Ch.3 Follow the leader part 1

Haley's point of view :

It's been a week since my dad was kidnapped by theses foot guys. When he didn't return home, Aunt Harley called the police and reported dad missing. But the poilce hasn't seen him.

I wanted to say what really happened to dad and tell them that dad contected me before he was kidnapped. Or that I know who kidnapped him but I couldn't. They would laugh if I told them that ninjas kidnapped my dad. I was force to keep it to myself. On the bright side at least I have someone to talk to about it.

Aunt Harley and Aunt Chiyo have been taking care of us. But it seemed like alot of pressure had been put on Aunt Harley. Her brother being kidnapped and having to take care of so many kids. It couldn't be easy. I tried to help out but Aunt Harley denied it. She wasn't a person who wanted pity from anyone not even if someone just wanted to help her out. But she just wants me to fouces on other things.

Let's just say this week have been emtional to say the least.

I walk down the hallway of school, listening to my friends just talk about the usally things, guys, muisc and the talent show.

Suddenly alot of guys where whistling at something. I look up to see a girl red hair with a few natural high lights, deep blue eyes, light skined rose lip stick and an confident aditude. She wore the most fanishionable clothes you could ever imagine. Her name was Krista Ivy Torres the most popular girl in school. She perfered being called Ivy than Krista so everyone called her Ivy.

I watch her push a few guys attempting to flirt with her away as she makes her way towards me. She smiles at me. I smile back.

One of my friend make an unsure face as she makes her way towards us. Some people don't excatly like Ivy and I never understood why Ivy seemed very nice, well to me anyway. She's not like thoses startipicaly mean girls like Regina George but mý friends throught differently of her, some things postive and some things unpostive.

"Hey Rockstar girl" Ivy said with a smile.

"Hi Ivy" I said.

Ivy pulls out a glitry blue dress and gives it to me.

"Here I got you something to wear for talent show addunices" Ivy said.

"Thanks Ivy I'm gonna look very fanishionable for the addunices coming up soon" I said.

"No problem Haley, you always should wear something to wear to impress the judges" Ivy said with a wink.

Her eyes suddenly turned into remorse.

"I... I heard what happened... to your dad" Ivy said nervously.

My eye's darted to the floor as I looked it in sadness.

"Oh my gosh Ivy watches Haley" Mika gaps out.

"Mika we talk about this think about what your gonna say !" I scowld her.

I was about to reply but Angle intervines.

"How about you not bring up sensitive subjects for my girl Haley and mind your business" Angle snares at her.

"I'm just concerned okay ?" Ivy said defending herself.

"Angle it's okay, Ivy means well" I said, giving her a small smile.

Ivy smiles back at me.

"I'm just looking out for my friend" Ivy said.

"Hey Ivy Girl were gonna be late for class ! Hurry up !" Someone shouts.

Ivy sighs.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later" Ivy said as she leaves.

I wave at her.

"I'm telling you Hales, Ivy will turn Regina George on you" Angle warns me.

"Oh come on Ivy is a sweetheart, she volunteers at the local animal shelter, Regina George would never be able to do that" I said.

"What ever you say" Angle mutters.


Later that night,

I kept getting texts from one of the turtles at dinner time , I'm not too sure which one of them was texting me. But I think it was Mikey becauses he called me duddett.

One of his texts where about him and his brothers fighting squridlonoids. Which I think are comic book characters Masoa read about but I'm not sure.

He began to text me about them trying to find mutagen cansisters around new York. The mutagen cansisters are apperntly almost hit me and Cole.

"Haley sweet heart no texting at the dinner table" Aunt Harley said.

I put my phone away as I eat my pizza. My aunt Harley doesn't really have time to cook on Tuesdays so she just order us pizza.

"I keep telling you kids be in the moment, you can't afford distractions" Aunt Harley tells me as shooes the dog away from the dinner table because Megan amd the twins where trying to feed the dog pizza.

"I know I'm sorry Aunt Harley" I said.

"It's fine sweetheart, Masao no calling anyone during dinner" Aunt Harley scolds.

"But Aunt Harley..." Masao tries.

"No buts young man, phone away" Aunt Harley demands.

"Shina Jade is calling" Masao said.

My face it up. Shina Jade is my cousin. I call her jades for her nickname.She works all the way in Japan as exercises trainer and we don't see her often so I'm exited that she's calling. Her boyfriend Milo was living with us while Jades was in Japan.

"Masao put her on speaker phone" Cole said.

Aunt Chiyo nods her head. Shina Jade is Aunt Chiyo daughter and Masao and the twins older sister.

Phoebe didn't hear us as she rocks out to her muisc.

"No this is dinner time" Aunt Harley snares.

"Come on Aunt Harley please just 2 mintues, we haven't seen Shina Jade in almost a year" I beg.

Then all my other cousins started begging her.

"Fine 2 mintues then hang up the phone,also Phoebe stop listening to your music" Aunt Harley said annoyed.

"Also don't tell Milo she's on the phone, the last thing I want is them phone filltering again" Aunt Harley said leaving the kitchen.

Masao puts her on speaker phone.

"Sis your on speaker phone, everyone wants to say hi" Masao said

"Hi guys" Shina Jade said with a thick japanes accent.

"Hey Jades !" We all said.

"(Hello Shina I missed you alot, I hope everything is going well for you in Japan)" Aunt Chiyo said in Japanese.

"(Hi mom, I miss you too, Everything in Japan is fine but so boring. I miss you guys especially when we have fun)" Shina Jade said in Japanese but finishes that last sentences in english.

I giggle.

"We miss you too Jades" I said.

"Hey don't worry guys I'll be dropping by in america soon just don't tell Aunt Harley" Shina Jade giggles.

I giggle at her senses of humor.

"Hey do I hear a voice of my woman" Milo said waltzing into the kitchen and hear the voice of his girlfriend.

"Is that Milo ?" Shina Jade asks.

"Sure is Babe" Milo grins as I face plam.

"Gosh I miss your lips" Shina Jade said.

Did I mention Milo and Jades really love each other ? like alot ?

"And I miss kissing yours" Milo grins.

"Ewwwwwww" The twins said.

"We're eating !" Megan complains.

"Okay the twins are here don't flirt in front of them" Masao said.

"Just take the phone and go in the other room to flirt" Cole said.

"Will do" Milo said taking the phone to flirt with his girlfriend.

"Hey mine phone !" Masao shouts.

"Wait don't flirt at all.... Oh forget it" I said knowing it was useless now as Milo heads to the other room.

Cole laughs at me.


Way later that night,

The turtles invited us for an mission to find another one of theses mutagen cansisters they told us about. Me and Cole decided to go thinking this would be fun.

So basically we snuck out to meet up with the turtles.

But it didn't seem that fun because Leo seemed interanted with the other turtles. We have no idea what happened with Leo and his brothers but that's what happens with family they intrate you.

Cole yawns tired as Donnie looks at his tracker. We entered a large wear house. A wear house, why did it have to be a wear house ?

I think I watch too many action movies where the bad guys lead the good guys into a wear house and trap them. But come on that's just a movie that can't happen for real right ?

Mikey walks up to a mutagen cansister.

"Wait !" Leo shouts.

But Mikey picks up the mutagen cansisters and I see a string. Suddenly the wear houses closes off and where surrounded by ninjas. Foot ninjas. You know the same people who kidnapped my dad.

"Easier than we thought" Said an unfimliar voice.

I looked up to see a girl with black and blond hair and very cool looking make up. She wore armor.

"Karai !" Leo shouts.

Oh that's her name.

"Long time ah Leo" Karai said before looking at us.

"Who are your little friends ?" Karai asks.

"I'm Rockstar girl" I said quickly using my nickname from school.

There was no way I was saying my real name.

"Call me Fox" Cole grins as he gives a little bow to her.

Cole only did something like that when he flirts with girl.... Oh you got to be kidding me.

Karai smirks at him.

"The names Karai" Karai said with a smirk.

"Pleasure" Cole smirks.

Okay I know there both punks and have similar gothic styles but she's the bad guy ! Cole shouldn't be flirting with her !

"Your lady friend is really good at setting up traps leo" Donnie said as the foot surrounded us.

Yep wear houses our diffently bad.


Note: Okay this will be countined in Part 2 of this episode. It will be in Cole's point of view.

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