Biased Agony

The World of is a very...very unique world to be inside of, as well as a place that it not a very friendly place to be in. It is a place where the magic and the science exists at the same time...a world that exists for the sole purpose...of giving humanity a chance to grow, to develop, to EVOLVE. But it was not just humans that populate the planet. There are another group of species called the Faunus, which are similar to human, but have animal characteristics on parts of their body, the type of animals and the body parts of are random, which often vary from species to species. the long distant past, thousands, if not a million years ago...Humans would only have the power of magic for many things. It would be used to help, to hurt, to save, to kill. They were used for anything that any humans usually do. But centuries later...that is no longer the only thing that a human had. Everywhere around the world...people can develop a Semblance, a Sacred Gear, a Quirk, and Ninja Arts.

But there is a hidden power that resides that not many people are aware of, an organism that can give the user the power to Evolve. They are known, as CELL Cores.

Created by a Royal Scientist, the Cellular Evolutionary LeveL Core, or simply the CELL Core, are symbiotic organisms that take the place of the soul. Since they need a host to survive, they rely on their vessel to keep themselves from death. Once implanted into the host, the CELL Core will give a variety of powers to the Host, such as Nigh-Immortality, enhanced physicality, healing, and the power to grow to the next stage of Evolution. And those that are hosts to the CELLs are able to resist a time reset, and thus, are able to remember what happened, while others don't.

2 such people are people created with CELL Cores inside of their bodies. And one of simply known, as Sans Gaster.

Created from his father, known simply as W.D.Gaster, Sans Gaster is a 15-year old boy that is created with a CELL Core in the place of his soul, alongside his brother, Papyrus, who is as old as him, and is created on the same day as Sans is, thou if it is unknown who's the older brother, or if they were created at the exact same time and second.

Though, those 2 look nothing alike, due to Papyrus' different face and height, with Papyrus being 6'5, with Sans being 4'5 in height, as well as the fact that the CELL Cores does their effect on both brothers differently.

For Papyrus, his CELL Core leaves his magic as normal as it is, but gives him increase in physicality. While for Sans, he is physically normal, even a little weak, but his magic is phenomenal, and surpasses that of other people that are able to use magic themselves. Of course, this does have give Sans some drawbacks, especially, when it comes to being in a school that teaches people to protect the Earth, called Union Academy.

This academy is supposed to be helping people train in becoming before, helping people improve on their powers, their skills, their strengths, and all of that kind of stuff. But the thing is, Sans is only powerful on the use of magic, and while he is a very hardworking guy, people claim that he is weak. This has lead to many of the students bullying him and trying to severely injure him, which is almost impossible, because of the fact that he is able to regenerate from some wounds that are lethal, and it is very fast the way that he heals his body, with the worst part is that the staff and the headmasters refuse to help him, and some even encouraged the bullying to happen to Sans, even though he's tried improving. But luckily for him, Papyrus is there to help him, and it is not just Papyrus. He has also made a few friends in Union Academy...all of them...are female. And while it is embarrassing for Sans at first, he eventually grew close to them. But unfortunately for Sans right now...he is in one of those such situations. But on the bright side...his friends are arriving to save him from his tormentor's assault.





A male voice tries to muffle his cry of pain, as he is than kicked right into a tree.

Sans felt pain in all parts of his body. Pain that is nearly unimaginable. It is a good thing that he is healing, as his bruises, cuts, and burns began to heal and regenerate the damage that he had taken from now. But this comfort didn't last, as he is than grabbed by the collar of his black shirt, and was lifted.

It was none other than Issei Hyoudou, along with Bakugou, and Team RWBY, as well as the Crimson Squad. Issei, the Red Dragon Emperor, is the one that is grabbing Sans by the black collar with his Boosted Gear. Despite the fact that they have attacked him, Sans did not attack back, knowing that it will do nothing more then make the situation on his end worse, and all that he can do is mock them in the face, and insult them. If he cannot attack the body and cause damage to them, then he will attack the mind and make them get angrier and angrier, and even he knows that, even if they had beaten him down, what he said will still be inside of their minds.

"Heh. I never thought, that you humans would be this cowardly. Attacking me while I didn't have a chance to get ready for a fight."

This made Yang angry, as she than shot Sans on the leg, making a hole in it, as she spoke out.

"How about you shut up, you little runt!!"

Sans' leg than healed, as the bullet popped out of the wound that was once there, as Sans simply smiled.

"That's the thing, Yang. I never shut up. In fact, I was never taught how to do so."

Issei than punched Sans in the head with his Boosted Gear, as Bakugou than punched him as well, exploding Sans, and damaging him. His skull healed. As well as the flesh on his face, within seconds, as Bakugou shouted out to Sans.

"How long will it take for you to shut up, weakling?!"

Issei then spoke out to Sans.

"Hah, especially since you are so pathetic to not even yet the ladies!"

The Crimson Squad smiled, as they cheered for Issei, as Haruka than spoke out.

"You are always our strong man, Issei~."

This made Issei grin, but than snarled, as Sans laughed.

"Hahahahahahaha. Seriously, get the ladies? Hah! This must be the worst joke that I have heard in a long time. can never shut me up, no matter how many times you'd beaten me down."

This made Weiss use her rapier, and stabbed Sans in the stomach. This made Sans' smile vanish for a second, but than he grinned, as he than has his eye glow, as Weiss than screamed out.


She lets go of her rapier, and saw that her hand's burned, as Ruby spoke out.


She ran up to Weiss to check on her, as Blake spoke out.

"You do not even belong here, weakling, especially since you are a hero!"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Says the one that is said to fight against discrimination, only to become part of the discrimination. Hah, you are a hypocritical bitch, Fur ball, since it is you that does not deserve to belong here!"

This made Blake angry, as Issei than shouted out.

"You know what?! I've fucking had it with you!!!"

He then grabbed Sans by the shirt and lifted him up, as Sans continued to smile without any fear. But unbeknownst to Sans, someone was watching what was happening from very far away, and that person is not happy with what it is that Issei is doing right now.

This is Yumi, an extremely close friend to Sans and his twin brother, Papyrus, as well as a Shinobi, and a third year at Union Academy. She is 17 years old, basically 2 years older than Sans and Papyrus, but is very skilled in fighting, as well as the fact that she is very skilled in the use of her fans and her ice. And she is ready to step in and protect Sans against the bullies.

Yumi ran as fast as she can, and sprung into action, as she steps in and protects Sans with every fiber of strength she has. She landed next to Issei, and struck him in the face, making Issei shout out in pain, and forced Issei to let go of Sans. Yumi catches Abyss in her arms, and she steps back, as Weiss than spoke out to the Ice Queen Shinobi.

"Hey, let go of the weakling, Yumi!"

But Yumi than spoke back to Weiss Schnee, the other 'Ice Queen' Huntress, while also piling out her scroll from a...filling space.

"I will not let you hurt my friend anymore! Shinobi Transformation!"

She held her scroll in the air, as a bright light shined around Yumi, causing everyone to look away and close their eyes, as Yumi began to transform into her Shinobi outfit. They blocked their eyes from the bright light, until they see what the appearance of Yumi looks like.

And needless to say, Yumi is simply just straight-up beyond beautiful. It is almost to the point that it looks supernatural, like she is from a world that is different from Earth itself. Sans feels very happy at the fact that Yumi is helping him with this thing, and that she is protecting him with her inch of her life. But Issei looks at Yumi, and a disgusting look on his face appeared, as he than spoke out to Yumi with arrogance present.

"Hey, Yumi! Why don't you ditch this loser and hang out with me instead? I'm a far more strong person that even he can ever be."

This Yumi spoke out to Issei with disgust in her voice.

"I will never be with a pervert as discussing as you, especially one that is attacking Sans like that."

This made Issei angry, as he spoke out.

"You'll come with me whether you like it or not!!"

He than fired a Dragon Shot at Sans, but Yumi puts Sans down and summoned a wall of ice to block the attack that is coming to her and Sans way

The wall of Ice was able to successfully bloc the Dragon Shot and protect both. The ice cracked a little bit, but it held strong, as the Dragon Shot deflected back at Issei, who dodged it, but was able to hit a tree that's behind everyone. Yumi than speaks out her attack.

"Secret Ninja Art: Black Ice!"

She launched a large bullet of ice at Issei, who punches it, but at the same time that happens, he suddenly got punched in the face by a red-gloves fist, which sends him flying backwards and into a tree, before a kick was heard, as the Crimson Squad was sent flying also. It was none other than Papyrus, as his Aqua Green eyes glowed with anger at what Issei and his goons are doing to his brother.

"Issei, how dare you attack my brother?!"

Papyrus shouted out, as his eyes are flaring, his arms glowing aqua green, as he looks at the one that is bullying Issei. He than launched some bones at Issei, who than smacked them away, and charged at Papyrus, but Papyrus caught his fist with his hand, and thanks to his own immense strength, he reeled his fist back, and punched him hard in the face, knocking him backwards. RWBY tries to attack Papyrus, but Papyrus used his bones and blue magic to bring them down. Blake and Ruby tries to attack Papyrus directly, but Papyrus simply grabbed them by the weapons, and threw them away into opposite directions. Blake tries to wrap her ribbon around Papyrus, but Papyrus simply tore the ribbon, and swung her to the ground, knocking her unconscious. Yang, in particular, tries to fight against Papyrus in close-combat, and Papyrus does the same to Yang. But unfortunately for Yang, Papyrus is much more stronger, but holds back a little bit, as he punches and kicks Yang enough to make her use her semblance, and charge at Papyrus. But Papyrus than used the full might of his strength, and punches Yang with so much force, he broke her aura badly to the point that it shattered, sending her into a tree, and hurting her back a little bit from the impact.

Bakugou than tries to attack Papyrus, but Papyrus grabbed him by the arm, as Bakugou spoke out!

"Our target is the weakling, not you!"

But Papyrus than spoke out.

"You target my brother, you become my target as well!"

He punches Bakugou in the arm, breaking it badly, as Papyrus kicked backwards, before the Crimson Squad than reappeared again. Homura than spoke out.

"Both the brother of that weakling and Yumi? Seems like this is our lucky day!"

Yumi than rose one of her fans, as she than spoke out.

"You won't enjoy it when I have the snow embrace your bodies!"

But Homura spoke out.

"Not if I can melt the snow first!"

She and the rest of the Crimson Squad than charged at the 3 of them, but than, fireballs rained from above, and stopped the Crimson Squad from attacking them, and they coughed a little, before that they see them gone.

"Huh? Where did they go!"

Yomi said, as the group looked around, seeing that the group had vanished, and are nowhere in sight. Where did they go?


"Phew...that was close."

Papyrus said, as Yumi nodded her head.

"Agreed. If we were staying anymore longer, it would have become a disaster."

Sans nodded, as he than looks to see that the person that had launched the fireballs down in front of the Crimson Squad, as her fiery wings flared out from behind her back, as he than spoke out.

"Thank you for that cover of yours. If not, than we would have gotten into even bigger trouble, Ravel."

This is Ravel Phenex, a pure-blooded devil, and daughter of the Phenex family. She and Sans had met when they were little kids, and Ravel and Sans are the closest pals yet, so much that they are just straight-up inseparable.

Basically, they have always been in contact with each other since childhood, and both have powers that are based on heat, though Ravel's more of a flame type of person, and Sans' powers in heat has more of an effect on the inside of a person's own body temperature. Though this does not stop Sans from using magic to be out worldly painful and searingly hot, especially with the use of his Abyss Blasters.

Ravel Phenex smiled at Sans, as she than spoke out to her sweet, childhood friend.

"You're welcome Sans! You're much more better than that good for nothing lizard!"

Sans smiled a little bit as he chuckled at what it is that she has said to him, obviously referring to the Lizard as Issei, who is a host to the Red Dragon Emperor. But to Sans, he is nothing more than an embarrassment of one. Of course, Sans could fight back, but he chose not to, as that will mean that he will be on the worse side of the headmasters, who are already putting them in a very bad spot. So Sans can simply just mock the students that bully him on their flaws in the ideals that they carry.

Sans than spoke out.

"Oh, and thank you both as well, Yumi, Papy."

Yumi smiled with a blush on her face, while Papyrus spoke out to Sans.

"It is always a pleasure to try and help you as much as I can, brother! Besides, you don't want to fight back, and simply want to stay on Union Academy to learn at how to help people. And that is a good enough reason to try and keep on saying here."

Yumi than spoke out, as she looks at Sans directly into his Aqua Green eyes.

"And besides, Sans. You were very nice to me and my friends. And that is enough for me to count you as a friend as well."

Sans smiled, but Sans could tell that there is a wistfulness in her tone, as Sans spoke out.

"Well...than I guess we can say that we can count me glad that I am with all of you in the first place. If it wasn't for all of you being with me, I would have quit this place a very long time ago. Where my friends go, I also go with them."

Ravel and Yumi smiled, as Papyrus did a thumbs up to his brother, and Sans does the same to him. But as he did, another female voice, more high-pitch than Yumi, spoke out loud.


Sans than turns around to see another one of the people that he is close to has also arrived, and it is one that Yumi is friends with.

This is Minori, another Shinobi, and a member of Yumi's team. She is extremely childlike and immature, even more so compared to a group that are friends of Yumi's team, and she makes that member of that group much more mature in comparison. Yumi and Minori met Sans, who had saved them from a Grimm that they were fighting against when he fired an Abyss Blaster at it. Because of this, Sans has become one of their closest allies, or perhaps, someone a little bit more than an ally.

It is not secret between Minori, Yumi, and Ravel that they all have feelings for Sans, and because of this, they decide to try and help each other run gaining his affection, and since he is needing help, they figured that this is the perfect way to gain his affection. And it is obviously working, as Sans is developing feelings for all 3 of them.

As Sans sees Minori, she tackled Sans to the ground, and hugged him extremely tightly, and refuses to let go of him. Basically, Minori, despite being the same age as Sans, which is 15 years old, she is taller than him, by about 4'9, and even lifts him up into the air, like he is nothing more than a doll. And needless to say, this is making Sans rather embarrassed, especially with what it is that is pressing against him, and it is very soft. She nuzzled her cheek against Sans' own cheek, as he smiled a little bit in an embarrassed way, as Minori than spoke out.

"Sansy! It is so good to see you!! I thought that you had been brought to the hospital by those meanies again!!"

Sans smiled, but he does sweat a little bit at the mention of the world, hospital. The thing about the Hospital is that he is afraid to go to any sort of hospital, and in fact, he tries to avoid them as much as possible, due to how scary it is to Sans, so much that he wound run away from a hospital after a long time of being exposed to its presence. Sans than looks at Minori and spoke out.

"No, I'm not gonna go to the hospital anytime soon. Besides, Papyrus and Yumi saved me from the bullies that had attacked me. Also, how's your time with the members of Team Hanzo? Are you having a good time with them?"

Minori smiled, as she rapidly nodded her head at Sans, before she than spoke out.

"I did! And it is one of the best times of my life, being with some old friends!"

Sans smiled a little bit. Team Hanzo are the second type of Shinobi team that he had seen, with Papyrus being the one to meet them first, and Sans having met Yumi's team. Because of this, Team Hanzo are extremely close to Papyrus, though whether they Team Hanzo have feelings for Papyrus, and if Papyrus returns them is debatable. If they do, then that means that getting multiple lovers seems to run in the genes, and that is if their father has any lovers in the past, though Sans seems to have less. Possibly due to the fact that he does not have that much physical strength compared to Papyrus. He's still trying to improve on it, though it is still a work-in-progress. But he is getting good at some fighting styles, though Papyrus can easily do them, as his CELL Core allows him to use monstrous physicality. But Sans does not want to hold back his brother, and wants to be useful to him.

Minori than spoke out.

"That reminds me, Sans. I...I also got something for you!"

Minori than took out 2 lollipops from her bucket, and puts one in her mouth.

Minori extended her hand and gives Sans a lollipop. And while Sans doesn't like to eat much little kids stuff, he still grabs onto it and takes it without any compliant, and began to eat it, much to Minori's happiness, as both Sans and Minori began to eat and consume the lollipop, with the 3 others watching him, which he preferred that they don't do. And while Sans would like to leave Union, he needs to catch up and make friends, so that he does not end up alone.

But what he does not that this future will be ripped away from him very, very harshly.

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