Greek Mythology
Esteban: Listen up everybody
Lance: I am ready
Max: No
Pierre: No
Nicky: Happy I am not them
George: Same
Seb: You guys be nice. When somebody wants to tell something in the group we listen.
Max: Sure
Pierre: Okay
Seb: So now ask him about
Pierre: No
Charles: Mon chéri, are you really challenging Seb??
Pierre: Max started it
Charles: So?? Be the bigger person
Val: It is weird hearing coming this from Charles
Daniel: Yeah. Seb is good in training him
Pierre: Okay. Ocon what do you want to tell??
Esteban: So after the PowerPoint and ted talks this groupchat has had, Mick and I wanted to make one as well
Daniel: Yes we got quite a lot of them
Alex: First of course George with his PowerPoint about Instagram
Carlos: We also got Pierre and Charles giving everybody a Hogwarts house
Pierre: That was fun
Charles: It really was
George: Nicky with that PowerPoint about Nutella
Nicky: A very imported one!!
Max: Lewis with the ted talk about Sebastian
Lewis: and then Sebastian about Fernando
Alex: And of course a lot of other PowerPoints by George
Esteban: Coming back to the point. Mick and I gave you all a Greek god who matches you.
Mick: And we did a good job
Seb: Interesting
Daniel: Please share
Lando: Can you guys also maybe tell which god is which?
Yuki: Yeah. I need that
Seb: You guys didn't learn that in school??
Lando: Maybe, I am not sure
Nicky: Mick and Esteban let's start
Esteban: We are starting with the god Zeus. King of the Gods. God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice. Why Lewis you ask? Just the vibe. Not much more than that. Also, he lets Angela carry all his stuff, that feels really Zeus to us.
Lance: 😂😂
Kevin: Good start
Lewis: That last thing was unnecessary
Seb: But true
Lando: 😂
Lewis: Sunshine. Why are you not on my side?
Seb: I was talking about you matching with the most powerful Greek god
Lewis: aawh thank you
Kevin: Were you really???
Seb: No..........
Seb: Please move on to the next god
Lance: 😂
Lewis: No no no. You are not getting out of this. Unlock the bedroom door!!!
Seb: Mick please go to the next one
Mick: Poseidon, god of the sea, storms, earthquakes & horses. Pierre and Esteban are a lot alike and they totally match Poseidon. They are both relaxed and go where the waves bring them. And they both like surfing.
Lance: Ironic
Lando: You literally are born in the same region and from the same year, choose to pursue the same career and have both one race win.
Pierre: That is just a coincidence
Esteban: I thought we had put me with Hermes
Mick: Yeah but that just didn't sit right with me, so I changed it to Poseidon.
Esteban: I still think Hermes is a better fit
Mick: One of Poseidon personalty trade is that he is really suborn
Charles: Yeah that fits Pierre
Lance: ooowh and Esteban
Pierre: Definitely not
Esteban: Definitely not
Kevin: This is entertaining
Lando: 😂😂
Pierre: Let's move on
Esteban: Lance is Hades, King of the Underworld. God of the dead and riches. He is a bit misunderstood. Hades was banned to the underworld, just like Lance was stamped as the rich kid with daddies money. Only they are both so much more than that. Mick said we should add that this awesome picture just give king of the underworld vibes.
Lance: Thanks guy's 😊😊
Mick: No I didn't
Daniel: ????
Mick: I never said you should add that this is awesome picture
Esteban: 😳😳
Lance: Thanks bestie for the complement 😊
Lando: These two are hopeless
Daniel: Yeah but back to the Greek gods
Fernando: I also feel like I should be Hades
Mick: Just wait. We have somebody much better suited for you
Mick: Queen of the Gods. Goddess of marriage, women, marital harmony; protector of women in childbirth. Checo is a man of marriage and we are not going to talk about Monaco. Even though Hera did her fair share of cheating. He just fits the Hera vibe.
Checo: Why am I a woman??
Mick: Because it fits you
Daniel: Kevin you have a bad influence on him
Kevin: I have the right influence on him. This is hilarious 😂
Guanyu: I mean you are the god of woman. That is not so bad.
Lando: If you like woman....
Esteban: Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Moon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery. Artemis is always overshadowed by her twin brother. These two are overshadowed by their teammate. This goddess is the most badass, also cares for others.
Yuki: This feels cool
Alex: I am not mad about it.
Mick: I think it is a flex
Nicky: Definitely. Artemis is the coolest Greek god
Max: You sure it is not the virgin energy they have that made you link them with Artemis??
Fernando: 👀👀
Lando: 😂😂
Mick: Not true otherwise Lando should also be added to the list
Daniel: Damn. Kevin. You did a fine job.
Val: 😂😂. I like this side of mick
Alex: 😤😤
Alex: Max I will let you know I have very much sex.
George: Even with more than one person at some point
Nicky: And let me tell you
Seb: No. you are not going to tell us. We get it. Alex is not a virgin.
Mick: God of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, and protection of the young. Estie and I just went with vibes. We feel like that Apollo and these guys don't take things seriously. Apollo had nine muses who did most of his job. We went with the smiley boy energy for this.
Max: Yeah this fits.
Daniel: I would have loved to be Hades but yeah this fits better.
Lando: I do feel responsibility
Carlos: I hope you feel responsible for our break-up
Carlos: You are the one who said let's break up
Lando: Which you gladly accepted 🙄🙄
Seb: Guys please stop. This will not help you guys in any way.
Esteban: Queen of the Underworld. Goddess of the dead, life, grain, spring, nature and destruction. Persephone has two faces and so has Max. His on track and towards the press is different from his normal self. Persephone is also trapped and we think Max also feel trapped in this image he has now. Maybe got something to do with his father. Which we won't talk about too much. Persephone hated her father for giving his blessing to Hades to kidnap her. Max relationship with his father is also complicated.
Max: How do you know about my relationship with my father??
Mick: Remember I also made those statements
Max: I told you most things in secret 😤😡
Mick: I didn't go into detail.
George: Also Max after all the interviews you did with your Dad named in it, we could make our own conclusions.
Max: I am fine and let's move on.
Mick: Did you like the badass god we gave you? 👉👈
Max: Hell yes. Persephone is awesome.
Lewis: I still can't believe this is the same boy who didn't want to swear on the team radio and said: "beep beep beep."
Seb: I miss those days. Kevin again you are a bad influence
Daniel: On the positive side it probably gave you daddy issues and without those we won't be together
Val: I find this hilarious but also No Daniel you can't say that
Who also here has a weird obsession with Greek mythology?? Who is your favorite?? Mine is Artemis. She is the most awesome and badass of them all.
Those pictures took me so much time. Why don't I make it easier for myself and used just their stature? There will be a part 2. I first made it one chapter but I decided that 2500 words are a bit much for one chapter. So you guys will have to wait for the next one.
I am going on vacation in 2 days and I will delete all my apps besides a couple. Maybe I will upload, maybe I will not. I am backpacking and don't know when I have Wi-Fi. I wish everyone a happy holiday. Stay safe and make sure to do things that make you happy.
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