Chapter Ten: The Day We Became One
After being in the hospital for a few more days, the group of personifications finally went home. Alfred slept a majority of the ride while Ivan constantly clutched the armrest. He would occasionally shout for Matthew to wait before proceeding into an intersection, but the quiet blonde couldn't fault him. Once everyone got settled into the house, small talk consumed the living room. A few hours passed and Ivan began to cook dinner, receiving help from Francis and Ludwig. Alfred cutely waddled down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and baby bump.
"Ah, you're awake, eh," Matthew stood from his spot on the large sofa and helped Alfred sit down.
"Yeah, these two keep kicking me. I woke up to quite a jolt," Alfred smiled softly as he rubbed the baby bump.
"You look so cute pregnant, aru," Yao smiled as he looked at Alfred, "we should have a photoshoot!"
"That's a bloody brilliant idea! This way we can remember how absolutely stunning you look," Arthur smiled as he gently rubbed his head.
"I 'ave a few good photographers in mind, I could call zem," Francis pulled out his cellphone, but was quickly stopped by Alfred.
"That's probably not a good idea, last time we hired a photographer was for our wedding portraits,"
"What was so bad about that?" Katyusha asked, "were they not good?"
"Nyet, they were beautiful. But the photographer was a sleazy scumbag," Natalia answered as she sipped a cup of water.
"Why? What happened?" Eduard questioned as he sat on the rug, gently placing a few cups of water on the otterman for the other nations. Toris grabbed one and sighed deeply, looking at Alfred with sympathy.
"He was very unprofessional and kept flirting with Alfred. It really dampened Ivan's confidence, considering it was us who had to persuade him to propose to begin with," Tino nodded in agreement, setting his cup down.
"Ivan had bought the ring and everything, but as the day of the court reading came closer, he got more nervous," he explained as he remembered.
Ivan. Matthew, Gilbert, and Tino were all in this small jewelry shop. They all looked around until Ivan saw something in the corner of his eye, so he was quick to look. There, in a solo case, was a beautiful white gold band with a tiny engraving of a sunflower.
"Everyone, come look at this one," he pointed to the ring, making the group close in. The elderly man who was running the shop smiled as he picked it out of the case, gently caressing the black velvet box.
"I see sunflowers hold a special meaning to you, good sir," Ivan nodded.
"Da, I call my partner my little sunflower. Because of how much happiness and light he brings into my life," the elderly man laughed lightly at the notion.
"It makes sense, sunflowers are known as the happy flower. Many cultures say they bring longevity and good fortune, as well as represent adoration and loyalty. I am of Native American lineage, they thought sunflowers a symbol of good harvest and bounty because of how much it gave them in terms of seed and yellow pigments. Yes, they are quite an underrated flower nowadays,"
"Vell, that definitely applies to Alfred vhen jou think about it," Gilbert nudged Ivan playfully, making the taller blush.
"Da, it really does. How much is the ring?"
"I was charging 200, since there's no stones or such," Ivan nodded and paid the man outright, giving him an extra fifty. Wrapping the box up, the group left happily.
Days went by and the supreme court had announced the date of their decision reveal, making Alfred gitty with excitement. The group was now larger with Lithuania, Belarus, and Romano joining them.
"I'm so excited! I hope they say it's legal! I really want everyone to be able to finally get married! Just like us, right Vanya?!" Alfred asked excitedly. Ivan giggled softly and nodded, kissing Alfred's lips softly, "I think I'm going to head to bed now, you coming,"
"I will be there soon, sunflower," Ivan smiled softly as Alfred kissed his head and went upstairs. The moment Alfred was out of sight, Ivan began to tremble, "what if he's just saying that?" the group was caught off-guard by the sudden change in his mood.
"Don't be ridiculous, Alfred loves jou!" Gilbert nearly shouted.
"Big brother, where is this doubt coming from?"
"Everytime we walk down the streets I see everyone look at him. Fredka can have anyone he wants, why would he choose me?"
"Listen here, Vodka bastard," Lovino quickly intervened, "Alfred loves you! He chose you because you mean the world to him! You shouldn't doubt his love after all you two have been through!"
"Lovino is right, Ivan," Toris added, "after all this time, are you willing to let those jittery feelings take away your chance of happiness?" Ivan looked to his friend, "you and Alfred have been through everything together, even your bosses couldn't stop you from loving him. You have a child together and built a home together, everything you two have done together is still as strong as it was in the beginning. Don't let your insecurities grip your heart now,"
The group nodded in unison, showing they agreed with what Toris had said. Ivan smiled softly and nodded, got up, bidded everyone a goodnight, and went to bed.
"I still remember when he proposed, how nervous he was," Toris chuckled into a closed fist, "I had to push him towards Alfred,"
"Surely you do not blame me, da? After everytime the world had pushed us down, it would be only logical to feel afraid," Ivan came in, Francis and Ludwig in tow. The trio placed platters down, giving the group their plates of dinner. Ivan sat next to Alfred and blew on a forkfull of sauteed spinach, "here, taste," he fed his lover, who licked his lips.
"Garlic? You never put garlic in your spinach," Alfred mentioned, making Ivan nod.
"The doctor said you need iron and spinach is a good source. Besides, you've been eating half a container of garlic powder with every meal. I figured fresh garlic might satisfy your cravings more," Ivan fed Alfred another bite, making him giggle and happily accept it.
"What happened next?" Raivis asked as he looked to Ivan, who chuckled and looked to the side. He momentarily stopped feeding his lover to tell the next bit.
The group was outside of the courthouse, awaiting the results. Alfred was practically vibrating as he wore his pan flag like a cape, jumping in place. Ivan had his gay pride flag tied the same way around his broad shoulders, but he fidgetted nervously. Lithuania, Belarus, Romano, Canada, Prussia, Sweden, and Finland were right there besides him.
"I am scared, surely he will pick someone else. Look at all the amazingly beautiful people around us! He keeps looking at that one girl with the same flag as him, maybe-"
"Ivan!" Matthew nearly shouted, making the elder stop his rambling, "my brother loves you and you alone. Stop worrying so much," he comforted. The crowd suddenly started chanting the same montra 'love is love' as the ruling finally was decided.
Gay marriage was now legal in all 50 states, making the large crowd cheer in an uproar. Alfred jumped higher than Ivan ever saw him jump before, making him slightly smile. Lithuania coughed into a closed fist again and handed him the velvet box.
"Go Ivan, now is the time for action," he smiled as he pushed the larger closer to Alfred. Ivan looked down to Alfred and softly smiled, gently grabbing his hand. Alfred effectively stopped jumping and turned around, tears trickling down his face.
"Vanya, we can finally get married!" he shouted gleefully. Ivan chuckled and knelt down on one knee, opening the velvet box and blushing.
"Then it looks like you will be my little sunflower forever, da?" Alfred began to cry harder and tightly hugged Ivan, hugging him tightly. Ivan slipped the ring on Alfred's finger and they stood up, recreating the famous soldier coming home kiss. Meanwhile, Belarus snapped a photo while the large crowd cheered behind the couple.
"I'm surprised you were so nervous, Vanya. I actually started having those thoughts a day before the wedding, the classic 'what ifs' like 'what if we don't get along' or 'what if I'm making a mistake' type shit. I was scared you would get tired of me,"
"Mattie!!! Open the door!!!" Alfred banged on his brother's door, effectively getting an answer.
"Al! It's nearly 1 AM! What in the maple hockey sticks are you yelling aboot?!" Mattie saw that his brother was nervous, so he groaned and openly accepted him in, "tell me what's wrong, eh," Matthew got Alfred a cup of maple tea, helping calm Alfred down.
"Mattie, I'm nervous. What if something happens to us again and he'll leave me? What if he is actually just doing this because he feels some sort of obligation to? What if he actually hates me? What if-"
"Al, hold on a moment, eh!" Mattie was quick to stop Alfred's rambling and put a hand on his shoulder, "what is bringing all these questions up? You know Ivan loves you,"
"Yea, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve his love. He's so loyal and kind and passionate. He's intelligent and has such a big heart. Not to mention he's literally hot as the fucking sun! Like, I'm surprised Russia is covered in snow considering his hotness makes me sweat buckets!"
"TMI Alfred, Jesus Murphy," Matthew groaned as he rubbed his face, "listen, Ivan and you are amazing together. After all the shit you've gone through together, you deserve this happiness together. You two will finally be united by holy matrimony, meaning in the eyes of God you will be binded forever,"
"Do you think Mama would like him?" Alfred sipped his tea and took a deep breath.
"I think so, Vinland would love him too given how similar they are. Alfred, these thoughts are just your jitters finally setting in. But I can guarantee by this time tomorrow, you'll be making babies with your new husband," Mattie saw Alfred's face go red as he choked on his drink, making him chuckle, "the point is, you've always had a solid head on your shoulders. Your heart has always pointed you in the right direction, you just had problems executing what your heart wanted. But Ivan has seen all parts of you, Alfred. He loves every bit of you just as you are, and he treasures that," Alfred softly smiled and finished his tea.
"Thank you Mattie,"
"Anytime, eh! Now get to bed! You're getting married tomorrow!"
"I would never expect you to be so scared Alfred," England smiled as he finished his food. Alfred shrugged and chuckled, blushing a bit.
"Yea, I guess I always did seem a little cocky. But the wedding was still beautiful!" Alfred defended as he remembered the ceremony.
Flowers littered the private garden and butterflies flew freely, the wind making the minimal decor flow beautifully. The guests included all of Alfred and Matthew's children, Matthew, Mexico, all of South America, Philippines, the Nordics, Prussia, Eliza, Lovino, Belarus, Lithuania, and Japan. Alfred was dressed in a white dress shirt, black slacks, and navy silk vest with golden buttons. Ivan was dressed the same, but with a violet vest with silver buttons. Alfred's bouquet consisted of white roses, babies breath, and white hydrangeas. The two nations stood at the altar, about to read their vows.
"Fredka, the world may not know my infinite love for you. Just like the space you love so dearly, my love for you is truly infinite. I have seen you grow not only as a nation, but as a man. I've seen how you always had the brightest smile, even if you were hurting the most. The moment you came into my life, I had to have you. You completed me and made my world of cold darkness fill with light and warmth. You are a land where dreams come true, and that falls true to this day. Where right now, every dream I have ever had will come true the moment I say I do: my dreams to never be alone, my dreams to feel love and warmth, my dreams to always have someone to hold, and my dreams of waking up with you besides me. The moment you and I say 'I do' will be the moment my life is complete. I love you Fredka, my beautiful sunflower. I look forward to infinity together with you by my side,"
"Vanya, when I look at you, I see so much more than what the world claims to see. I do not see a monster, a freak, or an icy heart. The man I see could not be anymore different than that. I see a man who has the warmest hugs and most loving kisses. I see a man who has a heart so big that I'm gobsmacked your large body surprisingly fits it. I see centuries of pain and loneliness in which no one should ever endure. Perhaps that's why, at my first world meeting, I felt so drawn to you. Not only were you big, but you were alone. As a child, I spent so much time alone and I would always say it was normal. But, once I became a nation, I decided I wouldn't wish that feeling upon my worst enemy. Ironic, considering there was a brief stance of time where we despise one another. But we got past that and proved to those scumbag bosses that our love isn't some flyby fling. We showed them, and now the world, that we are forever. I love you to the moon and back, my perfect snowflake. I'm excited to spend eternity with you,"
Everybody, including Iceland, had been crying as the two exchanged rings.
"In the eyes of this world and the world above, I now pronounce you husbands! Please, seal your vows with a kiss!" the two nations didn't hesitate to kiss as the crowd cheered. However, the photographer seemed a little salty as he took the pictures.
"The photographer was frirting arr night with Arfred," Japan added as he gathered the plates.
"Ja, I remember how that unawesome buffoon was smirking to Alfred all night. He even tried to drug him, but he didn't put enough chloroform on his handkerchief," he dried a dish.
"'ow awful! I 'ope 'e got what 'e deserved!" France shouted dramatically as he scrubbed the next dish.
"I vould have done something, but Matthew got to him first," Gilbert began to laugh as he remembered.
There was only an hour left until the reception was over and Alfred had been dancing the night away. When he finally took a rest at a nearby table, the photographer came over.
"How goes your big night, sir?" he asked as he handed Alfred a handkerchief. Alfred smiled as he took it, dabbing his face.
"It's going amazing! I can't wait for our honeymoon!"
"Are you sure you'll be happy though? I mean, he seems like a big jerk. Look at him," Matthew had stopped when he overheard the conversation, keeping himself hidden.
"Ivan is not a jerk and you do not belong judging him. You are simply our photographer, you aren't being paid to judge my husband. Now, please, go do your job,"
"I'm just saying, if things don't work-"
"Not interested," Alfred wiped his nose and mouth, throwing the man's handkerchief at him and stood up. Suddenly, Alfred felt slightly lightheaded but caught himself on the table. Ivan ran over to him and helped him straighten up.
"Fredka, are you alright?!"
"Yea, it's just a bit of lightheadedness. Maybe I've been crammed in this building too long," Alfred chuckled as Ivan helped him towards the stairs.
"Come on then, we will stroll outside. Your garden has all those lanterns lit,"
"Our garden, Ivan. It's our garden now," the two happily shared a kiss in front of the photographer as Ivan led Alfred down. The man picked up the handkerchief and scoffed.
"I used half a damn bottle of chloroform, how the fuck didn't he get knocked out?" he whispered as he looked at the rag. Matthew's brow twitched and he strode up to the man, tapping his shoulder. He turned and tiredly smiled, "can I help you, sir?"
"Attempt to drug my brother again and I'll destroy everything you love," Matthew's gaze pierced the man's soul, making him pale and gulp.
"He deserved it," Matthew groaned as they sat back on the couch, careful to not disturb Ivan. Alfred had fallen asleep on his husband's lap, snoring lightly, "he was lucky I didn't do worse,"
"You still defended him, which makes me thankful," Ivan looked to Alfred with a loving gaze and stood up, "I am going to take him to bed and turn in as well. Good night, everyone," everyone said goodnight as Ivan walked upstairs, remembering the last bit of that night.
(Slightly sexual stuff coming up)
"Mmm, oh fuck! Oh God! Harder! Just like that! Oh Ivannnnn~" Alfred moaned as he collapsed on the bed, his body shuttering as Ivan pulled out. Both of them were panting as Ivan laid down beside Alfred, snatching him close. The two began to make out again, leaving Alfred completely breathless by the time he pulled away.
"That was amazing, da? I have never felt so passionate before, it is like I'm a whole new nation," Ivan cuddled Alfred closer, the younger's head laying on Ivan's hard pecs.
"Mmm, you've never been this amazing. If this is what being legally married sex feels like, I don't think my ass can survive infinty," Alfred joked as he cuddled closer.
"Now, we are officially one. We are finally bonded together in the eyes of nationhood and God," Ivan looked down and Alfred looked up, both smiling.
"You got enough stamina for one more round, big guy?" Ivan smirked as he got on top of Alfred.
"Da," Alfred laughed as Ivan began to kiss his neck, hounding down on his husband's body.
Laughter soon turned to moans.
Moans soon turned to deep breaths.
Finally, deep breaths turned to snores.
Ivan looked down at his husband yet again as they cuddled, feeling Alfred's bump. Alfred needed to sleep on his side, which made spooning the ideal position for them to sleep. As Ivan rubbed Alfred's bump, he felt slight kicks smack against his hands. Ivan smiled more as he clutched Alfred closer, happy that his children were alive.
If only Ivan knew the truth that the doctors were wrong.
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