Ch. 6 Mikey gets Shellacne and the Evan cousins get twin alized part 1
Haley's point of view :
Cole and I stand in line waiting to buy hot chocolate for me, the twins and Megan. The line was long and that's why Phoebe was rocking out to Christmas muisc on the bench while where trying to buy hot chocolate. Cole was in front of me and he was finnaly ordering.
"Hey Haley" Someone shouts.
I look up to see Ryan Tills and my heart skips a beat. I try my best not blush as I try to play it cool. Because that's what you do when your crush approaches you, play it cool and not be nervous in front of them.
"Hey Ryan, what's up" I said as I smile and try not to stutter.
"Nothing much, I heard your performing at Ivy's Christmas party next week" Ryan said.
"Well yeah, it's pretty huge for my band" I said.
"That's so cool" Ryan said with a smile.
Oh my gosh ! He called me cool !
I was calm on the outside but on the inside i was freaking out.
"Your cool" I said with a giggle.
We both giggle. He touches my shoulder and to my surprise he blushes something I was trying so hard not to do.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to this new restaurant with me tonight, if you want" Ryan asks me.
He was asking me on a date. This is amazing.
"Yeah I would like to Ryan" I said with a smile.
His face lits up.
"Uh sweet I'll pick you up at 7" Ryan said.
"Okay I'll see you tonight" I said.
Ryan waves good bye and leaves.
I pump my fist in the air.
"Yes !" I said with a smile.
"Haley I got you the hot chocolate" Cole said as he drinks half of it.
"Hey !" I shout at him.
Cole places the cup in my hand.
"Here I saved you half of it" Cole smirks.
"Cole !" I shout as I look at the half drink of hot chocolate. It smelled really good.
I'm not a picky eater so I drink some of it. I made a face. The hot chocolate tasted kinda of weird like it had different ingredients you don't normal put in hot chocolate.
I gusse I won't buy the twins or Megan any hot chocolate because it's not that good. I'll buy them ice cream instead. I sigh as I leave. I spent an hour in the line for nothing.
Cole's point of view,
It was the weekend and we're hanging out with the turtles. I had alot on my mind. The annual Christmas party was coming up in a few days and I was dreading it. Don't get me wrong I've missed seeing my whole family but there is just one family members that just ruins it for me.
That family Member is uncle Delta.
Uncle Delta absolutely hates my guts. He threatens me saying he's going to draft me into the Navy because I'm nothing but a punk.
It's know with in my family that Uncle Delta had an falling out with my mom after he had accused her of stealing a priceless neckleaces from him. But it's not right to take it out on her children. But no one believes me about Uncle Delta and his threats towards me. They always say that I have an big imgainie but I know how awful Uncle Delta is.
I sigh as I watch Gurdaince of the Galaxy while the turtles where faling at making breakfast. I could hear a fire alarm going off. Haley looks at me.
"I don't get it, why does the raccoon need the metal leg" Haley said folding her arms.
"He doesn't real need it, he just did for a joke, also he's name is Rocket Raccoon" I said.
"It doesn't make since" Haley said.
"Just enjoy the film" I sigh as I pet my dog, Gamora.
Yes I named my dog one of the characters from my favorite movie. I know for a fact alot of kids name thire dogs Scooby-Doo or Stich.
"Arff !" Gamora said as she sits on my lap.
"You love this part don't cha Gamora" I said petting Gamora on the head as we watch the prison escape scence.
"I can't believe you named our dog that" Haley snorts.
"I know for a fact you named your cat Mary Poppins and your Hamster Tweety" I counter.
She scoffs looking away.
I suddenly hear Mikey screaming.
"Ahhhhhh I'm a mutant !" I hear Mikey screaming.
I look to see Mikey covered in huge zits. My eye's widen.
"What happened !?" Me and Haley suddenly say at the same time.
We both looked at each other confused.
Leo, Donnie and Raph looked at Mikey in shock before Raph for some reasons brusts out in laughter.
"Really your laughing ?! There's something obviously wrong with him !" Haley shouts at him.
"Mikey got Shellacne !" Donnie exclaimes.
"I don't think that's what it's called" me and Haley said at the same time.
After a long time we finally got Mikey out of his room after Raph promised not to call him names. Now Mikey was slumping around and we where trying to cheer him up but Raph kept making fun of him.
Master Splinter entered the room.
"Master Splinter just kick me out, I'm a freak" Mikey depands.
"Mikey come on it's just chicken pocos, one of our couisns had them" We said at the same time.
This is getting stupid.
"You think this is chicken pocos ?" Leo asks.
"It looks kinda of similar" we said.
Okay she really needs to cut it out.
"Appreance doesn't matter matter my son" Splinter said.
"Well your a rat master Splinter" Mikey said.
I face plam and weirdly enough Haley.
"Alot of people often misjudge other people of how they dress, for Cole for example" Master Splinter said looking at me.
"I'm not misjudge, people know me" I said looking away, embarrassed.
"I assume people think your punk kid but really you hide the fact that your smart and clever it's just the way you express yourself makes people think your vandalizing" Master Splinter said.
"It's not Vandaliziom it's art !" I argue.
I'm getting sick of people saying vandalisming. That's how get my stress out.
"I know it's very creative, I've seen your art on the walls outside of the lair your clear passionate" Master Splinter said with a smile.
"Thanks" I said embrassed.
Master Splinter then looks at Mikey.
"I think your hiding something Michelangelo" Splinter said.
After the guys stare Mikey down. Mikey revaled he used some kinda of rejected mutagen on his skin.
"I only did to seem cooler and you guys treat me like a disappointment, well expect you guys you two taught us to drive the shell raiser" Mikey said pointing to me and Haley.
Donnie looks at us angery.
"You two did what ?!" Donnie shouts.
"It was Megan Idea !" We both shout.
We look at each other.
"Stop saying everything I say !" We shout at each other.
"Who's Megan ?" Raph asks as we argue.
Gamora just barks.
After Donnie checked Mikey and figured out what to cue him with. Donnie asked us if he could take a sample to see why we where coping each other's words.
After a few mintues Donnie looked at us confused.
"This is strange" Donnie said.
"What is it" Haley asks
"Your dna both of yours, has expermental chemicals in your system" Donnie explains. "This chemical had been used on twins" He adds.
"But how did that happen, we're not even twins so that shouldn't be in our DNA !" I snare.
"Cole relaxe" Haley said.
"Maybe you drank something and you both shared that drink" Donnie said.
"But..." I stopped in mid sentence as Haley and I looked at each other.
"The hot chocolate we both drank this hot chocolate and it tasted it really weird" we both said at the same time.
Donnie looked at us concerned.
"I think someone must of spiked your drink with the twin chemical and now your two are insync with each other" Donnie explained.
"Is there a cue ?!" We asked.
"I'm not sure, however it's not harmful it has side effect that wear off but not sure how long" Donnie said.
We looked at each other in concern.
We where at some building called TCRI looking for this centerfuze. I looked at the mess of pile picking up a few old stuff. Me and Haley weren't in our normal clothes, instead we where wearing ninja clothing. It was traditional japanes style ninja clothing included with hoods and masks. My ninja was mainly black with a little sliver while Haley's was mainly black but had a little dark purple. She wore a purple banda while I wore a black scarf.
"Is this the centerfudge ?" Mikey asks saying the name wrong.
"Centerfuze and No that's a becker" Donnie said.
"Is this the centerfudge ?" Mikey asks holding a scope.
"No that's a scope" Donnie said.
"Is this the centerfudge ?" Mikey asks holding the same becker.
"No that's the same becker and oh I give up where never gonna find it !" Donnie said.
"Hey what's going on ?!" Someone very fimilar shouts.
I looked to see someone I haven't seen since 7th grade. Mine and Haley's old health teacher Dexter Storkman. Or I think that what his name is.
"Mr. Storkman ?" Me and Haley asks.
"Dexter Stuckmen ?" The turtles asks.
"It's Baxter Stockman !" Baxter shouts at us before looking at me and Haley, his eyes widen.
"Haley and Cole Evans ? Oh man you two have grown last time I saw you kids" Baxter said.
"Wait you know him ?" Raph asks.
"Oh yeah Mr. Stackman was our health teacher but he let us do fun science projects" We explained.
"And I got fired becauses one kid was complaining I wasn't health but come on no kid in that school wanted to learn health, I did thoses kids a favor !" Baxter complains.
I remember all of the fun stuff we did in Baxter's class. Especially the valcone project.
"And thoeses project were fun" we said.
"See they liked them !" Baxter shouts.
"He has the centerfudge !" Mikey cries out.
We tried to fight Baxter for centfuze but something unfor seen happen. A giant mutant dog came out of no where with two ninjas by his side. One looked like a standard foot ninja while the other ninja was clad in a green and black kimono while his or her face was masked. I could tell this one was a female because of her eyes.
But we where more fouces about the mutant Dog in front and we said this.
"Holy crap is that a mutant dog ?!" We screamed.
"Easy idndimanted ? This should be fun" The kounich chuckles darkly.
We made it back to the lair to recope after the mutant Dogpound and thoses two ninjas took Baxter and the centerfuze. I get a text from Aunt Harley asking us to come home to babysit. I texted her okay and I looked up at Haley.
"Hey cous we gotta go Aunt Harley wants us home" I said.
"In a minute" Haley said as she tries to talk to Raph.
I began to walk towards the exit when is suddenly felt pain in my arm. I let a cry of pain. I suddenly hear Haley screaming in pain. Raph caught her before she fell. Donnie quickly grabs me to make sure I was okay.
After a few mintues of pain, Donnie manged to move me towards the others and Haley. Once I was near Haley the pain suddenly stopped. Me and Haley stared at each other.
"Just as I thought, the twin Chemical in your system does not want you two apart, so I suggest you both stay near each other" Donnie said.
"You got to be kidding me ! I have an date !" We shout.
"Wait what do you mean you have a date too !" We shout at each other.
"Okay we can fix that how about you two are near each other while your on your date" Donnie said.
"Oh that's not gonna happen" We both groan.
"This will wear off in 2 days so until then you'll both have to stay near each other" Donnie tells us.
Oh this is gonna be fun I thought as I pick up my dog.
So we left knowing we had to deal with each other. But what I didn't know things where gonna get so much worse.
Note: It's almost christmas eve. Sadly I won't be able to get the Christmas chapter on time so I hope you guys will enjoy this. And I can't to do part 2 because our two main characters will get powers !
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