The Test

Amethio looked around, bewildered and wide-eyed. He found himself in a slightly gloomy, seemingly infinite room, with pink mist that veiled everything a bit. There was nothing to hear except his breathing. Where was he, and how did he get here? Panic set in as he searched for an exit. Nothing. No escape. His chest tightened, his heart pounded in his throat, and his breath quickened. "No, please, I don't want to be here. I want to go back to my friends," Amethio pleaded desperately and fearfully.

Suddenly, something very bright lit up before his eyes, and he had to shield the blinding light with his arm. As the light gradually formed into a person, Amethio's heart skipped a beat. "Mom...," Amethio breathed incredulously and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things. But no, she stood there right before his eyes. The woman Amethio had loved alone all these years they were separated. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he ran as fast as he could toward his mother to embrace her. Yet, even though he had run at least a hundred meters, he hadn't gotten any closer to his mother. It felt almost as if he were running in place, unable to move forward.

"Mom...," Amethio cried desperately, sinking to the ground, hands trembling, "Please, I just want to be with you." "Amethio, my darling, I'm sorry, but that's not possible here," she tried to soothe her son gently. "Why? I want to be with you, Mom. I need you," Amethio cried hopelessly, shaking his head.

Just when he thought his mother had returned and an incredible joy coursed through his body, he felt as if his life would be wonderful again in an instant. But now, there was only the unbearably painful realization that he would never reach his mother, which left a cold, lonely void in his heart.

"Amethio, please listen to me, I don't have much time. Things aren't always as they seem at first," his mother continued, a bit more seriously. Amethio looked up with tear-streaked face and saw directly into her compassionate violet eyes, which had a calming effect on him. Her silver hair fluttered in the light breeze stirred by her appearance. "Question what you hear, my darling. Not everyone tells the truth. Not even your grandfather. Don't listen to his words," she explained further with an earnest look.

The pink mist began to thicken, and although Amethio's vision grew worse, he saw that his mother was slowly dissolving. "NO, MOM, STAY WITH ME, PLEASE," Amethio cried out desperately, trying once more to reach her. When he failed, he stood with tears rolling down his cheeks, watching helplessly with clenched teeth as his mother became only a thin silhouette. "Amethio, you are strong. I know that. Believe in yourself and never give up. I love you. Don't forget that," she said softly before finally dissolving.

"NO, MOM, COME BACK, PLEASE," Amethio shouted into the pink mist, breaking down into more tears. Completely desperate, he sank to the ground, clutching his amethyst brooch tightly. "MOM, COME BACK," Amethio pleaded hopelessly, sobbing uncontrollably, "I just want to be with you." He closed his eyes and began shaking his head wildly, unable to accept any of it.

Suddenly, he heard a voice echoing through the room, asking, "Shouldn't we wake him up?" The ground opened beneath him, and he fell into a deep, black hole. "NO, PLEASE NOT AGAIN," Amethio screamed in fear, falling into the familiar black void. "I love you," his mother's words echoed in his head, and he felt very lost as he continued to freefall. He slowly came to and blinked lightly, feeling emptier than ever before.

Amethio saw Liko, Mollie, Floragato, and Chansey standing before him, looking at him with concern. "Amethio, are you alright? Why were you crying?" Liko asked cautiously, looking at him with fearful eyes. Amethio felt the wetness on his cheeks and wondered in his head, "Was it just a dream? Or maybe a vision? It... felt so real. It was as if Mom was really there with me. Why couldn't I reach her?" Tears welled up again, and he felt Sylveon, still lying beside him, sending out calming waves. "It was nothing," Amethio replied, wiping the tears from his eyes, wondering why he didn't want to tell Liko about his dream. Maybe it was because Mollie was present, or because he was still very closed off to other people and tried to deal with his problems alone.

"But then why were you crying?" Liko insisted, holding Amethio's hand. "Liko, maybe he doesn't want to say," Mollie tried to help Amethio when she saw his helpless look. "But... fine," Liko finally gave up.

"Now that you're awake, how are you feeling?" Mollie asked to change the subject. "Better, thanks," Amethio said guiltily for not telling Liko about his dream. "Do you mind if I take a look at your wrist?" Mollie wanted to make sure. "No," Amethio replied, and Mollie approached him with her Chansey. Carefully, she freed Amethio's arm from the sling, and Chansey held his arm steady. His wrist began to throb slightly, and he winced briefly. "Are you okay?" Liko asked worriedly, holding his hand a little tighter. Gritting his teeth, he nodded slightly. Mollie, who waited briefly for his confirmation, began to remove the bandage. With each passing second, his wrist hurt more, and Amethio had to control himself not to pull it back immediately.

When the bandage was completely removed, Amethio finally had a full view of his injury. He saw the fine stitch holding the wound together. The vein was bluish in color, and his wrist was more swollen than he had initially thought. Amethio looked at the wound worriedly and noticed Mollie dabbing ointment on a fine cotton swab and carefully applying it to his wrist. "This ointment helps with the swelling," she explained, concentrating and adding a bit more ointment. During this time, Amethio held his breath, hoping it would reduce the pain, even though he knew it sounded pretty dumb. When Mollie was finally done and began wrapping a new bandage around the wound, Amethio took a few deep breaths. When she was finally finished, the pain in his wrist was a little less severe, but still present. "Chansey, use Heal Pulse to reduce the pain," she asked her Pokémon, and it enveloped Amethio's wrist with a healing aura. Amethio felt the throbbing gradually lessen until it was just a dull ache. "Thank you," Amethio said gratefully, and Mollie waved it off.

Just as she was about to put the sling back on Amethio, he stopped her: "Wait a moment. Can I quickly change into something else?" "But you should be resting your wrist," Liko interjected sternly. "Liko, I think it's okay if he changes his clothes quickly. Just be careful when you do it. Just try not to use your right wrist too much," Mollie advised him, and he nodded understandingly. Slowly, Amethio tried to stand up and this time was able to stay on his feet. His Ceruledge came to his side for support and helped him to the bathroom. Amethio put on his regular clothes and gloves again, making sure not to strain his wrist too much. When he was done, he felt much more comfortable and sat back down on his bed. Mollie put the sling back on him and then said goodbye to Liko and Amethio.

"Here," Liko said when they were alone and handed Amethio his amethyst brooch. Gratefully, he accepted it and pinned it back onto his sweatshirt. "Why were you crying earlier?" Liko tried again. Amethio suddenly felt uncomfortable, and his Sylveon wrapped its feelers around his wrist. "It's just... I had a dream, or maybe a vision, I'm not sure, about my mother," Amethio admitted sadly. "Aunt Luna?" Liko asked in surprise. "Yes. She told me that not everything is as it seems and that I shouldn't trust Grandpa- I mean, Gibeon's words," he explained to Liko with sadness in his voice.

"What... does that mean?" Liko had to ask the question that occupied both of them. "I don't know," Amethio sighed, feeling down, when suddenly Terapagos emerged from its Poké Ball and looked at Amethio with concern. "Terapagos," Amethio said, surprised. "Pago, Pago," it said excitedly and climbed up a bit onto Amethio. "Pagogo was very worried about you too," Liko explained sympathetically. Amethio placed his hand on Terapagos' shell and gently stroked it. "I'm fine, Terapagos," Amethio assured it happily. Terapagos relaxed and curled up comfortably on Amethio's legs.

"Do you mind if I stay with you a little longer?" Liko asked cautiously. "No, I'd be happy," Amethio said gratefully, and they started talking about all sorts of things. After a few hours, Friede suddenly opened the door and said hurriedly: "Hey, there's an emergency." "What's wrong, Friede?" Liko asked worriedly. "Briar just informed us that someone tried to catch Gouging Fire. She showed us a video, and it was clearly the Explorers. It was the pink-haired girl and the man with the Garganacl," Friede explained in a panic. "Coral and Sidian," Amethio recognized, shocked, "That's why they had to go to Area Zero." "Did they catch Gouging Fire?" Liko asked anxiously. "No, luckily not, but we need to act quickly. We are going to fly to the Pokémon League and ask for permission to enter Area Zero," Friede explained. "Okay, I'm coming," Liko said determinedly and stood up. "I'll come too," Amethio interjected confidently. "No way. You just got out of the hospital a few hours ago. Do you want to go back?" Friede asked sternly. "No, but... this has to do with me too. I have to come along. Please, Friede. I really feel much better," Amethio pleaded hopefully. "But-" Friede began, but Liko interrupted him: "Friede, let him come. I was just as worried as you at first, but I saw myself that he's doing better. Amethio is strong. He can handle it." With his cousin's loving words, Amethio felt warmth in his heart and felt even stronger. "Alright, but if it gets too dangerous, you'll go back," Friede sighed, defeated, and went with Liko, Amethio, and their Pokémon to the deck, where Roy and Dot were already waiting for them.

"We will fly with our flying Pokémon," Friede explained and called Charizard out of its Poké Ball. Roy and Amethio did the same with their Kilowattrel and Corviknight. They all recalled their other Pokémon, except for Amethio's Sylveon and Liko's Terapagos. Amethio climbed onto Corviknight with Sylveon, while Friede climbed onto Charizard and Roy and Dot onto Kilowattrel. Finally, Charizard took Liko with Terapagos in its arms, and they flew off.

It didn't take long for the Pokémon League to come into view, and they landed there. When they entered the reception area, Rika, a member of the Elite Four, greeted them with a smile. "Oh, hello everyone. Long time no see." "Hello," they greeted back, and Friede took the lead: "Rika, where is Champion Geeta? We urgently need her permission to enter Area Zero." "I'm here," a voice called from behind. Geeta came with the other members of the Elite Four to the Rising Volt Tacklers and asked, "Why do you need to enter Area Zero? You know how dangerous it is." Friede began to explain the situation with Lucius and the six heroes, and Geeta replied, "I could allow it, Friede. But for the children, it's too dangerous. Especially because he's injured." Her gaze settled on Amethio, and he wished he could disappear at that moment. "Please, we can defend ourselves!" Liko declared determinedly. "Yes, we've learned a lot," Roy agreed. Dot nodded seriously, and Friede added helpfully, "They really have learned a lot. Please give them a chance to prove themselves."

"Alright, I will test you in a Pokémon battle to see if you are suitable to go to Area Zero," Geeta conceded somewhat. Liko, Roy, and Dot accepted her challenge determinedly and prepared for the battle on the roof of the building. Amethio, Friede, and the Elite Four stood to the side, watching the battle intently. Although the battle lasted a very long time, the three of them managed to defeat Geeta in the end. Overjoyed, they immediately ran to Amethio and Friede. "You fought great," Friede praised the three, and Amethio gave Liko a proud look. "You did an excellent job," Rika said kindly. "You really fought exceptionally well," Geeta said from behind as she approached the Rising Volt Tacklers, "You have my official permission to go to Area Zero." "Yay," Liko, Roy, Dot, and their Pokémon cheered happily.

"But as for you, I'm not sure. You are injured," Geeta said, turning to Amethio. "No, please, I have to come too," Amethio pleaded hopefully. "He can fight even better than us," Liko supported him, and both Sylveon and Ceruledge confirmed their statements with a confident 'Sylveon' and 'Ceru.' "Alright, then I'll give you a chance to prove yourself," Geeta relented. "Okay," Amethio agreed, promising himself not to fail. Both prepared, and Geeta called out an Kingambit from the Poké Ball. "Which Pokémon will you fight with?" she asked challengingly. "Sylveon," Sylveon decided for him, stepping confidently onto the battlefield. "I will fight with Sylveon," Amethio replied determinedly, trying to focus on the battle and not on the pain, which was getting worse. "Alright, Kingambit, Iron Head," Geeta commanded her Pokémon, and its head turned to steel. It moved towards Sylveon at high speed. "Sylveon, dodge with Quick Attack," Amethio called, and Sylveon barely dodged. "She's good, but that's why she's the champion," he thought, gritting his teeth. "Sylveon, Moonblast," Amethio ordered his Pokémon, and it created a pink sparkling ball, firing it directly at Kingambit. "Kowtow Cleave," Geeta called, and Kingambit split the ball in the middle with its beak. "Damn," Amethio thought fearfully as Sagaria called, "Stone Edge." Several high, sharp stones rose from the ground. "Sylveon, try to dodge somehow," Amethio called desperately, realizing he couldn't avoid the attack. "Sylveon," Sylveon called confidently, creating a strong wind with its feelers, lifting off the ground and dodging the attack.

"That was Fairy Wind," Friede called out in surprise. Amethio was also stunned but quickly regained his composure and called, "Quick Attack." Sylveon quickly approached Kingambit and stopped right in front of it. "Moonblast," Amethio quickly commanded, and the attack hit Kingambit head-on. As it was a critical hit, Kingambit staggered. "Not bad," Geeta praised, "But can you handle this?" She extended her Tera Orb forward and threw it after it gathered energy, causing Kingambit to terastallize into a Dark-type.

"Alright, now it's my turn," Amethio thought determinedly and pulled his Tera Orb from his pocket with his left hand. "I will cut my own path forward," Amethio called confidently, throwing the Tera Orb onto Sylveon, causing it to terastallize into a Fairy-type. "Kingambit, Tera Blast," Geeta called, and Kingambit created a massive beam of dark Tera energy, firing it at Sylveon. "Sylveon, Fairy Wind," Amethio called, and Sylveon created the strong wind again. When the attacks collided, they held each other in check, and it came down to who was stronger. Amethio saw that Sylveon was slowly losing strength and called out determinedly, "I know you can do it. I believe in you and trust you and Ceruledge with my life." These words gave Sylveon enough strength that the strong wind swelled to the strength of a tornado for a moment, destroying Kingambit's attack and causing it significant damage, but also blinding Amethio. When he could see clearly again, Kingambit lay defeated on the ground, and Sylveon, though panting heavily, was still standing.

Geeta recalled her defeated Pokémon, and Amethio knelt down to Sylveon. "You did great, little one," he praised his beloved Pokémon softly, stroking it. The others joined them, and Liko exclaimed excitedly, "You were incredible, Amethio. Sylveon is really strong." "Thanks," Amethio said shyly, while Sylveon chatted with Ceruledge and the other Pokémon. "They are right. You fought very well. I think you can also go to Area Zero," Geeta granted him her permission. "Yay," Liko, Roy, and Dot cheered for Amethio, and Friede said, "You have proven to us all that you are a strong Trainer." Amethio beamed with joy.

Now nothing could stop them from finding Gouging Fire and getting closer to Lucius and Rakua.

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