Chapter V: There's Skeletons in These Woods
It seems like Hannah has been walking forever. She finally makes it to a little forest area, but the snow gets even worse. It stings her face and she constantly rubs her nose to try and warm it up.
"H-h-how do m-m-monsters sur-survive this?" Hannah mutters to herself, finding comfort in hearing her voice.
Cold tears escape her eyes at the pain her body is enduring. She hugs her arms close to her torso in an effort to keep her heart and fingers warm. Her breathing becomes shaky and her muscles are sore. The snow is knee-deep, so her black sweatpants are soaking wet. If only she was taller.
Hannah keeps dragging her feet through the snow. Suddenly, the girl hits something with her foot and trips, falling face first into the cold crystalized water. She slowly picks herself up and turns around, prying her foot from what she tripped over. She pulls out a very long stick that seems to have been snapped in half, and was buried underneath the snow. The girl hoists herself up and throws the stick back down, continuing on with her journey.
Hopefully there's a village or something up ahead. Then she could sit down by someone's fire, eat warm pie, and not have to worry about the snow or anything else. Hannah looks back, wishing she could just go back to Toriel's house. She made her choice though, and must continue on.
After another long couple of minutes, Hannah finds a bridge over a deep hole in the ground. There are bars blocking the bridge, but they are too wide to stop anyone from getting through.
Hannah is about to cross the bridge when a deep, ominous voice speaks from behind her. "H u m a n. I s t h i s h o w y o u g r e e t a n e w p a l? T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d."
Hannah sucks up her fear and quickly turns around with her eyes tightly shut. She holds out her right hand and waits. The figure takes her hand and squeezes it, a weird farting noise vibrating between the stranger's hand and her own.
"Heheh, the ol' whoopie-cushion-in-the-hand-trick. Never gets old." Hannah slowly opens her eyes and finds a skeleton monster chuckling with his eye sockets closed.
Hannah takes her hand back from the stranger and pulls the sleeves of her hoodie over it, trying to keep it out of the stinging cold. The skeleton opens his eyes and literally freezes. He looks into Hannah's scared eyes and slowly takes in her appearance. "Y-you're not..."
He wanted to say: You're not Frisk, but he realizes that would be confusing to the human. Instead, he temporarily accepts the fact that another human is standing before him, and decides to ask questions later.
Hannah looks at the monster in front of her, scared of what he'll do next. She knows she can't stand here for long though, so maybe she can talk her way out of it. "N-no I'm not a-a monster...I'm hu-human."
The skeleton finally gets over the shock of seeing another human that's not Frisk, and goes back to his cool demeanor. "You don't look like a human from what I can tell. You look like a popsicle."
Hannah smiles at his kindness and humor. "I'm H-Hannah. And yes, it's k-kind of cold h-here."
"The name's Sans, Sans the skeleton. I'll take you over to my post so you can get warmed up. How's that sound, Hannah Banana?" Sans gestures to the area across the bridge.
Hannah giggles at the nickname and nods. Sans leads Hannah across the bridge and under a little shelter. It's not the warmest place, but it's better than nothing. Hannah sits behind the shelter stand to shield her from the wind. It has stopped snowing, so she's feeling a lot better. Sans looks in the drawers next to Hannah and pulls out a huge bottle of ketchup. He unscrews it and to the girl's surprise, starts drinking it.
Hannah laughs out loud at the scene being shown before her and blushes, knowing she'd do the exact same thing. Sans looks at Hannah in disappointment. "Are you judging me for what I eat?"
"No, not at all! I'm laughing because I do the same thing at home." Sans is completely taken aback by Hannah's response. His thoughts and mood immediately change toward her.
"Really?!" Never has Sans found another living being in the world that drinks ketchup straight from the bottle.
Hannah settles down her giggles. "Yeah! I put ketchup on almost everything, too. Any type of potato, macaroni and cheese, eggs and toast, any type of meat. The only things I don't really use it on are soups or Italian dishes, like pasta."
Sans laughs along with Hannah, but their fun is cut short when they hear a pair of footsteps walking toward them. Their feet must be big because the snow loudly crunches with each step. Sans stands up and looks over the stand of his post, whispering to Hannah to be quiet.
Hannah shivers in fear and from the cold. She keeps looking at Sans, waiting for him to say something else. Instead of him looking concerned though, his expression changes to pure joy.
"Hey bro." Sans waves at the figure that stomped on over to the post.
Bro? Hannah thinks to herself as she internally sighs in relief. Sans' brother scoffs. "'Hey'?! That's all you can say?! I have come for your hourly report!"
Hannah jumps in her spot in the snow. Sans' brother's voice is sharp and loud. Not really sharp in the way that it's mean, it's just that his voice has a certain type of strong confidence in it.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Sans pretends to be bored, but then his smile gets wider. "Sorry to say, Papyrus, but nothing's tickled my funny bone yet. I'll let you know when I find something suspicious."
"UGH!" Papyrus, Hannah guesses his name, stomps on the ground dramatically. "Would you quit with the puns already? It hurts my pride!"
Hannah covers her mouth with her hands, her whole body shaking from trying to contain her giggles. Sans also tries to hold back a chuckle. "Aw, come on, Papyrus! I know you think it's punny."
"ERG! The only thing punny-er-funny is the fact that you somehow manage to drink five bottles of ketchup a day!" Papyrus stops stomping his foot on the ground and starts marching away. "I'm going to go recalibrate my puzzles. I'll see you for the next hourly report! Nyeh heh heh!"
"Alright, he's gone." Sans looks down at Hannah. His expression turns worried when he sees her curled up in a ball shaking. "You ok, kid?"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was hilarious! How could you expect me to stay silent back here while you were making jokes in front of your brother!? I could barely contain myself!" Hannah takes a deep breath and keeps giggling as she stands up.
Hannah brushes the snow off of her wet sweatpants, and leans on the stand of the post to support her aching stomach muscles. "Your brother seems cool, by the way."
Sans smiles and looks toward where Papyrus walked off to. "Yeah, my brother is the coolest."
Hannah softly smiles as she looks at Sans' expression. He must really love his brother. "Well, thanks for hiding me, but I really need to move on. Is there a village or anywhere nearby?"
"Yeah. If you keep heading East there's a town called 'Snowdin'. Are you sure you'd be able to get there?" Sans thinks about Papyrus' puzzles. "My brother is very keen on catching a human. He's only seen one in his life so far and she got away, so he'll be sure to capture the next one he meets."
Hannah thinks about it for a second. What really are her choices? She left Toriel for a reason, and she needs to find Frisk. All of the evidence she's seen so far tells Hannah that Frisk made it out of the Underground. She knows she needs to get back to the surface, find Frisk, and get her other inhaler. And there's only one way to do that, by moving forward. Plus, if Frisk is the human Papyrus met and let go, then Hannah shouldn't have any troubles getting past him.
The human sighs and walks to the front of the post, staring at where Papyrus went. "I have to hope that I'll get away too, then. I have to get back to the surface." Or I'll die, Hannah thinks to herself.
Hannah starts walking away from Sans, but his voice makes her turn around. "Well, if I can't stop you then I guess I'll help. Papyrus' puzzles aren't that threatening, so you'll be ok. I'll meet up with him, and I'll see you up ahead."
Sans turns around and walks back into the snowy forest. Hannah is about to call out to him, telling him he's going the wrong way, but she decides against it. Maybe he knows a shortcut that'll take him to Papyrus' first puzzle or something. The human shrugs and turns around, heading East just as Sans had instructed.
Hannah's already aching feet are starting to get numb by the time she reaches Papyrus' first puzzle. She heads up a small incline and sees two figures talking ahead. She recognizes one of them as Sans, so she quickens her steps.
Hannah gets up to them and stops at what seems to be the entrance of the first puzzle. Papyrus hasn't seen her yet, so she takes this as a time to take in his looks. And jumping jellyfish, is she surprised at what she sees.
Papyrus is a very tall skeleton. He towers over Sans by a lot of feet, which means he would also tower over her by about the same amount. His outfit is way more vibrant than Sans'. Papyrus wears a bright red cape and boots. He has white armor with yellow badges on it. His gloves are the same red as his cape.
Sans is shorter and dresses more like her. He has a dark blue hoodie on, which has fuzz outlining the hood. His bony hands usually stay in the hoodie's pockets. He wears black gym shorts that have a white stripe going down both legs. His feet are covered with pink bunny slippers, which Hannah finds quite silly. She also notices that Sans has little white pinpricks in his eyes which shows where he's looking.
Papyrus is blabbering on, telling Sans random things. "And Undyne said that after a couple more years, I'll finally be able to join her in the Royal Guard! If only time would go by faster!"
Sans nods along until he finally spots Hannah standing at the beginning of the puzzle. She tilts her head and waves, making Sans smile. "Hey Papyrus, I think there's someone over there. She seems to be waving at you."
Sans points at Hannah, making Papyrus quickly turn around. The taller skeleton gasps loudly, putting his gloved hands on the sides of his face. "Oh, wowie! Sans, what is that?!"
"That would be a human, bro." Sans successfully contains his laughter as he looks at Papyrus' reaction.
"A...a...HUMAN?!" Papyrus basically starts jumping up and down in excitement. "I never thought I'd see another one! Wow, Sans, it looks just like the other one, but not! It has the same color hair, but it's eyes are a bit different. This one is just a bit taller too! And what are those things on its chest?! The last human didn't have-"
"ALRIGHT PAPYRUS! HOW ABOUT YOU SHOW HER THE PUZZLE NOW!?" Sans' eye sockets widen and he gestures to the puzzle in the snow. His face turns a bit blue.
Hannah blushes uncontrollably and crosses her arms in front of her chest. Her expression is shocked and her previous view of Papyrus has completely changed. She used to think he was intimidating and threatening. Now though, he somewhat resembles an innocent child that doesn't know when a topic is embarrassing or inappropriate to talk about. Good thing Sans was here to save the day.
"Oh yes, Human!" Papyrus points dramatically at the girl, not realizing at all that she was still blushing from his previous comment. "My puzzles are among the best in the Underground! This one will shock you! Cross, if you dare!"
Hannah slowly drops her arms and stares at the ground between her and the skeletons. Nothing seems wrong with it. The only thing abnormal is the four poles in the snow, marking the outline of the puzzle. Seeing no other way, Hannah holds her breath and courageously takes a step into the puzzle area.
Nothing happens at first, but after a moment Papyrus yelps. "Owie! I always forget that the Puzzle Taker has to be the one that holds the orb!"
Papyrus walks in a certain path across the puzzle toward Hannah. The girl's eyes widen and she takes a step back, now scared of the monster once more. Papyrus' smile never vanishes though, and he reaches Hannah. With both hands, he holds out a shiny green orb for her to take.
Hannah stares at the orb then up at Papyrus, still feeling a bit nervous. The skeleton notices this and suddenly feels bad for making her scared. He kneels down on one knee so he's more eye level with her. "Here, human! Take this orb and complete the puzzle! I, the Great Papyrus, will go back to Sans and watch!"
Feeling better, Hannah takes the orb in her cold, pink hands. Papyrus jumps up in glee and skips back to Sans in the same pattern he did before.
Hannah observes the puzzle for a couple seconds, knowing exactly what to do. She holds the orb out in front of her to make it more dramatic, and she starts walking in the footprints Papyrus left behind. She has to take long strides to step into the next footprint, but this just makes it more fun.
Hannah gets to the end of the puzzle and Papyrus beams down at her. "Wowie, human! I can't believe it! You have solved my puzzle on the first try! But fear not, for the Great Papyrus has many more puzzles for you to complete! Nyeh heh heh!"
Papyrus runs off, leaving Sans and Hannah behind. Hannah laughs and looks at Sans. "Here you go. You can keep that orb thing."
Sans takes the green orb from Hannah's now red hands. He drops it into the snow next to him and says, "He makes a new one every week, saying it could always be improved. Anyway, I'll see ya at his next puzzle, alright?"
Hannah giggles and nods. "Alright, Mr. Sans. See ya up ahead!"
Sans laughs at Hannah's playfulness and walks North. Hannah smiles and shakes her head, wondering where he learns all these shortcuts. She doesn't question it as she walks East, looking forward to Papyrus' next wacky puzzle.
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