"So...King Multiverse...huh?"
Ironwood spoke out, as he looked up at King Multiverse himself, and needless to say, Abyss was not over exaggerating about his height being 6'7 inches.
This version is literally taller than even James Ironwood himself, who is only 6'6 inches. Not even Ozpin could reach a height as tall as this. Needless to say, King Multiverse really does have the height of a king.
"Indeed, this is me alright. It is a pleasure to meet you, General."
King Multiverse spoke out on his false kind king tone. But James Ironwood spoke out to King Multiverse.
"I wouldn't use that facade of yours if I were you, King Multiverse."
King Multiverse was caught by surprise by that, before James Ironwood spoke out to King Multiverse again.
"Sans has already told me about you and your real nature, as well as about the powers you have. Also told me of your selfish side of being praised and respected by the prior that you control, King Multiverse."
King Multiverse looked annoyed, as he than looks at Abyss and spoke out.
"Do you really have to do that, revealing information about me, Abyss?"
Abyss than spoke back to King Multiverse.
"The other opinion would be to make people your servants through the use of this facade of yours. So yes, I needed to do that."
King Multiverse spoke back to Abyss in his cold voice.
"You clearly like to ruin my fun, even though I wanted it."
Abyss than spoke back to King Multiverse in with irritation now present in his very voice.
"What is so fun about tricking and getting other people, including other versions of me to say your oath and make them their servants, as well as rob them of their independence to be people, King Multiverse? There is nothing fun about making them your servants when it is clear that they don't want to."
King Multiverse glared at Abyss and Abyss glared back at King Multiverse, creating a chilling feeling around the 2 of them. As they continued to glare, a voice spoke out.
"So am I missing something?"
This made King Multiverse and Abyss stop, and they turned to see Ink having recently arrived into the room where the 2 versions of Sans are present in right now, with Abyss smiling that Ink arrived, putting an end to the glaring contest suddenly happening.
Ink Sans is now wearing the coat instead of it wrapped at his waist. This is odd, as Abyss has never seen Ink do that to his coat before when he usually meets with him.
King Multiverse immediately stops being irritated, and than goes to Ink Sans, before stepping in front of him, seemingly happy to see one of his right hands.
"Ahh...Ink. One of my right hands. It is nice to see that you are still here."
King Multiverse spoke out, as he faced Ink Sans, although Ink Sans is shorter than King Multiverse by a bunch, as he is as tall as Abyss Sans at his current height through the 3rd orb.
"Yeah, well, I clearly was not expecting to be with you at a situation such as this. Kind of expected you for the both of us to be meeting in the traditional way. Not in the, Error404 invading a version of Remnant type of way."
King Multiverse spoke out to Ink.
"Well...it does not matter. Besides...Abyss told me that Error404 is here, and I am here to make sure I can overpower him and prove that I can be able to defeat him."
Ink smiled a little bit.
"Well...at least you'll get the chance to do it. But not so fortunately, Error Sans is with Error404, and he is a bit stronger than me right now. So I highly doubt that you can bring Error to your side with Lesson of Loyalty, with Error404 next to Error."
King Multiverse snarled a bit at Error404 being mentioned, and the fact that Error Sans is now with Error404 himself, meaning that trying to get Error to his side with Lessons of Loyalty is not going to do much, since Error404 is here, and he can easily prevent Error from being removed from Error404's side, and keep him on the side that he is still inside of right now.
"Wel, minus that problem, Ink."
Abyss spoke out, catching Ink's attention.
"Were you able to recruit Seraphim Sans into this fight?"
Ink Sans nodded, confirming that he has in fact done that.
"I have. He is going to arrive soon. Also, i mags to recruit someone to deal with one of the members of the Murder Time Quarter."
The Murder Time Quartet is a team that Nightmare Sans made to act as the killers of his armies. The Murder Time Quarter consists of Murder Sans, Horror Sans, Killer Sans, and Insanity Sans, all 4 of them are very, very dangerous. Abyss has dealt with 3 of the members, Killer, Dust, and Horror, and needless to say, fighting them was utter hell for him.
Of course, he had been able to force the fight into a tie, but the fight nearly got him killed along the way, and this was when he was trapped inside of Nightmare's castle after Nightmare took him. Thankfully, he got away when a friend of his busted him out, but on the downside, the Green Elemental Orb was taken by Killer Sans...which is very, very surprising, given how it had somehow appeared on his version of Remnant when it was supposed to be somewhere else. Thankfully, he did get revenge in the 3 members of Nightmare's team, and recently, got revenge on Nightmare himself for capturing him, but needless to say, he does not want to do any of this again. And besides...with Dream Sans now present, he no longer has to worry about confronting Nightmare Sans himself. He'll just deal with Dream Sans.
Cross Sans than goes into the room, and sees King Multiverse. Abyss than spoke out to Cross.
"Hey, Cross. Is Delta and Ganz ready for the fight we'll be in?"
Cross Sans nodded, as he spoke out.
"Yeah, they are. Delta and Ganz are just practicing their powers for a bit before they can get a move on with what they need to do. And also, why is King Multiverse here with us right now?"
King Multiverse than looks at Cross and spoke out.
"That is rude to speak in the presence of a king."
"King Multiverse, do you really need to say that? Really?"
Abyss spoke out King Multiverse. Abyss than turns to Cross before he spoke out to him.
"About King Multiverse...well...I think that, trying to find Alpha Sans would be a lot of trouble, since he is always on the move, appearing at different places at once. So...the other option would be to have King Multiverse recruited, since he is the only one that has the power to go toe-to-toe against the strongest version of us alive. I know that this is a terrible idea...and I admit that I hate myself for making such an idea...but at this...I am seriously out of options to choose who to bring out."
Cross wanted to argue...but even he knows how powerful that Error404 is. After all, compared to Error Sans, who Cross has some chance against, Error404 is completely out of his league. What can you do against the most powerful Sans of all time, as well as against someone who is capable of coming back from death, and has a dangerous uncontrollable transformation when he is near death? Cross sighed, and pinched his nose, before speaking out.
"Good point, I guess, Abyss."
Abyss nodded, before speaking out.
"We're all ready to go. So let's get moving everyone."
Everyone nodded, as they got ready their equipment.
Ink smiled, as he held his paintbrush, while Cross snarled a bit, as he held his HACK Knife very tightly. Abyss spreads his wings, and spoke out.
"Alright. Let's go to the others."
Abyss and Ink fly, as Cross ran with them, with King Multiverse and James Ironwood following suit. They ran and ran and were able to reunite with the others, much to Abyss' relief. Ink smiled, as Dream spoke out.
"So glad that all of you can make it on time. And...it is nice to meet you, your highness."
Dream spoke out to King Multiverse, who smiled. Abyss than waved his hands a little bit, before he spoke out to the others.
"Okay, so are we gonna to go the Land of Darkness or what...that is if we have enough people?"
Dream fidgets his fingers for a bit, before he spoke out to him.
"Ummm...well...Ozpin is taking about bringing more, just in case there is not enough people to fight, and in case that the people that we are fighting against becomes too strong for all of us."
Abyss raised one of his eyebrow, as he spoke out to Dream.
"Really? Is he still in Atlas?"
Dream looks down and closed his eyes, before speaking out.
"More like he is coming back to Atlas, and he is carrying people on the Atlas Ship that is being driven. So they will be arriving at the Atlas Base pretty soon, Abyss."
Abyss nodded, as he spoke out.
"I see. So we'll just have to wait until he arrives, huh?"
Dream nodded.
Abyss sighed, as Ink than plays with his brush for a bit, before speaking out.
"Anybody wants to tacos and chocolate?"
Abyss and Cross looked and their mouthed waters, before grabbing onto the food, and begin eating it.
Needless to say, it must have been a glorious experience to eat them...though Tacos are usually a thing for a Sans from the Underswap Universe. But Abyss...he'll just enjoy it while it lasts, and besides...it has sushi in it, which is his favorite. So, while they wait...they'll eat to their hearts content.
After a couple minutes of eating, they finally sensed Ozpin, and decided to go to him. Abyss, Ink, and Cross teleported to Ozpin, and saw him walking down the hallway, and spoke out.
"Ozpin. Dream said you brought some people with you. Who'd you bring?"
Ozpin sighed, and spoke out.
"Unfortunately...it is some people that you completely hate immensely."
Cross and Ganz looked at Ozpin will an 'are you serious type of face' present.
"Why in the world would you bring these people to Abyss' mission? You know how much he hates them from being inside of his life, and for ruining it for no reason."
Ozpin sighed, as he spoke out to Cross, who is well aware of what Abyss has gone through.
"I know that, Cross. I am very well aware what they have done, but this is very dangerous, and regardless of how much how hates them or not, he needs to know that is is not supposed to do this with the amount he has. He may have the one called King Multiverse, who is the strongest one we have...but even he is not enough to go and attack Error404, who is by far the strongest enemy that everyone is going to fight against."
Ozpin than like at Abyss again, before speaking out.
"And besides...with Salem having other new allies at her disposal, it will be even more difficult to fight against them. So we need every hand we can get our hands on in order to defeat her. You may hate it, Abyss, but you still did it for when it involves the King of the Multiverse."
Ganz and Abyss looked at each other with uncertainty present. Clearly, they are not very comfortable with this idea, but what can you even do? Abyss sighed, as he pinched his nose at what Ozpin just said, and spoke out.
"Okay, I am really going to hate this situation we are in more and more for what it is forcing us all to do here. You know that, right Ozpin?"
Ozpin sighed, and spoke out.
"I know you do. And honestly...I wished I never had to recruit them. But they are needed for when we face against them."
Abyss spoke out.
"When do we start to leave."
Ozpin looks at Abyss, and spoke out.
"After a couple more hours."
Ink smiled.
"Sweet. That means I can practice on my paint and structures, so that when I meet Error again, I'll be ready to face off against him."
Abyss nodded.
"Same for me, in case I'll be going into combat against Error404. I don't doubt that he is going to try and fight me and King Multiverse by himself. So I should prepare."
Abyss and Ink than went into their own pocket dimensions, the Doodle Sphere and the Abyss, in order to practice their creativity with the use of their powers. They just hope that it will be enough to keep up with them in the end. This is getting more and more dangerous every minute that this is happening. Just how much can Abyss take being in this mess.
Later...in the Land of Darkness...
The Land of Darkness...one of the most vial and most cruel places to be in. The base of Salem, as well as the villains that she is with.
All of the all vial people are waiting for someone to arrive at the land of darkness. And they did not have to wait for long, because an Atlas Ship appeared from above. But as that happened...a puddle of ink appeared on the ground, and out came Abyss, Ink, Dream, Ganz, Cross, and Delta Sans, as they appeared in front of the evil people that had terrorized the planet for far too long. Sonic appeared with the other Sanses, and so did team RWBY, JNPR, Coco and Velvet. King Multiverse simply opened a wormhole from above and landed next to Abyss, as he looked at King Multiverse. Error404 does not seem surprised at that, considering he wants to defeat Error404 no matter what happens to him. Well...King Multiverse never gives up, so he'll just have to make sure he does give up in trying to fight against him, as he is the one that created him, and he is the absolute God of the Multiverse.
"King Multiverse...it isn't a surprise that you would decide to come and join Abyss in an effort to fight against me. You never give up in trying to defeat me."
King Multiverse smiled, as he stares at Error404 with his left purple eye.
"I never said about giving up on fight you, Error404. I said that I would do whatever it takes to make sure that you get defeated by me. No matter how much pain you gave me, I'll never stop try defeating you."
Error404 smiled at what King Multiverse said, before he spoke out.
"You should learn when to give up. You cannot defeat me, and you will never defeat me. For I am the one that has made you, gave you form, and you think that you can stand a chance against the one that has made you?"
King Multiverse smiled, as he spoke out.
"I have fought against you many times, and I never died. So yes, I think I do."
King Multiverse and Error404 looked and glared at each other, as the power coming off of both version s of Sans is immense. But they payed no attention to that. Ink and Error looked at each other, as Ink spoke out to Error Sans.
"You know...I leased preferred your insane, funny self, and not this cold, focused, serious self of yours, Error."
Error simply looks at Ink, as he than spoke out to him.
"W-W-Well...at-at-at least you'lllllllll get-get-get to have-ave a more ch-ch-ch-challenging fun fight to have, Ink. After-After-After-After a-all-all...it is what you want to have. So tell me...who will be stronger after all of this.?"
Ink smiled, as he than spoke.
"Well...luckily for me, I manage to become much more creative and made them much more stronger than before. So it'll be even tougher."
Error spoke back to Ink.
"We-We-We shall see-ee-ee-ee about that, Ink."
Ink smiled, as he gripped his paintbrush, while Error gets out his Blue Strinfs
Eggman, in his new robot, spoke out to Sonic.
"Looks like you are on time, Sonic. Just ready to test out my new machine against you."
Sonic smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Perhaps so, Eggman. But if you have forgotten, I have destroyed your machine more than I can count. And this will not be an exception to it all."
Eggman smiled, as he than spoke out.
"The previous machine was not as advanced as it was. But now that I have combined it with Atlas' technology, now my machine is unstoppable. You will never be able to defeat me."
Sonic smirked, as Abyss spoke out.
"Hey, Sonic. Use this."
Abyss than threw Sonic the complete Excalibur, and Sonic smiled, as he than gripped it tightly, and got ready to fight against Eggman, as the robot got ready to fight as well. Nightmare looks at Dream, and smiled at him, before he spoke out to him.
Dream spoke back to Nightmare.
His voice sounded very sad, clearly not wanting to fight against his own brother but he knows that he needs to do this. Otherwise, it is all gonna to pot with this version of Remnant that he is on right now. The one with the balance between positivity and negativity. He gripped onto his left hand, as he looks at his own brother in the left eye.
"It has been a very long time...hasn't it, Dream? The time when you never saw the agony that I have gone through."
Dream looked sad, as he knows what Nightmare is talking about. The people of Dream and his brother's gone always hated Nightmare for being made to be evil, even though he was one of the kindest beings ever made, to the point that Nightmare just wanted to show how much he loved Dream, which didn't go to well. So when Nightmare was pushed to far, he became the way he is now, and slaughtered everyone that had hurt him this badly, and killed the spirit in the tree, and laid waste to ruin. Nightmare has disappeared, but the ones still alive, the ones that had hurt Nightmare had come to regret what they have done, but now know that this time...there is no way to take back what they have done. And Dream knows that this time, he needs to stop Nightmare, no matter what he must do. He needs to stop him from spreading so much negativity to the multiverse as a whole.
"Nightmare...please...it is not too late to stop. It's not too late to go back to the person too once we're."
Nightmare laughed, as he than spoke out.
"Go back to who I once were? The person I was is dead, Dream! I'm no longer this weak, pathetic self I was before. No matter what you say, the person you once knew of is dead."
Dream, refusing to believe it, spoke back.
"You're wrong. I know that part of you is still deep inside of you somewhere. I will do whatever it takes to free that part of you once again."
Nightmare laughed, as he than spoke out.
"Try all you want, Dream. But in the end...all you will find...is a sinking pool of hatred and darkness."
Dream sighs, before turning his staff into a bow, and pulled on the string of the bow itself, which than made an arrow made of light, which is infused with positive energy.
Salem than looks at Team RWBY, and spoke out to both them and Abyss.
"You know...I never thought that you and Ozpin would be foolish enough to try and fight me."
Salem spoke out, as Ruby than spoke out.
"Foolish? What we are doing is brave. We are fighting against you, who tries to make humanity fear you. But that won't happen. We are going to stop at nothing at making sure the you are defeated."
Salem smiled, as she than spoke out to them.
"And how much of you are present?"
Abyss smiled, as he than points at the ship.
"Have you not seen how much is in this ship that is above us?"
Salem looks, and sees the Atlas Ship landing. And when it finally reached down to the ground, the door opened, and someone came out. No, not someone, a bunch of people came out of the ship. First came Night Raid, than, comes out Teams JNPR and Coco and Velvet, and than...lastly, the ones that came out, are the Heroes and the Devils...and a bunch of them that Abyss hates so much, but are very necessary in the fight against Salem and her allies, as they are going to be immensely tough defeating.
This is not good for Salem and her group, because now, there is the devils and the heroes, and it looks like they are ready to rumble. And it does not help that Ozpin, James Ironwood, and All-Might are here.
"All-Might. We meet again."
All For One spoke out, as All-Might spoke out.
"Indeed we do, All For One, and this time...I will make sure that you are stopped once and for all."
All For One didn't backtalk and got ready to fight, and Abyss Sans than spoke out to Salem.
"So...it looks like you are not expecting for something like that to happen, huh?"
Salem looks at Abyss and snarled.
"It does not matter how many you bring. You won't defeat us easily!"
Than...there is the sound of flapping from above, and everyone looked up to see that there is someone large coming down. The person is none other...than Seraphim Sans
Seraphim Sans is shown to be in the air, as he flies down with his wings. Seraphim Sans, unlike the other Sanses, resembles a skeletal figure with black organic arms, and has skeletal, draconian, and divine wings in his back, each with 6 souls. A red soul is at the right part of his chest, and has a jawless Gaster Blaster above his head, and his soul on his stomach is shown very, very clearly. Abyss smiled, as he than looks at Salem, and spoke out to her.
"You are saying?"
Cross and Delta stepped forward, as they looked at the Murder Time Quartet, with Insanity, Dust, Killer, and Horror looking at the group, before speaking out.
"Ganz...you can take on Dust. I'll take on Killer. And it is obvious that the other Sans that will arrive soon...I can have a guess on who that will be. So Horror can take on him, if he can fight him."
Ganz nodded at Cross, as Delta spoke out.
"Than I guess it leaves me for Insanity. After all, I tend to be rather ballistic to."
Delta and Cross than walked forward, as Abyss does the same thing. Than, Abyss spoke out.
"You said you wanted to show us what we do when we suffer, back than, Salem. How much you wanted to see humans squirm and struggle inside of their own hopelessness. But tell me this."
Abyss than points a crystal spear at Salem, as he than spoke out.
"What happened...when it is evil that turns to the hopeless?"
The moment he said that, Abyss and Ink charged into the fight, as the villains did as well towards Abyss and his group.
Delta and Cross came together...as Abyss, Ganz, Ink, and Dream made their first attack. Both sides charged at each other, and a war begins in the darkness. Both sides are not going to back down from it all. They are going to defeat one of the other, no matter what must happen to them. They will never stop this fight, no matter what happens.
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