The Missing Links of Moorshire
Scrooge had invited the kids to witness his golf match against Glomgold at Moorshire, one of many exotic places thanks to the Duckburg Billionaire's Club Golf Invitational. Apparently, Moorshire is the birthplace of golf.
Scrooge, Dewey, Louie, and Charlotte stepped down some steps to where the course was. Charlotte had a small fan wrapped around her neck just in case she got hot. "Get excited, kids. Golf is in our blood! Your ancestor, 'Black Donald' McDuck, actually invented the sport. Of course, he lost so badly that the ensuing temper tantrums caused King James to ban golf across all of Scotland." Scrooge explained. That's really interesting to know. I didn't know they had such a family history. "And we're... proud of that in some way?" Louie asked as he looked at his phone. "I dunno, man. Go-karts? Hitting things really hard with sticks? Not being grounded for said hitting? Sounds kind of awesome." Dewey said. "It's a sport where you try not to score points to make it end sooner. Hard pass." Louie said. "Trust me, you'll love it." Scrooge said as he took his stance, practicing his swing. "The quiet strategy. The intense focus. The-." A horn blew loudly, causing Scrooge to nearly drop his club.
Webby jumped out of the bushes, continuing to blow her horn. "Semi-permanent hearing loss." Scrooge finished. Webby walked over to Dewey, Louie, and Charlotte with a shirt that read 'Scrooge #1'. "Go Scrooge! Boo Glomgold! Yay custom T-shirts!" Webby cheered. Customs T-shirts? Oh boy, she's learning from Huey. Webby started to blow on her horn again, but Scrooge cut it short by taking the horn off her hands. "I'm glad you're excited, dear, but this sport requires a certain decorum."
"Everybody move!"
Scrooge huddled the kids together and hovered his arms around them to protect them as Huey and Launchpad severed out of control in their kart, landing in a small lake. "This lake will be used for the swimming portion of the competition." Launchpad said to a camera as their kart sank into the lake.
Not long after, Launchpad was able to get the kart and themselves out of the lake. Scrooge was already practicing his swing. "Alright, Webbigail, care to-." Scrooge looked at Webby to see her on her knees, painting in a sign. "What are you doing?" Scrooge asked. "Oh, sorry. I've never been to a sport before, but don't worry! I'm gonna be the best fan." Webby said, holding up a sign that read 'Go Scrooge!' "Did you want to give it a go?" Scrooge asked. Webby stuck her sign hard to the ground. "I'm good. Golf clap!" She yelled ash she started to clap. "Uh, how about you, lad? Up for a-."
"No. Gross. No. Not even a little." Louie immediately answered, walking away while looking at his phone.
I guess that's to be expected. Dewey excitedly grabbed the club from Scrooge's hand. "Are you guys kidding me? A chance to learn the sport our family invented from the greatest player who ever lived, I assume, because I don't follow golf? I want in!" Dewey said as he started to swing the club around. Scrooge grabbed his club from Dewey's hands. "Attaboy!" Scrooge then turned to Charlotte. "Do you want to give it a go as well, lass?" Scrooge asked. Charlotte shook her head. I'll just mess it up... like I always do. "Are you sure?" Scrooge asked. Charlotte nodded. "Alright, lass." Scrooge turned his attention to Dewey as he took out a golf ball and placed it on the ground. "Let's hone that wildly-misplaced enthusiasm, shall we? We'll start with your swing." Scrooge said. Dewey got into position, but didn't get a chance to do anything once the sound of Glomgold's voice was heard.
"Practice all you want, McDuck! You won't be winning this year." Glomgold said, knocking over Scrooge's bag of golf clubs. "You say that every year, Flinty. And every year, you go home crying." Scrooge said. "My eyes dry out very easily! But this year, I'll prove that I am the best Scottish billionaire golfer. I've hired the world's best player, to be my caddie!" Glomgold said as he pointed to a tiger that was carrying Glomgold's bag of golf clubs. "Okay, if you want to be a winner, just follow these three rules-." Glomgold gasped. "I'm already a winner! Nobody tells Flintheart Glomgold what to do! You're fired!" The tiger just simply dropped the bag and walked away. Well, that was fast.
Glomgold tried to pick up his bag of golf clubs, but ultimately failed. He then set his eyes on Louie, who was still looking at his phone. "You there! Green one! How would you like the honor of caddying under the great Flintheart Glomgold?" Glomgold asked. "Eh." Louie said. "A chance to bask in the collective glory of victory?" Glomgold asked again. "Blergh." Louie stated. Glomgold took out some money. "I tip by the hole." This caught Louie's attention. "Ehh, if I'm gonna be bored, I may as well get paid for it." Louie said as he walked over and grabbed the money from Glomgold's hands. "Ha! Your own nephew's abandoning you! Soon, there'll be nobody left to support you." Both Scrooge and Glomgold gasped as fireworks we're set off into the sky, creating an image of Scrooge's face. "Sorry. Timer went off early." Webby said as she blew her horn.
Everyone took their places as the first hole was about to begin. Charlotte was watching, but could also hear Huey and Launchpad commentate to what was going on. "Here we are, moments away from the Classic's opening coin toss. Glomgold, now, very obviously switching the official coin for one that has 'heads' on both sides." Huey commentated. "Very sneaky." Launchpad said. "He tosses the double-headed coin, and Glomgold has called tails." Huey said. "What!? Aah!" Glomgold yelled out. "Glomgold, clearly embarrassed, now trying to throw the coin into the ocean." Huey said. "He does not make it." Launchpad said. "Scrooge, desperate to move things along, has agreed to let Glomgold 'win' the coin toss." Huey said. "Wow, what a game! See ya next time, everyone!" Launchpad said, getting off the kart. "It hasn't even-Launchpad!" Huey said.
Glomgold took his position, preparing to hit the ball. "That coin toss was only the beginning, Scrooge! The moment of reckoning is at hand, and lo..." Scrooge groaned. "We've got another ten minutes of gloating before he takes a shot. Let's work on your drive." Scrooge said, walking away with Dewey, Webby, and Charlotte following after him. "Hey, get back here! I'll show you how a real golfer would play this hole!" Glomgold yelled out, but nobody listened as they continued to walk away.
In a separate area, Dewey was helping the golf club while Scrooge was teaching him the proper stance for a good swing. Charlotte was taking notes in her head the whole time. "Focus. Filter out all distractions."
"Go, Scrooge!" Webby yelled out. Scrooge gasped in surprise at the sudden yell. Charlotte jumped a bit before smiling and shaking her head. "Now remember, hips back, shoulders down. Tail tucked. Controlled swing." Dewey whacked the ball as hard as he could, sending the ball pretty far. Wow! On his first try! Dewey looked at Scrooge. "Was that okay?" Dewey asked. "Ha-ha! You're a natural! A little unpolished, sure, but if we can focus that swing, you'll be almost as good as me one day." Scrooge said. "Really?" Dewey asked hopefully. "With a teacher like you, he could be even better!" Webby said. "Really!?" Dewey asked even more hopefully. "Or, you know, nearly as good, but not quite. After years of hard work and practice. No need to get the boy's hopes up." Scrooge said. Charlotte weakly smiled. He's not wrong to not get his hopes up too high. Still, I sense that this will backfire somehow. Charlotte slightly shook her head. No. Be positive. No negative thoughts. Today is a day to relax and have fun.
"Scrooge! Quit stalling! You're up!"
Scrooge grabbed his club and made his way to the ball. "Scrooge, the returning champion, approaching the first hole." Huey said to a camera installed to the kart. Launchpad returned, eating a hot dog on the way back. "He's probably worried Glomgold will use his one free tackle before the speed round in the third quarter." What? "What do you think is happening here?" Huey asked. "One heck of a game!" Launchpad answered. Why did he choose Launchpad again?
Scrooge looked back to see Webby waving her sign around as Charlotte and Dewey both gave Scrooge a thumbs up. Scrooge smiled before putting his focus back to the ball, prepping himself to swing. "Taking his time with the shot." Huey said. "Tell me about it. Just hit the ball!" Louie's shout scared Scrooge enough to accidentally hit the ball and send it off course. Louie! "Ouch. And it's deep in the rough." Huey said. Glomgold laughed. "Nice shot, Scroogey! Decide to take a shortcut through the weeds?" Scrooge didn't pay any attention to him as he went to retrieve his ball. Charlotte rolled her eyes at Glomgold as she, Dewey, and Webby followed Scrooge.
"Oh, I can't believe it. I haven't had a shot that bad in forty years." Scrooge said. As they kept walking, they discovered a hidden area where tall stones were placed in a circle formation, ancient words carved in the stones. "What in the blazes..." In the center was Scrooge's ball, surrounded by all of the stones. They all made their way to the center, completely entranced by the stones. Some screaming was heard as Huey and Launchpad had, somehow, drove through the forest and managed to squeeze their kart between two stones. "Ah, yes. Scrooge went for the classic 'magic forest stone' bonus. Risky, but it paid off." Launchpad said. That's not a thing. At least, it shouldn't be.
"Ooh, it wasn't a shortcut. The great McDuck finally hit a right clunker!" Glomgold said. "I did not! I was simply getting a lay of the terrain. See, the key to a good golf game-."
"Take the penalty and let's get back to the course." Glomgold interrupted. "A Scotsman plays it where it lands." Scrooge said. Scrooge walked to his ball, a circle glowing blue when Scrooge passed it, along with all the stones. As Scrooge was preparing to hit the ball, mist began to roll in. "Um, Mr. McDuck?" Webby tried to get his attention. However, Scrooge swung his club and hit the ball. As soon as he did, a kind of blue fire rose from the air and teleported them to a mystical world, Huey and Launchpad's kart being cut in half in the process.
"Heavenly hollyhock." Scrooge said as they looked at the surrounding area. "Mythical glowing stones. Mysterious teleportation circles." Webby gasped. "Do you know what this means?" Webby asked. "No more golf! Whoo-hoo!" Louie said, dropping Glomgold's bag to the ground.
"Does anybody see any clues about where we are?" Huey asked. "There are these two orbs." Webby pointed out, one being red while the other was blue. "Hmm. Interesting." Louie said, trying to cover up one of the orbs. "And it looks like they'd fit in that hole over there." Dewey said, pointing to a small hole on the ground a short distance away from them. "Oh. Okay." Louie said. Glomgold tried to touch one of the orbs with his club, but ended up being electrocuted. "Cannae touch the blasted things." Glomgold said. Scrooge looked at one of the carvings and thought for a moment. Charlotte tugged on Scrooge's sleeve and pointed at two, wooden clubs. Scrooge smiled and thanked Charlotte before grabbing one. "Maybe we can use these clubs." Scrooge suggested. "Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no." Scrooge hit the ball and made it into the hole, the hole glowing as mist cleared the way to reveal a path. The ball then reappeared to be used again.
"Guys, it's golf. It's still golf! Okay, that's it! I'm going home!" Louie shouted as he started to walk away. Before he could get far, the mist grew higher into the air, blocking the path. Louie gasped as he took a couple of steps back. "Where did home go!?" He asked.
Despite the situation, Huey and Launchpad continued with the commentary, even carrying their half-destroyed kart. "Welcome back to the Billionaire's Club Classic, where, in a bizarre turn of events, the players of become trapped in some sort of mystical faerie realm. But they remain undeterred." Huey said. "For more, we go to two, tiny horses." Launchpad said. "What are you-aah!" Walking towards then we're two horses, one being pink and the other being purple, each wearing a hat and both wet. This is officially weird.
"Greetings! We're Briar and Bramble, the keepers of this realm." Now it's even weirder. "Talking animals wearing clothes!?" Webby asked happily. "Oh, no, did we die? Are we in Webby heaven?" Dewey asked. "Bet you're all wondering what this place is." Bramble said. "It's a mystical golf course, right?" Louie asked. "Did ancient Scottish Druids build a secret course so they could keep playing golf, even after Black Donald got it banned?" Huey asked excitedly. "Uh, yep. That's all correct." Briar said with a deadpanned face. "Here, hop on our backs! We'll give you a tour." Bramble said.
Webby excitedly ran to hop on their backs, but stopped once she noticed something. "Wait. Why are your manes wet?" Webby then gasped. "You're kelpies, aren't you? You tempt people onto your backs, then carry them off into the sea!" Thank goodness Webby knows all this stuff. "Oh, no, no, no, no. We just got out of the shower, that's all." Bramble lied. Everyone glared at them, not believing them at all. Especially Charlotte. Nice try, but I can tell when people are lying and I am not falling for them.
"Fine. That is generally our plan." Bramble said. "Come on, Bramble. If they're so smart, they must know all about the treasure at the end of the course." Briar said. Scrooge gasped. "Treasure?" Scrooge asked. Glomgold elbowed him roughly. "Treasure?" Glomgold asked. Of course that would get Mr. McDuck's attention. "First to complete this course will win the priceless Druid's Cup." Briar said. "Thus proving them to be the finest golfer in every plane of reality." Bramble added. "Ooh!" Glomgold said as Louie walked in front of them. "Uh-huh. Okay. Well, anyone else think we should ignore the murder ponies and go home?" Louie asked. "You'll all be sent home safely, as soon as you finish the course." Briar said. "That is, if you finish the course." Briar elbowed Bramble. "Um. Did we mention the trophy has custom engraving? Ooh!"
Dewey grabbed the club from Scrooge's hands and ran to the ball. "Dewey, you've found your calling!" Before Dewey could hit the ball, Scrooge grabbed the club out of his hands. "Easy, lad. You can't just flail that thing at random anymore. There's too much at stake. If we lose the ball, we don't go home. We have got to play smart." Scrooge said. "You might want to get started. It can be awful hard to play once those mists roll in." Briar said. They all looked behind them and saw the mist getting a bit closer to them. "Come on, we're wasting time!" Dewey said as he ran ahead. Everyone followed after, ignoring the kelpies' attempts to get them on their backs.
Scrooge was practicing his swing when Glomgold pushed him aside, causing Scrooge to drop his club. Dewey picked it up and was about to go first when Scrooge stopped him with a smile. Glomgold took the first shot when a water tentacle grabbed hold of Glomgold's ball. Glomgold looked in surprise before angrily approaching the tentacle. "Oh, shoulda seen that coming." Launchpad said. "How? How could he have possibly seen that coming?" Huey asked. "Give it back, you overgrown puddle!" Glomgold demanded. The tentacle dropped the ball, only for it to grab Glomgold instead. Glomgold yelled out for help, only for it to end in a disaster.
"Old golf tip, let Flinty spring that trap, the rest is just patience." Scrooge said. Scrooge hit the ball, only for another tentacle to appear and hit the ball back to Scrooge. "Patience." Scrooge hit the ball again, just for the tentacle to hit it back. "Patience." Scrooge tried again, ending with the same results. "Patience!" Scrooge tried again, but the ending was the same. "Ugh! If you'd just let me-."
"Not the time for a reckless clobber." Scrooge hit the ball again, the ending being the same. "Oh, come on, ya blasted tentacle!" Scrooge hit the ball once more, only for the tentacle to send the ball to Scrooge's forehead, sending Scrooge to the ground. "And besides, you cannae just sub in. It's against the rules of golf."
"It's okay."
They looked over the edge to see Briar and Bramble in the water below them. "Druid golf allows for twosomes." Briar said. "Water's great by the way." Bramble said. Scrooge glared at them, causing them to slowly sink into the water. "Oh, give it a go, but don't get too discouraged if you don't make it." Scrooge said, giving Dewey the club. Dewey ran up to the ball and whacked it as hard as he could. The tentacle knocked it back, but Dewey was able to hit the ball back like it was baseball. The ball cut through both tentacles and made it to the edge of the whole.
Holy...! He's getting really good. "Go, Dewey!" Webby cheered. Charlotte looked at Scrooge and noticed his face of disbelief. "Good shot, lad. Very proud of you." Scrooge said, his eye almost twitching. "You don't sound proud." Webby said. "Yeah! Scrooge and Dewey, taking on the world one hole at a time!" Dewey said as he and Webby ran ahead. "There you have it. Another brash, young up-star destined to surpass his aging mentor." Huey said. Oh boy. This is what I feared. "Is the commentary still necessary?" Scrooge asked. "It helps me feel in control during a, frankly, insane situation." Huey answered. "I like talking this way, 'cause it makes everything sound important. Baloney trampoline." Launchpad said. Hopefully everything will be fine.
They continued on with the game with Dewey taking some shots on some holes while Scrooge took others. They each got the ball into the hole with ease while Glomgold was struggling, even being carried off by a tree creature. At some point, Huey had to save Launchpad from the kelpies, leaving them with just the camera. As the game progressed, Charlotte could see Scrooge slowly starting to get angry at Dewey and how good he was getting. She wanted to do something, but she refrained herself. Don't get involved. Don't get involved.
"Scrooge, still in the lead on the seventeenth hole, but Glomgold is closing in." Huey said. "Hey, so is that weird mist." Launchpad pointed out. Scrooge was lightly tapping the ball, making it travel a short distance, each time Webby saying, "Nice job." Dewey was waiting impatiently. "Not nice enough. Glomgold's gonna lass us." Dewey said. "You bet your ballast I am! I'll prove once and for all I'm the best golfer on this or any other-." Glomgold stepped on an unstable part of the rock, causing it to crack under his feet. He fell, but he managed to grab hold. "Aah! Caddie!" He cried out. Louie only dug in Glomgold's pocket to grab some money and gave him the club.
Dewey looked over to see the hole. "I'm pretty sure I can get it to the hole with one swing. Let me go." Dewey said. "And risk dumping it down into the water? Absolutely not." Scrooge said. "Aw, give him a chance." Everyone looked over to Webby to see that she wasn't the one talking. They looked over to see Briar talking in Webby's voice. "If he hits it in the water, we can jump on the kelpies to get it. I'm the small girl duck. You can trust me." Bramble tapped on Briar's shoulder to get her to stop. They all glared at them as they went back into the water. "Come on. I can do this!" Dewey said. "Do what? Whack the ball blindly?" Scrooge asked. "Into the hole! Yes! Like I've been doing all day. Why don't you trust me to make this?" Dewey asked. Stop! It's just going to make things worst! "You don't have the experience. It takes time, effort-."
Dewey grabbed the club from Scrooge's hand and whacked the ball. The ball almost fell into the water, but the wind pushed it into the hole. Everyone cheered, resulting in Huey and Launchpad losing the camera. Dewey looked back to see Scrooge growling in anger. Oh no. "I'm sorry. I just knew I could, so I-." Scrooge cut him off. "You pull a club out of a Scotsman's hand, you'd best be prepared to knock him out with it!" Scrooge said. "Hey, I made the shot." Dewey retorted. "You disobeyed me and risked the entire game with your showboating!" Scrooge said. "I'm showboating? This whole thing has been about how great you are. You're so worried that someone might actually be better than you at something that you keep-."
"See here, I am an inter-dimensionally ranked golfer!"
"Whatever. I'm over this dumb sport anyway." Dewey dumbed the club to the ground and walked away. "Finish the course so we can go home." Scrooge looked at Webby, who had an angry look and walked away. "Now hold on. I didn't mean to..." Scrooge tried to say, but they were already gone. Scrooge picked up the club and looked on in guilt. Charlotte didn't know what to do. She constantly told herself to not get involved, even if she really wanted to. So, she just walked away, following the others. Scrooge, however, misinterpreted it as her being angry as well. This broke Scrooge's heart even more at the thought of Charlotte being angry at him, especially since she didn't seem like the angry type.
They walked up some steps to see a destroyed castle and statues of golfers, some of which were destroyed. "The final hole." Huey said. Scrooge looked at one of the statues. "Looks like some sort of hall of fame. Well, your old Uncle Scrooge will be joining it soon enough, eh?" Scrooge asked. "Let's get this over with." Dewey said, walking away with his arms crossed. Scrooge looked at him with guilt in his eyes as he made his way to the ball. "Scrooge, lining up, and none too soon. Morale is not high." Huey said. Despite losing the camera, he still insisted on commentating. "Uh, Mr. McDuck? Those mists are getting really close." Webby said. Scrooge looked to see the mists rolling in at a quick pace. "Well, that's ominous." Scrooge said. Scrooge hit the ball, sending it to the top of a wall. "And he hooks it onto the wall." Huey said.
Scrooge walked up to the wall followed by everyone else. "Nice work. How are you going to get up there?" Dewey asked, arms crossed with a smirk plastered on his face. "It's happening. I'm one stroke away from claiming the trophy and beating Scrooge McDuck! As soon as I take this swing, I, Flintheart Glomgold, will be the winner of the Billionaire's Club Classic. Sure, you may have won the previous twenty seven, but I think we can all agree this one counts more than the rest combined." As Glomgold was monologuing, the mist keepers closer and closer. As soon as the mist cane in contact with Glomgold, his body started to turn into stone. "Uh, Flinty?" Scrooge tried to warn. "Stuff it, Scrooge. I'm savoring the moment. Caddie, savor with me. Caddie?" Glomgold groaned as he dug in his pockets and tossed Louie a coin. The coin bounced off Louie's head as he stared in horror at Glomgold's transformation. Glomgold looked down and realized what was happening. "Oh. I see. Curse you, McDuck! Curse you and my love of moment-savoring!" Glomgold yelled out as he completely turned to stone.
Louie ran to Scrooge as he held his arms out in front of the kids to protect them. "The mist turns people to stone! Those statues used to be real golfers!" Scrooge said. Some laughing was heard as Briar and Bramble emerged from the mist. "Oh, by the way, the mist of Moorshire? They turn mortals to stone. Those statues are-oh, you just said all that, didn't you?" Everyone nodded. "So you're doomed. Better to let us drown you instead. Let's go!" Bramble said. "No!" Everyone shouted but Charlotte, who just glared at them. "You people are no fun." Briar said as they went back into the mist.
"We have to finish the course. Those hoofed hostiles said it would get us home." Scrooge said. He tried to climb the wall to get to the ball, but failed. "Everybody! We need to support Scrooge!" Webby said. "Why? He hasn't supported me all day." Dewey said. That's not what she means. "No, we need to support Scrooge. Not everything is a life lesson!" Webby said as everyone was helping Scrooge up. Everyone but Charlotte, who was staring at the mist. "Charlotte! What are you doing!?" Dewey asked. She looked back at him and held out her small fan. She walked forward a bit and turned her fan on, driving away some of the mist to buy them time.
Scrooge was at the top, almost losing his balance and dropping his club. Louie was able to grab hold of it. "Louie! Hand me the club!" Scrooge said. Louie held out his hand, asking for a tip. Webby glared at him as he realized his mistake. "No. Right, sure. Nope, not the time." Louie said as he, Webby, and Dewey brought the club back to Scrooge. Scrooge took his stance, preparing to hit the ball. "Oh, my." Scrooge muttered once he realized how far the hole was. "Scrooge, taking his time, I'm not sure why. There are lives at stake." Huey said.
Charlotte was taking a few steps back as the mist grew closer. Even with her fan, it wasn't enough to fully push the mist back. She kept stepping back as they grew closer and closer, until the mist touched the tip of her foot. She gasped as she looked down and saw body slowly turn to stone. I'm so sorry, guys. She shut her eyes as she completely turned to stone. "Charlotte!" Everyone called out. It wasn't long before the mist reached Launchpad, spreading to Huey who just said, "This has been Huey Duck, signing off!" The mist then reached Louie. "Man, I hate this sport." He said as he turned to stone. "Come on, Scrooge, I know you can do it." Webby said before she turned into stone as well.
"Webby! Guys! No! What are you waiting for!? Take the stupid shot!" Dewey said. Scrooge looked at the hole for a second. "Not me." Scrooge said. "What?" Dewey asked. "I cannae make the shot. You can." Scrooge gave Dewey the club and lifted him up to the ball. Scrooge looked down to see himself turn to stone before looking up at Dewey. "I know you can do it." Scrooge said just as he had completely turned to stone. Dewey looked on with determination in his eyes. "Okay, okay. Filter out all distractions. Hips back. Shoulders down. Tail tucked." He looked down to see the mist creeping up to him. "Aah! Whack the ball! Whack the ball!" Dewey smacked the ball as hard as he could. He watched as the ball rolled down a small set of stairs and into the hole. "Yes!" He cheered as he turned to stone.
A bell tolled as everyone was transported back home safely, no longer stone. "You did it, lad! I knew you could." Scrooge said to Dewey. "Congratulations, champions!" Briar said. They all looked over to see Briar and Bramble carry a trophy to Scrooge and Dewey. "You are the first players to ever complete the Druid's Cup." Bramble said. "Go on. You earned it." Scrooge said. Dewey picked up the trophy and read out loud, "'Scroge' and 'Douise'?"
"Sorry. It was a rush job." Briar said. "We really didn't expect you to make it." Bramble said. "Now, who's up for a victory swim?" Briar asked. Seriously!? "No!" Everyone but Charlotte shouted. They ran past everyone and jumped back into the sea.
Glomgold made it back okay, for the most part, but Charlotte wasn't too focused on him. She was more focused on Scrooge and Dewey. "You know, we could use another player for next year's Invitational. I'd love someone who actually gave me a run for my money." Scrooge said. "Eh, I think my pro career is over. I'm going out on top. Still, I'd be up for a friendly round now and then." Dewey suggested. "Sounds grand." Scrooge agreed. "Whoo! Screwy for life! In your face, everybody who's not them! Whoo-hoo!" Webby cheered as she ran around. "Maybe just the two of us." Scrooge said.
They all started to head back when Charlotte spotted a golf ball and a golf club. She looked around to see that no one was around and picked up the club. Remember what Mr. McDuck said. Filter out all distractions. Hips back, shoulders down, tail tucked, and controlled swing. She swung the club and hit the ball, sending the ball forward some distance. I guess that's not bad. Of course, not as good as Dewey or Mr. McDuck. She set the club back where it was and walked away. What she didn't realize was that Scrooge managed to watch her play without her noticing. Scrooge smiled. That lass has more talent than she thinks.
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