~ Chapter Forty-Four: Dark Developments ~

If Ryo had a clue on what a hectic day it was going to be, he would've stayed home. Who would've thought that after the weekend so many developments have been made at the office? It wasn't because people were working overtime. At least then he would've understood and he would've been kept updated by his employees. No, the chaotic atmosphere had nothing to do with their work per se, rather, it were strange and unusual readings that threw off most of the scientific departments, making people believe that the data and computer systems were corrupted. If such a thing would occur, Ryo would have to put a hold on every single project and department and send people home until things were sorted out, and that did not bode well for the company.

He knew there was a reason why he hated Mondays when his phone and tablet kept notifying him of messages and alerts from various employees from various departments. It wasn't helping that his wife was sending text messages in between as well, telling him to pick up some groceries on his way home and how his day was going. The last message nearly gave him a heart attack when she asked, "Do you think we should be responsible parents and buy Jae some contraceptives? Just in case? xoxo!"

Honestly, he loved the woman to death, but it was doing nothing for his blood pressure.

I'd rather buy a gun and shoot whoever dares come near my daughter. How's that for a contraceptive?

It was the only message he replied to before turning off his phone and telling his secretary that he was only available through her. Right now he only had enough energy to focus on his job, if he allowed the stress and turmoil of having a teenage daughter and overly excited and concerned wife to cloud his mind, he might as well just admit himself into the hospital.

Ryo checked all the things he had to go through and sighed deeply, trying to clear his mind and focus. "Where should I start?" he grabbed a file from the flora and fauna center, the furrow on his brow deepening when he read the collected data. For some unknown reason, plants were withering and dying under strange and unnatural circumstances. The insects showed strange behaviors and died soon as well, while there was no reason for them to do so. They'd have to start their research anew. Ryo clacked his tongue when he grabbed another file, this one detailing the sudden change of the purity of the aquarium, causing many of the tropical fish and coral reef life to become polluted. This Ryo could perhaps explain that it was due to the aquarium malfunctioning in itself, but when he read the report of the maintenance staff, they could find nothing wrong with the system. What was going on around here?

The autopsy reports indicate that cause of death was not due to pollution or poisoning of any kind. It simply appeared as though the life force was depleted from the creatures.

"How is life force depleted from living organisms? That makes no sense," Ryo muttered to himself, going through more files. Putting them all together, it was like he was gazing at one natural disaster after another, except that they were highly unnatural since there was no explanation. Or was there? He glanced at the safe in his office, where he had kept the strange dagger for safekeeping.

"Whoa!" Ryo jolted in his seat when the phone rang and he answered it, his hand on his chest. "Ryo here."

"Sir, you've a call from the biotech department. Shall I forward it?" his secretary asked.

"Yeah, connect me. Thank you," Ryo said, waiting. Not a moment later, he heard a familiar voice.

"Sir, am I interrupting?"

"Not at all, Dee, now is as good as any time," Ryo sighed. "Talk to me."

"Uh, well, sir... I think you should come over." It only took him now to realize that Dee was whispering.

"What's going on?" he asked, standing up already.

"It's about the security systems, sir," the youth whispered. "It's- uh, a certain Miss is here as well. Come quickly," Dee urged and a voice sounded in the background. The line was disconnected then. Ryo sighed, containing his frustration and ran to get to the biotech department. He was seriously getting sick of those security systems now and Miss Kumiho wasn't all that far down on the frustration list either. She didn't stay in the weekend, did she?

When Ryo arrived at the biotech department, a small crowd had gathered and Ryo had to gently push his way forward. Miss Kumiho was standing there, a group of men in black suits - which Ryo had never met before - lifting something that looked like an upgraded version of the security system they had been working on. Dee caught sight of him and gestured at the CEO to his lab. Ryo quickly moved before Miss Kumiho could notice him.

"What the hell is going on in this department, Dee?" he lashed out, though his annoyance was actually directed at the young woman who was overseeing the unpacking of the new system, which he, by the way, had not given the okay to do so.

"I don't know, sir. Miss Kumiho showed up about five minutes ago, giving us her congratulations because we managed to finish the security systems that would help fend the territory of the farmers of Hanwol and help tag the wolves on the island. I was so confused because by my knowledge, we weren't even that far ahead yet," Dee explained, looking a bit distressed himself.

"What?!" Ryo blurted out, feeling the anger boiling inside of him. "Under whose authority did she do so?"

"I assumed it was under yours, sir, but seeing your reaction, I'm thinking that's not the case," Dee said cautiously, biting his lip. "She said that the new system had new enhancements and such, and I got a bad feeling about it, so I called you," he shrugged.

"This is unbelievable," Ryo shook his head, feeling like he's had enough. "Thanks for the warning, Dee." He patted the young man on the shoulder and headed out of the lab to confront Miss Kumiho. Where did she get the audacity?!

"Miss Kumiho, may I have a word in private with you?" he asked out loud, startling the employees at work, but seeing hardly a reaction from the woman herself.

"Ah, Mr. Miyano, how good of you to join us. I was just about to unravel the magnificent new security system your employees have developed under your leadership. It is quite a piece of work," she hummed in that exaggerated sweet voice of hers.

"Well, be that as it may, perhaps it could wait a moment," Ryo stated, his eye twitching since he couldn't believe that this woman could so open lie to his face. Who did she think she was?

"Ah, but it really shouldn't, sir. I've told everyone here how thrilled Mr. Yok is to finally be able to use the security systems on the island. He's very enthusiastic about this project," she announced loudly, so everyone would have to hear it and he couldn't argue with her to stop the unveiling. "You should see it yourself, sir. You'll be amazed," she then purred and gave the order for the unveiling.

Dee had come to stand next to him, a look of confusion and concern on his tanned face. Ryo was uneasy when the new security system came into view, looking nothing like the old version. This one, Ryo noted uncomfortably, looked like trees and shrubs themselves. The charged wires were disguised as vines, and it was only a little comfort to see that there was no net anymore.

"The updated system is more ecological, animal friendly and unnoticeable, so it will not take away the beauty of the natural landscape of the island. Instead of using sprays to fend them off, animals will be warned by a high frequency sound only they can hear, warning them of danger to have them leave. Tagging them will be even easier and highly efficient. Observe," she pressed a few buttons on the glass tablet she always carried around, and Ryo jumped a little at seeing one vine branch out, a long, thin needle protruding from it. One of the men in black suits had placed a plastic wolf in front of the camouflaged fence and the needle aimed itself towards the plastic creature.

Ryo flinched while Dee jumped on the spot when the needle was shot at the wolf's backside. When the needle was removed, a tiny chip was shown, which then moved under the plastic skin where it stayed.

"The animal will be safely and unknowingly tagged and protected. We'll be ready to distribute the systems to anyone who wants it," Miss Kumiho smiled at Ryo, but he didn't return it.

"Miss Kumiho, a word," he demanded.

Back in his office, Ryo took off his blazer and loosened his tie because he was ready to burst and he needed to calm himself down.

"Miss Kumiho-,"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Miyano," the woman interrupted all too suddenly, giving a bow. "I know what you're going to say and before you do, allow me to explain. After you were given the additional project of tagging the wildlife on this island, Mr. Yok asked me to relieve you of some of your duties by tending to the security system which were, indeed, rather flawed. So, I took matter into my own hands, only because he ordered me to and to help you in your job, while you could further concentrate on the Yggdrasil project," she explained, but Ryo wasn't satisfied.

"And you did all of this behind my back? There was no way for you to have informed me about any of it?" he asked, still irked.

"I didn't want to rob you of your weekend, sir. You've quality time to spend with your beautiful wife and lovely daughter," she said, looking regretful, but Ryo didn't buy into it.

"Regardless, I'm still the CEO of this company, Miss Kumiho. I don't appreciate you going behind my back and taking over projects that I'm responsible for. Personal liaison to Mr. Yok or not, I don't want you meddling in my business from now on. Is this clear? You work here from nine to five and not a minute longer. I only want to see you work on the Yggdrasil project and nothing more, unless I explicitly ask you to. Do we have an understanding?"

"Mr. Miyano, you must understand-,"

"No, you must understand that everything in this company is my responsibility. Every project in this company must be approved and authorized by me, and no one else. I don't know how you got those systems to work the way they do so fast, but you just swept the rug underneath the feet of hardworking, decent employees and I can't stand for that kind of work ethic. I know Mr. Yok is enthusiastic about the Hanwol branch. I know that he's a man that wishes to see results as soon as possible, but I'll not have you take over in such a way. I run this company. And if you disagree with the way I run things, feel free to report to Mr. Yok. Until I hear a response from him, we do things my way," Ryo stated definitively.

Miss Kumiho twitched a smile his way before bowing. "I understand completely, sir," she stood perfectly straight, glancing at him. Ryo looked back at the woman with jet black hair, pale skin and ruby lips, her tiger-like eyes shining emerald in the light. He thought briefly what a shame it was for a woman as beautiful as her to have such an unattractive personality.

"If I may say one more thing, sir, I couldn't help but notice that things have seem to become rather awry around here. There's talk of corrupted data and non-functional computer systems, poor plants and creatures dying inexplicitly. Whether it is my place or not, I am rather concerned by these dismal developments, sir," she pouted a little to show how concerned she was.

"It's like the world turned upside down after the weekend," Ryo commented a little coolly. "But nothing that we can't fix," he stated confidently. "Will that be all, Miss Kumiho?"

"Of course, sir. And yes," she bowed and walked towards the door. Abruptly she stopped and turned on her heels. "It's the oddest thing," she uttered ever so softly. Ryo thought he didn't have enough patience for this woman anymore, but he decided to hear her out this time, considering that it was probably the first time that she showed a genuine emotional reaction.

"What is, Miss Kumiho?" he didn't care that he sounded a bit exasperated.

"These happenings, odd, inexplicable manifestations of flora and fauna withering away, water pollution... they've happened before, at other branches. It's strange that they would occur briefly after Mr. Yok paid them a visit," she mused, lost in thought. She blinked rapidly, looking a little bewildered. "Sorry, I mean, I don't mean to speak ill of my superior, of course, but it just occurred to me what a strange coincidence it is." A silence fell between them while Ryo tried to see whether she was feigning this or whether she was speaking in earnest. It was the first time he recognized something human about her.

"Good luck, sir. I shall be around, should you change your mind and have need of me," she then said with another bow before leaving him alone.

Ryo sank into his seat, his hand covering his mouth and chin, shaking his head. He really hated Mondays.


Miss Kumiho walked away through the quiet hallways, heading down to the security room. If she was feeling anxious, she wasn't showing it. When her phone rang, she wasn't the bit surprised.

"Yes? Hello, sir," she paused, listening to her master's voice before smiling an actual smile, her green eyes gleaming.

"I'm positive, sir. I'm getting the footage as we speak. You'll find this fascinating," she moved to the security footage after sending the on-duty employee away. She clicked on the new footage and watched as highly organized wolves flashed across the screen.

"There's thirteen now, sir. Have no worries, the new security systems will be installed soon and when they do, there'll be nowhere our little wolves will be able to run to. They'll be yours," she purred, imagining the smirk on his face. She nodded at hearing her employer's instructions.

"It's already beginning. All of it depends on the fool CEO to unlock the dagger. Until then, please try to control your ravenous appetite. We wouldn't want the world ending before he's managed to uncover all the secrets, now do we?" she laughed as she ran her fingers over the screen, showing a particularly stunning white wolf with glowing eyes, smiling devilishly.

I know who you are, little one...

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