Chapter IV: Prove Yourself
Hannah walks up to the door of the cozy looking house and knocks on it. On the second knock, the door creaks open. Hannah is a bit freaked out by this, but shakes her head and enters.
The interior of the house is just as cozy looking as the outside. Right when Hannah walks in, she gets hit by a powerful wave of freshly cooked cinnamon with a hint of butterscotch. She takes an audible deep breath to catch the mouth-watering scent and closes the door behind her.
A staircase that leads down is just in front of Hannah, but a railing separates her from the stairs. She finds it rude to intrude people's basements when you first enter their house, so she heads to the hallway on the right. Hannah is just about to pass the first door when Toriel exits from it, nearly running into the short adult.
"Oh dear! I was just about to go looking for you! I didn't hear you come in." Toriel settles down from the sudden fright.
Hannah smiles up at her. "Yeah, the door was open so I decided to find you."
Hannah can't suppress a yawn and Toriel giggles. "My chil-Hannah, why don't you go and rest? I don't think you've gotten sleep at all tonight."
The human girl doesn't respond, but instead looks at Toriel with sleepy hazel eyes. Toriel thinks this is absolutely adorable; she looks like a child. The goat monster presses her fluffy paw on the small of the human's back and leads her into the room she originally came out of.
"This can be your room for the night." Toriel guides Hannah across the room to the bed. "Please rest, and come get me in the living room when you wake."
Hannah slowly nods, not really registering what Toriel said. The girl crawls into the red colored blankets, remembering at the last minute to take out her ponytail. Hannah also takes off her hoodie so she's more free to move around. Her gold colored shirt shines somehow in the dark room, giving Hannah some comfort. The girl rolls herself up in the soft, worn blankets and falls asleep.
A bright, white light shines in Hannah's eyes, and she has to shield her face to keep them safe. She walks through the tunnel, and finally the light dies down. Hannah opens her eyes and sees none other than the cave in which she entered the Underground. Finally, she can go on to look for Frisk.
Hannah stands up and tries to move further into the cave, but her feet take her elsewhere. She ends up at the opening of the cave, staring out into the sunset.
The girl smiles for some unknown reason. She's really happy that she made it out of the Underground, and now she must go and find something. But what that 'something' is, she doesn't know. All that she knows, is that she must find it.
Hannah takes a deep breath and attempts to climb down the mountain. On the first step, the floor crumbles beneath her and she's sent tumbling down the steep, rocky side of the mountain.
"AHH!" Hannah rips the covers off her sweating body and quickly sits up. Her breathing becomes loud and long, like she can't properly open her lungs.
Hannah grips her throat in realization and desperately looks around for her inhaler. She always leaves it on a side desk next to the bed, but it's not there. Still gasping for the atmosphere's precious oxygen, she falls out of bed and worm crawls her way over to her blue hoodie that she carelessly threw on the floor before she went to sleep. Hannah fumbles with the zipper of one of the pockets and slowly manages to open it. She reaches inside, praying that it's the right pocket.
Her prayers were answered when she pulls out her inhaler. She quickly rips off the cap and takes two big swings of it.
Hannah leans backward, the side of the bed supporting her, and continues to focus only on breathing. She takes the top blanket off the bed and wipes the sweat off her forehead. Suddenly, she feels cold and drapes the blanket over her shoulders.
The girl looks at her inhaler, studying it. She's lost count of the number of times this thing has saved her life. Wait, count...?
With a new sense of anxiety creeping into her chest, Hannah quickly turns over the inhaler to look at the number of inhales she has left.
It takes all of her willpower to not start hyperventilating right there on the ground. How could she be so stupid?! She should have packed a new inhaler, not the one she's been using for over two months! After a long time of thinking, Hannah concludes that she needs to go back to the orphanage and get her other inhaler, which has 200 inhales on it, then come back to find Frisk. And there's not a moment to lose.
Hannah picks up her hoodie and exits the room, but not after putting her inhaler back in its pocket. She passes the front room with the staircase to the basement and keeps going straight, entering what looks like the living room.
The human takes a moment to appreciate the tone of the room. It's quiet, but in a comfortable way. There's a fire in the fireplace softly cracking away, making the room fill up with warmth and light. Toriel sits in big chair by the fire, reading from a book with small oval glasses on.
Toriel looks up at the sound of Hannah's footsteps and smiles. "Up already? You've only been asleep for two hours."
Hannah smiles sheepishly. "It was such a comfy bed that I seemed to have refueled very fast!"
Toriel laughs and closes her book, standing up. "I'll go get you some pie."
Hannah sighs at the relaxing atmosphere and sits down on the rug in front of the fire. She uses her silver hair band to put her long, brown hair back up in a ponytail just before Toriel comes back with a slice of pie.
Toriel sits back down and opens her book silently, letting Hannah enjoy her treat. Hannah's mouth waters and she doesn't hesitate to dig her spoon into the pie.
It's like her mouth is flooded with butterscotch rivers and cinnamon soil. If her tongue could sing, it would. Her different senses pick up on the right amounts of sugar and flour, with just a hint of vanilla. Before she knows it, Hannah finishes the pie and feels so much more energetic than she had when she woke up.
The silence drones on. It started off as a nice, relaxing silence but now it's becoming more eerie. What had her dream been about? She made it out of the Underground and was walking out of the cave. The sun was setting, which didn't make sense since it's night already. And then the ground collapsed. You'd think that would be the most unsettling part, huh? No, the part that makes Hannah shiver the most was the feeling she had - the feeling that she was going to find something. It's like she needed this thing. Almost as if it'd kill her if she didn't have it.
"Are you alright, Hannah?" Toriel lowers her book and looks worriedly at the human.
Hannah's empty gaze at the fire breaks and she shakes her head. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking that I need to get to the surface..."
Despite Hannah's innocent smile, Toriel looks heartbroken and can't meet the human's eyes. "I see. Is there any particular reason as to why?"
Hannah freezes and her face turns red from embarrassment. She doesn't like to talk to people about her asthma problem, it makes her feel like they look at her different. Like she's fragile and broken. That's why only Bethany and Frisk know about it. "I-I'm just trying to find my friend. I think she made it out of the Underground and I wish to look for her in the surface."
It wasn't a complete lie, and Toriel buys it. "Very well, follow me please."
Toriel stands up and heads back out to the front room. She heads down the stairs, not even waiting to see if Hannah is following. Hannah climbs down the stairs, checking the imprints of her pockets to see if she still has her valuables.
The basement is one, long, purple hallway. It's not the lavender type of purple, but the deep eerie type. Toriel reaches the end of the hallway and turns left. Hannah quickly follows at a far distance behind her. After a couple more twists, Toriel stops at a pair of big, lavender doors.
Hannah stares at the doors, knowing she wouldn't be able to open them on her own. Toriel faces the doors, not even looking at Hannah as she speaks. "I understand your urgency to leave this place, and I will only hold you back for a little while longer."
Toriel takes a shaky breath, and Hannah's heart breaks a little. "You must know that the other monsters down here won't be as kind to you as I am. We have already let one human cross the barrier, and the monsters certainly won't let another one go, not now that we are so close to freedom. Do you understand, Hannah?"
Toriel finally turns to face the girl. Her sad expression takes Hannah by surprise, but the girl nods anyway. "Th-the monsters will try to kill me."
Hannah hopes that she's incorrect, but Toriel nods with her eyes closed, confirming the brunette's statement. Toriel summons a flame into her paw. "You must prove yourself to me. Prove to me that your able to survive."
Without another warning, Hannah's soul gets pulled from her chest yet again, and rests on the front of her hoodie. Toriel doesn't even take the time to start off easy. She summons rows of fireballs and starts throwing them at Hannah.
Gymnastics must have saved her life as much as her inhaler has. Hannah surprises Toriel with amazing flips and agility. She continues to dodge with grace as she jumps off walls, hangs on cracks in the ceiling, and slides across the stone floor. Thank goodness she had that pie or Hannah wouldn't have the energy for any of this!
Toriel pauses in her attacks to restock and an opening for Hannah shows itself. But what would she do? She could never attack Toriel after all she's done for her. Hannah feels the rectangular taser resting against her side, but she makes no move to grab it. Toriel notices.
"Fight back!" The goat monster summons more fireballs and throws them at the girl.
Hannah shakes her head before she goes back to dodging. "No! I can't, please don't make me. I don't wish to hurt you, just let me through!"
Toriel is suddenly reminded of a certain twelve year old girl who played by the same tactics. The fluffy monster pauses just for a brief moment to contemplate her thoughts. What if Frisk is the one Hannah is looking for? That would make sense; if they grew up together then they could have the same fighting style.
Hannah notices Toriel's hesitation and takes this time to take a breather. The fire in Toriel's paws dies away, but she must be sure...
The goat turns around toward the doors, making Hannah lower her defenses. Suddenly, Toriel turns back around and chucks one last fireball at the girl. Hannah's eyes widen and she barely dodges the attack. She throws herself into the ground, shielding her head below her arms.
Hannah doesn't dare move until she feels a soft hand on hers. The girl slowly looks up and meets Toriel's dark, red eyes. Toriel helps Hannah up and guides her over to the doors. The goat monster slowly struggles to open them, so Hannah helps.
Once they are open, Toriel kneels down to Hannah's height. "Now, once you go, please do not come back. I don't need you to put yourself in danger because of me."
Hannah smiles softly and hugs Toriel. The goat hugs her back and pats her shoulder. The two eventually break the hug and Toriel heads back upstairs without another word.
Hannah faces the hallway of the Ruins one last time before exiting through the big doors. They immediately slam behind her, taking away almost all of the light in the room. The girl finds one spot of light though, and gratefully walks over to it.
Hannah's gratefulness disappears as a familiar yellow flower pops out of the grass. "Just like the last one, aren't you? You think you're so clever to play by your own rules! Well, let's just see where that gets you! See you around, Hannah."
Flowey doesn't try anything fishy, surprisingly, and sinks back into the ground. Hannah waits a couple more seconds before quickly stepping over the place Flowey just emerged.
After a couple more minutes of walking, the air becomes nose-bitingly cold, and Hannah realizes it's snowing. She puts her hood up to keep her hair dry, and stuffs her hands in her pockets. She continues to trudge through the knee-deep snow with only one question on her mind: How in the world is it snowing underground near just the end of summer?
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