Jae-In Miyano
Known as Jae, or Jade, to her father, she is the hero of the story. Suffering from a boring life and odd, inexplicable pangs of anxiety attacks, she finds herself in a not-so-ordinary situation of moving to the small and obscure Island of Ookami Shinro. The town of Hanwol is her new home, but she has a little difficulty adjusting to the life at the island. It doesn't help when she meets twelve handsome young men that really don't want anything to do with her. It turns out that they harbored a secret she never knew she'd share with them... Jae is a girl in her late teens, Queen of sarcasm and dry humor, rather socially awkward but has her heart in the right place (in a matter of speaking ^^;- Hey, what is this dagger doing here?!). She's smart, has the tendency to argue with herself when faced with certain dilemmas, but is mostly a very kind and warm person once you get to know her. It is no wonder then, that she easily steals the heart of twelve certain young cubs- eh, men.
Kim Joonmyeon - "Suho"
Leader of the pack, class president, excellent student, pride and joy of his parents and the local community and also a little bit of jerk- well, to Jae at least. Suho doesn't like Jae when she comes to town though she is unsure why. Perhaps similar personalities tend to clash? Suho is the Guardian of Water. He has the tendency to be somewhat of a goodie two-shoes, has a bit of a dorky disposition, but he's a just and fair leader. Even though he has the tendency to lose his cool in stressful situations, he always manages to take control and makes good decisions that has helped his pack stay out of trouble loads of times. He's extremely protective, which is why some of his brothers tease him by calling him "Mom".
Wu Yifan - "Kris"
All hail the dorky duizhang! At first glance, Kris comes off as a tall, handsome, suave and cool dude, but once he shows his true self, he's actually rather dorky, clumsy and a tad bit naive. Often seen as the second in charge, he and Suho could not be more of polar opposites. He is calm and levelheaded, relaxed and laidback, giving him the ability to always look at the bigger picture. Kris is a sweet boy behind the cool-guy façade, he's charming and when the opportunity presents itself, he is willing to lead his brothers. He watches over them in silence, while Suho does so in the foreground. Kris is the Guardian of Flight and often compares himself to mighty dragons.
Do Kyungsoo - "D.O."
D.O. is a quiet, rather shy and introverted guy. He prefers not to stand out too much and doesn't really speak unless he thinks it necessary. This behavior causes many to believe that he's anti-social and awkward, but really he just doesn't really know how to connect to people all too well. Not to mention that he gets bullied for the exact same reasons which makes him want to stay away from others, except his brothers. D.O. is very smart and has incredible patience. He has a way of communicating with others that gives off a sense of familiarity. He's straightforward and doesn't really have the time to fool around, causing him to clash with his brothers now and again. He is in tune with reading the atmosphere and even though he doesn't show it, he cares deeply for the people he loves. D.O. is the Guardian of the Earth and possess amazing strength. He harbors a deep anger from which his strength comes from, but he learned how to control it years ago. He noticed how much calmer he seems to be, now that the new girl is in town...odd.
Lu Han - "Luhan"
Say hello to the most popular boy in Ookami Shinro - and that's saying a lot! Luhan is one of the most handsome students at Hanwol High School, earning his popularity due to his kind and easy-going personality and the fact that he's the Captain of the soccer team. Luhan is the Guardian of the Mind, being able to use his telepathic and telekinetic skills to hear the minds of others and to move objects with a mere thought of his mind. Many would take advantage of this power and Luhan may have done so once or twice- but he never crosses the line. He's loyal and honest and says what he thinks. He has the tendency to have somewhat of a temper which shows when he feels passionate about something. He doesn't consider himself a jealous person, but where Jae is concerned...he gets a little weird.
Oh Sehun - "Sehun"
The maknae of the group, Sehun is a little spoiled by his hyungs sometimes. Despite his rather distant and bratty behavior, he's actually rather sensitive and very childlike in heart. He trusts people easily but with a childish caution and is often used to getting what he wants. He doesn't cover the feelings he gets when he meets Jae, even feeling jealous or spiteful towards his other hyungs when they get too near to her. Nevertheless, Sehun is a soft-hearted boy who respects those older than him even though he teases his brothers mercilessly. He is the Guardian of the Wind and known to be just as fickle. He tends to be impulsive and doesn't always think when he acts- proof to show that he indeed is the youngest one. He loves bubbletea. His favorite is chocolate. Yehet.
Zhang Yixing - "Lay"
Known as the all-round guy, Lay enjoys some popularity himself, though not always for the reasons he wants. Often seen as blank, slow in the uptake and a day dreamer, Lay seems to be a boy with his head constantly in the clouds. However, he is more perceptive and sharp than people give him credit for. He's a boy with a gentle heart, polite and respectful, loyal and kind to a fault. He has the tendency to put the well-being of others before his own, which might not be so surprising since he's the Guardian of Healing. However, because he was told to always smile and to never show others when he's in pain - out of fear that his suffering will cause those he cares for to suffer as well - he buries his feelings of pain, grief and anger. He loves his brothers dearly and always makes sure that they're in perfect health.
Kim Jongin - "Kai"
Kai comes across as a rather stoic, distant and cool person. He is distrustful towards Jae and doesn't hide that fact. Many might say that there's something 'animalistic' about Kai, but the girls all love this supposed bad boy. Past this image however, is a fried chicken-loving, dorky doggy-loving boy, who tends to be rather territorial when it comes to people he cares for. Kai never really says what he thinks or feels, preferring to hide behind his bad boy façade instead. Truth is, he doesn't really know how to express himself properly, expecting that those around him will know how he feels instead. He lacks patience, wanting to always be on the move. As the Guardian of Teleportation this isn't strange at all. He likes going from one place to another in the blink of an eye and prides himself on being the fastest one amongst his brothers. Social media kind of confuses him. His favorite scent is jasmine...
Kim Jongdae - "Chen"
When teachers hear that contagious, loud and boisterous laughter they are holding on to their folders and rulers and pencils for dear life, because heyo~ Chen-Chen is in the house! Chen is a cheerful kid that loves to tease others, which gained him the reputation of being somewhat of a Trickster. The true reason for being what others may dub as 'annoying', is because he teases those he loves. Like a thunderstorm, Chen may be rather overbearing to some people as his presence is always felt and always noticed. Mind you, he doesn't actually like to hog the spotlight, but he doesn't shy away from it should it shine on him. He has a warm personality and makes contact with others easily. He is the Guardian of Lightning and loves thunderstorms with a passion. He always goes out then to run in the rain. He has an excellent singing voice (and loud too).
Byun Baekhyun - "Baekhyun"
Baekhyun is the Guardian of Light and it shows in everything he does. He is loud and very present, bringing light and life to any party and enjoys standing in the spotlight. He is radiance and joy personified, traits he says are to be blamed by his gift to control the light. Baekhyun has somewhat of a big mouth and isn't very adept in reading the atmosphere which could cause some awkward moments. He is known to make jokes, both funny and lame, but most of all he tends to look at things on the positive side. He firmly believes that light conquers the darkness, always, and for his brother he's willing to shine as bright as he can.
Park Chanyeol - "Chanyeol"
Known also amongst friends as the Happy Virus, Chanyeol is the happy-go-lucky kid who greets people with a bright smile on his face. Chanyeol loves music, food and his brothers. Just like most of his brothers he's easy-going and usually goes along with the flow. He doesn't like conflict much and tends to soothe others or tries to joke around to relieve tension. He is the Guardian of Fire, and while most would expect a fitting personality to go with it, Chanyeol is remarkably different. He loves his flames but worries sometimes that he lacks the proper skill to control them. Chanyeol admires Kris a lot and hopes one day to be able to fly like the phoenix he represents.
Kim Minseok - "Xiumin"
There's no denying that there's something mysterious and alluring about Xiumin. Quiet, a little shy and mostly in the background, Xiumin only really choses to shine when he's playing soccer with Luhan. As the eldest of the group he silently looks out for his brothers, though he also has the tendency to act like a real big brother, teasing them when they're already down. Xiumin is a thinker, rather than a doer, observing what he sees before making a move. He's reserved, thinking that his natural "coldness" scares people away, which is why he doesn't really physically gets too close to people. Despite being the Guardian of Ice, he's probably one of the most warmest people on the island.
Huang Zitao - "Tao"
Kung Fu panda, Princess Peach- there's not a soul more open and genuine than Tao. A kind-hearted boy that wears his heart on his sleeve, he is known to be gentle, sensitive, righteous and a bit whiny, almost making people believe that he is the maknae of the group. However, when things get serious and when people depend on him, he becomes Kung Fu panda Tao, badass and skilled in Wushu, he becomes focused. Tao cares deeply for his brothers and would do anything for them. As a Guardian of Time there were moments when he felt lonely, since his gift was one that one couldn't easily and carelessly mess with. He warms up easily to people, seeing the good in others regardless where they're from.
~ Author's Note ~
Wow guys, I can't believe you've scrolled near the end! Well done! hihihi ^^
Surprisingly, this writer isn't really good in expressing a final note to conclude this story, so really, all I can say to you is thank you. I started this story because Exo inspired me and I needed an outlet to express the inspiration they gave me to work with ^^; It was also a test for me to see if people would like the way I write and seeing all your comments and the amounts of subscribers, I guess I can tentatively say that my writing is appreciated (/)u(\). Therefore I can only express my most sincere gratitude to all of you who decided to click on that link that led to this story, to those who read it ninja style without saying a word (but contributed to the amount of views :D), to those writing their feedback in the comments and to those who subscribed and even upvoted this story!!! Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU! It may seem silly for me to say this, but honestly, if there wasn't this big amount of support on your side for this story I was writing, I doubt I would have even made it past 5 chapters- and LOOK! 100+ chapters in the house! Lol. I honestly think that without that support and encouragement, I wouldn't even have finished this story at all. So thank you for your support, for your kind and motivating comments! I hope I'll write more stories in the future (look for more one-shot stories in the Fallen Universe!), but for now, on behalf of our dorky Exo wolves and Jae, I can say:
~T H E ~ E N D~ ♥ ~
P.S.: Want more stories from the Fallen Universe? Visit my page here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view_author_stories/827772/L
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