Fantastic Beasts but it's Minecraft

I haven't updated this in a while... so today, I was scrolling through my notes and I found this monster of a headcanon.

It's... interesting.

my sister and I were talking really late at night (maybe 11:00pm) and we were both playing in her Minecraft world and I was talking about Fantastic Beasts and a weird-ass crossover was born. If you don't have/know what Minecraft is, it's like a video game where you just walk around fighting off monsters and building things and trying to survive. It's... really great.

It was late and we were bored, so we pretty much built up this headcanon where all the characters play minecraft XD

We put an embarrassing amount of thought into it, but hush, okay, I've seen people come up with weirder things-

So, like,



*gestures sheepishly towards monstrous headcanon*

read at your own risk

First off: Newt, Tina, Jacob, Queenie, Leta and Theseus would probably share a world in survival.

Newt's username: nootnoot

Tina's username: LORD_OF_DARKNESS

Jacob's username: miner_apparently

Queenie's username: killer.rabbit

Leta's username: Everyone

Theo's username: Definitely not Theo (when he first joined, it was Ya Boi but Leta kicked him out of the game for that)

They would probably all have self-assigned jobs and roles...

Newt would be in charge of all of the farming, although he'd also complete more generic jobs like chopping wood and shearing sheep.

Tina would slay every freaking monster to exist, to keep everyone safe (and sane). She would take frequent trips to the Nether and eventually convince everyone to come to the End with her.

Jacob would mine stone and precious ores. It panned out as such when most people had decided their jobs and realised that they needed someone to acquire the materials. Jacob volunteered.

Queenie would be a builder, or as she insists on calling it, a designer. She had a hand in helping to construct everyone's homes (except Leta's), and her own house is the most glamorous of all.

Leta would have created her status in Minecraft by crossing a river, away from everyone else. Right off the bat, she found a witch's hut and slew the witch inside before stealing its house. She would spend her days cooped inside the cramped witch's hut, enchanting things and creating potions. Every few (Minecraft) days, someone would have to drop into her house to make sure she was still alive.

Theseus took on the role of a scout. He resides up in treetops and notifies everyone of monsters heading their way. Occasionally, he helps Tina with slaying them with his bow and arrows, although he refuses to kill spiders out of fear.

~ dwelling...

Newt built himself a nice wood-plank cottage (with Queenie's help, of course). It's relatively small but cosy, with two windows, a cobblestone garden path, and a small garden out the front full of roses and tulips. Out the back, he built a pen where he keeps his horse. The interior of his house is crammed with pigs, sheep, dogs, parrots, cats... a lot of animals.

Tina likes to keep a hardcore front in Minecraft... she built a reinforced fortress out of netherrack, with pillars of fire and iron bars for windows. Just for fun, she adorns her shelves with skeleton and zombie heads, or as she likes to call them, 'the trophies of her victories.'

Jacob built himself a fully fortified, underground home. Much like an ant colony, it consists of hundreds of carved out rooms connected by tunnels.

Queenie has the most glamorous home out of all of them. A three-storey mansion made of pink terracotta (kindly donated by Jacob), with a separate room for her horse.

Leta stole a witch's hut. It's quite dark and small, but has an oddly comforting sense about it. It sits right on the riverbank (across the river from everyone else) with a small porch out the front. Trees and vines almost obscure it from view. The shelves and chests inside the hut are lined with glass bottles, spellbooks, enchanted items and potion ingredients.

Theseus' role is a scout, so he didn't build a permanent dwelling. Instead, he created an oak treehouse that stretched across the entire forest. Little platforms are situated on top of each tree, and they are all connected by wooden bridges between the trees. Much like Ewok homes from Star Wars, but open to the sky.

~ skins...


(He would probably just get a skindex and make his own (fun fact: this is also my Minecraft skin))



(Although he has a habit of changing it every two days)




(It's Kermit! :D)

Hey look, I saw that skin online and I couldn't just ignore it. Theseus is Kermit and no one is changing my mind.

~ the gAthEriNg...

Every so often, whenever someone sends a request to the chat, all six of them meet together at a camp in the middle of all their houses. Normally to discuss random things. Mostly because they bring each other small gifts and they like killing each other for fun (come on guys we've all killed our friends or siblings in minecraft just for the vine)

Tina normally gifts Leta with lots of potion ingredients from her Nether trips. Ghost tears, blaze rods, Nether warts... the lot. She gives Newt the most random surprises like arrows and pumpkins (all of which he treasures, of course). She gives Queenie different types of construction materials- especially from the Nether- and glamorous remains of monsters (which she enjoys presenting in coloured frames). She always has extra pickaxes and tools for Jacob, especially since he constantly breaks his. Normally, Tina and Theseus share their weapons, but Tina occasionally gives him spare items or things she no longer needs.

Likewise, Newt gifts Tina miscellaneous things like kelp or blocks of wool. He normally gives Leta sand to smelt into glass for her bottles. Queenie, Jacob and Theseus usually receive wood to craft into whatever they want (because damn, wood is useful). Everyone receives food, though. Newt has a farm flourishing with crops, and he makes sure that everyone receives their share of wheat, carrots and whatever the frick you grow on a Minecraft farm.

Jacob normally distributes ores and precious stones to everyone, especially to make armour and weapons. A tradition they quickly established was to 'reserve' certain ores if Jacob found them. As a result, everybody looks fabulous in their glowing armour. He also hands out plenty of torches, made from the coal he finds.

Queenie claims that she gives everyone advice, although she frequently gifts them increasingly stronger materials like obsidian and scaffolding, especially for Tina and her fortress.

Although Tina hunts quite a bit, Theseus is the main distributor of meat. He, along with Newt, makes sure everyone has enough food. Most chests in his treehouse network are filled with mutton, steak, pork chops and raw chicken. The only food he can't provide is fish, but Newt fishes quite a bit anyway.

Leta is probably the best gift-giver among them. People frequently ask for commissions where she enchants their armour and their weapons, and she also hands out potions and splash potions. Even when there is no gathering, she receives requests, then returns the newly enchanted items and/or potions at the next gAthEriNg.

~ Newt and Tina (yes I have en entire heading for them)

Newt's cottage is right next to Tina's fortress... it looks a little bit strange.

Tina always gifts Newt with wonderful things from her trips. He once admitted that the ghast tears and bones looked strange inside his food chests, but he loves them all anyway.

Likewise, Newt presents Tina with sheep and flowers and blades of grass (the former of which she kills and enjoys for a light snacc). She reasons that the gifts look odd in her fully fortified, intimidating home, but sneakily keeps them in a room especially full of things from Newt.

He found that room once. Tina jumped into a lava pit out of humiliation.

Once, Newt found a horse for himself. It was pure black, grazing near some grass with another horse. The second one was pure white. He tamed both of them and let Tina keep the white one.

After that, everyone demanded a horse.

Newt ended up giving horses to everyone. Dark brown with white spots for Queenie (although she had some trouble riding it around her mansion). Grey with a white stripe down its nose for Leta (although she often uses the poor creature to test out splash potions. Her reasoning is that it's only a virtual horse, and therefore her actions aren't considered animal cruelty). Theseus and Jacob also got a horse each, but Theseus' kept jumping off his treehouse platforms and eventually died. Jacob never had much use for his, since he spent a lot of the time in narrow, dark caves.

Once, Newt invited Tina to explore the ocean with him. They stocked up on underwater-breathing potions (credit to Leta). The two of them swam all the way out to open ocean, where they found a pod of dolphins. Tina fed them some cod, and in turn, the dolphins led them to a shipwreck on the ocean floor. Newt and Tina explored the shipwreck together for about an hour (real time). Everyone except them considers it a date.

In turn, Tina invited Newt over to her fortress a few days afterwards. She had initially planned to travel with him to a nearby village she'd found and have fun raiding and pillaging it. Though after exploring shipwrecks at the bottom of a trench with Newt (and dolphins), Tina decided that rampaging a village was no good gift in return. She'd have to sTeP Up hEr gAMe.

In that case, she and Newt went (on a second date... hehe) through a Nether portal, and they mucked around in the Nether for a few hours. Newt killed his first mob of wither skeletons, and they found an abandoned Nether fortress (Nether fortresses are enormous) and got lost in the number of corridors and stairs and bridges. And raided every chest they found. At one point, Newt had to save Tina after she fell into the lava.

~ armour and weapons... (don't judge okay it was 11:00pm)

Newt would have;

- Diamond boots enchanted with feather falling, protection, unbreaking, depth strider

- A gold sword

- A gold pickaxe enchanted with fortune, silk touch, efficiency

- A diamond axe enchanted with fortune, efficiency

- A diamond hoe enchanted with unbreaking

- A fishing pole enchanted with lure, luck of the sea

- Shears enchanted with silk touch

- A bow

- 14 arrows

Tina would have;

A gold helmet enchanted with respiration

- A diamond chestplate enchanted with unbreaking, protection, fire protection, blast protection

- Diamond leggings enchanted with thorns, projectile protecting, unbreaking

- Gold boots enchanted with depth strider

- A diamond sword enchanted with unbreaking, looting, knockback, fire aspect

- A gold pickaxe enchanted with unbreaking, silk touch

Jacob would have;

A gold helmet enchanted with protection, aqua protection

- A diamond chestplate enchanted with fire protection

- Diamond leggings

- Diamond boots enchanted with feather falling

- A diamond sword enchanted with smite, knockback

- A diamond pickaxe enchanted with unbreaking, silk touch, efficiency

Queenie would have;

An iron helmet enchanted with protection, blast protection, respiration

- A pink leather tunic enchanted with unbreaking, thorns

- Pink leather leggings enchanted with unbreaking, thorns

- Iron boots enchanted with projectile protection, depth strider

- A diamond sword

- A diamond pickaxe

- A diamond axe

- A diamond hoe

- A bow enchanted with flame

- 8 arrows

Leta would have;

A diamond sword enchanted with looting, knockback, fire aspect, bane of anthropods

- A bow enchanted with power, punch

- 20 arrows

- A trident (for some reason)

Theseus would have;

An iron helmet enchanted with aqua protection

- An iron chestplate enchanted with unbreaking, blast protection, projectile protection

- Diamond leggings

- Gold boots enchanted with feather falling

- A diamond sword enchanted with unbreaking, smite

- A bow enchanted with unbreaking, infinity, flame, power, punch 

- 32 spare arrows

~ random headcanons...

Jacob is the sort of person to mine through a cave for five (Minecraft) days nonstop, then emerge and ask "is it lunchtime yet?"

Theseus will not fight spiders. He has a deathly fear of Minecraft spiders. It might have been because they were the only monster that was able to climb up into his treehouse network and freak him out. Theseus will fight anything and everything, but not spiders.

Leta's username is 'Everyone' because whenever she completes an action, it appears on everyone's feed (Definitely not Theo was slain by everyone, Everyone fell from a big height). She finds it amusing.

Newt normally fishes in the river that Leta's home sits on. Her house is across from everyone else's, so he frequently sits on the riverbank with a fishing pole and has lengthy conversations with Leta from across the river while she sits out on her porch.

Theseus' most prized possession is his bow. It's enchanted with everything he could get his hands on, and he uses it to shoot at mobs from great lengths. Theseus is the best archer out of all of them.

Once, Newt stole his bow. Theseus killed him (in the game, don't worry) for that.

Since then, it's become a tradition amongst them all to try and steal Theseus' precious bow. Methods of swiping it have become more creative over time. It began with just a nick from his treehouse chests when he had his back turned (Newt)... then quickly became more elaborate, from cutting a hole through the bottom of a tree and stealing it from below (Jacob), to sitting out of view in a higher tree and fishing it off the crafting table using a fishing rod (Leta).

~ mobs... (didn't I tell you I had put far too much thought into this??!)

Newt's favourite monster: Creeper

Newt's least favourite monster: Enderman (those things are creepy as hell)

Newt's favourite animal: Dolphin

Newt's least favourite animal: you can't be serious

Tina's favourite monster: Zombie (because they're so dumb)

Tina's least favourite monster: Skeleton

Tina's favourite animal: Pig

Tina's least favourite animal: Cod

Jacob's favourite monster: Silverfish (because he's learned to deal with them and they've become easy to kill)

Jacob's least favourite monster: Enderman

Jacob's favourite animal: Chicken

Jacob's least favourite animal: Bat

Queenie's favourite monster: Skeleton

Queenie's least favourite monster: Creeper

Queenie's favourite animal: Sheep

Queenie's least favourite animal: Bat

Leta's favourite monster: Enderman

Leta's least favourite monster: Creeper

Leta's favourite animal: Bat

Leta's least favourite animal: Cow

Theseus' favourite monster: Zombie

Theseus' least favourite monster: Spider

Theseus' favourite animal: Pig

Theseus' least favourite animal: Salmon (they swim away too quickly!)

~ The End...

Over time, Tina killed a lot of Endermen. Thus, she had a lot of Eyes of Ender. Thus, she convinced everyone to join her on their quest to find the End and slay the Ender Dragon.

They didn't really have a choice.

The six of them trooped off across Minecraft biomes until they located the entrance to the stronghold. One by one, they jumped through the portal and emerged into the End.

Queenie made sure that she collected a lot of the strange Enderstone found there for future building projects.

The dragon revealed itself at once, and even though all six had their weapons drawn, it took them by surprise.

Leta was the first to find the pillars with the healing crystals at the top, and began throwing snowballs to destroy them. Theseus quickly followed.

Tina and Queenie destroyed one tower of healing crystals while Theseus and Leta did the second, and Jacob and Newt, the third.

Newt died first after he tried to put a saddle on the dragon.

The remaining five broke the last End Crystal eventually and all worked together to rain blows over the dragon. Tina almost got taken out when it dove straight at her, but Leta hit it with her trident (which did end up coming in handy) before it could hurt Tina.

Queenie got wiped out next after an unfortunate encounter with a hostile Enderman roaming the area.

Ultimately, Jacob delivered the final blow by throwing a bed in front of the Ender Dragon, which then exploded in its face and finished it off.

They all took the Ender Dragon Egg home together and placed it right in the middle of their camp where they could all see it.

Newt was bitter about the egg because it never hatched into a baby dragon.

*closes book*

the end

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