6 - Herobrine's Fight Part Two
Hello everyone! Welcome back to Herobrine's Fight Part Two out of Three!!!!! Yup, you heard me, next chapter is the end!!! I know sad, because I actually am having tons of fun writing this story. Also 160+ reads! That's amazing!!!! Thank you all for reading this story, I didn't think it'd be popular....anyways I'm rambling so let's start the chapter!!!!
(Jesse's POV)
"Let's do this."I muttered to my self. I then slowly walk forwards into a dark forest, when I heard a branch break. I fished my sword out of my inventory, ready to fight whatever that was. The figure stepped out and was walking towards me, I drew my sword into a threateningly manner, causing the figure to chuckle. The last thing I remembered was pain in my head and my entire body before losing conscious.
Meanwhile, with Lukas, the Order and Eliza's group
(Lukas's POV)
"So, that's the plan. Everyone got it?"asked Eliza. We nodded in agreement. Me and Jesse had gone together alone, while the Order and Eliza's group all traveled together. "Wait a second, where's Jesse?"Olivia said frantically looking around for her best friend. Only then did we notice Jesse was not with me anymore which meant she was somewhere out there, alone and probably hurt in someway. "Something bad happened to Jesse, I just feel it."I told my friends, running to the white horse Jesse steered and jumped onto it. I then feel a hand on my shoulder, turning around I saw it was Petra's hand that was on my shoulder. "Petra, please. I have to find her before she gets killed because I don't know what I'd do if she died."I said to her before she could speak. "Then your not going alone Lukas, we're coming with you and that's final."she said hoping onto her brown horse. The others noticed me and Petra sitting on our horses and did the same, Axel and Olivia shared a brown one, Ivor got into his black horse while Eliza and her friends got onto their dragons and nodded to me. "We're coming for you Jesse, I promise I'll find you and bring you home safe and sound."I said to myself and trotted off, the Order members following close behind me, while the dragons soared through the sky.
Back with Jesse
(Jesse's POV)
I awoke to pain everywhere. I managed to sit up, my back resting against the cold hard stone. "Where am I?"I asked very quietly, gazing down at my wrapped leg and sighed heavily. "Why your in Herobrine's castle dungeon."called a voice, walking out of the shadow she was hiding in. She was wearing a pale blue dress with a blue flower in her long, wavy blonde hair. She also has crystal blue eyes that sparkle like the ocean. She handed me a bottle of water which I gladly drank, sitting across from me on the hard stone floor. "I'm Jesse and you are?"I told her, raising an eyebrow at the last part. "I'm Jade, I helped bandaged you up if your asking."she said gesturing to wrapped leg and stomach. "Thanks I guess."I said before grunting in pain, my leg and stomach were killing me. Jade noticed me grunting for she placed some ice on top of my wounds. "Ahhh, that feels so much better."I said. Jade nodded and smiled. "So-"I started but Jade cut me off. "Zip it, he's coming."she whispered to me, I nodded and shut my mouth.
"Hello Jesse, fancy seeing you here in my warm, cozy dungeon of my beautiful castle."my uncle, Herobrine said grinning like a fool.
I rolled my eyes as best as I could. "In your dreams! My friends will come for me! Just you watch!"I shouted, screaming in pain as he stabbed me with his pickaxe. I hold a hand to my side, which was in flaming pain. My uncle threw me in a cage and Jade was thrown into a different cage, the one across from me. "Jesse? Are you okay? I saw what happened!"Jade frantically whispered to me. I weakly nodded as my vision became blurry and I passed out. I faintly heard Jade screaming my name but I couldn't hear no more as blackness clouded my vision once more.
With Lukas, the Order and Eliza's gang
(Lukas's POV)
We still had a lot more traveling to do, and the more we traveled, the more worried I was for Jesse. "What if she was locked up? What if she was hurt badly? What if she's DEAD?! What if-"I got cut off by Olivia punching my arm. "Ow! That hurt!"I told her which caused her to smirk. I groaned and trotted faster. I glanced backwards and saw Olivia talking to Petra probably about me and Jesse. My horse then stopped and I almost flung off her(the white horse is a female btw). I rubbed my head as I stood up, facing the others that were flung off their horses due to the sudden stop. I chuckle at them but they all glare at me. "Woah! Now that is a scary looking castle!"I said. "Nope, I disagree. That is one cool looking castle!"Axel said. "No it's not!"I argued. "Yes it is!"Axel argued back. We kept arguing until Petra stood in between us. "Stop! Both of you calm down! We need to find where Jesse is."she said. I nodded in agreement.
"Hey guys! Look at what I found!"called Olivia. We all ran to where her voice was and saw a brown haired boy with green eyes, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes, and another boy with brown hair and brown eyes. "Aiden?! Maya?! Gill?!"we all shouted at them. "What are you three doing here?"Axel asked them. Aiden looked down. "Isa may or may not have sent us here."he said, his voice getting higher and higher. I glare at them, I didn't trust Aiden, Maya or Gill for reasons beyond their information. "Lukas, take a chill pill and chill. We'll find Jesse and when we do, she'll be safe and sound with us."Petra told me, I nodded and sighed. "Wait? What? Jesse's missing?"Aiden asked us confused. "Yes. Yes she is."I told him bitterly, but the rest of the Order caught onto the bitterness in my voice and looked at me with worried looks on their faces. "What? He doesn't need to know details."I said. "Now. Where are we?"Petra asked us. "Duh, at Herobrine's Castle."Maya said flipping her hair behind her. "And how exactly do you know that?"Olivia asked her. Maya simply pointed to the something behind us. "That's how I know. Cuz like isn't that Herobrine?"she asked us as we all turned around in fear, I gulped. "Yup. That my friends is Herobrine."I told them calmly. "RUN!!!!"screamed Olivia, who ran off into a random direction, Axel close behind her. Now it was just me, Petra, and the Blaze Rods standing in front of Herobrine.
"Hello, Blonde Guy. I see you fell for my trap."Herobrine said.
"Wait trap?"I asked him. We fell into a trap? What trap? I don't recall falling into any traps. I looked at my friends to see them have questioning looks on their faces, while Petra mouthed 'what trap?' to me. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed 'I don't know.' to her.
"Oh wait, that's right. There is no trap! Haha!!"he bellowed.
"WHAT?!"roared Petra angrily, she was gripping Miss Butter so hard that her fingers were turning red. "That is so not cool Herobrine! Be prepared to taste the enchanted deliciousness of MISS BUTTER!!"she roared again angrily, she slashed Herobrine on the arm. He laughed and knocked her out with his pickaxe. He then knocked me out with the same tool.
A few minutes later,
(Petra's POV)
I woke up with my head pounding really hard. I turned and saw Lukas still out, I shake his shoulder. "Lukas! Wake up!"I whispered-shouted at him, he then jolted awake from that. I saw him look around the other cages for someone, after a few minutes he sighed and faced me. "Where are we?"he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, I honestly had no clue as to where we were. Suddenly we both here a scream.
"AHHHHHH! Holy Notch it hurts!"a voice roared. The voice sounded like it was in pain, which is odd. Lukas bolted up when he heard the voice and was desperately trying to get out of the cage. "Lukas? Calm down."I told him, he looked at me with a determination face. "No. I won't calm down, because that's Jesse's scream!"he yelled the last part. For a second I had forgotten that Jesse was missing. "Right. Then let's figure out a way outta here."I replied. Lukas saw something shining bright that was on the ground, it was keys. He picked them up and opened the cage. "Feels so good to be free!"I said cracking my bones, which I knew Lukas hated. He groaned at me before running forward to where we heard Jesse's scream.
And there's Part Two of Herobrine's Fight! I actually had no clue what I was writing, which happens to me a lot lately. But I hope you enjoy it! I can't wait to start the next part now!
So as of now, Part Three is what I'll be working on. I have also decided that since I love writing this story, the ending won't be for awhile. Because there will short stories after this. So look forward to reading them and enjoy!!!!!!!
I'll see you next chapter!!!!!
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