~Leo's POV~
"I'M GOING TO KILL HER! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!?" Raph yells stomping into the kitchen.
"Good morning to you too," I say and eat a bite of eggs. What? I can't always have pizza.
"NEXT TIME I SEE HER SHE'S DEAD MEAT!" Raph yells angrily.
"First, lower your voice before you piss off Splinter. Two, you aren't going on patrol tonight, you need to rest," I say.
"Yeah," Donnie agrees.
"The hell," Raph fusses. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing when I'm plenty capable of going on patrol!"
"No, you're not, you're staying here," I respond firmly.
"Try and stop me," he says.
"What did you say?!" I yell.
"I said 'try and stop me!'" Raph yells back.
"Uh oh! World War 3!" Mikey yells and ducks under the table along with Donnie.
"You looking for a fight?" I ask.
"What if I am? Would you accept it, Mr. Rule Follower?"
"Maybe I am!" I yell and swing my katanas at him which he catches with his sais.
"Leonardo! Raphael!" Sensei yells.
"Sensei!" we both yell.
"Settle down! What is all the fuss about?"
"Raph wants to go on patrol with us tonight and we've told him 'no' so he can rest, but he won't listen," I explain.
"Raphael, you will stay here to rest and that is final," Splinter says and returns to his room.
I look at Raph and smirk triumphantly.
"Wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for ya," he grunts and storms off into his room, the door slamming behind him.
"That was scary!" Mikey exclaims, crawling out from underneath the table.
~Liz's POV~
(I wonder if they've figured it out yet, that I'm a turtle too. I mean I gave them a big hint that I was.)
It's morning now and I'm jumping across rooftops, hiding in the shadows till I find some robots, like the ones the guys were fighting last night, transporting mutagen into a vehicle.
(Finally a fight!)
I leap down and slice right through one of the bots, using my katanas, causing the rest of them to turn around and begin shooting at me. I easily dodge all the beams and finish them all up. The pink brains begin to run but I stab right through each. Kill or be killed. Besides these things are just clones not like I'm causing any harm.
I pack all the mutagen and take it to my secret base, which is an old abandoned underground military base I stumbled upon arriving in New York and have been living there ever since.
I set all the mutagen in the lab with the rest of the mutagen I've collected over the time I've spent here. I only keep it to keep it out of evil's grasp. I have about 3 mail truck loads full of it. I've collected a lot and I imagine there's way more to it.
(I wonder how old the turtle guys are. Are they 16 too? Wonder if they have a sensei? What if they're working for Shredder? Or maybe the purple dragons? Wonder if they're good guys like they say they are? Why can't I stop thinking about them? I wonder if Raph is okay?)
I shake my head to rid the thoughts.
"I have more important things to think about than those male turtles," I say out loud.
I walk over to the gym area and train till dark.
Night has finally fallen and I'm out on the rooftops already.
(Wonder if the guys are out tonight? All because of little old me?)
I laugh at my thoughts.
I keep jumping across rooftops when I hear someone chasing after me. I continue across rooftops and drop off one, underneath a porch.
I watch as about 30 foot bots fly by along with a girl with short black and blonde hair.
"Dammit," she cusses in Japanese. "She knew we were following her," she says in English. "Come on out, turtle! I know you're around here somewhere. You can't hide forever!"
I smirk. (I'm not stupid. I know when I'm out numbered, Karai.)
"My name is Karai, if you don't remember. I'm Shredder's daughter and I've been sent to kill you."
"Kill who?" a new voice yells.
"BOOYAKASHA!" His sickle chain goes through a bot.
I mentally smack myself. (Why are they here?)
Three turtles fly down to the ground in front of the foot. (Did I hurt Raph that bad?)
"You shouldn't interfere!" Karai yells.
"Interfere with what, you talking to yourself?" Leo asks.
"I'm not talking to myself. I'm trying to kill a turtle," Karai defends.
"I swear to God if you're out there Raph," Leo growls.
Karai laughs. "You haven't met her?"
"Met who?" Donnie asks.
She chuckles again. "You'll just have to figure out yourself," Karai says.
I sigh. (Guess they didn't figure it out.)
"Well, we don't know where 3 of them are but one lives here in New York," Karai says.
(Thank goodness my sisters are okay.)
"There's 4 of them too?" Donnie asks.
"Do you guys think it's Mysteria?" Mikey asks.
(Mysteria? I actually kinda like that.) I quickly move to a rooftop.
"Enough talking," Karai growls. "Attack!"
Mikey and Donnie begin fighting the bots while Leo lunges at Karai.
Before they attack each other I throw a ninja star at both causing them to stop and block them.
"Karai is mine," I growl and flash a ninja star using the light to show my location.
Karai laughs. "Gotcha." She quickly jumps up the side of the building to get to me. Leo stares then begins helping his brothers with the bots.
Karai eventually gets to the roof and draws out her weapon.
"It's been awhile, Karai," I say while we circle each other.
"Indeed it has. I believe the last time was about 6 years ago. I wonder if you've gotten any better without a sensei."
"I could ask you the same. I know how badly Shredder was beaten after my sensei almost killed him but chose not to."
"My father may have lost a leg but that never stopped him."
"But it makes him vulnerable," I say and attack her. "Like you are trying to decide if what you're doing is the right thing!"
Our blades collide, her tanto against my katana.
"I'm not vulnerable!" Karai yells.
"You don't even know that Shredder isn't even your father!" I yell back, throwing her onto her back.
"He is!"
"Not!" I yell, holding my katanas to her throat. "I win because you're weak and vulnerable."
She scoffs and I let her up. "Is."
"Not. Now go home before I actually kill you," I say and shove her away from me. "Get lost, traitor!"
She holds her arm that I cut. "Fine, retreat!" she yells to whatever remaining foot bots are left.
They all disappear into the night.
"Bitch," I mutter under my breath and hide in the shadows before the guys see me.
"HEY!" I hear someone shout behind me. "FOUND YOU!"
I turn to watch as Raph comes straight at me with his sais.
I swiftly dodge him by stepping to the right, deeper into the shadows.
"Looks like Raphy is okay after all," I tease.
"I think it's cute," I say.
"Glad to see I didn't hurt you too bad. Sorry about that, instincts."
"You can't just! Ughh!"
"Raph?!" Leo yells.
I turn to look to see the guys climbing up.
"Shit..." Raph cusses under his breath.
"We told you to stay home!" Leo yells.
"And rest!" Donnie adds.
I laugh. "Someone's in trouble!"
"Shut up!" Raph yells.
"What's up, Mysteria?" Mikey exclaims.
I sigh. "I actually kinda like that."
"Yay! Did you hear that, guys? She likes my name for her!" Mikey proclaims and points to himself. "I'm awesome."
"Show yourself," Leo says. "You're surrounded."
I open my eyes and look at them.
"Whoa, dude, she has some piercing red eyes," Mikey says.
I sigh with a laugh. "That's my best feature."
"Who are you?" Raph asks.
"I'm your opposite," I say.
"What does that mean?" Donnie asks.
I sigh. "You'll find out eventually just not today."
"We will find out today. There's no way out we have you surrounded, no way to escape," Leo says.
I giggle. "Don't think that just cause you have me surrounded means that you've won."
"You can't get out it's not possible," Donnie says.
"Is it?" I tease.
"Yeah, otherwise you would've already escaped," Leo says.
I laugh. "Maybe I don't wanna go yet. I enjoy teasing you guys, right Raphy?"
"Don't call me that!"
I laugh. "But it's cute!"
"I have to agree with her," Mikey says. Raph smacks him. "Owwwie!"
"Anyway, what time is it?" I ask.
"Time for you to get a watch," Raph says.
"Listen I don't need your smartass mouth! I just wanna know what time it is!" I fuss.
Donnie and the others snicker at Raph. "It's 1:07 am," Donnie says.
"Ah, thanks, Donnie! Well, I gotta catch you all again tomorrow night! I need to go home now, see ya!" I shout disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
~Raph's POV~ 🐢💢
"Dammit! She got away again!" I shout punching my fist into the nearby wall, causing it to dent in.
"What do you think she meant by we're her opposite?" Donnie asks.
"We'll figure that out later, right now we have to deal with Raph," Leo says.
"What!?" I shout.
"You weren't supposed to leave the lair," Leo says. "I'm gonna have to tell sensei."
"Whatever, I don't care!" I shout. "I need some alone time."
"Raph, wait!" Leo yells.
I throw down a smoke egg and run off.
~Liz's POV~ ⚪️🐢
I make my way back home after picking up some pizza. I jump from building to building doing all kinds of tricks and flips along the way.
*Bang bang bang bang... BANG*
"What in the world is that?" I ask out loud and turn around trying to find the source.
*Bang bang BANG*
"Son of a- if that's by my house I'm gonna kill whoever is doing it!"
I continue making my way towards my house and of course the banging is coming from one of those turtles beating up a pole.
I sigh. "Men."
"I smell... pizza?" he says and sniffs the air. "Mikey is that you?"
"No, it's not Mikey. It's, uh, what was it, Mysteria?"
"Why are you here?" he asks and starts pummeling a different pole since the last one was all bent up.
"I live around these parts. Nobody lives in this part of the city," I say.
"Oh," he grunts and knocks the pole over.
"Alright, Anger Issues, take it down a notch and take a break. I'm willing to share some of my pizza," I say.
"I don't want your damn pizza. It could be poisoned," he spits.
"Fine, I'll eat it my self, jackass. Why the hell would I wanna poison you anyway?"
"You could be a spy for Shredder," Raph huffs.
"Whoa, repeat that?"
"You could be a spy for Shredder?"
I laugh. "No! There is no fucking way I'm working for Shredder. Not in this lifetime, past lifetimes, or future lifetimes. I will never ever ever work for that jackass!"
"Really? What'd he do to you?"
"That's none of your concern. All you need to know is that he's a fucking dick along with every other cuss word out there," I say and take a bite of pizza.
He snickers. "Something we can both agree on."
"Want some poison pizza?" I joke and slide the box to him.
He laughs and sits down. "Fine," he says grabbing a piece and stuffing it in his mouth.
"You feel the poison yet," I tease.
"Haha, very funny," he says, rolling his eyes. "So why don't you show yourself?"
"So Raphy is interested in little old me?"
"N-no! I just wanna know why," he pouts. "And don't call me that!"
"I don't wanna surprise you by my looks."
"I've seen plenty of hideous creatures mutated by mutagen. You can't be that bad."
"Haha, very funny. I might be mutated by that crap but I'm definitely not hideous for what I am."
"Then let me see."
I laugh. "No."
"Fine. At least tell me your age."
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"You're extremely annoying and difficult!" he yells.
"I think you just told me your life story."
He growls. "Name?"
"I'm 16," I say.
"16, that's how old I am."
"Really? That's the same age as us!" he exclaims.
"Really? That's unusual and doesn't sound like a coincidence..."
"So why won't you let me see you?" he asks.
"Because I don't wanna surprise you... It might be too much to handle. I can barely handle it after seeing you and your brothers."
"I still don't understand what you're talking about," he says.
"You'll understand when you see what I look like."
"Then show me!"
"Only if you slide me some more pizza."
"Fine," he huffs and slides it towards me, but not enough for me to reach it and still be completely hidden.
"You're trying to see me before I get a slice? Clever, but that just costed you from seeing me," I say and shoot an arrow with an attached line to the cardboard box and pull it to me. "Better luck next time."
"Dammit, you're pretty smart," he says.
"Thanks, I know," I say.
"Douchebag," I say.
It's silent for a moment before we both burst out laughing.
"I like you, you're cool and fun to hang out with," he says.
"Aww, I'm flattered that little Raphy likes me!" I cheer.
"UGHH! Why do you prefer to use that name!"
"Like I said before it's cute. Like Mikey and Donnie are like that not Mike or Don. Then Leoie doesn't work."
"So Leo's left out... Nevermind, you can call me that since it leaves out Leo."
I snicker. "You really don't like him, do you?"
"It's a love hate relationship."
"Kinda like ours," I suggest.
"Ours is in a different way. You're more fun than Leo."
I laugh. "Flattery will get you nowhere. Anyway, I'm getting tired. We've been talking for a while. It's 3 am now," I say.
"Is it really that late? I won't be able to go home tonight and I honestly don't wanna deal with Leo right now..." Raph contemplates.
"You know my place has a couple extra bedrooms if you wanna use one tonight."
"We may have gotten to know each other better but not enough for that. I don't fully trust you."
"Okay, then, whatever, sleep out here in the cold. I could care less," I say and pick up the pizza box and begin walking away. "I don't fully trust you either."
"Wait, fine, but don't try anything."
"I won't."
"You know I'm going to see what you look like."
I pause. (Shit.) "Well, not that it really matters. All you have to do is promise me something."
"And what's that?" he asks.
"Don't tell your brothers about me or anything about this night."
"Fine," he sighs.
I holster my bow on my back beside my katanas and step out into the light.
Raph gasps. "Holy shit! You're a... a... a..."
"A beautiful ninja mutant turtle," I say for him. "I know."
"That's not exactly what I was going to say!"
"What part could possibly be left out?" I ask.
"I can't believe this..."
"This is why I didn't want to show you... You can't handle it."
"I can handle it just fine! I just find it strange that you're a female turtle and a ninja like me."
"I do too. Your sensei might know, that is if you have one."
"You don't have a sensei?"
"Not anymore."
"How long?" he asks.
"8 years," I say.
"Dang. How long have you been here?"
"In New York? 8 years also."
"You've been here for 8 years and we've never seen you before?!"
"You know you explain why I see all those beaten up foot bots laying around. The ones I never battled."
"I could say the same to you," he says.
"Anyway, let's get going. I'm about to pass out. I'm not usually up this late. Follow me," I say and begin leaping across buildings.
He swiftly follows behind and we land in an alley way. I move the dumpster out of the way to reveal a secret door in the ground.
"Wow, secret passageway."
"This is my home. I've been living here for 8 years," I say pushing open the door, it swings down.
We jump down into the 'hole' while holstering myself up I bring the dumpster back over then try and shut the door, but of course I'm not tall enough so I grab the nearby stick to push it up. Before I get to close it Raph closes it himself and locks it with a smirk on his face.
"Shorty," he says.
"I'm not much shorter than you, like an inch or two!"
"Sorry, it feels nice to be sorta tall. Leo and Donnie are taller than me."
"Same... My sisters are taller than me," I mutter.
"You have sisters?!"
"3 to be exact. I'm taller than one."
"Where are they?"
I pause. "Uh... I don't know..." I say and walk down the steps.
"How do you not know?!"
"Why are you yelling? I just don't know okay! All I know is that they're together like I told them to!"
"Like you told them to?"
"I'm the leader of our team and gave that position to one of my sisters until I return."
"4 female turtles... Oh man now I know how you felt when you saw us," he says.
We continue down the steps until we make it to the main area.
"Make yourself at home. There's a lab, kitchen, gym-"
"You have a gym!?" he asks, cutting me off.
"I do."
I sigh. "Over here..."
He follows behind me as I open the door to the gym.
"This place is huge! Wow, look at all the equipment!"
"This place used to be a secret military base so it has its perks," I say.
"Damn right!"
"You can play in here while I get your room straight."
"Raphy, come on. The room is ready."
"A little longer?"
"You can come here as many times as you want. You're welcome here."
"Yes, now I would like to go to bed so if I could just show you your room then I can. It's 5 am now."
"Fine," he says and follows me to the room.
"This is yours. My room is right next door if you need anything. Goodnight."
I walk into my room, shut the door, get on my bed, and fall asleep.
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