( yay finally some changing XD )
When he said that I felt like he is hiding something. What was that guy's name ?
Oh right I think it's Kai . I just met one time before but I can tell he is in love with Lloyd . I mean if anyone just look at that kid he could fail for him . He is cute, smart , and nice to everyone.
I can't lai . I was in love with him ... But I already got rejected. I am not even sure he know that I confessed to him that day . ( everyone you will understand everything about this story in the future. )
But to think about it that guy may have a chance with him since they are in the same team . I hope he won't end up like me .
That day when the three of us hanged out I noticed he didn't stop staring at him . And he even was smiling like an idiot.
And every time Lloyd was near him he was blushing and sweating . And what made it worse Lloyd didn't even noticed.
( now some funny and romance flashbacks from that day 😊 )
Me , Lloyd and Kai were going to the mall to have some fun after the hard time they had .
" Kai , this is Lars he is my friend but none of you guys me him before . " Lloyd said smiling .
" hey . " said Kai waving his hand . He didn't have much to say cause all of his attention was on Lloyd .
" Lars, this is Kai I told you about him before . " when Lloyd said that Kai's eyes went wind as pink blush appeared.
" hope we can be friends. " I said smiling . And he nodded.
" I really wished the others to come with us but they all are busy . " said Lloyd then he sighed.
" it's ok we can have fun just the three of us . And I can met them next time . " I said trying to cheer him up. He smiled and nodded.
" come on !! " he yelled and starting running. I chuckled at his cuteness.
" hey !! Wait for us ! " before I follow him Kai grabbed my arm .
" uh ? What's wrong? "
" I -if you don't mind can you tell me what did l-Lloyd said about me .. ? " he asked shyly. It took me a moment to understand this weird favor.
But then I smiled .
" ok . No problem. " a big smile appeared at his face .
" thank you !! " but then I heard Lloyd shouting .
" hey !! You two are coming or not ?! "
" yes , yes sir !! " I responded laughing.
" come on I will tell you while we are walking to him . "
While we started to walk slowly to him I tried to remember.
" hmm if I remember it very well he said your funny , nice and always looking after him . " I said that and he is still smiling.
" oh and he said you acting just like his father do . " he was shocked .
" what ?!! I am not like him !! " he said serious.
" I don't mean anything bad his father take care of him like me . He is nice to him but not to me . "
" oh . "
" trust me . Every time he sees me around Lloyd he push me away . we are just like enemies. " he Said sighing.
" by the way he said one more thing . "
" and what is it ? " he asked excited.
" he said since your acting like his dad maybe someday he can call you ' daddy ' " ( woooow !! )
His face turned red .
" r-really?! " he was really excited this time . That shocked me .
" y -yes really. " he kept smiling. Till we reached to Lloyd.
And he was glaring at us.
" why did you take so much time to come ?! "
" no one got hurt . And in the end we are here . " I responded trying not to laugh.
" and besides Kai and I were talking about something important I guess. "
" tsk . Really? Like what ? " when I wanted to answer I noticed Kai waving to me . And whispering .
Like he said don't tell him .
Ok ..?
" well ? "
" um about ... Y-your friends!! Right your friends! Hehe . "
" never mind lets just go. " Lloyd said and grabbed both of our hands . We both sighed and I noticed Kai blushing again.
" why didn't you let me tell him ? " I asked whispering to him .
" j-just don't . " he whispered back .
Well that was weird .
~times skip ~ ( because I am lazy . )
We went different shops and bought many things most of it was gifts for their friends they are really looks cool . I really had fun .
And I noticed these two really close to each other . Could it be that they are dating ?
I mean Kai is blushing all the time and Lloyd hold his hand from time to time . I am kind of otaku so I enjoyed watching them .
They are really cute couple.
" oh look !! " Lloyd yelled and point at animals pet shop.
" I love animals lets go !! " I added and grabbed Lloyd's hand . I can see Kai is jealous.
When we arrived we saw many animals and they were really cute . I noticed Lloyd playing with the kitties so much .
" like them ? "
" yea , the kitties is my favorite type of animals. " he said smiling. I noticed the owner of this shop talking with Kai . I wonder what are they talking about?
I saw Lloyd looking nervous at the snakes . And here I had an evil idea .
Lloyd went back to play with the kitties . I grabbed one of the snakes.
" hey Lloyd look at this . "
" what ? Ahhhh !! " Lloyd shouted when he saw it near to his face and I dead laughing.
" come on !! Is the green ninja afraid? ~ "
" Lars !! Please stop!! "
" no way !! " I said and started chasing him .
" noooo !! Lars !!! "
" Lloyd what's wrong?! " Kai said with a worry face . Of course wh would be worry with all this yelling.
When Lloyd saw him he jumped to hug him . he put his face in Kai's chest and again Kai blushed .
" k-kaaaaai !! Please save me !! "
" f-from what ? "
" this . " I said and showed it to him . Out of no where he started chuckling .
" Kai ! Not you too !! " Lloyd yelled not letting go of him .
" ok Lars this is enough. " kai said trying to hide his laugh.
" boring . " I added and went to put the snake back from where I took it .
When I came back I saw Kai rubbing Lloyd's back . And he is sniffing.
Wow I didn't thought its gonna end up like this . I felt sad for making him upset. I just hid and kept staring at them .
" come on Lloyd. It's ok he was just kidding. " said Kai smiling.
" I know ... But the snake was really scary.. " he finally pulled away from Kai's chest . And there was some tears in his eyes.
" oh wait I will be right back . " Lloyd waited for him to come back and in a few minutes he came .
" ok , before I do it close your eyes. "
" uh ? Do wh- "
" just do it . " then Lloyd closed his eyes blushing a little. He put something like cat ears on Lloyd's head ? It was the same color of Lloyd's hair .
" now you can open your eyes. " Lloyd moved his hand to touch it .
" um Kai ? What is this ? " Lloyd asked confused. Kai showed him another one .
" the owner showed it to me and I really liked it . "
" uhh .. Why did you .. "
" because I thought you would look even cuter like this . And it worked!! I don't need to pet a kitty cause I already have a cute kitty . " Lloyd started to blush even more when Kai hugged him.
" you're my beautiful kitty !!! " said Kai and kissed Lloyd's forehead.
" y-you're... ? " Kai quickly pulled away blushing .
" s-sorry !! I -I didn't mean y-your mine or --or " Lloyd laughed a little. And grabbed another cat ears same of Kai's hair .
" and you are my stupid kitty !! " Lloyd said smiling .
Kai just nodded and looked at the ground blushing .
I walked up to them . When Lloyd noticed me he quickly hide be hind the blushing Kai .
" Lloyd come on I am sorry. I didn't mean to ok ? ... Can you forgive me ? "
" if you promise you won't do it again I will think about it. "
" I promise to never do it again . "
" ok !! I forgive you !! " he said and hugged me and I hugged him back .
And of course Kai was getting jealous again.
~times skip ~ ( again 😋 )
After that we went to the park I noticed an ice cream shop near by .
I remembered how much Lloyd love the ice cream so I thought it would be nice to have it now .
" um guys I will go get something . " I said and they nodded.
I went to the ice cream shop and while I am getting it I wondered what are they doing ? I am sure after all what happened today they are a couple.
Well they are a couple of course they are flirting right now .
NORMAL P.O.V. ( finally 😞 )
While Lars was getting the ice cream Lloyd and Kai was sitting in silence till Lloyd broke it .
" so .. ? Did you have fun today ? "
" yes , you're friend is really cool person. "
" I am glade . "
Lloyd smiled which made Kai blush again . They were sitting next to each other in the park and Kai did his best trying not to hold Lloyd's hand but he lost it and touched it .
" uh ? "
" N--no I didn't mean t-to --" Kai was stuttering and blushing but then he noticed Lloyd smiling. Lloyd put his hand on Kai's.
" you can hold it if you want to . " Kai nodded and hold it . He blushed even more when Lloyd rested his head on his shoulder .
It was just tow minutes before Lars came back to them . They both blushed and pulled away from each other. But it was too late Lars already saw them . But he pretended to not .
" I hope I am not late . "
" no your not . " added Lloyd .
" l brought you your favorite thing ever. " when Lloyd saw the ice cream he jumped and was so happy. Even if it was just some ice cream .
" LARS your the best person in the world!! "
" of course I am . " they a laughed a little.
" I didn't know what your favorite type so choose between vanilla and chocolate. " Lars said and he gave both of it to Lloyd .
" hey Kai , you can pick first . "
" o -ok " Kai took the vanilla one since it was his favorite.
" then I am going to eat the chocolate one . " said Lloyd happily.
" so you didn't tell me . What's your favorite type? " asked Lars .
" hmm I didn't really think about it before I think I love all the types. But .. If I have to choose its gonna be chocolate. "
( like me !! I love chocolate type 😊 )
" oh . Then your lucky Kai choose the vanilla one . " Lloyd smiled.
" maybe... "
~ times skip ~ ( kill me . This is a high score of times skip 😂😂😂 )
When they finished . They said goodbye to each other's and went to their home.
When Lloyd wanted to form his dragon Kai stopped him .
" what is it ? "
" um .. I --I was wondering if you want to .. You know r-ride with me ? " Lloyd just kept staring at him for a moment before he can say any thing Kai interrupt.
" I-it's ok .. If y-you don't want . I think it's going to be awkward anyway... " Kai said stuttering with a sad voice.
" what ? No ! I -I mean .. If you still want to I will be happy to ride with you . " Lloyd said blushing a little .
" um y-yea of course. "
He formed his dragon and helped Lloyd to set in front of him . Lloyd kept blushing while Kai warped his arms around his waist but he hide his face so Kai won't see him .
( just imagine what Kai is thinking now : oh god !! I can't believe I am doing this . My arms around his waist and his small body in front of me!!! . Yea this is probably what he is thinking right now 😂😂😂 )
When they arrived at home there wasn't anyone there .
" it looks like they are still didn't come " Kai said .
" yea.. But it's still 7:15 so everything is ok . " Lloyd responded.
" about me I am going to sleep right now I had fun today but now I really tired. " Kai said and Lloyd nodded.
Before they go to their rooms they heard noises come from the gaming room . And it was really weird noises.
"U-um what was that ? " asked Lloyd shaking.
" I don't know lets go check it out . " when they were walking Kai noticed that Lloyd is shaking by every step.
And the noise is coming higher.
" Lloyd if your scared you don't need to come . " Kai said to the scared Lloyd.
" what ? Me ? Scared? Psh. Don't be silly . Of course I Am not hahahaha... I guess. " of course Kai know he was laying so he held his hand to help him calm down .
" your bad at laying . " Lloyd just blushed . Few minutes and Lloyd calmed down when they arrived at the room Kai opened the door slowly.
" W-what the -?!! " yelled Kai .
They saw one of jay's robots making weird noises and doing other creepy things like crashing everything!!
" oh jay !!! " yelled Lloyd.
" he didn't fix this thing like he said ! I am gonna kill him !! "
Then ... Out of nowhere the robot started chasing them !!
" w-what the hell ?! What this thing want with us ?!! "
" I don't know !! But if you don't keep running you will probably lose your head !! "
It started flying and throwing things on them .
" Kai I have a plan just let it chase me and you run away ! "
" what ?!! "
" just do it !! "
" I hope you know what are you doing ! " Kai run in a different direction.
" hey you !! I am right over here !! " Lloyd shouted . And the robot started following him . He threw energy balls at him .
Till he finally hit it .
He sighed and didn't even notice the robot was about to fail on him .
" Lloyd ! Look out !! " yelled Kai and pushed Lloyd in last minute.
Which ended up Kai on top of Lloyd....
And his lips were on Lloyd's.
Both of them eyes winded . They both blushed .
It took Kai a moment to to get off of Lloyd.
They both got away from each other and looked away blushing . Kai noticed Lloyd touching his lips and he had a sad face .
" S-Sorry Lloyd !!! I am really sorry !! I didn't mean to I -it was just an accident!!! "
" Kai it's ok ... I know it was an accident.beside you saved me and I am sure kissing you much better than the robot to hit me . " Lloyd said smiling.
" and .. " he began getting closer to Kai who started to blush when there faces were close to each other .
" A-and ...? "
" can we have a-another one .. ? "
" huh ? "
" it can be a ' thank you kiss ' cause I really want to thank you for everything you did to me . "
The silence appeared. And both of them are still blushing .
" I-it's ok if you don't want to .. "
" no . I want to . I want you to thank me your way . "
That shocked Lloyd a little but he nodded.
He carefully placed his lips on Kai's. And it was just a quick kiss .
He pulled away blushing .
" t-thank you ... Kai for always being there for me ... " Lloyd said smiling and playing with his fingers looking at the ground .
" I think we should go to sleep.. " he continued.
Kai finally felt the courage inside him to tell Lloyd how he feels about him .
" wait ! Lloyd I --need to tell you something... Really important. "
" what is it ? "
He took a deep breath before telling him .
" I -i lo--- "
" HEY IS ANYONE HERE?!!! " ( your reaction: 😭😭😭😭 why ?!! . Me : 😂 )
Be for he could finish his line he got interrupted by jay yelling like crazy.
( oh man . I don't even know why did I write that 😓)
" oh jay is here . "
" y-yeah .. "
"so ? What were you about to tell me ? "
" n-never mind. There's things more important. "
" like what ? "
" killing jay . "
" oh right. "
" JAY !!!!! " both of them yelled and started running towards him .
Later ...( I wanted to skip it again but this is starting to be stupid 😑 )
That night Lloyd kept thinking about what Kai wanted to tell him till late time of the night .
" well ... Maybe it's really isn't important. " he thought.
And about Kai ...
Even if he was tired he couldn't sleep .
All what he was thinking the fell of Lloyd's lips on his ...
( finally!! End of the flashback!! After this I would never write flashbacks again 😩 )
I snapped back to reality when I saw Lloyd waving his hand in front of my face .
" sorry . What were you saying? "
" I said me and Kai aren't a couple and we like each other in a friendly way . So stop saying that . "
" hmm even if you say that you guys would really make the perfect couple. " I said smirking.
" I know that you're ' otaku 'and like these things but don't do it in real life . "
" what ever. "
I noticed something on his neck ... Wait - could it be -?!!
No . No . No I need to calm down it doesn't have to be it . I will just ask him .
" Lloyd? "
" yes ? "
" what's this ? " I asked and pointed at his neck .
" wha-" he saw me pointing at what suppose to be a .. Love mark and of course his face turned all red . I quickly grabbed his hand and run to the out side so no one would see us .
" l-l-Lars I think it's time for me t-to leave . "
" Noway greenie!! Let me see it !! " I pushed him to the wall as he kept blushing .
Me kept struggling but in the end I saw it . There was tow love marks on his neck . And it looks new .
" l..Lars le..let go of ... Me ." He said with a cute shy toon which made me blush . Even if I am not in love with anymore he can make any one blush with his cute acting .
I let go of him and he looked at the ground embarrassed .
" Lloyd. Who did this to you ? " I don't know why I have the feeling that Kai did this but at the same time it can be that a stranger did this . And I am really worried and ... Fingerling at the same time .
Oh no ... He saw it ... What am I supposed to do now ? Should I run away ? Or should I tell him the truth...?
" Lloyd tell me who did it ? " he asked again and he looked serious.
" I ... Don't have to answer you .. "
" yes you have to . " I stayed quiet. After some minutes I decided to tell him . I am sure he would understand and maybe he can help me .
" I - "
" Lars !! Come on we need you right now !!! " someone yelled from inside.
" tsk . Your lucky . I won't let you go next time . " I sighed as he walked away fast. I stayed in my place and didn't move all what was on my mind how strange Kai was acting ...
Just a few minutes later I saw Lars coming back to me .
" oh thank goodness you still here . "
" why ? What's wrong? " he gave me the bag of the medicines.
" you forgot this . "
" oh .. Right . Thank you . "
" why do you even need it ? You don't look sick is one of your friends is sick ? " ( you have no idea.. 😏 )
" oh yes it's not for me it's for k- "
Oh no ....
" Oh MY GOSH !!! " l yelled and Lars was shocked .
" I -I need to go !!! Bye !!! "
" hey Lloyd wai- oh here he go .. " I heard Lars said . I turned and gave him a smile waving to him .
" I will see later ! " he chuckled and waved to me good buy as I kept running faster and faster .
I can't believe I forgot. I am so stupid.
👇👇👇👇👇👇you have to reed this !!! Please reed it . 👇👇👇👇👇👇
So every one.. I am sorry I broke my promise and wasn't updating every day like I promised .
I am really so so so so sooooory !! Please forgive me 😔
But I want you to know that every normal chapter isn't least than 1500 words . And I am busy with my life it seemed like every one need me just when I want to start writing 😒 .
But when I am late I am writing soooooo much to make it up believe or not this chapter took me 10 hours to write!!!!
So in the end this chapter is 4000 words with out the words that I talked in it .
Oh and I am very tired of writing this so I won't check it out that means you have to for give me about the wrong words.
So hope you like it . Buy !! 😆😆😆
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