Chapter 1: Arrival

Hi everyone, SK here.

Hope you enjoyed that Prologue.  Very mysterious, I know, but I hope you enjoyed it still.  Now we're ready for Chapter 1!  This chapter may seem like a filler chapter, but it has important information in it, so you should still read it... anyway.

Let's get started.  Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!

Enjoy :3


I sit next to Clemont, Pikachu sitting in my lap.  We are on a plane, taking a flight to Kanto.  My home region.

The last region we have to check before we lose hope.

We are on a mission.  To find Serena.  And Bonnie, Alain, Mairin...

Misty... Dawn... May... Iris...

So many people I'd lost.

But their deaths were all the same.  They died, and a legendary Pokemon was seen taking them away.  I have faith.  A legendary Pokemon wouldn't just take them away to die.  No, Legendaries had incredible power... they did something to them all.  They have to all be alive.

They have to.

I don't know what I'll do to myself if they're not alive, and if all these years we spent searching were for nothing.

I pull out my phone, and since Clemont appears to be sleeping, I put on some music and plug in my headphones.  I stroke Pikachu's head as I stare out the window, thinking to myself about everything that has happened to lead to now.

Years ago, after Aria had passed on, Serena finally became Kalos Queen.  She lit up the world with her talent, made millions smile just by performing.  She made a huge mark on the world... and on me.  I remember watching one of her performances, and something inside me just ignited.  It was like an invisible switched got flicked on.  I've changed.  I miss her... and I love her.  I was going to tell her how I felt... then it happened.  

The scream, the blood, that's what I remember.

It was Zygarde who did it...

Serena didn't make it.

Zygarde just looked at all of us, and took Serena as well as her Sylveon away.  With one look back at us, they just disappeared into nothing.

We never saw them again.

Braixen and Pancham were heartbroken, as I was.  As we all were.  The media said that she'd died via a stabbing, but that isn't true.  Yes, Zygarde did stab her, but she can't be dead.  How could Serena just... die?  Zygarde took her away for a reason, and we all thought so.  It was Clemont, Bonnie, Alain, Mairin, and I that set out on a mission to find Serena, to find out what had happened to her.  The five of us searched Kalos, but couldn't find any traces of her.  We were about to head onto Alola, then... Mairin got sick.

Really sick.

Doctors tried to cure her, but she didn't make it.  Some people reported seeing a small, green Pokemon in hospital, which I believed to be Zygarde, this time in its Core form.  Alain never got to see her again, and he loved her too much.  He was never the same after this incident.  It's like something inside of him broke into a million pieces, all of them too small to be put back together.

Maybe we should've stopped.  But we realized that if Mairin was with Serena, Alain would be able to see her again.  So, we continued on and went to Alola.  I forget which island we went to, but we came across an abandoned building.  Talking to the local Professor, we learned that it used to be the Pokemon School.  However, part of it collapsed, and caused the deaths of three girls.  Two boys were put in a coma, most likely to never wake up again.  

Later that day, with a serious look on his face, Alain said he was going to visit the abandoned school.  Part of me knew what he was going to do, so I tried stopping him, pleading with him, telling him that once we found the girls it would all be worth it.  Instead, he said a quick  "bye" to us all.  Casting me a mournful look, he left.   

He never came back.

We heard excited talk about how four Legendary Pokemon- the island guardians apparently- had come to the wrecked school.  I take part in this excitement though, one of my best friends just died and it seems that more Legendary Pokemon were involved in his death.  

After that, we left Alola.  There was too much death and sadness surrounding us.  If we have no luck elsewhere, we will come to Alola again, but to be honest, that likely isn't going to happen.

We went to Sinnoh next.  Luckily, nothing overly bad happened there.  I was just surprised to learn that many of my old friends had... died.  Misty, May, Dawn, just to name a few.  They all died young, but there was something odd; I learned that a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon had been associated with their deaths.  It made me more determined than ever to find all my friends.  

You don't die with a Legendary for no reason.


We went to Hoenn next.  After all, Serena had performed there for some time, so there must be some clues there, right?


More death.

There was a shooting and... Bonnie got shot.  This was only a few months ago.  I still remember us running and Clemont carrying his injured sister as she was bleeding out and fighting for every breath- that was when we met Zygarde.  Using his powers, he carried Bonnie away from Clemont, Dedenne following them.  I remember how Clemont screamed after them, begging them to come back, saying that he couldn't lose her too.  I held him back, and he fought with me, but I knew deep down that Bonnie was supposed to go just as we were supposed to stay.  We had to stop travelling for a week, a month, I can't remember now.  Clemont barely got any sleep, he had nightmares basically every night.  He still does, but not as much.  I had to force him to eat sometimes, and although he is better now, I know he is still grieving.  He's been more quiet, and barely talks.  

We didn't even go to Unova, or Johto.  I wanted to go to Kanto.  I want to go home.  I need the familiarity.


I take off my headphones, and see Clemont looking at me.  "What is it?" I ask, curious.

He sighs.  "You really think we'll find them all?  I mean, I really want to, but... now it seems hopeless..."

I look at my friend in horror.  He's losing hope, which was the one thing we have left.  "Clemont, we have to have faith.  The Pokemon took them all away for a reason." He looks uncertain, so I continue.  "Legendaries have a motive with everything they do; they wouldn't kill all of our friends for no reason, they wouldn't let them die young.  They took them away somewhere and we will find them.  We will find them all, Clemont, I know it," I add reassuringly.  He casts me a thin smile then goes back to staring out the window.  I know he's not convinced, and to be honest, neither am I.

"Is that Kanto?" he asks, pointing to the giant land mass below us.  

I look at what he is pointing at and nod.  "Yep.  Pallet Town's only about an hour away from the airport too."

"Please don't say we have to walk," Clemont pleads, and I laugh.

"Sorry bud, you're gonna have to put up with it," I say, and he groans, causing my grin to only spread further.

Just now, I hear a flight attendant talk through the speakers.  "Everyone please fasten your seat belts, and prepare for our descent."

I fasten my seat belt, and I hear the "click" sound from Clemont's.  I hold Pikachu close to me, not wanting him to get hurt, even though the likelihood of that happening is very low.  Pretty soon, I feel the plane hit the ground as it bounces a little on its wheels.  Once it stops moving, me and Clemont grab our backpacks and head into the terminal.  Since we didn't bring any suit cases, we leave the airport pretty much immediately- after grabbing something to eat of course.  I'm starving!

When we go outside, I take a deep breath in, loving the feel of the fresh air.  Me and Clemont begin our long journey towards Pallet Town.


"Brock, what are you talking about?" I ask, curious.  "More Elementals-"

"Well, Your Lightness," he begins, but I cut him off.

"Uh, real name," I say, pouting.  I always hate when my friends call me by my formal title.  It sounds too formal.  Sure, I'm the Leader of Light Fairies, but still.  Just because I lead the Lights doesn't mean I need to be called Your Lightness all the time.

Brock points at my Magic Minister.  "He would kill me," he says simply.

Heliux rolls his eyes.  "I wouldn't kill you, my friend.  I'd just look down upon you for not being formal in a time of great importance."

I giggle watching my Advisor and Minister glare at each other.  "So, who's this powerful Elemental that we should be aware of?" I ask, because Heliux and Brock arguing is sometimes too funny for me to handle.

"He just arrived in Kanto," Brock says.  He and Heliux exchange a look.

"What is it?" I question.  "Is there something you're not telling me!?"

Heliux looks down at his feet.  "Well..."

"It's someone you knew very well, someone you've known for a long while," Brock says.  "Someone who-"

"I know who you're talking about," I whisper, because who else could it be?  I don't know what to think.  All these years have gone by, and I thought I've gotten over him.  Now he could come back to me, and I don't know what to think.

"Good, good," Heliux says.  With a look at Brock, he adds "We must prepare."

"Yes, yes we must," I order.  Chances like this don't get wasted.

Well that was the end of the first chapter.  I hope you enjoyed it, even though not much happened during it.  The next couple chapters should be more exciting... I hope.  

Anyways, I'll go now.  Question- who do you all think "???" is??

Stay tuned ;)

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