Chapter III: Here Comes Napstablook
Toriel leads Hannah through so many rooms, the girl loses count. Most of them have puzzles in them, but they are all solved. Now, the two enter yet another room, but this one seems to be just a long hallway.
"I understand you to be older, but," Toriel turns around to face Hannah with a sad smile on her face. "I must test your independence. Please make it through the room alone."
Toriel vanishes into thin air and Hannah is left shocked. The brunette sighs and starts walking.
The corridor is so long, that Hannah can't see the end of it. She starts to get anxious, so she takes a breath from her inhaler. She decides to distract herself, so Hannah starts looking around. The floor and walls all have a purple color to them, but in different shades. Hannah thinks this is suitable because it makes the Ruins seem more ancient. To add to that, many green vines grow on the walls to create a contrast to the purple. It makes everything seem old and, well, ruined.
Hannah walks along the cracked brick path, admiring the peaceful view. Never in a million years did she expect to actually find monsters. Heck, Hannah wasn't even sure if the legends were real. Yet, here she is, talking to goats and flowers. She hopes that she'll find more monsters too; she's never been this interested in something.
Finally, Hannah reaches the end of the hallway. A white pillar stands against the wall which seems to be the only thing different in the hallway. When Hannah reaches it, Toriel walks out from behind it.
Hannah's face brightens up at the sight of Toriel, and the goat notices. "Oh, don't worry, Hannah. I didn't leave you. I will let you explore the Ruins while I make dinner. I'll give you a phone so you can contact-"
"I have a phone! Let me just..." Hannah smiles at the idea of being helpful and reaches into her pockets. Her smile fades as she only feels the rectangular items of the taser and her inhaler, and the fluffy yellow flower petal. "Oh...I seem to have left it behind."
Much to the brunette's relief, Toriel giggles. She reaches into her own pocket in her dress and pulls out a very old looking phone. It looks like a yellow and grey brick with an antennae, a screen, and a bunch of buttons. "Here you go, chil-er...Hannah."
Hannah takes the phone and it's a lot lighter than it looks. On the screen, Hannah sees Toriel's contact number bolded and ready to call. The human smiles up at the goat and thanks her. Toriel seems glad that Hannah likes the device and leaves to go make dinner.
Hannah looks around, not really knowing where to explore first. She scratches her chin, and decides to pick a direction just like she did when she first fell.
The teen exits the long hallway and turns left, entering a room with a small, white pillar that holds a bowl. She walks up to the bowl, her mouth watering. "Monster candy?"
A note sits beside the bowl which reads: Please take one. For some reason, Hannah doesn't think it wise to go against the note's wishes. She smiles and takes a piece of candy which is wrapped in a light blue wrapper. The wrapper crinkles and shimmers as she opens it, and she plops the sweet candy into her mouth. Hannah's south waters even more and she is tempted to take another piece, but she spots the note again and walks away.
Right when she steps outside the little room with the candy, Hannah is ambushed! Some sort of frog monster jumps in front of her and little white flies surround it.
"Ribbit...human!" The frog's expression doesn't change, but Hannah notices something at its feet. It looks like a pair of eyeballs underneath a shell. Now that she looks more closely, Hannah sees that the whole top of the monster is just a bobble head.
"Uh, yes, I'm a human." Hannah doesn't know what to say and scratches the back of her head.
The frog monster jumps up and down in excitement. "Finally! Froggit will prove his worth! Suffer the wrath of Froggit's flies!"
All of the white flies that surround the Froggit turn toward Hannah and the human feels a familiar pull at her chest. Her silver soul emerges, but she doesn't get the chance to admire it. The Froggit's flies start zooming toward Hannah and she goes in full self-defense mode.
Hannah plants her feet firmly on the ground and waits until the flies get closer. At the last moment, she jumps over the flies, flipping midair to keep her feet from hitting them. She lands in front of the Froggit, her soul glowing against her chest.
"It's not very nice to attack someone you just met!" Hannah scolds and crosses her arms across her soul.
The Froggit's actual eyes turn sad. "R-ribbit...human, I'm sorry! It's just you never know what a human is going to be like, they could attack too."
"Aww, it's alright. Just please don't hurt me." Hannah looks down at the Froggit and uncrosses her arms. She sees the monster is still sad so she thinks of something else to say. "I think your attacks were fierce by the way. They were very intimidating!"
Froggit's face beams up immediately and he blushes. "Thank you! I don't understand what you said, but consider me flattered anyway!"
The monster hops away and Hannah sighs in relief. She feels her soul sink back into her chest, making her wonder if she can learn to bring it out at her own will.
Hannah walks around some more, solving puzzles, meeting more monsters, and just thinking. So far, she's met at least a couple Whimsuns, Vegitoids, Looxes, Migosps, Moldsmols, and many Froggits. She's particularly impressed with their individuality and how no monster has been exactly the same. Sure, they look alike in their different types, but their personalities are unique to each monster.
The human solves yet another puzzle regarding leaves and potholes in the ground, and she continues to think. All the monsters down here seem very nice, even if they had all attacked her when they first met besides Toriel. She isn't really fond, though, of the feeling of her soul coming out of her body. She wishes she could control it, to prevent it from coming out. It's not like anything has happened to it yet; Hannah has been able to avoid every attack sent her way thanks to her gymnastics training. Though, she wishes she had more control. It's her soul after all.
Hannah's thoughts are interrupted when she enters another room and sees a monster blocking the entire path. The girl raises her eyebrows and walks slowly toward it, noticing the monster is pretending to snore. Yes, she knows the monster is pretending because it's saying the letter "Z" out loud repeatedly.
The girl takes her hands out of her pockets and leans over the "resting" monster. It appears to be a ghost, which Hannah finds adorable for some reason. Ghosts appeared a lot in the legends about the monsters, so Hannah has to contain her rush of excitement at finding her favorite type of monster.
Hannah can't take it anymore and nudges the ghost with her foot. She expected her foot to go through the ghost, but it doesn't. Instead, the ghost jumps up fast and pulls her soul out.
"Noooooo! What was thaaat for?!" The ghost says and starts crying...tear bullets.
Hannah doesn't see the bullets as a problem until they hit the floor and start rushing toward her. Her hazel eyes widen and she jumps on a nearby wall, hanging from a rock that's sticking out. "Woah, hey! I didn't mean to make you upset!"
The ghost shows no sign of getting better, so Hannah tries a different approach. "W-what's your name?"
The ghost doesn't even look at her while replying, "Napstablook...but my friends call me Blooky."
"Well, Napstablook, can I be your friend?" Hannah asks, hoping for a positive answer as she hangs from the rock for her life.
"I-I don't have any friends. You'll just leave me..." Napstablook cries even harder, making it nearly impossible for survival if Hannah let go.
Hannah's hands start to get sweaty. They don't ache as much as a normal human's would because hers have become more rough over the years. That doesn't mean her arms aren't getting sore. Hannah looks down at the bullets in fear and finds herself tearing up at the pulsing pain thrashing through her arms.
The girl sniffs and Napstablook finally looks toward her. His expression turns to one of regret and he quickly floats over to her. He looks at her soul that's slowly dimming, his own soul starting to pick up the pace.
Napstablook uses his magic to make all the bullets disappear. "You can open your eyes now... I made them all go away."
Hannah opens one eye and sure enough, all the bullets are gone. She smiles at Napstablook with tears still in her eyes and her fingers finally give out. She slips and falls on the ground, deciding to lay there for a minute or two so she can recover.
Napstablook lays next to her and stares at the ceiling. Even though her eyes are closed, Hannah knows Napstablook is right next to her. She smiles and whispers, "Thanks."
Just then, the unthinkable happens. Napstablook smiles and looks sideways at the girl laying next to him. He notices her tears and starts to feel bad again. He sits up and an idea pops into his head. "Do you want to see something cool?"
Hannah opens her eyes, sits up, wipes her tears, and nods. Napstablook beams in excitement and floats up. Hannah watches him in interest as he says, "I call this, 'Dapper Blook'!"
The ghost starts crying again, and for a terrifying moment, Hannah thought the bullets were coming for her once more. Instead, Napstablook's tears defy gravity and collect at the top of his head, creating a top hat. Hannah forgets that she was scared and laughs hard, thinking Napstablook is adorable.
"Haha-Blooky, that's-hahaha-so cool!" Hannah eventually evens out her breaths, becoming her usual happy self once more. "Now I should probably get back to Toriel's home. Do you know where that is?"
Blooky's smile widens at the nickname and at the thought of being helpful. "Yeah! I'll give you a tour of the Ruins."
And so Blooky leads Hannah through the seemingly endless purple rooms. Sometimes he forgets that Hannah can't go through walls, and he tries to lead her to the next room only for her to run into the purple bricks.
The two converse along the way. Hannah finds out that Blooky has a passion for music and making remixes. She thinks that's so cool and she makes him promise to teach her the fundamentals of making good remixes in the future. She tells him about her own passion for music, specifically playing the piano. Hannah also mentions that she's learned to play the basics of the guitar to please the younger orphans.
Napstablook has the time of his life talking to the human, and sighs in sadness when he realizes they made it to Toriel's home. "This is it... The goat lady's home..."
Hannah notices the change in the ghost's mood, and thinks of a way to make him happy again. "So, where can I find you so you can teach me about making remixes?"
Blooky smiles a little. "My home is in Waterfall right by the snail farm."
Hannah smiles and stores the new information in her brain. She and Blooky part ways and Hannah starts walking up to the house. At least she's making friends while she's down here, but she still needs to find Frisk.
Hannah walks up to the house's front steps with a new stroke of confidence. She'll find her friend no matter what it takes! At least, she hopes so.
Little does Hannah know that as she holds on to her hopes, her soul glows a little more bright.
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