Part 23

Edom was nothing like they had expected. The sight was depressing, the air is hot, humid and the ground was lifeless. They can hear screams of lost souls from under the ground and the pain they felt for their suffering in unbearable. Clary was right, they got separated and the moment Jace realized, he was somewhere in a field of nothing but dust and fire surround him. Next to him, Cat standing with her eyes widen at the sight before her. He quickly stood and saw what she sees. It was a field of dead bodies, all sort of creature in their mind.

Cat shed a tear seeing the horrid view before her. Her fallen sisters and brothers fighting this war and no one knows about this. No one except for them. "What happened?" Jace asks and she wiped her tears dry, "The war happened." She whispered hoping none of the lost souls could hear them. "Come on, we need to hurry." She says and ran towards the other direction followed by Jace.

Izzy found Clary and Simon later after walking for some amount of time and couldn't be happier seeing them together. They walked together heading towards Magnus' family castle guided by Clary's info that was given by Cat and hoped they found him soon.

The castle was hauntingly scary and it was painted with blood red and black. The tower is high up the clouded sky and it disappears into the dark red skies. The moment they were about to step in, they can see Jace and Cat walking from the other side. Clary sees Jace walking side by side with Cat, immediately ran towards him and they are reunited in the mist of darkness surrounded the place.

"Are you okay?" Jace asks as soon as she pulls away from his hug. She nods frantic at him before letting his fingers brushes her hair behind her ear. "This place is giving me the creep. Let's find Magnus and get the hell out of here." She says and Jace smirked before he leaned for her lips.

The inside of the castle is more disturbed than they thought. After the entrance by the foyer, they witnessed the huge banister that spiral from above with skull bones scattered through the floor and up the walls. The walls are painted red and if they stares at it, it looks like it was bleeding from the cracks. But more over, the wall is covered in painting of the demons that ruled the house and there was frames size of half of their body. They'd assumed it was the pasts owner which is Magnus' family.

Their eyes are fixed on one of the painting which made Clary steps closer to have a good look. In the painting, the man stood in his armor suit made up of bones and silver with horns and spikes coming from behind him. His face is somewhat familiar and the eyes are exactly like Magnus' cat eyes. His hair is dark and there is fire on each end of the strands with his eyes stares deeply into her souls.

She gasped when Jace pulled her back and she was trembling at his touch. "It's Magnus in his demon form." He whispered and she nods weakly at him. She never sees him in his demon form before and the closest thing they'd ever seen him in his demon features was only his cat eyes and it was intoxicating enough. The painting alone can send chills running down their spine and brings nightmare into their sleep.

But this isn't the Magnus they'd knew. The Magnus they'd knew is kind, charming and he sacrificed everything for the sake of the person he love. They won't let the painting changed their mind about him and definitely not what they thought of him.

They climbed the stairs carefully not wanting to let any creature in the house knows they are here especially when they are the angel's descended and prohibited to step foot in this place.

The roaring sound of the demon in this castle were heard every minutes and it rattled fear in their soul. Almost as if they'd knew that they are here. It wasn't until Simon accidentally kicked one of the skull head by the side of the staircase and it fell right on the floor shattering in pieces creating an echoed sound they'd wished it didn't happened.

The roaring sound were heard louder and deeper, not too mentioned closer than earlier which made them had their swords ready in their hands. They leaned against the wall of the stairs hoping that no creature in sight or sees them here but they are proven wrong. The walls starts to break and hands were reaching out from behind them and it gripped their chest towards the wall.

"Run!" Jace screamed towards them as they tried to break free from the wrangling arms coming out from the walls and Jace helped few that couldn't escape. They literally sprinted to the top of the staircase panting in their own breath before Jace lead them towards one of the hallway.

Slowly, they'd stepped the hallway in silenced and softly a sound of piano key were played heard at the far end of hallway. It was so shallow and so depressive by the note of that key. Jace hinted them to be silenced hoping it wasn't some other creature or worst demons playing tricks on them by luring them towards the sound.

The closer they get, the more vivid the sound could be heard and they felt themselves being dragged into the person's unhappiness and depressive state. Jace peaked into the room seeing it was almost like a library. He can see the book shelves stacks towards the wall high up the ceiling with papers scattering all over the ground and the sound of the piano played were clear as they stepped into the room.

"Magnus?" Jace saw the person pressing the key with his body swayed into the rhythm of the music and Jace knew it was Magnus even though it was only from behind him. The moment he called him, Magnus turned around and his eyes are flooded with tears with stained over his cheek. He had been crying and they can sees it.

"Jace?" He called standing abruptly from his seat and ran towards them before they all engulfed into a hug. "Wha- What are you guys doing here? It's not safe!" He tried to ask but he was too overwhelmed with his emotion to even know the answer before he hugged them again.

"We are here to save you, for Alec." Izzy says and the moment she mentioned Alec's name, his face dropped in terror. "Oh lord. Please tell me he's alright? Did something happened?" He asks and they can see how frightened he got and more tears are coming down on his face. "No no no. He's fine. Alec and Blue is alright." Jace told him and he sighed in relieved.

"Let's go home Magnus." Clary tried to pull his wrist but he pulls back. "I c-can't." He says stepping back away from them. "Why not?" Jace asks and they can sense his tone a little higher in disbelief. "My war is not finished and I am losing." The moment he said it, the whole ground shake and they had to hold on to each other for balanced while Magnus held on the piano behind him.

"What do you mean by that? Magnus what happened if you lose?" Izzy asks after the shake settles and she stepped closer. "I'd die." He simply said before turning around and sat on the piano bench facing them. "I'm getting weaker. I can feel myself losing this war." He says staring at the space before him and Izzy and Clary took his side comforting him.

"Magnus, I didn't peck you for a quitter." Cat asks as she stepped in between them and Magnus raised his head towards her. "Good to see you old friend. But I'm so tired right now." He says and they can see how weak he had gotten. His face is not the usual Magnus Bane they had knew. No glitter, no makeup, there is only sorrow, drained and lost.

"We will get through this. Together remember? When Alec died, you thought you will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. But you pulled through and the angel blessed you by bringing Alec back." Cat says stepping closer towards him. She crouched by his knees placing her palm over his on his lap and he exhaled in a shuddering breath.

"Don't give up now Magnus. Alec needs you. He is miserable and we worried he might-" Jace says softly as he stepped closer towards him and he shot him a look. "No! Did he hurt himself?" He asks and Izzy grips over his shoulder tightened, "He didn't but he didn't exactly took care of himself. He barely eats, didn't sleep. He was a mess." She says and Magnus tears fell further on his cheek.

"He promised me he will be alright. I shouldn't have left. I know I shouldn't have left him." He whispered bringing his head into his hand and Cat grabbed his wrist pulling him to face her.

"Don't give up just yet. We will win this war. We are here now, to help you and brings you home." She says and Magnus smiled nodding at her. "I don't think we could." He shook his head at her and lowered his gaze. "What did Michael promised you?" Clary asks out of sudden earning them a shock. "What?" He asks and Clary sighed seating herself next to him.

"What did Michael promised you? They have been whispering telling me to tell you to remember what he promised." She says and Magnus scoffed at her before he stood up abruptly and headed towards the tall window with the view of the red skies above him.

"I don't take handout from an opportunist. That bastard can smug all he wants but I am not taking his handout!" He cursed under his breath and it raises more questions than answers. "What do you mean by that?" Isabelle asks him and Jace stepped in next to her. "Yeah, what happened? Must be something happened for you to deny his help in times like this." He asks and Magnus turned his head around to see him smirked.

"Didn't Alec tell you?" He asks as he stood straight with his hand in his pants pocket. They all shook their head at him and he sighed tilting his head up before he continued. "He'd- kiss- Alec." He slurred hoping they didn't actually heard him but by the way they gasped and their gaped mouth expression, Magnus knew they did.

"Oh my!" Cat says and they all laughs at his pain. "Someone score." Jace says laughing and joined by the rest of them. "Shut up! It's not funny and he did it because he wants to make me look like a fool. I am not going to succumb to his pleasure of making a fool out of me!" Magnus says throwing one of the book towards Jace direction but he caught it still snickering into a laugh.

"Mags. You were right. It's not funny. Alec didn't tell us because he wants to protect your dignity. But Michael did offered you help and you have the chance to go back to your family. Use it." Clary says and Magnus sighed again letting his fingers runs through the dusty book shelves. "I tried. He lied." He says and they all went silenced.

"I did call that bastard for help but he ignored my call and decides to let me fight this war all alone." He continued and they can sense the betrayal in his voice. There is one thing about Magnus that he can tolerate lies but never betrayal. He would never forgive him for leaving him fighting this war alone.

Clary sighed and stepped towards the tall window and drew a rune on her left palm before she raised it before her and it shines the brightest light throughout the Edom land. "Michael!" She screamed calling out for him and the moment she did, the ground shook underneath their feet and the roof above their head cracked sending dust all over their hair.

"Well, well." A voice appeared behind them coming out from the dark earning Magnus and the rest of them a shock retracting away from him. "Michael." Magnus called almost as a whisper and he can see him smiled at him. "You promised him!" Clary says in anger stepping closer to Michael raising her dagger at him and he smiled seeing her act of bravery didn't even inflicted any sense of fear in him.

"I did. But he was too arrogant to accept it." His eyes turned towards Magnus and his lips curved into a smirk. "Need I remind you what happened if you crossed me?" He asks him and Magnus scoffed. "Fuck you!" He cursed and the smirked immediately dropped from Michael's face and he spread his wings wide before he lunges at him with the flaming sword on his hand straight to Magnus neck.

They both flung to the wall behind Magnus and it cracked in a crooked line with Magnus groaned in pain. "Say it again and I'll make sure you didn't make out of here alive. You can say goodbye to your precious Alexander. I know how you missed the taste of his lips, his tongue. When he moaned in your lips, it was pure heaven." Michael tempted him and Magnus pushed him back before raising his palms up emitting red fiery flamed and aimed it towards Michael.

But the fire did nothing to him. It was like throwing water to the wall and it dispersed like he was made of fire.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about him like that!" He warned and Michael smirked grew wider at him. "Do you deserved him enough Magnus?!" He challenged him again and this time Magnus raised his palm again blasting more towards Michael but he dodged every single one of his attack. No wonder they said he is great at fighting his enemies.

They all ran into a corner, hiding not wanting to interfere in this fight seeing they are no where the same level as Michael and Magnus power.

"Prove me you deserves him! Prove me you are worthy enough for him!" Michael yelled at him wielding his swords towards Magnus but he dodge every single hit and continued to fight him.

The fight continues until the point Magnus was at the edge of the balcony with Michael's sword tip is at his neck piercing into his skin and he bled. "I'M NOT!" He screamed at his face. "I'm not worthy of him. I was weak and I couldn't protect him when he needed me. He deserves better than I am." A single tear fell on Magnus temple as he felt the sharp metal pressed into his jugular.

Michael stares at his face before he pulled his sword away from his neck and he let Magnus fell on the floor before him. "And yet he still chose you." Michael whispered with his eyes set gaze on Magnus right by his feet. He tilted his head sighing before he handed his palm over Magnus helping him up from the floor.

Magnus took his hand and he was pulled back on his feet feeling the searing pain over his palm when he touches Michael's hand. "Take care of him. Promised me that. And I will take care of these." He says pointing at the view behind him and Magnus cocked his head to the side not fully understand what he meant by that but before he could respond, Michael placed his palm over his forehead and a bright light blinded his eyes and the rest is history.


Magnus remember waking up to Alec scent in his bed every morning. Every day he woke up wishing that he would and today, he thought he was dreaming when he did. Usually he was greeted by a humid air and smell of smoke and fire but this time, when he opened his eyes, it was a clear blue sky and the breeze is cold, colder than he expected and there was no fire, no brimstone, no screaming souls. He raised himself to look around him and found himself lying on the grass covered ground right here in the institute.

He turned his head around finding the rest of them is scattered around him and slowly one by one raise to wake. He scurried towards Clary and found her already fluttering her eyes opened and groaned in pain before he went to check on Cat and the rest of them. "What happened?" Jace asks as soon as he awake from his unconscious.

"I don't know." Magnus whispers and they all stood brushing off the dead leaves from their clothing. "I should get back. Glad you're home." Cat says hugging Magnus in her embrace and he nods thanking her.

"Guys!" Max voice was heard from the institute door and they all turned their heads towards him running at them. He immediately wrapped his arm around Jace's before he turned to hug Izzy. "I'm so glad you all are okay." He says and confusion clearly still fixed in their eyes but when Max saw Magnus, he smiled widely before wrapping his arm around his neck.

"Thank heaven." He wished and Magnus silently smiled at his gesture. "I need to see Alexander." He says and they all nodded at him. "Thank you all for everything." He added and they all nodded at him. "Go home. We'll see you soon." Jace says and he smiled widely at him. Magnus raised his palm to open the portal and immediately stepped into it witnessed by the rest of them.

"Isabelle Sophia Lightwood! Jace Wayland Herondale Lightwood!" The high pitched voice breaks their silenced and they all turned around to see Maryse by the door holding on to her waist with anger clearly flashes on her face.

"Why is she middle naming me for?" Jace asks furrowing his eyebrow at her but they had starts moving their feet towards her despite her tone. Simon and Meliorn was long gone right after Magnus had step into the portal so left only them on the cemetery ground with Maryse ready to strangle them by their neck. "In my office, NOW! ALL OF YOU!" She screamed again and this time, they are contemplating whether or not to go to Alec's house instead of facing her.

"Might as well be done with this. She will get more angry if we disobeyed again." Izzy says but before she stepped forward, she smacked Max in his upper arm and he groaned in pain. "What?!" He asks innocently. "What did you tell her?! You blew our cover?" Izzy asks and Max shook his head at her.

"No I didn't! She was in her room the whole night. Not once did she asks me about you guys!" He defends and Izzy clicked her tongue at him. "You better not! I swear I will put you on kitchen duty for the rest of your lives if I could." Izzy warned him and Max rolled his eyes at her. "Well someone has too. It's not like you can do anything being in kitchen anyway." Izzy was about to smack him again but he dodged her palm and ran towards the door leaving Jace and Clary laughing at her chasing her brother. 

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