The Reunion
Alec didn't remember when was the last time he had slept on his own bed. After he put Blue down in his crib, he dragged his long feet towards the hallway headed to his own bedroom finding every single strand of his emotion tied into what was behind the room.
His hand twisted the door knob of the bedroom door and he can almost smell the cologne that Magnus used every morning. The smell hits him right in his chest and he can feel the tears coming down on his face. He flipped the switch of his bedroom light right next to him and the room brightened revealing the room remained as it was the day they had left.
His eyes caught the bed half made with his pillows still disarranged and his clothes laid out on bed just like he left it. He stepped forward into the room and started rearranging the bed and placed the pillow as it should be. Later he grabbed the clothes and starts putting them in the hamper and his eyes caught the sweater that belongs to Magnus over the chair by the window. He kneeled down on the floor before he pulls the jacket on his lap and softly brushed his finger over the material.
Magnus favorite leather jacket.
Alec saw how worn the thread over the stitches but somehow it still looks new. He can't deny that magic had made Magnus who he is and even the clothes that he wore had a little magic in them. He pressed his nose against the collar and inhaled his scent bringing back all the memories of him wearing this jacket. He didn't even realized he was sobbing at the thought of Magnus smiling wearing this jacket or the time he pulled him by the collar and gave him a kiss.
"I miss you." He cried before he sat down on the floor leaning against the chair with Magnus jacket close to his chest. He rocked his body back and forth crying his eyes out hoping that all of this was nothing but a dream.
He fell asleep right there on the floor with Magnus jacket wrapped around his chest and he jolted to wake when he noticed the light shining bright behind him from the tall window and the sound of Blue crying from his nursery had made him sprinted on his leg for him. But he mistaken himself for running that fast after he laid on the floor the whole night. His legs wobbled and he had caught up on the rug before he took the fall and hit his head by the corner of the bed.
Alec felt ringing in his ears and pain strikes his head when he finally wake and he could smell the rusty metallic smell and felt wet over his head. But Blue's shrieking voice made him more alert and picked himself up running towards his nursery.
"I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry baby." Alec says after he went inside the nursery and saw Blue cried holding out his arm for him. He lifted him up and hushed him on his chest before planted a kiss over his cheek wiping his tears away. "Good morning sweetheart." He whispered before he carried him out of the nursery headed to the kitchen for breakfast.
Alec placed Blue in his playpen before grabbed the clean napkin from the kitchen and wiped the blood from his forehead. He winced at the sharp pain and saw the cut from the mirror frame by the wall and sighed. "Daddy will yelled at me if he finds out what happened." He said wiping the blood away and grabbed the plaster from the cabinet and placed them over his wound. He's lucky the wound is neither deep nor big enough for stitches but it does hurt like hell.
He starts making Blue his breakfast milk and when he's done, he handed him the bottle and he grabbed it eagerly before he laid down in the playpen. He went back to the kitchen and starts prepping for his own breakfast but nothing comes in his mind. He opened the fridge door finding nothing in it would made his appetite growl, not even his mum's leftover.
He closed the fridge door before he made his coffee and took a seat by the kitchen island taking a slow sips staring at the space before him. He need to get ready for today but he doesn't feel like it. He sighed sipping into his coffee again before he decides to stand and headed to the living room.
He saw Blue already finished with his bottle throwing it to the side before he sat up and played with his toys inside the playpen. Alec smiled grabbing the bottle from the floor and peck him a kiss on the top of his head before he walked back to the kitchen and washed the bottle clean.
Alec sighed leaving Blue in the playpen with the TV on so he won't be bored. Alec let his favorite channel turned on so he would be entertained. He noticed Blue hates being alone especially quiet house or room. As he straightened his back from bending down to place the remote, he felt dizzy and his head starts pounding in pain. He can feel the tense over the side of his head from the earlier hit and pressed his fingers over his temple.
Alec decides to head to his bedroom and get some medications to help him with the pain. So he climbed the stairs careful in every steps feeling the dizziness increasing so he gripped tighter on the banister hoping not to fall again. He headed straight into his bathroom pulling out the medication from the cabinet and popped couple of pills in his mouth. He swallowed the bitter taste with the gulp of water and sighed staring at himself in the mirror.
Somehow the pain grew stronger and he felt his legs wobbled trying to hold his ground. He leaned forward feeling his stomach is rising up to his throat. He decides to sat on the floor leaning his body against the bath tub with his head tilted against the cold marble behind his neck. He sighed feeling his eyes slowly drifted pulling him into his unconscious.
Magnus stepped out of the portal and witnessed the house he and Alec had been living for the last year ever since he has Blue in their lives. He didn't want to admit this but having Blue was the best thing he could ever had in his miserable years before he even met Alec. He remembers the night he was in Edom when he can hear Blue tears in his dreams and it broke him.
He used all of his powers to send the blue orbs to make him happy but moreover to make Alexander knows that he will always be there to watch them both even thought they are worlds apart. The look on Blue's face recognizing him in the mist of his projection brought peace in his heart. He had to make sure they are okay so he would fight this war for their sake.
He took a deep breath with a smiled on his face before he grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open. He was expecting Alec to be with Blue in their living room or their kitchen since it's lunch time. Alec probably cooking something for Blue and Magnus hoped for his own. Alec had this kind of determination of losing himself whenever he is worried and Magnus was already frightened at the thought when Izzy told him how Alec was not himself since his absence.
He stepped inside his home to be greeted with Blue crying in the playpen and the moment he saw Magnus, his cried wailed louder and his arms wide opened for him. "Hey buddy. Oh I miss you." He lifted him up and kissed him on his cheek. Magnus furrowed his eyebrow oddly finding his son all alone in the playpen with his husband not in sight. "Where's papa?" He asks him wiping away his tears and Blue hiccuped in his sobs. He looked around the room finding it hauntingly silenced, only the sound of the TV is on and he turned it off with the remote by the table, still holding Blue on his hips.
"Alexander?" He called but he was greeted with no replies. He could feel the fear creeping up in him especially when the thought of Alec being all alone in their home doesn't bring back good memories. He remembers what Isabelle told him about Alec practically back being his old self and he worries if he really did tried to hurt himself while their son is being left alone. That was selfish of him if he did leaving their son all alone while he hurt himself, Magnus thought.
Magnus climbed the stairs with Blue in his arms and noticed he had calm down so he stopped by his nursery putting him down in his crib. He starts to cry for him but he hushed him back, "I know darling, I know. But daddy needs to make sure papa is alright first, okay. Be a good boy and stay here. Please." Blue stares deeply into Magnus eyes almost as if he knows what he needed from him. Magnus peck him a kiss over the top of his head pushing his finger through his golden blonde hair. He took his blue bear that Alec got him on his first night here in their home and he hugged it tighter into his chest. Magnus smiled at his gesture before he left him in the crib to find Alec.
"Alexander?" Magnus getting frustrated and he could almost feel anger rising inside of him since he couldn't find him anywhere. This isn't the reunion he had expected. He entered their bedroom finding it empty as he expected. But then he noticed his bathroom light was on and immediately went to open the door. "Alec?" He called pushing the door opened and the sight brought back a lot of memories for him.
"Alec!" He rushed beside him seeing Alec sat on the floor leaning against the bath tub - unconscious. "Alec, Alec! Wake up, please wake up." He tapped his cheek to wake but failed and continued to pressed his finger over the side of Alec's neck. He sighed in relief feeling the pumping pulse underneath his finger and began to examine Alec up and down his body for any sign of injury. But to Magnus surprised Alec wasn't injured anywhere he expected it to be and it got him more worried considering he doesn't know what exactly happened to him.
He felt for Alec's pants pocket for his phone but couldn't find one. He rushed towards the side of their bed and found his phone by the bedside before he starts tapping on Jace's number. It took him a while and five tries later before Jace finally answer.
"Why the FUCK you didn't answer your phone?!" He screamed the moment Jace answered and he already went back to Alec's side. "Magnus? What happened?" He asks unknowingly and Magnus is already huffing in fear. "I need you. It's Alec. He- He's not waking up. I don't know what happened." Jace can hear his voice broke the moment he mentioned Alec and Jace didn't waste anytime before grabbing the rest of them and headed to his brother's home.
"Alec, please. Please, baby wake up." Magnus taps him on his cheek again but Alec didn't make any sign of waking up soon. He noticed the cut on Alec's forehead that he covered with a plaster. Magnus grabbed the towel on the side and began soaking it under cold water before he pressed it on Alec's side of the neck. He gasped at the coldness and Magnus sighed in relieved.
"Thank heaven. Alexander?" He cupped his cheek in happiness seeing his eyes fluttering to open and his eyebrow crooked at the sight of Magnus kneeling before him on the floor. "Magnus?" He whispered with his voice croaked. "Is this another dream?" He asks and Magnus shook his head at him letting his tears fell on his cheek.
"I'm here. Darling, I'm home." Magnus says and Alec slowly raising his palm over Magnus' cheek still couldn't believe his eyes right at the moment. "Mags?" He called his name again cupping Magnus cheek and saw him kissed the inside of Alec's palm and he felt the warmth running through his skin.
"You really here. You're home." Alec broke into tears before he pulled Magnus by his neck and their lips collided with each other. "H-How?" Alec pulled back from their kiss but Magnus shook his head at him, "I'll tell you later. Tell me what happened? Why are you on the floor? Are you sick?" He asks and Alec licked his lower lips feeling the dryness over his mouth. "I just felt dizzy. I- I hit my head earlier." He rubbed his forehead and Magnus sighed before he examined his wound and Alec loves the way he touches his forehead with his worried look on his face.
"Alexander I told you not to run when Blue cries. You need to let him soothe himself otherwise-" Magnus was interrupted by Alec pulling him into another kiss before he could finished his sentence. He can feel Alec sobbing mess in their kiss so he pulls back and they leaned their forehead together. "I miss you so much." Alec whispered and Magnus nods at his words. "Let's get you in bed." He says helping Alec up from the floor.
Alec wobbled in his dizziness but Magnus was right by his side and he had his arm wrapped around Alec's waist in case he'd fall.
He had Alec laid on bed with the towel on his head and saw Alec swallowed his throat dryly with his eyes close. They were soon interrupted when the bedroom door opened and they barged in with the familiar faces that shared the same worries. "Alec? Are you okay?" Izzy asks seeing Alec laid in bed with Magnus by his side pressing the cold towel on his head.
"I am now." He says while looking at Magnus. Their hands tangled into each other and Alec felt complete again. "I need to call Cat, let her examined you." He says before pulling Alec's phone again from the side. Alec took the phone away from his hand and tossed it next to him earning Magnus a confused look. "I'm fine. Now tell me how exactly did you managed to come home after weeks in Edom?" Alec asks him and Magnus shot a look towards Jace and Izzy on the other side and they pressed their lips together. Alec turned his gaze towards them knowing they had something to do with this.
"What did you do?" He asks trying to raise himself but Magnus stopped him. "We had to do something. Alec you were miserable. You barely yourself this past weeks and you expect us didn't notice? Plus, Magnus is family." Jace explained and somehow it made him smiled at the truth of his word.
"We stick with each other remember? Not even Edom can separate us." Izzy says further and Alec smiled. He turned his gaze back at Magnus besides him and stroked his arm up and down. Magnus smiled staring at his husband before he leaned for a kiss on his lips.
"Hey Izz, think you can take Blue for today? I want some alone time with Magnus." Alec asks her and she already jumped in excitement. "Of course, you love birds enjoyed." She says already running towards the door. "Hey Alec, who's the best kisser? Magnus or Michael." Jace sudden question had both Alec and Magnus glared at him with a death stares and Jace felt the room had suddenly turned cold.
"How the fuck did you know that?" Alec asks angrily and Jace turned his eyes at Magnus causing Alec had the same suspicion. "You told him!" He yelled but Magnus sighed turning his head at Jace with his clenched jaw. "Johnathan, if you so much valued your own life I suggest you leave my house and never show your face until I said so or you will spend the rest of your life in a most horrid nightmare that you won't even imagined." Magnus threatened him and his face dropped into horror. Magnus threat might be imminent and if he didn't get out of there, he might make it happened.
He hurriedly left their bedroom with Izzy carrying Blue in her hips and they left their home in seconds. They both heard the front door closed and Alec once again stared at Magnus with his arms crossed over his chest. He already sat up leaning against the bed rest while Magnus stares at the sheets before him.
"Why would you tell them?" He asks and Magnus sighed again. "I didn't mean telling them to gloat or anything. Michael was being an ass." He knows well how Alec is still staring at him burning holes on his face so he didn't dare to look at his face.
"What happened?" Alec asks softly and Magnus was silence for a bit. He felt Alec's hand reaching for his and he leaned closer. "Magnus what happened down there?" He asks and their face were literally inches away. Magnus could feel the tears starts to flood his eyes when his vision get blurry.
"The war happened, I was losing. Michael promised an ally but he never showed until Clary called." He whispered and felt Alec's hand gripping his tighter. "He asks whether I am worthy enough for you." He finally looked up and their eyes finally meet. Alec can see how strong Magnus held his tears. "I am not worthy of you Alexander, I know that. I was the monster that even our son got frightened of. I am not worthy of anyone."
Alec saw the tears that fell on Magnus cheek and he raised his palm over Magnus cheek pulling his gaze back towards him. "Magnus you listen to me." He said and Magnus raised his gaze back at Alec. He felt Alec's thumb wiping away his tears when he did.
"You are worthy of every single thing in this world. In fact you are far more worthy than some cocky bastard of an angel who thinks that you aren't. I made my choice and I am sticking with mine. He can come with a magic dick and I'd still choose you. The hell with him." Alec saw the smile returned on Magnus face when he says so and the smiled turned into a smirk.
"A magic dick?" He asks and Alec rolled his eyes at him, "It was an expression." He says pulling away from Magnus grip but he held him back by his underarm and Alec felt Magnus pulling himself closer. "His dick isn't as magical as mine." He says and Alec pressed his lips together trying to hide his smile. "Really?" He asks innocently and Magnus smiled wider before pulling him into a deep kiss.
Alec missed this, he miss everything about Magnus. The way he held Alec like his life depend on it. The way their lips tangled into a kiss and their breaths in sync with each other. He loves the way Magnus' jaw tightened under his fingers when he stuck his tongue inside his mouth. He loves the way Magnus' shirts moves each time he breaths or when he runs his fingers along his bicep, it tightened at his touch and Alec felt the muscles tearing the material apart.
When Magnus pulled away from their kiss and stood up abruptly, Alec had his eyes fixed at him. The way he pulled his shirt up above his head exposing his curved abs right by Alec's face and he can't stop himself from running his fingers in each of his curved before running his lips and tongue on his hot skin.
There's something about Edom's children that had this amazing hot flared skin that made Alec seek warmth in Magnus embrace. But Alec loves it more when his tongue runs through Magnus abs, he can feel him shuddering in his hot breath. He had his fingers running through Alec's hair and Alec had his hands gripped tighter around Magnus' hips.
Alec felt Magnus fingers runs through his shirt collar and he pulls it off from Alec's body. Alec had his fingers undo the belt of Magnus pants and soon the button along with the zipper. He can feel how hard Magnus is under his brief seeing the bulging crest is already forming under Alec's touch.
Magnus pulls Alec's chin up to face him and saw the lusty eyes he had missed. "I'm gonna tell you this is not gonna be soft and easy. I'm going to fuck you till everyone in this whole block knows you are mine." He had his palms gripped Alec's jaw and the way Alec's eyes widen at his words made his cock wanted an instant released.
Alec nods unable to utter any words and his mouth gaped apart before Magnus wrapped his lips over him running their tongue in battle of dominance. But Magnus didn't waste any time either. He pushed Alec back in bed letting him laid flat on their bed before starts pulling his sweatpants off and Magnus tossed it behind him.
The way Alec's cock already hardened and twitch at his touch made Magnus wanted to cum right here right now but he had better willpower and he wanted to enjoy every moment.
He snapped his fingers and a bottle of lube appeared in his hands and Alec smiled at him. "Magic." He says and Alec laughs at his gesture shaking his head at him. Alec wrapped his legs around Magnus waist and he saw Magnus squirted the lube in his forefinger and he didn't even realized when Magnus already had his brief off. Magnus runs his lubricated fingers over his tip and he was true to his words. He didn't want slow sex, after weeks of being apart, Magnus wants nothing more than to be inside of him.
So when he pushed his tip inside Alec's entrance, Alec screamed loudly while gripping at Magnus hair in between his fingers. His eyes shut tightly at the pain and it made Magnus contemplate at his idea of rough sex. He didn't move, he didn't even let himself breathe knowing this is a bad idea but when Alec opened his eyes again, he nods softly at Magnus signing him to move.
"Are you sure?" He asks and it made Alec's eyebrow furrowed at his words. He swallowed his throat and nodded before his hand pulled Magnus by his neck and their lips collided again. Magnus thrust his hip deeper and harder each time feeling the way Alec's inside contract at each of his thrust and the way Alec gripped his neck like his life depend on it while Magnus held his made everything seems perfectly clear.
"Fuck! Mags!" Alec cursed feeling the burning desire in him at each of Magnus thrust and he can't help stroking his own member to his release but Magnus pushed his hand away and pulled Alec's legs over Magnus shoulder. "Do not touch yourself. I want you to cum because of me." Magnus says and pressed his gripped over Alec's wrist tighter above his head.
Magnus can't help groaning in his thrust especially when Alec made that soft pleading moan sounds and he pressed his lips into his mouth. "Fuck you are so fucking beautiful Alexander! I love you so much." He thrust harder and Alec couldn't even found the words except feeling the tightened feeling in his lower abdomen with his cock leaking in his own cum.
"Fuck Magnus! I'm coming." He whispered pressing his nails deeper into Magnus thigh and Magnus pulled himself abruptly out of him earning Alec the sudden longing for his cock inside of him. He pulled Alec by his legs and flipped him over on his four before he pulled Alec's waist closer to his cock.
Alec felt his tips brushing against his entrance before Magnus rammed inside and he gasped at the contact. "Fuck!" He gripped the sheet underneath his palm and felt Magnus began thrusting again harder, deeper and with each movement, Alec felt closer and closer to his released. "Mags! Oh fuck! Oh God!" Magnus loves how Alec cursed and moaned his name like this. For all the people that knew Alec in their lives would never get to see him like this.
None of these people would get to see Alec writhing and begging his name like this and he is the only person that was able to experience this. The way Alec's muscles rippled at each of his thrust, the way the sweats glistened on his back made Magnus felt closer to his release.
He pulled Alec by his chest letting him leaned against Magnus chest and Alec gripped Magnus hair from behind his head feeling each strands pulled them closer to their edge.
"Fuck! I'm coming!" Magnus whispered next to Alec's ears and Alec wrapped his fingers in Magnus hand over his chest. "Come baby. Come with me." Alec whispered back with his head rested against Magnus' shoulder. Magnus runs his lips over Alec's before he gripped Alec's hardened cock and starts stroking for his released.
Alec felt Magnus calloused hands over his cock stroking sloppier in each moment knowing he will released soon and he can't help himself gripped Magnus hair harder in his grip.
Soon Magnus thrust getting sloppier and Alec began to scream for his released and ropes of warm milky white cum squirted into Magnus hands and on their sheets. "FUCK! OH Fuck!" Magnus found his released soon biting into Alec's shoulder and they both collapsed into their own mess with Magnus shuddering on top of Alec. They both pants in their own breaths unable to move their own body or even lifted a finger.
They both were spent in their released and somehow Magnus managed to slides down next to Alec and both fell asleep in their hot sweaty mess but they both won't mind or care about it. They are both home, both back in each other's arm and for all they'd knew, safe and sound in each other's embrace.
The end
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