Ready for war

Abyss Sans is now he looks around the room that he is in. He is still inside of the bedroom he's lived with. He looks up at his he clenched his fist, and his fist shook with worry and fear of what is about to happen to him and the others soon. is the day that they will need to defeat MalesGrow and Ten No Kami. MalesGrow, he has not become an Unnameable as of late...not yet...but he will it is their biggest chance to finally put a stop to him and Ten No Kami...with whatever it is that they are planning. Abyss than stood he than puts on his coat, the scarves came out from beneath the fluffy hood, as his eyes glowed with immense intensity. He sighed, as he than looked at his hand, before he spoke out.

" has been days...since we fought against the last remnants of Alphatale, only to reform it into something else, into a fusion of my world and Alphatale, and changing it into AlphaAbyss, the highest and most powerful version of Alphatale yet, one that will not be surpassed by any of the other versions of Alphatale, no matter how powerful that version of Alphatale may be. And is the big day...that we need to face them. That we need to fight against both MalesGrow and Ten No Kami, so that this can all finally be over right now. So that this nightmare will not continue on."

Abyss than looks down at the window...and he sees the laboratory, as he then notices Aurora and Lucy. They have both recovered very quickly, and they are as nice ad they once were, and since Aurora sees that there is no need to look humans, they have become friendly to them. Quenya is simply outside, and is sparring with his Undyne from Abysstale.

And needless to say, those 2 had became fast friends really quick. In fact, he has no idea how one can be friends with an alternate version of themselves that fast. Maybe it is because the both of them are very similar, in personality, being much more mature than the original Undyne? He does not know. What he does know though, is that they can at least appreciate this sort of thing while it lasts. Especially with the remaining time that they have left. He sighed, as he than looks out the window, before he turns his sights back to the Laboratory, his fists clenched, as he spoke out.

"The is almost finished. Using the power of the MainFrame all in an effort to try and defeat MalesGrow and Ten No Kami...but even I know one thing...that machine is not going to work. It might work on Ten No Kami...sure...but on will simply be a snowballs chance in hell."

Abyss Sans looks down, as he recalls what happened, in a dream of his. In his dream...he could see that the machine, even though it had been able to utilize and harness the power of the would fail to a big degree, with MalesGrow using his power to destroy it. And it is all without effort. But he did not see what would happen to Ten No Kami. All it showed was MalesGrow. Did the Machine work on Ten No Kami...did the machine simply decide to target MalesGrow first? He does not know. But he will know...when the time comes. He sighed, as he crossed his arms, he than looked down at the ground, before he than looks up, as he than spoke out.

"The meeting will start soon. I need to be ready."

Abyss than looks down at the ground, and began to organize the stuff that he has, as he prepares to be in the fight for, not just his own life, but for the lives of the entire Multiverse, and the lives of the many, different Multiverses that exist out there, living and unaware of what is happening. He does not dare and risk what would happen if it all goes wrong, but he does not think of it, as he continues to get ready. As he does get ready, he than saw that a slip of small paper slipped through a bunch of clothing that he had just put away. He looks down, and he picked it up, as he than saw what it is that had slipped out, and it is the one thing that had made him a little bit sad.

It is a photo. And inside of the was of himself, Papyrus, and Gaster...his dad...who he had lost when it was his birthday. He felt his hand clenched, feeling deeply unhappy with what happened. His brother manage to kill the one that has killed him, sure...but it did not change the fact that he had lost the one parent in his life. And it made him feel so much rage with what has happened to him and his family in its entirety. To have someone rip it away just because that they can. more of that. it is time to protect that family. Now it is time to save what little remains of it, and the first way to do that, is by making sure that MapesGrow and Ten No Kami are defeated, once and for all.

He than clenched his fist, as he looked up...before he than turns to a door, that leads out of his bedroom. He than goes up, and walks up to the door, and opens it. He than began to go down the stairs, and he walks up to the kitchen. He than sighed, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Gonna have some sushi, before I leave. One more time of my favorite food wouldn't hurt, right?"

Abyss than goes to his fridge, and pulls out some Sushi, which the Undyne of his earth gave to him, he is very lucky to have her. He than began to put it in the microwave, as he than cooked it for about 2 minutes. When it is done, he took it out, got out a form and knife, and he than began to eat it. The taste of sushi is very heavenly in his mouth, as he feels like he can eat a world full of simply sushi, and all only sushi.

As he eats...a voice spoke out.


Sans stopped eating, as he than looks to the left side, and sees that his brother is here, besides the entrance. Papyrus was looking at him with a sad, but very genuine smile. Sans...having a feeling on what it is all about...stood up...and walk up to he spoke out.


He looks up...but than he looks he has a feeling on what it is all about. Papyrus than he than spoke out.

" do I put this? I...I have been feeling...very unhappy lately. Mainly...because of what we are about to go through. You and well as a bunch of other people, we are about to face off against these 2 incredibly powerful entities from the TransVoid. And..."

Papyrus than looks he felt sad, but he also felt more happier, as he than spoke out.

"When I first saw you...before Father were still a young kid, that had so much to learn, and had to be tormented by those disgusting Union people. You always needed help. You always needed aid to those that are willing to help you. And you are now grown. You are now aiding those that needed your help, instead of them helping you. What I am trying to say is..."

Papyrus than crouched down and hugs his brother, as his brother returns the embrace to him.

"I am very...very proud of I love you with all my heart. And I will be with you in that fight...the 2 of us together, Sans."

Sans looks at Papyrus, as he spoke out.

"I love you too, big bro. I love you to. Say...shall we have one more meal...before we go and fight the big fight."

Papyrus nodded with smile.

"That...sounds good."

Sans and Papyrus entered the kitchen, as they the closed the door behind them, and began it eat ranch other's favorite foods. And needless to say, this is the last moment that he will cherish, along with Eri, who has decided to eat along with them, while they are at it.


It is time...for war.

Everyone looked up, as they see that Abyss Error404, William, is making an announcement. Abyss Error404 sighed, before he than looked up at them, and he than spoke out to them.

"Everyone...this is day that we have been dreading for, that we have been waiting for, in what must have been a week, since I've arrived at the Omega Timeline. And right is time that we act."

He looks down at the ground, thinking hog his next choice of worlds, before he spoke out.

"4 has been 4 days, since we have been preparing for this fight, since we have been preparing to combat against MalesGrow and Ten No Kami, who has been a threat to the Multiverse and beyond for such a very long time. And the time has come...the time has come to put an end to this dreaded nightmare. To put to rest all the demons of the past of Alphatale, and to finally be rid of the most dangerous threats, once and for all. To finally free ourselves from this agony that Ten No Kami had put us through...that Ten No Kami had out...ME...through. And now to put an end to that MalesGrow is going to do, trying to consume our universes, as well as a our homes."

He than looks up at the crowd, as he waits too see if there is anyone that is going to speak to him. Too see if there is anyone that would like to comment on the situation. When he sees that no one dares to speak...he than sighed again...before he than spoke out his next words.

"Through Ten No Kami's Manpulations, and through MalesGrow making a deal with the version of Sans that is simply called Rock, they have become too much of a dangerous threat to all of existence, which is why...I will be bringing forth a group of some of the most powerful, yet unique people to right for me, not because I think that all of you are weak. I admit that you all are strong. It is just that...this requires not just power or speed or all of requires brains and heart to deal with this sort of threat. I would like to bring all of you with me at once. Believe me...I do. But I would be simply be putting all of you at risk if I were to do this sort of thing. And I want to make sure that all of you are safe. I had let you all down...I made you all suffer, all simply because of my blind desire, to bring back the universe that I had lost. And it is time that I repent for what I have done. It is time that I redeem myself, by protecting you...all of you, from what Ten No Kami and what MalesGrows is going to do to the entire Multiverse itself, and too protect your homes."

He than looked he than spoke out to everyone.

"I had made my decision...on who will go with me. Made my decision, on who will aid me in this task to being down Ten No Kami sand her father, MalesGrow. I will be listing groups 1-4. Group 1 will be comprised of me, William, Ares, Jacob, and King Abyssverse. As we are the strongest of our kind, it will be fitting to bring us into the fight."

He than took a deep breath and sighed, before he looks up and spoke out.

"Team 2...will be consist of, Ink, Error, Dream, Nightmare, and Reaper. For these 5 have way more experience in fighting, with us having being able to surpass them. So they will be the ones to help out as Team 2."

Abyss Sans looked he than began to think of what to say in this situation...and realizes that there is simply nothing to say, as he than looked William than spoke out.

"Team will be compromised of, Abyss, Mega Man X, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, and the original Mega Man."

Abyss was teleported on stage, as he, along with Mega Man X, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, and the classic Mega Man himself being present, as Abyss looked around, and he felt a little bit worried with what he is about to go through. He sighed, though, as he knows that he cannot fight against this, and that he and the others need all the hands that they can get in an effort to try and bring down MalesGrow and Ten No Kami. And since Rock is going to be present, as well as being a very difficult entity to deal with, he is gonna needed to be combatted against. Abyss Error404 sighed, as he knows that he is going to be taking a massive risk, bringing the group here, but he needs to do this right now, so that they have a much more easier chance. William than spoke out.

"And for the last team, known simply as Team will be comprised of, Cross, Delta, Epic, Fatal Error, and Fresh."

This made Righteous!Error a little bit uncomfortable, due to the fact that Fresh is very, very scary for him, as he is a literal parasite that is ready to take over his body at any moment. Abyss Error404 than sighed, as he than spoke out.

"I will also be bringing in some back up members, just in case one of them dares to fall, or if the fight is much more dangerous than expected. That is why I shall be bringing Zero, Proto Man, Luigi, Shadow, Fatal Error, Tint, Abyss, and Cross Papyrus, just in case that one of the members of the group becomes defeated, so that they can recover while the others takes their place, of if they are desperately needed. But we know that...trying to kill them is going to be an impossible type of situation to be in. Which is why...we will not be simply fighting them. We are here to stall time...all for our smartest people to finish the machine. They are almost complete, but they still need some more time to finish it as much as they're able to. For now...there is no time to waste. The main groups and the back ups...prepare to leave. Because we are about to be in for the worst war of all of our entire lives. The fate of the entirely of the Multiverse, as well as the other Multiverses besides us, they all depend on us to protect and stop this threat."

Abyss Error404 than walks away, as he and Adam spoke out.

"You did a very good plan, William. We are going to be able to win against MalesGrow and Ten No Kami, as well as make he pay for having us suffer for so long under her power."

William nodded, though he doubts that what he did was the correct choice, as both continue to walk away. As the both of them walked away, Quenya was observing them, as she remembers a long time ago, when William and Adam were small children, being very young infants, when she began to show her motherly care towards them.

She felt very happy, as she spoke out.

" kids...there are no words to proud I am of you. You have grown out of your mothers power...and became much more stronger then her, and yet, you all are much more better, heroic people than her. I am very glad that I have met you...and I feel happy, that I have raised you, in the place of what your mother would have done...which would have been worse. I will be with the both of you at the end."

Quenya than walks away, as she gets prepared for what she is about to do.

Mega Man X and Zero puts their arms on each other, as X spoke out.

"If this is the last time we fight together while we're still alive...I want to thankful I am to have you by my side. And that it is good having memories of your while it lasts."

Mega Man X said, as Zero than smiled, as he nodded his head at his best friend for so long.

"Yeah, me too. If we fight against them, I will not forget all that we have done, too protect Abel city. And we are going to protect all of the entirety of the Multiverses, in an effort to bring down both MakesGrow and Ten No Kami, once and for all."

Sonic and Tails are hugging each other, as Tails than spoke out.

"Sonic...please come back to me and the other alive, okay?"

Sonic smiled, as he spoke out.

"Hey, little buddy. I always come back alive. Eggman tried to drop me out from orbit and used that Time Eater, and through Infinite, and nothing that he had done worked. This will be no different from what Egghead's done to me."

Tails nodded, as Sonic rubbed Tails' head.

With Mario and Luigi, the younger brother began too lock down at the ground, as he spoke out.

"Mario...I...I feel sacred."

Mario looks up at the younger green brother spoke out.

What-a we are about to go up will-a be the biggest thing that the-a both of us will face off against in our entire lives and I...I don't know if we can do-a this."

Mario than puts a hand on Luigi's shoulder, as Mario spoke out to Luigi.

"Brother...I am scared too. And even I admit that...this is way too big for us to deal with. But everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom...Princess Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Toad, all of the people that-we care about...they-a are depending on us. And besides...with you and me well as with everyone depending on us...we will-a be able to do this."

Luigi looks down at Mario, and with a determined expression on his face, pumped his fist a little bit up, as he nodded his head, as he seems like he is ready to take on MalesGrow and Ten No Kami.

Mega Man and Proto Man are together, as Mega Man spoke into to Proto Man.

"Well...are you ready for this, Blues?"

Proto Man nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I always am."

Mega Man nodded, as Roll than shouted out.


Mega Man turns around, as Roll than wraps her arms around Mega Man, catching him completely by surprise.

"Pleas come back alive, okay?"

Mega Man looks at Roll and nodded.

"I'll come back alive, Roll, don't worry. You know that I will always come back alive for you. I have done this a bunch of times."

Roll like at Mega Man in the eyes and nodded, as her mouth becomes a little wobbly, but she still puts her faith of Mega Man very immensely, as Rush than jumped up, and went into Mega Man, as he activated his Super Adaptor form already.

Mega Man stares intently, as he is ready to go down and bust some heads, as Proto Man got his shield ready.

Cross Sans, Delta Sans, Epic Sans, Fresh Sans, and Ganz walk up, as Hollow!Ink, Righteous!Error, Dream, Good Nightmare, and Reaper assembled in their groups, and are getting ready for the fight.

Abyss Sans looks down at his hand, and sees the Conduit of Life's Soul in his hand, before he than tucked it into his pocket, before he than walks up to William, as he spoke out.

"So...when do we leave?"

William looks down at Abyss, and spoke out one word.


Omnipotent Abyss than opened the book, as a portal had than began to manifest before their very eyes.

Abyss' hands are in his pocket, as he looked at the portal before his very eyes. It was immensely large before his very eyes, as this is not a size that he is expecting, but he does it comment on that, as Abyss spoke out.

"So...this is it, huh?"

Abyss Error404 looks at Abyss in the eye, as he nodded his head.

"Yes it is. Let us make haste. And may our time not be wasted."

The first group, named the Alpha Group, came forward, as each of them lined and rowed up at the portal, with all of them looking at the portal.

"Let's go..."

Abyss Error404 said, as he, his brothers, along with the others, than began to go into the portal that Omnipotent Abyss has made with the Book of Eyes. Than, group 2 named the God Group. And than, group 3, the Blue Group, And Group 4 the Soldier Group, as they went through the portal, and went into the TransVoid gateway.

When they went into the portal, and into the gateway that leads to the TransVoid...they are in a place that is unlike any place that they have seen before. The area that makes up the TransVoid, it is so they had never seen a dimension like this. Normally...anyone that dares to try and enter the TransVois, they would simply go insane. But luckily, these people are not regular mortals. In fact, they are way more interesting than some regular people.

Sonic looms around, as he spoke out.

"Is this the TransVoid?"

Abyss Error404 than spoke out.

"No...not even close. We are simply in a gateway that leads to it, though, or at least, one of the different sections of the TransVoid."

Mega Man X and the original Mega Man looked around, as Mega Man X' green began the glow red, as Mario spoke out.

" do we get to there this MalesGrow is-a?"

Omnipotent Abyss turned around to look at Mario in the eyes, as he than spoke out.

"Well...I do know of an entity that can take us there, to wherever MalesGrow is at. I just joke that she is able to take multiple passengers at once. Luckily, there is not much, since the Back Ups are in the dimension that William has used as base for such a very long time, for over 12,000 years."

Before the groin left, the back ups are put into the realm of Error404, where they watch what is happening through a special screen that he has made, so that they can see the progress that the group is making.

Omnipotent Abyss than looks forward, as Cross Sans than spoke out.

"You have an idea where she is?"

Omnipotent Abyss nodded his head slowly, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, I kind of do have an idea of where to go at this point."

Omnipotent Abyss looks at the others behind him, as he spoke out loud.

"Follow me."

He than began to walk on the bridge that is floating above the tunnel, as Abyss Error404 began to follow Ares, who is than lead by everyone else. Abyss walks up, as Sonic goes side-by side with Abyss, Mega Man X, and Mario, as Mega Man X spoke out.

"So...this is it, huh?"

Abyss nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"It is. And I want to nice it is, to fight by the sides of everyone here, even you all."

Mario nodded his head, as Sonic spoke out.

"Yeah, being with all of you is a blast."

Mega Man than spoke out.

"And now...we end this, once and for all."

Mario nodded, as he spoke out.

"For the people that we have-a been protecting for so long."

Abyss and the others walked a little bit they try to catch up to Ares, who is getting a little more ahead. They went through a portal...and now they are in a planet similar to Remnant...but it is barren, and filled with only Wildlife. But as Ares went forward...a female voice spoke out.

"'ve returned...and I see that you've brought friends with you as well."

Ares and the others turned around, as they see someone that is sitting down onto the ground.


Ares said, as he approached the pale female entity. The entity our 6'2 in height, as she has white hair, white skin, a white dress, and she appears to be knitting something in her hands. Ares then went forward, as Ares spoke out.

"I see you are still as beautiful as ever, Yesmerian, especially after such a long time since we had last met."

Yesmerian smiled a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Oh, you are too sweet for your own good, Ares, especially with how king you are too me in my eyes, not to mention the fact that you are now much more beautiful than you ever were. And I assume that you need my help."

Ares nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yes...I do need your help, and it is very serious on my part, as well as the group that are with me."

Yesmerian looks at the group that he has brought along, and her eyes widened at the amount, as she spoke out.

"Well...considering that you had brought this amount, as well as some that are not from the Undertale Universe, it really is important. So what do you need my help in, Ares?"

Ares stepped forward a little bit too her, as he than spoke out to Yesmerian.

"Tell me, Yesmerian, have you ever heard of an entity that goes by the name of MalesGrow?"

The name made her stop with what she is doing, as she than looks up at Ares, and she spoke out.

"How could I even forget that one. That black squid has a tendency to scare the living daylights out of me, especially since he is someone that I would prefer to avoid. Do you want me to take you and your group to him? But for what reason ?"

Ares than spoke out.

"MalesGrow has brought along 2 people by his side, Ten No Kami, his daughter, and Rock, his partner. And this is the dah where he is supposed to be turning himself into an Unnameable."

Yesmerian looks down at the ground, as Ares spoke out.

"Can you take us there? MalesGrow is up to no good, and we need to stop them. So, will you please help us find him?"

Yesmerian sighed, as she than stood up from the ground, and looked at Ares in the eye, as she spoke out.

You know...I always feared this moment. I always feared that this time would eventually come. I knew would need my help with an incredibly powerful TransVojd entity, with one as powerful as MalesGrow. But...for the sake of the 10 realities, and the fact still owe me your life for rescuing you from that Vendevras woman...I shall help you. careful with MalesGrow, Ares. He is now more powerful than anyone could ever imagine."

Ares nodded his head, as she than sighed, before she than stood up, and spoke out.

"Follow me. I can get you to the entrance...but I cannot go to the other side. You need to go to the other side yourselves...and you need to be very careful."

Yesmerian stood up, and she than made a portal, before she walked in, as the others began to follow her. The group are like lost puppies following an adult dog. Yesmerian lead them through the gateway that she has made for over about 4 minutes...before they reached a portal before their very eyes...and the portal is black with red lines coming down, as Yesmerian turns around and spoke out.

"This...this is as far as I can take you. The rest...yoh can manage, just go to the other side. But be careful, and be extra cautious, as now at his largest size yet."

Ares nodded his he than spoke out.

"Understandable. But we are ready for him. All of us are ready for him, Yesmerian."

Yesmerian bowed her head, as she spoke out.

"Good luck."

She walks away, as Abyss Error404 goes in front of the portal, and spoke out.

"This is it, everyone. The moment that all of us have been waiting for. It is time that we put an end to this situation, once and for all."

Mario than crushes a feather, as he activated his Cape Form. Mega Man X activates his Ultimate Armor, and Abyss Sans activated his Abyss Blasters, which Sonic can ride on, since he can't fly. The other Sanses, the ones that can't fly, also activated their blasters, as they got ready to Abyss Error404 spoke out.

"Let us go, now."

Abyss Error404 than jumped through the portal, as the others do the same, and then crossed over to the other side, as they all looked around the place. But the sight of that they are confusing. It is simply all blackness. There is life present, no sun is almost as though that everything around is...dead.

Abyss looks around, as Ink spoke out.

"Well...this is strange."

Error looks around, as Epic spoke out.

"Bruh, where is that black squid?"

Fresh nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"I hear ya...bruh. This is totally uncool."

Delta and Cross looked around, as Sonic than spoke out to Abyss.

"That is strange. Where is MalesGrow? I don't see him anywhere."

Abyss than used his power to focus his magic on trying to find the soul of MalesGrow. He closed his eyes...and focused...only to open his he spoke out.

"Uh oh..."

Ultimate Armor X and Super Adaptor Mega Man turned to Abyss Sans, as Mario than spoke out.

"Is something-a wrong, Abyss?"

Abyss nodded, as he than spoke out.

"I think I know where MalesGrow is."

This made everyone look at him, as Infected Abyss spoke out.

"Well...where is he?"

Abyss he spoke out.

"The blackness that we are seeing...that is MalesGrow."

This made everyone stop...and they felt stunned at what Abyss had said, as they looked at the blackness, and saw that it is beginning to move on its own accord, and they looked they see a gargantuan mass before their very eyes, the size of the is so, so immense, that there is no way to measure just how far it is going. And then...the single eye opens up, glowing red, with a single black-slit pupil shaped like a cat's pupil, staring at the group that is before his eye. And the group looks so immensely tiny bugs, that are many times smaller than a human finger, and if they were bugs, and MalesGrow were a human, they's be so small, it is easy to miss them. And MalesGrow's body is still growing, slowly, but very surely. It is obvious in that he is at the stage where he is ready to turn into another dangerous Unnameable. But that is not all. Floating up towards them...are 2 other people, and it is the ones that MalesGrow had taken with him, who he has assigned Rock to find.

Ten No Kami and Rock are also present, as they looked up at the group, as MalesGrow than spoke out.


But Ares shook his head, as he spoke out.

"No. I didn't need to look for you, because I know of someone else that knows of where you are. We were only gone for so long, because we have been ordering ourselves in a fight against you and your foolish servants, MalesGrow."

MalesGrow snorted, as he spoke out.


Abyss Error404 than floats before the eye, as he than out.

"Not for us, no. Let's say we manage to find a way to make sure that you are beaten down."

Ten No Kami, the flies up to William, and looks down at him, as he spoke out.


Rock than spoke out, as he is perching on Ten No Kami's shoulder.

"And as for me, lads! MalesGrow promises me the power to destroy the filthy AUs that are surrounding the entire place. Need to clean up this filth so I don't have to be bothered by them anymore."

Than, a blast of red energy fired, as Rock got hit by it, and it actually hurt, as Rock looks to see Righteous!Error, his hand out, as he spoke out.

"The on-on-on-only one that does that is m-me, pal, since it is my job, and no-not yours."

Abyss than flies in front of Rock, Ten No Kami, and MalesGrow, as he than spoke out.

"All of had caused the entire Multiverse so much grief and suffering, for far too long. You have done this more time than any if he can count, and what you do goes way to far. Well...not anymore longer. will will is time to put an end to all three of you...once...

...and for all."

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