The Return of Rayquaza
Rayquaza let out another loud roar, and Amethio stood there as if rooted to the spot. He couldn't believe that Rayquaza had appeared. The Pokémon he had hunted for so long just to bring it to Gibeon. He knew he had to fight it now, but he was deeply afraid because he remembered how the last two times had ended. Moreover, he was still very exhausted and too tired to fight Rayquaza now, but he also knew that this would probably be his last chance to defeat it. Fortunately, Amethio would not have to do this alone; he would defeat it together with his friends.
"My friends, right. I should get to them as quickly as possible," Amethio thought aloud, as Rayquaza suddenly pointed its head to the sky, opened its mouth, and released a powerful Draco Meteor. A rock covered with dragon energy flew towards Amethio, and he raised his left arm protectively in front of his face as he saw the rock getting closer. "Ceru," called Ceruledge, jumping protectively in front of Amethio and slicing the rock cleanly in half. "Thank you very much," Amethio said, relieved, as Sylveon wrapped a feeler protectively around Amethio's wrist. "Bieb, Bieb," came a sound from Amethio's pocket, before his Rotom Phone emerged from his pocket and showed that Liko was calling him. "Amethio, where are you? Are you okay? Did the Draco Meteor hurt you?" Liko asked in panic as Amethio answered her call. "No, it's all good. Tell me where you are, and I'll come," Amethio reassured his worried cousin. "Thank goodness," Liko sighed in relief, "We're at the entrance of the cave, but don't come. Friede has a plan. We'll attack from different heights. So get ready." "Okay," Amethio agreed, ending the call and turning to Sylveon and Ceruledge: "We can do this, right?" Both Sylveon and Ceruledge nodded confidently.
Amethio was ready. "Good. We can do this," he said confidently, noticing that Friede was flying to his height with Charizard, closely followed by Rayquaza. "Good, Sylveon, use Fairy Wind and try to make it as strong as you can," Amethio called out, focused. Sylveon created a strong wind with its feelers, which seemed to grow stronger with each passing second. Rayquaza paused and struggled a bit with the wind as it turned its gaze to Amethio. "Very good, Ceruledge, jump into the wind and Sylveon, direct it so that Ceruledge can reach Rayquaza," Amethio explained while Ceruledge and Sylveon listened attentively. Ceruledge jumped high and was carried by the strong wind. Sylveon swung its feelers around so that the strong wind now blew more towards Rayquaza, and Ceruledge was now directly in front of it. "Use Bitter Blade," Amethio called out determinedly, confident that he would not make the same mistake he did the first time he fought Rayquaza. Back then, he hadn't thought about the consequences of his actions, but now he knew what would happen. He was prepared.
Ceruledge ignited its swords in bright purple flames and struck Rayquaza's head with them. The mighty dragon Pokémon let out a brief, ear-piercing scream before regaining its composure and raising its claw, ready to slam Ceruledge to the ground. "Now, Sylveon, pull Ceruledge back with your feelers," Amethio called out determinedly. Sylveon instantly extended its feelers and wrapped them around Ceruledge's body, pulling it away from Rayquaza's claw just before it struck. Rayquaza's claw hit nothing but air, and Ceruledge landed safely back on its feet next to Amethio and Sylveon. "You both did great," Amethio praised his Pokémon proudly, and Sylveon briefly snuggled up to him.
Friede flew around Rayquaza again, trying to get its attention, when Amethio suddenly noticed that the mighty dragon Pokémon wasn't paying any attention to Friede at all but was staring intently at Amethio. It let out another deafening scream, and Amethio had to cover his ears. Rayquaza opened its mouth wide, and a strong purple shockwave formed in its mouth. Amethio didn't even have time to react when Rayquaza quickly shot the shockwave in his direction. Ceruledge and Sylveon jumped in front of him protectively as he realized in horror that the shockwave was not aimed at him but at the ledge he was standing on. With a noticeable impact, the shockwave hit the rock, creating a gigantic dust cloud that obscured Amethio's vision. Suddenly, he felt the ledge he was standing on tilt forward and break away from the cliff. Amethio slid forward and fell over the edge. As he fell, he saw Sylveon and Ceruledge sliding down as well, and Amethio hastily pulled out their Poké Balls to recall them. "They're safe," Amethio thought in relief before realizing, "Wait, but I'm still falling!" Amethio's heart raced, and he began to tremble despite the high speed at which he was falling, as he saw the ground getting closer. "AH, I BARELY SURVIVED UMBREON'S BITE! BUT I DEFINITELY WON'T SURVIVE THIS," he thought desperately, as he was only 50 meters above the ground.
Suddenly, he felt himself land on something very soft and opened his eyes in astonishment to see what he had landed on. He was lying on the back of a dinosaur-like Pokémon, which was completely scarlet red with white accents. On its head was a crest of blue-violet feathers, and it had wings on both sides. Amethio had never seen such a creature before and wasn't even sure if it was a Pokémon. Gently, it landed on the ground and let Amethio dismount slowly. He looked into the eyes of this mystical creature for a moment, then said, "Thank you for saving me." This strange being made a peculiar sound before disappearing as quickly as it had come.
"Amethio, are you alright?" someone asked worriedly from behind Amethio, standing next to him. But Amethio's thoughts were so focused on this mystical creature that he didn't notice the person next to him until they lightly touched his shoulder. Shaking his head in confusion for a moment, he replied, "No, everything's fine. What was that creature just now?" "What creature?" Liko asked, puzzled, standing next to him. "I didn't see anything. Just that you fell, thanks to Rayquaza's Dragon Pulse." "Oh yes, right. Rayquaza. That's right," Amethio recalled before calling out Ceruledge and Sylveon again and following Liko to Dot. Along the way, she explained their plan to defeat Rayquaza using the technique from earlier.
They stopped by a river, where Dot asked worriedly, "Is everything alright?" Amethio nodded and saw that Charizard and Crocalor were attacking Rayquaza with Flamethrower, but it was defending itself with Dragon Pulse. "Quick, we need to destroy the rocks," Dot explained hastily, and Amethio called out, "Ceruledge, use Psycho Cut, Sylveon, use Moonblast." Ceruledge fired its strongest psychic energies while Sylveon created its largest Moonblast and shot it at the rocks. The rocks shattered into many small pieces, creating a large dust cloud. Rayquaza was pushed against the waterfall by the Flamethrower and was now wet. "Good, Cap, use Volt Tackle," Amethio heard Friede call out, and Pikachu's body was enveloped in electrical energy. With quick movements, it sprinted towards Rayquaza and delivered a powerful strike. With a loud impact, Rayquaza crashed into a rock wall but soon rose into the air again. Its tail turned purple, and it swung wildly at Friede. Amethio saw that he was crashing with Charizard but fortunately wasn't injured. He recalled Charizard, when Liko suddenly shouted, "Watch out." Rayquaza fired a Dragon Pulse directly at them. Dot, realizing this too late, couldn't warn her Pokémon, causing them to be knocked out. Dejected, she recalled them, and Liko commanded, "Floragato, use Magical Leaf." Feliospa created a storm of many sharp leaves and directed it at Rayquaza. Through all the leaves, it didn't notice Kilowattrel flying in from behind with Roy and Crocalor, and Crocalor jumped onto its head. "Very good. Crocalor, use Disarming Voice," Roy called, sitting on Kilowattrel and holding Pikachu, which he had saved from the fall. The mighty dragon Pokémon shook its head several times before throwing off Crocalor. Roy caught it and landed with it on the ground. He dismounted and walked over to Amethio, Liko, and Dot. "It's really strong," he said with a hint of concern.
"We can do this," Liko said confidently, as Rayquaza suddenly raised its head to the sky and fired a Draco Meteor from its mouth. They noticed it too late, and some large rocks landed near them, hitting and defeating Floragato, Hattrem, Crocalor, and Kilowattrel. Ceruledge and Sylveon narrowly avoided them. "Pago," Terapagos called out from the side and stepped in front of Liko. It began to shine, and its shell grew larger. Pentagons with different types appeared on its shell, and turquoise-yellow fur began to grow on its sides. "Pagogo..." Liko murmured in amazement, and Amethio couldn't believe his eyes. "This is what I saw in the crystal," he thought in astonishment as Briar excitedly said from behind, "Incredible. Terapagos Terastal form."
Amethio noticed that Pikachu, on the opposite side, was creating a strong whirlwind to reach Rayquaza and attack it with Volt Tackle. Rayquaza let out a loud roar and flew up, only to fly at Pikachu with Dragon Ascent. Since Rayquaza's attack was stronger, Pikachu was also defeated, and he thought in fear, "We need to do something quickly, or we'll never defeat Rayquaza." "Amethio," Liko said from the side, looking determinedly into his eyes, "We need to give it our all now." "Together?" Amethio asked challengingly. "Together," she agreed and called out, "Pagogo, use Ancient Power." "Ceruledge, use Bitter Blade, utilize the rocks. Sylveon, use Moonblast," Amethio commanded. Terapagos created many large boulders and fired them at Rayquaza, while Ceruledge jumped onto the rocks and Sylveon prepared a Moonblast. Rayquaza was heavily hit by the boulders but managed to block Ceruledge's attack by using Dragon Tail. Ceruledge was thrown hard to the ground as Sylveon fired the Moonblast, hitting Rayquaza from the side. "Ceruledge," Amethio called out worriedly, but he knew he had to stay focused, so he recalled it into its Poké Ball.
Rayquaza flew back into the sky and came at Sylveon and Terapagos with Dragon Ascent. "Terapagos, use Tera Starstorm," Liko called out, and Terapagos fired Tera energy from its shell, which couldn't stop Rayquaza. Sylveon and Terapagos took significant damage from Rayquaza's attack. Thanks to Terapagos's attack, Rayquaza was still thrown into a rock wall and couldn't free itself. Sylveon stood heavily panting in front of Amethio and was about to collapse. He looked fearfully at his little fairy Pokémon when he suddenly noticed that Terapagos began to gather Tera energy to transfer it to Sylveon. Terapagos reverted to its normal form, while Sylveon terastallized, and the sky darkened.
"Now it all depends on you," Liko said seriously, snapping Amethio out of his astonishment. "Right. It all depends on us," he thought determinedly and called out, "Sylveon, use Moon..." He fell silent as he saw in Sylveon's eyes that his little Pokémon had another plan. "Okay, I trust you," he said determinedly, and Sylveon nodded. "Sylveon," the fairy Pokémon called out and created a powerful Tera Beam with fairy energy. It hit Rayquaza head-on, and it didn't move anymore. "Since when can Sylveon use Tera Blast?" Amethio asked in amazement, looking proudly at his little Pokémon. "Now it's my turn," Roy called out determinedly and threw Rayquaza's ancient Poké Ball. As it reached the mighty dragon Pokémon, it was sucked into the Poké Ball, which then closed. It landed right in front of Roy's feet, and he carefully picked it up. "We... did it," he murmured incredulously before raising the Poké Ball high and shouting, "We did it! We have Rayquaza!"
Suddenly, the Poké Ball opened, and Rayquaza came out again, just like the other six heroes. It replenished Terapagos's Tera energy, and Terapagos settled on Rayquaza's head. Once again, a white sphere appeared before Rayquaza, enclosing the group and showing them a vision from the past. They saw Lucius and Gibeon sitting together on a rock, waiting for Rystal. When she arrived, Gibeon explained that they were very close to reaching Rakua. Then the vision dissolved again, and Amethio thought, "They looked so happy as friends. Why did Gibeon betray them?" Somewhat disappointed, he looked at the ground, and Liko said joyfully, "Finally, the six heroes are reunited. I'm so happy for them."
Rayquaza began flying wildly in the air and seemed to want to tell them something. "I think Rayquaza wants to show us the way to Rakua. How about we return to the ship first and plan something," Friede suggested. "Good idea. That was all really exhausting," Dot said from the side. "Tell me about it," Amethio murmured so that no one could hear him. He had only slept for about an hour and was completely overtired. Besides, he was also exhausted, and his eyes kept threatening to close. "I will also take my leave," Briar said from behind, "Thank you for allowing me to learn so much about Terapagos thanks to you. I think I'll write a book about it." Just as she was about to leave, Amethio remembered the encounter with the strange creature and stopped her: "Wait. May I ask you something?" "Of course," Briar replied kindly. "A strange being saved me earlier. It was scarlet red and had wings. It also had a dinosaur-like appearance," Amethio quickly explained. "Wait, could it be that this Pokémon saved you?" she asked excitedly, showing him a picture of the Pokémon that had saved him. "Yes, that's it," Amethio answered, surprised. "That's incredible. I didn't know if it really existed. It's unbelievable that it saved you," Briar said, bursting with joy. Amethio, still a bit confused, asked quietly, "And what is it called, and what is it?" "That's Koraidon. The legendary Pokémon from the past. At least that's what it says in the Scarlet Book," she said excitedly. "Koraidon. A legendary Pokémon saved me. Incredible," Amethio thought in amazement, and Briar said, "It was nice meeting you. See you soon." With these words, she left, and the Rising Volt Tacklers decided to make their way back.
Upon arriving at the ship, Amethio immediately went to his room, released Ceruledge and Sylveon from their Poké Balls, and lay down exhausted on his bed. "I still can't believe that a legendary Pokémon from the past saved me," he said, and Sylveon snuggled up to him. Suddenly, a pain shot through Amethio's body, and everything blurred before his eyes. He now saw his mother in front of him, who said to him in a soft voice, "You did great, my darling. I love you so much and always will." The vision ended, and tears of joy welled up in Amethio's eyes. "Mom, I love you too. You don't know how much I miss you," Amethio thought, closed his eyes, and fell happily and securely into sleep.
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