~ Chapter Sixty-Six: Overdose ~

Dark streaks of graphite smeared the white paper in clear, neat strokes as I sat and drew behind my desk. It was difficult to remember it, or to see it in my mind, but it was the best I could do. The others needed to see how the dagger looked like.

After coming home and being forced into my bed by overly-protective parents, I used the free time to ponder over things. Tried to fit some pieces of the puzzles together, and I realized that there were some of those pieces that actually seemed to fit. Luhan mentioned that in his new memory, he was supposed to wait for something important, but he didn't know what for. Sehun then added that he did know, since it was Luhan who had sent a picture into his mind - in the memory that is. He said that it was a dagger, though he didn't know what could be so important about that.

I was none the wiser, mind you, but at least it was something. It couldn't just have been a coincidence that E.T. Corp happened to possess a dagger, right? I had only caught brief glances of it myself, but it was clear enough to draw a picture. I was no Picasso by any means, but at least the dagger would be recognizable.

I knew that I should have used the free time to rest properly, but after seeing the white wolf, telling me that the conversation we had in that weird dream world actually happened, I couldn't sit still. I was anxious for night to fall, eager to meet with the pack and brainstorm over everything that has happened. Figure out how all of it ties together, how they're connected and what part all of us play in this. I was starting to believe that Miss Kumiho did know something as well, but was not necessarily willing to share. Then again, perhaps she didn't because she wasn't on our side at all.

It frightened me to think about it, but with the boys gaining new memories about the same event, being able to connect to me...perhaps they were involved in this as well, whether I was here or not. There were so many questions that I wanted to ask, and I knew the answers were closeby, but I couldn't get to them.

I bit my lip when I stared at the drawing of the dagger and made sure to draw the hilt right. I distinctly remembered the heart-shaped seed at the tip of the hilt, and how brightly it had shone. What else should I mention... I looked out the window for a moment and saw how the wind swept aside the leaves of the trees, making them dance. I clicked my fingers.

"Tree of Life," I mused, though the term alone nearly made me roll my eyes. Tree of Life, how unbelievably corny... Which reminded me; what the heck was up with that tree? I started making quick notes when I remembered the wolf making me watch the history of the world through a puddle of blood. My face still cringed when I thought back to it, a shiver rippling through my body.

Hm, I looked at the notes and tapped the tip of the pencil against my lips. There was something missing. What am I forgetting?

I closed my eyes, rolling my tense shoulders as I racked my brain. "Ah!" I popped my eyes open again and started scribbling. "Name of the world the ghost-wolf showed me," I dictated out loud. "Expoo! No- wait, that isn't right," I muttered, tapping the side of my head to remember the name. It was a simple one, but apparently my mind was already too full to remember exotic names.

Exotic names...Exotic...

I pursed my lips and widened my eyes. "Exo! That was the planet's name. Exo planet," I wrote it down in case I'd forget again and wondered what else I shouldn't forget to mention. Naturally, the wolf's cryptic message, about wanting me to wake up, wanting me to remember. I shook my head at this. If I didn't know what the wolf meant, then how were the boys be able to figure it out? And now that we are on that topic -

Who is the ghost-wolf? Friend, or foe?

I made sure to write it down because I wanted to discuss that as well. The boys should know that our previous theory- Miss Kumiho being the ghost wolf - was not true. I got a different vibe from that woman. I'm not saying that she's evil incarnate, but she came close to it- no, I'm exaggerating. To be honest, I still didn't know what to make of Miss Kumiho at all. She was so vague, so closed off. I did know that she wasn't necessarily my most favorite person in the world, and I had my suspicions that she wasn't on our side at all. But where had she come from? What role was she playing? More questions that I didn't know the answer to...

I checked the clock on my desk, frowning in disappointment when I saw that it was only seven past five. Putting the pencil down to pinch the bridge of my nose, it annoyed me to realize how tired I was still feeling. But it wasn't the normal kind of fatigue, not really. It was the kind of exhaustion that wouldn't go away, even after you've rested and I had no idea why I was feeling this way. I've been lying down or sitting still since I got home, so there was no reason for me to be this tired.

Shaking it off, I went back to my notes, wishing fervently for time to speed up. As I picked up my pencil and placed its tip against the paper, I felt my breath getting caught in my throat once more. Except, this time, I heard the distinct beating of a heart - find the heart - my heart? The thumping was so loud! I blinked my eyes rapidly at noticing that the pencil I was holding suddenly had two tips and the surroundings became fuzzy.

Oh man, not again...

Making sure not to panic, I took deep, slow breaths, keeping as calm as possible to just ride out this panic attack without losing consciousness. However, I hissed sharply and grabbed my shoulder when it started stinging. It felt like a hundred needles were being pushed through my veins at an excruciatingly slow pace. Breathing was difficult, and there was no other way for me to deal with the pain save for enduring it.

When I thought the worst was over, I managed to relax my muscles, but the pain still remained, throbbing and pulsating. Still taking slow breaths, I bit through it and waited until the pain would subdue. When it did, I was left panting, gently rubbing my shoulder and recovered.

Damn it. I nearly forgot about that. Now I really couldn't wait until I could see the guys again. I regretted it a little bit that I didn't let Lay take a look at it when I had the chance. Why was I always so stubborn to think that I could handle things beyond my capability?

Miss Kumiho, I wrote down, Who? What? Why? I scribbled down. Who was she? What did she do to me? And, why did she do it?

I took a moment to catch my breath and tried to remind myself that I had promised others to take better care of myself. I really shouldn't push things along while I was feeling like this, but I had to talk with the pack. My head was spinning and I knew how much relief it would bring if I could share it with them.

Deciding that I'll be fine if I took a few moments to rest right now, I wrote down one more thing before lying down in bed;

Twelve stars. Wake up. FInd the heart. End of the world?

Sighing, I put down the pencil, shoved the notes in my backpack, so I won't forget them when I go meet the boys and plopped down on the soft bed. As I closed my eyes, I moved to touch my sore shoulder, cringing when I could actually feel the veins popping out from my skin, tracing them until I couldn't feel them anymore. I frowned when it felt like more branches had appeared, growing longer, etching my skin without my permission.

Had it become bigger?

I checked the time on my phone and saw that Lili and Minho had left me messages. I smiled at reading their get-well-soon-wishes and chuckled when Lili continued the rest of the message gushing about Luhan. I sighed softly to myself when I read Minho's message.

You know, I know some girls get upset when Homecoming is suspended, but I think you're the first to faint over it, he wrote with a smiley face. Take care, huh, Jae-yah? You have to get healthy before Homecoming. No matter what, I'm reserving a dance with you. X Minho.

I rolled a hand over my face to hide the blushes forming. How should I reply?

Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to ask Minho for the dance. I mean, he was kind and funny and we got along... But then I thought to what Luhan said to me, about not counting him out just yet. Would the pack... would they want me to ask them? What did I want? I couldn't even begin to make a decision. I couldn't very well ask all of them to the dance now could I? The thought alone made me chuckle, shaking my head. I was presuming that they'd say yes if I asked them, and I wasn't sure whether that would be the case at all. They could all go with any girl they wanted to. I'd be lying if I said that the idea didn't bother me, but I was also realistic to know that boys will be boys and there were a lot of beautiful girls in the school that they could go to the dance with.

Ugh, what are you doing, Jae? Why are you even thinking about this?

Taking another deep, relaxing breath, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to rest.

If this is what you call resting...

My sleep was light and disrupted by flashing images that made my head spin. I couldn't find any rest, no peace of mind, and top it all off, I fully awoke with a start after having the sensation that I was falling.

My entire body seemed to have been covered by a sheen of sweat. The blankets had fallen from the bed and I was covered in darkness. I felt like I was having a fever. I felt hot and cold at the same time, my dizziness making the room spin and my heart beat like I had been running a marathon.

Come on, Jae, pull yourself together...

I winced when I swung my legs over the bed, my shoulder seeming to cry out bloody murder as soon as I moved. "Ack! What the-?"

I looked down on my shoulder and startled when it looked like the branches had started to reach to my neck. Holy crap! This did not look good at all.

"Ow...shit," I cussed, trying not to touch it as I ran my hand through my messy hair. Trying to recover, I still groggily grabbed my phone to check the time and nearly fell off the bed.

"Oh, come on!" I yelled, seeing that I was late for meeting with the boys. I snatched my backpack from the floor and was about to run off, when I was reminded that my parents were probably home. I snuck past their bedroom and ran out the door. The night's air felt like a blast of cold air against my flushed skin and I shivered, but continued running.

As I ran, I grabbed my phone to text them, feeling absolutely peeved that I overslept.

I'm a little late - sorry! I'm on my way!

I panted as I continued running, thankful for my wolf senses to take over as it was strangely foggy tonight. I managed to run my way through the dark, clouded paths, trusting my instincts to guide me. However, in my less than healthy state and neverending grace, I still managed to trip over my own feet and fall over. Expecting my fall to be broken by the forest floor, I was once again surprised at my elegance as I rolled down the steep hill.

This time, as I landed with a thud amongst the moist mist and damp earth, I couldn't get up immediately. My vision was blurred, and amongst the grey swirls of fog, I thought I saw hints of green float by. My body was sore and I was seriously reconsidering meeting the guys.

Ah, what's wrong with me?

My muscles trembled and spasmed when I tried to get up and eventually, I lost the battle. That's when the panic and fear settled in. I lost my backpack while tumbling down, but I managed to grab my phone from my pocket. I gasped when I caught sight of my arm. The black branches from my shoulder had traveled down to occupy my arm and hand.

"Oh my God," I breathed, inspecting it and yelping in alarm when I saw that the branches were still growing, still moving. Still trying to keep things together, I started calling for an ambulance, when I froze and lost complete control over my body. My body spasmed while I helplessly tried to regain myself. "Ah!" I cried out, feeling like I was slowly being cut open with a knife, the sensation causing me to throw a fit. My face was wet with tears and sweat, and no matter how I moved or turned, the pain wouldn't go away.

It wasn't until I felt like vomiting that I got to my hands and knees, but even then I collapsed, trying to breathe. It was so hard too breathe...

Panting heavily, I noticed a silhouette approaching, waving the mist away. Thank goodness, maybe it's one of the guys...

I narrowed my eyes, hoping to see who it was. I blinked. Kris? Luhan?

"S-Sehun? Is that- is that y-you?" I asked, trying to get up, but failing. "I- I think I need some help," I tried to chuckle, but all that came out was a whimper.

I looked at the silhouette as it steadily approached me, but was too late to realize that whoever was coming towards me, was not one of the boys. That became painfully clear when the scent of burning wood wafted my way and numbed my senses.

"Oh, darling, you look like you need more than just a little help," a feminine voice purred as hazel green eyes came into sight.

"Y-you! How- I mean, w-why are you h-here?" I stammered, every attempt I made to move away, failing.

"Shh, shh," she hushed, placing her finger against her ruby lips. "Everything will be alright, I promise," her eyes lit up briefly, a fanged smile gracing her face.

"What-," I took a sharp breath of air, still trying to move away. "What did you do to me?"

"Shh, there, there," she whispered, starting to hum as she brushed the hair from my face. "From deep within my heart," she sang, "I infected you..." she giggled while I felt worse by the second, slipping away into unconsciousness, the pain becoming too much to bear.

"Your entire body is trembling, the poison has already spread from your head to your toes...But don't try to fight it."

"Enjoy this kind of stimulation. So happy. I can't stop..."

"Too much- it's you, my love...An overdose."

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