Chapter I: Fallen

"I'm coming, Jessie! Remember, no mayonnaise on my sandwich. Oh, and meet me by the peonies. I'm allergic to daisies," the young adult says over her cellphone. She brushes her long, brown hair over her shoulder and wishes she put it up in a ponytail before she left the house.

A loud yet pleasant voice yells over the other end of the phone, "I know, Hannah. You're the only person I know who would take ketchup over mayo. So lame."

"I hope you're kidding," the girl, Hannah, says with a roll of her eyes. "Look, we don't have to meet up for lunch if you're going to be this negative. You can have a picnic on the mountain with some of your other friends who like mayonnaise."

"Fiiine, I'm sorry. Come on, Hannah Banana, don't be like that," Jessie whines.

Hannah chuckles and responds, "Great, then I'll see you in ten by the peonies."

The girls hang up so they can get ready for their meet-up and Hannah continues on her way to the mountain trail. It's been a long time since she met her friend Jessie from school. She wasn't sure if she would make any friends since she was a young orhan who didn't know anyone outside the kids at her house, but on the first day Jessie was there to show her all the ropes. They practically grew up together, always teasing each other about their condiment preferences and not spending a day without each other.

Well, until a few months ago.

She was diagnosed with stage three liver cancer over the winter - how the doctors hadn't caught it before is still a mystery to Hannah, but she only mostly blames them. She promised from that day forward (after spending a week of crying) that she would make the last years of her life worthwhile. This includes going to her favorite spot on Earth, the mountain garden, at least three times a week.

Hannah readjusts the straps of her bag, feeling her asthma inhaler bouncing around in the pocket. She wasn't lying when she said she was allergic to daisies, and in fact, ]it was an under exaggeration. Hannah is allergic to almost every particle that invades her nose and windpipe. The doctors suggested it was due to the crash that killed her parents, her lungs became very weak from inhaling so much exhaust and half of her ribs collapsed in that tragedy. Shaking her head, she clears the thought from her mind. That is the last thing she wants to think about right now, and she knows she has to focus on Jessie.

Heart pounding, she takes a little slip of paper out of her jacket's pocket. Her fingers shake just a little bit as she reads what she wrote over and over again. Marry me? This is such a stupid idea, she thinks. There is no way she'll say yes, either to help Hannah through her inevitable death or because she's not into her. Hannah hopes she'll say yes.

"Knowing me, she'll think it's a joke..." she says to herself, approaching the path up the mountain. Yes, there is a huge possibility that this could go terribly, but she won't know if she doesn't try. Jessie has been her childhood friend and crush for so long now, and she knows she will regret it if she never admits her feelings. This way she can get closure no matter what the answer is. Lord, and I've never even come out to anyone. This is going to be a ride.

The garden on the mountain is Jessie's favorite place because she's the one who made it. She loves gardening at home, and once she discovered this part of the mountain flowing with water and weeds growing everywhere, she went to work planting flowers and even some vegetables. Hannah loves looking at it, although her nose feels like it's going to rupture every time she gets within five feet of it. Yet, she sucks it up and spreads out the picnic blanket by the river.

Mt. Ebott is a sight to behold in Montana, yet people are highly discouraged from climbing it due to people going missing recently. Well, not recently, but in the past five years the mountain claimed eight kids. That's a scary statistic, Hannah always thought, but now that she's older she knows she can take care of herself. She's legal, after all, having turned twenty-one last June (and she is due for another birthday in a couple months).

"J-Jessie, will you marry me?" Hannah asks a tree, pretending it's her crush. "I know we've never gone on a proper date, but I love you and I want to make these last five years you have the best they can be... together." She sighs and shakes her head. "Too cheesy."

Feeling the nervous nausea fill up her stomach, Hannah stumbles over to a rock and leans her back on it. "This is so dumb," she keeps saying under her breath. Taking a deep inhale, she puts her hair up in a high ponytail and unzips her pack, taking out a silver mirror to make sure she looks presentable. She fixes herself up as much as she can and puts the mirror back in her bag, knocking her head back on the rock one last time to gain her confidence.

"Okay, I got this. It's just one question," Hannah says, filling herself with hope. She smiles and takes a step forward and panics, not feeling the floor beneath her anymore. "Huh? AHHHHH!"

She tries to grab onto the ledge, but misses it by a centimeter and falls into the dark insides of the mountain. Screaming the entire way down, she watches as the light above her shrinks until it's a small, white dot in the sky. The only thing lighting up the stone walls around her. Wait, stone? She doesn't get to think about it for long until the wind is knocked out of her, her back hitting the ground.

Something wet drips from the corner of her mouth, but she can't move her arms to wipe it away. Her breathing is uneven and almost nonexistent, having been reduced to short gasps or painful movement as her chest raises and lowers. She feels herself crying, her eyes starting to itch uncontrollably. Of course, I land in daisies, she thinks to herself. After a few long minutes of lying there in unmoving pain, she thinks this is going to be the end. This is how she dies: accidentally falling into a chasm on Mt. Ebott. But, before her vision becomes too blurry, a slip of paper floats onto her face, and before it lands she reads, Marry me?

"J...ess," she stutters, gaining a new will to live. She will not die here, not now, and definitely not before she tells Jessie how she feels. Hoping that her lungs won't collapse the moment she moves, Hannah raises her hand and grasps onto the paper before propping herself up on her palms. "Ngh... ow."

Shakily, she stands up and manages to walk to the wall next to her so she can stabilize herself. She is able to ask the question again: shouldn't this be made of dirt and not stone? Well, she isn't a geologist so maybe it makes sense. Feet barely able to walk straight, she makes her way to a corridor and comes across another patch of yellow daisies. She is about to pass it when something says, "Howdy!"

"Mmm?" she asks and turns around, not seeing anyone.

"Down here!" Hannah looks at the patch of flowers and lowers her eyebrows when she sees one of them with a face, and it's talking. It's talking.

"I must've... hit my head..." Hannah reasons. Why else would a flower be talking to her?

"You don't look so good, human," the flower points out, moving one of its leaves so it can gesture to her face.

Hannah wipes some blood from the corner of her mouth, which stains her light grey jacket but she couldn't care any less right now. "I'm fine, thanks."

"If you're sure. That must have been some fall!" the flower says cheerfully. "My name is Flowey, Flowey the Flower!"

"Very original," she responds sarcastically. "I'm Hannah, Hannah the Human. Do you know how to get out of here? It's really important that I leave as soon as possible."

"Got somewhere to be?" At his question, Hannah blushes and puts the paper back in her pocket. When he sees that she isn't going to answer, Flowey continues, "Don't worry about it. This is the Underground, home to many monsters like me. With my help, you can get past them and reach the barrier to get back to the top of the mountain. Now, let me explain how fighting works-"

"This sounds like a video game," Hannah comments.

Flowey laughs nervously. "Heh... anyway, when a monster attacks you-"

"Actually, I don't have time for this. I have to go before I bleed out and run out of energy. Thanks, Flowers, but I think I can figure this out as I go along."

"My name isn't Flowers-"

"Whatever. Listen, I can't breathe and I need to get out of here before I black out," Hannah gasps and clutches her abdomen just below her ribs, finally feeling the pain of her broken bones skyrocketing and coming out of shock. "You're a great guy, but I gotta..."

Everything fuzzes out as Hannah's eyes close and she collapses in the grass, staining the area around her red. The last thing she sees is Flowey looking at her in worry and stretching out a helpless leaf in her direction.

He stares at her for a good hour, contemplating what to do. This isn't Frisk, that's for sure, but why? What happened to Frisk after the last reset, and who is this new human? Why did they fall so badly? Frisk was never injured after they fell into the Underground. Hey, maybe now that Frisk is gone, he has that ability again. Flowey opens his statistics and tries to reset, but the button isn't there. He looks back at the human, thinking maybe she has a soul of Determination. If that's the case, maybe she will reset.

Anytime now.

Nothing happens. Maybe she isn't dead yet? Flowey groans in irritation and sinks into the ground. "Gotta do everything myself."

He makes his way to a familiar yet traumatic house. When the door opens, he quickly grabs the attention of the inhabitant and explains that another human fell down and she isn't looking so good.

Hannah slowly wakes up to the feeling of fluffy paws carrying her somewhere.

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