The Development of Friendship

"And what's the plan now?" Orla asked as all the Rising Volt Tacklers sat together in the meeting room after lunch to discuss their next steps. "Well...", Friede began, "We have received several sightings of Entei at the archipelago off the coast. It consists of several volcanic islands, which could be another sign of Entei's presence there, as it is strongly associated with volcanoes." Friede pointed to the area with the volcanic islands on a map. "Entei might be moving from island to island, which makes it quite difficult to find," Dot doubted. "You might be right," Liko agreed. "That's why we'll split up," Friede decided determinedly, "Liko and Amethio will search the eastern side of the archipelago, and Roy, Dot, and I will search the western side." "Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to let Liko and Amethio go alone? After all, they are still children!" Mollie accused. "Oh, you're right. I didn't think of that," Friede realized and considered something else. "We can go in pairs," Amethio said with a determined expression in his eyes. "No! It's too dangerous. We are responsible for you," Friede forbade strictly. Amethio stood up from his chair and walked over to Friede to face him directly. "I've survived much more dangerous things than this," Amethio said seriously and looked Friede confidently in the eyes. "But some of them were close! It's too dangerous. Especially for Liko," Friede firmly disagreed. "I can defend myself! Nothing will happen to me!" Liko said with the same determined look as Amethio. "But...", Friede began before being interrupted by Amethio: "I will protect her!" Even Eevee, which he held in his arms, agreed with an energetic 'Eevee.' Friede sighed defeatedly and then said, giving in: "Alright. But if you find it, you will report back!" Liko and Amethio agreed to his demand and went out onto the open part of the airship with their Pokémon, as they would land soon.

"Do you think we'll find it?" Liko asked uncertainly. "I think so. I... had a vision about it earlier," Amethio admitted. Liko's eyes widened slightly before the ship landed gently on the water, and they disembarked. "The islands are a bit further apart. You'll probably have to fly over," Friede explained to them, as he, Roy, Dot, and their Pokémon also got out. "We can fly there with Corviknight," Amethio suggested to Liko as they said goodbye to the others. "Okay," Liko agreed and recalled Floragato into its Poké Ball. Amethio did the same with Ceruledge and called Corviknight out of its Poké Ball instead. "Corviknight, please fly us to the island over there," Amethio asked his flying Pokémon. Corviknight nodded in agreement, and Amethio helped Liko climb on.

During the flight, Amethio held Eevee tightly in his arms, and Liko did the same with Terapagos. Eevee enjoyed the flight very much and constantly let out joyful 'Eevee's, which brought a smile to Amethio's face. They landed on the first island, and Amethio suddenly felt a bit uneasy. "Can I really protect Liko if it comes to it? I have to! I must not fail! Even if it costs me... more than just a rib!" he ordered himself, doubting and scared. Eevee noticed his tension and lovingly snuggled its head against him. Amethio began to stroke it with a smile. This gesture from Eevee calmed him down a bit, but he was still somewhat worried.

"Where do we start?" Liko tore him from his thoughts. "We should first take a good look around," Amethio decided and called Ceruledge out of its Poké Ball so it could defend them if necessary. The two of them and their Pokémon began walking around the island and looking around. "Why do you think you have these visions?" Liko interrupted the uncomfortable silence that had developed between them after some time. "I'm not sure, but I have a suspicion. I got them after the attack, so it could be related to that. But I don't know exactly what," Amethio admitted, slightly frustrated. Liko stopped, and Amethio immediately turned to her. "Okay, let's summarize. You have the visions randomly. They started after you were attacked. They show you either the future or the past," Liko began counting on her fingers. "They are somehow always shrouded in a pink mist. And don't forget. Terapagos tried to tell us something because of that," Amethio continued listing, and as if to confirm, Terapagos let out a loud 'Pago.' "What are we missing?" Amethio pondered aloud as Liko suddenly froze. "I think I know what's going on," she said incredulously, "So Terapagos also creates visions with a pink mist. And the Rakurium only creates this mist and makes Pokémon wild and uncontrollable. Umbreon was infected with it when it attacked you, so... what if the Rakurium transferred to your eye, and that's why you have these visions?" Liko asked doubtfully. Amethio stood there with wide eyes and mouth, unable to believe Liko's words. "You... might be right," he admitted incredulously after processing this assumption a bit. Even Eevee and Ceruledge were frozen in place. "That would also explain why my eye is pink. But... if that's really true, how can we do something about it? I mean, against these visions?" Amethio asked, still overwhelmed. "I... don't know, unfortunately," Liko said with compassion for Amethio. He hung his head.

"My life will probably never be normal again," Amethio said sadly, feeling a few tears rise in his eyes, "Why is my life like this?" The first tear rolled down his cheek, and when Liko saw this, she set Terapagos down on the ground, walked over to Amethio, and hugged him tightly. "Amethio, I promise you, we will find a way," she whispered softly in his ear. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying," Amethio apologized and released himself from her embrace, "But... I'm totally desperate because of this. I just don't know what to do." Amethio walked with Eevee in his arms and Ceruledge by his side towards the sea and stopped a few meters before an abyss. Liko, who had followed him, said sympathetically, "I know how hard this must be for you. I'm here for you. After all, you're my cousin." Amethio turned his head in her direction and looked at her with doubt in his eyes. "And your Pokémon are also there for you," she encouraged him further, as Ceruledge and Eevee let out a confirming 'Ceru' and 'Eevee.' Amethio's heart warmed up again, and he said with a happy smile, "Thank you."

"We should probably continue searching for Entei now," Liko reminded him of their task. "You're right. It's also getting dark," Amethio said, looking at the sky. "Alright, then let's go," Liko decided determinedly, and Amethio matched her determination. Together they searched several islands, but unsuccessfully. It was already dark when Amethio said, "We should head back. The others must be worried by now." Liko nodded in agreement when the ground suddenly started to shake. "AH! WHAT IS THAT?" Liko cried out in fear, and Amethio held her arm tightly to keep her from falling. After a while, the shaking stopped, and Amethio let go of Liko and asked, "Is everyone alright?" Everyone nodded, and it was as if Amethio couldn't believe his eyes. Right in front of them, in the middle of the sea, there was now a huge island that hadn't been there before.

Liko widened her eyes and asked, confused, "How did the island get there?!" "What caused the earthquake was probably the eruption of an underwater volcano. That's how the island formed," Amethio explained, as suddenly a loud roar was heard, followed by flames rising into the sky. Out of the flames slowly appeared the shape of a Pokémon. "Entei," Liko unconsciously exclaimed and stared at Entei. It slowly approached Liko, Amethio, and their Pokémon and looked Amethio in the eyes with a piercing gaze. Terapagos moved closer to Entei and spoke to it with many 'Pago's. Entei, however, seemed uninterested in Terapagos and directed its gaze at Liko and Amethio. "Why isn't it reacting?" Amethio wondered. "Maybe it wants a battle," Liko guessed, upon which Entei let out a loud roar. "Alright, let's go Ceruledge," Amethio called to his Pokémon, and Liko did the same with Floragato. "Use Bitter Blade," Amethio directly commanded Ceruledge, and Liko called, "Floragato, use Acrobatics." Both Pokémon quickly sprinted towards Entei, but it used Pressure, and Floragato and Ceruledge recoiled. Amethio clenched his fists after setting Eevee down on the ground and shouted, "Ceruledge, use Shadow Claw." Ceruledge's swords were enveloped in darkness, and it struck Entei directly on the neck with the move. However, Entei only briefly shook its head, seeming completely unimpressed by Ceruledge's move, and attacked Floragato with Sacred Fire. "Ceruledge, protect it," Amethio asked his partner Pokémon, which blocked Entei's next attack on Floragato. "Thank you," Liko expressed her gratitude and called to Floragato, "Floragato, use Magical Leaf." Floragato created many sharp-edged leaves that sped towards Entei. Entei let out a loud roar and used Eruption to burn the leaves and severely injure Floragato. Floragato was badly injured, and Liko recalled her Pokémon. Amethio saw the fear in Liko's eyes and confidently said, "Leave this to us. Ceruledge, use Shadow Claw." Again, Ceruledge's swords were enveloped in darkness, and it ran towards Entei. Suddenly, Entei's eyes turned pink, and Ceruledge immediately stopped. It was held in place by Entei's psychic energy. "Damn, that's Extrasensory!" Amethio cursed before shouting, "Ceruledge, try to free yourself." It was too late, though, as before Ceruledge could do anything, Entei's Sacred Fire reached it and caused some damage. Amethio gritted his teeth and thought, "How am I supposed to defeat it? Fire against fire isn't really helpful!" Suddenly, Amethio noticed that Entei's gaze was directed at Liko, and he already suspected what was about to happen. Entei let out another loud roar, and a fireball flew towards Liko. "No," Amethio shouted and stood protectively in front of her when Eevee jumped in front of both of them and its entire body began to glow blue. Eevee's body grew larger, it got ribbons with feelers, and its tail took the shape of a crescent moon. During its entire transformation, Amethio stood there as if rooted to the spot, eyes wide open, not daring to say anything. In front of him now stood a beautiful, shiny Sylveon. Its blue accents stood out from its white fur, making the entire being appear even more beautiful and mystical. Sylveon created a pink-glittering ball, which it fired directly at the fireball, causing it to disintegrate into dust. When Amethio could think clearly again, he ran to his newly evolved Sylveon, knelt down to it, and hugged it tightly. "Thank you so much for saving us. Your Moonblast was really great," Amethio thanked it, "I'm so happy that you evolved." "Sylveon," Sylveon was just as happy as he was and wrapped one of its feelers around his wrist, bringing a happy smile to Amethio's face.

Suddenly, he heard calls from other Pokémon behind him and turned his head. On a neighboring island stood Suicune and Raikou, already waiting for Entei. It joined them, and Liko walked up to Amethio. "Great, Eevee has evolved and learned a new move. I'm happy for you," she said cheerfully to both of them. Ceruledge also joined them, and Sylveon gave Ceruledge a happy smile. Amethio noticed that even though Eevee had evolved, it still had its scar on its eye. But that didn't matter to him because it was his Sylveon, which he loved with all his heart.

"Why didn't Entei react to Terapagos?" Liko wondered. "I don't know. We should discuss this with the others," Amethio suggested. "Right. They must be very worried about us. We should quickly return to them," Liko decided, and they did so.

When they arrived back at the ship, Friede was in a total panic and asked them all sorts of questions. After they explained everything and he had calmed down a bit, Friede considered, "Maybe it wasn't the right Pokémon." "Then which one should it be?" Amethio asked, confused. "Brianna contacted us earlier and showed us a page from the Scarlet Book where a similar Pokémon is shown. Maybe we are looking for that one," Friede explained. "And where is it?" Liko wanted to know. "In Paldea, specifically in Area Zero," Friede said, wild with determination. "Isn't it forbidden to be there?" Amethio asked in surprise. "That's why we'll get permission from the Pokémon League tomorrow," Friede continued to explain, "But for now, you should go to sleep. It's late, and the others are already asleep."

They followed his advice, and Amethio went to his room with his Pokémon. As always, Ceruledge went to its corner, and Sylveon lovingly cuddled up to Amethio. He wrapped an arm around his Sylveon and fell asleep contentedly with a smile on his lips.

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