Chapter Twenty One
Sylvie stood in the balcony, surveying the batch of clones curiously. From up here she couldn't hear what they were saying but from what she saw she could tell that the Prime Minister wasn't exaggerating in his praise of the clones. They moved as one, crossing the battlefield, taking down their opponents. As a result of her visit the exercise was changed to add some unpredictable and newer variables. While they would get caught off guard at first they would quickly recover, changing their plan, improvising. Once the training exercise was finished one of the Kaminoans guided her down to meet the clones per her request.
When the door of the room slid open the five clones were already in there but without their training gear so she could see their faces. They were all identical exept for one of them. Instead of the curly black short cropped hair of the other clones this one had blonde hair in a buzz cut. They turned to face them when they entered, standing at attention they gave her and the Kaminoan a salute. "This is Jedi Knight Sylvie Kryze" the scientist stated.
Sylvie nodded at them "At ease" she said, allowing the clones to relax. "What are your names?" She asked. "CT-7567" the one with the blonde hair said. "CC-2224" the other one said "CC-3636" the third one said. "CC-1010" the one next to him said "CC-5052" the last one said. "Not numbers, names. The Jetti asked your names boys" Sylvie turned around to see a new person entering the room. She recognised her as an Amoran. She had pale green skin and dark eyes like most of her species. Her hair was was black but faded to a light red at the end. A rarer hair colour amongst her species. As the Amoran walked towards her, a catlike grace to her walk Sylvie couldn't help but move back a little.
There was something about the way her emerald lips curled up in a sly smirk to the cunning glittering in her dark eyes that set her in edge. It didn't help when the Amoran looked her up and down as if she was analyzing her, picking her apart mentally piece by peice. "Zafi Eso, bounty hunter, trainer of the clones here at Kamino" The Amoran said before turning to look at the clones "And these are Rex, Cody, Wolffe, Fox and Bly" she pointed at each of them as she spoke. Zafi turned back to the Jedi knight "Do you have a name Jedi?" She asked. "Sylvie Kryze" Sylvie responded. A curious glint entered Zafi's eyes "Kryze?" She asked "As in the Mandalorian clan Kryze?"
"Yes, that Kryze" The Jedi knight responded, she found herself feeling slightly uncomfortable with the way the Amoran looked at her. Zafi hummed lightly "You have questions" she stated. 'Am I that obvious?' "Just a few" Sylvie said. "I have it from here" Zafi said, dismissing the Kaminoan scientist who simply bowed, leaving the two in the room.
The clones had been silent through the interaction, though they seemed to relax a bit once the Kaminoan left the room. The Jedi turned towards them "I was watching the exercise" she stated "You five did very well. I'm sure the republic is very lucky to have soldiers like you serving it" she said. The clones exchanged looks, seemingly surprised by the compliment. "Thank you uh..." The one in the middle, Rex trailed off. "Just call me Sylvie" She said. Zafi cleared her throat "I'd hate to interrupt but if I remember correctly you have some unanswered questions" She picked up on the Amoran's implication. "That I do" she said, already trying to think of ways she could ask questions without making it too apparent that she didn't have a clue as to what was going on.
"In that case" Zafi extended a hand to her "Shall we?" She asked. Sylvie nodded, making no move to accept her hand but the bounty hunter didn't seem bothered in the slightest as she lead her out of the room without so much as a nod to the clones. The Jedi hesitated at the doorway, unsure what to say she only nodded before following Zafi out. "So what would you like to know about the clones?" She asked as they walked. Sylvie thought about it for a moment "You said you were a trainer for the clones here. Are there others like you?" She asked. "There is nobody like me, I'm one of a kind" Zafi smirked. "But if you mean to ask if there are other trainers, yes"
"Are you all bounty hunters?" Sylvie asked, she silently prayed to the force that the answer was no, it might complicate their mission even more than it already was. Zafi raised an eyebrow "I thought you were here for the clones not us trainers" she said "What, did the republic suddenly decide low life scum like us are worth something?" She continued when Sylvie didn't respond, searching for an excuse. "Yes, almost all us trainers here are bounty hunters" Zafi said when the Jedi neglected a response. "Out of curiosity, have any of you picked up a mission to Corusaunt lately?" Sylvie asked.
The Amoran shrugged "Somebody could have, I don't know most of them that well neither do I bother to try to get to know them" she said. "You said most of them, so you must know some of them" Sylvie said. "I only bother with two or three who have the same assignment as me" Zafi said. Well, atleast there was something. "And have they picked up any mission to Corusaunt?" The Jedi asked. "Could have. They don't like to stay in one place for too long" Zafi responded. Sylvie's frown deepened slightly, talking to Zafi was counter productive, she wouldn't give a straight answer, she'd have them chasing their own tails.
The only thing remotely useful she'd found out was that Jango wasn't the only bounty hunter here and that their list of suspects had gotten much longer. Sylvie stopped suddenly which cashed Zafi to do the same "Problem?" The bounty hunter asked, raising a brow. "No it's nothing, thank you for answering my questions but I must be going now. The other Jedi will be wondering where I am" Sylvie said, giving her a polite smile before ducking into another hallway, now giving the Amoran a change to respond.
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Alina looked around the training room which was, just like almost everything else in the damn city, a spotless gleaming white. What was it with these aliens and the color white? Now, she didn't mind it too much normally but the white of Tipoca City quickly became an eyesore once you looked at it for too long. After the tour given to them by the Prime Minister and his assistant the Jedi were given free reign to roam wherever they pleased in Kamino. Ofcourse, in certain rooms you would have to have a Kaminoan with you because the equipment in there was a sensitive and fragile. Those rooms didn't bother her too much since the Kaminoan didn't do much but look over her shoulder and tell her what she could or could not touch.
The room she was currently in was not one of those rooms. It was a room for the clones (Mainly the younger ones) to hone their shooting skills. The targets were spread out in a straight line. She'd seen the other ranges which were far more difficult than this one. Most of the time the clones would practice in batches but once she'd caught sight of a lone clone in one of the advanced training ranges which was a bit strange in itself.
Then there was the fact that he looked older than the clones made five years ago but still younger than the adult clones, somewhere around her age but she convinced herself to not think too much of it. If the clones had to start out as babies they had to have a teenage phase at sometime and it probably and she didn't see why they had to train with a batch and only with a batch. Still, she couldn't shake a strange feeling she had about that clone.
Alina shook her head, dismissing the thoughts about that clone. She made her way to where one of the blasters lay. Curiously, she picked it up and turned the black weapon over in her hands. Learning how to use blasters wasn't part of Jedi training, nor was it a traditional weapon for them to use but it was a common weapon in a galaxy and knowing how to use it would be useful in a life or death situation.
When they'd been assigned to her Alina was planning to bring up with Padmé at some point but it wasn't like she could do that anymore until they were sure Jango Fett was the man they were looking for. And if he was she doubted Padmé would have time to teach her how to shoot a blaster. On the bright side, she'd seen it used multiple times. It didn't look too hard.
She gripped the blaster with both hands and pointed it at the target but before she could pull the trigger she heard a voice from behind her. "You sure you know how to use that thing?" Alina looked behind her to see a clone who looked around her age. She wasn't sure if he was the lone one she'd spotted around Kamino since most of the clones had the same haircut. He leaned against the doorway, raising an eyebrow as he looked pointedly at the blaster in her hands. "Yeah, I'm sure I can handle it. It can't be too hard" Alina responded.
The clone shrugged in response, gesturing for her to fire. She turned back to the target, her confidence was suddenly lessened by the pair of eyes that she felt watching. It didn't help that she sensed faint amusement coming from him. She pushed away thoughts of the clone, forcing herself to focus on the target. She pointed the blaster at the target, staring at it for a few seconds before pulling the trigger.
Nothing happened. Alina lowered the gun, frowning. She pressed the trigger a few more times but nothing happened. "The kriff?" She muttered, continuing to attempt to pull the trigger yet no blaster bolt shot out. "You can handle it huh?" The clone asked. Her cheeks warmed in embarrassment at the amusement in the clone's voice. Alina turned around "It's not working" she declared, shaking the blaster before turning back to the target and attempting to fire. The clones moved forward to stand next to her. "Or" he took the blaster from here "You just didn't remove the safety" he stated. She felt her cheeks warm further when he handed the blaster back to her.
"I- Well it's not exactly Jedi stuff" Alina defended, pointing the blaster back at the target. This time she hesitated "It's going to shoot now, right?" She asked. The clone nodded. Alina looked back at the target before pulling the trigger. This time a blaster bolt did shoot out but it ended up completely missing the target and struck the wall. She shot out a few more blaster bolts, each landed away from the target.
She frowned, she knew she was still learning but she didn't realise her aim was THIS bad. "Kriffing hell you're hopeless at this" The clone remarked. Her frown turned into a scowl "It's harder than it looks" she stated. The clone didn't respond, simply taking the blaster from her hands. He only glanced once at the targets before letting out a few blaster bolts, each landed exactly on the bulls eye.
He gave her a knowing look, handing her back the blaster before he moved towards the door. "Teach me" She blurtered. The clone stopped, raising an eyebrow. "Teach me how to do that" Alina said. "And I should do that because...?" The clone asked. "Because I'm awesome?" She tried. "And a hopelessly incompetent shot" He said. "Well no but yes but look, you've had your whole life to do this. I'd like to see you try to use a lightsaber" Alina defended. The clone stated at her in silence for a few moments "Fine" She tried (And most likely failed) to stop the surprise from showing on her face as he made his way back over to her.
The next half an hour or so was spent with Alina proving to have no idea what she was doing when it came to blasters and the clone trying to help her have a better aim. At one point she'd used the force once to make her shot land just to prove that she might not be fully incompetent but the clone had seen right through her.
Spotting her com beeping Alina made her way over to it. She had a message from Obi-Wan asking her where she was and to come to Sylvie's room. She looked back at the clone "I need to go, my Master is wondering where I am" she said. She headed towards the door before pausing in her tracks. She turned back to the clone "I'm Alina, by the way. You?" She asked. "Boba" The clone responded.
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Firstly: Break's over, yay!
Secondly: Sylvex and Fettwalker have officially met!
Sylvex didn't get to talk much tho. So that's kinda sad. Dumb brain couldn't think of anything so it shoehorned Zafi in.
Thirdly, The Kamino trip will be extended for plot reasons and to make my life easier in the seventh book (which is basically the same thing but we move)
And finally. This gorgeous manip of the Alina and Boba scene by lostcasefile
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