Chapter IX
"Derrick will do community service until I decide that he has done enough."
"What? You've got to be kidding me!" Ted yelled. "You know what his crimes are-"
"Yes," Dean said, "but he deserves a second chance. People can change."
The crowd started protesting, each fearing to be the next victim of Derrick's pain.
Stop! Dean yelled using telepathy.
"Derrick will be doing community service. Period. End of discussion," he declared. "Katrina, release him from his box."
"What? You want me to release him? Are you crazy?" Katrina screeched.
"Now," he hissed.
"No," she declared simply. "I refuse." She stood up straight and tall, looking at Dean in the eyes.
"Derrick is a dangerous criminal, and I don't care what you say. I am not going to release him."
Wyne and Ted moved to her side, supporting her decision. Blythe, on the other hand, glared at her, edging away. Celia, along with everyone else, swayed with indecision.
Dean glowered at her for another second. "I'm afraid you leave me no choice," he sighed. "Julian, come here." A nasty-looking boy stepped forwards, smirking.
"You know what I want you to do," Dean said. Julian nodded and grinned.
He raised his arms, and suddenly, Katrina found that she could no longer move nor use her powers. She was under Julian's control and was now a prisoner inside her own body.
"I'm sorry," Dean apologized, his voice void of any emotion. "I have to do this."
Julian forced Katrina to release Derrick from his box and he walked out of the hut, leering at her. He stretched and used his ability on Katrina, causing her body to erupt in pain. She wanted to scream, but couldn't, so she settled for a glare instead.
"Julian, take her to a tree and tie her up," Dean ordered. "Derrick, you go build a prison. Make it out of clay and make sure that she can't escape from it."
"Wait, what?" Ted yelled. "That is so unfair!"
"You can't do that to her!" Wyne cried out.
"I can, and I will," Dean declared. "It's for your own good. You'll see."
"But-" Ted started.
"If you keep arguing, I'll have you thrown in the jail, too." That silenced both of them. They looked at Celia, begging for her help, but she was motionless, her mouth gaping at Katrina.
"No one is to visit or to talk to Katrina," Dean said. "If anyone tries to communicate with her, they will be locked up, too."
Ted and Wyne could only sadly watch as Katrina was tied up to the knobbiest, bumpiest, tree Julian could find. The rope cut into Katrina's wrists, cutting off her blood flow.
For the next couple of hours, Julian stood watch next to Katrina, taunting her by making her slap herself in the face. Katrina's power was rendered useless by him when she was under his control, so she couldn't escape.
The next day, Julian took her to the newly built prison cell. The inside was dark and dirty and had no windows. It was only three paces in each direction, so Katrina couldn't even lay down.
The only way out was through a hole in the ceiling, far too high for Katrina to climb to. When she first entered the place, they had her go down a makeshift ladder, but removed the ladder when she was at the bottom. They covered the hole with wood, so that there was no light. Once a day, they threw moldy bread and rotting vegetables into the hole, keeping Katrina alive but hungry.
By the third day there, Katrina could barely move. Katrina had to gasp for air, and she had tried to complain about the lack of oxygen, but her pleas were ignored.
Soon, Katrina started drifting in and out of consciousness. She had no strength to eat the food tossed down to her and the air started smelling of rotten eggs. Rats ran around her feet, eagerly snatching up the food around her.
When she was sure she was going to die, Katrina received a visitor.
Julian lifted the wood above the hole and Dean peeked in, wrinkling his nose at the smell.
"Have you learned your lesson?" he asked, looking at her.
Katrina worked up her strength and nodded, pretending to be humbled.
"Good. I'm glad you know why I have to do this." He turned to Julian. "Take her out into the middle of the village. We're going to execute her."
Julian nodded, even though there were black circles under his eyes from preventing Katrina from using her ability twenty-four seven. He forced Katrina to climb up the ladder lowered down to her. She slowly walked back to the village, where a crowd was already gathering.
Dean had already tied a rope around a tree and set a stool under the noose. Katrina walked over and placed her head inside the noose, resigned herself to her death.
"All of you know Katrina's crimes," Dean started, standing next to her. "She refused to obey my orders. Let this be a lesson to you all: if any of you are to disobey me, this will become your fate."
The crowd murmured among themselves, in fear of the power-hungry person Dean had become.
"Katrina York, today you will be executed for your crimes," he declared solemnly. He pushed the stool out from under Katrina's feet.
Katrina's body sagged down, putting all the pressure on her neck. Katrina choked, the neck preventing her from breathing.
"No!" someone yelled. It was Wyne, who was pushing through the crowd, along with Ted.
Wyne teleported to Katrina and pulled her off the noose while Ted attacked Julian, successfully making him release his power in surprise.
All of Katrina's strength came back to her along with her powers. Before she could fully enjoy the sensation of getting her powers back, Derrick launched himself at her, attacking her with waves after waves of pain.
Katrina screamed and let out her power. She stared at Derrick and could only feel hatred. Pure, black, hatred. That day, her illusion power did something that it had never done before.
Her illusion ability combined with her clairvoyance, making her go into his perspective. She could feel each one of his heartbeats, pumping out blood to the rest of his body, feel the neurons in his brain, feel the muscles in his arm tighten as he attacked her. She released her illusions in waves, forcing his heart to slow, and finally, stop.
Katrina could only ogle as her long-time enemy fell to the ground, dead. She stood there, staring at his dead body, as battle erupted around her, Dean's supporters against Katrina's supporters. She stood there for so long, blocking everything out, that Dean nearly managed to stab a knife through her heart.
At the last second, Alisha used her telekinesis to twist the knife out of his hand, making it zoom into her hand.
"Katrina!" she yelled. "Stay focused!"
Katrina did a reality check and found bloodshed happening around her. Blythe was attacking Ted fiercely for her size, making him dodge blow after blow. Wyne was fighting Julian, teleporting away too quickly for Julian to be able to take control of him.
Katrina's head snapped back as Dean punched her in the face, causing blood to stream out of her nose. She easily blocked his next fist as she created a box around him and everyone else.
"Stop!" she ordered. The fighting around her ceased, not surprisingly, as everyone except her were trapped in a box. There were five dead bodies around them, including Derrick's.
"I'm going to let everyone out," she said. "But if anyone moves, I will, and I repeat, I will trap you and never let you out again." She knew that it was an empty threat, but it was enough to get everyone else's cooperation. As she released her illusions, Ted ran to her. She let him heal her with his ability, putting her at full health.
"I'm so sorry we didn't get you sooner," Ted apologized quietly as he healed her. "They tied me up and threatened to kill me if Wyne teleported you out."
Dean scowled at her as she glared at him, angry that he had made her friends suffer.
"I'm leaving," she said simply, "and if anyone wants to come with me, I welcome them."
She started walking away, and seven other people started following her. The others stayed with Dean in fear of provoking his wrath.
"So, I suppose that I'm your new enemy now that Derrick's dead," Dean called out. Katrina turned around.
"Yes, you are," she replied, looking him in the eye. "I'm letting you go this time, but be warned, next time I will not show mercy."
"Wait!" Dean called out as she started walking again. "Let's make a truce." Katrina hesitated; a truce would simplify many things.
"Don't listen to him," Ted growled, placing a hand on her shoulder. Despite Ted's warning, Katrina turned back.
"What are your terms?" she asked.
"Let's go into my hut," he said, "where we can write a peace treaty." Ted tugged on her arm, pulling her away.
"It's fine," she told him quietly, shrugging his hand away. Speaking louder, she told Dean, "Okay. But Ted's coming with me."
Ted didn't look happy with her decision, but he followed her nonetheless as she and Dean went into the hut. Dean stooped down and grabbed a leaf from the ground and a stick of charcoal. He sat down at a small homemade table and invited the others to do the same.
"I'm going to assume that we're going to be split into two different groups from now on," Dean said. "If we both want our groups to survive peacefully, I say we should agree to ignore each other." Katrina nodded as Dean wrote it down.
"Also add that we are allowed to turn to each other for help if necessary," Ted added, reading the words over Katrina's shoulder.
"That goes without saying," Dean replied, scribbling furiously.
"We will not engage in war and will not use our abilities against each other without the other group's consent," Katrina said. "And also, if one of the groups are going to try to do a life-changing event, then they will notify the other group and get their permission."
"What 'life-changing' event are you talking about?" Dean asked, pausing.
"Like if one of us figures out a way to escape or finds out that another volcano is going to erupt or something," she replied.
"Well, I doubt we'll ever find out a way to escape, but if I do, I'll tell you," he answered, writing it down. "Is that all?"
"Oh, also add that the peace treaty can be altered at any time with both group's consent," Ted said. "And that if one group breaks the treaty, the other can engage in war or do whatever they want to do."
"There," Dean said after he finished writing, setting down the charcoal. "Done."
"Where are we going to keep the treaty?" Ted asked.
"Dean's group can take the physical copy," Katrina replied. "Just give me a sec to memorize it so that I can create an illusion of it." After a moment, Katrina nodded.
"I'm finished," she announced. "Do whatever you want to that contract."
Dean nodded and tucked the leaflet inside his pocket, standing up.
"I'm assume we're done here, then," he replied. Dean walked over to the door and opened it, letting Katrina out.
As she stepped over the threshold, she suddenly felt the skin on her shoulder being split open and hot, red blood spilling down her back. Katrina whirled around to find Dean holding a dagger, her blood dripping onto his shirt.
Ted let out a war yell and launched himself at Dean, tackling him to the ground.
"Ted! Stop!" Katrina screamed. "He's armed!"
Katrina created a fake illusion of her and Ted and rendered themselves invisible, making it seem like they had fled. Dean growled and stood up, limping towards the door.
"What-" Ted started, confused by Dean's strange behavior before he noticed the fake illusion of him. Katrina clamped a hand over his mouth, shushing him. Dean left the hut, leaving the two of them alone.
"C'mon, we need to go after him," she said as Ted hastily healed her shoulder.
Katrina ran after Dean, who was shoving his way through the crowd, looking for her and Dean.
Suddenly, Katrina froze, unable to move her body.
Julian, she thought. As her body froze, her illusions dissipated, leaving her and Ted in full view. Dean moved towards them, clenching the bloody dagger in his fist.
Katrina concentrated, forcing her body to obey her commands as Dean stopped in front of her, moving the dagger towards her neck. With a yell, Katrina broke free from Julian's power enough for her to be able to kick Dean in the shin, grabbing the dagger as he yelped.
Katrina cursed as she realized that she had not entirely broke free of Julian. Although she could now move her body, her power was still under his control.
Dean drew another knife from his belt, panting as Ted watched the two of them dance around each other helplessly.
She and Dean studied each other for weaknesses, waiting for the other to make the first move. Sweat dripped down Katrina's back as her heartbeats pounded in her ears. As a ray of sun hit Dean's eyes, temporarily blinding him, Katrina lunged, splitting open his stomach.
Her aim was true and Dean was left with blood pouring from his wound. He slashed at her and Katrina moved to block it, but he fell short, leaving a deep gash in her leg instead.
The two panted, circling each other once more. Katrina was barely aware of the rest of the people starting to fight each other as she concentrated on Dean.
Katrina knew she had a disadvantage as she had to constantly fight against Julian's control, but on the other side, Dean wasn't as proficient as she was at fighting.
Katrina ducked Dean's next swing, the blade of his knife slicing through the air smoothly. She hacked at his sword arm from below and a stream of blood splattered into her face. Katrina moved away once more, blinded from the blood. She quickly wiped her face clean with her sleeve and spat out the blood in her mouth.
Dean had switched his knife to his left arm as his sword arm was injured. As he lunged towards her, Katrina felt a wave of victory overcome her as she noticed how his dead arm was throwing off his balance, leaving him clumsier than usual.
Katrina charged him, kicking his legs as hard as she could. Dean fell to the ground with a grunt as she kicked his knife away from him and pinned him down. Katrina pounded Dean on the head with her dagger, effectively knocking him unconscious.
Katrina cursed as she lifted her head and saw the damage around her. Everyone was fighting each other and blood puddled onto the floor, coating the ground with a layer of thick, irony, gore.
Katrina tried to use her ability but to no avail. She did a quick sweep of the battleground with her eyes, looking for Julian. She found him cowering behind a tree as he searched for more subjects to take control of.
Katrina ran to him, dodging swords and knives. As she got closer, she slowed down, sneaking up behind him. She drew closer to him and raised her dagger, intending to knock him out the same way she had knocked Dean out when she froze. Julian turned around to face her, smirking.
"You really think you would be able to sneak up on me?" Julian sneered. "I thought you were smarter than that." He shook his head, pretending to be disappointed in her. Suddenly, his face lit up.
"How would you like it if I made you attack your own friends?" he asked. "I could do it easily. A few illusions, and all of them would be dead. Then, I could make you suicide. What a sad tragedy that would be," he mocked. As proof of his strength, he made her slash her own cheek with her dagger.
As blood trickled down her cheek, Katrina felt wave after wave of pure fury attack her. Julian had a stronger control over her body now that he was closer to her, but Katrina's determination won.
Katrina forced herself to move. At first, only her finger twitched. Then, her entire hand. Soon enough, she was able to lift up her arm slowly, trembling from the effort.
Julian fought back, his teeth clenching from the effort of keeping Katrina under his control. It was the battle of the wills. Katrina's arm kept inching towards his neck, her dagger poised to kill.
Suddenly, Julian let go of her. Katrina stumbled forwards as Julian stepped back, drawing a sword from behind his back. He plunged the sword through her stomach, the tip of the blade protruding from her back.
Katrina choked, blood bubbling up in her throat. She coughed and blood came streaming out of her mouth, spraying onto Julian's face. Julian yanked the sword out of her body, leaving her to fall to the floor, dead.
I've written a lot of action scenes (especially in my second book. I doubt any of you have known me for long enough to have read that book, though. The Experiment is my third), and hopefully this one turned out well!
Usually, I put a lighthearted question here, but this time, I'm going to do something different. Do any of you have any tips for getting over writer's block? Writer's block is preventing me from writing as much as I want to write.
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