~ Chapter Fifty-Five: ...And Onto Thin Ice ~

"You what?!"

I stared at my mother in dumbfounded awe as she hummed over the stove, flipping the pages of a cookbook, looking like the perfect housewife.

"Oh, come now, Jae, I'm sure this doesn't need such a dramatic tone," she said, while I kept following her with my eyes as she prepared dinner. Perhaps it was my wolf-senses tingling, but I could feel the tension and stress coming off my mother, even though she looked so calm, poised and in control. I wasn't quite sure what had happened during the day. All I knew was that I didn't want my parents seeing me sneak into the house, or see me off to school. It felt really wrong avoiding my father in particular like this, but I couldn't face him just yet.

In retrospect, he wasn't the only person I had trouble facing. I went to school as though it was any other day, except I made sure to stay away from the Majestic Twelve - well, Eleven. Lay had called in sick, probably to recover after last night's ordeal. Guess I didn't do such a good job in healing him after all. They tried to catch my attention at school, but I managed to avoid them until the end of the day. I didn't hover. I grabbed my things from my locker and scooted out of the building before anyone would even notice that I had already gone away. Honestly, staying away from them was more or less the only thing I could think of to cope with everything that had happened so far. I mean, how does a person go about their business after witnessing their friend actually getting shot by their father? Did I feel guilty? Yes. Was I responsible? Yes. And it sucked. A lot.

Keeping my distance from them didn't work out the way I had planned though. I kept telling myself that this was the better option, so they would stay safe, but it sucked not talking to them or being near them. Must be one of the downsides of belonging to a pack. It had hardly been a day, but I missed them. I really did try my best to stay away, but as soon as school was over, my phone started vibrating non-stop. It started with Luhan, sending me texts, voicing his concern. Suddenly, Kris sent a text and even tried to call me. Not soon after, Suho began sending messages as well, and it didn't surprise me afterwards that the others followed suit. My first instinct was to reply to all of them, but the rational side of me was telling me to ignore them. You don't want a repeat performance of last night do you? That white wolf is after you. And you know how she looks like now.

A deep sigh escaped my lips when another notification buzzed in. I lifted my eyebrows when I saw that it came from D.O. This was the first message he'd sent me.

Are you okay, Jae? Please tell me that you're not contemplating on a date for Homecoming like Sehun is telling everybody. You're above that. - D.O.

I snorted at the text. While the others had been sending texts voicing their concerns, asking me where I was and whatnot, D.O. sent me something- well, very typically D.O. I bit my lip. Don't do it, Jae. Don't pull them in when you've pulled out...

Damn it.

Homecoming? I would think you would know me better than that! Don't worry, I'm fine.

I added an emote for good measure and put my phone away. I jumped a little at seeing my mother grinning at me. Had she been watching? Creepy...

"I've been meaning to ask how your boyfriend was doing," she started teasing. "But it seems like you're doing well. I can hear your phone buzzing from here, baby."

"Mom, are we seriously going to go over this again? I don't have a boyfriend," I sighed.

"No, indeed you don't. According to your father you might have twelve! What, one dimpled cutie wasn't enough, sweetie?" she poked my cheek but I felt a little nauseous when the faint echo of a gun firing into the night sounded in my mind. I kept quiet while sitting on the bar stool at the kitchen island. My mom started cooking dinner when she suddenly turned towards me like someone who had just discovered that peanutbutter and jam was a match made in heaven and clasped her hands together in delight. Trouble.

"Jae, baby," she started and that was my cue to leave.

"Whatever it is, Mom, the answer is no. Bye!" I groaned when she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back.

"Baby, why don't you invite one of your twelve friends to come over for tomorrow's little dinner party? Then you won't be so alone or bored. I think your father's coworker is bringing a date as well, so it'll be somewhat of a triple date!" she squealed, suddenly very excited.

And that brings us back to why she would suggest such an outrageous thing. For whatever reason, she visited Dad's office today and came home suddenly playing housewife. She cleaned the house from top to bottom to make it look like one of those houses you see in life magazines and started cooking recipes she usually only made during special occassions. When I asked what she was doing she told me how she had invited Dad's coworker for dinner, since she wanted to get to know the woman a little better. Naturally I panicked a little when she mentioned this mystery woman and lost all warmth in my body when she said the woman's name was Miss Kumiho, who looked like she'd escaped the poster of a lingerie ad. Apparently she was very attractive, had pale skin, black hair and enticing hazel green eyes.

Who fit that description, I wonder?

The mere thought of having to spend dinner with that woman after all the crap that happened last night- how 'bout no?! What if she decided to kill me in my own house?

"I don't see why I'm invited to begin with," I started on the defense. "This is a grown-up thing, right? I should be excused from it," I argued.

"Oh no you're not, young lady. I'll be needing your moral support tomorrow night so you're not going anywhere," Mom decided firmly and I blew a stray lock of hair from my face.

"If you aren't actually looking forward to this, then why did you have to invite that woman? To show her that she can't have Dad? Trust me, Mom, Dad wouldn't want her," I blurted, only because I really did not want to sit at the same table with the woman who was indirectly responsible for getting Lay shot. And directly attacking and threatening me, but hey, details. Who needs 'em?

"It's a matter of principle, sweetie. Come on, it'll be- interesting, in the least. I don't know any of the people your father works with, so this might be a good start. Plus, I get to meet one of your friends in the process, win-win," she replied.

I let out another groan. "Does Dad even know that you invited her?"

Mom scoffed, but then avoided looking me in the eyes. "I'll tell him when he gets home for dinner," she tutted.

"Oh man, can't wait to witness that conversation," I murmured before sulking again. "Please don't make me go, Mom, I really don't want to do this. You know how awkward I get around strangers, right?"

"You'll be fine, stop acting like a drama queen. It's just one dinner," she dismissed.

"But, Mom-," I halted in mid-sentence when my phone buzzed a few times. Sheesh, these boys were nothing if not persistent.

You're worried about the ghost-wolf, aren't you?

I frowned a little at the message, but couldn't help but admire the statement for being right. I thought Luhan was the mind reader, I sent to D.O. before turning my attention to Mom. "Anyway, as I was saying-," I glanced back at my phone and felt like my breath was taken away. In a good way, though simultaneously, also in a nerve-wracking way. I don't know why I felt like that. Maybe it was because there was something about D.O. since the beginning that I felt I could understand? It was difficult to explain...it was like we were somehow on the same page, or something. He just kind of knew what to say during moments that I needed to hear it.

Hey, don't insult me, I'm obviously way smarter!

I smiled at his reply, but the smile dropped as soon as I saw my mother watching me playfully. I wanted to put the phone down, but D.O. had sent something again.

Jae, you're not alone- and I don't mean that in a stalker-ish way. Just saying, we're here, me and the idiots. You don't have to figure this out by yourself.

I bit my lip. How did he know? He was always quiet and shy, especially compared to his more outspoken brothers. But I guess it was true what they said, still waters run deep, and D.O.'s instincts were right on the money.

Crap. I stared at the screen for too long and my mother officially had a grin plastered on her face that wouldn't come off even if you tried to scrub it away with sandpaper. "While you're at it, why don't you invite him for dinner tomorrow evening, hm?"

"Ha ha, very clever," I pursed my lips together. I had to give this one last shot. "Can I please not go tomorrow? I'll go have dinner in town or something."

Mom seemed to have lost her patience as well this time. She took a deep breath and set the pan down with a loud thud. "Jae, you know I never ask you much. All I'm asking you know is to support me and be there when we have dinner with these guests tomorrow. Just ask one of your friends to come join you, I'm sure one of them will agree if you tell them that you'd appreciate the support as well," she coaxed and for the first time since a very long time I saw uncertainty in my mother's eyes. She fidgeted with her apron. "She's a very attractive young woman," she mumbled and it nearly broke my heart to see her self-esteem plummet down. I watched her for a moment and walked towards her to give her a backhug. She smiled and held my arms.

"You're way more beautiful, Mom," I told her and she chuckled.

"How would you know? You haven't seen her," she smacked me playfully and I bit my lip. Whoops. Right, that's right. Mom didn't know that I knew exactly who this Miss Kumiho was. I gave a nervous giggle.

"Well, I don't have to. I already know that she got nothing on you," I said, meaning every word of it and it lifted my spirits to see her shine again.

"Oh, that was your father talking just now," she shook her head in amusement and pecked me on the cheek. "Thank you, baby. So, I can count on you, right?" she prompted optimistically.

If only she knew what had been going on these last couple of days. If only I could tell her what's been truly going on in my life. If only Mom knew that the woman she invited to our house was bad news... I never liked keeping secrets and this was exactly the reason why. Too burdensome. To know more than others without being able to tell them for their own safety while I knew too much than I wanted to know. How much would I be risking if that woman found out where I lived?

But she doesn't know. Not really.

I was hit by a sack of bricks at the sudden realization. I knew who she was, but she only saw my wolf-form! I don't know whether other wolves could smell if someone was a wolf as well or not, but I hadn't known what I was and neither did the boys. That had to count for something, right? Feeling only slightly at ease, I gave my mother another hug.

"Sure. I've got your back, Mom," I promised. Should that lady find out anyway who I was and tried to do something funny, I'll be damned sure she'd pay for it. Maybe this was better. Me being there. At least then I could keep an eye on her. Having to ask one of the guys to come over for dinner however, was not something I necessarily looked forward to. I grabbed my phone and texted D.O.

Are you guys meeting up tonight again?

I waited while he was typing his message.

Suho wanted to take things slow, considering what happened last night. We're not hunting tonight.


I bit my lip. How was I going to tell them that the woman was going to have dinner with me and my family tomorrow night and that I needed one of them to be there too? Maybe I shouldn't burden them with this. What if she starts going after them as well?

We did have plans to meet at Chanyeol's family restaurant, though. I think Lay is coming as well. He says he feels better, thanks to you. D.O. texted. Why don't you come along? Stop hiding away by yourself pretending that everything that happened was your fault. Again, you're above that.

I could literally hear D.O.'s voice speaking through the message as I read it, while I imagined his deadpan expression. I'm just not so sure what to do right now, I typed, swallowing hard while quietly retreating from the kitchen to leave Mom with her cooking. I probably shouldn't be saying all these things, but if I did have to get things off my chest, then D.O. was the person to go to. Steadfast D.O., who understood more than he let on.

I don't want to drag you into this. You say it's not my fault, but it still feels that way. It's like you guys said; everything changed the moment I stepped foot on this island. Why is that? Why can't any of you remember me? Why don't I have memories of you? Why is E.T. Corp suddenly interested in wolves? What does the ghost-wolf want with me? I confessed. It's dangerous to be around me, D.O.. I don't want any of you to get hurt, what happened to Lay- I'd do anything to turn back time and have that bullet hit me instead. Rather me than any you, seriously. I can't drag you guys further into this. I'm sorry.

I felt both relieved and tense when I tapped on the 'send' button. My anxiety grew when D.O. didn't respond. It was silent for about six minutes. Did the message come across?


I nearly dropped my phone when it continued buzzing rapidly and it took a moment for me to realize that D.O. was calling me. I gulped, my finger hovering over the reject button. Then, it tapped on the green button instead.


"Meet me in the park at eight. No wolves, no funny business, just you and me," D.O.'s voice sounded quietly, as though he was trying his best to sound confident and strong, but was too nervous to pull it off.

"D.O., I don't-,"

"Please? The park, eight o'clock," he said.

"You're not going to kidnap me or whatever, are you?" I joked and I heard him sigh.

"Just be there," he told me.

"Why, are you planning to give me a peptalk? I don't think it'll do much good, D.O., I thought this through a lot..."

"Jae," he was growling now, I could hear the rumble in the back of his throat. I tightened the grip on my phone, standing at full attention. The boys always mentioned how scary D.O. could get when he was angry, and I believe them now.

"Don't argue and just do it, okay?" he sounded a little more gentle this time.

"O-okay," I stammered in a small voice.

"Good. Oh, and Jae?"


"Don't tell the others, huh?"

I don't know why I blushed at hearing his request, but I nodded. "Okay, I won't," I added once I realized that he couldn't see me nodding my head. "Um, D.O.-,"

"The park, eight o'clock, Jae," he cut in, but something told me that he was smiling. "I'll see you there," and the line went dead. I contemplated sending him a text again, but he beat me to it.

Don't even think about backing out. There's something I want to show you- again, not in a creepy way, I promise. 8.00PM, the park - D.O.

Honestly, a teenage girl like me should not be feeling this much stress right now. Where are the blood pressure pills when you need them?

Eight o'clock... that's two hours away. The dreadful dinner party from hell to which my mother invited the devil herself was a measly 24 hours away. If I managed to survive the upcoming hours, it'll be a miracle. I went to my room, looking out the window as I sat at the bench near the windowsill. The sky was darkening and a tiny moon had already started to emerge.

I wasn't sure how long I could keep all of this up. That woman... I didn't want to be near her.

Do you remember? I do... she told me. She spoke to me as if she knew me, not just because she attacked, but like she really knew me. But she'd never seen my face before, she couldn't have known that my wolf-form is me, could she?

Oh man...what's going on?

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