~ Chapter Forty-Seven: Reflection Pt. II ~
"What? But...how?"
Poor Tao had been asked the same question for about six times, seven now, but he still diligently tried to explain that he didn't know the answer, though he was convinced that he and I had the same power. Like, what even-?
"But, how?!" I repeated, because try as I may, those were the only words my mouth was able to produce right now. I watched Tao push a frozen Sehun into the bushes, covering him with foliage for good measure and poking Luhan's cheek because he felt like it.
"Noona, I told you before, I don't know," he replied calmly, though the smile on his face emanated his excitement, a feeling that I wasn't quite feeling myself at this moment. "All I know is that when I work my magic, everything and everyone freezes on the spot, unless I don't want them to. But you're here. You're with me. I always thought it was just me," he stated, his eyes shimmering with mirth as he approached me.
"But, but- wait," I placed my hand on my forehead, letting the cogwheels spin to process all of this. "You... You can freeze things in place?"
"I can manipulate time, noona," Tao was more than happy to elaborate and proud to boast about it. "I stopped time, just for a while, though. The others won't know," he stood next to a gaping, shock-faced Suho, leaning casually against him as though he were a mere statue- which, I suppose, he technically was at the moment.
I must've looked like a gaping blowfish myself, opening my mouth and closing it again when words simply refused to leave my lips. I sank unto the bench I'd been sitting on with Minho, still trying to make sense of it all. I was like Tao? Was that my mysterious power of which I had no idea of? Granted, I was somewhat of a scatterbrain when it came to time-related things and I suppose I got déja vu more often than not, but still...
"Time manipulation?" I questioned again, following Tao with my eyes as he came to sit next to me.
"Time manipulation," Tao confirmed in a soft, but determined voice, as though he was trying to prevent me from freaking out even more. "It's really cool, noona!" he then added quickly, the soft, mature voice instantly breaking away for the childlike enthusiasm that errupted from his vocal chords. "Time stops for as long as I can hold on, but I don't stop it too long because I don't know what the consequences are and Suho-hyung and Kris-ge won't let me find out- but still! It's very useful when I've forgotten to do my homework, or when I need more time or when I just want to mess with people," he confesses with a chuckle.
"Whoa, hold on! Does this mean that you've stopped the earth from turning? Like, how would this even work?" I stared at him in amazement, while being in absolute disbelief that a clumsy blockhead like myself would be able to do something similar. It wasn't possible. I saw a flash of future disaster in my mind's eye, seeing myself sneezing and suddenly break the universe for not knowing how to unfreeze time. It was a not a pretty picture.
"I guess you could say something like that, but maybe if you tried it yourself you would know. It's a matter of choosing the precise time loops and locking it in place," he muttered. "There are billions of different time loops for billions of different people, you see. So, basically it's kind of like grabbing hold of a sequence of time strings and encrypting it just for the moment - hacking into it, if you will-, at the right place, for the right time and the right people that you've locked on," he smiled brightly at me as if his explanation just made perfect sense. Though the only thing it told me was that I was starting to understand how these twelve guys are geniuses where science is concerned. To me, his brilliant words of smart translated into soft crickets chirping.
"Go on, noona, try it!" he then urged, but I quickly shook my head.
"I really shouldn't, I just-," I stopped as I looked past him to Minho and the police officer he had found and dragged along. It was eerie to see everything so still and frozen. Usually I could hear the wind blowing past, a bird whistling in the distance, or a dog barking. But now, there was nothing. The world had stopped moving - literally -, and it seemed that only Tao and I were able to witness it. But why me? What made me so different that I wasn't affected by his powers? The question made me look at my hands in hesitation. I've small hands, far too small in my opinion to be able to carry the weight of the responsibility that a power like this brings along with it.
"You have to look hard at first, but once you focus, you can actually see it. People's time loop," Tao says next to me, watching me as I was looking at my hands.
"This is a little strange..." I started, wondering what else lay in store for me. "Does this mean that you can speed up time or go back in time as well?" I then asked, my curiosity piqued.
Tao smiled shyly before he shook his head. "I don't think so, noona. Though, in all fairness, I've never really tried. I'm pretty sure that I'd be breaking all kinds of laws of nature and everyone else is already telling me to be careful when I use my power... I guess I'm a little nervous to try it, but at the same time I don't really want to. If it works the way I think it works, it would mean that I'd be the only one who would be aware of the world going further into the future or going back into the past," a frown graced his face. He wasn't looking at me anymore. Instead, he was watching his brothers a look of lament masking his face.
"Must be kind of weird, being able to do all of this while others can't see it," I spoke softly, since I could sense the solemn mood he was in and he nodded, quietly humming in assent. I couldn't imagine Tao using his powers often. I felt uncomfortable sitting quietly in a quiet, unmoving world, and something told me that Tao wasn't a person for solitude either. He looked bummed enough knowing that this was something he couldn't always share with his brothers, unless at the expense of his own energy.
"But now it doesn't have to be weird anymore," Tao interjected, the look of contemplation melting away due to the beaming smile that broke through. "Since noona has now witnessed the awesomeness that is my power! Or, I guess it's our power," he winked with a grin.
I chuckled and prodded my fingers together. "I'm not sure whether that is the case, Tao," I tried carefully. Admittedly, it was a bit too much of a coincidence that I was exempt from the effect of his abilities, but at the same time, I didn't feel any different. Someone who suddenly had the capability to manipulate time surely had to have some kind of change going on, right?
"Oh, but it has to be, noona. Trust me, I can feel it," he argued in all seriousness, grabbing my shoulder gently.
"You can feel it?" I asked a little skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Really, noona! I've never been so sure in my life before! You can feel it, too, can't you?" he persisted and I had to admit that he was rather cute in trying to persuade me. Maybe it was because of his determined behavior, not a hint of playfulness about him at all.
"I'm sorry, Tao, but I don't feel anything particular," I frowned a little as I caught sight of Luhan and rubbed the hand he had firmly gripped before.
You can't feel this?
Feel what?
"Don't play, noona," Tao accused me, looking genuinely peeved. "The energy is pulsating everywhere! Look at me! I haven't been able to hold on this long before and I'm perfectly fine! It has to be because of you," he said and rolled his eyes when I blankly stared at him in response.
"Aish, noona," he whined, reminding me that he was younger than I was. "Since you have the same power as me, it must mean that you can transfer energy to me to make me this strong. How else could you explain it?" he stated matter-of-factly, and for a moment I felt really dumb. What Tao told me did seem to be right on the money, but why was I so oblivious? It was starting to become very annoying to be the last person to know stuff.
"Come on, let's get everyone out of this mess and then I get to brag to the others that you and I are the same," he stated, bouncing to his feet and helping me get in position. I was still registering what he said when he stood behind the bushes against, stuck up his thumb at me and pursed his lips, breathing out. He then flicked his wrist like I saw him do earlier and everything came back to life, though to me, it was like I was whiplashed back into movement and I had to steady myself.
Putting on my best pokerface (which was really my worst because I don't even know how to poker), I pretended that nothing exceptional had occurred. Tao had never pulled his time-magic on the world and defied the laws of the universe. I knew nothing. Boy, I wished that really was the case- my life would be so much easier right now...
"Minho!" I called out instead when I felt the soft brush of Chen's tail against my leg.
"Jae! Hold on, we're coming!" he jogged towards me, the police officer close behind. The poor man jolted back when he saw the three wolves, still casually lingering around me.
"Holy cheesecake, wolves!" he exclaimed.
"I told you! You have to help her!" Minho urged as they approached just close enough so they wouldn't be in danger. I carefully watched the place where the others hid themselves, though I could hear Sehun's confused and bewildered muttering, only to be silenced by whom I perceived to be Tao.
Quick thinking, Tao-zi, Kris' deep voice echoed in my mind, but I kept up my fake smile when I knew that someone had to make a move here.
"Thanks for coming back so quickly," I started, swallowing, "but I'm okay, really. These wolves, they're actually pretty meek," I tried, feeling my palms become sweaty because I was pretty sure that it was a crime to lie to a police officer. My words had no meaning to the two men since one of the wolves with dark fur and chocolate accents spiked his hair and growled angrily at them.
"Meek-ish," I quickly added, though I did glare at Kai for good measure. "One of them already bolted back into the woods, there's really no harm done," I continued, hoping that this would control the situation.
"That's all fine and dandy, Miss, but I'm going to need you to remain calm and slowly try to come over to this side," the officer said. He was a bit of a pudgy guy, and balding, but he had an open face on which his emotions were easily read. Right now, he looked scared and concerned for my safety.
This time, it was D.O. that growled softly, stepping forward as though he wanted to prevent me from leaving.
What do you think you're doing? I asked, knowing that the smaller wolf could hear me.
Why should we leave? D.O. retorted, his eyes flashing towards me briefly before he directed his gaze at the two other humans present, licking his lips in a way that would easily intimidate them.
"Just come over this way, Miss, slowly and quietly," the police officer instructed again, keeping his eyes on the wolves at all times. Minho had paled and looked on helplessly. I felt so guilty...
Will you just go before that cop reaches for his radio to call for backup? I got this, okay?
Granted, I wasn't at all as confident as I hoped I sounded, but getting their cooperation on this was the only way to not raise any suspicion.
When the officer repeated his instructions to me again, I decided to play dumb and attempted to make a step forward. I looked at Kai. Growl, I told him, but he didn't seem to understand. Just do it, I pleaded.
Dishing out orders are we, noona? he spoke defiantly and I felt the urge to roll my eyes at him while I took another slow step forward.
Like this, Kai! Chen jumped in front of me, though he directed himself towards Minho and the cop, startling the heck out of them.
"Ah, it's okay, it's okay!" I immediately said and chuckled. "See? I guess they like me, or something," I shrugged, feeling like an idiot for having to pretend to play the innocent, clueless girl. "I think they'll go away if we don't do anything."
"Don't be ridiculous, Jae, they're wolves," Minho protested, looking like he's about to get nervous breakdown. "Please, just get over here," he urged.
"How?" I acted, pointing at Chen, who got the signal and stayed put where he was.
"Go around it," the officer then suggested, but when I moved to the side, D.O. was there, blocking the way.
"What in the world...?" the cop scratched the top of his balding head as Kai mirrored D.O.'s movement. Standing in the middle of a wolf-triangle, I shrugged my shoulders.
"What do I do now?" I asked the man, but he wasn't sure either. After an awkward moment of silence, I then looked at Chen. "You should go now," I told him out loud, making him tilt his head at me, probably wondering what the heck I was doing.
"Jae, that really doesn't work, they're not pets, they're vicious animals!" Minho exclaimed with all the right intentions, but I chose to ignore him for now.
"Thank you for greeting me, but home is waiting for you," I spoke to Chen as though he were my personal puppy dog and finally he seemed to get what I was doing. He blinked a few times at me before opening his mouth, his tongue sticking out of the side for a bit and then pretended he heard something coming from the vicinity of the woods and walked away.
"There you go," I stated, pretending to be happy and endeared by the wolf obeying my command. Minho and the officer were gawking at me when I bent down at the last two wolves. "You should follow your friend," I spoke gently. "It was nice meeting you," I added, again, pretending that they were pets. Kai nearly left immediately, but D.O. lingered a little longer to make it more believable and finally disappeared.
I let out a sigh of relief before turning to the two men. "There. Harmless," I said with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes because of the nervousness that was pumping through my body right now.
"What in the world did I just witness? Can any of you kids tell me that?" the officer questioned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Young lady, do you realize how dangerous that just was and how unbelievably lucky you are? That could've ended very badly, you know!" he immediately scolded as soon as I was standing close enough in front of him.
"I know," I winced, not at all hard for me to play guilty. "I'm sorry, but they were actually very playful. I didn't think they meant to hurt me, however strange that may sound," I chuckled anxiously.
"Whatever the case, I'm happy it's over. You kids should know better than to wonder off in the park so close to the woods like this. We share this island with wolves, you know. Minho, I hold you responsible for this one, since this young lady is obviously a new neighbor, so please, take your safety into consideration next time," he continued his derision and the two of us had the decency to take all of it.
"And you, Miss-?"
"Miyano, Jae-In Miyano," I introduced, shaking his hand.
"Miss Miyano, be more careful next time. Wolf whisperer or not, I guarantee you that the next time you might not be so lucky," he said firmly.
"We'll be more careful, officer Deepak," Minho then promised, looking immensely relieved. "Thank you," he bowed and I followed suit.
"Yeah, yeah, no problem, kids," he waved. "Just be careful, alright? Miss Miyano, do you need any further assistance? Want me to take you to the doctor, or anything? Are you hurt?"
"Oh, no, thank you, I'm fine, really," I quickly declined and the officer nodded.
"Good. Well, then since there's nothing left for me to do, I wish you a good day and stay out of the woods, are we clear?"
"Yes, sir," we both chimed and greeted officer Deepak as he left. As soon as he was out of hearing range, Minho grabbed his chest and heaved out a very deep sigh.
"Oh my God! Jae! Seriously?! You are one crazy girl, do you know that?" he laughed and sighed out of relief. "What just happened?" he asked in disbelief, shaking his head. "What did you do to make those beasts listen to you? That was actually pretty amazing," he complimented.
Did this snotty brat just call us 'beasts'?! Kai spat, startling me.
"Whoa, hey there...Are you alright?" Minho caught my little jump and worriedly glanced at me. I blinked and saw his face close to mine. One of his hands supported me around my waist while the other rested on my shoulder.
Yah, this peasant-hyung, really! Sehun's protests were muffled, though I think that had more to do with the fact that I didn't want to hear any of their voices right now. It was way to awkward and the fact that they all more or less simultaneously voiced their discontentment made it even more uncomfortable.
"I'm good, really. Sorry about that," I tried to subtly create a bit more distance between us and Minho eventually let go of my shoulder, but his hand still rested on my waist. I don't quite know why that made me feel a little nervous. Maybe it was because I was painfully aware of the dozen pair of eyes staring at our every move. Nah, don't be ridiculous, Jae, that's not it at all! It's completely normal to have twelve guys watch you interact with another guy, totally fine! ... Can you smell the sarcasm?
"Hey, listen, Minho," I started, biting my lip and wincing a little at him. "I really hate to do this, but, um, do you think it'll be alright if we raincheck on this? I guess I'm still a bit rattled and I'm not really sure if I can focus on the movie and such, since this just happened. I mean, I'm physically fine-"
Yes, you are. VERY fine...
I nearly bit my tongue. Who was that?! I demanded, but it became suspiciously quiet. Ugh! Not funny!
I cleared my throat. "But, eh, I need some-," my stomach twisted itself into a tiny knot, "time," I finished. Controlling myself in order to not look at where I knew Tao was hiding. "So, I think I'm just gonna go home for now. I'm sorry," I apologized since I could see the disappointment on his face, even though he was smiling.
"No, that's alright, I totally understand. I'm still shaking a bit myself," Minho said sweetly. "We can reschedule though, right?"
"Oh yeah, for sure!" I promised him, nodding my head.
"Great, that's good," he answered, looking relieved. "Hey, do you want me to walk you home? It's really no trouble," he offered.
"Oh, well, actually," I trailed off, not liking the fact that have to reject him twice in a row.
That's right, you tell him, girl. Send him away, shoo! Annyeong, goodbye, adios, buddy!
Luhan, really? I accused, only quickly looking over to their hiding spot and seeing a pair of doe-eyes peek out from a thicket of bushes.
Sorry, he apologized, before diving back down, out of sight.
"Thanks, Minho, but I live nearby and I know you live on the other side of town. Don't worry about me, I'll call my mom and have her pick me up." Geez, it was becoming worrying how easy it was becoming for me to lie to people. I did not like that new ability.
"Alright, alright. Just promise me to be careful, huh?" he told me with a smile.
"Definitely, and thanks again for understanding, I really am sorry," I wanted him to see that I was being very serious about that, but Minho seemed to have realized it.
"Don't worry about it. We'll reschedule," he said easily. "Hey, I'll see you tomorrow right?"
"For sure," I nodded and smiled.
"Good," Minho let go then and started to walk backwards. "Hug?" he asked playfully, his arms already outstretched, ready to receive me in his embrace. I laughed as I gave him a quick hug, but in my head and from the bushes, I was reminded that we were being watched.
Minho pulled away in a jolt, looking around. "What was that?" he asked, startled.
"What was what?" Oh, I should get an Oscar.
"That growling. You didn't hear it? It was all gutteral and stuff," he explained, looking around.
"I'm pretty sure that you just heard the wind, Minho, otherwise I'd hear it too, right?" Seriously. Bring me my Oscar.
"Yeah, I- uh- I guess you're right," he nodded absently, still scanning the area for anything suspicious. My heart thundered in my chest when he glanced over the twelve's hidingspot, but he didn't seem to have found anything that intrigued him. "Okay then. Weirdness," he chuckled. "So, I'll see you at school," he greeted.
"See you there," I replied, watching him leave, though his footsteps appeared to be heavy.
"Be careful," he added. "I mean it!"
"I'll be careful, don't worry," I shouted back, waving at him until he was out of sight. At this point, I let out an exasperated groan while sinking on my knees. Was I a horrible person? Someone tell me I'm a horrible person because I need to hear it so that I can stop being a horrible person.
"Ah, finally!" Chanyeol stretched himself elaborately when he emerged from the bushes. "I thought he was never going to leave."
"Good riddance," D.O. said quietly, making sure that Minho had left.
"Good riddance?" I repeated, looking at him in disbelief. "Good riddance? No, that is not good riddance, good riddance would be if you were the ones that left and never followed me around in the first place!" I reminded him and even though D.O. looked to be shrinking away at hearing my words, he only made a dismissive gesture.
"We're much better company than him anyway, Jae. I would've at least offered to wait with you instead of leaving you alone in the park like this- the exact same spot where fearsome 'beasts' approached you, might I add," he retaliated, though he sounded more fierce than he usually did. Must be because of transforming into a wolf.
"Well, maybe that was Luhan that did the talking," I answered, placing my hands on my hips as I looked at the young man in question. Luhan's doe-eyes widened further, a look of innocence emanating from his face.
"I didn't do anything. This was all on you and him, Jae," he swore.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, be that as it may, I've far more important and fun things to announce. Forget about Minho-hyung for a moment, that's nothing compared to my news," Tao, who had obviously been holding his enthusiasm bottled up, sprang from behind a tree and looked at his curious brothers.
They followed his every move when he came to stand next to me. "Jae-noona and I are meant to be!" he suddenly announced with an amused smile on his face.
"WHAT?!" came the unison reply and I'd be lying if I said that the one-worded question hadn't flown from my lips as well.
Tao's signature shrill laughter rang in the air. "Ha, your faces!" he pointed out before continuing. "I just recently found out that Jae-noona and I have the same power! Just now, when you were in trouble, I froze time, just for a few moments and even though everything else had stopped, Jae-noona hadn't. I didn't even do anything! She was just there, moving along like I could. Isn't this great? She's the same as me!" he broadcasted in a quick string of sentences, prompting the first reply of the others to be, yet, again,
"Wha-wha-whoa- what?" Suho stammered, frowning at us. "She's- you, huh? How is that even possible?"
"It's not, because Tao is lying," Luhan suddenly interjected, looking less than amused and very serious.
"I'm not lying, Lu-ge, why would I? Jae-noona is like me, you can ask her!" he said and expectantly looked at me. "Tell them, noona," he urged.
"Well, it's true that his power didn't seem to have an effect on me, but I'm not entirely sure whether I can actually do the same things as he does," I told the astonished brothers.
"See? Told you I wasn't lying," Tao said to a disgruntled and confused-looking Luhan. He shook his head.
"Be that as it may, the two of you couldn't possibly be the same," he persisted and it was starting to become a little suspicious.
"Why not?" Tao demanded to know, and I was curious to see what kind of answer Luhan had. He approached me, playing with a pair of sunglasses in his hands. My sunglasses.
"Because," he said softly, handing me the sunglasses back, our fingers brushing against each other. "Jae is like me," he announced in a gentle voice, his sparkling eyes never looking away from me. Not even when my own eyes widened and I exclaimed out of shock.
The brothers filled the air with questions and I was none the wiser either. To the side I could see Lay, watching the whole interaction like an observant spectator. "Wah," he said, "it's like a Korean drama," he mused, leaning against a nearby tree before sitting down and leaning against the bark.
"Alright, everyone be quiet!" Suho ordered before pointing at Tao and Luhan. "You two, start explaining," he demanded.
"Before I called Xiumin, I'd spoken to Jae," Luhan explained first. "She didn't felt it, probably wasn't even aware that anything was going on, but she heard my thoughts when I always put up my defenses. I'm not sure what happened but I felt like I was connected to her," he said, glancing at me. "The energy was beyond words to describe. I felt like I could conquer the world if I wanted to. I felt strong. Stable. Good," he said, his brothers hanging on his every word. "Because of you," he winked and I felt the flush spread out like a fan over my face.
"That's what I felt, too!" Tao then interrupted, almost stomping his feet. "When I froze time, I didn't focus on anything else which is why everything had stopped moving. Or I thought it had. Jae-noona hadn't frozen either, even though she was supposed to like the rest of you. Moreover, you know how exhausted I get for stopping the time for just three minutes, right? I didn't feel any kind of exhaustion at all and we were there for about ten, maybe fifteen minutes? I felt nothing but strength and happiness, and that it was only because Jae-noona gave me the energy to do so because she's the same as me," Tao concluded, but everyone else had gone quiet. What were they thinking about?
"So, Jae, you can do both? Read minds and manipulate time?" Suho asked.
I shook my head. "I don't think I can do any of that. To be honest, I don't even know what I am supposed to be able to do around here in general."
"Maybe Jae-noona is some kind of power-drug?" Baekhyun suggested with a funny look on his face. "Easy to get addicted to."
"And overdose on," Chanyeol joked.
"Reflection," Kai suddenly mumbled begrudgingly. As usual, he was standing farthest away from me, that scowl-y look on his face, arms crossed over his chest.
"What was that, Kai?" Kris asked and the young man looked up at the sudden attention, clearing his throat.
"Reflection," he stated in a stronger voice. "It's probably nothing, but, maybe..." Kai tried to explain, but he somehow seemed a bit embarrassed to have to do so. "It's this special ability that is granted to this character in the video game I've been playing."
Video game? I would not necessarily pinned Kai to be the type that played video games.
"Basically, the character, or player, itself is nothing," he continued, but why did he have to glare at me? "However, by using Reflection they not only ward off any magic that is thrown at them, they send the same kind of magic back to the person that attacked them in the first place. That link is important. Maybe that's Jae-noona's power as well," he shrugged.
"What? Wouldn't that mean that I can do what all of you can do? That's preposterous, I can't do any of that," I said.
"Can't you? Have you tried?" Luhan asked. "You were in my head without you even making an effort and were there without my permission, may I add. Trust me when I say that is not an easy feat."
"B-b-but," I didn't know what to say. Reflection? Really?
"Wow, Jae-noona! We have to try it out together soon! Hey, let's make it tonight! We can go to a super secret, hidden spot where no one can see us and try it out!" Chen suggested cheerfully.
As the brothers started speaking and discussing amongst each other, I felt like the confused little runt of the pack, still trying to make sense of it all, my voice lost in the crowd.
Reflection, huh? I looked at my small hands again, wondering what it meant to have found out what kind of power you possibly could possess. Apparently I made people stronger. Luhan and Tao can attest to that. But could I also do what they do?
The link is important, Kai had said. What link?
Can't you feel this? Luhan asked me in desperation, tightening the grip he has on my hand.
Noona, you can feel it, can't you? Tao questioned me. Was that it? Did I have to be connected to another person to be able to do what they can? That's just- just so... freaking awesome... and, of course totally worrying and wrong and illegal somewhere, probably, but still...so freaking awesome!
"Ah!" I startled when a bolt of lightning flashed by out of the blue and a steady, fierce cloud covered the blue sky like a blanket. Talk about a sudden weather change.
"Whoa!" the wind had suddenly picked up and I, caught by surprise, lost my balance and bumped against Baekhyun and Xiumin, who quickly held me to prevent me from falling.
"Yah, Sehunnie, this isn't funny!" Baekhyun complained, but the maknae looked around in a dazed and confused fashion, though the wind didn't appear to touch him at all.
"It's not me, hyung," he answered, amazed. "This wind has a mind of its own."
I flinched upon hearing the loud roar of thunder, almost making it sound as though the sky had split in two.
"Chen," Kris warned.
"I'm not doing this, hyung," Chen swore, lifting his hands up defensively to show that he was unarmed.
"What the hell is going on?" I heard Xiumin utter as he and Baekhyun did their best to shield me from the sudden storm. I kept looking at my small hands. Was it true? Were my powers awakened?
But, I thought, as we ran through the pouring rain to get some shelter, what else woke up with it?
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